No I have not donated to ToZ yet, however I meditate daily, study the sight Dailey, have had encounters with gods, and am very active on ancient forums.
Iv had these books for a long time before I was into zevism. However it’s been a common theme of people saying books have energies, so I may reconsider buying/owning
I answered that way to make you understand the whole logic behind that, it wasn't a personal attack.
I also asked abount the Donor thing, to make you think. It's not good for a Zevist to be more inclined in paying jews for their blasphemies instead of supporting your Family.
In this you have 2 possibilities, the first is paying jews for something that you can see online for free if you are that curious, this will support a lot of negative things, and won't be good for you overall.. The second is that you can support your Familiy and gain ultimate knowledge from the tiers.
If you give money to a rabbi, he will use it to support their plans against you and humanity (local and bigger actions). If you give money to ToZ, it will be used to promote Zevism, and build many things.
In this one, anyone can confirm the benefits of a Donor, and the progress of ToZ is very visible.
On the other hand, if you open the news, a social media and the like, you can see all sort of negative things, and one way or another these have the same root.
So also the financial actions of jews are very visible.
I was in a family where some of the members where heavy christians, they had all sorts of books around the house.
Everytime I did a cleaning of the house and found others books (these are sneky and easily hidenable) and throw them, it was like removing a weight from my house. I felt lighter and cleaner.
In another experience, I was in the library, there was a section that was bothering with a bad energy on the enviroment, I felt that just by standing there. I check and it was the section full of communist and socialists books of all kind.
Then I changed room, and it was cleaner and lighter, it was like new. I check and that was the section with books of mithology, there where also works of Homer and many others.
You can consider these for your library.
About enemy books, in the past I was curious too in reading what was in the torah, it gave occult vibes, and these are curses that make you see that in that way, same reason people tended to see jews as victims.
Out of curiosity I gave it a read for free from a site, and it was one of the most stupid things ever, and of course full of blasphemies. My final thought about it:
Nothing more than trash.
Trash is then throwed away.