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Owning bibles and other Jewish books


New member
Sep 22, 2024
I own multiple bibles and qurans, probably going to get Jewish books soon. Even tho I am against them all I still would like to own them as religion, history, and collecting books is a deep passion of mine.

However, is there something I should do?
Should I keep them away from my pagan books, seperate shelf? Don’t put them next to eachother? In a cardboard box? Or is it not a stress point and I shouldn’t worry about it.

All answers appreciated, thanks!

Hail Zeus
Hail Wotan
Hail Enki
Hail Satan
Just yesterday I was going through a book I owned for a long time, an esoteric book about palmistry, I hadn't actually perused it yet for some reason.
Then I saw a section at the back talking about random things like crystals etc., and there was the jewish Kabbalah mentioned with an actual colourised diagram of the 'tree of life'/the jew soul. It was SO disturbing that I immediately ripped the pages out/up and threw it in the garbage where it belongs.

I would do the same with any and all enemy materials, they're spiritually toxic.
If you like books and consider books "good, holy" and a "honor" for the text, which I do, than why you honoring enemy ilk? Written by most influential top rabbis to enslave Humanity? Are you honoring this? Making this your own?
What? The bible is filth, obviously. And there’s nothing honourable about it. I really don’t think buying or owning a mass produced paper back is supporting the enslavement of humanity. I am aware there are sources on the internet. But I find it interesting, so I willingly purchase it and own it. If that honestly is a problem please do tell me why so I can stop ASAP but I do not think it is. The kikes have a literal infinite amount of money, the whole world could refuse to buy there books and they would still be loaded
enemy signs and books carry energies with me, as do our signs and books.

Written words and images are manifestations of certain energies. There’s a reason christians and muslims put signs and icons od their faiths all over their houses. Even if they’re unaware, these serve to keep one under abrahamic frequencies. Although I don’t think these books could hurt you much even if you owned some as a Zevist. Your choice really.
Just yesterday I was going through a book I owned for a long time, an esoteric book about palmistry, I hadn't actually perused it yet for some reason.
Then I saw a section at the back talking about random things like crystals etc., and there was the jewish Kabbalah mentioned with an actual colourised diagram of the 'tree of life'/the jew soul. It was SO disturbing that I immediately ripped the pages out/up and threw it in the garbage where it belongs.

I would do the same with any and all enemy materials, they're spiritually toxic.
Interesting, appreciate the comment and perspective! But I think that’s more of a personal thing than anything else. Do you have any reasons why it could be bad or for why it doesn’t matter?
But I think that’s more of a personal thing than anything else. Do you have any reasons why it could be bad

No problem, and of course!

When I said it is "spiritually toxic", I did not mean it as a personal opinion.

See the linked below Sermons by Lady Maxine (specifically the pages 2 and 3 detail the dangers I am referring to; subliminally absorbing information from holding it being one of them, a person does not need to read the book to tie into the curses) for more details, but those items are objectively harmful spiritual filth to tie into (your desire to own/be near it). They are and contain jewish witchcraft that curses the human soul. If you were significantly spiritually advanced (completely freed your soul from the curses, very strong Aura of Protection, deflective etc.,) they may not harm you in the same way BUT you would also then be able to see the filth and how disgusting those objects actually truly are to hold/own/be near 💭 if you have a Gentile soul, that is.
It could be that a jewish person may experience the opposite effect and such items may be useful to them in some way, but I'm only just speculating on that. 💭

See the linked below Sermons by Lady Maxine
The link didn't send correctly, apologies!

But the item to find on Library of Thoth for more information is:
[PDF] The Holy Bible Book of Jewish Witchcraft Article Series

The Library of Thoth has plenty of free and genuine spiritual knowledge that is truly worthwhile and not alien jewish works of fiction and curses 😊 save your coin! 👛 or better yet, donate to the ToZ and help bring about more advanced spiritual knowledge 🌟🙌
I own multiple bibles and qurans, probably going to get Jewish books soon. Even tho I am against them all I still would like to own them as religion, history, and collecting books is a deep passion of mine.

However, is there something I should do?
Should I keep them away from my pagan books, seperate shelf? Don’t put them next to eachother? In a cardboard box? Or is it not a stress point and I shouldn’t worry about it.

All answers appreciated, thanks!

Hail Zeus
Hail Wotan
Hail Enki
Hail Satan

Keep them on a separate shelf if you get physical copies so the energy doesn't intermingle (doubt it would but at the same time that's just me thinking hygienically about this filth), digital might be preferable given the vile nature of these texts.

There isn't anything inherently wrong with keeping these to refer to and know them as odious and detestable, but there isn't much point lol.

What? The bible is filth, obviously. And there’s nothing honourable about it. I really don’t think buying or owning a mass produced paper back is supporting the enslavement of humanity. I am aware there are sources on the internet. But I find it interesting, so I willingly purchase it and own it. If that honestly is a problem please do tell me why so I can stop ASAP but I do not think it is. The kikes have a literal infinite amount of money, the whole world could refuse to buy there books and they would still be loaded

You have free will to do whatever you want. I myself wouldn't do this, but it's your choice.
I learned four months ago that I had two bibles in my house only kept one of them to highlight everything from here (with a few other verses that this site missed) and confirm to Christians that the Bible is not the "altruistic" book that they make it out to be. I ripped up the other Bible, however.
Keep them on a separate shelf if you get physical copies so the energy doesn't intermingle (doubt it would but at the same time that's just me thinking hygienically about this filth), digital might be preferable given the vile nature of these texts.

There isn't anything inherently wrong with keeping these to refer to and know them as odious and detestable, but there isn't much point lol.
Will do this, thank you!
The link didn't send correctly, apologies!

But the item to find on Library of Thoth for more information is:
[PDF] The Holy Bible Book of Jewish Witchcraft Article Series

The Library of Thoth has plenty of free and genuine spiritual knowledge that is truly worthwhile and not alien jewish works of fiction and curses 😊 save your coin! 👛 or better yet, donate to the ToZ and help bring about more advanced spiritual knowledge 🌟🙌
Thank you! Very informative!
I own multiple bibles and qurans, probably going to get jewish books soon. Even tho I am against them all I still would like to own them as religion, history, and collecting books is a deep passion of mine.

However, is there something I should do?
Should I keep them away from my pagan books, seperate shelf? Don’t put them next to eachother? In a cardboard box? Or is it not a stress point and I shouldn’t worry about it.

All answers appreciated, thanks!

Hail Zeus
Hail Wotan
Hail Enki
Hail Satan
Paying jews, aka supporting financially the genocide of your own race, to collect books or every piece of paper that they shit from their asses. Full of blasphemies and curses against the Gods, against you and against everything you are.

But this is collecting? Just because some cuck of the jews said that, that their works are an important record of humanity to be kept or some shit.

Second, these acts as subliminals when kept around, books have energies. This in regards of your enviroment. This has been said by HPS Maxine.

Do you want to buy torah scroll too? more than 10000$, writed with ink and probably blood of animals or humans, sacrificed against Zeus, not even on paper, but on skin of sacrificed animals against your Gods.

Important hystorical record here. Maybe during history class we should also give it a read, yes?

Are you even a Donor to ToZ I wonder?
"And then he paid me to own the curses that I wrote about him, for hystorical purposes"
Paying jews, aka supporting financially the genocide of your own race, to collect books or every piece of paper that they shit from their asses. Full of blasphemies and curses against the Gods, against you and against everything you are.

But this is collecting? Just because some cuck of the jews said that, that their works are an important record of humanity to be kept or some shit.

Second, these acts as subliminals when kept around, books have energies. This in regards of your enviroment. This has been said by HPS Maxine.

Do you want to buy torah scroll too? more than 10000$, writed with ink and probably blood of animals or humans, sacrificed against Zeus, not even on paper, but on skin of sacrificed animals against your Gods.

Important hystorical record here. Maybe during history class we should also give it a read, yes?

Are you even a Donor to ToZ I wonder?
No I have not donated to ToZ yet, however I meditate daily, study the sight Dailey, have had encounters with gods, and am very active on ancient forums.
Iv had these books for a long time before I was into zevism. However it’s been a common theme of people saying books have energies, so I may reconsider buying/owning
I own multiple bibles and qurans, probably going to get Jewish books soon. Even tho I am against them all I still would like to own them as religion, history, and collecting books is a deep passion of mine.

However, is there something I should do?
Should I keep them away from my pagan books, seperate shelf? Don’t put them next to eachother? In a cardboard box? Or is it not a stress point and I shouldn’t worry about it.

All answers appreciated, thanks!

Hail Zeus
Hail Wotan
Hail Enki
Hail Satan

I don't understand the point of having such a disgusting thing in your home, in the old house where I lived with other relatives of mine I had that disgusting book and even just interacting with it and touching it gave me a strange feeling, years later I returned to that old house to get something I had forgotten and I accidentally found a Bible right on the table, among the many books in the library in my old house where other relatives of mine now live I happened to find the Bible, I don't know if it was a warning from some evil entity, I don't know, what I know is that every time I cross the threshold of that door I have a feeling of anguish and inner pressure that you can't imagine, the air is really heavy..
No I have not donated to ToZ yet, however I meditate daily, study the sight Dailey, have had encounters with gods, and am very active on ancient forums.
Iv had these books for a long time before I was into zevism. However it’s been a common theme of people saying books have energies, so I may reconsider buying/owning
I answered that way to make you understand the whole logic behind that, it wasn't a personal attack.

I also asked abount the Donor thing, to make you think. It's not good for a Zevist to be more inclined in paying jews for their blasphemies instead of supporting your Family.

In this you have 2 possibilities, the first is paying jews for something that you can see online for free if you are that curious, this will support a lot of negative things, and won't be good for you overall.. The second is that you can support your Familiy and gain ultimate knowledge from the tiers.

If you give money to a rabbi, he will use it to support their plans against you and humanity (local and bigger actions). If you give money to ToZ, it will be used to promote Zevism, and build many things.

In this one, anyone can confirm the benefits of a Donor, and the progress of ToZ is very visible.

On the other hand, if you open the news, a social media and the like, you can see all sort of negative things, and one way or another these have the same root.
So also the financial actions of jews are very visible.

I was in a family where some of the members where heavy christians, they had all sorts of books around the house.

Everytime I did a cleaning of the house and found others books (these are sneky and easily hidenable) and throw them, it was like removing a weight from my house. I felt lighter and cleaner.

In another experience, I was in the library, there was a section that was bothering with a bad energy on the enviroment, I felt that just by standing there. I check and it was the section full of communist and socialists books of all kind.

Then I changed room, and it was cleaner and lighter, it was like new. I check and that was the section with books of mithology, there where also works of Homer and many others.

You can consider these for your library.

About enemy books, in the past I was curious too in reading what was in the torah, it gave occult vibes, and these are curses that make you see that in that way, same reason people tended to see jews as victims.

Out of curiosity I gave it a read for free from a site, and it was one of the most stupid things ever, and of course full of blasphemies. My final thought about it:

Nothing more than trash.

Trash is then throwed away.
I answered that way to make you understand the whole logic behind that, it wasn't a personal attack.

I also asked abount the Donor thing, to make you think. It's not good for a Zevist to be more inclined in paying jews for their blasphemies instead of supporting your Family.

In this you have 2 possibilities, the first is paying jews for something that you can see online for free if you are that curious, this will support a lot of negative things, and won't be good for you overall.. The second is that you can support your Familiy and gain ultimate knowledge from the tiers.

If you give money to a rabbi, he will use it to support their plans against you and humanity (local and bigger actions). If you give money to ToZ, it will be used to promote Zevism, and build many things.

In this one, anyone can confirm the benefits of a Donor, and the progress of ToZ is very visible.

On the other hand, if you open the news, a social media and the like, you can see all sort of negative things, and one way or another these have the same root.
So also the financial actions of jews are very visible.

I was in a family where some of the members where heavy christians, they had all sorts of books around the house.

Everytime I did a cleaning of the house and found others books (these are sneky and easily hidenable) and throw them, it was like removing a weight from my house. I felt lighter and cleaner.

In another experience, I was in the library, there was a section that was bothering with a bad energy on the enviroment, I felt that just by standing there. I check and it was the section full of communist and socialists books of all kind.

Then I changed room, and it was cleaner and lighter, it was like new. I check and that was the section with books of mithology, there where also works of Homer and many others.

You can consider these for your library.

About enemy books, in the past I was curious too in reading what was in the torah, it gave occult vibes, and these are curses that make you see that in that way, same reason people tended to see jews as victims.

Out of curiosity I gave it a read for free from a site, and it was one of the most stupid things ever, and of course full of blasphemies. My final thought about it:

Nothing more than trash.

Trash is then throwed away.
This morning I ended up ripping all the bibles and Quran’s I owned. I definitely understand what you mean when you said you felt less weight. As soon as I walked in my room I felt more calm and free, if that makes sense. But either way no hard feelings, I appreciate the help friend, hope to see you around!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
