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Overcoming Major SS Limitations: Gaining Free Time

Blitzkreig [JG]

Head of Community
Sep 24, 2019
[email protected]

As SS, we can thank the Clergy for their past research, as now we have basically all the tools to advance. Therefore, we are at stage where we only need to "do the work".

Therefore, we are limited by our Satanic productivity. As long as we are productive on a regular basis, we can defend from, or overcome many or all obstacles.

Yet, I read many posts about people being burdened by outside obligations. This can take the form of a negative living situation, demanding friends or family, work obligations or lack of money, or overall poor social placement.

Even an 8-9 hour job is very demanding and consuming of our time, then we have to deal with chores at home and so on. Furthermore, we may have negative karma making this harder, or uncertainty with the economy.

For most people, this represents the foremost limitation to their advancement: simply having the opportunity to do so. Therefore, this should be addressed specifically and head on.

Despite some people who may think this problem is daunting or hard to resolve, it cannot be left unaddressed, especially with the capabilities to get some sort of relief. It would be silly and inefficient to spend time elsewhere whilst simultaneously facing such burdens.


Problem: External Obligations (Work + Wealth, Chores, Negative relationships, etc)

All of us are burdened in some way by the above. While I cannot promise you total freedom from this, why should we let 8, 10, or 12 hours be lost to this? Our Satanic work is way more important! In an ideal world, we would be paid to continue our magical work, just like the priesthood of the ancient world, not be burdened by the same community we toil for!

What options do we have to fix this?

Constructive Energies:

Fehu #1: Similar to Jupiter, grants opportunity/luck, expansion, also wealth. Best for creating new opportunities.
Sowilo #16: Relates to the Sun, grants optimism, energy, wealth. Acts like "fuel" for your body, will, or lifestyle (pure wealth)
Raidho #5: Also solar in nature, but relates to a journey. Used for driving yourself through positive changes within the world.
Jera #12: More earth-like and not good for creating willpower, but rather for creating large, permanent changes over a long period of time.

Freeing Energies:

Ansuz #4: Air-related, pertains to intelligence, but also the act of getting around/removing obstacles
Munka: Sanskrit mantra for removing negative karma (wish I knew more details, but I have used it a lot)

With these options, we can then chant them together through a power number, or number of the runes itself, depending on the time one has.


Option 1a-Long) Constructive-Style Working
Time: On a waxing Leo (Power), Sagittarius (Luck), Taurus (Materials), or Aquarius (Freedom) moon


(Fehu+Sowilo+Raidho+Jera) x40
Affirmation:"This energy has permanently given me the wealth and opportunities to advance my Satanic career as fast as possible, in the best way for me." x10

Two other variants:

Option 1b-Short, Wealth focused)

(Fehu + Sowilo) in multiples of x16 or x40, same affirmation.

Option 1c-Short, Opportunity focused)

(Fehu + Raidho) in multiples of x5 or x40, same affirmation.

Do after or during affirmations, for at least 1 minute:
Visualization/Intentions: See yourself fully supported while happily working and accomplishing lots of advancement and warfare activities. Perhaps you see yourself from an external viewpoint, where you are able to do as much work as possible, without interruption. Also, know that everything is taken care of, including bills, children, parents, food/water.

See yourself moving into a higher plane of existence, now into one where you are advancing very quickly, like a priest(ess) of the past.

Know/see that you have solidified the structural elements of our world that will support your fastest advancement. Whatever obstacles you currently face have been changed into positive circumstances that grant you the rightful ability to advance Satanism.


Option 2) Freeing-Style Working (More Info)
Time: On a waning Pisces (Endings), Capricorn (Atrophy), Scorpio (Transformations/Death), or Aquarius (Freedom) moon:

Either Munka in multiples of 9 or 40
or Ansuz
in multiples of 4, 9, 40
Affirmation:"This energy has permanently removed any external obstacles to my ability to advance my Satanic career, in the best way for me." x9

Do after or during affirmations, for at least 1 minute:
Visualization/Intentions: You can see chains around you crumbled into dust, then your Satanic activity strongly increasing. Feel your worries and burdens being removed. Know that you are now much more free and able than you were just previously. There is no reason to be bogged down by Clownworld restrictions; you are now free to advance as humanity should be.


Option 3) Planetary Squares

Although such workings may not be always available, or in the exact energetic format that we desire, their power and speed makes them worthwhile to do.

Normally, it is Jupiter, the Sun, and Venus which rule opportunity, wealth/power, and wealth/luxury, respectively. We can make use of these energies for our purpose with material squares, and they will help in their own way. While these energies are not exactly the same as above, they are definitely better than nothing.

Because we want to stay focused on what is important, keep the affirmation the same as from Option 1. Remember to stay focused on your biggest obstacles.

As we are focusing on a specific outcome of wealth/opportunity, we can also make use of these planets in signs outside of their home/exalted ones. A great example of this is with the Sun in Sagittarius. Although this is still solar energy at heart, this orientation means it is directly fueling Sagittarius items or concepts.

The Sun in Sagittarius: "Sagittarius is the sign of good luck, as it is ruled by the benefic planet Jupiter. Luck often comes to Sagittarius and this sign has more of its share of millionaires. When Sagittarius is emphasized in the chart, often these people rise to the top in their chosen profession. "

Similarly, although Jupiter is most expansive within the signs of Sagittarius and Pisces, it's nature is to expand in general. Therefore, Jupiter in Taurus (which arrives in 2023) can be used for an expansive of material items within one's life.

Helpful Links for Planetary Squares

Planetary Square FAQ by HPHC

Audio files for Planetary Square mantras

To easily complete planetary squares, it is highly recommended to use the "Master Squares" application, by Bigot Boy:
Master Squares Thread Link
Working download link, by Henu


Further insight: 'Money Meditation' by HPS Maxine

"Obtaining any serious amounts of money is one of the most difficult of workings because nearly everyone is obsessed with getting it. Money is god of this world. The competition is extremely high. In addition, most reliable information in working spells is kept secret and from the public.

The dollar sign $ is in the shape of a serpent. This is the kundalini serpentine energy, which gives power to our spells and magickal workings. You must be strong enough spiritually in order to get any serious amount of money. Wealth is not obtained or ruled by the heart chakra. To obtain any significant amounts of money, you must have a strong solar plexus [Sun] chakra. Money may be of green currency in certain countries, but wealth and riches are ruled by gold. Gold backs the money.

There are very few millionaires without a strong solar plexus chakra. To attract money and wealth, you must be open. You must be 100% that you deserve wealth and riches. Any past hang-ups concerning wealth [these can go back into past lives] must be completely destroyed and you must reprogram your mind and soul to attract money and that you are deserving of money. False religions teach that poverty is a virtue. This is so wealth and power can be in the hands of a few, while the masses are slaves.

The following working is effective in attracting money. Unfortunately, any permanent financial increases that are lasting take time for most people. In the beginning, small amounts of money may come to you, or a larger sum followed by modest amounts. Finances usually improve gradually. This has to do with your own personal spiritual abilities and powers. How strong you are indicates the length of time it will take you to permanently improve your financial situation.

The desire for and to attract money must be engraved and imbedded upon the soul. Workings must be consistent, with full focus and attention. Apply yourself 100%. Signs that the working is effective is money coming to you, regardless of where or what it is from. The best times for doing a money working, or beginning a money mantra are Sundays during the hours of Jupiter, Thursdays during the hours of the Sun or Venus [the Sun is more potent] and Fridays during the hours of Jupiter. The Moon should be waxing and in any of the following signs: Taurus, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, or Aquarius.

You will need a Satanic rosary or Mala beads for this.
Vibrate these words of power 108 times in a session per day for forty days without interruption. You cannot skip a day with this. Do this preferably at the same time every day:
(Editor addition: More information of this mantra)

SHREEM MAH-HAH LAHK-SHMEE -YAYEEE SWAH-HAH After you complete the 108 repetitions, visualize plenty of money coming to you while affirming: "I am attracting large amounts of money to myself. This money is my own to keep and to spend as I choose." Repeat the affirmation with the visualization at least 3 times. Each 40 days is a working. In severe cases, the 40 days working may have to be repeated several times to reprogram the soul and to engrave the words of power into the soul to attract money consistently.


In conclusion, these are all great options for dealing with a major obstacle to our advancement.

Do not self-limit yourself by thinking about how you may be stuck in your current situation. Instead, focusing on engraving these positive energies into your soul such that whatever situation you are in develops extremely positively for you.

It is very important that we take control of our lives in this way, providing a stable base for further growth. If you suffer from this problem, place a large emphasis on resolving this. Then you will have much more time to do anything else which you desire.

If anyone has anything else to add or share, please do!
Thank you for this great post! Couldn't have come at a better time, my exams are coming up and it seems to be all that has been on my mind lately. I want to do well in my classes but I also want to make time for what matters the most. I do have a few questions:

In order to gain the maximum results, would continuing this working for say 60 or 90 days be more beneficial than 40?

Could I visualize something along the lines of my workload lessening or improving my ability to comprehend the work?
Thanks for this Blitz. I am often restricted by work, family, and chores on a daily. I still find time but the more the better.

I have a question, for (Fehu+Sowilo+Raidho+Jera) x40, 1 rep is all of them vibrated after another?
Charlotte61903 said:
Thank you for this great post! Couldn't have come at a better time, my exams are coming up and it seems to be all that has been on my mind lately. I want to do well in my classes but I also want to make time for what matters the most. I do have a few questions:

In order to gain the maximum results, would continuing this working for say 60 or 90 days be more beneficial than 40?

Could I visualize something along the lines of my workload lessening or improving my ability to comprehend the work?

Yes, definitely do this as long as you need, such as 80 or 120 days, or alternating between the options as you feel is appropriate. Make sure you have good dates if you restart, though.

This working is generic but also focused on supporting your advancement. It is definitely something that can build more and more, continually driving change in this area of your life.

The workings that I wrote would be more along the lines of your workload lessening in an positive manner for you. This depends what you want. For some people, this could mean an opportunity to study only part time. For others, this could mean a quicker entry into the workforce from their current schoolwork.

For actual comprehension of your material, this is more related to this thread: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=395359#p395359

However, make sure that this is actually your true limitation. It could also just be having the energy and drive to keep studying, rather than an actual lack of air ability. Kenaz is nice here because it is like a mix of fire and air.

GoldenxChild1 said:
Thanks for this Blitz. I am often restricted by work, family, and chores on a daily. I still find time but the more the better.

I have a question, for (Fehu+Sowilo+Raidho+Jera) x40, 1 rep is all of them vibrated after another?

Yes, 1 rep is considered vibrating them sequentially, as written. Fehu, then Sowilo, then Raidho, then Jera.

If this is too much, then it may be better to do a smaller variant of this.
Excellent post.
Superb post. Work hours have always been a huge obstacle to fight against esp after coming back to the US which is the most overworked country in the world. I sometimes regret coming back. I am fighting for a better way nevertheless less and will have it. Thank you Blitz!
Great post only one somewhat related question, when rolling your r's does it have to be trilled like with Spanish or Italian words or can it be rolled like most German dialects in the back of the throat. I cannot trill it at all no matter how hard I try, but I can easily roll it in the back of my throat as with German dialects detailed in website below. Listening to the vibration Maxine uses for Raidho it sounds similar but I'm not sure.

Exactly what I needed and was looking for. Another godly post!

JoS wouldn't have been the same without you Blitz.
Excellent post. There were a few years when I only had 20 minutes a day to check the yahoo groups/forums while eating a meal, I wasn't even active except to occasionally comment briefly on HPS Maxine and HP Cobra's sermons.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=395481 time=1666733066 user_id=21286]

Would 10 vibrations work instead of 40?
Baroness Blossom said:
Would 10 vibrations work instead of 40?

Yes, just keep in mind that would yield a much weaker result. HPS Maxine's suggestion for using one mantra was 108 times.
In my opinion, a decent working should have you chanting for about 10-20 minutes.

Fehu + Raidho is a pretty good combination that is much shorter than the original, yet still has both an aspect of gaining wealth and an aspect of directly changing one's circumstances.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=395543 time=1666769769 user_id=57]
Excellent post. There were a few years when I only had 20 minutes a day to check the yahoo groups/forums while eating a meal, I wasn't even active except to occasionally comment briefly on HPS Maxine and HP Cobra's sermons.

But you used that 20 minutes in a such good way. I bet you are really proud right now. I am struggling with time in this moment, but I see it as a oportunity to keep emproving. If I don't meditate when I have 30 minutes how could I fill 6 hours of meditation when I will got the time? Or how could I emprove spiritualy if I don't chase to be a better person in the physical world? Struggles make our stories even greater
Dark Blue Eye said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=395543 time=1666769769 user_id=57]
Excellent post. There were a few years when I only had 20 minutes a day to check the yahoo groups/forums while eating a meal, I wasn't even active except to occasionally comment briefly on HPS Maxine and HP Cobra's sermons.

But you used that 20 minutes in a such good way. I bet you are really proud right now. I am struggling with time in this moment, but I see it as a oportunity to keep emproving. If I don't meditate when I have 30 minutes how could I fill 6 hours of meditation when I will got the time? Or how could I emprove spiritualy if I don't chase to be a better person in the physical world? Struggles make our stories even greater

Exactly, we make do with what we have, use our time wisely, and then situations change for the better as we prove we prioritize advancement :)
Baroness Blossom said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=395481 time=1666733066 user_id=21286]

Would 10 vibrations work instead of 40?

I swear you have the cutest profile pictures :)
Thersthara said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Baroness Blossom said:
Would 10 vibrations work instead of 40?

I swear you have the cutest profile pictures :)

it's a gay porn game character :p hahahaha

But I like picture because picture is so cute ? 🤨
Are we gonna have Problem Thersthara ? 🤨!
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Thersthara said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:
I swear you have the cutest profile pictures :)

it's a gay porn game character :p hahahaha

Aw hell naaaaaw 🤣😑😑😑

Hey picture is so cute and I like this picture. And no I dont playing Yaoi Game. I think There's no problem, do you think ? 🤨
Baroness Blossom said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Thersthara said:
it's a gay porn game character :p hahahaha

Aw hell naaaaaw 🤣😑😑😑

Hey picture is so cute and I like this picture. And no I dont playing Yaoi Game. I think There's no problem, do you think ? 🤨

Not that there would be a big problem of course, i was just liking that picture and of course people have the liberty to put whatever they want, but overall you also have to realize that we are all representatives of JoS, therefore we must " dress" accordingly.
Thersthara said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Baroness Blossom said:
Would 10 vibrations work instead of 40?

I swear you have the cutest profile pictures :)

it's a gay porn game character :p hahahaha

I think after looking at Beelzebul's hieratic information during our latest schedule.

I think Beelzebul's name was corrupted by the enemy by placing a b on the end.

I think in your footer in turquoise there is a b at the end of Beelzebul's name which should be a L.

Might be worth having a look at Beelzebul's hieratic info on JOS to see if I remember correct.
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Baroness Blossom said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Aw hell naaaaaw 🤣😑😑😑

Hey picture is so cute and I like this picture. And no I dont playing Yaoi Game. I think There's no problem, do you think ? 🤨

Not that there would be a big problem of course, i was just liking that picture and of course people have the liberty to put whatever they want, but overall you also have to realize that we are all representatives of JoS, therefore we must " dress" accordingly.

Yes but very sweetly drawn pictures and I can't find any other. 🥺
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=395481 time=1666733066 user_id=21286]

Thanks for the post Blitz. Quick 2 questions.
Back when SlyScorpion was mentioning Sun Conjunct Betelgeuse back in June this year and I was asking planetary square questions you mentioned doing a Fehu x Sowilo 40 each with the affirmation:
"This energy has permanently given me the wealth and opportunities to comfortably advance as fast as possible, in a totally positive manner for me."

But I took that as 40 reps of Fehu -> then 40 reps of Sowilo -> then affirmation.
Should I swap to one rep of Fehu then one of Sowilo 40 times -> then affirmation?

Second, I did that one for 102 days before I broke the pattern. I restarted it about 10 days ago. Will the new energies stack just fine with the old 102 days?
My residence is alternating between 2 places, and I have to share both of them with loads of wrong people, which leads to constraint and lack of time and overall fatigue so I thank you Brother for making this. The working for Freedom sounds so good..If in my working, I state that I am living in the best possible medium for me that allows me to fulfill my whole potential and encourages my growth as an SS, will Satan help me find a new place to stay, or perhaps improve this one, or at least help me not get affected by what's happening here?
You can consider this post saved by me i live a pretty good life style and have wealth id put me on middle class but not enough to make real passive money to be fair im only 25 just need to not be lazy and i have problems with maintaining friendships or relationships SS are the exception maybe i just like being around my own people, i will try your rituals and i look forward to posting about my results in the new year the last solar square doubled my bank account so im looking forward to these workings.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=395481 time=1666733066 user_id=21286]

If anyone has anything else to add or share, please do!

the star energy meditation, in betelgeuse or others that have to do with wealth, is it really necessary to see and be outdoors?
Thanks brother, you are always helping us I appreciate it a lot. Hail Satan!
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=395481 time=1666733066 user_id=21286]

As SS, we can thank the Clergy for their past research, as now we have basically all the tools to advance. Therefore, we are at stage where we only need to "do the work".

Therefore, we are limited by our Satanic productivity. As long as we are productive on a regular basis, we can defend from, or overcome many or all obstacles.

Yet, I read many posts about people being burdened by outside obligations. This can take the form of a negative living situation, demanding friends or family, work obligations or lack of money, or overall poor social placement.

Even an 8-9 hour job is very demanding and consuming of our time, then we have to deal with chores at home and so on. Furthermore, we may have negative karma making this harder, or uncertainty with the economy.

For most people, this represents the foremost limitation to their advancement: simply having the opportunity to do so. Therefore, this should be addressed specifically and head on.

Despite some people who may think this problem is daunting or hard to resolve, it cannot be left unaddressed, especially with the capabilities to get some sort of relief. It would be silly and inefficient to spend time elsewhere whilst simultaneously facing such burdens.


Problem: External Obligations (Work + Wealth, Chores, Negative relationships, etc)

All of us are burdened in some way by the above. While I cannot promise you total freedom from this, why should we let 8, 10, or 12 hours be lost to this? Our Satanic work is way more important! In an ideal world, we would be paid to continue our magical work, just like the priesthood of the ancient world, not be burdened by the same community we toil for!

What options do we have to fix this?

Constructive Energies:

Fehu #1: Similar to Jupiter, grants opportunity/luck, expansion, also wealth. Best for creating new opportunities.
Sowilo #16: Relates to the Sun, grants optimism, energy, wealth. Acts like "fuel" for your body, will, or lifestyle (pure wealth)
Raidho #5: Also solar in nature, but relates to a journey. Used for driving yourself through positive changes within the world.
Jera #12: More earth-like and not good for creating willpower, but rather for creating large, permanent changes over a long period of time.

Freeing Energies:

Ansuz #4: Air-related, pertains to intelligence, but also the act of getting around/removing obstacles
Munka: Sanskrit mantra for removing negative karma (wish I knew more details, but I have used it a lot)

With these options, we can then chant them together through a power number, or number of the runes itself, depending on the time one has.


Option 1a-Long) Constructive-Style Working
Time: On a waxing Leo (Power), Sagittarius (Luck), Taurus (Materials), or Aquarius (Freedom) moon


(Fehu+Sowilo+Raidho+Jera) x40
Affirmation:"This energy has permanently given me the wealth and opportunities to advance my Satanic career as fast as possible, in the best way for me." x10

Two other variants:

Option 1b-Short, Wealth focused)

(Fehu + Sowilo) in multiples of x16 or x40, same affirmation.

Option 1c-Short, Opportunity focused)

(Fehu + Raidho) in multiples of x5 or x40, same affirmation.

Do after or during affirmations, for at least 1 minute:
Visualization/Intentions: See yourself fully supported while happily working and accomplishing lots of advancement and warfare activities. Perhaps you see yourself from an external viewpoint, where you are able to do as much work as possible, without interruption. Also, know that everything is taken care of, including bills, children, parents, food/water.

See yourself moving into a higher plane of existence, now into one where you are advancing very quickly, like a priest(ess) of the past.

Know/see that you have solidified the structural elements of our world that will support your fastest advancement. Whatever obstacles you currently face have been changed into positive circumstances that grant you the rightful ability to advance Satanism.


Option 2) Freeing-Style Working (More Info)
Time: On a waning Pisces (Endings), Capricorn (Atrophy), Scorpio (Transformations/Death), or Aquarius (Freedom) moon:

Either Munka in multiples of 9 or 40
or Ansuz
in multiples of 4, 9, 40
Affirmation:"This energy has permanently removed any external obstacles to my ability to advance my Satanic career, in the best way for me." x9

Do after or during affirmations, for at least 1 minute:
Visualization/Intentions: You can see chains around you crumbled into dust, then your Satanic activity strongly increasing. Feel your worries and burdens being removed. Know that you are now much more free and able than you were just previously. There is no reason to be bogged down by Clownworld restrictions; you are now free to advance as humanity should be.


Option 3) Planetary Squares

Although such workings may not be always available, or in the exact energetic format that we desire, their power and speed makes them worthwhile to do.

Normally, it is Jupiter, the Sun, and Venus which rule opportunity, wealth/power, and wealth/luxury, respectively. We can make use of these energies for our purpose with material squares, and they will help in their own way. While these energies are not exactly the same as above, they are definitely better than nothing.

Because we want to stay focused on what is important, keep the affirmation the same as from Option 1. Remember to stay focused on your biggest obstacles.

As we are focusing on a specific outcome of wealth/opportunity, we can also make use of these planets in signs outside of their home/exalted ones. A great example of this is with the Sun in Sagittarius. Although this is still solar energy at heart, this orientation means it is directly fueling Sagittarius items or concepts.

The Sun in Sagittarius: "Sagittarius is the sign of good luck, as it is ruled by the benefic planet Jupiter. Luck often comes to Sagittarius and this sign has more of its share of millionaires. When Sagittarius is emphasized in the chart, often these people rise to the top in their chosen profession. "

Similarly, although Jupiter is most expansive within the signs of Sagittarius and Pisces, it's nature is to expand in general. Therefore, Jupiter in Taurus (which arrives in 2023) can be used for an expansive of material items within one's life.

Helpful Links for Planetary Squares

Planetary Square FAQ by HPHC

Audio files for Planetary Square mantras

To easily complete planetary squares, it is highly recommended to use the "Master Squares" application, by Bigot Boy:
Master Squares Thread Link
Working download link, by Henu


Further insight: 'Money Meditation' by HPS Maxine

"Obtaining any serious amounts of money is one of the most difficult of workings because nearly everyone is obsessed with getting it. Money is god of this world. The competition is extremely high. In addition, most reliable information in working spells is kept secret and from the public.

The dollar sign $ is in the shape of a serpent. This is the kundalini serpentine energy, which gives power to our spells and magickal workings. You must be strong enough spiritually in order to get any serious amount of money. Wealth is not obtained or ruled by the heart chakra. To obtain any significant amounts of money, you must have a strong solar plexus [Sun] chakra. Money may be of green currency in certain countries, but wealth and riches are ruled by gold. Gold backs the money.

There are very few millionaires without a strong solar plexus chakra. To attract money and wealth, you must be open. You must be 100% that you deserve wealth and riches. Any past hang-ups concerning wealth [these can go back into past lives] must be completely destroyed and you must reprogram your mind and soul to attract money and that you are deserving of money. False religions teach that poverty is a virtue. This is so wealth and power can be in the hands of a few, while the masses are slaves.

The following working is effective in attracting money. Unfortunately, any permanent financial increases that are lasting take time for most people. In the beginning, small amounts of money may come to you, or a larger sum followed by modest amounts. Finances usually improve gradually. This has to do with your own personal spiritual abilities and powers. How strong you are indicates the length of time it will take you to permanently improve your financial situation.

The desire for and to attract money must be engraved and imbedded upon the soul. Workings must be consistent, with full focus and attention. Apply yourself 100%. Signs that the working is effective is money coming to you, regardless of where or what it is from. The best times for doing a money working, or beginning a money mantra are Sundays during the hours of Jupiter, Thursdays during the hours of the Sun or Venus [the Sun is more potent] and Fridays during the hours of Jupiter. The Moon should be waxing and in any of the following signs: Taurus, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, or Aquarius.

You will need a Satanic rosary or Mala beads for this.
Vibrate these words of power 108 times in a session per day for forty days without interruption. You cannot skip a day with this. Do this preferably at the same time every day:
(Editor addition: More information of this mantra)

SHREEM MAH-HAH LAHK-SHMEE -YAYEEE SWAH-HAH After you complete the 108 repetitions, visualize plenty of money coming to you while affirming: "I am attracting large amounts of money to myself. This money is my own to keep and to spend as I choose." Repeat the affirmation with the visualization at least 3 times. Each 40 days is a working. In severe cases, the 40 days working may have to be repeated several times to reprogram the soul and to engrave the words of power into the soul to attract money consistently.


In conclusion, these are all great options for dealing with a major obstacle to our advancement.

Do not self-limit yourself by thinking about how you may be stuck in your current situation. Instead, focusing on engraving these positive energies into your soul such that whatever situation you are in develops extremely positively for you.

It is very important that we take control of our lives in this way, providing a stable base for further growth. If you suffer from this problem, place a large emphasis on resolving this. Then you will have much more time to do anything else which you desire.

If anyone has anything else to add or share, please do!

Hello brother. Thank you for this.

Can I ask you something about astrology? It's something personal from my natal chart, so I created this fake account. I have sagittarius in my 8th house and I have three planets in that house (mars is one of them) I'm a little scared because it has been said that sagittarius expands and house 8 is the house of death.

Should I free myself from mars karma? What negative consequences could you expect with that position?
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

-_- I'm making them profile pictures because cute. I don't care if it's a yaoi game character. and also not funny. -_-
Hey, thank you very much for this post! :)

I want to ask, why do you not include Capricorn in the good signs to start these workings?

For example, today is Sunday waxing Capricorn moon. Isn't it good for career workings?
Sorry for the double message, but I would also like to ask how you perceive the term "Satanic career" in your mind. It is interesting what you said about "being paid to do Satan's work" so to speak, but how would that ever be possible? Unless someone has the knowledge and skills to do freelance work (eg a web developer, or some other trade that can be done online) we are forced to an 8 or more hours of work.

I don't want to be negative, but realistic. I can't rationally find any other way to avoid this (other than being a freelancer - but again, you may be working for many hours to get enough to survive- you will just be able to do it from home, so you may be able to take some breaks in-between your work and meditate), and this is why I'm asking how you perceive this "Satanic career" statement.

Thank you for your time.
Yagami Light said:
Sorry for the double message, but I would also like to ask how you perceive the term "Satanic career" in your mind. It is interesting what you said about "being paid to do Satan's work" so to speak, but how would that ever be possible? Unless someone has the knowledge and skills to do freelance work (eg a web developer, or some other trade that can be done online) we are forced to an 8 or more hours of work.

I don't want to be negative, but realistic. I can't rationally find any other way to avoid this (other than being a freelancer - but again, you may be working for many hours to get enough to survive- you will just be able to do it from home, so you may be able to take some breaks in-between your work and meditate), and this is why I'm asking how you perceive this "Satanic career" statement.

Thank you for your time.

Nobody is forcing you to do anything, most people would be astonished to learn you don't actually need to work or even spend all that much time earning a living. You need only change your mindset. This is going to take forever to put in this single reply, I might make a topic about it. But basically your rewards in life are in direct proportion to your service to others. We live in a society and its impossible not to serve others in some way or to be served yourself. By working, however many hours a day, you provide service and are compensated for it, the question is, how valuable is your service and how hard are you to replace.

Instead of serving your employer you can serve others instead, through a business for example and so on. The returns are infinitely greater.

You can literally not have a cent to your name and start a business or buy real estate that you can rent out for passive income. You haven't entirely missed the ship either as interest rates have gone up a bit but still far lower than inflation, so taking out a loan is literally free money, but please get some basic financial education first. Debt can be used in many beneficial ways, tax cuts, getting in on a good opportunity when you don't have the resources, buying assets as a hedge against inflation and so on. But if you have no idea what you're doing you'll only ruin yourself.

This is ultra distilled down and if you don't know exactly what I'm talking about you probably shouldn't try it, I suggest you read Robert Kiyosaki's books as a starting point, and look for other financial education as well.

Not everyone is looking for this or even able to be a business owner either. I know for sure if I had to spend 8-10 hours a day working on my business I wouldn't be able to perform as I do in my Satanic duties.
My own issue is I have all the free time in the world, but just keep... faltering for no given reason. I dedicated back in 2009, but it sure doesn't seem like it; I'll be all for it, a span of 3-14 days where I'll be on top of everything spiritually. Then bam I just stumble and fall... lay there on the path doing nothing (literally nothing if I didn't have my Planetary Square).
Sometimes for years.

I feel tired a a lot of the time and procrastinate like it's an Olympic sport, any progress on energy I make feels like it just... doesn't stick. I did try to work on myself after reading this thread and felt a bit better, but trying to make any lasting spiritual progress feels like such a struggle.

But I'm not giving up. I genuinely want to improve and fix things... just need to figure out how. Hail Satan.
Yagami Light said:
Sorry for the double message, but I would also like to ask how you perceive the term "Satanic career" in your mind. It is interesting what you said about "being paid to do Satan's work" so to speak, but how would that ever be possible? Unless someone has the knowledge and skills to do freelance work (eg a web developer, or some other trade that can be done online) we are forced to an 8 or more hours of work.

I don't want to be negative, but realistic. I can't rationally find any other way to avoid this (other than being a freelancer - but again, you may be working for many hours to get enough to survive- you will just be able to do it from home, so you may be able to take some breaks in-between your work and meditate), and this is why I'm asking how you perceive this "Satanic career" statement.

Thank you for your time.
Read the book "Unscripted" by DeMarco.
Powerofjustice said:

I had read one of Kiyosaki's books when I was younger and I just dropped it as it was very unrealistic.

You can't just "take a loan" if you don't have a job that offers you enough money so that the bank is certain you can pay them back (WITH interest, of course, which means that in the long run you will pay back way more than they will give you).

Right now I am at a place where I make enough just for my basic needs. Also, depending on where you live, buying a house can be close to impossible even with a bank's loan. And don't even get me started on the taxes the government will start taking from you (again, depending on where you live, government taxes on private property can be devastating).

So yeah, this is a completely unrealistic approach to making money and it has nothing to do with mindset, but with your opportunities and whatever tools you have at your desposal. I can't take a bank loan, and even if I could, I still wouldn't be able to buy a house.

Powerofjustice said:
Nobody is forcing you to do anything, most people would be astonished to learn you don't actually need to work or even spend all that much time earning a living. You need only change your mindset.
The need for food, a roof above my head etc, are all forcing me to work in any job I can find in order to survive. In the past I have tried to think what kind of "service" I could offer in order to be paid for it, but I never really got anywhere with those thoughts. Maybe I need to think even more outside the box.
But don't say that nobody is forcing me to do anything... The need to survive in this world forces me to.
Yagami Light said:
I had read one of Kiyosaki's books when I was younger and I just dropped it as it was very unrealistic.

You can't just "take a loan" if you don't have a job that offers you enough money so that the bank is certain you can pay them back (WITH interest, of course, which means that in the long run you will pay back way more than they will give you).

Right now I am at a place where I make enough just for my basic needs. Also, depending on where you live, buying a house can be close to impossible even with a bank's loan. And don't even get me started on the taxes the government will start taking from you (again, depending on where you live, government taxes on private property can be devastating).

So yeah, this is a completely unrealistic approach to making money and it has nothing to do with mindset, but with your opportunities and whatever tools you have at your desposal. I can't take a bank loan, and even if I could, I still wouldn't be able to buy a house.
The market is more than houses. There are apartments and various levels to all real estate. There is a segment of affordable options which can be rented to low income people.

It is true that living off of renting housing is not for everyone. But in reality you can build up assets over time on top of earned income. By renting housing you can pay off the debt and maybe even get a small cut fot yourself. All situational, of course. You must do proper research beforehand.

The need for food, a roof above my head etc, are all forcing me to work in any job I can find in order to survive. In the past I have tried to think what kind of "service" I could offer in order to be paid for it, but I never really got anywhere with those thoughts. Maybe I need to think even more outside the box.
But don't say that nobody is forcing me to do anything... The need to survive in this world forces me to.
Entrepreneurship is not for everyone. But it also could be that you have no dug deep enough for ideas of value creation.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
