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Origins of Alcohol


Active member
Aug 31, 2021
I'm very curious about this as alcohol, albeit a toxic and harmful, has been celebrated throughout history.

I wonder if things like absinthe had originally been meant as a herbal remedy (like a potion), and that liquors (spirits) refer to evocation/invocation.

Ninkasi is a Sumerian goddess of brewing and in some writings (I can't recall the one) it describes the joys of making beer in an abstract/poetic kind of way.

Also in the myth, Inanna and Enki, the two (of the same names) have a drinking competition. When drunk Enki gave all of the mehs, the gifts of civilization, to Inanna, which she took with her to Uruk.

Again, these writings are so old and I think it's possible these things could've been medicines and maybe even something like kombucha. Although it's made by fermenting yeast, sugar and tea in water, it can also be prepared using whole grain berries in place of tea.

It wouldn't surprise me if something like kombucha existed outside of China during 220 BCE. When I consider the realm of ancient history in a general sense (3000 BCE to 500 AD) it appears this was a time of incredible technology and knowledge that was shared throughout the world.

Apart from this we know the enemy used black slaves to make alcohol and they sold it back to these people. It was also used to aid in conquering and subjugating Native/Aboriginal peoples (not sure if it was the Monarchy/Europe or the enemy, though either wouldn't surprise me).

There are so many false flags, distractions and lies. Especially when it comes to disclosure on topics that are 'too sensitive' for the sheeple (such as Epstein files/investigations, UFO/UAEs, secret military operations/research, health research/implications, etc.)

What makes black projects especially intriguing to me is they are always shared between Government and private contracts, which makes them immune to the FOIA.

Still, considering that earth will eventually be liberated and return to this golden age I think we have a good position for not letting things upset us too much.

Anyway, sorry for the vague ramble and feel free to share your thoughts/perspectives on this topic.
This may help.
Neither beer nor wine are "fine" or taught to us by the Gods. Wine was popularised by the xtard church. Both of them are alcohol. Fermented products that were eaten just fine are others such as yogurt, cheese, kefir...


Whether you decide to drink any of those or not, it is your business. However, just like the title of this post says, "any amount can cause [unnecessary] damage to the brain [and not only]" and one needs to be informed of that. Alcohol is a disinfectant for external use. Nothing more, nothing less. - Stormblood
Korpi said:
This may help.
Neither beer nor wine are "fine" or taught to us by the Gods. Wine was popularised by the xtard church. Both of them are alcohol. Fermented products that were eaten just fine are others such as yogurt, cheese, kefir...


Whether you decide to drink any of those or not, it is your business. However, just like the title of this post says, "any amount can cause [unnecessary] damage to the brain [and not only]" and one needs to be informed of that. Alcohol is a disinfectant for external use. Nothing more, nothing less. - Stormblood

Every province of Rome had specific types of alcohol that numbered in the dozens. The distinction is that most alcohols in Rome were watered down and chronic drunkenness was looked down upon.

I am a teetotaler myself as I personally never liked the taste but I don't see anything wrong with alcohol in moderation.

[url=https://groups-archive.org/viewtopic.php?p=257546#p257546 said:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich[/url]"] In moderation, alcohol can be a good thing.
Alcohol was made and discovered millions of times naturally by different people, when people find fruit and pick as much as they can and then try to save it for later. The fruit ferments and turns into alcohol. This is not a good thing and it would be better if the fruit stayed fresh. But it was better than if the fruit rotted because the fermenting usually prevented it from rotting and would help in some amount to preserve it for a longer time. But it would usually not be consumed with a high alcohol content, and would usually be mixed with water.

Another example is for hundreds of years, most people did not have clean water to drink. People would die every day from diseases that were gotten from contaminated water. Bacterias, viruses, parasites. And also the farmers would harvest a lot of grains in the fall and have to eat these for the entire year. The grain would not be perfectly dried and would not be kept in perfect conditions. The pile of grains would rot, it would grow mold all over it, it would be filled with rats and insects, it would grow ergot fungus which contains LSD and LSA. The food that they worked for all year to grow would be ruined and wasted, and the people would be hungry.

Beer was invented to solve both of these problems. The yeast fermenting and growing out-competes the bacteria and often prevents the bacteria from growing, so it made the water safer to drink. For multiple hundreds of years, all of the people were drinking this beer every day instead of water because it did not have the bacteria and viruses, so it was the only thing that was safe to drink. But the alcohol levels were very low like 2 or 3%, so the people were not getting drunk. And this also was a way to use the extra grains so they would not rot and be wasted. Many of the carbs and calories from the grains would stay in the beer, so it was also like a supplemental food supply for the people who often had very little food.

The fermented mash that is left over is like oatmeal, but people would almost never eat this because it has so much live yeast that is still fermenting that it would make people feel sick, but it is perfect for farm animals like pigs and chickens to eat. And this was an extremely valuable food source for the farm animals, otherwise it would be too expensive to have any animals because there would be no food for them. If it was in a village, the town's pig farm that supplies meat for the whole town is dependent on the old used mash grains, and if it wasn't for this there would be no pig farm. So it is basically taking the old wasted grains that were about to rot soon, and turning them into meat.

The most important thing is that beer making was basically the only source of large amounts of pure yeast, and not just that but predictable yeast that would give the same effect every time. You could make something like a sour dough and hope it will naturally ferment from the millions of spores of yeast floating around in the air, but it would take a long time for the extremely small amounts of natural yeast to colonize, and in this increased fermenting time the yeast would be weak so it would be a high chance of a dangerous bacteria taking over and making it poisonous. It would also be no way to predict how the yeast would react because it would be a different strain every time. With natural yeast from the air, the bread may rise extremely high one day, and not rise at all the next day. It can work for somebody making bread at home, but is not practical for a bakery mass producing bread every day to supply the entire town to have no consistent and repeatable yeast.

But from beer production, there is a large layer of yeast left on the bottom of the tank. This would be given for free to the bakery, or some would also be given to anybody who wants it. And all of the yeast is from the same colony, they are all a clone of the same exact genetics of yeast. So it is predictible and will work the same way every time. The bakery can mass produce by doing the same recipe every time, something like each bread loaf is 2 bowls of flour, one bowl of water, and one small cup of yeast, and make 100 loafs in one day and they will all be good quality. And they can be made much faster because there is such a high amount of yeast to start with it will only need a couple hours to rise, instead of a few days like yeast from the air. For hundreds of years, bread has been the main staple food allowing our people to survive, and nearly all of that bread was with yeast from beer. That's why it was bread and not a dense hard cracker. And with this new ability to make extremely large amounts of bread very quickly, grains could be turned into bread and have dried bread pieces which would be able to be stored for a very long time without any problems, possibly for years. And these bread crumbs would be added into things like soup where they would become soft and dissolve. Some times this would be the only ingredient in the soup, but it is better than nothing if you are starving.

Absinthe was originally intended as a medicine. All of the many different plants and herbs that are included in there have been used for thousands of years as medicines. The main ingredient is Wormwood which is one of the strongest natural medicines for killing parasites and viruses. Alcohol is also the perfect solvent to disolve many different organic chemicals, so all of these plants can be chopped up and put into alcohol and the alcohol will dissolve all of the useful and medicinal chemicals out of them. And this liquid can also be stored for an extremely long time this way without degrading. If you go to the pharmacy now and look, and you look at any bottle of liquid medicine, all of them are using alcohol as the main solvent. And in all flavored foods, the flavor concentrates are all dissolved in alcohol the same way.

High concentration alcohol is not a good thing, and it should never be consumed in any large amounts. But that is not the way that things like absinthe were traditionally used. It was kept as a homemade medicine just in case somebody gets sick, and only a small amount of it would be consumed for the purpose of consuming the medical chemicals from the plants. The intention was not about consuming any alcohol and it was not done for any recreational reason. And it was made to be as concentrated as possible with the amount of dissolved plant extracts, to have the most amount of medicine doses contained in the least amount of alcohol.
I don't know what they would call alcohol in ancient Rome or Greece but alcohol is a word of Arabic origin al kuhul which was used by the Arab alchemists and means the spirit and that is the reason why high alcoholic drinks in medieval times were called "spirituous drinks".

Obviously the original meaning of this word was a spiritual concept that later was corrupted, the literal drunkenness has nothing spiritual and are only symptoms of poisoning.
Alcohol even in small quantities creates holes in the Aura, and makes one spiritually weaker and open to attacks. This is a painful truth, but it is what it is. I know many people will disagree and be mad about this, but alcohol is just poison for the Soul. So even if you let a little poison in, it still does damage.

I quit drinking anything with alcohol almost 2 years ago. I'm also a person that easily develops addictions, and when I do something I often go all in and lose control, so this was a great decision. I'd advice anyone to really quit drinking alcohol.

A funny thing about this decision that I made to quit alcohol forever, is that on my hands, studying Palmistry, i noticed that I had really strong tendencies to develop an alcohol addiction, and since i quit, that line on my hand became less and less visible, and now you can barely see it.

That's one thing that Palmistry gives you that Astrology can't, it kinda updates your situation in real time (based on your decisions and what you're doing). Another example is my Mount of Mars becoming 3/4 times bigger after doing 2 Mars Squares. Really amazing. I'll talk more about this in the future.
I think alcohol was one of the vehicles for the enemy cursing during the age of pisces, like with denial of sexuality and other things.

I see that in the dark ages people relying on beer and ale to drink due to contaminated water was necessary, but its another situation. If you look at for example the situation of Russia in the 17-1800's with the vodka manufactories this is one of the more negative outcomes of that cultural trend. That was before the USSR and still affects many people there to this day, must have exacerbated many social ills upto this time.

People have a right to drink alcohol but following the same logic then all other drugs that aren't outright poison should be decriminalised too. There should be massive public funding and media campaigns using examples of victims of these, take into account full human psychology about this, and make it as unattractive as possible to people. Present the spiritual alternative with the same public omnipresence, and obliterate the demand for this stuff of weakness.

In our time we can drink purified water. If you drink other water or beer or whatever on a regular basis; try switching to purified water with a proper filter machine. The difference of feeling is surreal. Every odd week have a beer, but at least invest in the better routine and advanced thing for the sake of your own health.
WiseDragon said:
A funny thing about this decision that I made to quit alcohol forever, is that on my hands, studying Palmistry, i noticed that I had really strong tendencies to develop an alcohol addiction, and since i quit, that line on my hand became less and less visible, and now you can barely see it.

That's one thing that Palmistry gives you that Astrology can't, it kinda updates your situation in real time (based on your decisions and what you're doing). Another example is my Mount of Mars becoming 3/4 times bigger after doing 2 Mars Squares. Really amazing. I'll talk more about this in the future.

I look forward to your post! I have also noticed things in my hand change for the better after doing workings and advancing.

This is also why I prefer tarot to astrology for myself, it is based on the current time, not just what was set at birth as astrology is. Once karma is overcome or changed, certain things don't really apply anymore.
The story from the Mesopotamian myths is not to be taken literally, as there is nothing literal in pre-xtard myth. What you shared describes spiritual allegories. The meaning of 'drinking' is explained in the "Advanced Satanic Ritual" article on JoS. You 'drink' the energy from the chakras, which are the cups. The gifts are the power, awareness, skill and advancement you derive from it. This is explained in the most simple way I could think of.
WiseDragon said:
Alcohol even in small quantities creates holes in the Aura, and makes one spiritually weaker and open to attacks. This is a painful truth, but it is what it is. I know many people will disagree and be mad about this, but alcohol is just poison for the Soul. So even if you let a little poison in, it still does damage.

I quit drinking anything with alcohol almost 2 years ago. I'm also a person that easily develops addictions, and when I do something I often go all in and lose control, so this was a great decision. I'd advice anyone to really quit drinking alcohol.

A funny thing about this decision that I made to quit alcohol forever, is that on my hands, studying Palmistry, i noticed that I had really strong tendencies to develop an alcohol addiction, and since i quit, that line on my hand became less and less visible, and now you can barely see it.

That's one thing that Palmistry gives you that Astrology can't, it kinda updates your situation in real time (based on your decisions and what you're doing). Another example is my Mount of Mars becoming 3/4 times bigger after doing 2 Mars Squares. Really amazing. I'll talk more about this in the future.

Oi don't make me paranoid about eating those chocolates which have tiny amounts of alcohol, or cough syrup or dealing with alcohol sanitizers which fall on my hand
Although a bit of a boring book as it's not exciting it's more of a clinical, neutral, historical account. It's some what long and has a Mein Kampf style to it. As people in the past stated Hitler's book won over people. But in the higher circles Hitler's lack of University/College education and his style of communication bothered some of the more so-called intelligencia even IF the book was typed up by Rudolf Hess while Hitler just spoke like a machine gun. Still Mein Kampf whichever version from the 40% compressed Dugdale '36 edition to the Ford, Stalag, Marriage or Dr. Dalton's '39 full enclave version.

200 Years Together: A book of Russo-Jewish History by Alexander Solzhenitsyn.

Explains such things. For example it wasn't till around the mid-late 1600s jews got permission in Russ/New Russ(Ukraine particular). For alcohol domination, in fact, the biggest source of anti-yehudimism was the Russian Government trying to help the jews avoid a negative image and moving them to better business. So they promoted the poor, mistreated, used and abused yehus but the Russian Government wanted the opposite to avoid pissing off the yehus. Especially their capacity to industrialize and purchase businesses.

As exactly as Shehameforash(God) states, "Agriculture is the lowest form of work". Many Yehus as they advanced would buy up industry and just Big Loan Capital like Feder would state, Why should our taxes and financial sovereignty go to big loan capitalist by the 15-16+ billion we send them, that money should be in our country expanding our industry.

Sheer fact is the "hoopla" the yehus kvetch about never happened. In fact funny enough studying 200 Years together. Solzhenitsyn stated, Jews had more rights and capacity to grow their industries particularly outside of Russ and in New Russ like the Pale of Settlement and whatnot from about the 1720s-1730s till nearly 1820s-1830s. For a solid near century the Jews enjoyed more rights even to alcohol and then progressively lost rights till the era of the Soviets.

For example for a period of time the Government wanted to know why there is so much drunkenness in New Russ. And they also wanted to know why this was affecting especially the lowest citizens and why they never financially went upward.

Jews would loan alcohol on credit. They'd basically pull a modern wool over people's eyes believing credit to be a good thing. So many people would purchase alcohol until insolvency and not just drank themselves to poverty but in many cases remain in poverty. It seems like people with more money were less inclined to drink. But for some reason the lower classes were pulling a Irish drinking mentality of drinking to the point of annihilation.

Again the Government didn't want to upset the jews but did have to go about some restrictions still the restrictions were slaps on the wrist. But it was the perfect ammunition for the jews to in modern revisionism state, "By the Government of Russia doing that, it is auntie-sumetic".

So in essence the propganda war i.e. 5th Generational Warfare was won by the simple use of "social Marxism" in historical revisionism.

I don't understand how the yehus managed to survive New Russ. Unless they were punished for messing with their crops and farm animals. Such as for example many Yehus would eliminate their farm animals for kosher meat. And within a few weeks or a month or two run out of food. Or for example they plant a few crops and collapse after 2-3 months. The yehus certainly don't have any agricultural blood in them. In fact UNLESS they were punished for misuse of farming capacity. They'd in essence run themselves into being poor within 5 months.

Most yehus barely could farm and even if successful the crops would still die off later at some point before harvest.

In essence the industries and alcohol industries were over-represented with yehus and in fact the Government despite respecting freedom of religion especially towards christians telling them not to get involved with alcohol or much industries at all. Were in essence trying to stop the yehus from their talmudic hatred. In fact the Government supported many times the liberalization of Yehudiasm to promote a less or no hatred from the Yehus to Xtians from their Talmuds and various hate literature on attacking and destroying Gentiles.

Sheer fact is alcohol is a scourge in Russia/Ukraine/E.E. sheer fact is the jews have implanted a culture of vodka drinking idiots. It's kinda like rednecks here in the States with especially the wife-beater shirt beer gut drinker or look at Hank Hill. Sure Hank is a responsible drinker but that doesn't ignore the fact beer is America's past time.

I think personally the Gods don't want any alcohol except certain minute percentages like Kefir or some fortified yogurt. But beer, wine, or strong drinks is discouraged. It's a drug both the drink and it's post alcoholic effects look at delirium trems, if you don't drink yourself down and go cold turkey, you'd die from the alcohol running your system. It's not unlike some drugs even with opiates you can quit and it'll drive you mad or cigarettes.

Sheer fact is for me alcohol, drugs, and cigarettes are nothing more than a culture of YOLOSWAG420. It's basically enjoy your pathetically small lifespan and work and pray mentality and enjoy the little bit of freedom and liberty you have while simultaneously feeding into your opponent. I'm sure the Gods would smack people upside the head like Buer for the use of substances of any and all types.

It really means a lot when cigarettes in advanced Worlds are only used in the astral by deceased souls who are waiting for reincarnation.
Gear88 said:
Although a bit of a boring book as it's not exciting it's more of a clinical, neutral, historical account. It's some what long and has a Mein Kampf style to it. As people in the past stated Hitler's book won over people. But in the higher circles Hitler's lack of University/College education and his style of communication bothered some of the more so-called intelligencia even IF the book was typed up by Rudolf Hess while Hitler just spoke like a machine gun. Still Mein Kampf whichever version from the 40% compressed Dugdale '36 edition to the Ford, Stalag, Marriage or Dr. Dalton's '39 full enclave version.

200 Years Together: A book of Russo-Jewish History by Alexander Solzhenitsyn.

Explains such things. For example it wasn't till around the mid-late 1600s jews got permission in Russ/New Russ(Ukraine particular). For alcohol domination, in fact, the biggest source of anti-yehudimism was the Russian Government trying to help the jews avoid a negative image and moving them to better business. So they promoted the poor, mistreated, used and abused yehus but the Russian Government wanted the opposite to avoid pissing off the yehus. Especially their capacity to industrialize and purchase businesses.

As exactly as Shehameforash(God) states, "Agriculture is the lowest form of work". Many Yehus as they advanced would buy up industry and just Big Loan Capital like Feder would state, Why should our taxes and financial sovereignty go to big loan capitalist by the 15-16+ billion we send them, that money should be in our country expanding our industry.

Sheer fact is the "hoopla" the yehus kvetch about never happened. In fact funny enough studying 200 Years together. Solzhenitsyn stated, Jews had more rights and capacity to grow their industries particularly outside of Russ and in New Russ like the Pale of Settlement and whatnot from about the 1720s-1730s till nearly 1820s-1830s. For a solid near century the Jews enjoyed more rights even to alcohol and then progressively lost rights till the era of the Soviets.

For example for a period of time the Government wanted to know why there is so much drunkenness in New Russ. And they also wanted to know why this was affecting especially the lowest citizens and why they never financially went upward.

Jews would loan alcohol on credit. They'd basically pull a modern wool over people's eyes believing credit to be a good thing. So many people would purchase alcohol until insolvency and not just drank themselves to poverty but in many cases remain in poverty. It seems like people with more money were less inclined to drink. But for some reason the lower classes were pulling a Irish drinking mentality of drinking to the point of annihilation.

Again the Government didn't want to upset the jews but did have to go about some restrictions still the restrictions were slaps on the wrist. But it was the perfect ammunition for the jews to in modern revisionism state, "By the Government of Russia doing that, it is auntie-sumetic".

So in essence the propganda war i.e. 5th Generational Warfare was won by the simple use of "social Marxism" in historical revisionism.

I don't understand how the yehus managed to survive New Russ. Unless they were punished for messing with their crops and farm animals. Such as for example many Yehus would eliminate their farm animals for kosher meat. And within a few weeks or a month or two run out of food. Or for example they plant a few crops and collapse after 2-3 months. The yehus certainly don't have any agricultural blood in them. In fact UNLESS they were punished for misuse of farming capacity. They'd in essence run themselves into being poor within 5 months.

Most yehus barely could farm and even if successful the crops would still die off later at some point before harvest.

In essence the industries and alcohol industries were over-represented with yehus and in fact the Government despite respecting freedom of religion especially towards christians telling them not to get involved with alcohol or much industries at all. Were in essence trying to stop the yehus from their talmudic hatred. In fact the Government supported many times the liberalization of Yehudiasm to promote a less or no hatred from the Yehus to Xtians from their Talmuds and various hate literature on attacking and destroying Gentiles.

Sheer fact is alcohol is a scourge in Russia/Ukraine/E.E. sheer fact is the jews have implanted a culture of vodka drinking idiots. It's kinda like rednecks here in the States with especially the wife-beater shirt beer gut drinker or look at Hank Hill. Sure Hank is a responsible drinker but that doesn't ignore the fact beer is America's past time.

I think personally the Gods don't want any alcohol except certain minute percentages like Kefir or some fortified yogurt. But beer, wine, or strong drinks is discouraged. It's a drug both the drink and it's post alcoholic effects look at delirium trems, if you don't drink yourself down and go cold turkey, you'd die from the alcohol running your system. It's not unlike some drugs even with opiates you can quit and it'll drive you mad or cigarettes.

Sheer fact is for me alcohol, drugs, and cigarettes are nothing more than a culture of YOLOSWAG420. It's basically enjoy your pathetically small lifespan and work and pray mentality and enjoy the little bit of freedom and liberty you have while simultaneously feeding into your opponent. I'm sure the Gods would smack people upside the head like Buer for the use of substances of any and all types.

It really means a lot when cigarettes in advanced Worlds are only used in the astral by deceased souls who are waiting for reincarnation.

Although I'm not extremely critical towards alcohol, it's important to know that it has been used as a Jewish weapon for centuries.
I'm from a Catholic dominated Slavic country and back in the day Catholic priests would allow Jews to run a tavern nearby the church to keep the poor peasants, well... poor.
DawStarlight said:
Although I'm not extremely critical towards alcohol, it's important to know that it has been used as a Jewish weapon for centuries.
I'm from a Catholic dominated Slavic country and back in the day Catholic priests would allow Jews to run a tavern nearby the church to keep the poor peasants, well... poor.

Precisely what Alexander posits in his book.

Taverns were wholly represented by jews or had some sort of connection to them. In fact it got to the point statesmen of Russia would outlaw xtians from going to those places and place restrictions on jews, loan on credit, or give on credit, or any other trappings.

Again the name of the game is social marxist revisionism. By the Russian, Gentile government doing this it is aunti-sumetic.

You'd find the book interesting if your a Slavic person as it details a history of Russia around the time when Russia was technically a bit hostile towards the U.S. just for a short period like 10 years before the Germans and other intelligentsia got involved to fix it.

You'll find this thread interesting on Russian History around the time of the Battles of San Francisco and Los Angeles and right during the Revolutionary and Civil Wars defending America. Russia = America's Best friend the Tripartite America-Germany-Russia group.

In fact Russia was paying upwards of 3 dollars per bushel of U.S. cotton to support America at certain key point just before the cotton switch in India in 1820 that killed tens of millions of Hindus instead of planting for food Rothschild ordered cotton to supplant American cotton.


I suggest you read this thread it explains your glorious Slavic History of the Famous people like our Romanian member mentioning.

Slav/Slavic does not equal slave but rather Slav = Famous in historicity of language of his area and kept history.
sublimestatanist said:
I'm very curious about this as alcohol, albeit a toxic and harmful, has been celebrated throughout history.

Yes. Certain poisons have too been venerated in medicine - in their proper amounts, they heal. In improper, they destroy.

What hasn't been celebrated is overuse, dumb use, and using recklessly.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
