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On The Vaccination Subject: Give An Inch, They Take A Mile

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
The enemy is notorious for stealing the freedoms of human beings and then selling these at them at 6,000,000 percent interest.

They steal your right to spirituality and meditation. Then they tell you, even if these are rights to humans, that you need to sell your soul to Jewsus Christ or Mohammed and so on. You never did have to believe in these things, neither did any of our Ancestors. That's the brainwashing of an original sin that never existed.

The same recipe is now done with the global measures. If the Co-Vid was so dangerously deadly, one wouldn't need to do a freedom trade-off in order to get vaccinated. One would reason out this was the better case. But since nothing is consistent in this whole story, they tell people, you know what - your freedoms will be removed, so you better do this.

Or you will be jobless, an infected, a second grade citizen, unable to meet your elders or your family, etc etc.

The above is psychological warfare where all logic, facts, and reality is being pushed to shut down. This is blackmail so that people get to make a choice.

The choice is not the "Vaccine", but whether or not one will cave in psychological warfare or not. This is their primary objective. They couldn't give a shit less about anyone's health, or their future.

People here have argued as to whether or not to be pro or against vaccine. That is not the question. Some are trying to argue it's scientifically "OK", and some argue the other end. But even if this was alright and healthy, or terrible, the end result is another one.

The question mainly is this: Isn't this agenda clearly used as a blackmail agenda of the enemy, with which they found an excuse to bind people and then set them free over an exchange? Yes.

Therefore, the question on pro or against vaccine is not the real question. An exchange of freedoms is taking place here. Even if the Vaccine was totally normal, healthy, and decent, how this is done is totally immoral and against freedom of choice.

People are being psychologically barraged into this decision, forced by force of work, and through an array of other sources. This game has to end with them giving up freedoms, in exchange for something the enemy wants done.

The real question is do people have to do whatever the enemy says over anything? And don't we know it's dysfunctional to give them an inch, because they take a mile?

First, they tell you to vaccinate because you won't be able to travel. If that works, they will tell people that they have to do another vaccination over another strain, if they want to meet the elderly members of their family again.

Then they'll tell people you won't see your kids ever again if you don't take this shot, because you're a danger for them and you're an evil parent that doesn't listen to Dr. Fauci.

Next they may tell people you'll be heading into a torture chamber because you are a danger to everyone else for not taking a vaccine to the 1000th strain of the Co-Vid.

Eventually, anything they will want to do to anyone, they will do it. The enemy isn't trying to normalize health or the vaccine, even if this was scientifically sound. They are trying to normalize COMPLIANCE by psychological force, and bending all laws, constitutions, and limitations of normalcy of the mind of people.

All of this is a slippery slope of restraints and freedom violations.

All the enemy is doing right now is testing globally if they can take an inch of the world's freedoms. The enemy is like a termite. They eat a few inches on freedoms, then next thing you know, all your furniture is missing. They are testing numerous things.

Let us say that hypothetically one is so afraid of Co-Vid because they are so old. Alright. Even at this rate, having the vaccine over this blackmail situation, is giving the enemy power.

You might want to wait until freedom has won or persisted, and then go have your choice as a FREE MAN OR WOMAN, and not as a slave that has been psyhologically raped and barraged to have this choice out of fear of FREEDOM RESTRICTIONS.

Do not trade your freedoms in thieving trades caused by the enemy. Humans are supposed to be free, not slaves.

The argument of "Freedoms" which are not really freedoms but only conveniences, is the slippery slope of death of freedoms. You already were a free woman or man to travel, to see your own family, to care of your own children BEFORE, and you are NOW.

They are just fucking around with people trying to get them to trade these rights to them now, by accepting these slavers as the source of these decisions. "Yes master you decide and I have to take this vaccine if I want to ever see my family again".

The answer to this is: THEY CANNOT DO FUCKING SHIT TO YOU. Look at how even Biden wrote a "Mask Mandate", and most states literally are scoffing him off. It's through general compliance that these things become laws, and not because of power of legislation in many cases. These are bogus laws and nothing else.

When and how they want to gain power over these kinds of things, is by forcing people into compliance with kosher and low end laws, psychological warfare, and information barrage, until the minds of people give in and they finally accept them as a source of power, higher than let's say, the Constitution.

They have no legal, moral, authoritative power to take this freedom away from you. You are STILL FREE, even if they have imposed kosher limitations, threats and fines. They know it also, if a man happens to find themselves in a court over this, nothing will hold. For now.

But if many people unanimously fall into this trap, then it's game over, because power will be transferred to them despite of what any higher laws, Constitutions, Human Rights charters, or European Union laws even say. They are trying to deceive and con people into giving out their own freedoms.

Yes, it may take some restrictions of fights and problems with conveniences if people want to maintain their freedoms. But this is because freedom is power and it matters, while convenience is not power.

Your Freedoms have been won, have been inked, and they are present in the Constitutions, Human Rights, and other things people died for to secure freedom for the future generations. Do NOT make their sacrifices in vain. Do not listen to the enemy's lies that if you cave in you'll be free.

It's if you DO NOT COMPLY, that you stand a chance. The moment that people have complied over such threats and coercive measures, this is the time where freedom has been thrown to burn in a fire.

Do not let them do it.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Remember, it was just two weeks to flatten the curve, goy. Nothing more. Same with all the 9/11 freedom restrictions which were never lifted 20 years later. Even with the vaccine, we still have to wear masks and social distance forever, so no steps back allowed.

Ex-information analyst Jeffrey Prather mentioned in his podcast that the mask wearing, regardless of the good or bad health implications, acts as vector for judging the effectiveness of psychological warfare. This is because it is visible and reflects your opinion on the matter. FYI: if you listen to his podcast, just know he is still a retarded xtian.

The majority of people are not getting the vaccine, nor hyping its arrival, out of fear of Covid itself. They all want it because they lack the big picture and think this is the key out of lockdown. In reality, the enemy would not hand you the key; they use the vaccine like a carrot on a stick. Just as all the vaccine arrived, we learned of these "new strains". Timed just right so the 1st vaccine is still relevant and not made obsolete by the incoming ones.
The Joo isn't even bothered tell the truth to the plebs of their tribe about the vaccination subject anymore.


Watching Israel cave in on itself as its populace experiences the first wave of bullshit they had planned for the rest of the world has been an amusing experience, if nothing else. Just wait for the shitstorm when the mandatory vaccination brigade begins knocking on the doors of the Orthodox Rabbis.
Arcadia said:
Watching Israel cave in on itself as its populace experiences the first wave of bullshit they had planned for the rest of the world has been an amusing experience, if nothing else. Just wait for the shitstorm when the mandatory vaccination brigade begins knocking on the doors of the Orthodox Rabbis.

These are not dumb and may actually fight to the death.

But they are the first to reap the reptilian energies which they have been sowing as a country. Now, they converse to put GPS bracelets on them also.
Psychological barrage and rape really is the best way to describe this. The JSM spends all day every day beating people into submission mentally wether it is about the vaccine or any one of their other agendas, most people can’t handle it and choose to submit because they think that will make the abuse stop but it only gets worse.

It’s very obvious by now that if you are living on your knees at the helm of Jewsus or to kiss the boot of some kike and their cronies things will not work out for you. Submission is how they win. Bullies never like when their victims fight back, and if you do fight a bully or in this case the enemy, they will learn to leave you alone or they bitten by the serpent.
Please do spread this to as many people as possible. It's mandatory we do that. Just do it anonymously and go for anyone.

I admit i was more paranoid in the past in regards to people awakening but i can see it better now. The energies from our rituals are being channeled where they are needed most. For example most of the americans at least know something bad is happening and they are reacting. The awakening is massive there. Some countries in Western Europe are going trough the same. Where I live things are different. People are very obedient and slave minded still. They mostly fight and hate themselves. This was something that made me paranoid before i started looking outside the box. But this lack of reaction in some places could also be the result of genetics like many having jewish and/or gypsy genetics.
As an example a country with 19 milliin people has vaccinated over one million based on voluntary choice.
At this point I admire the americans a lot!
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Psychological barrage and rape really is the best way to describe this. The JSM spends all day every day beating people into submission mentally wether it is about the vaccine or any one of their other agendas, most people can’t handle it and choose to submit because they think that will make the abuse stop but it only gets worse.

It’s very obvious by now that if you are living on your knees at the helm of Jewsus or to kiss the boot of some kike and their cronies things will not work out for you. Submission is how they win. Bullies never like when their victims fight back, and if you do fight a bully or in this case the enemy, they will learn to leave you alone or they bitten by the serpent.

Oh how I wish I could fight these mask cultists. I do not comply. I secured an exemption badge that gets me into the supermarket.

But the eyeballs on me from the mask cultists. This mask wearing is a cult. The post about the dangers of the second inquisition rings bells for me.

My shopping experience has become stressful with strangers accosting me for getting too close and demanding I wear a mask.

They're so aggressive. Who do they think they are? I'm a sovereign being that supports himself! The sheeple are outdoing the sheep because the sheep at least need a sheep dog to herd them. The sheeple are keeping each other in line.

What it is, is ignorance. I've informed myself from other sources. Like:


Besides the psychological weakening and oxygen deprivation. There are tiny fragments of the masks fabric that goes into the deep lung tissue. That can fester and cause a cancer risk.

Besides I cannot communicate and mask wearers are just mumblies now. I hate the mask. 'Face covering'. I feel like an entrapped animal caught in a box ready to be uplifted to the slaughter. And all I can do is have my eyes visible looking through the air breather gap in the imprisoning box.

Experience intense anger and rage when I'm wearing a mask. It's a slave mask.

I can feel the agressive Satanic Freedom loving soul within me wretching at the sickeness the enemy is introducing upon humankind.

It's sick and disgusting. Masks are nothing to do with health but everything to do with control.

I cannot punch these maskies on their masks. But praise Satan and our Gods I can work with the rituals and undo them on the conscious.

Reality is a transformation of perception.

Society is the reality of people's perceptions. What we do helps the awakening.

We fight but safely by reversing their Hebrew letters and Tetragrammaton.

Hail Satan. We will have a beautiful world and lives after this war.

Hail Satan, our Glorious Demons and to my lovely fellow brother and sister warriors in Satan.
Isn't there a respectful way to turn down the vaccine, like saying your allergic to a key ingredient in it? I don't recall which ingredient exactly.

Or there's the dumber way, if you don't wear a mask, they won't let you into the building to get the vaccine lol!

Either way it would be good to learn some survival skills just incase SHTF, so you can live in the boonies,
(like me)
The mask cultists is a correct way to put it. I love how every irrelevant fuck found a way to have power by promoting this meme.

If the virus had an actual death rate of an alarming extent we would all be dead as most of these cultists do not even do basic hygiene.

Love how these mask cultists touch everything at a store, put their fingers up their nose, and do everything improperly on a self and others protection curriculum or how they are outside anyway while claiming that oy vey a supee virus is outside. But think the mask now protects them so much. Wtf?

I see elderly that tells you about the SuPeR ViRuS going out everyday and taking walks or assembling with friends. Or going into vacations like last year. They subconsciously know its all over overblown and live their life as nothing of the infection exists.

But they wear the mask for the Cult character of it anyway and so that they can feel like good goyim for following orders.

Personal Growth said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:

Oh how I wish I could fight these mask cultists. I do not comply. I secured an exemption badge that gets me into the supermarket.

But the eyeballs on me from the mask cultists. This mask wearing is a cult. The post about the dangers of the second inquisition rings bells for me.
Matty Boy said:
Isn't there a respectful way to turn down the vaccine, like saying your allergic to a key ingredient in it? I don't recall which ingredient exactly.

Or there's the dumber way, if you don't wear a mask, they won't let you into the building to get the vaccine lol!

Either way it would be good to learn some survival skills just incase SHTF, so you can live in the boonies,
(like me)

In some countries, you can legally refuse and be left alone.

You can claim general allergies and then tell them to take written liability of what may happen to you if you get vaccinated. This may work only in civilized countries but be careful.

Another thing you can do is claim you have been through the virus. This may enforce an antibody test.

If you have been through it before, you should be cleared by logical standards of antibodies.

But this whole vaccine is a strange psychodrama and seems like a power game, so they want people who had this to be pushed to do it anyway.

Women can claim pregancy and that they want to get pregnant (obviously you do not have to).

Generally since they cannot enforce it, they are being creative in attempting to get people to restrain other people in a USSR manner, less by law and more by mindwashing.

Such as attacking one's employees and so on, or setting up airline company restrictions.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The mask cultists is a correct way to put it. I love how every irrelevant fuck found a way to have power by promoting this meme.

If the virus had an actual death rate of an alarming extent we would all be dead as most of these cultists do not even do basic hygiene.

Love how these mask cultists touch everything at a store, put their fingers up their nose, and do everything improperly on a self and others protection curriculum or how they are outside anyway while claiming that oy vey a supee virus is outside. But think the mask now protects them so much. Wtf?

I see elderly that tells you about the SuPeR ViRuS going out everyday and taking walks or assembling with friends. Or going into vacations like last year. They subconsciously know its all over overblown and live their life as nothing of the infection exists.

But they wear the mask for the Cult character of it anyway and so that they can feel like good goyim for following orders.

Personal Growth said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:

Oh how I wish I could fight these mask cultists. I do not comply. I secured an exemption badge that gets me into the supermarket.

But the eyeballs on me from the mask cultists. This mask wearing is a cult. The post about the dangers of the second inquisition rings bells for me.

Personally I think the way we all put it is wrong. I mean the "why all this fuss about vaccines and masks if it's not that bad". By this narrative we give the jews an idea and if this whole narrative fails they just have to launch a virus with 30% mortality rate and they will just say "weren't you saying you din not want to wear masks and get vaccines because it wasn't that bad? We admit you might have been right.... but now it is that bad goym :)" The point is regardless of how bad a pandemic is they should not be allowed to enforce any measures on the human body.
We should not even have to justify ourselves and write endless essays on microbiology and immunology about the current situation. We waste let's say 3-5 years to convince the world and when we finally do, BOOM the deadly strain. Fuck them and their endless jewing, nobody will want to listen to them anymore pretty soon
EasternFireLion666 said:
.... By this narrative we give the jews an idea and if this whole narrative fails they just have to launch a virus with 30% mortality rate and they will just say "weren't you saying you din not want to wear masks and get vaccines because it wasn't that bad? We admit you might have been right.... but now it is that bad goym :)"...

They are already exposed of having a second card up the sleeve of this nature such as a "Second Virus" or a "Mutation" and so on.

If they do this I guess everyone else will survive the high death rate, except of the Chosen people who may find themselves mostly dead either by this or because mobs will eat them alive.

If they want to be killed by the mobs and/or cause their downfall at super fast speed, this is a way they can do it. It will accelerate everything.

Oy vey goyim it failed what a coincidence here's now a super virus oy vey...
Like pretty much anyone here, I avoided wearing a mask all of last year. Just kept up with basic handwashing and I was fine. At the start of the year here in Australia though, out of nowhere they made mask wearing "compulsory" because there were a handful of local cases, not even in my area. They even instituted a somewhat hefty fine if you were caught not wearing one. That and stores had the ability to turn you away at their discretion. Even during the full swing of the virus last year, they didn't bother with "mandatory masks" or anything like that. Which makes me think they were just giving the system a test run for the fun of it.

What was really telling though was, after a month had passed and it was no longer "illegal", 90% of the population immediately stopped wearing them, literally on the day. It just went to show that people weren't worried about getting sick, or spreading it, or anything like that. Everyone was just doing it to avoid the fine.

All the same, retarded systems like this are all the rage here in Australia. Here, whenever there's another pointless election where the (((Rupert Murdoch))) Party gets re-elected for the billionth time in a row thanks to their media monopoly, it's "mandatory" to vote. Everyone in the country past the age of 18 has to cast their vote, regardless of how much they know or don't know about politics. Mind you, one of the ballot papers is like a mile long.

The idea that the average Aussie knows enough about politics to know every irrelevant party to the point of putting them in order of preference, let alone knowing how our assbackwards voting system works (where you can vote for an independent party only for that vote to go for the same crap ruling party anyway) is laughable. My mother didn't vote once, and naturally, got a big ol' fine for it. The systems so illogical and bankrupt that you can turn up, blow your nose on the ballot paper and write your vote in for a fictional character, scrunch it up, and shove it into the ballot box, and this is totally okay. You got your name marked off as having "voted" so you've dodged the fine. They don't actually care whether you actually voted or not. Just so long as you marched up and had your name ticked off like a good citizen.

It's hilarious how little any of these systems make any logical sense. I'm sure Biden will try to take a few pointers from our government here down under.
Arcadia said:
Like pretty much anyone here, I avoided wearing a mask all of last year. Just kept up with basic handwashing and I was fine. At the start of the year here in Australia though, out of nowhere they made mask wearing "compulsory" because there were a handful of local cases, not even in my area....

For legal issues, wearing outside may be necessary in some countries. Most countries don't have legal issues outright however.

I've encountered this and not everyone is at luxury to be able to do that unfortunately. Unless they want issues with the police. They can go as far as an arrest in some countries.

The only positive thing in this situation is that one can wear a face mask but without any reason, while if one did this in any other time, they would be seen as nuts and/or trying to hide something.

In the United States, in some places people can go without. In most other countries this comes with a fine that has been increasing. Whether or not the fine is even legal, falls under the different laws on each country though.

It is all these motivations behind the masks, vaccines etc, that are worrisome. The object in itself is the least of my concerns personally, eventhough it's rather problematic to wear.

As for the elections, we'll see what happens after they are done. The United States last elections were very worrisome. The Australians will do a physical, ballot election? If yes that is better than the "Mail in ballots" and other things that happened in the US.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
.... By this narrative we give the jews an idea and if this whole narrative fails they just have to launch a virus with 30% mortality rate and they will just say "weren't you saying you din not want to wear masks and get vaccines because it wasn't that bad? We admit you might have been right.... but now it is that bad goym :)"...

They are already exposed of having a second card up the sleeve of this nature such as a "Second Virus" or a "Mutation" and so on.

If they do this I guess everyone else will survive the high death rate, except of the Chosen people who may find themselves mostly dead either by this or because mobs will eat them alive.

If they want to be killed by the mobs and/or cause their downfall at super fast speed, this is a way they can do it. It will accelerate everything.

Oy vey goyim it failed what a coincidence here's now a super virus oy vey...

It should backfire on them indeed judging by the patterns and they will keep pushing as their insisting behavior is almost a certainty. Anyway I just wrote a post about interaction with the viral genome. There are some advantages when one gets sick as the immunity is basically trained all the time and coming in contact with a more dangerous virus but with some common genome parts of other viruses, this will reduce the danger a lot!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
.... By this narrative we give the jews an idea and if this whole narrative fails they just have to launch a virus with 30% mortality rate and they will just say "weren't you saying you din not want to wear masks and get vaccines because it wasn't that bad? We admit you might have been right.... but now it is that bad goym :)"...

They are already exposed of having a second card up the sleeve of this nature such as a "Second Virus" or a "Mutation" and so on.

If they do this I guess everyone else will survive the high death rate, except of the Chosen people who may find themselves mostly dead either by this or because mobs will eat them alive.

If they want to be killed by the mobs and/or cause their downfall at super fast speed, this is a way they can do it. It will accelerate everything.

Oy vey goyim it failed what a coincidence here's now a super virus oy vey...

I can back this up too. I have the unfortunate of constantly being around scum, normies, low lives etc (a positive of that is that it has grounded me in a many sense) but even these people are aware of the over the top nonsense the (((elites))) are pushing. The jews are already accelerating in some parts and it's blatantly hurting them so anymore which common sense and logic says that it'll only be worse for the enemy if they push it in the way mentioned above.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

As you Know HPHC i had to get this for various reasons specified. Driving home from school run get plenty of texts saying Denmark have stopped giving out the same vaccine due to complications deaths etc ....already.

apart from that im feeling fine bro :eek: :eek: :eek:

Want you back in few weeks for a second "booster"
Here in Italy you can get fines if you don't have a mask on. What I do is put it on but stretch it under my chin, as if it's not there, when I go inside a shop I put in up my nose because it would be bothersome otherwise. Then put it back under my chin after I exit said store.
They rely on the NPC.

In a way so do we, It's cosmic influence.

I find our influence goes from NPC to Player 1 while the Jews is NPC to GOYIM.

This was a much needed post, Thanks HP Cobra.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The enemy is notorious for stealing the freedoms of human beings and then selling these at them at 6,000,000 percent interest.

They steal your right to spirituality and meditation. Then they tell you, even if these are rights to humans, that you need to sell your soul to Jewsus Christ or Mohammed and so on. You never did have to believe in these things, neither did any of our Ancestors. That's the brainwashing of an original sin that never existed.

The same recipe is now done with the global measures. If the Co-Vid was so dangerously deadly, one wouldn't need to do a freedom trade-off in order to get vaccinated. One would reason out this was the better case. But since nothing is consistent in this whole story, they tell people, you know what - your freedoms will be removed, so you better do this.

Or you will be jobless, an infected, a second grade citizen, unable to meet your elders or your family, etc etc.

The above is psychological warfare where all logic, facts, and reality is being pushed to shut down. This is blackmail so that people get to make a choice.

The choice is not the "Vaccine", but whether or not one will cave in psychological warfare or not. This is their primary objective. They couldn't give a shit less about anyone's health, or their future.

People here have argued as to whether or not to be pro or against vaccine. That is not the question. Some are trying to argue it's scientifically "OK", and some argue the other end. But even if this was alright and healthy, or terrible, the end result is another one.

The question mainly is this: Isn't this agenda clearly used as a blackmail agenda of the enemy, with which they found an excuse to bind people and then set them free over an exchange? Yes.

Therefore, the question on pro or against vaccine is not the real question. An exchange of freedoms is taking place here. Even if the Vaccine was totally normal, healthy, and decent, how this is done is totally immoral and against freedom of choice.

People are being psychologically barraged into this decision, forced by force of work, and through an array of other sources. This game has to end with them giving up freedoms, in exchange for something the enemy wants done.

The real question is do people have to do whatever the enemy says over anything? And don't we know it's dysfunctional to give them an inch, because they take a mile?

First, they tell you to vaccinate because you won't be able to travel. If that works, they will tell people that they have to do another vaccination over another strain, if they want to meet the elderly members of their family again.

Then they'll tell people you won't see your kids ever again if you don't take this shot, because you're a danger for them and you're an evil parent that doesn't listen to Dr. Fauci.

Next they may tell people you'll be heading into a torture chamber because you are a danger to everyone else for not taking a vaccine to the 1000th strain of the Co-Vid.

Eventually, anything they will want to do to anyone, they will do it. The enemy isn't trying to normalize health or the vaccine, even if this was scientifically sound. They are trying to normalize COMPLIANCE by psychological force, and bending all laws, constitutions, and limitations of normalcy of the mind of people.

All of this is a slippery slope of restraints and freedom violations.

All the enemy is doing right now is testing globally if they can take an inch of the world's freedoms. The enemy is like a termite. They eat a few inches on freedoms, then next thing you know, all your furniture is missing. They are testing numerous things.

Let us say that hypothetically one is so afraid of Co-Vid because they are so old. Alright. Even at this rate, having the vaccine over this blackmail situation, is giving the enemy power.

You might want to wait until freedom has won or persisted, and then go have your choice as a FREE MAN OR WOMAN, and not as a slave that has been psyhologically raped and barraged to have this choice out of fear of FREEDOM RESTRICTIONS.

Do not trade your freedoms in thieving trades caused by the enemy. Humans are supposed to be free, not slaves.

The argument of "Freedoms" which are not really freedoms but only conveniences, is the slippery slope of death of freedoms. You already were a free woman or man to travel, to see your own family, to care of your own children BEFORE, and you are NOW.

They are just fucking around with people trying to get them to trade these rights to them now, by accepting these slavers as the source of these decisions. "Yes master you decide and I have to take this vaccine if I want to ever see my family again".

The answer to this is: THEY CANNOT DO FUCKING SHIT TO YOU. Look at how even Biden wrote a "Mask Mandate", and most states literally are scoffing him off. It's through general compliance that these things become laws, and not because of power of legislation in many cases. These are bogus laws and nothing else.

When and how they want to gain power over these kinds of things, is by forcing people into compliance with kosher and low end laws, psychological warfare, and information barrage, until the minds of people give in and they finally accept them as a source of power, higher than let's say, the Constitution.

They have no legal, moral, authoritative power to take this freedom away from you. You are STILL FREE, even if they have imposed kosher limitations, threats and fines. They know it also, if a man happens to find themselves in a court over this, nothing will hold. For now.

But if many people unanimously fall into this trap, then it's game over, because power will be transferred to them despite of what any higher laws, Constitutions, Human Rights charters, or European Union laws even say. They are trying to deceive and con people into giving out their own freedoms.

Yes, it may take some restrictions of fights and problems with conveniences if people want to maintain their freedoms. But this is because freedom is power and it matters, while convenience is not power.

Your Freedoms have been won, have been inked, and they are present in the Constitutions, Human Rights, and other things people died for to secure freedom for the future generations. Do NOT make their sacrifices in vain. Do not listen to the enemy's lies that if you cave in you'll be free.

It's if you DO NOT COMPLY, that you stand a chance. The moment that people have complied over such threats and coercive measures, this is the time where freedom has been thrown to burn in a fire.

Do not let them do it.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Its a very sinister set up HPHC even though i did go for it a big massive hall filled with people.. no social distancing.

Had to move and speak to abou ten different people before approaching "the" table.

I thought it had to be at a certain temperature couldnt see any bottles of said drug/vaccine one guy to distract you saying oh where are you from... surely you can find out from the other 10 staff I have just sat through. Well at least they wiped the seats down before and after eh :lol: :lol: Then boom right in arm in fairness the other "Doc" who sneaked up said whats your main arm told him right banged it into left.

Then proceed to next cattle station where given a ticket as i drive had a printed ticket saying cant leave until this time.

Then to go back for round two few weeks later. now Im always one of the "anti vax" crew but felt obliged to get this for work travel etc.

Terrible side effects guys.

Then as i posted Denmark have stopped the same vaccine I got due to deaths :lol:

Apart from that its fine. :lol: :cool:

Take care guys, I know im in minority due to taking this no need for hate :lol: although i do appreciate al SSrs who have helped me on my journey.



Personal Growth said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Psychological barrage and rape really is the best way to describe this. The JSM spends all day every day beating people into submission mentally wether it is about the vaccine or any one of their other agendas, most people can’t handle it and choose to submit because they think that will make the abuse stop but it only gets worse.

It’s very obvious by now that if you are living on your knees at the helm of Jewsus or to kiss the boot of some kike and their cronies things will not work out for you. Submission is how they win. Bullies never like when their victims fight back, and if you do fight a bully or in this case the enemy, they will learn to leave you alone or they bitten by the serpent.

Oh how I wish I could fight these mask cultists. I do not comply. I secured an exemption badge that gets me into the supermarket.

But the eyeballs on me from the mask cultists. This mask wearing is a cult. The post about the dangers of the second inquisition rings bells for me.

My shopping experience has become stressful with strangers accosting me for getting too close and demanding I wear a mask.

They're so aggressive. Who do they think they are? I'm a sovereign being that supports himself! The sheeple are outdoing the sheep because the sheep at least need a sheep dog to herd them. The sheeple are keeping each other in line.

What it is, is ignorance. I've informed myself from other sources. Like:


Besides the psychological weakening and oxygen deprivation. There are tiny fragments of the masks fabric that goes into the deep lung tissue. That can fester and cause a cancer risk.

Besides I cannot communicate and mask wearers are just mumblies now. I hate the mask. 'Face covering'. I feel like an entrapped animal caught in a box ready to be uplifted to the slaughter. And all I can do is have my eyes visible looking through the air breather gap in the imprisoning box.

Experience intense anger and rage when I'm wearing a mask. It's a slave mask.

I can feel the agressive Satanic Freedom loving soul within me wretching at the sickeness the enemy is introducing upon humankind.

It's sick and disgusting. Masks are nothing to do with health but everything to do with control.

I cannot punch these maskies on their masks. But praise Satan and our Gods I can work with the rituals and undo them on the conscious.

Reality is a transformation of perception.

Society is the reality of people's perceptions. What we do helps the awakening.

We fight but safely by reversing their Hebrew letters and Tetragrammaton.

Hail Satan. We will have a beautiful world and lives after this war.

Hail Satan, our Glorious Demons and to my lovely fellow brother and sister warriors in Satan.

And even on the instructions for use it says that op masks or also FFP 2 / N95 mask do not protect against viruses. They do reduce a little range from sneezing but that´s all.

N99 / FFP3 mask do, at least for some viruses, there must be a reason why scientist in a biolab safety lvl4 wear a full body suit with oxygen bottle on the back.

This does protect against a virus:

Fuchs said:
Personal Growth said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Psychological barrage and rape really is the best way to describe this. The JSM spends all day every day beating people into submission mentally wether it is about the vaccine or any one of their other agendas, most people can’t handle it and choose to submit because they think that will make the abuse stop but it only gets worse.

It’s very obvious by now that if you are living on your knees at the helm of Jewsus or to kiss the boot of some kike and their cronies things will not work out for you. Submission is how they win. Bullies never like when their victims fight back, and if you do fight a bully or in this case the enemy, they will learn to leave you alone or they bitten by the serpent.

Oh how I wish I could fight these mask cultists. I do not comply. I secured an exemption badge that gets me into the supermarket.

But the eyeballs on me from the mask cultists. This mask wearing is a cult. The post about the dangers of the second inquisition rings bells for me.

My shopping experience has become stressful with strangers accosting me for getting too close and demanding I wear a mask.

They're so aggressive. Who do they think they are? I'm a sovereign being that supports himself! The sheeple are outdoing the sheep because the sheep at least need a sheep dog to herd them. The sheeple are keeping each other in line.

What it is, is ignorance. I've informed myself from other sources. Like:


Besides the psychological weakening and oxygen deprivation. There are tiny fragments of the masks fabric that goes into the deep lung tissue. That can fester and cause a cancer risk.

Besides I cannot communicate and mask wearers are just mumblies now. I hate the mask. 'Face covering'. I feel like an entrapped animal caught in a box ready to be uplifted to the slaughter. And all I can do is have my eyes visible looking through the air breather gap in the imprisoning box.

Experience intense anger and rage when I'm wearing a mask. It's a slave mask.

I can feel the agressive Satanic Freedom loving soul within me wretching at the sickeness the enemy is introducing upon humankind.

It's sick and disgusting. Masks are nothing to do with health but everything to do with control.

I cannot punch these maskies on their masks. But praise Satan and our Gods I can work with the rituals and undo them on the conscious.

Reality is a transformation of perception.

Society is the reality of people's perceptions. What we do helps the awakening.

We fight but safely by reversing their Hebrew letters and Tetragrammaton.

Hail Satan. We will have a beautiful world and lives after this war.

Hail Satan, our Glorious Demons and to my lovely fellow brother and sister warriors in Satan.

And even on the instructions for use it says that op masks or also FFP 2 / N95 mask do not protect against viruses. They do reduce a little range from sneezing but that´s all.

N99 / FFP3 mask do, at least for some viruses, there must be a reason why scientist in a biolab safety lvl4 wear a full body suit with oxygen bottle on the back.

This does protect against a virus:


Yes the masks have nothing to do with a virus. It's all about control, unpersoning us and driving us apart.

The masks are making people's breath smell.

If I can smell their smelly breath through their masks I'm certain viruses would also be coming out.

Anyway the maskers are afraid of the mask less.

But I tell you I'm disgusted and see the masked as contaminated because of this smell.

In my mind it must be so unhealthy to keep breathing in all of your toxins.

I imagine all their lungs are getting conjested with toxins.

And they're the bio hazard because they're contaminated by not airing.

On the Yogic Breathing Basics page on JOS it opens with a quote by Thoth. That, "Life is in the breath."

Yogic breathing aside a person needs air more than anything to live.

And the elderly knew it was good to go for walks and take in the air.

It's like people forgot that air is necessary.
Personal Growth said:
Fuchs said:
Personal Growth said:
Oh how I wish I could fight these mask cultists. I do not comply. I secured an exemption badge that gets me into the supermarket.

But the eyeballs on me from the mask cultists. This mask wearing is a cult. The post about the dangers of the second inquisition rings bells for me.

My shopping experience has become stressful with strangers accosting me for getting too close and demanding I wear a mask.

They're so aggressive. Who do they think they are? I'm a sovereign being that supports himself! The sheeple are outdoing the sheep because the sheep at least need a sheep dog to herd them. The sheeple are keeping each other in line.

What it is, is ignorance. I've informed myself from other sources. Like:


Besides the psychological weakening and oxygen deprivation. There are tiny fragments of the masks fabric that goes into the deep lung tissue. That can fester and cause a cancer risk.

Besides I cannot communicate and mask wearers are just mumblies now. I hate the mask. 'Face covering'. I feel like an entrapped animal caught in a box ready to be uplifted to the slaughter. And all I can do is have my eyes visible looking through the air breather gap in the imprisoning box.

Experience intense anger and rage when I'm wearing a mask. It's a slave mask.

I can feel the agressive Satanic Freedom loving soul within me wretching at the sickeness the enemy is introducing upon humankind.

It's sick and disgusting. Masks are nothing to do with health but everything to do with control.

I cannot punch these maskies on their masks. But praise Satan and our Gods I can work with the rituals and undo them on the conscious.

Reality is a transformation of perception.

Society is the reality of people's perceptions. What we do helps the awakening.

We fight but safely by reversing their Hebrew letters and Tetragrammaton.

Hail Satan. We will have a beautiful world and lives after this war.

Hail Satan, our Glorious Demons and to my lovely fellow brother and sister warriors in Satan.

And even on the instructions for use it says that op masks or also FFP 2 / N95 mask do not protect against viruses. They do reduce a little range from sneezing but that´s all.

N99 / FFP3 mask do, at least for some viruses, there must be a reason why scientist in a biolab safety lvl4 wear a full body suit with oxygen bottle on the back.

This does protect against a virus:


Yes the masks have nothing to do with a virus. It's all about control, unpersoning us and driving us apart.

The masks are making people's breath smell.

If I can smell their smelly breath through their masks I'm certain viruses would also be coming out.

Anyway the maskers are afraid of the mask less.

But I tell you I'm disgusted and see the masked as contaminated because of this smell.

In my mind it must be so unhealthy to keep breathing in all of your toxins.

I imagine all their lungs are getting conjested with toxins.

And they're the bio hazard because they're contaminated by not airing.

On the Yogic Breathing Basics page on JOS it opens with a quote by Thoth. That, "Life is in the breath."

Yogic breathing aside a person needs air more than anything to live.

And the elderly knew it was good to go for walks and take in the air.

It's like people forgot that air is necessary.

I did also read,

that the masks have a large amount of chemicals in them along with plastic fibers that are just large enough for us to inhale and to become lodged in the lungs.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The enemy is notorious for stealing the freedoms of human beings and then selling these at them at 6,000,000 percent interest.

They steal your right to spirituality and meditation. Then they tell you, even if these are rights to humans, that you need to sell your soul to Jewsus Christ or Mohammed and so on. You never did have to believe in these things, neither did any of our Ancestors. That's the brainwashing of an original sin that never existed.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

"Deadly virus" lol,i legit know a woman(a far relative of mine) who works on one kidney,has some heart problems plus liver problems,also shes above 56 and caught this "deadly virus". Guess what happened?

COMPLETELY FINE,she was sweeping her front porch after a week from the point she caught the virus. She never went to the hospital too. :D
Today I was told that they would eventually mandate it and that I should volunteer because they "might".

It's getting tough staying neutral, you have to word a serpents tongue. Do not let them guilt you because you're comfortable with your current job. They do not care for loyalty in my case.

May the gods be with us

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
