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Sep 23, 2017
success is based on principals. It is based on the desire for personal development.
To develop as an individual, you have to take full responsibility of the situation.

People who have the habit of blaming others for their failures will never make in life.

This is because when they fail, they will never look out for a reason why they failed because they have already have someone to blame.

This is a sad result of xianity. It teaches people to be dependent and to blame when things gets out of control, hence they will never develop because they don't know the reason for the problems they encounter.
These are the same people that hates science and try to suppress it because Science explains. Hence Science is from our Beloved Gods.
Science is life,what science prohibits like race mixing,Satanism does as well.I read some info in JOS website that science explains Satanism and vice versa.Because one is alive,they must have a direction,goals e.t.c When I became a Satanist,I knew this is what i have been searching for my life-a safe place to relax a bit and fix my life past,present and future.For the first time i felt a serene environment .

I was a ganja farmer when I became a Satanist.Truth is I probably would not be a Satanist that sooner if I were not smoking pot.You see drugs are ruled by Neptune who is the god of spirituality as well.I do not know how to put this,HP Cobra stated in another post that sometimes you only understand some things until you are at its level, like psychic abilities.

Something just did not feel right with the other religions.They all want people to submit and forgive and abstain from sex.I gotta say that was never going to work for me for long because of who I am.I have got Mars &Neptune ascendants,Mercury,Mars,Venus in Aquarius.I know what freedom feels like.Xtianity,Islam e.t.c are not.I really wonder what old people are still doing,aren't they supposed to be bored already with these nefarious programs.HP Cobra wrote of when one shines a torch into a pack of wolves,sooner or later they will realize it was a trick and you guess what will follow.

I wanna finish by saying this,Satanism is a life long religion for spiritual pursuants.Satanism is about looking up to Satan and following him to the straight path that leads to eternal life and happiness.No matter what I do or don't do,I am still a Satanist.I love and respect all Satanists and I would not hesitate to help anyone here if ordered by Satan or demons because you guys made the same choice I made.That of saying"fuck you Jesus,I am with Satan FOREVER!"We have been attacked together and we shall be rewarded for our work as Satan promises.Final RTR!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
