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On Saturn

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Saturn traditionally in Pagan culture was not only a malefic planet as it is observed today. In the new age community, Saturn became synonymous to death cults, destruction and death, all of which are ruled by Saturn, but esoterically, Saturn is not only that.

However, the fact that something is related to these things does not make it necessarily evil, but in proportion to ourselves, for the most part.

One example here is that in nature, death and decompossition, ruled by Saturn, is also essential to health and wellbeing. To elimitate that which is unhealthy or no longer necessary for example.

Astrologically, Saturn is "malefic", but there is a perception that is key here. If someone is responsible, and handles well the notion of natural necessity and responsibility, Saturn will not always outright punish people. This also depends on the placement of Saturn in your own natal chart.

Saturn is the also the reaping of goods. Of course, when you reap the field and you plant things, the only thing you think of is "my back hurts", "why do I need to do this" and you curse the heavens for this fate you have been given. Saturn also rules overwork, but also, careful planning, and it can also act as protection, albeit in weird fashions which are not necessarily pleasant to humanity.

How did any good reaping come into this world? By great Sowing. This is why Saturnus traditionally holds the Diamond Sickle. Diamond is a spiritual term, and also, is a sign of indestructibility. Saturn we can offset, but it will always be hardwired to our "existence" as entropy and decomposition are natural and they will always exist. We can escape or distance ourselves from them, however.

Generally since many people are fallen on a low spiritual level, and since Saturn's energy is that of necessity, and people are generally inclined to disrespect to nature and lying to themselves very hard about life, Saturn comes with the diamond sickle and can cut someone's head off. Many people grow through Saturn transits and become stronger, while a properly handled Saturn can even empower a person, and show you strength in overcoming obstacles in life.

In the new age there have been a lot of things said about Saturn while some authors like xians have purely demonized Saturn and tried to create a meme that it is the source of all evil. Saturn would not be a problem to us if we were more spiritually aware. Many of these books also attack Saturn with virulence, saying that Saturn is "Satan" and therefore the womb of all evil.

This is extended further in the statements that aliens are using Saturn (which is probable) but what is key here is that WE have sunk on this level of Saturn, not the other way around.

Saturn also has been associated with Kingship as Saturn rules the immovable and the firmly founded, like the base chakra. But also restrain, imprisonment, full stagnation, and death. For this reason, we can and should take in consideration a limited amount of this energy.

As a last note (I will write more on this on a part two explaining the enemy's use of Saturn as well) we have to understand that Jupiter, however helpful, and however fun and benefic, can also cause disasters. A typical disaster here is for example growth of getting fat, or an inflation of confidence to the point of total ignorance.

Saturn, on the other hand, requires you actually do something to gain something, and shows you an extreme amount of functionality and experience. These planets work in conjunction naturally, and one is not morally bad from the other.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
If I recall correctly, Shani (Saturn) is still culturally considered by the Hindus as a cold judge of deeds, a figure of cause-effect who has constantly your eyes on you, and as he can destroy you for your lack of spiritual practices (deeds), he can aswell bless you and solidify your progress, if you follow the path (Shani-Iswara, I remember Mageson said the Iswara relates to the column, but in this sense, the path of the Sanatana Dharma).
Really an excellent explanation about the the effects of the energies of Saturn!Thank you so much about this!
HP Maxine also mentioned in the past, in regards to astrology, that Saturn's energy is stabilizing and grounding.

She mentioned a women who killed her children for selfish means to collect insurance money. This woman had alot of Aries in her chart but no Saturn aspects to ground her
Recently I was looking at and comparing natal charts for astrology practice and Saturn was popping out from someone who was close to me, so I kinda got worried for them but this explanation does clear up some confusion I had in regards to Saturn and its energies by it not being all that bad
Thanks HP ^^
SSGrim88 said:
Recently I was looking at and comparing natal charts for astrology practice and Saturn was popping out from someone who was close to me, so I kinda got worried for them but this explanation does clear up some confusion I had in regards to Saturn and its energies by it not being all that bad
Thanks HP ^^

Saturn, most of the time, will be negative, especially, where there are loose ends. If you have no loose ends in regards to a situation, you can actually benefit from it, but with efforts. Keep that in mind.
Good post, glad to see someone else thinks as I do. Some people, maybe as a holdover from xianity, seem to exchange the xian idea of a "devil" for Saturn and project everything they don't like about their lives or the world onto it, while neglecting the facts of the matter that Saturn is necessary and beneficial, when in balance. No respect or understanding for what this planet represents, or its relation to the others.

Saturn is agrarian, you reap what you sow. It keeps you accountable.
If you piss away your time & energy on investments that will only drain you and bear no fruit, then you're not gonna like it when Saturn calls in your debts. Likewise, taking care of your responsibilities and investing in worthwhile things will reward you amply, if you're willing to work for it.

People avoid discomfort when oftentimes, it's the very thing that causes you discomfort that will give you the most growth.

I think there was a page written somewhere on the JOS about the charts of serial killers and psychopaths, whose saturns were severely debilitated and lacking influence which caused the energies of the other planets to run out of control.
How would someone completely get rid of negative aspects of Saturn and only bring positive ones like worry and shyness etc

Good sermon. That makes me feel better as I felt doom and gloom sometimes awhile back. I mentioned awhile back that Saturn can be positive.

I will note I tend to get along with people that have a strong Capricorn signature in their chart even if I am not fully like them and I notice some similar traits sometimes. When I looked at charts of people I met this showed up several times.

I think Saturn can help you build things and organize feel grounded and stability like you said but it can also make you worry about things to much or be too shy and deep etc.

The description of my Saturn placement more played out earlier in my life than today. Once I started meditation I noticed Saturn bought positive things for the most part. If you focus on and heaven forbid for some people actually use the Saturn mantra or working for something then you can maybe build up material power to a great extent if you pull it off right that's what i think in my mind from what I have read but I haven't tried it yet nor do I know if I would recommend it or do it
darkmonkey666 said:
How would someone completely get rid of negative aspects of Saturn and only bring positive ones like worry and shyness etc

Good sermon. That makes me feel better as I felt doom and gloom sometimes awhile back. I mentioned awhile back that Saturn can be positive.

I will note I tend to get along with people that have a strong Capricorn signature in their chart even if I am not fully like them and I notice some similar traits sometimes. When I looked at charts of people I met this showed up several times.

I think Saturn can help you build things and organize feel grounded and stability like you said but it can also make you worry about things to much or be too shy and deep etc.

The description of my Saturn placement more played out earlier in my life than today. Once I started meditation I noticed Saturn bought positive things for the most part. If you focus on and heaven forbid for some people actually use the Saturn mantra or working for something then you can maybe build up material power to a great extent if you pull it off right that's what i think in my mind from what I have read but I haven't tried it yet nor do I know if I would recommend it or do it

Please do not post or avoid posting about your personal, let alone, dangerous transits. I had to remove this for your safety.

I will explain and further some points on the part 2, which I think you will find helpful.
Thank you for this writing!
I also wanted to post about it but lately I have no time...

Saturn is indeed a "malefic" planet naturally but it does not mean that it is only bad. In vedic astrology Saturn can be a functional benefic planet (called yogakaraka) for the Vrishabha (Taurus) and for the Thula (Libra) ascendant people for example.
But there is much more about Saturn...
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Saturn, on the other hand, requires you actually do something to gain something, and shows you an extreme amount of functionality and experience.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Is this the reason the saturn square got erased from the SS Calendar?
(People who want to do it have to put extra effort into learning astrology, so they are less likely to experience bad things with it)

THX for the sermon HP. Hoodedcobra666.

Personal expierence with doing and gaining with or without saturn energy.
I personally had made the experience Isa (rune) , Shaniswara (planetary mantra saturn base chakra) , Silver energy (rong done grey energy) for 3rd eye was fine until i have read it could harm you if you use it rong. I started to doubt, this made it backfire. But after i convinced my self if i use the affirmation in a positive and healthy way, I should be fine (Shanisvara). Isa was just training, for 3rd eye i rather use blue energy. I also tryed saturn square once but failed at day 4 ( i did the other days right, i heared it helps a little compared to perfect done). During saturn square I was more easier annoyed. nothing besides this happend. (As far as i know i don´t have a bad saturn placement in my chart). I did it for more concentration/fokus.
This sermon addresses what most people here need to know.Saturnian transits,as most tend to believe are not all negative simply because,they force us to open up our eyes and see the reality for what it is.if we work to set our shit inorder,then,everythin' works out well but ignorin what Saturn points out for us to work on,then we are sure to have our butt kicked.
Hail Satan!
UNHOLY F...U...C...K.

This sermon, and the other replies, is an absolute fucking belter of an example, it definitely is. In my return thread which I made recently I said that I intend to make another thread about a very shit thing which had happened with me...and Saturnine energies have been a bastard in it. There are coincidences which are merely same-old/same-old things which make me go "Meh" now because I've become quite blasé with them...then there are coincidences which... They are not merely coincidences. This sermon is so definitely absolutely more than a mere "coincidence". Fuck me sideways...

It can be a steep and difficult learning curve...but seeing particular power numbers often at specific times, has now become a bit "Meh" for me. I might call this one, with this sermon on Saturn and its following replies, a pro-incidence. Fuck. For me it took a lot to leave coincidences and reach or arrive at this 'pro-incidence'. As has been mentioned before, I think that I, too, am starting to believe or realise that "coincidences" don't happen, that they can be understood more profoundly than something just happening to happen without an explanation. No offence to anyone, but I am starting to realise that calling things a coincidence is ignorant. Don't be offended by me saying that - you can learn and understand things so as not to be ignorant, and the term "coincidence" is understood.

Thanks. If ever I needed a "Hello?! Obvious pro-incidence is fucking obvious! SLAP! Wake the fuck up, Fancy, you...twat!", then this is it.

Also - if I'm not mistaken, then of course. The term "knocked for six" comes into this, from Saturn.

occultumlapidem said:
oh saturn. be of easy approach to us. even as a father to his son.
Aaaargh. Saturn be a harsh Mistress. I think I know Saturn's motto - spare the rod, spoil the child. :cry:

Sometimes - often, in fact - people need a kick up the bum. I know how Saturn had been affecting me, but I am wondering now how Saturn is an influence, in some other ways, in my Natal chart as per my Emotionals thread and I suppose my general demeanour on here. I can neither confirm nor deny what members have guessed at regarding me in that thread, but it is interesting.

"Coincidences do happen." So do ignorances. Thinking about it, from media and things with people brushing things off as mere 'coincidence' - that is said/done to keep people ignorant; those of us who are 'Conspiracy Theorists' delve deeply, and the ignorant sheeple mock us in their idiotic ignorance, like an airhead who laughs everything off that they can't explain. This thread is not a mere 'coincidence' for me.

What do you think of this video? Is it true or is it false?
As somebody born with a very prominent Saturn I can definitely confirm that it is one hell of an ass-kicker and a sledge hammer to the teeth; absolute worst form of 'tough love' you can ask for. But I can definitely also confirm that I have become an incredibly strong individual both mentally and spiritually as a result.

A lot of us who were born around the time Saturn had a strong influence had very difficult and crushing pasts, lives that really tested our will for survival and I have noticed that 99% of us make it out alive thanks to Saturn's endurance, but not unscathed. The planet will give you a shit ton of hangups to work out once you make it to the other side and freeing our souls is a lot harder and takes way longer than others, but honestly the resulting strength of will and all the benefits you reap once you get past the worst of it is so unbelievably worth it.

Now that I've found myself out of, practically the 'torture chamber', I wouldn't change anything to be any different. I have gained so many benefits from standing the tests of Saturn, and I wouldn't take them back. Saturn will definitely churn out the toughest of warriors.
I once read that it is the moon that gives this energy and that's why emotionally unstable people are called lunatic.
I also read that the moon is inhabited by human hybrids that see astral projections and remote viewers.
Fuchs said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Saturn, on the other hand, requires you actually do something to gain something, and shows you an extreme amount of functionality and experience.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Is this the reason the saturn square got erased from the SS Calendar?
(People who want to do it have to put extra effort into learning astrology, so they are less likely to experience bad things with it)

THX for the sermon HP. Hoodedcobra666.

Personal expierence with doing and gaining with or without saturn energy.
I personally had made the experience Isa (rune) , Shaniswara (planetary mantra saturn base chakra) , Silver energy (rong done grey energy) for 3rd eye was fine until i have read it could harm you if you use it rong. I started to doubt, this made it backfire. But after i convinced my self if i use the affirmation in a positive and healthy way, I should be fine (Shanisvara). Isa was just training, for 3rd eye i rather use blue energy. I also tryed saturn square once but failed at day 4 ( i did the other days right, i heared it helps a little compared to perfect done). During saturn square I was more easier annoyed. nothing besides this happend. (As far as i know i don´t have a bad saturn placement in my chart). I did it for more concentration/fokus.

The Saturn square is not a necessary part for your development. You can ground yourself in other ways.

Most people do not fare well with Saturn because it's very difficult to handle, closely impossible. The Square has had mixed manifestations for people depending on their own Saturn and general disposition, and there is a warning issued on it as well.
TopoftheAbyss said:
I once read that it is the moon that gives this energy and that's why emotionally unstable people are called lunatic.
I also read that the moon is inhabited by human hybrids that see astral projections and remote viewers.

It's not the moons fault, I reassure you of that.

The moon can increase some influences but that's it.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
darkmonkey666 said:
How would someone completely get rid of negative aspects of Saturn and only bring positive ones like worry and shyness etc

Good sermon. That makes me feel better as I felt doom and gloom sometimes awhile back. I mentioned awhile back that Saturn can be positive.

I will note I tend to get along with people that have a strong Capricorn signature in their chart even if I am not fully like them and I notice some similar traits sometimes. When I looked at charts of people I met this showed up several times.

I think Saturn can help you build things and organize feel grounded and stability like you said but it can also make you worry about things to much or be too shy and deep etc.

The description of my Saturn placement more played out earlier in my life than today. Once I started meditation I noticed Saturn bought positive things for the most part. If you focus on and heaven forbid for some people actually use the Saturn mantra or working for something then you can maybe build up material power to a great extent if you pull it off right that's what i think in my mind from what I have read but I haven't tried it yet nor do I know if I would recommend it or do it

Please do not post or avoid posting about your personal, let alone, dangerous transits. I had to remove this for your safety.

I will explain and further some points on the part 2, which I think you will find helpful.

Ok I for sure wont reveal anymore information like that again. I will report another post from awhile back. that I revealed too much info on in my thoughts.

I will be much more careful in the future I was under the now I realize mistaken feeling that if I didnt say degrees sign and houses toghether that I would be ok. Thank you for looking out for me I think I will refrain from posting stuff about my astrology as I tend to not think and be impulsive sometimes although I have studied astrology (at least 8 or 9 years reading about stuff) I have a little to learn and want to practice on someone sometime but I think I'll do that on my own time with someone offline. I honestly dont want to be cursed. I just wanted to give my experience and tell why I know a lot about Saturns energy but that was dumb.

In fact I need to learn to keep my mouth shut more anyways on many things in the offline world. So far I am ok and not threatened or anything but I have come very close to revealing too much about what I believe a few times and did catch myself.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Fuchs said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Saturn square is not a necessary part for your development. You can ground yourself in other ways.

Most people do not fare well with Saturn because it's very difficult to handle, closely impossible. The Square has had mixed manifestations for people depending on their own Saturn and general disposition, and there is a warning issued on it as well.

Well will wait for part two ;) . Thx for the reply.
HorusLucis said:
This sermon addresses what most people here need to know.Saturnian transits,as most tend to believe are not all negative simply because,they force us to open up our eyes and see the reality for what it is.if we work to set our shit inorder,then,everythin' works out well but ignorin what Saturn points out for us to work on,then we are sure to have our butt kicked.
Hail Satan!

Ghost in the Machine said:
As somebody born with a very prominent Saturn I can definitely confirm that it is one hell of an ass-kicker and a sledge hammer to the teeth; absolute worst form of 'tough love' you can ask for. But I can definitely also confirm that I have become an incredibly strong individual both mentally and spiritually as a result.

A lot of us who were born around the time Saturn had a strong influence had very difficult and crushing pasts, lives that really tested our will for survival and I have noticed that 99% of us make it out alive thanks to Saturn's endurance, but not unscathed. The planet will give you a shit ton of hangups to work out once you make it to the other side and freeing our souls is a lot harder and takes way longer than others, but honestly the resulting strength of will and all the benefits you reap once you get past the worst of it is so unbelievably worth it.

Now that I've found myself out of, practically the 'torture chamber', I wouldn't change anything to be any different. I have gained so many benefits from standing the tests of Saturn, and I wouldn't take them back. Saturn will definitely churn out the toughest of warriors.
You both and I seem to agree. As for the strength and growth from it, I have had limited positive, albeit difficult and painful, results with that over the years (some of which was from before I knew about Spiritual Satanism, but not understanding anything - for some of it it took a long time), and while I have not yet become confident that it is at an end I think I can still say that it would still not be the easiest but it could make me stronger eventually.

"That which doesn't kill you makes you stronger", yes? Tough love, arse kicked, warrior training, growing callouses... In the limited realisation I have had I think I can say that it is for the better, and in the long run it should be worth it. Being too soft too much wouldn't bring out the best nor the strength in/of someone. I would also expect fluctuating, maybe tempestuous, attitudes, emotions and behaviours thereof, as well, while the Brain/Mind tries to hold on to what it is used to, the help tries pushing you or dragging you along better.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
I once read that it is the moon that gives this energy and that's why emotionally unstable people are called lunatic.
I also read that the moon is inhabited by human hybrids that see astral projections and remote viewers.

It's not the moons fault, I reassure you of that.

The moon can increase some influences but that's it.

Well, the article that I read said also that the moon is a pleiadian ship the reptilians stole. The pleiadians seem to be a lie of the enemy so it makes sense but the lunatic word is weird.
TopoftheAbyss said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
I once read that it is the moon that gives this energy and that's why emotionally unstable people are called lunatic.
I also read that the moon is inhabited by human hybrids that see astral projections and remote viewers.

It's not the moons fault, I reassure you of that.

The moon can increase some influences but that's it.

Well, the article that I read said also that the moon is a pleiadian ship the reptilians stole. The pleiadians seem to be a lie of the enemy so it makes sense but the lunatic word is weird.

No the reality is the moon is a giant donut, stolen from a donut shop in Ohio. It was enlarged by scientists and then launched on the atmosphere to feed a passing universe dinosaur that was hungry for donuts. Eventually the dinosaur didn't come, so the donut remained there and later became the moon. I read it online. Not sure if it is a Donut or made of cheese though. You ever heard of the phrase the Moon is Sweet? Its because of that incident. It proves a lot about the above.


I also deleted this part where you advertise trash websites that literally promote an IQ of around 50 for the readers.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
It's not the moons fault, I reassure you of that.

The moon can increase some influences but that's it.

Well, the article that I read said also that the moon is a pleiadian ship the reptilians stole. The pleiadians seem to be a lie of the enemy so it makes sense but the lunatic word is weird.

No the reality is the moon is a giant donut, stolen from a donut shop in Ohio. It was enlarged by scientists and then launched on the atmosphere to feed a passing universe dinosaur that was hungry for donuts. Eventually the dinosaur didn't come, so the donut remained there and later became the moon. I read it online. Not sure if it is a Donut or made of cheese though. You ever heard of the phrase the Moon is Sweet? Its because of that incident. It proves a lot about the above.


I also deleted this part where you advertise trash websites that literally promote an IQ of around 50 for the readers.

Part of what that website says agrees with JoS. What it said about the moon is not weirder than what is said on this forum.
But I admit your post made me laugh, not in the way you wanted though.
TopoftheAbyss said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
Well, the article that I read said also that the moon is a pleiadian ship the reptilians stole. The pleiadians seem to be a lie of the enemy so it makes sense but the lunatic word is weird.

No the reality is the moon is a giant donut, stolen from a donut shop in Ohio. It was enlarged by scientists and then launched on the atmosphere to feed a passing universe dinosaur that was hungry for donuts. Eventually the dinosaur didn't come, so the donut remained there and later became the moon. I read it online. Not sure if it is a Donut or made of cheese though. You ever heard of the phrase the Moon is Sweet? Its because of that incident. It proves a lot about the above.


I also deleted this part where you advertise trash websites that literally promote an IQ of around 50 for the readers.

Part of what that website says agrees with JoS. What it said about the moon is not weirder than what is said on this forum.
But I admit your post made me laugh, not in the way you wanted though.

Lunacy is a term for increase in yin energy, and this is what causes in some people insanity, or other similar problems. But this has nothing to do with the moon being a spaceship.

I didn't want you to laugh by this reply, but by the stupidity of what some people say. Why does the moon have to be bad, because some people become lunatics?

Maybe stoves were a conspiracy from the Pleiadians since kids burn their finger on the stove?

It always makes me wonder why all these 'alternative' researches, just always have the aliens as beings who are so stupid, but they control mankind. Because apparently they are THAT stupid, right?
Ok, it's just a coincidence that the words lunatic and moon are linked and I'm sorry for spamming other websites, I didn't think it was wrong.
But putting a spaceship that looks like a natural satellite to use it to provoke suffering on the earth's population so they can feed doesn't seem STUPID to me.
TopoftheAbyss said:
Ok, it's just a coincidence that the words lunatic and moon are linked and I'm sorry for spamming other websites, I didn't think it was wrong.
But putting a spaceship that looks like a natural satellite to use it to provoke suffering on the earth's population so they can feed doesn't seem STUPID to me.

Yes, because if something has a name in English, this justifies anything, and therefore MacDonalds, if an alien is named Mac and is an evil alien, actually makes Mac Donalds his very creation.

If you had more spiritual knowledge rather than ignorance, you would see for example, that LUNACY means a disease of the Yang or Female side of the soul, which is is ruled by the moon and the Shakti element, rather than saying that the moon is made of cheese and that this turned everyone into being fat.

I just answer you to show you there is another dimension here.

A lot of spiritual concepts have been physicalized and grossly represented by a lot of Alien theorists. This seems to be deliberate.
Great sermon HC.
I completely agree that, while Saturn energies can be helpful at times, they need to be used with care.

To share one of my own experiences with using Saturn energies:

Roughly one year ago, I spammed saturn squares with the affirmation 'In a positive way for me, I am not afraid of death', or something along these lines. I first did some spiritual squares on it and they actually had somewhat positive effects on me mentally. However, once I decided to try a material square for it, things went downhill fast. The first few days it was still somewhat fine, I just got mildly sick with the flu. But as I got closer to the square's completion, it got more and more intense. Then, I believe it was on the 8th day of the square, when I went to bed at night, I started getting a fuzzy, almost 'crawling' feeling in my hands and wrists. It got more and more intense by the minute, until after a while my hands started cramping up harder and harder. At that point, I was already breathing violently, and then finally decided to loudly call out to my mother, who was thankfully in the room next door. I used to have my room door locked at night and at that point, my hands were so cramped up I couldn't even turn the key. My dad had to bust the door open for them to get into my room. After that, with some treatment and a docor house-visit, I got better again.
I believe that the energies I raised may have attempted to take my fear of death by giving me a near-death experience or something, but leaving myself in such a vulnerable state was an insanely stupid move regardless. I was pretty much defenseless, which likely also invited all sorts of enemy attacks. All in all this was probably the most retarded thing I've done yet.
This is the kind of stuff that can happen if you mess around with saturn energies too much. I hope that sharing this fuck-up of mine will inspire some serious thought in anyone who is considering to do a saturn square. Be careful and don't make the same stupid mistake as me.

Thanks for reading.
Saturn rules the Magnum Opus the Mithraism system which dominated and came from the east the highest level of finishing the Opus is ruled by Saturn.

The reaping and sowing has to do with opening the physical channels of the body with seeds the seed mantra's to transform the body and soul together the sickle is a serpent symbol it relates to Leo the serpent tail which is shown in the sign on Saturn note as weapon like instrument it relates to cutting away the dross or opening channels like the swords in the Tarot. The actual planet glyph for Saturn is the risen serpent as well. Note the pair the crown is inverted symbol of Saturn showing a union of polarity with the serpent. Saturn symbolism is also in the Yoga Sutra's when it talks of transforming the body.

The purpose of the Magnum Opus which came from the Mithraism system in Europe, is it goes up eight notes an octave starting with Saturn and then ending with Saturn in the higher octave which represents the transformed body with the Opus finished into immortality. Saturn rules the physical note the element of earth contains all the other elements within it. Just as the body contains this and the soul the associated energy bodies within it. Saturn was the King that ruled the Golden Age of immortality. This is Saturn in the higher octave and what the person can accomplish within themselves with spiritual practice.

The festival of Saturn is the date of the finishing of the Alchemical year in the ancient world. When the sun enters Capricorn. Note the Capricorn symbol is the ancient Baphomet in Sumeria and India the Goat Fish which shows the union of opposites in India its the symbol of Murugan and Enki in Sumeria the same deity. Also note the other horned mountain animal Aries is the first sign and Pisces the Fish is the last sign.

Something to consider the Serpent is the symbol of the Earth chakra in Hinduism the fire altar is the root chakra with the fire the blazing serpent fire going upwards to the crown or heaven. The whole Vedic religion was built on the Yagya the fire rituals. Its was a mandala of alchemy if one gets into that followed the alchemical year with the internal rituals or Tapa's the exercises that create inner heat.

The Yezidhi's have the serpent they shown standing up they call "wisdom" they also have another serpent they shown coiled in the Hindu style. The sitting serpent is how the King Cobra sits on the ground it coils three and a half times. The standing or Wisdom is the serpent risen. In Hinduism the symbol of the root chakra is the serpent coiled three and a half times. Brahma is also shown here as the Creator of the Earth and what that relates to the serpent energy and its power. Note Brahma's consort is shown on a Peacock. The serpent and the Peacock.

Before the Yezidhi's enter their Temple they kiss the symbol of the standing serpent on the side of the Temple door. They also take the Tilak on their forehead like in Hindu India. The Kissing of the Serpent relates to a deep alchemical internal practice.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
