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On Relations Between Spiritual Satanists

This is like a basic JoS Link Teaching and when we repeat it or teach it some people don't like it.

It's like basics, empowerment requires responsibility. Whomever doesn't understand that will ruin their lives, and before this, one will have ruined a few people also.

Usthepeople666 said:
Always remember, it is very important to learn to control anger. When one reaches a certain level, offenders, whether they are outsiders or loved ones will meet with misfortune. This can be very upsetting when a loved one gets into an accident or comes down ill as a result of your anger. This comes with power and should be controlled. When one's energy field is powerful enough, it does not take much. We must always be sure we intend for offenders to get punished. Unintentional anger, then the offender apologizes and the hard feelings are gone and then the person meets with disaster, this can cause much regret.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This is like a basic JoS Link Teaching and when we repeat it or teach it some people don't like it.

It's like basics, empowerment requires responsibility. Whomever doesn't understand that will ruin their lives, and before this, one will have ruined a few people also.

Usthepeople666 said:
Always remember, it is very important to learn to control anger. When one reaches a certain level, offenders, whether they are outsiders or loved ones will meet with misfortune. This can be very upsetting when a loved one gets into an accident or comes down ill as a result of your anger. This comes with power and should be controlled. When one's energy field is powerful enough, it does not take much. We must always be sure we intend for offenders to get punished. Unintentional anger, then the offender apologizes and the hard feelings are gone and then the person meets with disaster, this can cause much regret.

In my experience anger when you're powerful enough you can definitely affect other people around you, especially the person you feel the anger towards. I remember being so pissed off at one of my old housemates because he was going off calling Satan the most disrespectful things I've ever heard in a long time (he was a xian of course, the asshole type that swore and shit, very parasitic too, wouldn't be surprised if he was a jew). I was absolutely livid and all the anger I was directing at him was sending strong negative energy to him. Not much later and suddenly terrible things were happening to him that could only be described as 'supernaturally' influenced because anybody who saw it with an open enough mind would definitely have thought he suddenly got cursed or something. He was suddenly about to get kicked out of the house, technology in his efforts to try and save his ass was refusing to work for him such as computers and phones, a cab driver to the hospital took forever to arrive and then left after literally 1 second when it finally did to which he got pissed off and he was suddenly very clumsy getting hurt by cupboard doors and table-ends, he started crying even saying "Why is all this shit suddenly happening to me, what the fuck!?", and this was all in the course of 2 hours, like even HE knew something was up. And I was just sitting on the couch purposefully watching all of this with sadistic joy.

The thing is though, even though this guy deserved it, these same kinds of things can happen to people you actually care about if you are needlessly pissed off at them and keep stewing about them. If someone does something that angers you and you are powerful enough to do things like this to someone when enraged, then if they apologize the next day or if you calm down and forgive them and then suddenly they end up, say in a car accident and get hurt or even killed, then you can majorly regret it. I remain aware of this as I am strong in the fire element and anger comes quite easily and I am very vengeful, I can revel in rage even and I need to separate myself from the emotional state and forcefully use the logical side to make sure the hostile energy from this rage on that specific person is something I won't regret.

For example I had a housemate who I hung out with but wasn't friends with and she and I actually would talk about things like energy and aliens and I would share with her the truths I know here without outing myself or mentioning Satan. She was open minded and was able to even see my aura after I would meditate even pointing out the colour as golden. So I knew she was much more aware and even spiritually more open than the majority on these matters and she hated xianity too so in my eyes she was someone with potential to find the truth here. The problem is though she wasn't trustworthy and she would offend me and piss me off in more ways than one on the occasion. I had to stop myself many times in my anger to calm down and clean my aura during these times because I have reason to believe my anger has the potential to kill someone, and that's definitely the last thing I want to happen to someone like that.

It's basic information but for those who are more advanced it is important information.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Becoming mentally as a brick isn't your salvation towards emotional problems, as removing your liver is not the solution to not drinking alcohol or something.

People who think that way are inherently weak and they cannot deal with their own issues and control their own powers that come with things which are broadly considered to be problems.

Getting stronger means to master your personality and bring gifts under control, not become an emotionally dead person that is no different than a person going down the street like a dead machine, and think you're cool for this.

Azorm said:
Well I guess we could say I hate when people are mean, inpolite and when they bully each other around for no special reason whatsoever. I always wondered why people are like that and it never made me any sense.

I did had some bad things happened to me with other SS, even in real life, but I dont want to talk about that here. Let's just say when one person has deep issues and when they behave badly, their issues really tend to bounce some to others and they might pick up some of their dirt and behave weirdly too. Some of my ex SS friends were connected to some bad people for them and it also bounced up to me and messed me up to some degree.

Well I guess I am really sad, depressed person with huge issues that appear every time when I come around most people and I'm too sensitive to talk here. Started invoking fire and earth, tho now I just wanna fight all the time lol (trying not to).

Anyways, I made a mistake with commenting anything. I told myself I should stay away from talking too much on forums until I don't find a proper way to be around here but maybe it's better for me just to focus on some other things. We'll see. I feel sorry for coming here again, no idea wtf happened at all, next time I will control myself better not to create problems again. I will stop being so sensitive and I will stop being here when I see that I can't ..

Nothing more here to say.My fault again.

I'm fine. I'm not dying or anything, I am fixing my issues, I am doing my meditations, I am doing my cleaning daily and RTRs. I think I can have really nice life and I managed to solve few problems already, no reason to stress so much about it anymore. I'm just really irritated at people acting bad to each other, it makes me feel really bad and sometimes not sure how to act around similar people. It always make me feel really, really bad to see such a things from other SS. That's almost main reason why I feel I can't fit in, I have different opinions on how people should act with each other and how to communicate. I am disgusted at some sort of behaviours and it seems often I have to act in a similar way to fit in. Also I don't have hang-ups regarding my emotions, but others think that openly talking about your feelings, about your issues is bad and humiliating, I mean, it seems it's irritating somehow, while I am okay with those things and I can talk about anything always as long as people aren't too brainwashed or too big assholes.

Because of meditations my power raised a lot and I must be super careful where to direct it and my gifts are awakening even more. It's actually super hard to control but I'm getting better at it. Sometimes it's making me frustrated so I just want to turn them all off. I am so sensitive to the astral and to the energies that I often feel things like on physical and being around people, even talking online can look somehow "too real". Then add some random emotions and thoughts coming to me, and it seems I have few ways of picking it up, just surrounding myself with ether or void will not fully stop it, or I just lack more practice or understanding of such (some thoughts and emotions tend to come to me later, even years later after I made contact with someone and I just have a strong feel I should let them in so to say). So not only that I see some bad stuff around (when people are writing or just talking), I also pick extra stuff. That's why it feels even worser, cause I know how some people tend to become angry and hateful over really stupid things and they don't want to even understand each other. Sometimes it looks like they just want to look the smartest and they look like they barely even want to understand different opinions than theirs. So if I want to talk often it ends up looking like an argue and I feel like I should just stop and back off, not worth it.
So not everything about me is dirt and I am not sad just because of that, there is more than it and meditations will not fix it all for me over the night nor kundalini. I think I am doing fine overall, just really pissed off when I see others acting like that and having so bad emotions often. I'm not perfect, I also snapped few times at other SS, even here 2-3 times, but i think some people have a habit of doing that way too often. I believe I am too sensitive to it...
I also think some people tend to actually feel better and more motivated to do stuff and really fix them if you are nicer to them, but some people need to beat them up in order to snap from their bullshit and will feel more grateful for curing them from their retardation. Not everybody is the same.

It's not okay to snap and attack everybody for every little shit and call them names, bully them etc. So yeah lot of people think you gotta be mean to everybody if you want to cure them from their retardation. Some can even turn into real into bullies in order to "help others". Not gonna work always, and even when being harsh I think there should be some lines drawn on what is okay to say and do and what is not.

Personally, I'm usually nice and sometimes when I felt someone really feels bad I even sent them little bit of energy to heal them and to make them feel better, I often don't even say anything at all to them (usually I make sure I clean myself after I break any deeper connection I make on a accident just to be safe cause it can make some issues later). I also take care of my friends in private and I tend to heal them and help them in anything they need, i like to be nice to them and I am patient a lot. So yeah we could say I am too nice, even when I'm feeling cold I still want to help others and make them feel good. I believe Gods like me because of that... tho other people it seems thinks it's pathetic lol
Usthepeople666 said:
Always remember, it is very important to learn to control anger. When one reaches a certain level, offenders, whether they are outsiders or loved ones will meet with misfortune. This can be very upsetting when a loved one gets into an accident or comes down ill as a result of your anger. This comes with power and should be controlled. When one's energy field is powerful enough, it does not take much. We must always be sure we intend for offenders to get punished. Unintentional anger, then the offender apologizes and the hard feelings are gone and then the person meets with disaster, this can cause much regret.
This is a big one for me and a major motivation for controlling my bad temper...especially in conflict with family
I have met some SS over the years that I can't stand. Some years back, remembering one in particular, I would get disgusted with just their image being shown and I'd go on to bully them both away and in their presence (I was new at the time). Now I see that that was so unnecessary to do.

As with falling out with SS, I don't think that it was a complete severing of the relationship that they made it seem to be. At the time I was having a lot of backyard problems and I'd insensibly take these problems out on them either by outright disrespecting them or saying things under the table. Hell, at times I was just saying shit just because I was so many mixed emotions at once to the point where I thought that I'd go insane. Fast forward, this SS let me go. It took me a good 2 months to actually step back and outline my obvious inner problems and create numerous 40,80, or 90 day workings. All of these workings took up to almost a year to complete. I reached out to this SS to try and reconcile. I'm aware that there's still some weeds in my garden but best believe that when I see exactly what these weeds are that I'm going to be performing solutions for these also.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This is like a basic JoS Link Teaching and when we repeat it or teach it some people don't like it.

It's like basics, empowerment requires responsibility. Whomever doesn't understand that will ruin their lives, and before this, one will have ruined a few people also.

Usthepeople666 said:
Always remember, it is very important to learn to control anger. When one reaches a certain level, offenders, whether they are outsiders or loved ones will meet with misfortune. This can be very upsetting when a loved one gets into an accident or comes down ill as a result of your anger. This comes with power and should be controlled. When one's energy field is powerful enough, it does not take much. We must always be sure we intend for offenders to get punished. Unintentional anger, then the offender apologizes and the hard feelings are gone and then the person meets with disaster, this can cause much regret.
ofcourse high priest.
but as you said, master the basics first as with the breathing exercises.
i wrote a post with the jos link giving you credit but i got logged off so i sent this quickly.
always refer back to the basics no matter what. the gods are back in every way, ss we are a family. dont throw curses on one another. every satanic soul is precious so lord satan will save the member you are throwing curses on too. but wont he be displeased to know the basic rule that satanists are not meant to fight each other.
control the power you earn. or destructing your own self wont take that long.
and please reading the al jilwah everyday.
Hail Satan
Hail SS
Aldrick Strickland said:
Shadowcat said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
Of course we are friends, it may not be the traditional hang out and do things together, and I'm naturally reclusive from these kinds of relationships due to my Saturn, but we all have a foundational bond with one another. I'm glad that you are here with us.
I dont want to say my saturn placement forced me to become a recluse, because i am social to an extent but weary around strangers (saturn in the 7th house and my sun is square saturn with sun in the 10th house) apparently its caused a cycle for me that ive also ended up contributing to with not being able to have friends or feel too much trust in relationships, with self esteem issues. despite taking shit from people my whole life i'd still like a small circle of people to trust yet the very notion seems scary at times. ill say that my obliterate saturn working has woken up alot of pent up pain so far

Glad to hear. I hope that it gets better for you.
Thanks that means alot.
On relations to bickering, to be honest i was thinking it was possible others might think the article i posted up might have been meant as a personal vendetta when it was really meant to be informative looking out for other newbies. Of the 2 dedicated SS that were included one apparently keeps tabs on me(decided to stop my account there) and was talking about how they would get justice after seeing the post yet wished me well...wat.. they went on to insist they were not human ofcouse and accused me of division..believe me if i was guilty of anything of the sort id wanna know..i just cant put together in my mind a group that thinks they are animals, with some that justify hating humans, that say they are dedicated satanists. Strangely enough they called it an inspiration to advance more. Larissa if you see this , to an extent maybe you were right at least about this specifically: i cant wrap my mind around them meditating for years and being dedicated (in the case the whole group arent jews) with the named dillusions being valid esp with dedication. Besides i think if there were special allies who are on earth helping not really human the best of us would know because again im sure the last thing the Gods want is for everyone on the same team to fight. I think its perhaps also in my chart to sometimes be stubborn enough to hang on when i shouldnt anymore and just idk hope to help when i cant really.
None other besides the one referred to above have an acct here, one seemingly never used anymore, yet they continue to blow off steam in their circle on DA (obviously because they would get called out for their beliefs here)
Shadowcat said:

Why are you mentioning me, what’s this about?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This is SSAmonra/transviking. Yeah I am back, because as an SS, and I do believe in family. I left because of some the things that were said to me and well I needed time to myself. Especially in calling me mentally ill, and some other things. I did make some mistakes on things I said, some things I did try to make a point. I am an SS, I never sought to harm anyone here. I am also a student and still learning. I have thought about some stuff some of the stuff one of the HPS about some stuff I wrote. So there is a lot of stuff I have a lot to learn. My soul will always be a dedicated SS, because I always end up coming back. so with that said, I do apologize to any fellow SS I may have offended or what not, yeah we may have disagreements but I still respect them.

As far as this sermon goes, its a good one, sort of what I needed to read, funny its the first thing I clicked on when I returned here. Thanks for the great sermon
With a sermon like this I’m more inclined to respect HPHoodedcobra especially the wisdom contained. I only wish I could have had it sooner.

You know what is funny? A few days ago Beelzebub/Enlil paid me a visit after I cried to Father Satan about some personal stuff. And what’s funny about having felt alienated etc and I come back here and see this sermon. Since Beelzebub is a god of storms, ironically it’s storming now as I came across here and realized my prayers was answered.

So in truth, this is obviously where I belong
beareroflightandtrth83 said:
With a sermon like this I’m more inclined to respect HPHoodedcobra especially the wisdom contained. I only wish I could have had it sooner.

You know what is funny? A few days ago Beelzebub/Enlil paid me a visit after I cried to Father Satan about some personal stuff. And what’s funny about having felt alienated etc and I come back here and see this sermon. Since Beelzebub is a god of storms, ironically it’s storming now as I came across here and realized my prayers was answered.

So in truth, this is obviously where I belong
I hope you are happy :)
Ol argedco luciftias said:
beareroflightandtrth83 said:
With a sermon like this I’m more inclined to respect HPHoodedcobra especially the wisdom contained. I only wish I could have had it sooner.

You know what is funny? A few days ago Beelzebub/Enlil paid me a visit after I cried to Father Satan about some personal stuff. And what’s funny about having felt alienated etc and I come back here and see this sermon. Since Beelzebub is a god of storms, ironically it’s storming now as I came across here and realized my prayers was answered.

So in truth, this is obviously where I belong
I hope you are happy :)

Yeah, I am actually very happy. :D
“In Satanism you are not forced to love your neighbor. But you are expected to respect them at least.”
Beautiful, I couldn't have said it better myself, I feel as though the golden rule can transcend religion and creed as a basic facet of Evolved life.
Darkstarowo said:
“In Satanism you are not forced to love your neighbor. But you are expected to respect them at least.”

Beautiful, I couldn't have said it better myself, I feel as though the golden rule can transcend religion and creed as a basic facet of Evolved life.

Thanks to everyone in the SS family for the feedback, it is important.
beareroflightandtrth83 said:
This is SSAmonra/transviking. Yeah I am back, because as an SS, and I do believe in family. I left because of some the things that were said to me and well I needed time to myself. Especially in calling me mentally ill, and some other things. I did make some mistakes on things I said, some things I did try to make a point. I am an SS, I never sought to harm anyone here. I am also a student and still learning. I have thought about some stuff some of the stuff one of the HPS about some stuff I wrote. So there is a lot of stuff I have a lot to learn. My soul will always be a dedicated SS, because I always end up coming back. so with that said, I do apologize to any fellow SS I may have offended or what not, yeah we may have disagreements but I still respect them.

None of us are perfect yet, but with hard work and spiritual advancement we will become so. I have faith that everyone can permanently build themselves up from any past faults, given enough dedication to their practice.

I am new here, but I don't like see people get pushed away, and so I can say that I personally desire to see you here with us. As far as I can tell, there aren't any suitable replacements for JOS, as they are all potentially corrupted. Even the Church of Satan's emblem has a baphoment surrounded by hebrew letters binding it.
beareroflightandtrth83 said:
With a sermon like this I’m more inclined to respect HPHoodedcobra especially the wisdom contained. I only wish I could have had it sooner.

You know what is funny? A few days ago Beelzebub/Enlil paid me a visit after I cried to Father Satan about some personal stuff. And what’s funny about having felt alienated etc and I come back here and see this sermon. Since Beelzebub is a god of storms, ironically it’s storming now as I came across here and realized my prayers was answered.

So in truth, this is obviously where I belong

I know it's been difficult for you, but I'm glad you're back. It always makes me sad when a member leaves the forums, because we are supposed to be a family.

Once an SS always an SS. :)
Blitzkreig said:
beareroflightandtrth83 said:
This is SSAmonra/transviking. Yeah I am back, because as an SS, and I do believe in family. I left because of some the things that were said to me and well I needed time to myself. Especially in calling me mentally ill, and some other things. I did make some mistakes on things I said, some things I did try to make a point. I am an SS, I never sought to harm anyone here. I am also a student and still learning. I have thought about some stuff some of the stuff one of the HPS about some stuff I wrote. So there is a lot of stuff I have a lot to learn. My soul will always be a dedicated SS, because I always end up coming back. so with that said, I do apologize to any fellow SS I may have offended or what not, yeah we may have disagreements but I still respect them.

None of us are perfect yet, but with hard work and spiritual advancement we will become so. I have faith that everyone can permanently build themselves up from any past faults, given enough dedication to their practice.

I am new here, but I don't like see people get pushed away, and so I can say that I personally desire to see you here with us. As far as I can tell, there aren't any suitable replacements for JOS, as they are all potentially corrupted. Even the Church of Satan's emblem has a baphoment surrounded by hebrew letters binding it.

I really appreciate it, and welcome aboard. Well I am here to stay.
94n said:
beareroflightandtrth83 said:
With a sermon like this I’m more inclined to respect HPHoodedcobra especially the wisdom contained. I only wish I could have had it sooner.

You know what is funny? A few days ago Beelzebub/Enlil paid me a visit after I cried to Father Satan about some personal stuff. And what’s funny about having felt alienated etc and I come back here and see this sermon. Since Beelzebub is a god of storms, ironically it’s storming now as I came across here and realized my prayers was answered.

So in truth, this is obviously where I belong

I know it's been difficult for you, but I'm glad you're back. It always makes me sad when a member leaves the forums, because we are supposed to be a family.

Once an SS always an SS. :)

You know what I personally believe when one dedicate their soul to Satan? Once you learn and see the TRUTH, there is no turning back, and there is no turning a blind eye. No matter what. And one thing about Satan, he is definitely understanding when one leaves (at least temporarily like myself) it's usually not the person fault but rather factors either enemy attacks and usually can be done by degenerate individuals who are easily influenced. Basically knowing the truth, I always come back no matter how things seem.

If I learned anything, is not to abandon my brothers and sisters. I am not gonna lie, most of my life it has been really hard for me to connect with others without the need to run or disconnect, most of it is mostly whether or not that person is going to be accepting and respectful of who I am which is a reason why I avoided trying to make connections with people. I prefer to connect with SS or those with a leaning to it which so far a lot of people are programmed by the jews. So I don't even bother anymore.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
