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On Relations Between Spiritual Satanists

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
As many of you have noticed I most of the time address all Satanists as a family, and that is absolutely true on the higher level, Satan's people are indeed a family.

What I want to elaborate here is about in a sense not only Satanic Morality per se, but also, behaviour between Satanists. I have read some comments before that I found terribly wrong, such as for example, how one should go liberally to curse another Satanist if they have an argument because this is "Justice", or how one should bind another, all of which are abominations.

Justice is a more elaborate notion and not just the mere reaction of someone who is wronged and jumps on a table against someone else.

To explain the above one needs to go no further than understanding the human body. Everyone is a different cell to this body. Indeed placing certain cells in different areas of the body, causes mayhem, and chaos, and certain cells do terribly dislike to be "in between" others. There are grades of advancement, there are grades of tolerance, and different personalities involved in Satanism. Not everyone is going to like everyone, and not everyone is going to agree with everyone.

This is because everyone is a different person, with different limits, a different past, different aspirations, and that is a good thing and it's also designed as such by nature. We fill each other's gaps and we are not clones of one another.

These differences may sometimes bring arguments or disputes. Most disputes are irrelevant disputes and they boil down to debating etc. These should be solved at this level. As it should be clear, swords drawn into a dispute is a totally jewish thing to do. Virulent debates and disagreements may take place, but this is no place for a sword, and if someone pulls a sword over such a thing, which can happen in drunkenness, the sword is likely to end up on their own throat for numerous reasons.

One cannot behave as a virus within the Satanic body. A sickness in the Satanic body is one of the two: an obvious jew, or an idiot who takes themselves too far, at the expense of the rest of the body. In regular terms this can be equated to a disease or a cancer. This causes a rebellion against the body or aggression towards another cell.

This reaction has to be preserved for the enemy and not for Satanists. Satanists must and have to be in a form of unity. Unity implies hierarchy, order of rank, that the stronger maintain the weaker, and that the weaker do their part in self empowerment and also uphold the stronger, all in the same general unity. We fight in the same war and along the lines, all our purposes and aims are overlapping and they are the same.

We also have the same enemy, and no serious Satanist has time and force to dilute in causing a problem in their own house, which not only empowers the enemy, but weakens themselves and everyone else. These types will be blotted out.

In cases of serious wronging, people can find a solution in themselves, treating the matters as Ladies and Gentlemen. I found after all these years in Satanism it's worthless to do an ego rant and harm others, and in the end lose points in how the Gods see you. The Gods trust loyal and pious individuals who have a brain about how they conduct the power they receive. The more this is done properly, the power tends to keep increasing.

Also, in cases of serious faults, such as serious wronging, backstabs, and other negative things, I have rarely if ever seen perpetrators who have wronged someone truly innocent and they did not have a severe boomerang effect. This can range from a scolding lesson, a forcing for positive assessments, all the way up to higher grades, until things come at an even. Extremely serious matters can be taken to the Gods. I feel sad for people engaging in this and bringing their scars into the Satanic family, but this may be unavoidable, since many people are really harmed by society and serious cases of negativity may have emerged.

Disagreeing, having different opinions, different outlooks about life, or opinions about subjective subjects, is NOT infighting, unless it infringes with something really serious. Infighting is what the word implies, is not the same as disagreeing, although deceitful disagreeing can be a way to instigate infighting. Everyone can have their own opinion. Astrologically also, some people will not always sync very well on a personal level. That is completely fine. "I can't sand this person" is also perfectly viable of an argument, as is "I dislike them" or "want nothing to do with them", "I find them stupid", or "Unlikeable".

You do not have to be forced to like nobody, but you do not have to force your personal dislikes on to harm others either.

In Satanism you are not supposed or forced to love your neighbour. But you are supposed to respect them at least. As consciousness grows one understands what respecting and upholding a brotherhood really means.

In regards to Ancient Greeks what unity or a Nation, and us also should have, is "Omonoia", which means a correct and generally same mindedness where large goals are concerned. The greatest the level of this the greatest will be our achievements. The enemy systematically works to destroy this in Gentiles and Gentile circles, and they do their earnest to maintain it amongst themselves.

How this begins is clearly communicated by the enemy also, in the story of Tower of Babel - Misunderstandings. This story is not only language based, but related also to striking down the tower, which is a reduction and damnation of the spiritual level of individuals, resulting in endless war and strife between them. The enemy tries to avoid this as much as possible, and for their reptilian nature, they have achieved this to a decent extent.

People are therefore responsible to do two things: Tend and mend your own wounds, so that you will not harm others. On the other end, one is obligated to make sure to keep protective distance from a comrade that is harmed to this situation, as sometimes this can backfire on someone even if they want to help, causing disastrous situations.

As for people who just love to never tend to their own backyard, and they also enjoy setting that of others in fire, let us just say keep the scoundrel to one's own property is the most reasonable thing to do.

In plain words everyone has their own backyard to tend to. Given each person and soul is different, things are not very simple here, they go a long way. Some people are better progressed at it than others. Everyone without exemption is going towards a phase of self betterment in Satanism. Even in the most beautiful gardens there may be weeds, and even in the worst gardens one can at least at first grow a little nice flower and start from there.

Everyone should also pay attention to not cause these matters and try to solve things with civility, because we are at war, and when you are in a war, you have to be really considerate. Commanders and superiors in a war cannot be having fights in the camp and trench, and allies cannot be pulling guns on one another. Friendly fire past a level is punished with the same. Jews always try to cause these situations, they set the fight up, and then they disappear. This is the case almost in every incident with them.

We have to be cleverer than that. The best the Satanist the more consideration of Satan's interests they will have as a first value in their mind,, and this, if one truly loves the Gods, this will cease the flames of stupidity.

Another thing that I wanted to add, is that rotten people and jews will always, sooner or later, bite the dust. They do. They are around, cocky and arrogant that they will harm Satanists, and unfortunately in some cases, they may even do just that, and this is why everyone has a duty to protect themselves where the community cannot.

Clearly jews aren't in this category of tolerance and forgiveness, let alone infiltrators. They will be punished. This may not be in accordance to our time frame, and the Gods will see to it that all of them are thoroughly punished, more than the regulars who may have never lifted a finger against us. A Satanist who applies or supports the "Let Satan house be divided against himself" is no better than a jew, as he does the plan of the enemy, and readily plays into it.

The value of Noblety or one's personal honour are high values in Satanism, on an individual level, possibly the highest. Someone being shown a mistake or failing at something, or having an argument, is not dishonouring them, but there are other actions that are. I am sure how many of you have seen, I did my best to progress all these years, you saw this in yourself also, in others etc.

To name an example, this required me humbling myself, accept that things needed improvements, do hard work, or other things which most people regularly avoid, but in the end, improvement is always empowerment. You will not attain a higher standard for things until you see your current standard is at fault or seek to improve it, which may unpleasant in the beginning, but always gets better as you progress.

Lastly, even the jew whose emotional and mental psychopathy is known, has a very high tolerance and acceptance towards other jews, at least most of the time. Now, psychopathic reptiles is not from where one should deduct moral values, but it still begs the question that if this species of evil can cleave upon itself and have an understanding, it's only expected of spiritually aware and gradually awakening Gentiles to be able to do the same way more easily than that.

We are Satanists we aren't average Joes, and therefore amongst ourselves can only follow higher standards. In regards to other people, such as enemies or outsiders, in many cases one will be required to treat them in their deserving level.

As a final note, all the written laws in the world won't deter people or help them understand what Spiritual Advancement will. Spiritual Advancement is the only way to empower one's self both to exact justice but also, when this is done properly, it elevates a person past limitations of ignorance, such as not understanding what their actions may entail.

When the mind understands and spiritually ascends to higher levels, wisdom is imparted aside power, and this is the key for making everything better and going towards higher levels both behaviourally and in general.

We are Brothers and Sisters in Satan, under the Great Gods.



-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
So true!

Hail Anubis!

Hail Satan!
This concept is very confusing to me atm. I was working with other ss at some point and the whole situation is frustrating and confusing. I know I was in the wrong in part of what happened, but I don't believe I was completly in the wrong. These ss hated my personality, which I don't mind because work is work and we're all very different people like it's said in the post. However, they openly treated me very badly (even admitting to being harsh and treating me like shit to hurt me). Then they left and haven't spoken to me since then. I know there's a hierarchy, but I thought the higher ups were to respect those that work hard and are dedicated to them fully, not lie to and harm them.
Is there something about this that I don't understand :? Of course we're not obligated to work together at all but it's strange to think about the treatment.
lilquote said:
There is first and foremost a good possibility that this person wasn't even an SS in the first place, and was just dabbling and calling themselves "SS".

And even if this person was a genuine SS, it's possible they had/have serious hangups and personal issues which ended up driving them to do these things to you.

I believe the paragraph of Cobra's sermon that applies here, is this one:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
As for people who just love to never tend to their own backyard, and they also enjoy setting that of others in fire, let us just say keep the scoundrel to one's own property is the most reasonable thing to do.
I don't know what this particular thing is about, you seem to not pay attention to things and not have a clear view of balances, because you are new, probably.

It more than likely wasn't solely a work matter here, but things got confused along the way on a personal basis also. This appears to be some sort of personal dislike between the people involved, not some great and generalized problem.

Some new people what they do is they can open a friendship with another member and harass them 24/7 to get all their questions answered and other things, being too lazy to study or worse. This can make some people simply go running as this is just disturbing. I heard of things like this before.

A lot of people meet random people online who just tell them they are whatever, and things get weird. What can be done is only to inform people to stay away from what is harmful to themselves. I heard a lot of strange stories over the years and these don't end good, including infiltrators, cults, and some people with good intentions but wrong ways of going about things, every case is an individual one. Some cases were real bad. The striking majority of these cases produced nothing positive for nobody involved.

If something is not good for you then move away. Learn from it and move on.

lilquote said:
This concept is very confusing to me atm. I was working with other ss at some point and the whole situation is frustrating and confusing. I know I was in the wrong in part of what happened, but I don't believe I was completly in the wrong. These ss hated my personality, which I don't mind because work is work and we're all very different people like it's said in the post. However, they openly treated me very badly (even admitting to being harsh and treating me like shit to hurt me). Then they left and haven't spoken to me since then. I know there's a hierarchy, but I thought the higher ups were to respect those that work hard and are dedicated to them fully, not lie to and harm them.
Is there something about this that I don't understand :? Of course we're not obligated to work together at all but it's strange to think about the treatment.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I don't know what this particular thing is about, you seem to not pay attention to things and not have a clear view of balances, because you are new, probably.

It more than likely wasn't solely a work matter here, but things got confused along the way on a personal basis also. This appears to be some sort of personal dislike between the people involved, not some great and generalized problem.

Some new people what they do is they can open a friendship with another member and harass them 24/7 to get all their questions answered and other things, being too lazy to study or worse. This can make some people simply go running as this is just disturbing. I heard of things like this before.

A lot of people meet random people online who just tell them they are whatever, and things get weird. What can be done is only to inform people to stay away from what is harmful to themselves. I heard a lot of strange stories over the years and these don't end good, including infiltrators, cults, and some people with good intentions but wrong ways of going about things, every case is an individual one. Some cases were real bad. The striking majority of these cases produced nothing positive for nobody involved.

If something is not good for you then move away. Learn from it and move on.

lilquote said:
This concept is very confusing to me atm. I was working with other ss at some point and the whole situation is frustrating and confusing. I know I was in the wrong in part of what happened, but I don't believe I was completly in the wrong. These ss hated my personality, which I don't mind because work is work and we're all very different people like it's said in the post. However, they openly treated me very badly (even admitting to being harsh and treating me like shit to hurt me). Then they left and haven't spoken to me since then. I know there's a hierarchy, but I thought the higher ups were to respect those that work hard and are dedicated to them fully, not lie to and harm them.
Is there something about this that I don't understand :? Of course we're not obligated to work together at all but it's strange to think about the treatment.

I think that makes sense. This person did tell me I needed to work on balance and such, and I can sometimes be "ditzy" or oblivious to things. And, as I wrote, I'm in the wrong partially. I'm pretty positive they're legit and ss tho.
Things did get a little wild on a personal basis. And I do tend to ask tons of random, sometimes irrelevant questions, when I know the person I'm asking can answer them. In a way I'm showing intense enthusiasm, but it comes off as lazy and/or annoying for sure. I know I can be annoying to certain people. So it was me doing that to them :roll: whops. To be so harsh about it is understandable only to a certain extent imo. Like to call another ss worthless or a waste of time is crossing the line I think.

Should I cut ties completly, even if I may want to work with them later on in life? Also, know that I truly appreciate a response from an HP. I know your time and wisdom is very valuable.
Great sermon HP :)

A lot of people do carry their problems with others in real life, into these forums and in emails with others. It might help them to make sure do cleaning and yoga before coming on here and interacting with other SS, and make any replies with a clear head, rather than replying in the heat of the moment. Just a thought, if it helps anyone.
Yes we are all individuals on the same path.

But we each have our own baggage and differences.

So we need to respect each other and share where we can.

This is like a University. We all learn and grow together.

And work towards the same end.
Thanks for this amazing read, everything you said is extremely true and I've experienced this first hand. I've met with a few true ss over the last decade and have found some I cant just be compatible with because our differences are too great. Usually because of being raised on different sides of the world. But most important thing is to remember we are all a family. Much love for all the hard work you do Brother! And much love to all my brothers and sisters in Satan! None of us would be much without the other, we may be physically far apart but our spirit together is strong. Hail Satan and our Satanic Family for all eternity!
lilquote said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I don't know what this particular thing is about, you seem to not pay attention to things and not have a clear view of balances, because you are new, probably.

It more than likely wasn't solely a work matter here, but things got confused along the way on a personal basis also. This appears to be some sort of personal dislike between the people involved, not some great and generalized problem.

Some new people what they do is they can open a friendship with another member and harass them 24/7 to get all their questions answered and other things, being too lazy to study or worse. This can make some people simply go running as this is just disturbing. I heard of things like this before.

A lot of people meet random people online who just tell them they are whatever, and things get weird. What can be done is only to inform people to stay away from what is harmful to themselves. I heard a lot of strange stories over the years and these don't end good, including infiltrators, cults, and some people with good intentions but wrong ways of going about things, every case is an individual one. Some cases were real bad. The striking majority of these cases produced nothing positive for nobody involved.

If something is not good for you then move away. Learn from it and move on.

lilquote said:
This concept is very confusing to me atm. I was working with other ss at some point and the whole situation is frustrating and confusing. I know I was in the wrong in part of what happened, but I don't believe I was completly in the wrong. These ss hated my personality, which I don't mind because work is work and we're all very different people like it's said in the post. However, they openly treated me very badly (even admitting to being harsh and treating me like shit to hurt me). Then they left and haven't spoken to me since then. I know there's a hierarchy, but I thought the higher ups were to respect those that work hard and are dedicated to them fully, not lie to and harm them.
Is there something about this that I don't understand :? Of course we're not obligated to work together at all but it's strange to think about the treatment.

I think that makes sense. This person did tell me I needed to work on balance and such, and I can sometimes be "ditzy" or oblivious to things. And, as I wrote, I'm in the wrong partially. I'm pretty positive they're legit and ss tho.
Things did get a little wild on a personal basis. And I do tend to ask tons of random, sometimes irrelevant questions, when I know the person I'm asking can answer them. In a way I'm showing intense enthusiasm, but it comes off as lazy and/or annoying for sure. I know I can be annoying to certain people. So it was me doing that to them :roll: whops. To be so harsh about it is understandable only to a certain extent imo. Like to call another ss worthless or a waste of time is crossing the line I think.

Should I cut ties completly, even if I may want to work with them later on in life? Also, know that I truly appreciate a response from an HP. I know your time and wisdom is very valuable.

As they say a person doesn't want to burn bridges.

But maybe let the relationship rest for a while and do leg work yourself learning and growing.

And nobody wants a nagging wife. So there needs to be space and balance.

I personally have had misunderstandings because I struggle for time to get everything done. And ofttimes I try and make a post quickly and it can come across wrong and be misunderstood.

Or even just say something I didn't mean to because was not thinking and just trying to be quick.

In communication they say both parties need to take 100% responsibility in being understood.
This resonated with me on so many levels. I've dealt with stubborn individuals on here in the past whom I've had to be more harsh with to get my point across. Not in a matter of hostility but in matter of sternness, this is mostly with individuals who are lazy or have tight egos. I don't feel the need to respond in 'kind' to this sort of treatment, I only focus my efforts on people who will make the effort to consider my guidance and help and do their part.

When I get stubborn individuals who simply shut me out in my efforts to help them and get aggressive or simply exude stupidity that they refuse to try and correct, I simply abandon them and cease providing guidance. I just walk away from them and they can either find somebody else to help them or inflate their ego, or they can learn to grow up and start putting work into what they need to do. I am solid in my statements and if I deem somebody truly a waste of time, then I won't bother. I will consider sincere apologies but they don't mean too much to me. What truly shows sincerity is admitting to your faults and putting in the effort to fix them, to admit to yourself that you are still growing and need to learn to discipline certain things.

Once someone shows me they are putting in the effort and they've finally learned to do the hard thing, I will start helping them again, but I will be more reserved until that trust is gained again over time.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Perfect. Why people cannot see this is beyond. I would never curse a Satanist. This is why if one claimed to be one I could never bring myself to do anything even if I thought for sure they were jew.

Just summon Beelzebub if ever there is a real problem. This whole hating thing over some words always confused me. I started invoking a lil water though as perhaps I have become too callous to others emotions.

I want what is best for this family. If I didnt I would have never lowered myself or shown my weaknesses. I do not mind for the good of our Family.

The most important thing to me is how Satan views me. I Apologize to all those I may have hurt. I enjoy friction and combat but I do not enjoy hurting others feelings.

Thank you to my true family sticking with me through thick and thin. Its so amazing just to be here and with each other after so much time.

I attracted a bunch of sociopaths and jews to me. Users and all that. This burnt me on people. But it made me stronger, which was the whole point. Now one day I will have true friends in my life and I will be a stronger person.

Ultimately if I were who I am now these people would have never lasted a week in my life. One thing we cannot do is base 10 thousand people off of 10 people. Who were most likely brought by our attraction.

Also until one figures out the kinks in their own mind, they will not get around themselves. In a past life I sacrificed myself. I fought to the death for what I believed. Lifetimes keep repeating themselves.

That is why I got so excited when I almost blew up. My karma has been looking for a way to repeat itself. We try to repeat what we did in our previous experience. Suicide victims just keep attempting over and over.

Well for me I lost everything in Germany and tried to kill as many as I could. This Is why I feel horribly alone. Why the Anger, especially at Americans. Why the need to just hurt everyone and die.

Its just a repeating cycle of what is built in the soul. If we understood this is not our first lifetime. If we knew what we went through, we would understand.

Finally I have had enough of this. Together we will all grow. From children with no understanding we will grow into Gods. Our Satanic Family will last forever.
Thats why i am so patient and cold blooded to a dgree that a lot of buddies here offeneded me and treat me like a total piece of......-fill the void with any slang word in your mind-...... just because i am an arab from a muslim background, its like saying all asians love communism which is totaly wrong, anyway i don't hate anyone here because we don't know eachothers personaly and we shouldn't judge members here infact i really spend a lot of my time here in the fourms writing posts and reading other members and hps posts! If i wasn't patient and if i was a selfish savage i will end up like salem bork or like that music teen boy who hate the jos ministries and infact he hates everyone (i don't remember his name)

In the end if some here got me wrong or didn't understand my personality and my posts and my look in life i apologies because i totaly understand that not all people see the universe the same way.

**Hitler had slight diffrence in political ideolgy than mussolini's but this didn't prevent them from being friends and sharing food and having laughs together.**
Thank you HP. This post helped me a lot. I have an issue where I allow my pride to blind me to the point I am arrogant and refuse to except fault. I have known about this problem for some time but kept telling myself that "I accept fault, I accept I need to change" yet continue to fail each time. I understand why that is now. I see I haven't been tending to my own garden and instead just ignored the issue of my arrogance and hoped it would go away. Today is the start of a new day. :D Thank you.

Hail Satan!!!!
When SS just wanna talk something here and sometimes even in a private :


And people are like, why are you irritated and antisocial ?! No special reasons at all. Nah.

Next thing that I'm expecting is that some idiotic SS lose it and start throwing curses at me merely cause they noticed my existence. Awesome.
Then the Gods gonna separate angry kids in the middle of the fight again and clean up their mess.

Bring us together and watch the world burn, but yet again we need some sort of a contact and some organisation.... Sigh

Some people skipped their potty training I would say.
What you say now is mostly emotional over exaggeration of any actual events happened against you which only boil down to a few disagreements. Which is not a biggie.

Things like this is why people respond to this in the first place.

People are not idiots and most on the forum just understand at once where many "private conversations" lead as there are many infiltrators who just single out people to make them nuts. If one has like 5 or 10 years around they can understand this better. This tends to be way more likely to happen than normal people having a normal conversation. And reactions to this are totally justified. This is the internet.

All your post shows again this dramatic exaggeration you keep doing, projecting an idea of things being bad to a false extent only because you want to make your point.

Azorm said:
When SS just wanna talk something here and sometimes even in a private :


And people are like, why are you irritated and antisocial ?! No special reasons at all. Nah.

Next thing that I'm expecting is that some idiotic SS lose it and start throwing curses at me merely cause they noticed my existence. Awesome.
Then the Gods gonna separate angry kids in the middle of the fight again and clean up their mess.

Bring us together and watch the world burn, but yet again we need some sort of a contact and some organisation.... Sigh

Some people skipped their potty training I would say.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
What you say now is mostly emotional over exaggeration of any actual events happened against you which only boil down to a few disagreements. Which is not a biggie.

Things like this is why people respond to this in the first place.

People are not idiots and most on the forum just understand at once where many "private conversations" lead as there are many infiltrators who just single out people to make them nuts. If one has like 5 or 10 years around they can understand this better. This tends to be way more likely to happen than normal people having a normal conversation. And reactions to this are totally justified. This is the internet.

All your post shows again this dramatic exaggeration you keep doing, projecting an idea of things being bad to a false extent only because you want to make your point.

Azorm said:
When SS just wanna talk something here and sometimes even in a private :


And people are like, why are you irritated and antisocial ?! No special reasons at all. Nah.

Next thing that I'm expecting is that some idiotic SS lose it and start throwing curses at me merely cause they noticed my existence. Awesome.
Then the Gods gonna separate angry kids in the middle of the fight again and clean up their mess.

Bring us together and watch the world burn, but yet again we need some sort of a contact and some organisation.... Sigh

Some people skipped their potty training I would say.

Honestly, it's mostly what I keep seeing on some topics, like every topic where we mention sexuality, relationships or how ideal society should look like. I think everybody can agree things often get ugly, and yes there are some people who can become really serious because a mere argument, not many, but it happens.

In private it can be even worser, be it just online or in real life, SS can act insanely rotten and they can really hurt each other waay too much and over some really stupid things. Just my thoughts anyways. I simply think that we should try harder to be nicer to each other and more polite.
Azorm said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
What you say now is mostly emotional over exaggeration of any actual events happened against you which only boil down to a few disagreements. Which is not a biggie.

Things like this is why people respond to this in the first place.

People are not idiots and most on the forum just understand at once where many "private conversations" lead as there are many infiltrators who just single out people to make them nuts. If one has like 5 or 10 years around they can understand this better. This tends to be way more likely to happen than normal people having a normal conversation. And reactions to this are totally justified. This is the internet.

All your post shows again this dramatic exaggeration you keep doing, projecting an idea of things being bad to a false extent only because you want to make your point.

Azorm said:
When SS just wanna talk something here and sometimes even in a private :


And people are like, why are you irritated and antisocial ?! No special reasons at all. Nah.

Next thing that I'm expecting is that some idiotic SS lose it and start throwing curses at me merely cause they noticed my existence. Awesome.
Then the Gods gonna separate angry kids in the middle of the fight again and clean up their mess.

Bring us together and watch the world burn, but yet again we need some sort of a contact and some organisation.... Sigh

Some people skipped their potty training I would say.

Honestly, it's mostly what I keep seeing on some topics, like every topic where we mention sexuality, relationships or how ideal society should look like. I think everybody can agree things often get ugly, and yes there are some people who can become really serious because a mere argument, not many, but it happens.

In private it can be even worser, be it just online or in real life, SS can act insanely rotten and they can really hurt each other waay too much and over some really stupid things. Just my thoughts anyways. I simply think that we should try harder to be nicer to each other and more polite.

Youre not listening. You just keep repeating the same thing over and over. You and I have talked and never once have we gotten into a disagreement.

Everytime I reach out to you, you just sigh. Youre sad in your life. So youre reflecting that on to everything. Its called Depression.
Azorm said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
What you say now is mostly emotional over exaggeration of any actual events happened against you which only boil down to a few disagreements. Which is not a biggie.

Things like this is why people respond to this in the first place.

People are not idiots and most on the forum just understand at once where many "private conversations" lead as there are many infiltrators who just single out people to make them nuts. If one has like 5 or 10 years around they can understand this better. This tends to be way more likely to happen than normal people having a normal conversation. And reactions to this are totally justified. This is the internet.

All your post shows again this dramatic exaggeration you keep doing, projecting an idea of things being bad to a false extent only because you want to make your point.

Azorm said:
When SS just wanna talk something here and sometimes even in a private :


And people are like, why are you irritated and antisocial ?! No special reasons at all. Nah.

Next thing that I'm expecting is that some idiotic SS lose it and start throwing curses at me merely cause they noticed my existence. Awesome.
Then the Gods gonna separate angry kids in the middle of the fight again and clean up their mess.

Bring us together and watch the world burn, but yet again we need some sort of a contact and some organisation.... Sigh

Some people skipped their potty training I would say.

Honestly, it's mostly what I keep seeing on some topics, like every topic where we mention sexuality, relationships or how ideal society should look like. I think everybody can agree things often get ugly, and yes there are some people who can become really serious because a mere argument, not many, but it happens.

In private it can be even worser, be it just online or in real life, SS can act insanely rotten and they can really hurt each other waay too much and over some really stupid things. Just my thoughts anyways. I simply think that we should try harder to be nicer to each other and more polite.

Whoa there, Spiritual Satanists do not act "insanely rotten" and we do not make a point of hurting each other. Those disputes you see are almost always due to one or two specific individuals lighting a fuel line with their ignorance or throwing out something that is wildly out of proportion. There's a lot of ignorance regarding those kinds of topics on all sides in some way or another, we're all not perfect otherwise we wouldn't be here trying to be so.

Incidentally people generally just have their different opinion and there's no issue with discussing different views. Everybody has a unique personality and their own way of going about things, to try and 'tame' this is to go against The Al Jilwah where Satan himself states "I allow everyone to follow the dictates of his own nature, but he that opposes me will regret it sorely.".
Ghost in the Machine said:
This resonated with me on so many levels. I've dealt with stubborn individuals on here in the past whom I've had to be more harsh with to get my point across. Not in a matter of hostility but in matter of sternness, this is mostly with individuals who are lazy or have tight egos. I don't feel the need to respond in 'kind' to this sort of treatment, I only focus my efforts on people who will make the effort to consider my guidance and help and do their part.

When I get stubborn individuals who simply shut me out in my efforts to help them and get aggressive or simply exude stupidity that they refuse to try and correct, I simply abandon them and cease providing guidance. I just walk away from them and they can either find somebody else to help them or inflate their ego, or they can learn to grow up and start putting work into what they need to do. I am solid in my statements and if I deem somebody truly a waste of time, then I won't bother. I will consider sincere apologies but they don't mean too much to me. What truly shows sincerity is admitting to your faults and putting in the effort to fix them, to admit to yourself that you are still growing and need to learn to discipline certain things.

Once someone shows me they are putting in the effort and they've finally learned to do the hard thing, I will start helping them again, but I will be more reserved until that trust is gained again over time.

That reminds me a bunch of someone I know. It's a valid way of doing things, but everyone takes a different amount of time to figure out and actually do what needs to be done. Whether it be healing, advancing, or just realizing things about their own personality.
For example, I'm incredibly stubborn, especially when help doesn't look like help in a shallow sense. Like I can't tell when someone is actually on my side when they're harsh at all. Probably has something to do with how I was raised. I always used to comment about how stupid I started off in satanism and that level of stupid takes a bit to fix. It took me years to finally start doing things right and I'm still fixing problems with my mind (doing fts workings and working on a deeper trance every day).
And always trust needs to be built both ways.
To show an example here, you present to me a point, and after you are told of how it's merely a wrong estimate, you just repeat the point, because indeed all you want is for your own nihilistic view to be accepted based on the few people whom it appears you have perceived mostly on your own of being bad or something. You're asking me to go with the negative and unrealistic circuit here.

Which is a lie.

Most SS are in reality good people, in my view. You don't have to be friends with everyone and not everyone has to treat you in the most ideal way. People not agreeing with you or not following your expectations to the letter doesn't make them "rotten". The sky is not as grey as you see it, it's actually mostly sky blue and it's a sunny day.

If you think everyone else is wrong it's time to just look inside to find the reasons, not outside. The first thing you went to do with a self accepted and self reinforced negative karma was to just ignore it, repeat it, and just go under a new mostly blue sky to find a dark cloud to sit under. That is a personal issue here not a general one.

It's as if you just self generate the circumstances and then you just repeat them. Like for example when you exaggerate to such an extent, how can someone not reasonably be fed up with replying to you? This is not their fault either.

Azorm said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Azorm said:

Honestly, it's mostly what I keep seeing on some topics, like every topic where we mention sexuality, relationships or how ideal society should look like. I think everybody can agree things often get ugly, and yes there are some people who can become really serious because a mere argument, not many, but it happens.

In private it can be even worser, be it just online or in real life, SS can act insanely rotten and they can really hurt each other waay too much and over some really stupid things. Just my thoughts anyways. I simply think that we should try harder to be nicer to each other and more polite.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Azorm said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
What you say now is mostly emotional over exaggeration of any actual events happened against you which only boil down to a few disagreements. Which is not a biggie.

Things like this is why people respond to this in the first place.

People are not idiots and most on the forum just understand at once where many "private conversations" lead as there are many infiltrators who just single out people to make them nuts. If one has like 5 or 10 years around they can understand this better. This tends to be way more likely to happen than normal people having a normal conversation. And reactions to this are totally justified. This is the internet.

All your post shows again this dramatic exaggeration you keep doing, projecting an idea of things being bad to a false extent only because you want to make your point.

Honestly, it's mostly what I keep seeing on some topics, like every topic where we mention sexuality, relationships or how ideal society should look like. I think everybody can agree things often get ugly, and yes there are some people who can become really serious because a mere argument, not many, but it happens.

In private it can be even worser, be it just online or in real life, SS can act insanely rotten and they can really hurt each other waay too much and over some really stupid things. Just my thoughts anyways. I simply think that we should try harder to be nicer to each other and more polite.

Whoa there, Spiritual Satanists do not act "insanely rotten" and we do not make a point of hurting each other. Those disputes you see are almost always due to one or two specific individuals lighting a fuel line with their ignorance or throwing out something that is wildly out of proportion. There's a lot of ignorance regarding those kinds of topics on all sides in some way or another, we're all not perfect otherwise we wouldn't be here trying to be so.

Incidentally people generally just have their different opinion and there's no issue with discussing different views. Everybody has a unique personality and their own way of going about things, to try and 'tame' this is to go against The Al Jilwah where Satan himself states "I allow everyone to follow the dictates of his own nature, but he that opposes me will regret it sorely.".

Thats right ghost in the machine. Were friends here. Right?
Aldrick Strickland said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
Azorm said:
Honestly, it's mostly what I keep seeing on some topics, like every topic where we mention sexuality, relationships or how ideal society should look like. I think everybody can agree things often get ugly, and yes there are some people who can become really serious because a mere argument, not many, but it happens.

In private it can be even worser, be it just online or in real life, SS can act insanely rotten and they can really hurt each other waay too much and over some really stupid things. Just my thoughts anyways. I simply think that we should try harder to be nicer to each other and more polite.

Whoa there, Spiritual Satanists do not act "insanely rotten" and we do not make a point of hurting each other. Those disputes you see are almost always due to one or two specific individuals lighting a fuel line with their ignorance or throwing out something that is wildly out of proportion. There's a lot of ignorance regarding those kinds of topics on all sides in some way or another, we're all not perfect otherwise we wouldn't be here trying to be so.

Incidentally people generally just have their different opinion and there's no issue with discussing different views. Everybody has a unique personality and their own way of going about things, to try and 'tame' this is to go against The Al Jilwah where Satan himself states "I allow everyone to follow the dictates of his own nature, but he that opposes me will regret it sorely.".

Thats right ghost in the machine. Were friends here. Right?

Not everybody here has to be friends with each other, we don't have to be buddy-buddy with people we don't want to. We're here as a whole under the banner of our creator Satan and through that we are a family. Not everybody in a family will like other members in it and that's true to real blood relatives, but we still need to respect and look out for one another. All we have is each other as a family with the gods.

But of course, a close bond is something positive to enjoy with one another. We're here together, might as well make the best of it.
I can have heated arguments with people but I don't really hold grudges against anybody.

There's satanists that piss me off a lot. And sometimes I'll say what I think. Doesn't mean I'm not gonna be there for them if they ever need me. Doesn't mean I go out of my way to harm them or try to spread hate against them, or gods forbid curse another satanist. Never, no matter how heated I may get with them or how much they may piss me off.

I NEVER make posts like this and I'll regret making this one, but I love you all.

Like jack I know you are reading this you're really fucking annoying but I don't hate you or anything. You're a satanist and I respect you on a deeper level than you might think. Doesn't mean I won't say what I think about you or your beliefs.
Azorm said:
Honestly, it's mostly what I keep seeing on some topics, like every topic where we mention sexuality, relationships or how ideal society should look like. I think everybody can agree things often get ugly, and yes there are some people who can become really serious because a mere argument, not many, but it happens.
I don't think any of this is ever as angry as you think it might look like. Nobody is really fighting about anything, at least not in a angry or mean way. Remember, most Satanists got a really big strong soul. So when we are talking, the power of our soul might get projected in our words. When someone sees this big energy going back and forth, they might think it looks like anger or fighting but it's really not. Just people innocently talking about their opinions and trying to see what is really best.
Dahaarkan said:
I can have heated arguments with people but I don't really hold grudges against anybody.

There's satanists that piss me off a lot. And sometimes I'll say what I think. Doesn't mean I'm not gonna be there for them if they ever need me. Doesn't mean I go out of my way to harm them or try to spread hate against them, or gods forbid curse another satanist. Never, no matter how heated I may get with them or how much they may piss me off.

I NEVER make posts like this and I'll regret making this one, but I love you all.

Like jack I know you are reading this you're really fucking annoying but I don't hate you or anything. You're a satanist and I respect you on a deeper level than you might think. Doesn't mean I won't say what I think about you or your beliefs.

Can I just say you took the words right out of my mouth? I've had arguments with other satanists but I won't hold grudges either. I recognize we're all brothers and sisters in arms and I know all of us aren't gonna like each other but we at least have to respect each other's role in our greater goal for the good of our people and for the universe. Because look, even family members fight, and we're apart of Father Satan's extended family so it's no different in our case. Those who have siblings, or hang out with their extended family (cousins, etc) on a regular basis, you know what I'm talking about yeah?
Dahaarkan said:
Like jack I know you are reading this you're really fucking annoying but I don't hate you or anything. You're a satanist and I respect you on a deeper level than you might think. Doesn't mean I won't say what I think about you or your beliefs.
I don't have anything against Jack either, I merely try to point out the parts in which he has delusions in hopes that eventually he would realize these and fix them. Though I guess that is not my strong suit as I keep pissing people off whenever I do this. Lol
Well I guess we could say I hate when people are mean, inpolite and when they bully each other around for no special reason whatsoever. I always wondered why people are like that and it never made me any sense.

I did had some bad things happened to me with other SS, even in real life, but I dont want to talk about that here. Let's just say when one person has deep issues and when they behave badly, their issues really tend to bounce some to others and they might pick up some of their dirt and behave weirdly too. Some of my ex SS friends were connected to some bad people for them and it also bounced up to me and messed me up to some degree.

Well I guess I am really sad, depressed person with huge issues that appear every time when I come around most people and I'm too sensitive to talk here. Started invoking fire and earth, tho now I just wanna fight all the time lol (trying not to).

Anyways, I made a mistake with commenting anything. I told myself I should stay away from talking too much on forums until I don't find a proper way to be around here but maybe it's better for me just to focus on some other things. We'll see. I feel sorry for coming here again, no idea wtf happened at all, next time I will control myself better not to create problems again. I will stop being so sensitive and I will stop being here when I see that I can't ..

Nothing more here to say.My fault again.
Youre not listening. You just keep repeating the same thing over and over. You and I have talked and never once have we gotten into a disagreement. 

Everytime I reach out to you, you just sigh. Youre sad in your life. So youre reflecting that on to everything. Its called Depression.

Well you now sound like me in the past. I guess we switched the roles xP

And now I don't actually feel that much depressed right now, I found myself something fun to do, it's getting better.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Azorm said:
Honestly, it's mostly what I keep seeing on some topics, like every topic where we mention sexuality, relationships or how ideal society should look like. I think everybody can agree things often get ugly, and yes there are some people who can become really serious because a mere argument, not many, but it happens.
I don't think any of this is ever as angry as you think it might look like. Nobody is really fighting about anything, at least not in a angry or mean way. Remember, most Satanists got a really big strong soul. So when we are talking, the power of our soul might get projected in our words. When someone sees this big energy going back and forth, they might think it looks like anger or fighting but it's really not. Just people innocently talking about their opinions and trying to see what is really best.

I did saw some people completely losing it over a simple argument, it's not common but it happens (basically ready to curse someone). All I know is that Gods don't wants us to act like that and I don't like it. Sometimes even writting simple stuff somehow ends up like an argument and somehow someone ends up super offended. I feel bad about those things and it looks retarded often.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Aldrick Strickland said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
Whoa there, Spiritual Satanists do not act "insanely rotten" and we do not make a point of hurting each other. Those disputes you see are almost always due to one or two specific individuals lighting a fuel line with their ignorance or throwing out something that is wildly out of proportion. There's a lot of ignorance regarding those kinds of topics on all sides in some way or another, we're all not perfect otherwise we wouldn't be here trying to be so.

Incidentally people generally just have their different opinion and there's no issue with discussing different views. Everybody has a unique personality and their own way of going about things, to try and 'tame' this is to go against The Al Jilwah where Satan himself states "I allow everyone to follow the dictates of his own nature, but he that opposes me will regret it sorely.".

Thats right ghost in the machine. Were friends here. Right?

Not everybody here has to be friends with each other, we don't have to be buddy-buddy with people we don't want to. We're here as a whole under the banner of our creator Satan and through that we are a family. Not everybody in a family will like other members in it and that's true to real blood relatives, but we still need to respect and look out for one another. All we have is each other as a family with the gods.

But of course, a close bond is something positive to enjoy with one another. We're here together, might as well make the best of it.

I was making a point. Like look were talking and not fighting. That not everything is rotten people hating each other. Lol wasnt aware we wernt friends but okay.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Azorm said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
What you say now is mostly emotional over exaggeration of any actual events happened against you which only boil down to a few disagreements. Which is not a biggie.

Things like this is why people respond to this in the first place.

People are not idiots and most on the forum just understand at once where many "private conversations" lead as there are many infiltrators who just single out people to make them nuts. If one has like 5 or 10 years around they can understand this better. This tends to be way more likely to happen than normal people having a normal conversation. And reactions to this are totally justified. This is the internet.

All your post shows again this dramatic exaggeration you keep doing, projecting an idea of things being bad to a false extent only because you want to make your point.

Honestly, it's mostly what I keep seeing on some topics, like every topic where we mention sexuality, relationships or how ideal society should look like. I think everybody can agree things often get ugly, and yes there are some people who can become really serious because a mere argument, not many, but it happens.

In private it can be even worser, be it just online or in real life, SS can act insanely rotten and they can really hurt each other waay too much and over some really stupid things. Just my thoughts anyways. I simply think that we should try harder to be nicer to each other and more polite.

Whoa there, Spiritual Satanists do not act "insanely rotten" and we do not make a point of hurting each other. Those disputes you see are almost always due to one or two specific individuals lighting a fuel line with their ignorance or throwing out something that is wildly out of proportion. There's a lot of ignorance regarding those kinds of topics on all sides in some way or another, we're all not perfect otherwise we wouldn't be here trying to be so.

Incidentally people generally just have their different opinion and there's no issue with discussing different views. Everybody has a unique personality and their own way of going about things, to try and 'tame' this is to go against The Al Jilwah where Satan himself states "I allow everyone to follow the dictates of his own nature, but he that opposes me will regret it sorely.".

I second @Ghost in the Machine. I'd happen to do this ignorant jibe at another Satanist. @Coraxo I believe. No in all respects it was a mute topic but it went into stupid proportions that as I realize now, the jibe was indeed stupid. Yeah I apologized outright but doesn't mean it didn't sit well and probably still doesn't with @Coraxo. Anyway we learn to keep things to ourselves in respects to what should be said and not said.
Azorm said:
Well I guess we could say I hate when people are mean, inpolite and when they bully each other around for no special reason whatsoever. I always wondered why people are like that and it never made me any sense.

I did had some bad things happened to me with other SS, even in real life, but I dont want to talk about that here. Let's just say when one person has deep issues and when they behave badly, their issues really tend to bounce some to others and they might pick up some of their dirt and behave weirdly too. Some of my ex SS friends were connected to some bad people for them and it also bounced up to me and messed me up to some degree.

Well I guess I am really sad, depressed person with huge issues that appear every time when I come around most people and I'm too sensitive to talk here. Started invoking fire and earth, tho now I just wanna fight all the time lol (trying not to).

Anyways, I made a mistake with commenting anything. I told myself I should stay away from talking too much on forums until I don't find a proper way to be around here but maybe it's better for me just to focus on some other things. We'll see. I feel sorry for coming here again, no idea wtf happened at all, next time I will control myself better not to create problems again. I will stop being so sensitive and I will stop being here when I see that I can't ..

Nothing more here to say.My fault again.

Azorm we had a member here saying he was too sensitive and performed spiritual surgery on himself to make himself earth/fire dominant.

Needless to say his posts sound like he is a nutcase and it has been proven that it is a lot of ego talk combined with lies that make him seem greater than he is.

So here Ill give you a slap in the face.
Do not become some kind of nutcase like this. Quit taking (bad) advice from others especially astral entities, man the fuck up and actually work on fixing your problems. Instead of doing nothing and continue running away from them.

You have the chance. Its NOW OR NEVER.

Using elements only to fix your problem is NOT the answer. Backlashes from invoking the elements can even make the situation that youre in worse.
Aldrick Strickland said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
Aldrick Strickland said:
Thats right ghost in the machine. Were friends here. Right?

Not everybody here has to be friends with each other, we don't have to be buddy-buddy with people we don't want to. We're here as a whole under the banner of our creator Satan and through that we are a family. Not everybody in a family will like other members in it and that's true to real blood relatives, but we still need to respect and look out for one another. All we have is each other as a family with the gods.

But of course, a close bond is something positive to enjoy with one another. We're here together, might as well make the best of it.

I was making a point. Like look were talking and not fighting. That not everything is rotten people hating each other. Lol wasnt aware we wernt friends but okay.

Of course we are friends, it may not be the traditional hang out and do things together, and I'm naturally reclusive from these kinds of relationships due to my Saturn, but we all have a foundational bond with one another. I'm glad that you are here with us.
Becoming mentally as a brick isn't your salvation towards emotional problems, as removing your liver is not the solution to not drinking alcohol or something.

People who think that way are inherently weak and they cannot deal with their own issues and control their own powers that come with things which are broadly considered to be problems.

Getting stronger means to master your personality and bring gifts under control, not become an emotionally dead person that is no different than a person going down the street like a dead machine, and think you're cool for this.

Azorm said:
Well I guess we could say I hate when people are mean, inpolite and when they bully each other around for no special reason whatsoever. I always wondered why people are like that and it never made me any sense.

I did had some bad things happened to me with other SS, even in real life, but I dont want to talk about that here. Let's just say when one person has deep issues and when they behave badly, their issues really tend to bounce some to others and they might pick up some of their dirt and behave weirdly too. Some of my ex SS friends were connected to some bad people for them and it also bounced up to me and messed me up to some degree.

Well I guess I am really sad, depressed person with huge issues that appear every time when I come around most people and I'm too sensitive to talk here. Started invoking fire and earth, tho now I just wanna fight all the time lol (trying not to).

Anyways, I made a mistake with commenting anything. I told myself I should stay away from talking too much on forums until I don't find a proper way to be around here but maybe it's better for me just to focus on some other things. We'll see. I feel sorry for coming here again, no idea wtf happened at all, next time I will control myself better not to create problems again. I will stop being so sensitive and I will stop being here when I see that I can't ..

Nothing more here to say.My fault again.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Aldrick Strickland said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
Not everybody here has to be friends with each other, we don't have to be buddy-buddy with people we don't want to. We're here as a whole under the banner of our creator Satan and through that we are a family. Not everybody in a family will like other members in it and that's true to real blood relatives, but we still need to respect and look out for one another. All we have is each other as a family with the gods.

But of course, a close bond is something positive to enjoy with one another. We're here together, might as well make the best of it.

I was making a point. Like look were talking and not fighting. That not everything is rotten people hating each other. Lol wasnt aware we wernt friends but okay.

Of course we are friends, it may not be the traditional hang out and do things together, and I'm naturally reclusive from these kinds of relationships due to my Saturn, but we all have a foundational bond with one another. I'm glad that you are here with us.

Hehehe. Same to you Brother. Youre one of my fav.
Lydia said:
Great sermon HP :)

A lot of people do carry their problems with others in real life, into these forums and in emails with others. It might help them to make sure do cleaning and yoga before coming on here and interacting with other SS, and make any replies with a clear head, rather than replying in the heat of the moment. Just a thought, if it helps anyone.

I know right!?

There was a discussion some time past. Something completely innocent, and someone made a rude/tactless post and she got insulted. She kept getting egged on, and then she quit. That's a big bummer. We're supposed to be brothers/sisters. We shouldn't be driving people away. We should be nurturing and encouraging them to grow.

Keep in mind many people who aren't registered look at our posts too.

On top of the heavy and difficult subjects we deal with, it can get too much to deal with sometimes.
Always remember, it is very important to learn to control anger. When one reaches a certain level, offenders, whether they are outsiders or loved ones will meet with misfortune. This can be very upsetting when a loved one gets into an accident or comes down ill as a result of your anger. This comes with power and should be controlled. When one's energy field is powerful enough, it does not take much. We must always be sure we intend for offenders to get punished. Unintentional anger, then the offender apologizes and the hard feelings are gone and then the person meets with disaster, this can cause much regret.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
