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On Porn

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
On Porn Post by HoodedCobra666[/B] » Sun May 06, 2018 7:25 pm There are some opinions over the years in regards to porn. About how good it is in some cases, and how bad it is in some other cases. It largely depend on one's use and experience, but the thing is. Porn on it's own has it's own definite agenda, guided by those who control the industry.

Porn is actually a jew owned business. Those older will know clearly that porn today is not the porn that was in the 90s, or 80's, or 70's. Porn back then was even racially cleaner with proper actresses and other and more 'normal' visuals. Actually what most people don't get about Porn it's largely an act, it's all fake. It's like many people assume it's somehow real because it deals with the naked human body, but it has few things to do with reality. As time went porn became all the more unrealistic where it has reached points now there it's a full lie.

The actors, the aims, and how everything is done quite differs now from how it was "before". It's not simply a playboy magazine with some sexy models on the pages. One of the richest businesses on the planet, to waste body fluids and money for no reason, while projecting jewish propaganda on a very basic level. This is just a fact on who owns this business as a striking whole, and it's the jews.

Porn has been used incessantly in the last decades to not only make men waste all their sexual powers, but become sexually feeble. And for general purposes of mass brainwashing. This doesn't affect all men in the same way, so some of you may disagree. Some men go unaffected by porn, others are more impressionable.

Aside from this, it's filled with all sorts of different projections. The jews label it as 'teen porn' and you see women that hardly look like they are 12 years old. I won't get into details here, everyone knows what is going on there and why. Then they fill their mind with all sorts of other desires. Which goes both ways. People reinforce the porn with their own baseless desires.

Combined with a lifestyle where the individual has a lot of free time (Millenials), sits down all day, has zero interaction with the opposite gender, or social skills, and where there are young people invovled, no life experience either, porn simply misdirects this energy fully into virtually nowhere.

If society was different, men would seek to uplift themselves in some way, mentally, spiritually, socially, or in their approaching skills in order to have better women and/or more access to mates. And women would of course reward this because why shouldn't they, it's nature. Or they would be married, or met more women at their college, what have you. Right now all these needs have been put under the fog of 'you deserve it' and 'everyone can have it', but the only thing the goyim have is they sit like idiots doing window shopping about things they never had. Sexually or otherwise.

Porn creates a lot of illusions in the mind compared to reality. One such illusion is that women can or should come to someone for free. Many people who incessantly watch it, do it because they believe they are wronged for not having free women for example. Which is only half the truth. The truth is that if they didn't engage in such their will and desire to get females would be greater, so they would approach women and would therefore get more. Porn and such can remove such desire because the brain falsely thinks it's being fulfilled.

Water is not sought after when one thinks they are not thirsty. Women are not obligated to sit on someone's lap unless they have went after them, or unless some play has been involved. And women work differently than men as it appears in matters of porn we have like 9 out of 10 men watching, and 1 out of 10 women being an avid watcher. Because the minds of the genders are different. In other words porn comes of as an easy and fast solution for everyone.

The deeper point of porn is to literally reform sexuality. And actually misdirect it. At least this is how porn is presently used at this point. People are basically not having any physical contact. Not even mental contact. Back in the day people used to have sex on phones, exchange pictures etc. Sexuality can create families, homes, or at the very least, build relations to other people, for better or for worse, or some social skills, or whatever.

To sexually destroy a civilization you can do two things. The jews attempted the method of full castration and enforcing of sexuality in the past. This is in line with the commandments of their Talmud and of sexual suppression. This proved to have no effect over the centuries. Now they are trying the other method, much in trying to reverse riot their own restrictive culture. This is why the jews are the porn lords now, because they are mentally ripped and schizoid. So now this is extended on the goyim who are presented with an infinite amount of porn all the time, to the point this has become a social problem.

As with all other social problems and perils, it's not bad if it makes the jews money. So they always say it's very good cause of this, or cause for that. Sure, in many ways, porn is safer. One runs less risks of STD's for example, or pregnancies, but one could also sharpen their mind and abilities to be sexually active in other ways that wouldn't involve such issues either.

When one only watches porn. And most men of a young age do this constantly and on a daily basis as it's known. They adjust their mind and body, to a very specific way of sexuality. Which is essentially only self-pleasure, when one is bombarded by an infinite amount of perfect and fully non life-like images. Many people do this thing for many years, daily, sometimes multiple times a day, until they understand when they finally get in the bed that there can be ranging issues from premature ejaculation for men, to no erections, to other issues.

Women are naturally different and even if they watch porn here and there, porn addiction for the genders is quite different.

If people kept it within reason and lead a busy life, with some porn here and there, it wouldn't create any issues. That is if it were normal porn. However one visit on a porn website quickly shows the intentions of such practice. Either you have fully jewish actors (most porn actors that are famous are jews) or you have all these interracial things which are forced all the time. If you have ever been to a porn website, you know what this is. Also, depravity is over-represented, and race mixing is enforced. Porn is used by a very specific jewish agenda.

Multiracial porn is actually the least interesting based on studies. And the most produced. What does that tell us about such is obvious. This is mental psyop. The jews have also been trying to create all sorts of injections into the goyim mind to further their multicultural agenda.

The fact that the jews prey on the sexuality of the goyim is just a normal thing for them. Even their god tries to moderate from the clouds if someone faps one or not. They are as stated psychotic.

In the matter of porn it would be advised for people to measure up, and healthily abstain. As for the movements who say that 'seed conserving' is somehow going to make you into a super demigod, this is just bullshit. Certainly, conserving your seed to some extent, and in some situations, may be ideal, but so does give you a lot of power to orgasm. It's a scientific fact people who do not orgasm frequently get a size reduction in their whole brain as well. Sexually speaking the organ which is most used is the brain.

What would be advisable is for people to reconsider the usefulness of the act. For example, make your sexual act useful. One can build a relation with another being (human or Succubi/Incubus), use one's energy for empowerment every single time, rather than waste this energy into absolute nothingness, but jewish profit from ads when one watches porn. Porn if one needs it for a kick here and then, wouldn't be bad. But as stated many people make it to an extreme habit and this seems to be unavoidable. The key is to adjust your sexuality not only around yourself, but use this as a form of union with 'another' as well.

The jews have took the woman figure from a full body burka, down to the full blown half naked slutdom that is walking around all the time. And accuses men of 'eye rape'. Obviously here measure is needed. Where there is no measure one will suffer either side from the extremes. Extremes always come with a backlash.

Lastly. Politically porn also has a lot of influence. One example is the migrant policies now. The jew from the back promotes these apes that murder and shit on the town's square, and permanently live on the mercy of civilized lands in the form of welfare, as some sort of sexually gifted people or some crap. Some women who are stupid get down there only to find STD's, no "Big Black Tong" as promised by Rabbi Shekelstein, nor the 'extreme pleasures' their gender compatriots fake at porn. They get painful vaginas, sores and boils, and possibly some STD's as well cause "you have to hit da white bitch" by sneakily taking off the condom without 'da bitch knowing'.

Sometimes they find themselves also pregnant with a random spawn as well, which many are obligated to keep cause of zero knowledge on how to deal with such. Overall the stories are way sadder than they are presented by the enemy.

Because this is the reality of such in many ways. If you have paid attention many cesspool white women are always willing to mate with these individuals. And give their 'love' and forget their 'feminism' when it comes to these. But try to play hard to get to individuals from their own in-group. It's almost as if schizoid rules are applied to destroy your own racial in-group.

Because they are programmed to act in such manners. One must keep a tight head and know that some of these people will go extinct and there is nothing that can be done about it. Some people like that need to fall into the fire. And these foreign people they are after them so they can cleave to a civilization by force as well. Which is why coal burning is taken as a serious offense, going racially to BOTH races. Black women understand what I mean here when successful Black men are brainwashed to go after useless white slobs because they are 'white' and it's an achievement to have one. The jew is the orchestrator of this insanity.

This situation harms everyone involved.

Such things wouldn't be happening to any civilization that had strong and virulent masculine sexual powers. Competition for the women would actually become a matter of seriousness rather than 'anything goes', especially if foreign tribes came to claim women. Who cares if Helga gets raped in Sweden by a bunch of microdick, filthy diseased idiots that could never get a single female in a normal fashion, when you have your virtual asian waifu to fulfill all your needs goy...After all what is Helga to you goy...focus on your hentai waifu right now...

Porn for the most part is mental warfare and propaganda at this point. There is a lot of racial warfare happening in porn. And a lot of stupid and naive, but physically beautiful women who are exploited in such businesses are cannon fodder for these agendas. And a lot of normal males get turned into defunct individuals cause of these projections.

The positive side to porn, well, if there is such a side, is that it can help someone get some desires off their mind. This doesn't seem to work for the majority of people. It's may work for some and some not. Which is the reason many people even 'physically' worked out through porn, they still feel on their back of the mind that they need a mate or relationship etc.

Taking the matter away from porn. A spiritual Satanist as with anything else. Is obligated to use their sexual energy, and understand it's extreme powers, in the highest way they possibly can. Which is the meaning of this post. If anything is about decay one can move away from it, and rise higher. There is no point for people to lurk in the bottom when you have all the powers by Satan and a good mind to rise to a better level.

And on a final note this doesn't mean to not watch something or do this or that. You decide about your life. However the universal constant is to have balance. And freedom only is created not through bad excess but by proper balance.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Legal Brothels, controlled and run by the municipality should be in every city. Brothels are a serious need.

I also want to add regarding porn, years ago, porn movies had no issue with pubic hair. Now, for the past 20? or so years, porn stars both men and women shave their pubic hair. Subliminal Islam?

Sex is one of the most powerful needs coming after survival. Sex needs a suitable, safe, healthy outlet in order for one to have emotional, physical and psychological health.
Again, brothels are seriously needed. One should not have to get involved in a relationship or be obligated in any way to relieve the sex urge.

Also, with decent brothels, workers are competent in satisfying all kinds of different sexual fetishes and such. There are those who are married whose spouses may be put off with certain fetishes. The brothel can take care of these sorts of things pleasurably and discreetly.

Being municipally controlled, physicians check the health of the workers frequently for STDs and such, keeping the place disease free and safe for all concerned.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Thank you. 

Sent from my iPhone
On 11 May 2018, at 8:07 pm, hoodedcobra666@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  On Porn Post by HoodedCobra666[/B] » Sun May 06, 2018 7:25 pm There are some opinions over the years in regards to porn. About how good it is in some cases, and how bad it is in some other cases. It largely depend on one's use and experience, but the thing is. Porn on it's own has it's own definite agenda, guided by those who control the industry.

Porn is actually a jew owned business.. Those older will know clearly that porn today is not the porn that was in the 90s, or 80's, or 70's. Porn back then was even racially cleaner with proper actresses and other and more 'normal' visuals. Actually what most people don't get about Porn it's largely an act, it's all fake. It's like many people assume it's somehow real because it deals with the naked human body, but it has few things to do with reality. As time went porn became all the more unrealistic where it has reached points now there it's a full lie.

The actors, the aims, and how everything is done quite differs now from how it was "before". It's not simply a playboy magazine with some sexy models on the pages. One of the richest businesses on the planet, to waste body fluids and money for no reason, while projecting jewish propaganda on a very basic level. This is just a fact on who owns this business as a striking whole, and it's the jews.

Porn has been used incessantly in the last decades to not only make men waste all their sexual powers, but become sexually feeble. And for general purposes of mass brainwashing. This doesn't affect all men in the same way, so some of you may disagree. Some men go unaffected by porn, others are more impressionable.

Aside from this, it's filled with all sorts of different projections. The jews label it as 'teen porn' and you see women that hardly look like they are 12 years old. I won't get into details here, everyone knows what is going on there and why. Then they fill their mind with all sorts of other desires. Which goes both ways. People reinforce the porn with their own baseless desires.

Combined with a lifestyle where the individual has a lot of free time (Millenials), sits down all day, has zero interaction with the opposite gender, or social skills, and where there are young people invovled, no life experience either, porn simply misdirects this energy fully into virtually nowhere.

If society was different, men would seek to uplift themselves in some way, mentally, spiritually, socially, or in their approaching skills in order to have better women and/or more access to mates. And women would of course reward this because why shouldn't they, it's nature. Or they would be married, or met more women at their college, what have you. Right now all these needs have been put under the fog of 'you deserve it' and 'everyone can have it', but the only thing the goyim have is they sit like idiots doing window shopping about things they never had. Sexually or otherwise.

Porn creates a lot of illusions in the mind compared to reality. One such illusion is that women can or should come to someone for free. Many people who incessantly watch it, do it because they believe they are wronged for not having free women for example. Which is only half the truth. The truth is that if they didn't engage in such their will and desire to get females would be greater, so they would approach women and would therefore get more. Porn and such can remove such desire because the brain falsely thinks it's being fulfilled.

Water is not sought after when one thinks they are not thirsty. Women are not obligated to sit on someone's lap unless they have went after them, or unless some play has been involved. And women work differently than men as it appears in matters of porn we have like 9 out of 10 men watching, and 1 out of 10 women being an avid watcher. Because the minds of the genders are different. In other words porn comes of as an easy and fast solution for everyone.

The deeper point of porn is to literally reform sexuality. And actually misdirect it. At least this is how porn is presently used at this point. People are basically not having any physical contact. Not even mental contact. Back in the day people used to have sex on phones, exchange pictures etc. Sexuality can create families, homes, or at the very least, build relations to other people, for better or for worse, or some social skills, or whatever.

To sexually destroy a civilization you can do two things. The jews attempted the method of full castration and enforcing of sexuality in the past. This is in line with the commandments of their Talmud and of sexual suppression. This proved to have no effect over the centuries. Now they are trying the other method, much in trying to reverse riot their own restrictive culture. This is why the jews are the porn lords now, because they are mentally ripped and schizoid. So now this is extended on the goyim who are presented with an infinite amount of porn all the time, to the point this has become a social problem.

As with all other social problems and perils, it's not bad if it makes the jews money. So they always say it's very good cause of this, or cause for that. Sure, in many ways, porn is safer. One runs less risks of STD's for example, or pregnancies, but one could also sharpen their mind and abilities to be sexually active in other ways that wouldn't involve such issues either.

When one only watches porn. And most men of a young age do this constantly and on a daily basis as it's known. They adjust their mind and body, to a very specific way of sexuality. Which is essentially only self-pleasure, when one is bombarded by an infinite amount of perfect and fully non life-like images. Many people do this thing for many years, daily, sometimes multiple times a day, until they understand when they finally get in the bed that there can be ranging issues from premature ejaculation for men, to no erections, to other issues.

Women are naturally different and even if they watch porn here and there, porn addiction for the genders is quite different.

If people kept it within reason and lead a busy life, with some porn here and there, it wouldn't create any issues. That is if it were normal porn. However one visit on a porn website quickly shows the intentions of such practice. Either you have fully jewish actors (most porn actors that are famous are jews) or you have all these interracial things which are forced all the time. If you have ever been to a porn website, you know what this is. Also, depravity is over-represented, and race mixing is enforced. Porn is used by a very specific jewish agenda.

Multiracial porn is actually the least interesting based on studies. And the most produced. What does that tell us about such is obvious. This is mental psyop. The jews have also been trying to create all sorts of injections into the goyim mind to further their multicultural agenda.

The fact that the jews prey on the sexuality of the goyim is just a normal thing for them. Even their god tries to moderate from the clouds if someone faps one or not. They are as stated psychotic.

In the matter of porn it would be advised for people to measure up, and healthily abstain. As for the movements who say that 'seed conserving' is somehow going to make you into a super demigod, this is just bullshit. Certainly, conserving your seed to some extent, and in some situations, may be ideal, but so does give you a lot of power to orgasm. It's a scientific fact people who do not orgasm frequently get a size reduction in their whole brain as well. Sexually speaking the organ which is most used is the brain.

What would be advisable is for people to reconsider the usefulness of the act. For example, make your sexual act useful. One can build a relation with another being (human or Succubi/Incubus), use one's energy for empowerment every single time, rather than waste this energy into absolute nothingness, but jewish profit from ads when one watches porn. Porn if one needs it for a kick here and then, wouldn't be bad. But as stated many people make it to an extreme habit and this seems to be unavoidable. The key is to adjust your sexuality not only around yourself, but use this as a form of union with 'another' as well.

The jews have took the woman figure from a full body burka, down to the full blown half naked slutdom that is walking around all the time. And accuses men of 'eye rape'. Obviously here measure is needed. Where there is no measure one will suffer either side from the extremes. Extremes always come with a backlash.

Lastly. Politically porn also has a lot of influence. One example is the migrant policies now. The jew from the back promotes these apes that murder and shit on the town's square, and permanently live on the mercy of civilized lands in the form of welfare, as some sort of sexually gifted people or some crap. Some women who are stupid get down there only to find STD's, no "Big Black Tong" as promised by Rabbi Shekelstein, nor the 'extreme pleasures' their gender compatriots fake at porn. They get painful vaginas, sores and boils, and possibly some STD's as well cause "you have to hit da white bitch" by sneakily taking off the condom without 'da bitch knowing'.

Sometimes they find themselves also pregnant with a random spawn as well, which many are obligated to keep cause of zero knowledge on how to deal with such. Overall the stories are way sadder than they are presented by the enemy.

Because this is the reality of such in many ways. If you have paid attention many cesspool white women are always willing to mate with these individuals. And give their 'love' and forget their 'feminism' when it comes to these. But try to play hard to get to individuals from their own in-group. It's almost as if schizoid rules are applied to destroy your own racial in-group.

Because they are programmed to act in such manners. One must keep a tight head and know that some of these people will go extinct and there is nothing that can be done about it. Some people like that need to fall into the fire. And these foreign people they are after them so they can cleave to a civilization by force as well. Which is why coal burning is taken as a serious offense, going racially to BOTH races. Black women understand what I mean here when successful Black men are brainwashed to go after useless white slobs because they are 'white' and it's an achievement to have one. The jew is the orchestrator of this insanity.

This situation harms everyone involved.

Such things wouldn't be happening to any civilization that had strong and virulent masculine sexual powers. Competition for the women would actually become a matter of seriousness rather than 'anything goes', especially if foreign tribes came to claim women. Who cares if Helga gets raped in Sweden by a bunch of microdick, filthy diseased idiots that could never get a single female in a normal fashion, when you have your virtual asian waifu to fulfill all your needs goy...After all what is Helga to you goy...focus on your hentai waifu right now...

Porn for the most part is mental warfare and propaganda at this point. There is a lot of racial warfare happening in porn. And a lot of stupid and naive, but physically beautiful women who are exploited in such businesses are cannon fodder for these agendas. And a lot of normal males get turned into defunct individuals cause of these projections.

The positive side to porn, well, if there is such a side, is that it can help someone get some desires off their mind. This doesn't seem to work for the majority of people. It's may work for some and some not. Which is the reason many people even 'physically' worked out through porn, they still feel on their back of the mind that they need a mate or relationship etc.

Taking the matter away from porn. A spiritual Satanist as with anything else. Is obligated to use their sexual energy, and understand it's extreme powers, in the highest way they possibly can. Which is the meaning of this post. If anything is about decay one can move away from it, and rise higher. There is no point for people to lurk in the bottom when you have all the powers by Satan and a good mind to rise to a better level.

And on a final note this doesn't mean to not watch something or do this or that. You decide about your life. However the universal constant is to have balance. And freedom only is created not through bad excess but by proper balance.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Legal Brothels, controlled and run by the municipality should be in every city. Brothels are a serious need. 

I also want to add regarding porn, years ago, porn movies had no issue with pubic hair. Now, for the past 20? or so years, porn stars both men and women shave their pubic hair. Subliminal Islam? 

Sex is one of the most powerful needs coming after survival. Sex needs a suitable, safe, healthy outlet in order for one to have emotional, physical and psychological health.
Again, brothels are seriously needed. One should not have to get involved in a relationship or be obligated in any way to relieve the sex urge.

Also, with decent brothels, workers are competent in satisfying all kinds of different sexual fetishes and such. There are those who are married whose spouses may be put off with certain fetishes. The brothel can take care of these sorts of things pleasurably and discreetly.

Being municipally controlled, physicians check the health of the workers frequently for STDs and such, keeping the place disease free and safe for all concerned.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Fri, May 11, 2018 at 11:08, hoodedcobra666@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   On Porn Post by HoodedCobra666[/B] » Sun May 06, 2018 7:25 pm There are some opinions over the years in regards to porn. About how good it is in some cases, and how bad it is in some other cases. It largely depend on one's use and experience, but the thing is. Porn on it's own has it's own definite agenda, guided by those who control the industry.

Porn is actually a jew owned business. Those older will know clearly that porn today is not the porn that was in the 90s, or 80's, or 70's. Porn back then was even racially cleaner with proper actresses and other and more 'normal' visuals. Actually what most people don't get about Porn it's largely an act, it's all fake. It's like many people assume it's somehow real because it deals with the naked human body, but it has few things to do with reality.. As time went porn became all the more unrealistic where it has reached points now there it's a full lie.

The actors, the aims, and how everything is done quite differs now from how it was "before". It's not simply a playboy magazine with some sexy models on the pages. One of the richest businesses on the planet, to waste body fluids and money for no reason, while projecting jewish propaganda on a very basic level. This is just a fact on who owns this business as a striking whole, and it's the jews.

Porn has been used incessantly in the last decades to not only make men waste all their sexual powers, but become sexually feeble. And for general purposes of mass brainwashing. This doesn't affect all men in the same way, so some of you may disagree. Some men go unaffected by porn, others are more impressionable.

Aside from this, it's filled with all sorts of different projections. The jews label it as 'teen porn' and you see women that hardly look like they are 12 years old. I won't get into details here, everyone knows what is going on there and why. Then they fill their mind with all sorts of other desires. Which goes both ways. People reinforce the porn with their own baseless desires.

Combined with a lifestyle where the individual has a lot of free time (Millenials), sits down all day, has zero interaction with the opposite gender, or social skills, and where there are young people invovled, no life experience either, porn simply misdirects this energy fully into virtually nowhere.

If society was different, men would seek to uplift themselves in some way, mentally, spiritually, socially, or in their approaching skills in order to have better women and/or more access to mates. And women would of course reward this because why shouldn't they, it's nature. Or they would be married, or met more women at their college, what have you. Right now all these needs have been put under the fog of 'you deserve it' and 'everyone can have it', but the only thing the goyim have is they sit like idiots doing window shopping about things they never had. Sexually or otherwise.

Porn creates a lot of illusions in the mind compared to reality. One such illusion is that women can or should come to someone for free. Many people who incessantly watch it, do it because they believe they are wronged for not having free women for example. Which is only half the truth. The truth is that if they didn't engage in such their will and desire to get females would be greater, so they would approach women and would therefore get more. Porn and such can remove such desire because the brain falsely thinks it's being fulfilled.

Water is not sought after when one thinks they are not thirsty. Women are not obligated to sit on someone's lap unless they have went after them, or unless some play has been involved. And women work differently than men as it appears in matters of porn we have like 9 out of 10 men watching, and 1 out of 10 women being an avid watcher. Because the minds of the genders are different. In other words porn comes of as an easy and fast solution for everyone.

The deeper point of porn is to literally reform sexuality. And actually misdirect it. At least this is how porn is presently used at this point. People are basically not having any physical contact. Not even mental contact. Back in the day people used to have sex on phones, exchange pictures etc. Sexuality can create families, homes, or at the very least, build relations to other people, for better or for worse, or some social skills, or whatever.

To sexually destroy a civilization you can do two things. The jews attempted the method of full castration and enforcing of sexuality in the past. This is in line with the commandments of their Talmud and of sexual suppression. This proved to have no effect over the centuries. Now they are trying the other method, much in trying to reverse riot their own restrictive culture. This is why the jews are the porn lords now, because they are mentally ripped and schizoid. So now this is extended on the goyim who are presented with an infinite amount of porn all the time, to the point this has become a social problem.

As with all other social problems and perils, it's not bad if it makes the jews money. So they always say it's very good cause of this, or cause for that. Sure, in many ways, porn is safer. One runs less risks of STD's for example, or pregnancies, but one could also sharpen their mind and abilities to be sexually active in other ways that wouldn't involve such issues either.

When one only watches porn. And most men of a young age do this constantly and on a daily basis as it's known. They adjust their mind and body, to a very specific way of sexuality. Which is essentially only self-pleasure, when one is bombarded by an infinite amount of perfect and fully non life-like images. Many people do this thing for many years, daily, sometimes multiple times a day, until they understand when they finally get in the bed that there can be ranging issues from premature ejaculation for men, to no erections, to other issues.

Women are naturally different and even if they watch porn here and there, porn addiction for the genders is quite different.

If people kept it within reason and lead a busy life, with some porn here and there, it wouldn't create any issues. That is if it were normal porn. However one visit on a porn website quickly shows the intentions of such practice. Either you have fully jewish actors (most porn actors that are famous are jews) or you have all these interracial things which are forced all the time. If you have ever been to a porn website, you know what this is. Also, depravity is over-represented, and race mixing is enforced. Porn is used by a very specific jewish agenda.

Multiracial porn is actually the least interesting based on studies. And the most produced. What does that tell us about such is obvious. This is mental psyop. The jews have also been trying to create all sorts of injections into the goyim mind to further their multicultural agenda.

The fact that the jews prey on the sexuality of the goyim is just a normal thing for them. Even their god tries to moderate from the clouds if someone faps one or not. They are as stated psychotic.

In the matter of porn it would be advised for people to measure up, and healthily abstain. As for the movements who say that 'seed conserving' is somehow going to make you into a super demigod, this is just bullshit. Certainly, conserving your seed to some extent, and in some situations, may be ideal, but so does give you a lot of power to orgasm. It's a scientific fact people who do not orgasm frequently get a size reduction in their whole brain as well. Sexually speaking the organ which is most used is the brain.

What would be advisable is for people to reconsider the usefulness of the act. For example, make your sexual act useful. One can build a relation with another being (human or Succubi/Incubus), use one's energy for empowerment every single time, rather than waste this energy into absolute nothingness, but jewish profit from ads when one watches porn. Porn if one needs it for a kick here and then, wouldn't be bad. But as stated many people make it to an extreme habit and this seems to be unavoidable. The key is to adjust your sexuality not only around yourself, but use this as a form of union with 'another' as well.

The jews have took the woman figure from a full body burka, down to the full blown half naked slutdom that is walking around all the time. And accuses men of 'eye rape'. Obviously here measure is needed. Where there is no measure one will suffer either side from the extremes. Extremes always come with a backlash.

Lastly. Politically porn also has a lot of influence. One example is the migrant policies now. The jew from the back promotes these apes that murder and shit on the town's square, and permanently live on the mercy of civilized lands in the form of welfare, as some sort of sexually gifted people or some crap. Some women who are stupid get down there only to find STD's, no "Big Black Tong" as promised by Rabbi Shekelstein, nor the 'extreme pleasures' their gender compatriots fake at porn. They get painful vaginas, sores and boils, and possibly some STD's as well cause "you have to hit da white bitch" by sneakily taking off the condom without 'da bitch knowing'.

Sometimes they find themselves also pregnant with a random spawn as well, which many are obligated to keep cause of zero knowledge on how to deal with such. Overall the stories are way sadder than they are presented by the enemy.

Because this is the reality of such in many ways. If you have paid attention many cesspool white women are always willing to mate with these individuals. And give their 'love' and forget their 'feminism' when it comes to these. But try to play hard to get to individuals from their own in-group. It's almost as if schizoid rules are applied to destroy your own racial in-group.

Because they are programmed to act in such manners. One must keep a tight head and know that some of these people will go extinct and there is nothing that can be done about it. Some people like that need to fall into the fire. And these foreign people they are after them so they can cleave to a civilization by force as well. Which is why coal burning is taken as a serious offense, going racially to BOTH races. Black women understand what I mean here when successful Black men are brainwashed to go after useless white slobs because they are 'white' and it's an achievement to have one. The jew is the orchestrator of this insanity.

This situation harms everyone involved.

Such things wouldn't be happening to any civilization that had strong and virulent masculine sexual powers. Competition for the women would actually become a matter of seriousness rather than 'anything goes', especially if foreign tribes came to claim women. Who cares if Helga gets raped in Sweden by a bunch of microdick, filthy diseased idiots that could never get a single female in a normal fashion, when you have your virtual asian waifu to fulfill all your needs goy...After all what is Helga to you goy...focus on your hentai waifu right now...

Porn for the most part is mental warfare and propaganda at this point. There is a lot of racial warfare happening in porn. And a lot of stupid and naive, but physically beautiful women who are exploited in such businesses are cannon fodder for these agendas. And a lot of normal males get turned into defunct individuals cause of these projections.

The positive side to porn, well, if there is such a side, is that it can help someone get some desires off their mind. This doesn't seem to work for the majority of people. It's may work for some and some not. Which is the reason many people even 'physically' worked out through porn, they still feel on their back of the mind that they need a mate or relationship etc.

Taking the matter away from porn. A spiritual Satanist as with anything else. Is obligated to use their sexual energy, and understand it's extreme powers, in the highest way they possibly can. Which is the meaning of this post. If anything is about decay one can move away from it, and rise higher. There is no point for people to lurk in the bottom when you have all the powers by Satan and a good mind to rise to a better level.

And on a final note this doesn't mean to not watch something or do this or that. You decide about your life. However the universal constant is to have balance.. And freedom only is created not through bad excess but by proper balance..

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
This sounds great. --
Sent from Outlook Email App for Android Friday, 11 May 2018, 02:44pm +03:00 from maxine.dietrich666' maxine.dietrich666@... [JoyofSatan666] [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]:

Legal Brothels, controlled and run by the municipality should be in every city. Brothels are a serious need.

I also want to add regarding porn, years ago, porn movies had no issue with pubic hair. Now, for the past 20? or so years, porn stars both men and women shave their pubic hair. Subliminal Islam?

Sex is one of the most powerful needs coming after survival. Sex needs a suitable, safe, healthy outlet in order for one to have emotional, physical and psychological health.
Again, brothels are seriously needed. One should not have to get involved in a relationship or be obligated in any way to relieve the sex urge.

Also, with decent brothels, workers are competent in satisfying all kinds of different sexual fetishes and such. There are those who are married whose spouses may be put off with certain fetishes. The brothel can take care of these sorts of things pleasurably and discreetly.

Being municipally controlled, physicians check the health of the workers frequently for STDs and such, keeping the place disease free and safe for all concerned.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

In response to what Maxine said,
In Gen Z and Millenials the feminists like growing out their armpit hair & facial hair as a fashion statement. It seems like jews are just replacing Christianity for Islam in the broader context of whites. Shave the genitals and grow it out in the face for men, and the armpits for women, and this is somehow supposed to be revolutionary and free-spirited or something. Whether someone chooses to shave or not to shave anywhere is personal preference and whatever is considered "normal" is liable to change.

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Sat, May 12, 2018 at 7:53, 'maxine.dietrich666' maxine.dietrich666@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:  

Legal Brothels, controlled and run by the municipality should be in every city. Brothels are a serious need. 

I also want to add regarding porn, years ago, porn movies had no issue with pubic hair. Now, for the past 20? or so years, porn stars both men and women shave their pubic hair. Subliminal Islam? 

Sex is one of the most powerful needs coming after survival. Sex needs a suitable, safe, healthy outlet in order for one to have emotional, physical and psychological health.
Again, brothels are seriously needed. One should not have to get involved in a relationship or be obligated in any way to relieve the sex urge.

Also, with decent brothels, workers are competent in satisfying all kinds of different sexual fetishes and such. There are those who are married whose spouses may be put off with certain fetishes. The brothel can take care of these sorts of things pleasurably and discreetly.

Being municipally controlled, physicians check the health of the workers frequently for STDs and such, keeping the place disease free and safe for all concerned.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
I do admire HC for referencing “natural selection” but I also dislike how he didn’t directly mention “natural selection”!
In the end it doesn’t matter if you feel like you deserve a mate or not because if you have physical defects you should not be spreading that shit around!… like to your offspring for example!
“Natural selection”! The reason why many are forced down this solitary route!
But hey that’s just my opinion!
The shaving I think might be a novelty thing in the sense of making the genitals more visible as hair can hide some genital features. There are actual scientific research that show how porn addiction are no different than drug addiction. Both reduce grey matter. Infact what also makes porn so dangerous is that underage children can be streaming porn on their smart devices in a matter of seconds. Here is a short but very informative video that I found for you on how porn affects the brain: https://youtu.be/0VoeWd3wCiw this is on a nofap channel, so please don't scold me if that's not your thing. Males need to "release", how often though is fully up to the individual. 
More on Poo Joo and porn https://youtu.be/gwd_Iofr6ZQ

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Mon, 14 May 2018 at 20:13, thisisafalsealias@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   In response to what Maxine said,
In Gen Z and Millenials the feminists like growing out their armpit hair & facial hair as a fashion statement. It seems like jews are just replacing Christianity for Islam in the broader context of whites. Shave the genitals and grow it out in the face for men, and the armpits for women, and this is somehow supposed to be revolutionary and free-spirited or something. Whether someone chooses to shave or not to shave anywhere is personal preference and whatever is considered "normal" is liable to change.
Yes , I'm doing astral sex with angels,demon,devil and other souls,it was help me to learn more and feel the power of many kind,now i'm master in astral sex ,telepathy sex,cosmic sex and tantra like more,they teach me how to do these things
On Monday 14 May 2018, 11:38:49 PM IST, Mage Adept mage.adept@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected] wrote:

  This sounds great. --
Sent from Outlook Email App for Android Friday, 11 May 2018, 02:44pm +03:00 from maxine.dietrich666' maxine.dietrich666@... [JoyofSatan666] [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]:

Legal Brothels, controlled and run by the municipality should be in every city. Brothels are a serious need.

I also want to add regarding porn, years ago, porn movies had no issue with pubic hair. Now, for the past 20? or so years, porn stars both men and women shave their pubic hair. Subliminal Islam?

Sex is one of the most powerful needs coming after survival. Sex needs a suitable, safe, healthy outlet in order for one to have emotional, physical and psychological health.
Again, brothels are seriously needed. One should not have to get involved in a relationship or be obligated in any way to relieve the sex urge.

Also, with decent brothels, workers are competent in satisfying all kinds of different sexual fetishes and such. There are those who are married whose spouses may be put off with certain fetishes. The brothel can take care of these sorts of things pleasurably and discreetly.

Being municipally controlled, physicians check the health of the workers frequently for STDs and such, keeping the place disease free and safe for all concerned.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
BAN THIS abiharanbose SHIT!

---In [email protected], <abiharanbose@... wrote :

Yes , I'm doing astral sex with angels,demon,devil and other souls,it was help me to learn more and feel the power of many kind,now i'm master in astral sex ,telepathy sex,cosmic sex and tantra like more,they teach me how to do these things

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
