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On Pedophiles

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Human sexuality is complex. Fetishes and so forth are all within this realm. But this one thing calls for extreme measures, and worse. It's called pedophilia.

Satan and the Powers of Hell have simple rules. Never do harm to any children, and let animals live their own karma and life and help them if you can to keep existing.

One thing that should make the insides of every person twist, is pedophilia. Many mentally ill people say that this is normal, or should be understood, or even worse 'accepted' into a society. Pedophilia is one of the most deep and serious mental illnesses, and this is one thing that we are fighting the enemy for. This is destruction and hatred on a whole different level.

Ranging opinions on the matter of pedophiles are from literal exclusion from any minors, to execution. Not acceptance. And I will explain in all levels why what I tell you is extremely important and extremely sound.

Pedophiles have serious mental illness. Something is seriously wrong. Sometimes, there are such tendencies in the charts of people, to like people who are minor, but note, youthful looking. This is the case where people in their 60's can marry girls who are 20, or other such issues.

In some states, people reach adulthood by 16 or so. In others, at 18, and in other cases, by 21. Abrahamic religions are big on pedophilia, sexual abuse of minors, and anything else that is criminal and a living abomination is accepted.

The prophet of the Muslims had a 9 year old wife, where most Rabbis are convicted pedophiles. However in the Hasidic community there is no police or policing, so these matters are never discussed or brought into law. The jews live beyond the laws of any countries they are into. Satanism is the REVERSE OF THESE CRIMINAL ABOMINATIONS!

Normally, sexual fetishes make sense. While they may not make sense or be liked by someone, they always make some sort of sense, in that they can be traced to a legitimate emotional need. For example, some people like to be dominated. They can call their adult partner daddy, or whatever of that nature. Some people like to dominate others, even slave things or BDSM. All these have a psychological foundation upon which they work, and have some sexual attraction involved.

None of the above is socially hazardous, socially damning, and at worse, sexual passions beyond control can ruin lives of people involved in them, but never countries, towns, and the whole of civilization all-together. Anything in excess can ruin, and the above is also included even as many people like to think this is not the case. However, massive sexual phenomena are not a direct reason for social collapse, pedophilia is not one of them. Pedophillia literally destroys future generations and ruins people completely.

In the "All that Equal" eastern countries, pedophillia on very young children who are under very hard and powerful drugs, is a common habit. But most retarded people in the West have no idea, as all they inform themselves with is the news of the Jews everyday at night. Where they never mention these 'all that equal' practices of the otherwise 'we wuz all humanz and equal' parts of the world.

There are humans who are non-human out there, and this subhuman element exists in every race of human beings. Unless this element is conquered, this bestiality destroys every living thing simply because it's polarity is that of destruction. These forces put on a society destroy society. Islam is the breeding house of these forces, same as all abrahamic religions. The Vatican which is a pedophile mafia knows this all too well.

Pedophillia, so much loved by the jews, and so much practiced by almost all jews, does exactly this thing: It destroys other human beings in the most basic level. This is an act of destruction of other human beings. This is deliberate and in the most twisted manner possible.

The life of every jew starts with mutilation and pedophilia: This is called circumcision. This was advice from the reptilians and whatever shitty entities they believe in, to do these to children and in particular their own. This mutilation only works to bring the worst out of these alien species in the long term, because it brutalizes them and gives them deep, unconscious hatred and scars. This bleeds on to the future of their life in numerous ways.

Pedophiles claim a lot of strange and highly mentally ill things. One example is how children "TEASE" them. CHILDREN HAVE NO SEXUAL ENERGY OR SEXUAL INSTINCT AND THEY CANNOT "TEASE" ANYONE OF THEM. They are merely mentally ill and take it that way themselves.

Another argument is that this is how they are attracted to and there is nothing they can do about it. But in most cases of pedophiles, they have been a victim of pedophilia themselves. In other words, it's a disease that unless it's weeded out, it keeps spreading.

Pedophillia is not the instinct of some people to have sex with women that look more youthful (but are of legal age) or even girls that look like 'teens'. This is literally striking on minors who have nothing to give or even to understand sexually. In anyway, the jewish porn industry adds oil in the fire, and the jewish fashion industry makes children and in particular girls, dress in deprived ways, adding to the social insanity the jews have produced, and also active promotion of pedophilia as some sort of identity, namely "non practicing pedophilia".

But even this is not an excuse to any aspect of this mental illness for which many rabbis and other social destroyers 'debate' about.

There are literally many testaments from pedophiles and other people attracted to children. They can make someone vomit.

Additionally, children do not "TEASE", they do not "WANT" IT or any other mortally insane things these criminals claim. Simply because something is wrong with their brain, they perceive it that way, because they are mentally ill. CHILDREN DO NOT ENJOY THIS, THEY SUFFER FROM IT.

The same logic is of rapists and many other sub-humans who literally think that because in their own retarded and monkey instincts that are ruining the lives of other people.

Anyone who looks into criminal cases or even watches TV series on the matter, knows that these people actually abuse hundreds of young people until they are found out. Many of the young people actually turn to pedophiles and abusers themselves. This destroys the spirit of children. The jewish rabbis rape children, and even their own children, to 'dominate' them. This has to do with some sort of reptilian instinct they have.

Rules of the animal kingdom do NOT apply in any such arguments. If you're an animal, then let's slaughter you like a pig and eat you, but you would never want any equal treatment to an 'animal'. For humans, other things apply and other rules, because we have logic.

Assaulting children has nothing to do with bi-gay, or any other such relations. The jews try inject this into the conversation to fan the flames about gay, bi, or third sex people and get them exterminated as the Torah commands. So they bring pedophiles, bi-gay, and the gblt under the same flag. To get them destroyed all together as the Torah commands the jews to do with these people.

Pedophilia has NO PSYCHOLOGICAL FOUNDATION WHATSOEVER. It has no reason and no purpose to exist. Even the most strange of sexual fetishes, can be tracked down to something. Children have no sexual energy, no sexually attractive qualities, and not even a developed body to take any sexual stimulation, purely NOTHING.

There is nothing innocent about pedophillia. You're a rotting adult with psychological problems, transfering them on people who have nothing of such mental illness into their head still. You are replicating a virus that can destroy all of civilization of the life of other individuals simply because you're a sickening hedonist. If you still believe you have the right to victimize people like young and helpless dogs, others should have the right to put you down with euthanasia as a disgusting lifeform.

On a final note on the above, obviously, federal crimes aren't just beliefs or tendencies. I don't judge this as right, nor wrong, as this is what the Justice System should be. I am not a jury of this system.

There are no explanations for pedophiles, no logical back-rounds, and no foundation upon which anything like that can be argued with however. There is no even an emotional foundation other than savagely attacking innocent beings for no reason.

Therefore 'logical' judgement accounts to nothing, and no logical argument. This is only psychotic desire to destroy other human beings when they are most vulnerable. This is nothing but inferior behavior even from monkeys.

Lastly, if people have been conditioned to this, or anyone experiences such urges. I don't know what to say except of this. Do workings and massive re-programming to get this out of yourself. If people have been victimized from this, meditation and spirituality can help. This is not an identity, this is a bad habit, same as massive drug abuse, rampant mental illness of ape-rage murderers, and other things. It must be weeded out from someone.

Additionally if this is left upon the soul, on reincarnation, so that this urge can come out, they will be the victims themselves. This is why this everlasting cycle of dross, excrement and death keeps cycling into humanity and never ends. Because people when alive, they do not correct what needs to be corrected. Therefore the abuser becomes the abused, and if you end up in the hands of abusers to be abused until you get your share, and worse.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Note, on the last two paragraphs, I say, urges or possibly disgusting thoughts. If this goes further and a person is utterly this thing, nothing can be done and the belief that such is the case is falsified and the reason so much of that convicted scum goes around. Those in prison have no qualms about trafficking, drugs, and any other crime, but pedophillia is not accepted even in prisons, as many of the inmates have children. Even the drug sellers and others who are 'decent' in their criminality have a code to let children be.

Those who do not are equally raped and brutally murdered even by their counterparts in illegal activity. With that being stated, if people who are into all of this don't tolerate nothing of this, why should others do? There are no reason other than the jews legitimizing their insane talmud.

The jews write consistently that under Muslim rule, these were of the most prosperous and best times to be a jew. Now they try to push the Muslim plague into Europe and elsewhere, hoping for a better time and the destruction of their judges who have always been the White people and nobody else. They want to escape justice as in their mind, if these species are exterminated, the jews fly free with all their crimes. No crime if you can't be judged for it, is the jewish mentality.
Great thanks to HP cobra for opened our brain, let our beuty universe stay away from jew's foolish rule
I consider pedophilia utterly reptilian and the product of a species prior to that of man which somehow ended up to what is present day humanity due to massive inferiority in humans bred and spiritual downfall, some ugly bestial leftovers from a previous version of mankind, something along these lines. It simply does not make sense.

Some people lust after teenagers of mature age, but again, this is not by definition the same as assaulting very young people, 9 year olds like Mohamed, and Rabbinical marriage at 3 years old in where you "poking your organ in the child is the issue of putting your finger into it's eye, and therefore no harm is done" which is the Talmudic justification of raping infants pretty much. Every jew is raped as an infant at the age of 9 days old in a blood mutilation ritual. This is alien.

Young teenagers are either alone or with others, sexually active and curious and this is normal. However maturation ranges from 14 to even 18 or 21 in some cases. Below this the whole deal is starting to get strange and cringy.

So my opinion is pedophilia is jewish, reptilian, and an abomination that doesn't have anything to do with humans.
It's sad alot of that does happens really is, to add and correct me if I'm wrong the way the clothes are on also don't help. Rather school or walking the mall many have very small clothe on.

The way things are moving or have been moving is very different then before.

Watched a Dr Phil episode where he interviewed one of the singers...mmm Sinead O Connor and how she was abused and hit and such when she was a child and her siblings too. (Can't tell if she Jewish)

She has nightmares and on different drugs and such because all that. She said she forgive her mother though her sister says she doesn't.

Watched only little no more sense that's something I hate to see.

There was another article that read from Leonardo DiCaprio where he was saying in Hollywood as everyone knows is seen and many people there prey on the kids there where some are protected by the family as he was and some basically sold almost.

Don't meant to take from HP Cobra.
An SS told me pedophilia and necrophilia can be cured through power meditation..probably bestiality as well but most don't care to power meditate...
I remember seeing a compilation of videos from this show, where they catch predators. And this post made me remember the reaction of a rabbi that got caught. He believed he was above the law both in his reaction and the aftermath of being caught in the act. Here's the video... 
To me people are way too laissez faire now days. I guess they had too many rainbow and cotton candy teachers growing up.

The kind that  used to smoke too much weed and attend social justice rallies. The relativists. Everyone and everything is equally valid. Nothing is ridiculous or wrong. That would be a buzz kill man.

Give 25th place runner a trophy. It's a crime to make someone feel bad. Because you know what? They are a legend in their own mind. Criticism is for evil Nazis man.

And the neck beards of the spilled milk shoah generation have also been led to believe that there is this polarity of action we can take. 

Something is dramatically wrong and we better send storm troopers in to clean that up, or its not worth taking action or giving a single shit over. We pass sweeping legislation or take no action at all. It's not my problem.

Well true power and insight I believe comes from seeing the spectrum. The continuum of reality and potential actions along it. This disposes you of the cage of false polarity that leads nowhere and acomplishes nothing. I believe it's best to see the spectrum and tune your behavior along it.

Because it would be overkill to pass legislation against certain sexual fetishes means we shouldn't care at all right? Whether we can/should take action determines what is good and normal.

I'm sure there are many proud mothers of alcoholic men. Because their behavior is not illegal it is fine. Maybe they should even promote it. It's not illegal so we have only silence in response to lawful self destruction.

But would it even be overkill to have something to say about these things as a society? Or to take some kind of action? After all Nazi Germany put an end to some artists whose work was considered degenerate. And they even mocked it.

And it was not unheard of in the past for states and local governments, even cities to ban tattoos. Japan and Nazi Germany both cracked down on tattoos as degenerate things for society. They both had campaigns to weed out what they considered degenerate and of low toxic level.

These actions were a great shoah to SJW's, Libertardians, anarchists and nihilists. It pissed of the right people and the names of these social guardians are still drug through the mud today.
Besides law; education, mockery, and propaganda have long been used to guide the public in skillful use of the continuum. Appropriate balance of action in response to events.

So I disagree that pedophilia is the only sexual concern for the future leaders of a Satanic society. It certainly is right at the top however.

I also believe some behaviors such as the slave thing taken to far ends needs correction. It is not healthy or right. It's cold and psychopathic to look away and do nothing for people clearly in need.

I believe in authoritarianism which is great social compassion at its root. And centered with understanding of the continuum to achieve balance between freedom of action at a personal level with the power of State as a social guardian.

The page about freeing the soul states that you may experience a dry love life if in a previous lifetime you had a close lover and you did things such as the following. Saying during sex that you only love this person, or don't want another lover.

That can be engraved in your soul thru the great energy release of orgasm. And it may carry into many lives. Think about this during your fantasies. People should know about it every time they act out things and pledge they are such slaves or this or that.

Online I have sadly seen anything from urine and poop, to a woman in a cage, to rape fantasy, to a woman receiving various sharps thru her flesh. One even had her god damn tits NAILED TO A BOARD. Not just the nipple either. Right thru the meat of it.

If your fantasy is to be a slave I really question your fighting spirit, your self value, your level of advancement, and your future generally.
You want to be a slave then why not make it real and go become a Christian. Maybe you can fap inside a church this excites you so much.

I am not going to pretend this is such an arbitrary and meaningless choice like what color shirt you will wear tomorrow. Many of these fanasies and choices are pretty arbitrary. And I don't care. Nor do I need more to worry about.

But some cross well beyond some relativistic preference and I am going to categorize you accordingly.

I'd rather not have people engrave bullshit into their soul and incarnate into the next idiot that accidently walks across the DMZ and becomes a North Korean torture victim, or the next Oslo Rapefugee victim.

And I find it curious the psychologist that comfort people that actually lived thru these harrowing experiences and become fucked in the head, yet somehow those that act it out in fantasy are fine in the head.

And somehow this does not cause a detriment to society mentally and spiritually which is proven wrong. Not to mention the connection that does exist between some of these depraved sexual practices, with new age, and body modifications all of jewish origin.

I find these things beneath humanity. And I can never imagine a God, who lived thru so much and fought so hard. Who is so magnificent and strong. Who may have even been a prisoner of the enemy, or had friends that perished. I can't imagine that God getting off on being some slave.
I don't imagine them spending the weekend in a cage. 

And if some husband has his wife in a cage, he probably has dead children in his yard. And maybe homless people in a pit putting on lotion. I refuse to respect or trust that man. It's common sense.

Let's not be cucked into complacency about the depth of our social decay.
Pedophilia cannot be 'cured'. EVER. The only response that is correct is to make an end of the filth who ruin young peoples lives, as HP HC just pointed out in his Sermon. It is unnatural and abhorrent, and in every way filth. Pedophilia is a jewish interpolation into the minds of Humans and it is a VIRUS that must be stamped out. NO power meditation can cure it. It is SICK and the 'people' who are into this filth, must be wiped OUT. It is totally of the enemy, reptilian FILTH. It is an abomination.
So this hit on something we've been trying to figure out...

One of my s.o's good friends was put in jail for a month on child porn charges (allegedly of toddlers) and is now on a three year probation.. 99% of people dropped this person from their lives, but we had given him a chance since he is a pretty cool person without the charges..

So is he fucked up for ever? Is there any chance for him to move on past it or is this a bigger problem than Im perceiving it as? We have already stopped talking to him and mostly try and avoid him but I want to know to what extreme this is??

Since he's into it, is he just into it forever?
Pedophiles are disgusting. I know this from personal experience. My maths teacher got arrested for downloading awful videos of children from the age of 6 to 12. I was also targeted once, by my friend's dad. It's horrifying. At random times, I get flashbacks and it's almost like I'm reliving the same moment over and over and over again. 
It really makes the victim blame themselves. I blamed myself. I kept thinking "if I didn't stay over that friend's house that night I would have been fine" but now I know that it wasn't my fault. I never asked for that to happen. I was too young to even understand what was going on.
I wouldn't wish this even on my worst enemy, and I hate him so much I sometimes wish I could just wrap my hands around his throat and squeeze the life out of him.

On 15 Sep 2017 18:48, "shade00013@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Sometimes it's really hard to be a fan of Japanese anime when this hyper sexualised version of minors decides to pop into the screen… thx Jew! *shade says sarcastically!*
But even fetish's that can be explained with logic can be very detrimental to a persons health… I.e. Concerning a certain… ahem… fetish of mine (just to be clear haven't broken any laws or ever will thanks to this shit) I was HEAVILY considering sucided before dedicating so that I wouldn't have to deal with the shame during this lifetime… and even now it brings me a great deal of pain and suffering knowing that this bile is corrupting my very soul…
anime is rated, if you dont want to watch hentai, echhi, or yaoi anime, then dont
nobody is making you, howevre the japanese artists draw what is aesthetically pleasing, and what is considered to be "cute"
 when it comes to drawing this usually means big eyes, and a relatively large head....like a baby, this is probably where you get the wierd feeling from, but i have never seen an anime in which a little kid under like 13 actually looked like a little kid, they are usually drawn in a very sexy way with big boobs.
at that, it's not really pedophilia is it, you can say a girl you drew is 5 if you want, but if she has DD boobs, and thick sexy legs...well its not really a drawing of a underage girl then.
keep in mind the Japs also like to make their characters pretty much all white, so nothing about the mainstream art style right now is photo realistic, or normal.

dont be a baby, if you dont like a fetish you are into, then it means it is not really yours, you can get rid of it.
just dont stress over it. its nothing to kill yourself over

That's exactly why I never went to therapy or any psychologist. I have no desire in reliving, acting out or explaining in detail what happened to me to anyone. Those things alone cause more pain and suffering, in some cases, worse than the abuse itself. The only remedy I have found for this total mindfuck is though Father Satan and his teachings on how to empower ourselves. Though I am very new, I find the pain (which I now know is of the soul and not really physically) is lessened little by little each time I meditate and cleanse my aura. 
I see this:
Sometimes it's really hard to be a fan of Japanese anime when this hyper sexualised version of minors decides to pop into the screen… thx Jew! *shade says sarcastically!*  But even fetish's that can be explained with logic can be very detrimental to a persons health… I.e. Concerning a certain… ahem… fetish of mine (just to be clear haven't broken any laws or ever will thanks to this shit) I was HEAVILY considering sucided before dedicating so that I wouldn't have to deal with the shame during this lifetime… and even now it brings me a great deal of pain and suffering knowing that this bile is corrupting my very soul…
Japanese anime is full of references to child sexualized shit. What is this fetish? What are you talking about?
Hi, I'm quite new to Satanism. I only dedicated nearly 3 months ago and working on seeking the truth through JoS and research. I have began my meditations and attempt the RTR's when I have privacy. I'm very happy to finally be a member of SS and never thought in my wildest dreams I could feel so accepted. This feeling began as soon as my Dedication ritual was done and has never left. I have not experienced anything like this while being raised in the horrible chistian household. Though I never took it seriously anyway, I just played my part.  
I was an abused child of pedophilia by my stepfather for 8 years (that I can currently remember, it could possibly be longer). He is not of jewish decent although I know by this post that mentally ill people can also be disgusting pedophiles. My abuser came into my life when I was 3 years old. He was a wonderful, charismatic and funny person and as a young child without a father I immediately took to him. I was a happy child and very outgoing. I enjoyed the company of others and loved to participate in plays such as theatre. I was this man's shadow. He couldn't even go to the store without me I was so charmed by him in my innocence. I realize now that I probably wasn't the age of his preference and he was just playing the awesome dad for a short time. 
My earliest memory of abuse was at 8 years old, though I think it could have been earlier than that. At first I had no idea what was going on and I didn't for years. He already had power over me so he filled my head with lies to justify what he was doing. Later on, when I figured out this was TOTALLY wrong in EVERY WAY, he would blackmail me. Even resorting to forcing me to do drugs before the abuse and threaten me and my mother if I said anything. I withdrew into myself, became the awkward silent kid at school. Which resulted in bullying. It got to the point where I just wanted to either die or run far away where no one could find me. I would pray and pray and pray to the "god" I never truly believed in. And, of course, nothing. It was not until I refused to be a victim and let someone control me anymore that I was finally able to break free from the abuse. I was certainly afraid at 16 years old hardly weighing 100lbs against a 6 foot 280lbs man. I waited until he was asleep one day (he had kept me out of school without my mother's knowledge), quietly walked into the kitchen and grabbed the largest butcher knife I could find as well as the house telephone to call the police to report a murder. I was ready to face my consequences. I stood over him holding the knife until he woke. I wanted him to suffer like I did. Then, there came a voice. It sounded like my own thought but somehow I knew it wasn't my own. It said, "Not in this way." I knew right then that I couldn't murder him, even if I so desperately wanted to. When my stepfather asked what I was doing and what was going on- I simply replied with no emotion that if he ever touched me again or even looked at me in the way I didn't like, then I would carve him up like a thanksgiving turkey. He mentioned calling the police, which I laughed at and tossed him the phone telling him to go ahead. After that day, I never experienced anymore abuse or anything close to it. Though, to make things much worse, my mother didn't believe me when I finally got the courage to tell her. They are no longer part of my life, nor is my older brother who knew of the abuse but did nothing. 
I know now that it was Father Satan who spoke to me that day. I am now married for almost 16 years, have two children and have never had any tendencies for any child. I completely agree that ALL pedophiles should be killed and/or destroyed. I am still dealing with the psychological effects from my childhood and I can tell it does interfere with my meditations. Not to mention I used drugs, mainly prescription pain medication, as a coping mechanism for it. I also know that if just keep working on it that I will be freed of this by my own doing. There is no greater satisfaction (at least at the moment) of accomplishing this by my own means. I have told my story here to show the side of the abused. Not all of us turn into abusers of children, and I'm certainly not saying that HP Hooded Cobra stated that. Some do, this is fact. The rest of us find other additions, such as drugs like me. When I came upon the Joy of Satan website I knew I had been led there. I will forever remember that day as the first day of the rest of my life. I am now in control of my life for the first time. Thank you HP Hooded Cobra for this post. It answered many questions for me. Thank you HP Maxine for creating JoS, all who helped, everyone of the clergy, all my brother and sisters here who show nothing but wonderful advice and support, those all over the world fighting the REAL good fight, all the Demons/Old Gods, and most of all Father Satan. I would still be lost among the sheeple if it were not for all of you. THANK YOU!
Hey Notwithout 34, welcome to the groups :)

I'm so sorry to hear of your abuse as a child. Here's a working that has helped others here, I hope it can be of benefit to you as well.

Vibrate the rune Wunjo (Vend, Vynn, whichever variation you think is best for you). If you can only handle 18 reps this is fine, 88 reps is great for this rune if you can safely do that many.

After you finished with the vibrations, Affirmation 9x: "In a positive and healthy manner for me, the energies of [Wunjo or variation of] are totally and completely healing me from any and all psychological, mental, and emotional damage and pain".

Now, this is going to bring up some ugly stuff. For example, if you lived in fear as a child and always had stomach aches, this working might bring them back. You might also get flashes throughout the day of memories of trauma and so on. But it won't last long. Just keep it up and you will come out of it stronger (and saner) than ever :)

You can start this working tomorrow (Monday), as the Moon rules the subconscious, it's not the best Moon sign (Virgo) but it will still be effective.

@ fathersatanswarriordaughterThat was really brave of you to share that with us. I wish you all the best.
Hail Satan Forever! 

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On Saturday, September 16, 2017, 14:42, fathersatanswarriordaughter34@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected] wrote:
  Hi, I'm quite new to Satanism. I only dedicated nearly 3 months ago and working on seeking the truth through JoS and research. I have began my meditations and attempt the RTR's when I have privacy. I'm very happy to finally be a member of SS and never thought in my wildest dreams I could feel so accepted. This feeling began as soon as my Dedication ritual was done and has never left. I have not experienced anything like this while being raised in the horrible chistian household. Though I never took it seriously anyway, I just played my part.  
I was an abused child of pedophilia by my stepfather for 8 years (that I can currently remember, it could possibly be longer). He is not of jewish decent although I know by this post that mentally ill people can also be disgusting pedophiles. My abuser came into my life when I was 3 years old. He was a wonderful, charismatic and funny person and as a young child without a father I immediately took to him. I was a happy child and very outgoing. I enjoyed the company of others and loved to participate in plays such as theatre. I was this man's shadow. He couldn't even go to the store without me I was so charmed by him in my innocence. I realize now that I probably wasn't the age of his preference and he was just playing the awesome dad for a short time. 
My earliest memory of abuse was at 8 years old, though I think it could have been earlier than that. At first I had no idea what was going on and I didn't for years. He already had power over me so he filled my head with lies to justify what he was doing. Later on, when I figured out this was TOTALLY wrong in EVERY WAY, he would blackmail me. Even resorting to forcing me to do drugs before the abuse and threaten me and my mother if I said anything. I withdrew into myself, became the awkward silent kid at school. Which resulted in bullying. It got to the point where I just wanted to either die or run far away where no one could find me. I would pray and pray and pray to the "god" I never truly believed in. And, of course, nothing. It was not until I refused to be a victim and let someone control me anymore that I was finally able to break free from the abuse. I was certainly afraid at 16 years old hardly weighing 100lbs against a 6 foot 280lbs man. I waited until he was asleep one day (he had kept me out of school without my mother's knowledge), quietly walked into the kitchen and grabbed the largest butcher knife I could find as well as the house telephone to call the police to report a murder. I was ready to face my consequences. I stood over him holding the knife until he woke. I wanted him to suffer like I did. Then, there came a voice. It sounded like my own thought but somehow I knew it wasn't my own. It said, "Not in this way." I knew right then that I couldn't murder him, even if I so desperately wanted to. When my stepfather asked what I was doing and what was going on- I simply replied with no emotion that if he ever touched me again or even looked at me in the way I didn't like, then I would carve him up like a thanksgiving turkey. He mentioned calling the police, which I laughed at and tossed him the phone telling him to go ahead. After that day, I never experienced anymore abuse or anything close to it. Though, to make things much worse, my mother didn't believe me when I finally got the courage to tell her. They are no longer part of my life, nor is my older brother who knew of the abuse but did nothing. 
I know now that it was Father Satan who spoke to me that day. I am now married for almost 16 years, have two children and have never had any tendencies for any child. I completely agree that ALL pedophiles should be killed and/or destroyed. I am still dealing with the psychological effects from my childhood and I can tell it does interfere with my meditations. Not to mention I used drugs, mainly prescription pain medication, as a coping mechanism for it. I also know that if just keep working on it that I will be freed of this by my own doing. There is no greater satisfaction (at least at the moment) of accomplishing this by my own means. I have told my story here to show the side of the abused. Not all of us turn into abusers of children, and I'm certainly not saying that HP Hooded Cobra stated that. Some do, this is fact. The rest of us find other additions, such as drugs like me. When I came upon the Joy of Satan website I knew I had been led there. I will forever remember that day as the first day of the rest of my life. I am now in control of my life for the first time. Thank you HP Hooded Cobra for this post. It answered many questions for me. Thank you HP Maxine for creating JoS, all who helped, everyone of the clergy, all my brother and sisters here who show nothing but wonderful advice and support, those all over the world fighting the REAL good fight, all the Demons/Old Gods, and most of all Father Satan. I would still be lost among the sheeple if it were not for all of you. THANK YOU!
That's so sad! I'm sorry you went through that. I understand how scary it is at a young age, but my situation was nowhere near as bad as yours. Just know that I'm here if you wanna cry on someone. I'll cry too because sometimes people just need something to cry about :) 
On 17 Sep 2017 06:53, "fathersatanswarriordaughter34@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Hi, I'm quite new to Satanism. I only dedicated nearly 3 months ago and working on seeking the truth through JoS and research. I have began my meditations and attempt the RTR's when I have privacy. I'm very happy to finally be a member of SS and never thought in my wildest dreams I could feel so accepted. This feeling began as soon as my Dedication ritual was done and has never left. I have not experienced anything like this while being raised in the horrible chistian household. Though I never took it seriously anyway, I just played my part.  
I was an abused child of pedophilia by my stepfather for 8 years (that I can currently remember, it could possibly be longer). He is not of jewish decent although I know by this post that mentally ill people can also be disgusting pedophiles. My abuser came into my life when I was 3 years old. He was a wonderful, charismatic and funny person and as a young child without a father I immediately took to him. I was a happy child and very outgoing. I enjoyed the company of others and loved to participate in plays such as theatre. I was this man's shadow. He couldn't even go to the store without me I was so charmed by him in my innocence. I realize now that I probably wasn't the age of his preference and he was just playing the awesome dad for a short time. 
My earliest memory of abuse was at 8 years old, though I think it could have been earlier than that. At first I had no idea what was going on and I didn't for years. He already had power over me so he filled my head with lies to justify what he was doing. Later on, when I figured out this was TOTALLY wrong in EVERY WAY, he would blackmail me. Even resorting to forcing me to do drugs before the abuse and threaten me and my mother if I said anything. I withdrew into myself, became the awkward silent kid at school. Which resulted in bullying. It got to the point where I just wanted to either die or run far away where no one could find me. I would pray and pray and pray to the "god" I never truly believed in. And, of course, nothing. It was not until I refused to be a victim and let someone control me anymore that I was finally able to break free from the abuse. I was certainly afraid at 16 years old hardly weighing 100lbs against a 6 foot 280lbs man. I waited until he was asleep one day (he had kept me out of school without my mother's knowledge), quietly walked into the kitchen and grabbed the largest butcher knife I could find as well as the house telephone to call the police to report a murder. I was ready to face my consequences. I stood over him holding the knife until he woke. I wanted him to suffer like I did. Then, there came a voice. It sounded like my own thought but somehow I knew it wasn't my own. It said, "Not in this way." I knew right then that I couldn't murder him, even if I so desperately wanted to. When my stepfather asked what I was doing and what was going on- I simply replied with no emotion that if he ever touched me again or even looked at me in the way I didn't like, then I would carve him up like a thanksgiving turkey. He mentioned calling the police, which I laughed at and tossed him the phone telling him to go ahead. After that day, I never experienced anymore abuse or anything close to it. Though, to make things much worse, my mother didn't believe me when I finally got the courage to tell her. They are no longer part of my life, nor is my older brother who knew of the abuse but did nothing. 
I know now that it was Father Satan who spoke to me that day. I am now married for almost 16 years, have two children and have never had any tendencies for any child. I completely agree that ALL pedophiles should be killed and/or destroyed. I am still dealing with the psychological effects from my childhood and I can tell it does interfere with my meditations. Not to mention I used drugs, mainly prescription pain medication, as a coping mechanism for it. I also know that if just keep working on it that I will be freed of this by my own doing. There is no greater satisfaction (at least at the moment) of accomplishing this by my own means. I have told my story here to show the side of the abused. Not all of us turn into abusers of children, and I'm certainly not saying that HP Hooded Cobra stated that. Some do, this is fact. The rest of us find other additions, such as drugs like me. When I came upon the Joy of Satan website I knew I had been led there. I will forever remember that day as the first day of the rest of my life. I am now in control of my life for the first time. Thank you HP Hooded Cobra for this post. It answered many questions for me. Thank you HP Maxine for creating JoS, all who helped, everyone of the clergy, all my brother and sisters here who show nothing but wonderful advice and support, those all over the world fighting the REAL good fight, all the Demons/Old Gods, and most of all Father Satan. I would still be lost among the sheeple if it were not for all of you. THANK YOU!
I think it is extremely important to raise this point.
With LORD Satan being the original rebel against tyranny, and standing for individuality and freedom, there will be, if there aren't already, people coming to Satan who have such a 'sexuality' or ill mentality within them, and will be/are confused/ambivalent. Some might fear things that are within them, while others did things but then had a change of heart. Some would be in-between battling with this and that, perhaps feeling powerless. Not to defend anyone, but there is a 'non-contact'...group or whatever of such people. Of course, there are many people, anywhere from liking teens to hebephile, who prefer younger teens, to nepiophile, who like toddlers and babies, and anywhere in-between, from, as I said non-contact, to possessing pictures and videos, to distributing such, to creating such, to those who do contact offences of anything from light to extreme abuse and torture, and some as extreme as snuff. There was a news article of a woman who was in trouble for having a child take sexy photos of her.
Naturally, we are not responsible for anyone's actions other than our own and those we care for, but we can advise and help and guide, while at the same time the jew perverts and confuses things. People are free to do whatever they choose - and accept the consequences/'prosequences' thereof.
Where shall the line be drawn from or between "I have this interest/these urges and I don't know where they came from, please help me" to "I have raped a baby to death and recorded it and sold it and made thousands from it but now I regret that, please help me" and "I raped and tortured a baby to near death and disembodied them then cooked them and ate them/sold their body parts to fellows to eat  and recorded it and sold it and made thousands from it, please help me"? (I was trying to make examples from the least to the most which I could think up.)
One says "there are no limits in Satanism", while another says "irreversible damage" and another says "destroy them all". Surely, at least some, if not all, realised they are 'different' and had to cope with such...interests. Perhaps others were abused as children and think/know this is the way and do it as a lifestyle because their minds have been raped...
I think we judge people by what they do - actions speak louder than words.
I just want to say, HP Hooded Cobra I really really admire this thread and the precise way of making this issue known throughout our community. I am a raped victim too, no need to seek any sort of pity from you guys, I really needed a higher mind to interpret what I thought was sometimes my fault or that I look back at it and should had knownbetter but that's not the case WE ARE THE VICTIMS NOT THEM. No matter what excuse they may have.

Thank you for the meditation I will exercise it right away. One thing in mind when you open the link to the Runes do I read them all as one word or all seperate runes?

Hail Satan
Welcome to Spiritual Satanism I'm sorry to hear you had to live ba life with a pedophile and it's very a traumatic experience but you are now free and have come home to Father Satan which is our father Creator and he is very loving and caring and now you have the opportunity to heal yourself and power yourself and eve n get revenge on that pedo that this to you, all the best in your journey on the left hand path the path of spiritual advancement


Hail Father Satan Forever

Sent on the go with Vodafone

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: On Pedophiles
From: "fathersatanswarriordaughter34@... [JoyofSatan666]"
To: [email protected]

  Hi, I'm quite new to Satanism. I only dedicated nearly 3 months ago and working on seeking the truth through JoS and research. I have began my meditations and attempt the RTR's when I have privacy. I'm very happy to finally be a member of SS and never thought in my wildest dreams I could feel so accepted. This feeling began as soon as my Dedication ritual was done and has never left. I have not experienced anything like this while being raised in the horrible chistian household. Though I never took it seriously anyway, I just played my part.  
I was an abused child of pedophilia by my stepfather for 8 years (that I can currently remember, it could possibly be longer). He is not of jewish decent although I know by this post that mentally ill people can also be disgusting pedophiles. My abuser came into my life when I was 3 years old. He was a wonderful, charismatic and funny person and as a young child without a father I immediately took to him. I was a happy child and very outgoing. I enjoyed the company of others and loved to participate in plays such as theatre. I was this man's shadow. He couldn't even go to the store without me I was so charmed by him in my innocence. I realize now that I probably wasn't the age of his preference and he was just playing the awesome dad for a short time. 
My earliest memory of abuse was at 8 years old, though I think it could have been earlier than that. At first I had no idea what was going on and I didn't for years. He already had power over me so he filled my head with lies to justify what he was doing. Later on, when I figured out this was TOTALLY wrong in EVERY WAY, he would blackmail me. Even resorting to forcing me to do drugs before the abuse and threaten me and my mother if I said anything. I withdrew into myself, became the awkward silent kid at school. Which resulted in bullying. It got to the point where I just wanted to either die or run far away where no one could find me. I would pray and pray and pray to the "god" I never truly believed in. And, of course, nothing. It was not until I refused to be a victim and let someone control me anymore that I was finally able to break free from the abuse. I was certainly afraid at 16 years old hardly weighing 100lbs against a 6 foot 280lbs man. I waited until he was asleep one day (he had kept me out of school without my mother's knowledge), quietly walked into the kitchen and grabbed the largest butcher knife I could find as well as the house telephone to call the police to report a murder. I was ready to face my consequences. I stood over him holding the knife until he woke. I wanted him to suffer like I did. Then, there came a voice. It sounded like my own thought but somehow I knew it wasn't my own. It said, "Not in this way." I knew right then that I couldn't murder him, even if I so desperately wanted to. When my stepfather asked what I was doing and what was going on- I simply replied with no emotion that if he ever touched me again or even looked at me in the way I didn't like, then I would carve him up like a thanksgiving turkey. He mentioned calling the police, which I laughed at and tossed him the phone telling him to go ahead. After that day, I never experienced anymore abuse or anything close to it. Though, to make things much worse, my mother didn't believe me when I finally got the courage to tell her. They are no longer part of my life, nor is my older brother who knew of the abuse but did nothing. 
I know now that it was Father Satan who spoke to me that day. I am now married for almost 16 years, have two children and have never had any tendencies for any child. I completely agree that ALL pedophiles should be killed and/or destroyed. I am still dealing with the psychological effects from my childhood and I can tell it does interfere with my meditations. Not to mention I used drugs, mainly prescription pain medication, as a coping mechanism for it. I also know that if just keep working on it that I will be freed of this by my own doing. There is no greater satisfaction (at least at the moment) of accomplishing this by my own means. I have told my story here to show the side of the abused. Not all of us turn into abusers of children, and I'm certainly not saying that HP Hooded Cobra stated that. Some do, this is fact. The rest of us find other additions, such as drugs like me. When I came upon the Joy of Satan website I knew I had been led there. I will forever remember that day as the first day of the rest of my life. I am now in control of my life for the first time. Thank you HP Hooded Cobra for this post. It answered many questions for me. Thank you HP Maxine for creating JoS, all who helped, everyone of the clergy, all my brother and sisters here who show nothing but wonderful advice and support, those all over the world fighting the REAL good fight, all the Demons/Old Gods, and most of all Father Satan. I would still be lost among the sheeple if it were not for all of you. THANK YOU!
Actually CandyCrusher/gbcf46xau I'm personally a huge fan of hentai and the like, and I read many hentai manga every day through which I stumble upon a TON of disgusting pedophilia very widely known as "loli", which basically denotes underage characters (or even of simply underage appearance); usually they're like 13 or less. Apparently 13's the age of consent over in Japan, and of course, that makes it but the more gross. I've seen much of this content featuring characters even younger than that, too.
And when there's a character that holds the bodily proportions of a 12 year old but tits the size of her face, that's still pedophilia. Specifically, that kind of thing (kid body but MILF tits) is called 'oppai loli' in the hentai community. Look it up if curiosity strikes you, but I'd suggest not to.
(Please pardon me, I'll be stating some things here possibly disturbing to some people.)

My own fetishes are of the 'understandable' ones so I'd consider myself fine, though every single day I happen to swipe through dozens of downright morally wrong, psychologically unhealthy, absolute filth like hentai comics that contain drugging young children, rape on them by monsters (you guessed it: many of these severely blaspheme our Gods, the Demons, so we knows this shit's jewish), child amputation and bodily mutilation (known as *guro*), moral degeneration and making them submit to physical abuse and whole lots of other shit like that. It disgusts me how much the kikes have influenced the concept of sex and all its forms.
Not too long ago I read a hentai manga where an adult woman kidnapped a young boy, penetrated him with a spiked strap-on causing anal bleeding, cut off his limbs, and lastly decapitated him. The final panel featured her 'preparing a stew'. What a 'coincidence' that those are three things jews are into; pedophilia, murder, and cannibalism.
If you've never seen an anime where they include a character who is stated to be underage and really does look underage, I'm assuming you haven't watched all too many (which is a good thing in my opinion, as a ton of anime is infested with jewish bullshit anyway). Even a popular anime like Tokyo Ghoul had a kid character, being one of the coffee house customers, the one whose dad was already dead and mother gets slaughtered in front of her and Kaneki uses his hand to cover her eyes to prevent her from witnessing such.
I mean yeah, there are characters in other anime like Shinobu Oshino who holds the appearance of an 8 year old BUT WAIT (ahem) she's actually a vampire who is multiple centuries old so it's totally and completely O-K-A-Y to jack it to some hentai doujinshi/fan-made comic and other images of this character that irrefutably resembles a child. The reason to make *kid characters* and canonically say they're actually of legal age is just an attempt to condone pedophilia which anyone who isn't a pedo themselves can see through like clear mountain water.
And even when an anime does state a character to be 12 but makes them look like a full grown adult... what's the point of that? Why wouldn't they just make them an adult character and simply give them an actually adult age? Well, I do wonder.

---In [email protected], <cand.cru5h3r@... wrote :

anime is rated, if you dont want to watch hentai, echhi, or yaoi anime, then dont
nobody is making you, howevre the japanese artists draw what is aesthetically pleasing, and what is considered to be "cute"
 when it comes to drawing this usually means big eyes, and a relatively large head....like a baby, this is probably where you get the wierd feeling from, but i have never seen an anime in which a little kid under like 13 actually looked like a little kid, they are usually drawn in a very sexy way with big boobs.
at that, it's not really pedophilia is it, you can say a girl you drew is 5 if you want, but if she has DD boobs, and thick sexy legs...well its not really a drawing of a underage girl then.
keep in mind the Japs also like to make their characters pretty much all white, so nothing about the mainstream art style right now is photo realistic, or normal.

dont be a baby, if you dont like a fetish you are into, then it means it is not really yours, you can get rid of it.
just dont stress over it. its nothing to kill yourself over

@fancymancy, the statement of no limits in Satanism is meant relatively and needs to be interpreted with common sense, also is regarding mentally sane behaviors.

I suppose you know that, not calling you out there, but for other people reading here who might not understand this, it should be clarified.

The no limits in Satanism/everyone is free to do as they please, does not mean that everything people do is tolerated or accepted, even if they have a true change of heart.

We need to draw a line somewhere to what is socially acceptable and where the limits lie in terms of people regretting their past mistakes and if they deserve to be given a second chance.

Some of those non contact pedophiles might still have a chance to change, especially if they regret this behavior but simply do not understand how to deal with it, they are severely mentally ill but perhaps can be helped and can fix themselves up with enough meditations, however any individual who acts upon this mentally ill behavior has already crossed a line that cannot be returned to, he has gone too far and the damage was dealt to himself and the child/children involved.

Even if they regret this later on and have an actual change of heart, which basically never truly happens because the bolts in their mind are snapped so severely they often cannot regret their actions, their only regret is that they got caught and can no longer live out their sick fantasies...

Their mind is full of sick memories that cannot be wiped away, which continue to fuel this mental illness even after they have long quit or been prevented from engaging in these sick desires.

To make matters worse those memories are ingrained deep into the soul like scars that cannot be removed by the individual themselves, unless literally multiple life times are invested by them to attempt to fix this, which ultimately will in all likely good fail because the individual will have a tendency to act on these desires again in his next life, preventing him from ever really fixing this as any fuel added to this destructive fire will fan the flames and make it 10 times more difficult to have any hope of recovery.

This is one of the reasons the Jews resort to insane torture tactics like they did during the inquisition, the people who suffered from those are scarred very deep in the soul level and might never truly recover from this, their chances to spiritually advance are hampered so severely, even with the knowledge we have on the JoS it will be very difficult for the victims of those terrors to recover and heal those scars in a single lifetime.

The enemy resorts to those tactics because they know it creates lasting damage to the soul that can destroy a nation and a people utterly on all levels of existence if a large amount of people from the same race suffer under this.

Rape and torture are by far worse than simple death. Often during ancient times woman would run away with their children and commit mass suicide in case their town/village was overrun by savages, or by torturers from the inquisition because they knew that simple death will atleast leave their souls laregely untainted, compared to the deep scars that are left on the souls of people who suffered during those times in the dungeons and other such places.

In case of pedophiles, some are too far gone to have any hope of recovery, for the sake of our people and future and for the preservation of our advanced civilization such criminals are better off executed as dead, nothing strange about that. Not all people deserve a second chance either, because they have done more harm than they can ever hope to do good.

On top of that those people have had plenty of chances to change, one does not become a pedophile over night, it's a process of mental and ethical degeneration that takes years to fully go beyond the point of no return, the morals of these people brake down slowly overtime and they tolerate their own sick desires more and more.

First they question their own behavior or might feel disgusted by themselves to the point of self hatred to the extreme, but instead of change at that time, curiosity overwhelms them and they choose to continue engaging in this behavior. Then they become more degenerate as time goes, first only thinking of young teen agers, like 13 year olds, justifying it to themselves as they aren't so young anyways. In this stage they might be repulsed by "truly disgusting pedophiles" who are attracted to toddles and infants, however in essence they are the same already as over time their barriers break down and they allow themselves more and more, tolerating more and more of the behavior they once shunned.

At that point they might be strictly non contact pedophiles, and might be severely repulsed by pedophiles who actually act upon their desires, but it is only a matter of time before this barrier breaks down aswell. First it is repulsion to those "truly disgusting pedophiles" who go out to actually touch children to satisfy their desires, then it becomes envy as they become jealous of those who are able to give in to those desires, but at the same time self hatred can overcome them once more as they mentally struggle to not cross this line they set for themselves.

Then this escalates as they see children playing around and running around outside, they get an even greater desire to touch them, eventually unable to stop this from manifesting. They might still hate themselves for thinking of acting upon this desire as they are about to cross the line, but as soon as they do they snap bolts in their mind permanently, as instead of self hatred and self loathing it becomes self acceptance, they hate themselves but accept theorie sick behaviors, they know they are ill but they embrace their illness, they realise fully how badly they are damaging their victims but they do not care, any guilt transforms into self victimization, the blame is shifted to the innocent children whom they rape and they sink further and further into this sickening madness.

They become dependent on it, unable to exist without it, unable to imagine themselves living without this and they might even start to feel regrets as to why they didn't act upon this earlier. They look at their healthier old self as I'll and sick for not realizing how "great" this is. They feel liberated now as they are few from any doubts, free from guilt and free from self hatred, they live in bliss as they destroy innocent lives.

There is no coming back from that.
Notwithout34 glad to hear you're here now trying to better yourself. You have more guts than I do but seeing that someone else wrote about such a horrible experience does give me a bit of courage to talk about mine. My incident happened when I was in Pre Kindergarten. My mom used to leave me at a babysitter's house before going to school and one day that lady decided to have me do things to her. Idk if that's rape or just molestation. Either way it's pretty fucked up a grown up could of done that to me back then. I recently had the courage to tell my dad about it after 2 decades. He seemed to not believe me and changed the subject quickly even after the second time I brought it up that same day. I still don't know how to cope that was his response besides just feeling numb about it I guess. I think that incident gave me anxiety at such a young age and i still suffer from that anxiety. Meditating for the last several years has helped a lot though and has brought the anxiety down. I don't suffer from that much depression as before and before I also went to drugs to make myself feel better. Used to get high until i felt I wasn't in reality anymore. I'd just want to sit there with my mind blank like a zombie. I'm not saying drugs are good but I'm glad I didn't turn out like those who go to doing bad things to children because it happened to them. I remember telling myself i'd never be one of those people. Not trying to be pompous bit I've always had a rational mind. At least enough to not do obvious stupid and ugly shit. I wish i had the strength to not have done drugs either but that's my past and I've been doing good by not doing them anymore even staying away from alcohol for the most part. I'm so happy that addiction is completely gone from me thanks to meditations and workings that I have done. Honestly drugs made things worse. Once I came down the depression and pain came back harder and harder every time.

People who purposesly take away the innocence of a child and ruin them mentally deserve a public beating and then an execution in my opinion. Incest has been becoming more modernized where everyday people are saying it's normal and I feel the enemy is close to doing this with pedos. It's so disgusting. It has to he dealt with. The enemy can't be fixed as that's how they are programmed so annihilation is the only solution for them.

Anyways, notwithout34 I can agree with feeling really accepted here. It's definitely a feeling I've never felt before. Good luck on your journey and ask any questions here in the groups when you want. We have a lot of helpful people here.
I understamd how u feel.Let me give u a meditation given by LydiaTo overcome your psychological shortcoming vibrate wunjo rune 18 times ...88 would be best and after that affirm 9 times : in a positive and healthy manner for me the energies of wunjo are totally and completely healing me from and and all psychological mental and emotional damage and pain. 

Thanks to Lydia.Hail Satan and the gods and daemons of hell.

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Sun, 17 Sep 2017 at 10:22, 'Xloopyxloox .' xloopyxloox2001@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   Pedophiles are disgusting. I know this from personal experience. My maths teacher got arrested for downloading awful videos of children from the age of 6 to 12. I was also targeted once, by my friend's dad. It's horrifying. At random times, I get flashbacks and it's almost like I'm reliving the same moment over and over and over again. 
It really makes the victim blame themselves. I blamed myself. I kept thinking "if I didn't stay over that friend's house that night I would have been fine" but now I know that it wasn't my fault. I never asked for that to happen. I was too young to even understand what was going on.
I wouldn't wish this even on my worst enemy, and I hate him so much I sometimes wish I could just wrap my hands around his throat and squeeze the life out of him.

On 15 Sep 2017 18:48, "shade00013@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Sometimes it's really hard to be a fan of Japanese anime when this hyper sexualised version of minors decides to pop into the screen… thx Jew! *shade says sarcastically!*
But even fetish's that can be explained with logic can be very detrimental to a persons health… I.e. Concerning a certain… ahem… fetish of mine (just to be clear haven't broken any laws or ever will thanks to this shit) I was HEAVILY considering sucided before dedicating so that I wouldn't have to deal with the shame during this lifetime… and even now it brings me a great deal of pain and suffering knowing that this bile is corrupting my very soul…
I didn't make myself clear. What I meant was regarding to being able to fix/heal/remove such...desires, interests, illnesses from oneself. i.e.

"there are no limits in Satanism"
"irreversible damage"
"destroy them all"

in the context of self-empowerment and helping to uplift others, rather than reduce oneself/others.

I didn't mean, "I am/am going to be an SS, and in SS there are no limits; therefore, I'll do anything I want". That was my mistake - but it is good that you still mention what you did in your reply, for people to consider. Thanks.

Surely, though, if they are to be absolutely certain about their will power, with necessary support, they should:

<ol d[/IMG][*]empower the shit out of their Solar Chakra, and do a lot of strong, powerful workings to have no possibility of encountering a situation which would tempt them in the remainder of this life and in future lives,</li>[*]do other strong, powerful workings to keep their will power strong in the remainder of this life and in future ones, and</li>[*]do workings (perhaps as part of the previous two points, if not separate workings) which remove such desires/interests/ill health</li></ol>
because "knowledge is power", or as I say "knowledge plus action is power" to be able to get things done.

I can't accept that "there is no turning back" after one has "crossed the point of no return", at least in some 'lesser' cases. Perhaps all cases.

As I said, decisions show character, and actions speak louder than words, and we judge people by their actions.
Hey Lydia thanks for that meditation. I've done a couple of Munka workings and they would kick my ads but that's how I would know it was working.. lol. I was thinking of doing another one since depression recently hit me a bit. It's nothing like before but being a little depressed in my case is still bad so I'm going to try the one you have once I get the chance. Thanks again!

It's true that anyone can advance, by that I mean, everyone has the ability to advance their soul with power meditations, regardless of if they are murderers or other degenerate criminals or if they are standup decent human beings, everyone has the ability to advance, however not everyone will.

Many people, especially those who are degenerate, like pedophiles in any shape or form simply won't advance because they have so many problems on their souls that get in the way of their advancement the chance for people like that to advance is nearly non existent.

Actions speak louder than words, the chance those degenerate beings can make themselves take the necessary action to change is very small, unless they are given extensive guidance and help from other people, which will be severely to the detriment of those offering council.

As in order to pull someone out of such a cesspit you have to descend into the pit yourself.

Even minor problems in someone's psyche (things that are child's play compared to pedophilia, like an addiction to smoking as a simple example) can take years to remove for people because it requires them to put in the necessary work, a change of heart is step one, but many people cannot follow through.

With meditations those trivial things are quite easy to fix, but it's still a process.

Take an alchohol addiction, often a very big problem for people affected by this that has destroyed their life and has caused them a slew of problems, even with consistent power meditations this is very hard to fix, as the souls of people affected by this often have deep running scars that are behind this condition.

Depending on how deep those scars are it can take many years to fully recover from this.

Often though those people are still decent at heart, and even can be reasonable in their mind, just broken emotionally and very weak willed, pedophiles are different, they are emotionally damaged in such a way that they somehow accept behavior as insane as forcing a child to perform sexual acts, even finding it normal or promoting it as healthy for the child involved.

HP HoodedCobra already explained that in his sermon here, that they are degenerate on a completely different level, they are mentally broken and have faded so far from what would be concidered ethically human that they can't really be called human anymore, they are something else entirely on the mental level.

It's true that they can change and advance, but they won't. Or atleast, very few will actually want to change and might attempt to redeem themselves somehow, if that is even possible.

How would you let them redeem themselves? After doing so much damage, even if they advance and become better than any of us, they would need to do a whole lot to pay for the damage they have caused.

Also, I'm going to be frank here, but if I had a child who suffered at the hand of a pedophile in any way, even if that pedophile truly regrets his actions and truly wishes to change for the better, I would not want to give him that second chance, for he doesn't deserve it.

Perhaps in his next life if his soul is capable of reincarnating he can get the chance to redeem himself, but I would not forgive him no matter what he would give in return, even if that dude would offer me an entire lifetime of servitude or whatever, or any amount of wealt, any amount of whatever, even if he could offer me his soul to somehow invoke my forgiveness, nothing would make me excuse him.

Nor should he be pardoned. Like I said, if he wants to change for the better, he can have his chance in his next life.

One of the few merits of reincarnation, it allows people who failed at living and who caused more harm than good another chance to redeem themselves, or (this happens most of the time due to how karma works on the soul) another opportunity to fuck it up all over again.

In the future, when we have more influence then perhaps for people not yet in the worst category, if they make the conscious decision to change this forever then they can be given council and placed on a strict but healthy meditation program with a mediator watching over them to make sure they follow it and they advance, in some kind of rehabilitation center with a positive environment, instead of giving them capital punishment.

Many could have a chance to save themselves under those conditions, but we need to consider if it is worth spending resources to allow such individuals another chance this life as there will be plenty of other places that are much more deserving of help and resources than this kind of thing, on top of the before mentioned detrimental effects it will have on any people providing council or mediation to them.

There are no mediators in Satanism, however people like that cannot hope to advance without outside help which should put into question if they are even supposed to advance at all, if we should give them this chance.

At least it will require a strong foundation before we can attempt to pull the weakest and most degenerate of our people out of the dirt as otherwise it will drag us down way too much to even attempt that, but personally I believe if people cannot manage to advance themselves they should be left to their own unless they deserve a helping hand for having good qualities as a person, meaning it would be a waste to let them sit in the dirt.
I am ever truly thankful for the thread. Like I mentioned before , it gives us a chance to speak our experiences, without shame let the world know you are not define by these atrocities.

Thank you Father Satanas
I am always sceptical, doubtful, and cynical about these studies/experiments/surveys/statistics... Bear in mind, these things are done in a jewish, jew-controlled, non-Satanic world, with jewish, jew-controlled, non-Satanic "experts", using jewish, jew-controlled, non-Satanic "understandings" and tools, etc.

Maybe I am just being naïve.
I can understand that criminals should be punished for their crimes. I'm also on the side that those degenerates that commit crimes should be punished. At this time, at this moment, during this war we have neither time, effort, or patience to spare tolerating or having kindness towards those that harm others intentionally. Pedophiles and the like are degenerates and using magic or other means to legally punish them is well within our power and if we so desire we can act on it.

Those that don't change and those that don't do anything but cause harm should be punished. I understand that its very rare for those kinds of people to wish to redeem themselves but give chances to those that do want to redeem themselves. The people that seek Satan's guidance, dedicate to him, and commit to Spiritual warfare should be given a chance regardless of past mistakes. The reign of the enemy has been a long one in our eyes. Many gentiles have fallen by the wayside and joined the enemy ranks even if only temporarily and had tormented others in various ways ranging from petty to severe. But they learned the error of their ways. They joined Satan's side and fight on our side on this war.

Personally feelings aside, allies that join our side and fight for our cause are ALREADY redeeming themselves from their past mistakes. Whats the worst thing anyone can do right now? Fighting for the Jews. Pedophilia, genocide, race mixing, all are absolutely without a doubt definite methods of destroying societies, countries, and races. But right now there is something beyond that: The JEWS. If a gentile that erred but realized their mistakes, and then joined Satan's side and started fighting, even if he did something personally to me, I would at least try to give him a chance, personal feelings be damned.

My stance is that right now no effort should be put in place to actually try and rehabilitate the degenerates that are so far gone to being far beneath even beasts that run only on primal instincts. But if one where to become SS, advance themselves, try to fix who they are, and fight against the Jews/ join the spiritual warfare, then a chance should be given. We are not in a Satanic Kingdom, we have not yet achieved paradise. Things would be different if it was but it isn't. Therefore only those that fight for Satan will be given chances.
The views I shared on this are not based on any studies done by "professionals", they are my own personal findings/beliefs based on my own personal understanding of psychology and the human psyche as well as how this ties into the methaphysical.

I'm very confident that my understanding is mostly correct, however make of it what you will.

Perhaps I will be proven wrong in the future, which if that is the case it would be for the better.
Long post. Sorry.

Fair enough, but with the 'studies' being done, etc., I think my point does still stand. Also your observations and realisations are still in a non-Satanic world, I am sure.

I'm not for a second trying to say your observations and realisations are wrong - not at all; in fact, they make a lot of sense, and I wouldn't dare try and convince you otherwise or change your mind; nor would you let me - but sheeple simply don't know; they are without, through no, or little, fault of their own.

Then, begs the question, similarly to what I asked above - where should the line be drawn? In this context this time, I refer to more than this sexual topic; I go beyond that to everything - where does it stop being the jew's fault and start being the individual Goy's fault; where does it stop being the individual Goy's fault, and start being the jew's fault? ("jew" can also be reptilians, greys, and enemy Nordics, as well.)

I'm going to go out on a limb and expect that some offenders or evil individuals or persons of a certain persuasion relevant to this topic's main point might think to become a God/Goddess, and based on their own perspectives and understandings and convictions they might wish to create a...particular type of State. According to some allegations, Ancient Greece and Rome, at the height of civilisation, engaged in such things. I would think that these newbs to SS could argue all of the justifications under the sun, similar to what you described, and others. It might not be acceptable socially here and now, but... Maybe somewhere and somewhen else. The same for beastiality, and other extremes of sexual...'interest' (BDSM, for example).

I know that sounds far-fetched, but so does the Massive Conspiracy of the jew and the Occult and the Gods and Aliens, etc., to some people.

All of that being said, and while realising my naïvety in subjectivity, what you said does make sense. Persons would, while using my objectivity, live for the here and now, having a lifetime-or-less's-worth of sexual gratification, rather than having a true, everlasting love and sex life, plus more such things as a God/Goddess could do and have. Also that, on the other hand, if and when a person advances to Godhood sooner or later, I expect that with their newly-Risen Serpent, which brings massive knowledge and understanding and the ability to see past lies and confusion, they would 'outgrow' such depravity or evil or ill-health or whatever one wants to call it, as a Natural part of the process. "The purpose of life is to better Oneself and the Universe."

The jew has made sex and sexual gratification and love-life something so cheap and empty and tacky, while the truth of it is so deep and meaningful and could be eternal, but sheeple are so shallow, to be brutally honest. (Rhyming and alliteration not intended.)

Again - I'm not trying to say you are incorrect at all. Not in the slightest. On my 'the other hand', I can see your points and I agree. This is just what I think I understand, while considering things (both objectively and subjectively, I admit). At the very least, I hope I raise some points of...not contention but of consideration and discussion, as uncomfortable or heated as it may become.

To anyone/everyone reading -
On the theme of the possibility of misunderstanding and being wrong - we realise that sexual orgasm is powerful, creative/creating energy. Humanity has been kept to such a dangerous low, that...sort of survival emerges, in forms of sexual immorality and violence and depravity and ill-health and whatever. In the ideal world, everything is harmonious and thriving and warm; in this current jew shit, everything is shit and shit and cold. The body's Natural inclination is to sacrifice the extremities to save the core body in such harsh cold conditions. Just like drugs; alcohol; sex; fantasy; etc. can all be escapism from the living torture of the jew, sexual wrongdoings might be a Natural survival...tool or attempt. The jew certainly attacks sex perhaps the most of all because of its - and especially homosexual - powerful creative/creating energies.

Maybe this doesn't make any sense at all, but what I am trying to speculate is that the sexual energies are dying to burst out, via incorrect sexual things, in order for the Natural Nature of Nature to keep us surviving this jew shit, at the partial or full expense of some.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
