The chakra opening versions are a small program to get them activated or at the very least bring in initial empowerment. Remember your messing with the soul and in turn with the electrical system of the body. So the chakra awakenings are just that awakenings.
In the beginning stages there is three general consensus:
1. Perform chakra awakening and remain with them for a while. For beginners or at least those who want to do it slowly follow the waiting period.
2. Perform chakra awakening ONLY and remain with them till the chakra is activated and felt.
3. Perform Chakra awakening for the 40-day guide or the initial chakra awakening and after your done perform FCM(Full Chakra Meditation). The problem with FCM is it's outdated in terms of repetitions for example the chakra awakening tell you 5-16-4 etc.etc. with FCM generally as low as 3 and as high as 10. Most people agree that FCM should be about longevity rather than short-term gains with burn out.
In other words remain with a unbalanced but consistent amount OR move unto a balanced amount.
No one is saying perform charka color breathing energy into the respective chakra or white-gold and then perform high blasts of FCM. So in essence you don't need to do 36-40-55-88-100-216 etc.etc. No rather stick with 3-10, feed the Gods or the Hydra heads in small doses of direct stimulation in the long term. It's better to spend 5-6 months feeding them 3-10 then burning yourself out three weeks into it doing 40+ blastings.
The entire point is slow and steady no need to burn yourself out.
Many will state WAIT 3-10 is quite low. The process of direct stimulation is compounded by cleaning/protecting; cleanliness is next to Godliness and cleaning is an indirect but strong method of empowering not just specifically but in general. As HP.Cobra said cleaning > empowerment to a degree because cleaning can not just slough off negativity but also bring in positive energies replacing the negative thus the chakra or the soul itself is working at a higher level than others.
As long as you maintain a cleaning/protecting routine, protecting being just as important as cleaning. Your chakras are that much better and improved. So notice this method compounds with direct stimulation.
Other methods of stimulation are Hatha/Kundalini Yoga many asanas stimulate chakra and nadi properties. Another form of indirect stimulation.
Things like orgasm, masturbation or with a partner, help chakras as well one of the reasons why Maithuna is considered important not just individually but societal as well.
In the end direct stimulation of the chakras is to activate the soul and make it operate at a baseline. Your entire reasoning behind cleaning/protecting, chakra breathing/mantra, and passive/indirect stimulation is to reach a baseline whereby your chakras are in balance hence pick a number between 3-10 breath in chakra color energy or white-gold and then the mantra of 3-10 vibration stick to that number and balance your chakras.
Balance > unbalanced.
As well as maintaining stimulation till the chakra is fully activated and "feeding itself" on it's own.
I think this is one of the reasons why we have so much confusion many view the FCM and go "Oh shit". I think people should be told keep it simple a lower number you don't need to do endless vibrations.
The entire point of FCM is to use affirmation and directing i.e. in this case meditation i.e. stimulation of the chakra to open it up slowly over time to get used to the effects.
Chakra spin whether EZ or Advanced is one of the most important basic infinite meditations to do. It's so important it should never be stopped. Hell just recently one member fried his magickal effect and someone recommended him to spin their chakras well because it generates energy from the chakra in a friendly manner rather than relying on external forces for magick. It at least is a way of healing the chakra/s for that member.
So in essence being gentle is the name of the game. As long as you maintain a discipline rather a routine of working with meditation, learning, and spiritual warfare. You'll do good.
Follow the guide top to the bottom chakras S, I, B, G, Y, O, R and keep FCM the same TOP to BOTTOM till they are fully awakened and open. And your good but remember it's not just direct stimulation that is needed which unto itself is important the main point is rather the passive effects of cleaning/protecting, chakra spinning, yoga. The other methods bring up the vessel to a better maintenance of handling the chakras.
Go slow and steady take it easy. Continue doing it seems your doing good your probably doing the 40-day guide keep going through the chakras even if the numbers are unbalanced it's just the initial effect it's not a horrible worst case scenario it's simply a bit unbalance to work on the soul. Just make sure FCM is kept at balance and focus on balanced evolution.
As for affirmations in case since people are wanting to know affirmation technology.
For affirmation literacy:
Basically perform effect of FCM breathing exercise pranayama(again keep pranayama at the reps it states just a few), breath in violet energy or white-gold, then vibrate the crown chakra vibration repeat 3-10 times.
Then affirmation wise: "My Sahasrara chakra is permanently empowering in a safe, healthy, positive, and beneficial way for me". Eight is often a good number there is also 5 a balancing number you might want to stick to a few numbers or a higher amount maybe 10, 13, 18 as long as it's a positive number and you have a good or better affirmation stick to that.
Make sure to include a positive clause on the affirmation as the chakra can be activated in a negative fashion since your generating a reality AND form of electrical stimulation of the body and soul.
I also have my own question which I've never seen anyone else ask nor get answered. Maybe it's wrong to ask but I'll ask.
I said this
As well as maintaining stimulation till the chakra is fully activated and "feeding itself" on it's own.
When the chakra activates fully and feeds itself does chakra vibration of mantra become pointless? or is the entire point of chakra vibration at that point to elevate the chakra? or does the fully on chakra require a more subtle approach to increase it's existence?
Since the chakra is eating all the time do mantra on it become obsolete? or does it still require evolution through direct stimulation?
In other words if the Gods raise people to work on their chakras does that factor mean that at one point or another using chakra activation technology becomes obsolete and the chakra requires alternative stimulation?
Or are chakras NEVER EVER stopped working on unless your extremely advanced and the chakras are not gonna shut down.
Can chakras shut down even fully on?
Is chakra work never ending like certain infinite meditations(yoga or chakra spinning)?
Also if chakras activate fully i.e. full on. Is there a strong effect? I've never truly worked long on my chakras I usually burn myself out I'm certainly unable to maintain a discipline so in my ignorance I guess what I'm trying to state is "WHAT should a fully-on chakra feel like?"