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On Nihilism And Decadence

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
It's common nowadays you hear people they whine about Decadence being a part of this life and this civilization. The complaints most of the times come from Christians and then some other types who complain about this situation, which is plaguing civilization at alarming rates.

The situation is decadence arises out of a nihilistic conception of life which is created by gross materialism. Gross materialism is borne out, however, from gross and useless spirituality, which gives birth to it in exact certainty. "It doesn't matter what color is your wife or not, meat is meat", for example. If it is from Asia or Europe it doesn't matter. This is one example. Race mixing arises out of nihilistic decadence and the inability to discern or understand the deeper context within something and also the spiritual concept of things, such as in that example, Race.

When you hear Christians [=xians] complain about this reality it's like someone injecting themselves with cancer or deadly bacteria and then complaining that they are dying from it. The decadence of the White race and all other people on this planet arose from the Abrahamic programs. Without spirituality, or a form of spirituality, people cannot hope to every escape this decadent lifestyle of what they will later complain as 'gross materialism'.

Gross materialism will never have a meaning, and material possessions will never have a meaning either, as the eye of the beholder is nonspiritual, and therefore, life itself becomes nonspiritual, menial and empty. In the scope of this meaninglessness one will commit crimes both unto themselves and other individuals. Since one believes in things that do not exist, and man is regardless in need of stimulation and other emotional needs, one will rather seek them in the adobe of decadence than not at all, which is directly something that is borne from christianity.

Christianity distanced the person from life, and also, provides the context within one can fail, if they live, to fullfil their needs of life. This creates an ever vicious circles which rips apart people.

If one delves and looks into xianity, which is an obvious lie, is 'spiritual', one of course, will deny any and all forms of "God" and "Spirituality". The attempts to revitalize the jewish ideals of xianity have failed for hundreds of years now as animating a corpse with strings is supposed to show the vibrancy of life. Xianity is an empty husk morally and otherwise which leads civilizations with extreme precision not only to jewish hands, but also, to gross materialism and decadence of the lowest level. This is because nobody rises spiritually to any higher level. Also, a civilization is led to the hands of the jews, which weave the social environment in a decadent one, to keep this level of goyim consciousness going permanently.

The situation with the Materialism is that it has two faces to it. Let's call it the Material Level of Consciousness rather than Materialism though because it's a negative statement. One face is one of the material world one understands after their spiritual uplifting which is a healthy perspective of the material world as a reflection of spirituality. This is a high level of understanding which creates material genius and superior individuals, 'down here' on these lower dimensions.

The mirror of this which is the opposite and is created by the exact reverse order. When one does not spiritually advance, and the soul is not unified or worked properly, one starts to drop lower and lower in any existential understanding. As such one drops to the level of gross materialism and is absorbed into the materialistic world. Ironically, they have understood nothing of it, and one is not advancing, but rather de-evolving. This state is created when a person is not being spiritual and is not advancing properly.

The soul when it sinks beneath a level cannot gain any satisfaction from what appears to be material longings. For example, a fat whale type of person believes that their satisfaction lies in yet another burger, after 20 burgers, but this will never fill the real void which is in the soul. If one wants to escape the futility of this decadence, they have to spiritually evolve.

The spiritually advanced person will eat however much they require, never get past the point of what is decent for them, and also, gain reasonable satisfaction. The material world attains meaning, but only because of one's internal state of existence, not the other way around.

Xianity and all the related programs do drive people extremely fast to nihilism and decadence. This is because nothing of what they provide is real, natural, or existing, and because all of this is created and weaved against the human mind, soul and body, all together, all of which creates an internal chaos, during which, one is locked into one singular form of existence.

In this situation, one cannot help it but become 'decadent' as their last attempt to get in contact with "life" or heightened experiences, even at the expense of society or the world in general. Many drug users know what they do will kill them and end their family too, but they do it regardless, as the need for the experience outweighs the judgement and inner power to move away from these choices.

The idiots of the "Nationalist" movements who are procuring xianity and it's so called "Traditional Values", will always find as they have in all these centuries, that these do not last. It doesn't matter if one imposes plastic values on top of society so long you have a vampiric jew thoughform siphoning people's soul on top of it.

A society like that will always be defunct, will eventually devolve into decadence, and then into the state of gross materialistic nihilism, which will later prompt it unable to work on these imaginary values and seek a form of self-destruction or change in order to escape this spiritual prison of the enemy. Xianity has to be seen as the harbringer of this as it always creates the very same situation.

Europe is collapsing not under 'gross materialism' as many xians and fools claim but something deeper. Gross materialism combined with 'heavenly spiritual psycho-bullshit and xian mumbo jumbo in the form of moral and ethical rules of life'. It's clear the "Western Countries" have some of the most anti-jewish and profoundly spiritual ideals such as Free Speech, which is, by materialistic standards, both useless and inconceivable to exist. These are spiritual ideals, not bullshit mumbo jump. This is why the jews want to remove these and replace them with crap about hate speech and the related.

The favorite line of the Alt-righters and some other traditionalist idiots is about "Romes Decadence" which they believe the cure of which is to become jews aka xians in order to avoid this.

Rome did not collapse as many state because of "Pagan Decadence". "Pagan Decadence" aka how the jews an uncivilized race criticized the civilized elements, "The Decadent Rich" did not appear until the time of the jewish infestation and xianity (and the material decadence it brings), and the "Sexual Perverts" who are just people following about their sexual nature didn't make Rome collapse, for hundreds of years. Societies do not collapse simply because people have sex, or because they escape scarcity, or the other guilt tripping theories of the jews. Rome collapsed due to the rising of xianity, which removed any content if any of the above, vilified, and criminalized these things.

Under such spiritual stranglehold, both 'spirituality' aka kosher xianity, and 'materialism' aka gross materialism with the jews at the top lead equally into destruction. There is no escape, either from the higher or the upper world.

To give an example here, the sexual repression of xianity, affects people. Then, when one reaches a cataclysmic point of inner collapsation where their urgest outweigh all logical thought, will mate with the first monkey in sight. One mistake, coming from xian morality, needs to another. Another example is the laws of xianity which prohibit relationships.

The American reality which many complain about as a 'materialistic one' is actually quite distanced from the reality of gross materialism and empirical observation. Many people in the USA are blamed to be materialists but the thing is to have Free Speech in your nation isn't quite a materialistic ideal. There are many ideals which are spiritual in the so called "Materialistic West". Also, what does make the East spiritual, if we are to engage in this conversation? The fact that one bathes themselves in piss and chants a mantra, for example?

The Alt-right and many other complainers of "Decadence" are kosher in that they recommend Judaism as a cure for the problems of Judaism. The problem is recommended as a solution to the problem. The reason people are completely 'unethical' such as women and such is that simply the moral xian values are subhuman, incompatible to life, and cause mental illness. This mental illness causes behaviors which are designed to make someone always try to restore xianity as a form of saving people from "Decadence" or "Nihilism". But this is exactly what caused the situation in the first place.

Another form of decadence is also the spiritual form of decadence which many people do not seem for whatever reason to point out. For some reason if one is utterly lifeless, decadent, and a cyborg, but pretends to be a spiritual cyborg, they are morally superior they believe than the person who is platted in gross materialism.

Buddhists who aim to disappear on the Ether and just die off, are equally decadent as a meth-head crack person. It's just the difference here their own crack is produced on their own by meditation. One uses the material to escape the spiritual obligation and the other uses the spiritual as a tranquilizer to not have to deal with the material ever again during their existence, die off, and leave it. Both are equally mentally and decadent, they just go a different way at the same end of destruction and relinquishing life.

The very same end of both will be that one will dissipate on the ether while the soul of the crackhead will gradually deteriorate from the same lifestyle into the ether too. As to the way followed some people like to give glory to the 'spiritual way' but I digress, it's the same shit to everyone who can see the meaning here.

As to why we have clothed the 'spiritual' way to decadence as a good thing, in contrast to the 'material' way of decadence, this goes again back to xianity, which preaches that the so called 'spiritual people' are somehow morally superior when they preach literal soul death than the dealer of crack or cocaine in the streets, eventhough xianity preaches useless spiritual crack that kills people and causes the same effects. The outcome of both is however the same nihilism, decadence, and imbalance, which ultimately leads to death and ends of civilizations.

Decadence and Nihilism appear both in 'spiritual' and in 'materialistic' people and neither is superior.

If a person or a society gives in to the nihilism and decadence of one form, either materially, or spiritually, one should always expect the other form of decadence to show up at a later date. This is why the 'saints' of xianity, just get fed up with their existence, and then become the grossest materialists of the globe. They believe in a lie and they know it. One unhealthy extreme leads to another, ultimately both leading to nothingness. Nihilism replaced by nihilism, and decadence by decadence.

The only way out of decadence and nihilism are to live properly and in a balanced manner in the spiritual and material life, in a balanced and proper manner. Giving out one for the other is always going to make a person end up in total malfunction. One must exercise both the body, and the soul.

Spiritual Satanism heals from both sides of the spectrum of decadence and nihilism simply because Spiritual Satanism leads to life. One can drink from the well one needs, materially or spiritually, in the end, understanding and experiencing both, and fulfilling the soul past the gross natures of both domains, moving forward into enlightenment.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
The materialistic ideology that is promoted by the neo-atheists comes from the jewish funded and run scientific establishment. This is what happens from this someone leaves Christianity at some point and this is the only argument they get is this Marxist materialism. We are all shaved apes, selfish genes, no soul, mind is only between the ears there is no purpose to life we are nothing then accident mutations of genes blah, blah, blah.

This is demoralizing to the human soul and within that some other xians are praying at them and sending psychic power at them that is charged with this thoughtform and or for some reason they have some kind of a psychic experience from connecting with the thoughtform of the enemy and they go running right back to xianity. Because they have no reference point for understanding what is really happening and they are totally depressed and demoralized.
All I can think of is the big Lebowski. I know it's jewish, but there's some pretty funny scenes about nihilism and the difference between nazism.

I welcome the whole family. There are a lot of lies in the world. the truth is forbidden and hidden. There is a lot of info and evidence that the earth is flat. What do you think about this. Did Satan give us a flat planet or a round one? WHAT IS TRUE?
Dfiyo said:
I welcome the whole family. There are a lot of lies in the world. the truth is forbidden and hidden. There is a lot of info and evidence that the earth is flat. What do you think about this. Did Satan give us a flat planet or a round one? WHAT IS TRUE?

Are you trolling or are you trolling? Did the enemy give us a troll?

The flat earth is a biblical lie and a psyop to measure the stupidity of the people by the CIA and many other xians who benefit from this lie.

Use the search function to find out it has been discussed before.
That was a normal question! Thank you for your response. I am a friend and I have been reading articles on the forum every day for 2 years. I have never met this.. more and more people are asking for this.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
