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On DMT and 'elves'


New member
Mar 8, 2019

I was looking up and reading about paranormal(?) Or generally weird encounters other people have had during meditation or different states of mind and I chanced upon the whole 'DMT' and 'Clockwork/machine elves' thing.

Basically, based on what I've heard and read, people who take DMT experience very similar experiences, so much that they claim that they're real, calling them aliens and such. According to them taking DMT removed a filter in your mind allowing you to experience them.

They go as far as to claim that governments purposefully take drugs to communicate with these 'elves' (if they're real at all) and that they've influenced us over the years.

Most encounters usually tell the same story, that they're multidimensional beings and that they try to fill you with love and enter inside you, dump some 'knowledge' into you, etc...

Do you think any of this is real? That DMT does actually make you more spiritually active (or as they say, "removes the filter in your mind that allows you to see them")? Or are they just the creations of a hallucinating mind?

If it's all true and real, are the 'elves' just Grays or or angels or some sort of entity working for the reptilians? If they are, they fit the description (they try to fill you up with fake love, enter inside of you, etc.)

Note: I'm not trying to do DMT or any recreational drugs. In fact, growing up in a community where half the people are high on weed or opium, I'm against recreational uses of drugs. I was just curious on the subjects and the claims these people make.
It is just hallucination. People do not grow from these experiences.

What all these people whom these Elves have entered into them to teach them "love" have understood or done? Nothing. It's all just pure pseudospiritual sentimentality, and MUH FEELS.

During hallucination, one might as well see Superman singing my Little Pony to them. What did this spiritually achieve?

If one wants to spiritually advance, this is the opposite path.

The whole DMT pushing is straight out of the CIA and jewish rings that is about experimentation and making the masses dumb, and devoid of actual spirituality.
It's a con, stay away from it.

Nothing or none you'll ever "meet there" is ever gonna teach you anything, actually, I think quite contrary, you will be lied to and deceived that what "they" show you is the "truth".

Terrence McKenna (who coined the term "elves") thought he is "traversing the time and space, meeting these "elves" and learning the truth", until one day they hit him so hard that he never recovered again, he completely lost his mind. He died of brain cancer several years later after this bad trip.

I am telling you this because I know. I was fooled once, several years ago, I played briefly with these substances, and there is nothing spiritual in them. Stay away from it.

One of the main pushers of DMT, Rick Strassman, is a jew. Kikes have been pushing psychedelics since the 60s and hippie movement. It is very well known what kind of people get interested in psychedelics, people who just want to have fun, and people who want to grow and learn. These people, who want to "grow and learn" are threat to jews, so they lead them to psychedelics, show them the "truth", and keep them forever from knowing the actual truth.
I'm getting a pipe soon I plan to smoke some eyebright which I purchased for franz bardon eye strengthening concoction , hail satan!
occultumlapidem said:
I'm getting a pipe soon I plan to smoke some eyebright which I purchased for franz bardon eye strengthening concoction , hail satan!

What are you blabbering about???

Better go do a session of meditations than poisoning your soul with that crap.

If you just want to “get high” and have fun, you can achieve that with meditations, too, without letting yourself open to the enemy.
occultumlapidem said:
I'm getting a pipe soon I plan to smoke some eyebright which I purchased for franz bardon eye strengthening concoction , hail satan!

Judging from your disposition now, you need to ground, and not do CIA infested drugs to ruin your head more, or I believe you will be talking to the elves and the living mushrooms pretty soon while wide awake.

You are about to really fuck up, but at least we have warned you.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
occultumlapidem said:
I'm getting a pipe soon I plan to smoke some eyebright which I purchased for franz bardon eye strengthening concoction , hail satan!

Judging from your disposition now, you need to ground, and not do CIA infested drugs to ruin your head more, or I believe you will be talking to the elves and the living mushrooms pretty soon while wide awake.

You are about to really fuck up, but at least we have warned you.
Wow thought his was a joke
occultumlapidem said:
I'm getting a pipe soon I plan to smoke some eyebright which I purchased for franz bardon eye strengthening concoction , hail satan!

You have access to priceless spiritual information at the JoS that the vast majority of humanity does not. You can use that knowledge to empower yourself and help save the world. There is no reason to risk doing drugs, even once, for meaningless or delusional information/disinformation.
Since we're now talking about silly things in this thread -
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
It is just hallucination. People do not grow from these experiences.

What all these people whom these Elves have entered into them to teach them "love" have understood or done? Nothing. It's all just pure pseudospiritual sentimentality, and MUH FEELS.

During hallucination, one might as well see Superman singing my Little Pony to them. What did this spiritually achieve?

If one wants to spiritually advance, this is the opposite path.

The whole DMT pushing is straight out of the CIA and jewish rings that is about experimentation and making the masses dumb, and devoid of actual spirituality.
It must be Donald Trump, who is 'a unicorn riding a unicorn on a rainbow'. Someone must have ingested something there to come to that true realisation about him! The UK has its own, as well - Bojo. Any person might think that the pollytickians are on something with the way they farce-on about things.
the enemy uses reverse currents of energy to bind and reverse . each time us Whites fall an enemy takes our place
It's a waste of time. That's all I can say.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
occultumlapidem said:
I'm getting a pipe soon I plan to smoke some eyebright which I purchased for franz bardon eye strengthening concoction , hail satan!

Judging from your disposition now, you need to ground, and not do CIA infested drugs to ruin your head more, or I believe you will be talking to the elves and the living mushrooms pretty soon while wide awake.

You are about to really fuck up, but at least we have warned you.

Is eyebright even a drug, or is it just like cloves...? At least he's not smoking cigarettes, to be honest
I hate those stupid googly-eyed hippies who look down on you because they can claim to be talking to elves and seeing colors while simultaneously being as confused and unresponsive as a broken robot. I always tell those people, what the fuck have you ever done? I'm an artist personally, meaning the exact person these ppl all wanted to be to begin with. Play some blues solos in front of these people and they will change their minds real quick.
Godmode said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
occultumlapidem said:
I'm getting a pipe soon I plan to smoke some eyebright which I purchased for franz bardon eye strengthening concoction , hail satan!

Judging from your disposition now, you need to ground, and not do CIA infested drugs to ruin your head more, or I believe you will be talking to the elves and the living mushrooms pretty soon while wide awake.

You are about to really fuck up, but at least we have warned you.

Is eyebright even a drug, or is it just like cloves...? At least he's not smoking cigarettes, to be honest
I'm currently smoking mugwort mixed with tobbaco but the juices from the tar in the tobbaco just don't taste normal! the eyebright doesn't taste the best I also tried some chamomile really soothing but I've read mugwort can be used for excorcisms I really hope that's true and not just a vain superstition. cause I wanna expel these wayward spirits.
Godmode said:
Is eyebright even a drug, or is it just like cloves...? At least he's not smoking cigarettes, to be honest

What the fuck is "eyebright"?
occultumlapidem said:
I'm currently smoking mugwort mixed with tobbaco but the juices from the tar in the tobbaco just don't taste normal! the eyebright doesn't taste the best I also tried some chamomile really soothing but I've read mugwort can be used for excorcisms I really hope that's true and not just a vain superstition. cause I wanna expel these wayward spirits.

How exactly is smoking a bunch of random shit that you don't know what it does to you is going to help you? Stop taking shit fake advice from fake sources. Like that Frans Barden clown and your "Wisardology" children's book and all other christian fake "occult" sources. You have all the truth you could ever need right here, what's the point of rolling around in the mud smoking mystery chemicals practising christian "magic"?
Ol argedco luciftias said:
occultumlapidem said:
I'm currently smoking mugwort mixed with tobbaco but the juices from the tar in the tobbaco just don't taste normal! the eyebright doesn't taste the best I also tried some chamomile really soothing but I've read mugwort can be used for excorcisms I really hope that's true and not just a vain superstition. cause I wanna expel these wayward spirits.

How exactly is smoking a bunch of random shit that you don't know what it does to you is going to help you? Stop taking shit fake advice from fake sources. Like that Frans Barden clown and your "Wisardology" children's book and all other christian fake "occult" sources. You have all the truth you could ever need right here, what's the point of rolling around in the mud smoking mystery chemicals practising christian "magic"?

wizardology has nearly put me at a fork. to aim to be a wizard and raise wizardology to it's rightful high place or fight the enemy day and night. I will just have to make a new road. I havnt had any adverse reactions to these herbs in fact this cham omile is making people more thoughtfully. it's a powerfully fumigation. I reject all teachings of the enemy. franz bardon tried to include Christian sources but this book "initiation into hermetics" is pretty packed full of knowledge gained from study.
occultumlapidem said:
wizardology has nearly put me at a fork.
Maybe because it's some bullshit little childrens book with nothing in it worth anything. :roll: I know exactly what I'm talking about with this, I had that same book when I was a young child. It's all just worthless nonsense. I also had their Dragonology book about all the different kinds of dragons, does this mean I'm going to go out and find a real living dragon somewhere? Stop looking in nonsense jibberish books for young children like it's something you have to follow.

Maybe chamomile is good, that's why there's chamomile tea so you get the effects the safe way drinking it. If you want to try these herbs, make them into tea and try what that does. If you smoke it you are burning away whatever chemical is in it and destroying the effect anyway. I think your thoughtfulness was not caused actually by chamomile, but was caused by a general lack of oxygen. Lack of oxygen from all the smoke starves your brain and forces you to slow down this way. Which this slowing down is desperately needed after your 40 cups of coffee every day has fried your brain.

No more coffee, no more smoking bowls of mud and weeds, and no more talking random childrens books as fact. Either stop destroying yourself and use actual Satanic knowledge to heal yourself and get back on the right track, or get out because we don't need your bad ideas to spread to anyone else.
Brdredr said:
Godmode said:
Is eyebright even a drug, or is it just like cloves...? At least he's not smoking cigarettes, to be honest

What the fuck is "eyebright"?

Eyebright is a herb or spice. I think HP mistook "eyebright" for being the name for a designer drug or something.

Be careful when smoking herbs as some herbs can be toxic when smoked but non-toxic when ingested. With some herbs (like St Johns Wort) I do know that the effects will not be activated when smoked, only ingested. Marijuana is an example of the opposite, which is only activated when smoked but not ingested straight up. The only truly smokable herbs I know of are cannabis, tobacco, and cloves. I've personally never heard of smoking mugwort or eyebright before but I would do some research into it if I were you if you haven't, which I hope you have before smoking some random plant. Also be warned that while you won't get addicted to something like eyebright or mugwort, the smoke will still be very harmful to your lungs. You can also burn this stuff as incense.

I recommend that you quit using tobacco as tobacco is proven to be bad for your health and has virtually zero medicinal properties. Drugs are never spiritual nor will they ever provide an "aid" to true spiritual experience. Also Franz Bardon isn't all too bad especially for newbies as his material will inevitably lead people to us.
Varnin said:
In fact, growing up in a community where half the people are high on weed or opium, I'm against recreational uses of drugs.
If that was the case, you were undoubtedly persuaded to use some too. You pulled through clean, that's some impressive willpower. :)

I do not have any personal experience of strong psychoactive drugs, but I'm under the impression that they create a "bubble"/"pocket" of astral reality that isn't really a part of the greater spirit world.
Sadly, people usually get a glimpse of the true astral world only upon near-death experiences.

The best indicator for what kind of "trip" a person has been in, is what he brings back from there.
  • Nikola Tesla's visions brought a lot of science/invention that is both fascinating and useful.
  • The 1960s "counterculture" LSD/shroom people brought some psychedelic art, that is, imagery and music with certain twisted intricacy to it, a truly great contribution to the culture...
You know who is the one who is popularizing this drug the most? Rick Strassman.

Does the (((surname))) ring any bells to you? :) :) :)
Larissa666 said:
You know who is the one who is popularizing this drug the most? Rick Strassman.

Does the (((surname))) ring any bells to you? :) :) :)

Wrong thread, but I actually already mentioned before said. Apologies...
Is it possible that those "Machine elves" are just Reptillians in disguise? There was a guy on yt that said that while being under the effect of mushrooms, some creatures made a surgery on his brain in their spaceship-- all of this on a astral level, I suppose. His description of the creatures is very similar to what the Greys look like...
I think (((they))) are pushing the mushrooms cause it takes a human in this astral like level where you're totally vulnerable,and Reptilles can do whatever they please to you.
Vaal said:
Is it possible that those "Machine elves" are just Reptillians in disguise? There was a guy on yt that said that while being under the effect of mushrooms, some creatures made a surgery on his brain in their spaceship-- all of this on a astral level, I suppose. His description of the creatures is very similar to what the Greys look like...
I think (((they))) are pushing the mushrooms cause it takes a human in this astral like level where you're totally vulnerable,and Reptilles can do whatever they please to you.

Judging from my experience, my "educated guess" is that they are thoughtforms, some more advanced than others. Hence why they always act so "robotic".
Larissa666 said:
Vaal said:
Is it possible that those "Machine elves" are just Reptillians in disguise? There was a guy on yt that said that while being under the effect of mushrooms, some creatures made a surgery on his brain in their spaceship-- all of this on a astral level, I suppose. His description of the creatures is very similar to what the Greys look like...
I think (((they))) are pushing the mushrooms cause it takes a human in this astral like level where you're totally vulnerable,and Reptilles can do whatever they please to you.

Judging from my experience, my "educated guess" is that they are thoughtforms, some more advanced than others. Hence why they always act so "robotic".

That might the case.
The Shrooms are some sort of spiritual trap, anyway. There was the guy,pushing those substances , Terence McKenna, he was an Fbi agent...

I heard that people are seeing those Machine elves through normal meditation, so as you said, they are probably thoughtforms.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
