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On Divine Masculinity and Femininity (Reposting)


Active member
Nov 14, 2020
With Satan, always.
These are old posts by the HP and still important. I know they've been shared around every now-and-then when the topics of men and women, "how to be a man/woman" etc comes up, so here's both in one topic for anyone new and old to easily find.

Divine Masculinity:

On Women and Goddesses:

Divine Masculinity

Greetings to all our people and Satanic Comrades.





Due to the dire need to address this issue, I have to share some things with everyone here. This is mainly for men, but of course, women can too take this for what it is as women do also possess a "musculine" element. However, this is for men.

This post will be rough and unrelenting Truth, so if someone feels offended, then they can turn on and away from this post or just keep reading, feeling offended, and then go back to their pro trump shore and create a big castle, for the savior will save them anyway.

For the rest of men that want to become something better for themselves and actually get a chance to save this world by their own hand, I suggest reading further.

The situation is DIRE and this needs to be covered.

*We live in an age where literal WAR is waged against musculinity. From kikes confusing the term with savagery, to others who attempt to cuck and destroy all people in the West, musculinity is waged serious war upon. I don't mean "SOCIAL" or "ECONOMIC" Musculinity as some idiotic fools are going to object. I mean the literal essence, of what it is to be MALE.

The enemy of course always strives for negative imbalance. In the East, women are brutalized like beasts of the burden. In the West, the situation is again imbalanced. In places like Africa, women are raped on a consistent basis, and these savages also cut their clitoris for absolutely no reason whatsover. What is there to say more? Imbalance and spiritual degeneration at its finest.

*Irrespectively of one's sexual preference, musculinity is something else. I judge musculinity as a trait of characters. If one shapes their identity around with whom they have sex, its their own bussiness.

Many people try to tie their sexual choices to how musculine they are, which in many cases is wrong. Does your sexual preference make you wise, or less wise, or more intelligent or less intelligent? Its the same thing about musculinity then... What I can say about homosexuality for instance, as people will babble on this, is that "anal sex" is just triggering the Shushumna and is an act of "letting go". This is just a sexual practice like all others. This going over the roof can make one go overly passive and totally "surrendering" but this on its own doesn't make leftist queers, and insane disgusting savage "males". This can be offset and balanced by the reversed practice, and this has nothing to do with one's personality unless one wants to be a queer secretly and uses their "homosexuality" as an excuse to excuse the fact they want to be queers. Which is what almost all non-Satanist homosexuals do.

Its the social context around the practice, which implies that homosexuals have to be "femmes", wear a pink tiara, and go around the world showing their genitals and how proud they are to have this jewish created biblical curse named "HIV". This is not Pagan or Aryan homosexuality, and is not normal in itself. Having a more pronounced feminine side has nothing to do with playing with barbie, wearing a thong out and twerking in the pavement to be noticed, or wearing "HIV and Proud" shirts. All of these are jewish attacks to homosexuals to make them repulsive to other people, and the jews know this art really well. With that being stated, homosexuality or sexual choices is not something I want to comment on further as its not necessary. Homosexuality alone does not make, or make not, a "musculine" person.

One historical instance with a bad ending was for instance, Ernst Rohm. Rohm commanded thousands upon thousands of people. He was a well known and accepted homosexual, for tens of years. He was a hardcore beast of organization and command. On the negative side, he attempted to coup Hitler and entered the other world because of this. And who knows what followed then. This has nothing to do with his so called "homosexuality" at all however. There are thousands of examples... There are also many other examples which its not the subject to go...So we go to the next point.

I see people say insane statements here, which are products of the times, such as "oh I did this spell 10 times and I am not a millionaire yet?". "Will the jews go in the next month?". "Oy vey, I messed my pancakes, do you think its alien attack from outer space?". All I have to say this is disgusting and weakling behavior, and don't really wonder why the Gods don't care for this. When we are dependent on the Gods and they show us love and guidance, they don't stop being the mighty beings they are, and they detest weakness. However they are understanding and help us improve in all ways.

As to the crying cucks who have no regard to the eternal laws of nature such as labor, strength, preserving etc...If all of you had an idea of the forces that reside out of here, and the apparent BRUTALITY these can bring, your messed up eggs and pancakes wouldn't be the reasons of your tears. I know all of you experienced in the military world, who have been pletted in the "darker" side of life, do know EXACTLY what I am talking about.

If people want a revolution, there must be dominance. Dominance does not imply savagery, crime or anything along these lines, and its not the mere thing of getting others to do what you want or all this vanity crap. It means a lot more things.

The kikes destroyed our old Pagan religion known today as Satanism, because this is always guiding back to the root and seed of the tree. From here, it can be regrown. The jews want the "Tree of Life" of the Goyim, ENTIRELY DEAD.

If one wants to find their "trace" in what musculinity means, you can look at the Ancient Greek Gods, who are infact the existential blueprint of the different types of Musculinity, all of which compose the different roles of musculinity into one. In plain, we have for instance Zeus. Zeus is the Father of the Gods, symbolizes law and Divine Order. Ares is the master of war, symbolizing sheer musculinity and penetrating power. Hephestos is the musculinity that is in metal working (labor), and the power to fashion through art. Apollo is the master of the Sun, symbolizing manly splendor and attraction too.

Then you have Hermes who symbolizes the musculinity in his own nature, as in craftyness, intelligence and higher thinking. All of this relates and forms into what we can call as the "Divine Musculine". Then we have Hades, the otherworldly, dark forces and powers that are symbolized by the ability of man to face death. We can also not forget Dionyssus, which symbolizes the literal merging of the male and female side, into the "perfected male" and the elevation through this to Godhead.

Lastly, we have Poseidon who was the mighty brother of Zeus- the Spiritual Waking side that is of exceptional power and vigor, and the mystery behind the veil.

Women too do have an obvious musculine side. This is subject for another force, but these sides manifest different in Women. For instance Athena is a Warrior Goddess, but not of brutal war like mars- calculated warfare.

The enemy classically, they don't want ANY musculinity around. They want cuckolds, willing slaves, people that are willing to be pillaged, raped and destroyed without raising an eyelid. They want disorderly civilizations (lack of law, lack of order, lack of "Zeus"). They want everyone to stop having warrior instict, or if they do, to misplace it completely over some bullshit or video game, completely distracted from this reality (lack of Ares). They want people to be mental cucks, slaves to the slave hanging on the cross, the professional victim JEWSUS, and they want their slaves to be weak and lacking in intelligence and male craftiness or creativity (lack of Hermes).

They of course want to mobilize all people away from any hard labor and work, because this too results in musculine traits, and because as the saying goes, "work maketh the man" (lack of Hephaistos). Men have been COMPLETELY cut off from the feminine, or spiritual, creative side of the personality and are turned into pseudo-female cuckingtons instead, which really has NOTHING to do with "feminity" but only relates to meekness and weakness and false retarded ESCAPISM (Lack of Poseidon). Feminity does NOT imply weakness. This is just weakness. The spirit of "Hades" and the need to delve into the depths of the "dead" and deep in the Mysteries is non existent as well.

Look around you. Few people want the Truth because they are not brave. Everyone is afraid of death. People are also afraid of other people. Afraid of intimacy and everything else. Humanity has massively became psychopathological.

If this situation continues, then the jew and the savages that the jew rules will win. I say savages, as they are NOT men. All these "migrants" and monkeys they have under their thumb are not in anyway men or musculine. They are the greatest weaklings on this universe, and like a dog that has urges and moves towards these, that's what they do. They are just underdeveloped, cunning, cuckolds under a guise. Real musculinity can defeat them all, as their so called self only hangs from a cord pissed on jewish piss. Cut the cord, and these personas will fall.

Just look around you for a while. Feminized jews are the "Idols" of this civilization. All the "manly" institutions are belittled, attacked and name-called (such as the military). Manly professions such as firefighters, law enforcement, and all these things are undermined. Meanwhile, the social kike parasites who are like "idols" and personas are getting all the money, acclaim and forward. Daniel Radcliffe the kike is probably getting mouthwashed by some blacks from uganda, but plays the brave harry potter in the movie, so whatever, he gets the spoils that only a musculine hero should.

The "hardcore" characters from movies, that are later treated as some sort of musculine god, while they were raised up as little queenies into their safe and protected pink room, carrying a ninja sword, and having a big mouth. Pathetic garbage at its finest.

The Jews laugh. At all of this. This is why the Jewsus also lies and laughs on its cross, about how the stupid foolish Goyim are being pacified forever. "Love thy enemies". "Oy Vey those who kill and are brutes will never go to femmie heaven to sign hyms to the slaver jew, so beware!". "Don't have sex for the god will punish you.". "Do not eat meat for you will end up in hell". "If your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out!". "God was such a huge cuck that he sent his own son to be crucified in order to redeem you of your sins that god created in the first place, so he sent his victim "god" song of a theatrical performance to save you from it". Oy Gevalt. "Do not discriminate". "Don't be racist". "Tolerate pedophiles they have a heart too". "Tolerate crime". "Allow your family to be killed". "Open the gates to your nation to invaders and people that wnt to kill you". "Why be strong when the kingdom of heaven is for the poor, meek and weak?". "Do not save anyone or strive for anything, when the divine jew jewsus will come from the haevens, he will rescue you, I promise (oy veyyyy)".

I just described christianity and jews in one paragraph. That's all they say.

Do you want me to go on? This is the situation, and this is why there is no musculinity and humanity is where it is right now. So savages and monkeys, jewish rats and feces, are looting women, nations and states by usury, stupidity and meekness of their victims . If this does not get corrected, these civilizations will fall into their death now and forever. And they will never, ever recover. And no spaceship arrival is going to fix the fact that people can't even be in touch with their own nature. Or in 100 years if things go that way, they will be fucking robots because they can't talk to women, afraid as if rejection is going to kill their soul or something. Just call it a damn day, and move onto the next person, for damn's sake.

To relate one last story. The Germans were totally messacred after WW1. They however, did not give up. It was in their culture to be strong, to have a fighting spirit. Brawling and other sports like this were highly favored. This in most savage forms is still prevailing in the East. With broken teeth many times. Things that made people STRONG, such as work in the meadow. This literally has a metaphysical effect in making people stronger mentally as well. People who work hard physically like Athletes can certainly get what I mean. This is in the Soul and is getting recorded in the Soul.

The Nazis didn't happen as some sort of coincidence. They were a product of this musculinity. Many equated Hitler with the God Odin, or Thor, and for good reason.

Musculinity, at least the Aryan one I can talk of, does not imply beating women, treating others like trash, being a disorderly "revolutionary punk", being senselessly aggressive, illiterate, a dumbo, or acting like a monkey, or terrorizing without any reason whatsover.

Divine Musculinity implies that one is in touch with their own nature, knows when to obey and if necessary lead, its shown by persistence to reach one's goals, a fighting spirit in the face of injustice, the inability to back down, even at the fact of death and disaster. The eternal and unrelenting will to conquer one's self through willpower, the power of increase of personal and common power of where you belong. The ability to team up with others in an ultimate order in order to achieve great purposes. The spirit of self discovery even if this requires sacrifice. The inability to give up hope even at the face of disaster.

And if death is met, the ability to face your death with a smile in your face, knowing you did what was just. And finally, the ability to DESTROY and replace. This of course must be manifested in the jewish order, as it needs to be replaced by a holier, most powerful, and ridden from filth, Gentile Order.

How is this going to happen? Start slowly from yourself.

While many say a "man is born" this is only half true. A man can also be created by improving and advancing one's blueprint. Also, if something is lost it can indeed be recover, so don't despair. Improve your qualities and become ever-better.

Become like the Roman Pretorians, like the Samurais, like the Elite. Don't aim for lower. Become strong and honorable irrespectively of if the times want you to be a slave.

Then, you will be free. The real attempt of ascent towards honor is what defines the spirit of Man.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

On Women and Goddesses

Greetings to all our People and Satanic Comrades.

This was supposed to be posted long ago, but I didn't post this yet. Now that the question raises, here we go.

This is something I have to post for Women. Everything is open to discussion and comments. I always welcome these from our people. We have to address it, same as we will address the male issue down the road. When it comes to us Satanists, there are many things that are existing contrary to many other people. For one, we are dedicated to Satan. Satan's name literally means, ETERNAL TRUTH. Not only we are the ones to face and address these Truths, but we have to focus on exactly this thing. In everything we say, as we approach general Truths, we must also understand that there are ALWAYS exceptions. Every being that looks deep within themselves will find eternal Truths. We are to share these, honor these and uphold these.

Now as all of you know, no different than men, women have been equally attacked. Straight or Lesbians, from women to just want platonic relationships, to even women who are not interested in such. As you can see in all the enemy religions such as Islam, or Xianity, which preach outright violence against women, disregarding women, keeping them on lockdown- while leading to the exact opposite, a fake notion of "freedom" for women, you can easily understand that the enemy is real afraid of women. From all this has rose the treatment of women in the last two thousands of years.

At least in many other parts of the world, because in the West, no matter what, people weren't treated so harshly, mainly because its not in the nature of the western people to treat women that way, same as its not in the Japanese society for instance. In some places in the East, thankfully, where Spiritual culture was upheld, the feminine was not demonized. As for the enemy, they let us know of their thesis. This can be seen in their texts as the unending hatred for the female aspect, how they curse the Serpent (female Shakti energy) and how they frown upon the Ancient Godesses.

In the Ancient Civilizations, you had 12 Gods, like let's say, the Greek Pantheon. You had an equal number of Gods and Godesses. This was out of respect to the Female element and the union of it with the male. This is because women were seen as equals to men. One gender completed the other. Despite of what your Marxist historian is going to tell you.

For instance, there were all the Natures of women into these 6 Godesses. First, you had Athena. Athena was the Goddess of knowledge, justice, war, ethics, education, calculated warfare. Then, you have Artemis. Artemis was the goddess of the hunt, more brutal warfare, nature, even gardening and anything else, growth, some could even relate her to athletics. Then you have Aphrodite, which was the Goddess of beauty, lovemaking, affection, relationships, literally, the Goddess of love, union of opposites. Then you have Hestia, which was the Goddess that had to do with home, homekeeping, everything that has to do with the country or state, taking care of the family (the state being a big home etc). Then, Goddess Demeter, having to do with the harverst, the Earth, food and grain, also Goddess of Law and Justice as well. Because without homes, erm, evidently, there is no civilization. And without family there is no existence. And without food death. Lastly you have Hera, which was the equal wife of Zeus, other than in the part that Zeus is supposed to be the "Father of the Gods". Hera is the Goddess of Magick, literally, the woman who is a woman that is wife, but at the same time, a stern mother, a literal boss if needed. The Goddesses associated with Magick, like Hecate, were of the highest power in these pantheons.

But of course, you just know about Aphrodite most probably. Because she was so beautiful. And yes she was. But this is not the conversation point here. Because if the kikes try to talk about the above in depth, then you understand that your freedom is not quite expressed by twerking your ass, or doing drugs, but actually minding the important stuff in life. And actually living life. Because if you were to live like "YOLO", you should better make your life worth it, at least. OR the real healthy and pleasurable stuff. Or the spiritual stuff, which is EVEN worse for the jew. Then the kikes have a lot of questions to answer, and they are just like "oy vey, these women were suppppreseeed!! Truzt uz!!"

Its like women basically had the most important things of civilization placed on their own hands. Or equally, the things that were super important. We are talking about thousands of years of evolution in this way. Its not like the word of the jew is most important. People who go against this are plagued by nature and rightfully so. So the above were in rough lines, the . Now they throw it away to get the Madame Figaro, which teaches them how they should further their inner emptiness.

You can see this in Hypatia, Cleopatra and other prominent figures of the Ancient world. The Egyptians had Pharaoh women now and then as, it could be more rare, but some women came up with indispensable abilities and leadership. We are obviously not talking about feminist, cuck and such. We are talking about natural occurrences of gifted people. Women were also priestesses in Egypt, Greece and elsewhere. There are no priestesses in the enemy religions. Why? Because women are considered dirty, unclean and whores.

The massive hatred on the enemy has been towards Lilith, same as their attempts to objectify women such as, the 72 virgins the kikes told to Arabs they will get after they explode to the mall. Women though are actually, spiritual creatures. This is all over the paintings of the West. Such as the Virgin Priestesses of Artemis. But your Marxist Historian is not going to teach you that these women were entirely free and they were treated as equals, even though as Goddesses in the flesh such as in the case of Pythia. Which women weren't even whores or anything degenerate as the enemy forcefully jams down people's throats.

But they were called Divine Prostitutes, in that they didn't do prostitution, but provided spiritual lovemaking for men who couldn't find a significant mate, for reasons of peace-keeping and advancement. Little is also known about how in NS Germany, the NS state took extra care to keep women that work in brothels in great conditions took care of them, kept them healthy, etc. Contrary to jewish opinion, this is not evil, and women who are into this have to be taken care of. The jews are well known to be "evil pimpsters" and "gangsters" that destroy and kill women. But of course, who is going to teach you all that, your Marxist Kike Historian? They just teach you about what they call as "whores" and their supposed "freedoms" and how you ought follow the same path. Feministic, Whoreship, that parades as freedom. And cheap materialism.

And somehow tie this into Marilyn Monroe, the jewess, empty "liberated-whoreslut" woman-jewslave, Madame Figaro, Cosmopolitan, Sex and the (Kike) City and some empty self-righteous idiotic piece of life who just thrivives on lipstic instead of oxygen. How "free" is a woman that doesn't know where she is going, or has no direction whatsoever? Its like, you are a woman if you buy "X" brands. If you have these certain ideas. If you like barbie. If you act like a pornstar, or something. It always has to do with CONSUMERISM which has to do with making MONEY for the jews. The jews aren't interested in your rights, neither the rights of men or anyone. They just pick up certain portions where people feel comfortable with, such as "the rights of children" or what have you, they divide people that way and then they use the divide parts to destroy the larger whole in shrew manners. They are interested for that you give them hard earned bucks to fill the voids that create into your Soul, such as that you are ugly, incompetent, your beauty never enough, that you are dumb etc. They also prey into lack of knowledge and direction of women.

Now, these stupid women that follow the enemy paradigm, are never "free". You cannot be freed from stupidity, however much you pay the jew, or however many university diplomas you get, however many men you attack or demoralize in your trip to "whoretown". Because this is obviously, stupidity in the core of the thinking. Its blindness. Here, we are to examine the SATANIC Woman in CONTRAST to this woman. Not the Goyim cattle woman, or the Muslim woman. Which is what most of you have left behind. This is pure rot and enemy control. Its sad women have to undergo all this, its sad men have to undergo all this. Its all a sad, gloomy, situation, like the jewish mother that gave birth to all these problems.

This is the greatest disrespect women have ever had happen to themselves. Women who are awake to this can see this.

Its even worse than the jewish infested Burka, or whatever else. No woman is free today. Those who are "free" in the sense of the enemy, almost always end up alone, deprived, nymphos for their whole life, abandoned and left aside, watching Sex and the City, trying to mimic the kike actor "Samantha" or something or the other jewess in the film. Then stupid women who are naive enough to trust these things, go down these roads, only to find themselves destroyed in the end. Then, they develop serious trust issues, love issues, self-hate issues that can never be solved. I know many women can relate to this. And let's be honest, men get the same thing all the time, so there is nothing to be hidden in this situation. Its just against the jews.

Women who awaken to their instincts, like a sleepwalker, they come into their senses. They understand for instance, that the blood of their period they get every month is not a curse, but a spiritual blessing from Mother Nature. Their power becomes triple doubled. But what power? You have to meditate to see this. Otherwise, you see even the biggest gifts as the biggest curses. The jew sees for you, you do not see for yourself. Therefore you are in a worse situation than just being blind.

They realize that in their bodies, they are the house of life. They suddenly wake up to realize, that they are a chain of life in their cosmos, and that their body might belong to them, but this is a result of countless deaths and work. So you do not just waste this. They wake up to the fact that they are the only being in the cosmos that can have the experience of having a second, separate life, separate Soul, within them. They are the life givers and the preservers, of life in itself. Not only that, but they are also the mesmerizers, they have the power over life and choice. Sometimes they say that even before the most powerful men, there is an equally or more powerful woman. Many men can testify to this, as have many leaders in all the times and orders. Then of course you have the women who are down to earth, leaders.

They know that its more possible of a respectable woman to be heard and respected, than these obnoxious slobs they promote to be "women’s" and "speakers" of women. These women are not women. They are like lost children in the feet of real women. Its your job to get them straight and save these fellow women of the route to self-destruction, wherever you see this happening. Its just the enemy is afraid. Rightfully so. So they just try to, rationally, destroy what they are afraid about. As always. And a realized woman is what the enemy has been trying to destroy, while leaving all their stupid counterparts rule and talk out for all women.

Other women are in seas of confusion. Our Satanic Women are NOT. They have found their home, their goddesses and their selves. And this cannot be stolen or taken away from them. Depending on the peer pressure and brainwashing, at least they stand a chance if they work for it. Others will never know.

A little question is also apparent to show the real value of mother women, or grandmothers for that liking. How many had a good mother and how many know what a great blessing it is? Adolf Hitler himself openly mentioned his mother all the time, and the love and embrace he had for it. So many other great men have done this. Weren't it for her, he wouldn't have been. Others who didn't have good mothers, they always left with this gap. You ever asked about an orphan person? Kids hurt a lot when there is not a father around, but the mother seems to be non-replaceable by anyone. By anything and everything. This is the common thing most people say. They just wish they had more love from their mothers or something else. And it all starts from a mother. Good raised children, good citizens, good world. You can never know. In the eyes of a mother we see the pure dignity and divinity. And what the enemy sees? An empty shell waiting to be destroyed.

The base nature of what it is to be a woman, no matter the divisions and the choices women can take, or their differences, is being attacked. It doesn't matter if you are polygamous or monogamous. So long you are a real woman, a honest woman, a woman that is respectable and of a higher spiritual nature, they will try to destroy you. So long you are doing what the jew wants, you will always have problems, and even if you DON'T do this. Its just in one occasion, you lose yourself, in the second one, you will OWN yourself. You will no longer be a mere owned pawn of the jew. Because this is how it works. Women, are put into either relentless competition with other women to get the very few Alpha males that exist (thank jews, many of them act like young brats) or they have to take the lonely path of using men like slaves, force themselves in other directions. Or the path of loneliness...So I come with a message of hope for you. You can make your life and your own fate. You have the powers and you have all the means. Yourselves can and will be restored.

Its just either-or. Its like women are attacked all the time for no reason whatsoever. Like, having a pound or two "more" (than the standards of the kike porn industry, or some kike fashion designer "decided" for women. Now women, they are stupid, these ordinary women, because they go after all these "lengths" to "follow" and "adhere" to their kikes, but if a man has an objection, we have feminism. I am sure most Satanic Women see this and want to vomit as well. Like, seriously?

Some things by nature are given to us as they are. We can follow, or we can take another way and blow ourselves up. For instance, like a woman cannot be a construction builder in general (IN GENERAL, THERE ARE *ALWAYS* EXCEPTIONS LIKE PRO ATHLETE WOMEN ETC) the average man cannot have this certain mother instinct that makes a woman a hundred times more intelligent in raising her children. The point is not breaking up persons and being overly individual. The thing is to understand, that women must be part of their men, and men of their women, without a division. AT least for the people who want a union to take place.

This is what the human heart longs for, but the enemy, makes it difficult, makes it a strife, makes it suffering, breeds stupidity, instability, uncertainty and fear all over the place. At times the world is uncertain, then you, then the other person, whatever. Nothing is meant to last in this world. The enemy brings mistrust, separation and destruction in the sexes, divide and conquer. Turn what is supposed to be one, against one another. This is the allegory on how the "JHVH" cuts Adam from his wife. And curses them both, same as their progeny. Its not so much a topic of sexual preference, as you can be free and do whatever you want, but freedom can also, paradoxically, become a hindrance that keeps you from doing anything.

The jew DOES NOT CARE HOW, OR WHY, OR AT WHAT CONSEQUENCE HE WILL DIVIDE. He just wants to divide what is at once made powerful. This is no different than how they try to divide men and women internally, by destroying their Soul. This they also do externally in society. Its the secret of success in human relations, that one understands one another from WITHIN themselves. From understanding their own male and female nature.

Its like, all women pretend to be so different now, but what makes them beautiful, different and Divine, is missing. Same as it is missing from the whole world that listens to the enemy. Women always say they are women. But when asked, what is this thing that makes you a woman? You are going to hear shopping bags, her body, or something else. Things that she owns. You will never hear the actual reason, that they are a personification of the Divine Spiritual energy. They do not feel it. They aren't really AWARE of it. It hasn't saturated their mind. A Woman. Which is the internal spiritual dimension of a woman, the pure feminine power, the strong word, the support, her role in this society.

Woman, same as family, are the backbones of society. Any society. Doesn't matter if its the one of the Sharia Law, or anything, even if women are treated lowly or not. Women deserve more than being put on an equal "pedestal" just to "feel" equal or the pseudo-basis of the "human rights" of the enemy, or just equal circumstances outside. They deserve to wake up and be spiritual creatures and have an actual choice, not the illusion of it. But its all just missing. And you just see empty women who try to fill their days with drugs, dissatisfaction, fear and paranoia. At least for the most part. Or you just see women that are just having their potential lost. Or all other pathologies. Why? Because they believed the jew who told them they were free.

Since when free rhymes with stupid, irresponsible and acting like a professional goyim animal without self-consciousness, basing one's sole identity on consumerism and building up a so called personality, over hang-ups, fears and Sex and the City? Is this freedom? Because girls if its freedom then I digress. I must be just another phallocratic oppressor...

But our Satanic Women Know Better!

Don't worry girls, its not like the writers of the Bible, Qu'aran and the Monotheistic religions, who stone women to death, carried the inquisition etc, the JEWS, suddenly got interested in your "rights". Its just that they know the female element, being the birth of all, is also chaotic unless defined and refined by the inner male element in a person. The primordial waters of creation, personified by women in Spiritual literature, are equally totally destructive or creative. What defines these is the male element in nature, which is a directed energy. With the direction of the enemy, this turns society into a total and complete, death and disaster. This is why you see women in the west, a small portion of them, destroying their Race or something. This is why they leave everything go rampant in the West, making "free" women be like "whores", paradoxically making them ACCEPT being RAPED by the husbands of the 5 women of the Immigrant Hubby of Burka's, make their people stab their own people in the back, etc.

Because this is just, what it is. Nobody really will ever be more loving to you than your own people and your own husbands, sons, family and racial people. Because they love you and to us you will forever be divine. To the point we always, at any point, sacrifice ourselves for you if needed. And no, your feminist "best friend" that will get with some guy at one point, because she was jewess or something and must replicate its kind, betraying you over the "Forever feminist bitches" pinky promise you had- no, she doesn't love you more than the loving eyes of your own child, husband or son.

I realize now, many women, especially Satanic women who are powerful, even to the point it scares many men to bits, they may have problems in relations. But I know at the same time, you have the power, the capacity and the intelligence to even be in charge if needed in your relations. In all, do not let anyone suppress you and do not let yourselves be abused. There are all the means necessary in your arsenal to attract the correct mates. Be it for sex, for love, for affection, for a family, for a platonic relationship, or other things. And it must be filled with some vanity. Women are pushed to degrade themselves to empty meat, and certainly, men are pushed on the same way. Both genders have serious issues.

I spent my life around women for a great part. I have seen their beauty, I always admired how they kept themselves clean, strong, have all these fancy and peaceful things to keep themselves working, I have also seen mothers, grandmothers and all sorts of women in all roles. I have also seen what is defined as the "women" of nowadays. Somehow, its a being without any internal dimension. There is no thinking taking place in these women, like women are supposed to not think or something and act like pieces of meat. This is the same case for men. Supposedly, they are carrying a revolution. I have also seen the "party animal" bitches, Madame Figaro incarnate, and what else have you. The jew laughs at these "free" women, for they know quite well that they are entirely dependent upon them, they have no common sense.

All sensible women would probably agree. There is no way, a woman is a woman, as thus, her senses being highly aware, to waste herself in such a way. One thing women have that is prominent, at least real women, is dignity. This is why you see women taking the extra mile or even suffering in work for their rights. Because they have dignity. The jew of course doesn't stop anywhere with this. Jewish women are the teachers of lack of dignity, lack of common sense, destruction and pain.

Its like, according to the jews, jewish women are so bad, the jewish god didn't want one. But, when it comes to Gentile women, well, our Gods wanted them real badly. And our amazing goddesses wanted us back... So who asked you, sickly jew? They can go to their ugly, disgusting "women" that even their own "god" doesn't want. As for us, Satan has his Lilith you know, and Lilith has her Satan. So jews lose again.

In closing though, this is not a matter of "women" or "men". Any such take would be needless and poisonous. We have to look at the core, which is us, against them. Everyone is equally or more attacked and afflicted by the same enemy. And we have nothing to divide in going against them.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thanks for the repost.

I've wanted to comment on this recently so I'll bump this thread with it. Here's an obligatory "not all men and women". Here's an obligatory "I'm not a feminist" as well.

I want to open with the subject of make-up. It is a modern subject. I believe in self expression and it has been used historically quite beautifully. Royalty would use it to announce their status. I use it every now and then. But I can't tell you how many times as a women I've been looked at with pure hatred or jealousy by my own because I feel confident enough (or maybe don't give a shit enough,lol) to go out without glamour or fancy clothes. Or if I choose glamour that contradicts what most men want (let's just say green lipstick and heavy black eyeshadow for example) and I still look good. This bothers me greatly. You are beautiful too, there is no need to be jealous. Why do you not see this?

Also I meet a lot of stunning women who have relationship issues, trouble attracting men, and just things that don't make sense. It breeds jealousy and insecurity. It is so messy. I even tell them how to get help and get away, and still, nothing. Why in the fuck are you staying with that asshole? How in the fuck are you single? If what he's doing is so annoying, why don't you tell the idiot? Why bother cheating when you can just break up with him?
And the fucking age thing. Particularly men (though many women!!) telling women they will be less valuable when they are old because they are "uglier", they cannot have children, they will be alone etc. Lol, they are jealous and afraid. Their power continues until the end of this life. Women only grow in beauty as they age, and unfortunately, this jealousy makes men whither away unnecissarily.

Being a tomboy, I had massive insecurities growing up. I grew up in a trash christian environment. I had a sex drive of course, but there was nothing but trash around me, and I did not want to waste it on trash. A lot of the time, I hated and wanted to hide my female body, because I have a big chest, am (somewhat?) curvy, and that is all men wanted to look at, wishing and hoping something would happen, while not bothering to get to know me a single bit. Let's not even talk about being groped without consent, men not taking no for an answer, and the fact nearly every woman in my life has had an experience with something similar. I even had gender/sexuality issues/dreams it was that bad.
Well good riddance to that phase of my life. Now, I have a wonderful, supportive, understanding boyfriend, I am trying to appreciate my body and overcome my unfortunate fears with him. Our relationship's not perfect, but still, I'm grateful. I am learning that porn is a huge problem in young men (this is relevant to the above I realise now). Just tell a random guy that too much porn is bad for you, see how that works out for you. I am pro sex-work of course (against trafficking) but we need to accept issues where they lie. They do not know what they are doing in terms of approaching (and having sex with) women, thanks to porn, so they are getting rejected. We are not being treated like human beings. After all, porn stars are (seemingly) happily paid, don't talk back or argue, or have conflicting opinions, and are both easy access, and easy to fuck. It is a vicious cycle. This is not a feminist thing, it is reality. I must admit us women need to be more understanding that men do not know what they are doing and porn is ruining them. In general, women also need to speak up for themselves and communicate more too. But truly, what can we do? I do not believe this is an excuse to treat us the way many of us have been treated. Viagra use has gone up dramatically to the point where there are dealers. Things are really bad. VR is going to make it worse.

I'm going to close with my admission to you all that I want to be child-free for the rest of my life, and I am pro-choice, always will be. You've already seen the threats to this. (Hello, Texas.) Yes, this is a lonely, unusual(?) path. According to statistics, my dating pool is truly only 20% of men no matter how many are interested. I cannot tell you how many times I've been told that my womb or children is my only value to men in modern society. It has been drummed into me since childhood. I have so much more than that to give. I have witnessed no end of jealousy and hatred of women (from both sexes) who choose to have children, to us child-frees, which I don't understand either, after all you made that choice and I am respectful of that. I am so lucky and grateful that I have the right to choose, and I will always fight for these rights.

Thank you, Lillith. Please be with my fellow women that wisely shield themselves from the filth of the world as you have so kindly helped me do.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
