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On Diet

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Jax911 said:
Thats exactly what people need to realize. Sadly, many people in my homeland which is Mongolia, are reverting to veganism, wicca and new age bullshit due to the spiritual and physical degeneration implied by communism and buddhism. As for the diet, traditionally our ancestors used to eat meat only in cold seasons like winter while consuming milk products in summer due to the extreme contradictory climate in central asia. But during communism, all animals were united into communes and people started consuming meat all the time and spirituality was even strictly suppressed than before (shamans and mages met death sentence when buddhism was introduced). And now, shamanism and occultism are rising as spiritual freedom was granted by the democratic revolution in the 90s but people depend too much on their ancestral spirits and wicca and new age bullshit are taking place for the same reason mentioned above. As for veganism, many people in modern mongolia consume tons of meat and eat very unhealthy, which is why they brag that it is effective.

The debate on diet relies on two main factors:

1. Race/Background
2. The conditions around an individual
3. Natural Availability

I believe race does play a race into diet, but then again, all of the hardcore preaching about the best diet is just a big joke. One has to eat a balanced diet between meat, greens, carbs. One can experiment around to find their own balance but this is not a thing one must preach, as it simply is pointless.

Normally people when debating about diets are giving quotes from spiritual books or studies about some people in the North Pole and how these people are so healthy because they eat only fish or other similar types of arguments.

This leaves me uninterested as I am European and therefore, for example, the dietary norms of my people are different than Asians. Also, the other argument that claims that "The past is perfect" in regards to diet is also errant, and there are also endless sources lying about diets. This has created a craze around the subject.

The main problem I would say in diet today is that our foods are highly contaminated, very unnatural. Non holistic and non properly grown. But when you have to feed 7 billion people on the planet within this system, damning the environment and food is only to be expected. You cannot have it otherwise. If people do not want to change values and we don't want to thin out human population, since our current lifestyle is unnatural and unsustainable by earth, we have to create all the more artificial nutrition.

An example here is how an American scientist, in order to save the third world from mass starvation [Hateful whitey of course] developed specific types of hybridized grains. Otherwise people would have died and the populations we see in the third world would be impossible to stay alive. Said grains are normal and approved, but they are now replaced by GMO [Mosanto etc]. And you can never be sure about GMO. However compared to people wanting to choose mass death, this is the only unnatural route we can go. You cannot feed 8 billions of mouths everyday organic and whole, nature has limitations, and also we have Globalism now and the amount of food wasted is also humongous.

In regards to natural availability, we have moved past this now, and this has backlashes, but it also has prospects. People get extremely scared about the GMO and this is true, but on the other hand, if you want the current level of society to keep going, well this is a sacrifice humanity has to take. People want to have prolific and uncontrolled birthrates without remorse or understanding of the earth and with zero respect on natural cycles.

An example here is Vegans who want coleslaw in the middle of the summer and tomatoes in high winter. Well, let's develop an alien GMO for you so you can follow the diet that you claim is "Natural". Can't be done in any other way.

So in regards to diet the only thing we can truly say is to pay attention and try to eat healthy. Learning to cook a bit will also come in handy, if one has the talent for it.

In regards to general dietary laws, personal situation has to be taken in consideration. When you are 90 years old if you eat meat daily you are going to die or have digestive impossibility, for one example. A sick person doesn't eat as a healthy person, a normal healthy person does not eat as an athlete, the list goes. A super athlete cannot survive or compete based on the diet of a person who works on an office all day.

Diet is a huge market thing as I have said again in the past, and this is why I have refused to promote any sort of dietary thing as it's evil and pointless. I have refused to even comment on this for years, as it's all a big, bogus insanity. Above all, this doesn't have a lot to do with how you spiritually advance either. It affects it indirectly. Not eating meat doesn't make you holy nor ascends you into any higher level of consciousness, only meditation does.

One should avoid raw or strange diets as they can be deadly. People are promoting these diets to others only to become famous and get quick money, without concern of how this may kill other people. So long you have a balanced diet and nutritious food, you will be alright, and nothing does affect your development spiritually, unless it's so bad it makes you feel unhealthy and therefore lack of health or vigor gets in the way.

Racial science would also come extremely much in handy with analysis of a person and people more indepth. But this is prohibited today as we consider this 'racist'. Race is fundamental in what diet we are to follow. Just look in America, white people aren't supposed to eat extremely huge caloric bombs nor do black people, as these races become very easily obese by following diets of extreme caloric intake.

Veganism is deadly and so is eating only meat. It's just that by eating only meat one dies in a different way such as strokes or digestion problems, while with veganism you just wither away and perish, many times suffering also, because the system collapses. Vegans are mentally insane and this also comes down to physical reasons of the system lacking support. Meat is nutritious and grounding. Without meat there is no vigor, and without greenery there is no lubrication and movement in the intestines. It's not rocket science, it's all very simple.

There is no holy diet only holy people, ie, people who are spiritual and strive to spiritually advance.

There is a healthy diet and healthy diets do help you spiritually by keeping the body in a healthy condition and by supporting it, health is always related to balance.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Jax911 said:
Thats exactly what people need to realize. Sadly, many people in my homeland which is Mongolia, are reverting to veganism, wicca and new age bullshit due to the spiritual and physical degeneration implied by communism and buddhism. As for the diet, traditionally our ancestors used to eat meat only in cold seasons like winter while consuming milk products in summer due to the extreme contradictory climate in central asia. But during communism, all animals were united into communes and people started consuming meat all the time and spirituality was even strictly suppressed than before (shamans and mages met death sentence when buddhism was introduced). And now, shamanism and occultism are rising as spiritual freedom was granted by the democratic revolution in the 90s but people depend too much on their ancestral spirits and wicca and new age bullshit are taking place for the same reason mentioned above. As for veganism, many people in modern mongolia consume tons of meat and eat very unhealthy, which is why they brag that it is effective.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I think you are wrong on GMO. There is a difference between a GMO and a hybrid crops. Hybrid crops are bred to have desirable characteristics and are bred to acheive all that. Whereas GMO involve genetic level manipulation and many Jewish companies like Monsanto and Bayer have created mutations to benefit their agendas. I think you meant a hybrid crop when you said a GMO in this post.
anonymous666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Jax911 said:
Thats exactly what people need to realize. Sadly, many people in my homeland which is Mongolia, are reverting to veganism, wicca and new age bullshit due to the spiritual and physical degeneration implied by communism and buddhism. As for the diet, traditionally our ancestors used to eat meat only in cold seasons like winter while consuming milk products in summer due to the extreme contradictory climate in central asia. But during communism, all animals were united into communes and people started consuming meat all the time and spirituality was even strictly suppressed than before (shamans and mages met death sentence when buddhism was introduced). And now, shamanism and occultism are rising as spiritual freedom was granted by the democratic revolution in the 90s but people depend too much on their ancestral spirits and wicca and new age bullshit are taking place for the same reason mentioned above. As for veganism, many people in modern mongolia consume tons of meat and eat very unhealthy, which is why they brag that it is effective.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I think you are wrong on GMO. There is a difference between a GMO and a hybrid crops. Hybrid crops are bred to have desirable characteristics and are bred to acheive all that. Whereas GMO involve genetic level manipulation and many Jewish companies like Monsanto and Bayer have created mutations to benefit their agendas. I think you meant a hybrid crop when you said a GMO in this post.

I meant this when you spoke about GMO being invented for good by whites. Traditionally hybridization worked well and produced good results. It just takes time.
anonymous666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Jax911 said:
Thats exactly what people need to realize. Sadly, many people in my homeland which is Mongolia, are reverting to veganism, wicca and new age bullshit due to the spiritual and physical degeneration implied by communism and buddhism. As for the diet, traditionally our ancestors used to eat meat only in cold seasons like winter while consuming milk products in summer due to the extreme contradictory climate in central asia. But during communism, all animals were united into communes and people started consuming meat all the time and spirituality was even strictly suppressed than before (shamans and mages met death sentence when buddhism was introduced). And now, shamanism and occultism are rising as spiritual freedom was granted by the democratic revolution in the 90s but people depend too much on their ancestral spirits and wicca and new age bullshit are taking place for the same reason mentioned above. As for veganism, many people in modern mongolia consume tons of meat and eat very unhealthy, which is why they brag that it is effective.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I think you are wrong on GMO. There is a difference between a GMO and a hybrid crops. Hybrid crops are bred to have desirable characteristics and are bred to acheive all that. Whereas GMO involve genetic level manipulation and many Jewish companies like Monsanto and Bayer have created mutations to benefit their agendas. I think you meant a hybrid crop when you said a GMO in this post.

Thanks for the heads up. I am aware about hybrid vs GMO. I should have used the word hybrid instead of mutated, which shows in GMO. I'll correct this now.

I know what you mean about hybrid corps, I meant this:

anonymous666 said:
anonymous666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I think you are wrong on GMO. There is a difference between a GMO and a hybrid crops. Hybrid crops are bred to have desirable characteristics and are bred to acheive all that. Whereas GMO involve genetic level manipulation and many Jewish companies like Monsanto and Bayer have created mutations to benefit their agendas. I think you meant a hybrid crop when you said a GMO in this post.

I meant this when you spoke about GMO being invented for good by whites. Traditionally hybridization worked well and produced good results. It just takes time.

No, the first wheat strains that were created to save the 3rd world I believe were hybrid, not GMO. I meant to write that they were replaced. Thanks a lot of pointing this out.

If you have time could you elaborate a bit on the Mosanto strains? In most countries I know, hybrids or natural seeds are now permanently banned, due to claims of "Health problems".

Jews be jewing even in nature is pure insanity.
Yes, race and diet connects. Its depends on the person- more so on their nutritional needs, health issues, blood type, digestive functioning and of course different groups of people have different dietary needs. The seasons factor in too.

Not one diet works for everyone. As was mentioned, a good rule of thumb is a balance between carbs, meat and veggies and I also go with what my body craves. At one point in my life, I crabed extra meat and dairy but if I am to eat animal products, they are humanely raised and grassfed, whenever possible.

Buy the bigger issue is cleaner food, as HP HC menrioned and healthier, humane and sustainable agricultural practices. Permaculture is the future.

As for lets say, wheat strains, I prefer ancient grains like Spelt and Einkorn. They are easy on the digestion and, in my opinion, and from certain studies, better than the hybrids.
I am gonna buy a small piece of land and grow my own plants. For meat, I can use chicken.

This what we made of environment is insane. Life in cities is unsustainable. People like tasty burger, but do not have idea where that comes from, and was the price of that. All they want is to satisfy their taste buds. Ignorance is bliss.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
anonymous666 said:
anonymous666 said:
I think you are wrong on GMO. There is a difference between a GMO and a hybrid crops. Hybrid crops are bred to have desirable characteristics and are bred to acheive all that. Whereas GMO involve genetic level manipulation and many Jewish companies like Monsanto and Bayer have created mutations to benefit their agendas. I think you meant a hybrid crop when you said a GMO in this post.

I meant this when you spoke about GMO being invented for good by whites. Traditionally hybridization worked well and produced good results. It just takes time.

No, the first wheat strains that were created to save the 3rd world I believe were hybrid, not GMO. I meant to write that they were replaced. Thanks a lot of pointing this out.

If you have time could you elaborate a bit on the Mosanto strains? In most countries I know, hybrids or natural seeds are now permanently banned, due to claims of "Health problems".

Jews be jewing even in nature is pure insanity.
I will be giving example of BT Cotton because that is example of GMO ruining lives caused suicides too.
GMO cotton is causing large scale farmer suicides in India due to being in loss and debt. And those GMO cotton do need pesticides after all. I admit many farmer suicides cases involve person who is farmer on paper but does not really depend on farming for sustaining family and has some Alcohol/drugs/gambling issues in life. But not all cases of farmer suicides are that way. GMO seeds are literally drying up ground as GMO cotton needs more water than ordinary cotton. Maharashtra state in India suffered worst in all as this GMO cotton which is meant to reduce pesticides is actually making farmers use same pesticide as non GMO cotton and more water. In drought like conditions because of less rainfall and poorly mismanaged rainwater harvesting and other such, GMO cotton is deadly. It works in place like America because of abundant water. As in case of BT Cotton there are literally generations of it. Indian government approved first 2 generations but has still not approved the 3rd generation maybe because they have realized that 3rd generation is more deadly than previous generations. Rajiv Dixit has also stated a anecdote where a buffalo died after eating GMO seeds. The buffalo did not want to eat it but the farmer forced it in the farm with bt cotton to make a point. I believe all that shit was for first generation seeds but still. With Jew owned politicians like Sharad Pawar aggressively promoting all this on farmers with even farmer helpline and many "reputed" sources pushing for using this farmers in India who usually have low or no education are fooled. While right wing BJP did approved bt Cotton they did not do much of propaganda to force it on farmers like the left wing Congress did(like the same Republican and Democrats bs that took place in American politics). There is a whole denial of correlation between farmer suicides and GMO cotton.





Now to all this add the fact that GMO cottonseed oil gained acceptance in daily food consumption few years ago because of careful marketing.


Now retarded farmer orgs are protesting to lobby for making the third generation of Herbicide tolerant BT cotton legal to grow. In fact such cotton seeds are already available through illegal sources in India.


Many fast food in USA does contain BT cottonseed oil as well.
The funniest fad diet was the diet promoted by an autistic Jewish man who recommended eating poop. Why I am not surprised. Today much of his teachings are promoted in the Carnivore community.
Maybe the phrase Holy Shit comes from the actual Holy HaShit, maybe a rabbi can elaborate on this one and explain based on Freud why is it the case he is eating strange pies for purim.

HP Mageson666 said:
The funniest fad diet was the diet promoted by an autistic Jewish man who recommended eating poop. Why I am not surprised. Today much of his teachings are promoted in the Carnivore community.
There is a man on youtube (if we can call that wretched creature, a man..) saying he only eats rotten meat. He prepares all his own food by cutting animal organs, leave them in containers with air in it (and even opens them on a frequent basis to get more air in) specifically so it can rot as much as possible (the opposite of sealing air-free in food cans to prevent food spoiling) and after months of rotting he eats the meats as they are. He claims he only eats rotten meat and that since he eats only rotten meat he has been cured of all his physical diseases and he now feels healthier then ever...

Jew laughting intensifies....
Something a lot of vegan/vegetarian people do not realize is that the body becomes accustomed to certain things over time. The food you intake can effect you down to your genomes. If someone is raised on 90% meat and 10% veg/fruit their body will likely not be able to handle a sudden switch to vegetarianism let alone veganism. Veganism in itself is extremely harmful to the body and soul as many people have discussed here, it is inhuman.

Vegetarianism is very bad as well in my opinion. The reason a lot of Americans(Or others countries where eating like a piece of shit is the social norm) think that the vegetarian diet works is because they eat like shit and they are simply switching to something less disgusting and sure it will work for a while and you will feel better than eating 15 big macs a day but eventually that shit will catch up to you. Everyone has a different biological and gene structure which effects how foods interact with us.

As I said earlier food can effect you down to your genomes but it takes YEARS for that to happen. If one wanted to get on a vegetarian diet safely they would have to slowly lower their intake of meat based items and replace the nutrients lost with other things.

The most insane diet besides the scat fetish jew diet mentioned above I have seen is "eating light". Your body isn't gonna survive on that shit. Oh also another really disgusting thing that has been killing people is this "jilly juice" shit. I myself am an American and people eat a lot of unhealthy shit. 80% of my cabinet is comprised of carbohydrates which while good(literal brain food) cannot be consumed in excess. Carbohydrates get broken into simple sugars for energy. if you eat a shit ton of sugar and you will become unhealthy fast

"You eat like shit, You'll look like a pile of shit. You eat healthy, You'll look healthy. You are what you eat"
Sinistra said:
There is a man on youtube (if we can call that wretched creature, a man..) saying he only eats rotten meat. He prepares all his own food by cutting animal organs, leave them in containers with air in it (and even opens them on a frequent basis to get more air in) specifically so it can rot as much as possible (the opposite of sealing air-free in food cans to prevent food spoiling) and after months of rotting he eats the meats as they are. He claims he only eats rotten meat and that since he eats only rotten meat he has been cured of all his physical diseases and he now feels healthier then ever...

Jew laughting intensifies....

Okay this is outright scary. I’m going to look that up. I hope no one is retarded enough to even attempt what he did.
Solar Falcon said:
Sinistra said:
There is a man on youtube (if we can call that wretched creature, a man..) saying he only eats rotten meat. He prepares all his own food by cutting animal organs, leave them in containers with air in it (and even opens them on a frequent basis to get more air in) specifically so it can rot as much as possible (the opposite of sealing air-free in food cans to prevent food spoiling) and after months of rotting he eats the meats as they are. He claims he only eats rotten meat and that since he eats only rotten meat he has been cured of all his physical diseases and he now feels healthier then ever...

Jew laughting intensifies....

Okay this is outright scary. I’m going to look that up. I hope no one is retarded enough to even attempt what he did.

Makes you always wonder if really these guys are doing that shit for views or strange fame, or if actually they give this deadly advice. And it also makes me wonder why they never encounter any block, as they are literally preaching death directly here by recommending these diets.

Are these guys for real?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Solar Falcon said:
Sinistra said:
There is a man on youtube (if we can call that wretched creature, a man..) saying he only eats rotten meat. He prepares all his own food by cutting animal organs, leave them in containers with air in it (and even opens them on a frequent basis to get more air in) specifically so it can rot as much as possible (the opposite of sealing air-free in food cans to prevent food spoiling) and after months of rotting he eats the meats as they are. He claims he only eats rotten meat and that since he eats only rotten meat he has been cured of all his physical diseases and he now feels healthier then ever...

Jew laughting intensifies....

Okay this is outright scary. I’m going to look that up. I hope no one is retarded enough to even attempt what he did.

Makes you always wonder if really these guys are doing that shit for views or strange fame, or if actually they give this deadly advice. And it also makes me wonder why they never encounter any block, as they are literally preaching death directly here by recommending these diets.

Are these guys for real?
Preaching deadly advice is OK
Saying we need to kill off all whites is OK
Saying maaaaybe the white race shouldn't commit suicide and maybe put in place some border controls like we used to have everywhere ? : HOW DARE YOU, YOU EVIL RACIST HITLER !!! BAN FROM PLATFORM IMMEDIATELY !!!!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Solar Falcon said:
Sinistra said:
There is a man on youtube (if we can call that wretched creature, a man..) saying he only eats rotten meat. He prepares all his own food by cutting animal organs, leave them in containers with air in it (and even opens them on a frequent basis to get more air in) specifically so it can rot as much as possible (the opposite of sealing air-free in food cans to prevent food spoiling) and after months of rotting he eats the meats as they are. He claims he only eats rotten meat and that since he eats only rotten meat he has been cured of all his physical diseases and he now feels healthier then ever...

Jew laughting intensifies....

Okay this is outright scary. I’m going to look that up. I hope no one is retarded enough to even attempt what he did.

Makes you always wonder if really these guys are doing that shit for views or strange fame, or if actually they give this deadly advice. And it also makes me wonder why they never encounter any block, as they are literally preaching death directly here by recommending these diets.

Are these guys for real?

Yes they are. I saw that video, he ate rotten meat for real and many others listened to him and took on the diet. Gross.

That man died from an accident years later from an unrelated cause though. I think his house collapsed.
anonymous666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
anonymous666 said:
I meant this when you spoke about GMO being invented for good by whites. Traditionally hybridization worked well and produced good results. It just takes time.

No, the first wheat strains that were created to save the 3rd world I believe were hybrid, not GMO. I meant to write that they were replaced. Thanks a lot of pointing this out.

If you have time could you elaborate a bit on the Mosanto strains? In most countries I know, hybrids or natural seeds are now permanently banned, due to claims of "Health problems".

Jews be jewing even in nature is pure insanity.
I will be giving example of BT Cotton because that is example of GMO ruining lives caused suicides too.
GMO cotton is causing large scale farmer suicides in India due to being in loss and debt. And those GMO cotton do need pesticides after all. I admit many farmer suicides cases involve person who is farmer on paper but does not really depend on farming for sustaining family and has some Alcohol/drugs/gambling issues in life. But not all cases of farmer suicides are that way. GMO seeds are literally drying up ground as GMO cotton needs more water than ordinary cotton. Maharashtra state in India suffered worst in all as this GMO cotton which is meant to reduce pesticides is actually making farmers use same pesticide as non GMO cotton and more water. In drought like conditions because of less rainfall and poorly mismanaged rainwater harvesting and other such, GMO cotton is deadly. It works in place like America because of abundant water. As in case of BT Cotton there are literally generations of it. Indian government approved first 2 generations but has still not approved the 3rd generation maybe because they have realized that 3rd generation is more deadly than previous generations. Rajiv Dixit has also stated a anecdote where a buffalo died after eating GMO seeds. The buffalo did not want to eat it but the farmer forced it in the farm with bt cotton to make a point. I believe all that shit was for first generation seeds but still. With Jew owned politicians like Sharad Pawar aggressively promoting all this on farmers with even farmer helpline and many "reputed" sources pushing for using this farmers in India who usually have low or no education are fooled. While right wing BJP did approved bt Cotton they did not do much of propaganda to force it on farmers like the left wing Congress did(like the same Republican and Democrats bs that took place in American politics). There is a whole denial of correlation between farmer suicides and GMO cotton.





Now to all this add the fact that GMO cottonseed oil gained acceptance in daily food consumption few years ago because of careful marketing.


Now retarded farmer orgs are protesting to lobby for making the third generation of Herbicide tolerant BT cotton legal to grow. In fact such cotton seeds are already available through illegal sources in India.


Many fast food in USA does contain BT cottonseed oil as well.

Thank you for clearly explaining this
anonymous666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
anonymous666 said:
I meant this when you spoke about GMO being invented for good by whites. Traditionally hybridization worked well and produced good results. It just takes time.

No, the first wheat strains that were created to save the 3rd world I believe were hybrid, not GMO. I meant to write that they were replaced. Thanks a lot of pointing this out.

If you have time could you elaborate a bit on the Mosanto strains? In most countries I know, hybrids or natural seeds are now permanently banned, due to claims of "Health problems".

Jews be jewing even in nature is pure insanity.
I will be giving example of BT Cotton because that is example of GMO ruining lives caused suicides too.
GMO cotton is causing large scale farmer suicides in India due to being in loss and debt. And those GMO cotton do need pesticides after all. I admit many farmer suicides cases involve person who is farmer on paper but does not really depend on farming for sustaining family and has some Alcohol/drugs/gambling issues in life. But not all cases of farmer suicides are that way. GMO seeds are literally drying up ground as GMO cotton needs more water than ordinary cotton. Maharashtra state in India suffered worst in all as this GMO cotton which is meant to reduce pesticides is actually making farmers use same pesticide as non GMO cotton and more water. In drought like conditions because of less rainfall and poorly mismanaged rainwater harvesting and other such, GMO cotton is deadly. It works in place like America because of abundant water. As in case of BT Cotton there are literally generations of it. Indian government approved first 2 generations but has still not approved the 3rd generation maybe because they have realized that 3rd generation is more deadly than previous generations. Rajiv Dixit has also stated a anecdote where a buffalo died after eating GMO seeds. The buffalo did not want to eat it but the farmer forced it in the farm with bt cotton to make a point. I believe all that shit was for first generation seeds but still. With Jew owned politicians like Sharad Pawar aggressively promoting all this on farmers with even farmer helpline and many "reputed" sources pushing for using this farmers in India who usually have low or no education are fooled. While right wing BJP did approved bt Cotton they did not do much of propaganda to force it on farmers like the left wing Congress did(like the same Republican and Democrats bs that took place in American politics). There is a whole denial of correlation between farmer suicides and GMO cotton.





Now to all this add the fact that GMO cottonseed oil gained acceptance in daily food consumption few years ago because of careful marketing.


Now retarded farmer orgs are protesting to lobby for making the third generation of Herbicide tolerant BT cotton legal to grow. In fact such cotton seeds are already available through illegal sources in India.


Many fast food in USA does contain BT cottonseed oil as well.

Thank you for clearly explaining this
What are your opinion on spicy foods (mainly chilly peppers)? Are they good or bad?
Larissa666 said:
I am gonna buy a small piece of land and grow my own plants. For meat, I can use chicken.
My health suffered from eating only chicken as a meat source. When I put in wild red meat (not talking macdolands but real meat) I felt soo much healthier. I need red meat atleast once a week now
When is it better to take Selenium? In the morning or in the evening?
Larissa666 said:
What are your opinion on spicy foods (mainly chilly peppers)? Are they good or bad?
Spicy food boosts yang active principle and it seems it helps the lungs against accumulating dampness. It cleans congestion in the nasal and lung area.
It seems chili peppers have other health benefits with their vitamins and minerals content. They are probably best during winters and in yang deficient people, and to be avoided or used with moderation in general in hot summers and on yin deficient people.
Spicy food in excess can cause inflammation. Excess is to be avoided especially in yin deficient people. It can be a good vitality cure during winters especially on yang deficient people, and help them fight getting sick.
TopoftheAbyss said:
When is it better to take Selenium? In the morning or in the evening?

Any time really, as long as you dont take too much at one time since the body only absorbs certain vitamins and minerals at a time.
HPS Shannon said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
When is it better to take Selenium? In the morning or in the evening?

Any time really, as long as you dont take too much at one time since the body only absorbs certain vitamins and minerals at a time.
HP what is the best brand of multivitamins on the market? Even if it's pricy.
luis said:
HPS Shannon said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
When is it better to take Selenium? In the morning or in the evening?

Any time really, as long as you dont take too much at one time since the body only absorbs certain vitamins and minerals at a time.
HP what is the best brand of multivitamins on the market? Even if it's pricy.

Well, it depends. As long as ots food based and contains vitamins and minerals in a balanced amount, if its food based, in highly absorbable form and how ine takes it.

Sometimes I buy the "garden of life" brand (food based) and sometimes I buy the brand from doctor Rons. They are a couple of the best in my opinion. Doctor Ron's is more expensive but lasts longer and more "complete". Actually the best multivitamin I have come across.

The garden of life brand is second best for me and I buy when I dont have extra cash right away for the other one.

Unfortunately, it may or may not be easy or available in Europe but can be shipped there but the shipping wont be cheap.

Good quality food is the best for of nutrition of course.
HPS Shannon said:
luis said:
HPS Shannon said:
Any time really, as long as you dont take too much at one time since the body only absorbs certain vitamins and minerals at a time.
HP what is the best brand of multivitamins on the market? Even if it's pricy.

Well, it depends. As long as ots food based and contains vitamins and minerals in a balanced amount, if its food based, in highly absorbable form and how ine takes it.

Sometimes I buy the "garden of life" brand (food based) and sometimes I buy the brand from doctor Rons. They are a couple of the best in my opinion. Doctor Ron's is more expensive but lasts longer and more "complete". Actually the best multivitamin I have come across.

The garden of life brand is second best for me and I buy when I dont have extra cash right away for the other one.

Unfortunately, it may or may not be easy or available in Europe but can be shipped there but the shipping wont be cheap.

Good quality food is the best for of nutrition of course.
Thank you :) i'm taking a probiotic and cod liver oil as suplments and they are helping me a lot on the seborreich dermatitis and acne problem so i guess now this is enough, when i have the money i want to buy some good multivitamins.
I'm glad to see this thread, as recently more and more I've been seeing, across the internet and places I'm active in when it comes to the promotion of JoS material, that a certain degree of shilling has begun to occur in very high degrees.

In many circles, (((they)) have realized that Veganism is a dying trend to certain degrees, as people are waking up and smelling the bullshit. A Jewish trick I've picked up on is to turn something into a punching bag when it begins to die off, in order to promote a new, equally shitty agenda. One good example is how Jews like Shapiro play off retarded SJW types in order to shill Israel. The same thing is happening here with diets. "haha veganism is so stupid amirite my fellow dietitians. why dont you try the carnivore diet instead? its good for you! its the opposite of veganism, so it must be!"

More and more I've been seeing the "carnivore" diet be promoted by think-tank types like Juden Peterstein. Where you eat red meat for every meal. I thought this was retarded enough. Until, lo and behold, people have taken it to the next level. Now the "canivore" diet involves eating the meat raw and uncooked. You can imagine what this leads to the risk of.

Just because veganism is fucking awful doesn't mean going in the exact opposite direction and eliminating all plant food from your diet is going to help you either. One person I got into an argument with, as I called him out for promoting this retarded eat a slab of raw meat for every meal concept, started posting bible material at me. Their language and behavior was incredibly odd, and they were posting screenshots of their own comments from previous threads. Meaning in all likelihood it was indeed probably a professional shill, especially since they were somehow trying to claim Polynesian natives had amazingly long lifespans, nevermind their infant mortality rate, endemic diseases and lifespans 30 years shorter than their white counterparts. They were shilling this by citing sources from some long debunked armchair dentist who was obsessed with thinking the so called "savages" were somehow robust and healthy beyond measure.

The Jew knows Veganism is a dying experiment, so they'll use the stench of its dying corpse to herd people into an equally abhorrent diet. Beware the trend of the Carnivore diet and its imminent push, because I'd bet any money it'll be the Jews next tactic to corrupt dietary discourse. It's already begun, as I said, Jordan Peterson is already shilling it to his legions of (((alt-right))) xians.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Jax911 said:
Thats exactly what people need to realize. Sadly, many people in my homeland which is Mongolia, are reverting to veganism, wicca and new age bullshit due to the spiritual and physical degeneration implied by communism and buddhism. As for the diet, traditionally our ancestors used to eat meat only in cold seasons like winter while consuming milk products in summer due to the extreme contradictory climate in central asia. But during communism, all animals were united into communes and people started consuming meat all the time and spirituality was even strictly suppressed than before (shamans and mages met death sentence when buddhism was introduced). And now, shamanism and occultism are rising as spiritual freedom was granted by the democratic revolution in the 90s but people depend too much on their ancestral spirits and wicca and new age bullshit are taking place for the same reason mentioned above. As for veganism, many people in modern mongolia consume tons of meat and eat very unhealthy, which is why they brag that it is effective.

The debate on diet relies on two main factors:

1. Race/Background
2. The conditions around an individual
3. Natural Availability

I believe race does play a race into diet, but then again, all of the hardcore preaching about the best diet is just a big joke. One has to eat a balanced diet between meat, greens, carbs. One can experiment around to find their own balance but this is not a thing one must preach, as it simply is pointless.

Normally people when debating about diets are giving quotes from spiritual books or studies about some people in the North Pole and how these people are so healthy because they eat only fish or other similar types of arguments.

This leaves me uninterested as I am European and therefore, for example, the dietary norms of my people are different than Asians. Also, the other argument that claims that "The past is perfect" in regards to diet is also errant, and there are also endless sources lying about diets. This has created a craze around the subject.

The main problem I would say in diet today is that our foods are highly contaminated, very unnatural. Non holistic and non properly grown. But when you have to feed 7 billion people on the planet within this system, damning the environment and food is only to be expected. You cannot have it otherwise. If people do not want to change values and we don't want to thin out human population, since our current lifestyle is unnatural and unsustainable by earth, we have to create all the more artificial nutrition.

An example here is how an American scientist, in order to save the third world from mass starvation [Hateful whitey of course] developed specific types of hybridized grains. Otherwise people would have died and the populations we see in the third world would be impossible to stay alive. Said grains are normal and approved, but they are now replaced by GMO [Mosanto etc]. And you can never be sure about GMO. However compared to people wanting to choose mass death, this is the only unnatural route we can go. You cannot feed 8 billions of mouths everyday organic and whole, nature has limitations, and also we have Globalism now and the amount of food wasted is also humongous.

In regards to natural availability, we have moved past this now, and this has backlashes, but it also has prospects. People get extremely scared about the GMO and this is true, but on the other hand, if you want the current level of society to keep going, well this is a sacrifice humanity has to take. People want to have prolific and uncontrolled birthrates without remorse or understanding of the earth and with zero respect on natural cycles.

An example here is Vegans who want coleslaw in the middle of the summer and tomatoes in high winter. Well, let's develop an alien GMO for you so you can follow the diet that you claim is "Natural". Can't be done in any other way.

So in regards to diet the only thing we can truly say is to pay attention and try to eat healthy. Learning to cook a bit will also come in handy, if one has the talent for it.

In regards to general dietary laws, personal situation has to be taken in consideration. When you are 90 years old if you eat meat daily you are going to die or have digestive impossibility, for one example. A sick person doesn't eat as a healthy person, a normal healthy person does not eat as an athlete, the list goes. A super athlete cannot survive or compete based on the diet of a person who works on an office all day.

Diet is a huge market thing as I have said again in the past, and this is why I have refused to promote any sort of dietary thing as it's evil and pointless. I have refused to even comment on this for years, as it's all a big, bogus insanity. Above all, this doesn't have a lot to do with how you spiritually advance either. It affects it indirectly. Not eating meat doesn't make you holy nor ascends you into any higher level of consciousness, only meditation does.

One should avoid raw or strange diets as they can be deadly. People are promoting these diets to others only to become famous and get quick money, without concern of how this may kill other people. So long you have a balanced diet and nutritious food, you will be alright, and nothing does affect your development spiritually, unless it's so bad it makes you feel unhealthy and therefore lack of health or vigor gets in the way.

Racial science would also come extremely much in handy with analysis of a person and people more indepth. But this is prohibited today as we consider this 'racist'. Race is fundamental in what diet we are to follow. Just look in America, white people aren't supposed to eat extremely huge caloric bombs nor do black people, as these races become very easily obese by following diets of extreme caloric intake.

Veganism is deadly and so is eating only meat. It's just that by eating only meat one dies in a different way such as strokes or digestion problems, while with veganism you just wither away and perish, many times suffering also, because the system collapses. Vegans are mentally insane and this also comes down to physical reasons of the system lacking support. Meat is nutritious and grounding. Without meat there is no vigor, and without greenery there is no lubrication and movement in the intestines. It's not rocket science, it's all very simple.

There is no holy diet only holy people, ie, people who are spiritual and strive to spiritually advance.

There is a healthy diet and healthy diets do help you spiritually by keeping the body in a healthy condition and by supporting it, health is always related to balance.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

The green revolution and this Hybrid Gmo bullshit was all promoted by Rockefeller and Ford foundation.
They created this movement deliberately to destroy health
And then we have Rockefeller medicine to treat disease created by him in first place

There was no point in green revolution
As foods increase so does population
Here in India in 1947 population was 33 crore
Now it's 130 crores
Green revolution made it waaay worse
luis said:
HPS Shannon said:
luis said:
HP what is the best brand of multivitamins on the market? Even if it's pricy.

Well, it depends. As long as ots food based and contains vitamins and minerals in a balanced amount, if its food based, in highly absorbable form and how ine takes it.

Sometimes I buy the "garden of life" brand (food based) and sometimes I buy the brand from doctor Rons. They are a couple of the best in my opinion. Doctor Ron's is more expensive but lasts longer and more "complete". Actually the best multivitamin I have come across.

The garden of life brand is second best for me and I buy when I dont have extra cash right away for the other one.

Unfortunately, it may or may not be easy or available in Europe but can be shipped there but the shipping wont be cheap.

Good quality food is the best for of nutrition of course.
Thank you :) i'm taking a probiotic and cod liver oil as suplments and they are helping me a lot on the seborreich dermatitis and acne problem so i guess now this is enough, when i have the money i want to buy some good multivitamins.

Im happy for you ❤
HPS Shannon said:
luis said:
HPS Shannon said:
Well, it depends. As long as ots food based and contains vitamins and minerals in a balanced amount, if its food based, in highly absorbable form and how ine takes it.

Sometimes I buy the "garden of life" brand (food based) and sometimes I buy the brand from doctor Rons. They are a couple of the best in my opinion. Doctor Ron's is more expensive but lasts longer and more "complete". Actually the best multivitamin I have come across.

The garden of life brand is second best for me and I buy when I dont have extra cash right away for the other one.

Unfortunately, it may or may not be easy or available in Europe but can be shipped there but the shipping wont be cheap.

Good quality food is the best for of nutrition of course.
Thank you :) i'm taking a probiotic and cod liver oil as suplments and they are helping me a lot on the seborreich dermatitis and acne problem so i guess now this is enough, when i have the money i want to buy some good multivitamins.

Im happy for you ❤
Thank you (again) :D
luis said:
HPS Shannon said:
luis said:
HP what is the best brand of multivitamins on the market? Even if it's pricy.

Well, it depends. As long as ots food based and contains vitamins and minerals in a balanced amount, if its food based, in highly absorbable form and how ine takes it.

Sometimes I buy the "garden of life" brand (food based) and sometimes I buy the brand from doctor Rons. They are a couple of the best in my opinion. Doctor Ron's is more expensive but lasts longer and more "complete". Actually the best multivitamin I have come across.

The garden of life brand is second best for me and I buy when I dont have extra cash right away for the other one.

Unfortunately, it may or may not be easy or available in Europe but can be shipped there but the shipping wont be cheap.

Good quality food is the best for of nutrition of course.
Thank you :) i'm taking a probiotic and cod liver oil as suplments and they are helping me a lot on the seborreich dermatitis and acne problem so i guess now this is enough, when i have the money i want to buy some good multivitamins.

Just be careful with cod liver oil, do not take too much. Only in recommended doses.
When it comes to diet, I defiantly agree with what you have to say in regard's to finding what is right for you. I have been training and experimenting with diets for years. I am also a biology major which has helped tremendously with my understanding of diets.

I have come to realize that every "diet" will effect the body in a different way, allowing for the body to act in many different ways.
An example would be the Ketogenic diet. The Diet is a high fat, moderate protein and an extremely low carb intake.

It allows the body to create ketones which in-turn gives the body a new source of fuel. the body usually uses carbohydrates as its main fuel source, though when you have been on a strict ketogenic diet for around 3 months, the body has gained what is called "fat adaptation" which lets the body use fat and carbohydrates as is two main fuel sources. the reason it is called "fat adaptation" is because once the body has gained this ability, it doesn't matter if you stay on the diet or not, you will always burn fat and carbohydrates as your 2 main fuel sources.

Many other diets have similar effects. This is why world class athletes can preform on high levels in so many different ways as they have gained specific "abilities" if you chose to call them that, from the many different diets they have used over years of training and mastery.

Hail Satan
Heil Hitler
What is healthy is healthy that doesnt mean HP post is like okay man eat a bunch of doritos... there was a time where I just bought a bunch of supplements and just ate healthy when I could afford it (I got free rent from my dad for 1 year because I paid rent I spent all my money on healthy things).( i would rather think back to ancient times did they have stuff like processed foods like potato chips, definitely not... to me this is very important. I would rather buy my own corn torillas and make the tortilla chips diy. and program them with energy to do what I want to my body, I have heard this teaching in Hinduism as well.
My routine was wake up @ 7am and do 3 rtrs and yoga and isometrics, Now three rtrs was alot for me back then is not it alot for me now... No not at all, I just did 13 rtrs last night (I can do much more rtrs than one it's just too easy) . Speaking of back three years ago I would say eating clean is staying clean I simply saying just personally I don't like a whole bunch of different food in my stomach... I did have an experience where my astral senses were very open at one point in time seeing entities and aura of everything this was due to the breathe of life as well as all the other efforts I have worked of, You have to understand what life is about... avoiding the jew and fighting them...and celebrate, that you have destoryed the jew, as destorying the jew is much easier than what they have created.
I have even heard from other people that astral senses especially vision require you to have like no effort no setbacks. Please do not have any setbacks you have to know you have done your best at fighting the jew, and that the jew can be destroyed much easier than what they have created, so celebrate! I have also read of the book robert monroe & rosalind mcknights book cosmic journeys stated that when you avoid all unhealthy food you would only crave healthy foods. and not unhealthy usually, but what you think is unhealthly is unhealthy. "You have to think what would feed my child." Get into healthy foods and if you have to diy the unhealthy foods I recommend you program energy into them, simply telling the energy what to do in the food, well because food is also energy to our soul.
When you clean your soul, the diet comes with it. I always just eat whatever I want, but I only want things which my body needs. Like craving specific nutrients because the body needs them. Keep a good balance of different things.

Always read the ingredients No corn syrup, no soy, no mystery strange chemicals, and anything poison don't eat it. When you read the ingredients, you just won't even want it if it's poison things in there.

And some "unhealthy" things are good some times, as long as there isn't poison ingredients. Like it's good to eat ice cream sometimes, as long as it's made with real cream and sugar and flavors and it doesn't have any chemicals or poison in it. That's just one example because people think icecream is unhealthy. You need a good balance of nutrients and to trust your body and instincts on what your body needs more of. Sugar is not a bad thing, you have to eat some sugar just not too much. Fat is good too, just stay far away from things like soybean oil.

The lowest quality cheapest stuff is usually the worst. Like I would never buy the store brand cheap butter because I know it's disgusting from sick disease cows who are fed a poison unnatural cow diet of gmo corn and soy. And you can see it in the butter, the butter itself looks disease and weak. But if you get the good butter, it's healthy, clean looking and tasting, and you can tell it's good for you.

Eat whatever you want, but just watch out for what is in it and don't eat poison. That's the only rule you need for being healthy. And never be a vegan! You need animal products too. Eggs, fish, cheese, butter, icecream, good quality meat from a healthy farm. Just stay away from the mass-produced poison goy shit and get the healthy quality things instead. You will feel just by looking at it if it's healthy or if it's discusting because you will feel it like an automatic psychic sense.
Larissa666 said:
I am gonna buy a small piece of land and grow my own plants. For meat, I can use chicken. This what we made of environment is insane. Life in cities is unsustainable. People like tasty burger, but do not have idea where that comes from, and was the price of that. All they want is to satisfy their taste buds. Ignorance is bliss.
Years ago, the movie Food Inc. was an eye-opener. I knew some of the nasty truths of large scale food industry but the relentless drive for profitability causes even more abominations on top of abominations. If they could make a burger out of faeces, they'd do it without any hesitation.
I have the luxury of living on my own property in countryside. I grow most of vegetables, fruits and even meat I need. I know how to take a life in order to eat and how it makes you feel. Generation after generation have been goosestepped away from something as intimate as the food you eat. I bet, very few people would be able to enjoy a good steak or burger if at first they'd have to buy the animal, feed it, watch it grow, then take the life of the animal, skin it and gut it.
However, there is a HUUGE difference in taste if you try industrially farmed, profit-oriented meat and homegrown meat side-by-side. Homegrown meat has this sweet, rich taste to it because the animals have been fed naturally, they have lived in sunlight and fresh, clean air.
Sometimes it is emotionally hard for me to justify killing these animals I have raised, makes me sad.

Anyway, I'm not quite sure you can flourish using only chicken as a protein and fat source, Larissa666. For example, my body absolutely needs pork and porkfat (I've raised pigs), beef from time to time, venison and chicken, duck, rabbit etc. Variety is the key. I also think that eating seasonally is important, so no chemically ripened spanish tomatoes for me during winter.
Apprentice said:
Larissa666 said:
I am gonna buy a small piece of land and grow my own plants. For meat, I can use chicken. This what we made of environment is insane. Life in cities is unsustainable. People like tasty burger, but do not have idea where that comes from, and was the price of that. All they want is to satisfy their taste buds. Ignorance is bliss.
Years ago, the movie Food Inc. was an eye-opener. I knew some of the nasty truths of large scale food industry but the relentless drive for profitability causes even more abominations on top of abominations. If they could make a burger out of faeces, they'd do it without any hesitation.
I have the luxury of living on my own property in countryside. I grow most of vegetables, fruits and even meat I need. I know how to take a life in order to eat and how it makes you feel. Generation after generation have been goosestepped away from something as intimate as the food you eat. I bet, very few people would be able to enjoy a good steak or burger if at first they'd have to buy the animal, feed it, watch it grow, then take the life of the animal, skin it and gut it.
However, there is a HUUGE difference in taste if you try industrially farmed, profit-oriented meat and homegrown meat side-by-side. Homegrown meat has this sweet, rich taste to it because the animals have been fed naturally, they have lived in sunlight and fresh, clean air.
Sometimes it is emotionally hard for me to justify killing these animals I have raised, makes me sad.

Anyway, I'm not quite sure you can flourish using only chicken as a protein and fat source, Larissa666. For example, my body absolutely needs pork and porkfat (I've raised pigs), beef from time to time, venison and chicken, duck, rabbit etc. Variety is the key. I also think that eating seasonally is important, so no chemically ripened spanish tomatoes for me during winter.
You're living the dream brother:)
Aquarius said:
You're living the dream brother:)
Thanks. You think so? I'm not always able to appreciate this, i.e. to live in the moment, because of the workload, but you are right. Many really grim, fucked-up realities do exist on this planet and compared to these, mine is a real treat.
I know I have to work on my void and being there in the moment.
Apprentice said:
Aquarius said:
You're living the dream brother:)
Thanks. You think so? I'm not always able to appreciate this, i.e. to live in the moment, because of the workload, but you are right. Many really grim, fucked-up realities do exist on this planet and compared to these, mine is a real treat.
I know I have to work on my void and being there in the moment.
Definitely much better than many current life perspectives.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
