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OH MY!!!

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Founder Of The Joy Of Satan
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
This past week we've been inundated with alarms sounding off regarding a few attacks on Jews. Some were mild slap attacks where the Jewish victims received a slap in the face.

So... Just how many violent rapes, robberies, murders occur multiple times hourly, even in a minute on a daily basis against Gentiles????

Also, given the Jewish control of our legal systems, punishing the victims instead of the criminals, and pushing so that crime gets so out of hand that people will be begging to have their rights taken away and replaced by ultra strict laws, so that the Jews can completely take control with their communist agenda, just who are they to legitimately complain???

Gentiles endure all kinds of violent and vicious attacks incessantly around the world. Nearly all of this is due to Jewish control of the legal systems, Jewish control of governments, Jewish programs like Islam that they created and most everything. Not to mention how the Jews push immigration on both ends.

Then, they whine like a cunt over that phoney holocaust hoax (never even happened),

when millions upon millions of Gentiles have been murdered, tortured to death, worked to death and more in concentration camps created by Jews, especially in communist countries around the world.

A few Jews get attacked every once in a while and an international alarm goes off.

In truth, an alarm should go off in regards to people waking up concerning Jewish supremacy and control over Gentiles.

I also want to add that most Jews aren't forced to and don't live in high crime areas. Not too many people are aware of how the vast majority who live in very wealthy areas with mansions and extraordinary high priced homes are Jewish.

Nor are most Jews forced to ride public transportation. I remember waiting for a bus with some other Gentiles in the cold, with sleet, and a Jewish funeral procession came by. There were some 30+ cars and they were ALL BRAND NEW. This is typical. They get the best jobs (many don't have to work their way up). We Gentiles pay for this! Most of you know how Christianity and Islam work with funneling Gentile psychic energies into Jewish prosperity.

Keep doing the RTRs everyone. 

I also want to add here... Take your anger out with your RTRs. This is where to get out your hatred and rage, and is much more effective in causing their rule and control to collapse.

Don't waste yourself with committing any crimes. Think before you act. You're of no use to anyone in prison. This is where the enemy wants you to be.
Consistently with the RTRs deals with all of them.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
1 Jew dies by old age or because of some random accident that befalls people normally all the time = Jewish Media: "All the United States has to be alarmed. Oy vey! Increase policing to protect the Chosen people! 1 of them was mugged in New York which is the largest crime city worldwide. "Being mugged is for the Goyim and will not be tolerated in the 5th Avenue", Rabbi Moshe added".

White Genocide going on on real time where in 2040 Whites will lose the Nation their Fathers founded, which also happens to be the World's Ruling Power = Jewish Media: "That's great and nobody should ever question this. Let's focus on the real problems!

One Jew last week slipped over from a banana peel! He broke his wrist! United States Congress declared a National Emergency over the Jew's broken Wrist. Rabbi Moshe also added in his speech "The last days of Jews" that "Bananas are Anti-Semetic and must be outlawed". The ADL and the Jewish World Congress are onto the matter as it is. Cuba was blamed for the Banana Cultivation. The Banana was tracked to have been grown on a farm in Cuba. Dr Rafael Shekel mentioned: "This specific type of Banana is an anti-semetic type of Banana...A peel left behind that was programmed to kill the jew who stepped on it, it's a conspiracy against the chosen people! Bananas have to be outlawed!". The President of the United States is told to outlaw Bananas all over the Nation, and declare an emergency for every smoothie ever created in the United States. "It's Anti-Semitism and this we will not tolerate! If you see a banana throw it out of the window and dial 911 immediately!".
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
One Jew last week slipped over from a banana peel! He broke his wrist! United States Congress declared a National Emergency over the Jew's broken Wrist. Rabbi Moshe also added in his speech "The last days of Jews" that "Bananas are Anti-Semetic and must be outlawed". The ADL and the Jewish World Congress are onto the matter as it is. Cuba was blamed for the Banana Cultivation. The Banana was tracked to have been grown on a farm in Cuba. Dr Rafael Shekel mentioned: "This specific type of Banana is an anti-semetic type of Banana...A peel left behind that was programmed to kill the jew who stepped on it, it's a conspiracy against the chosen people! Bananas have to be outlawed!". The President of the United States is told to outlaw Bananas all over the Nation, and declare an emergency for every smoothie ever created in the United States. "It's Anti-Semitism and this we will not tolerate! If you see a banana throw it out of the window and dial 911 immediately!".[/i]
Cuba must be destroyed with nuclear weapons for their antisemitic policy of growing and exporting antisemitic bananas. This is a worldwide conspiracy carried by Cuba against the Chosen People.
EasternFireLion666 said:
Teenager posts I love isis on Facebook and the secret services don't give a damn. Guy sends an email about jewish influence on history. Knock knock give us your PC you are suspected of terrorism. True story.

I will never forget this!
This is why i now use a vpn.
EasternFireLion666 said:
Teenager posts I love isis on Facebook and the secret services don't give a damn. Guy sends an email about jewish influence on history. Knock knock give us your PC you are suspected of terrorism. True story.

I will never forget this!

When I was a child someone's house down the road got broken into an electricians.

As it happens the electrician popped home during the day for some reason and caught the burglar.

The electrician stabbed the intruder with a screw driver. Seemed quite life threatening.

Anyway the electrician was arrested and landed up having to go to prison.

I saw him a few years later after he was released. And he had become totally broken.

Just a skinny hopeless bum. The incident and prison totally destroyed him. He lost his job and house and will to live.

This traumatised me and it got me thinking how you have to be clever because acting in the moment the legal service will and can own and destroy you.

Yes we are not allowed to be human or express natural emotions and reactions because the joos want slaves that arnt allowed to defend themselves.

Another thing people may not be aware of is that jews have exclusively jew only nursing homes and clubs.

And someone spray painted the Star of David and 911 next to it on a derelict cafe's shopfront in Belsize Park.

That graffiti of the Star of David with 911 written next to it made the newspapers with a picture of it.

Extreme twisting of reality those joos are pushing.

Happy New Year my Brothers and Sisters here.
After the media finally talked a little about some of the brutal farm murders in South Africa (which often involve the rape of children and the torture of the elderly with power tools) the Jewish journalist Daniel Friedman mocked these attacks since they were targeting Whites, and Whites deserved it in this creep's mind.

Jews force Whites to live in economically destroyed Black communities (that the Jews themselves destroyed) and then brainwash the Blacks that all of their sufferings are the fault of Whites. But we are supposed to care whenever the peace of their plush communities gets breached.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
This past week we've been inundated with alarms sounding off regarding a few attacks on Jews. Some were mild slap attacks where the Jewish victims received a slap in the face.

So... Just how many violent rapes, robberies, murders occur multiple times hourly, even in a minute on a daily basis against Gentiles????

Also, given the Jewish control of our legal systems, punishing the victims instead of the criminals, and pushing so that crime gets so out of hand that people will be begging to have their rights taken away and replaced by ultra strict laws, so that the Jews can completely take control with their communist agenda, just who are they to legitimately complain???

Gentiles endure all kinds of violent and vicious attacks incessantly around the world. Nearly all of this is due to Jewish control of the legal systems, Jewish control of governments, Jewish programs like Islam that they created and most everything. Not to mention how the Jews push immigration on both ends.

Then, they whine like a cunt over that phoney holocaust hoax (never even happened),

when millions upon millions of Gentiles have been murdered, tortured to death, worked to death and more in concentration camps created by Jews, especially in communist countries around the world.

A few Jews get attacked every once in a while and an international alarm goes off.

In truth, an alarm should go off in regards to people waking up concerning Jewish supremacy and control over Gentiles.

I also want to add that most Jews aren't forced to and don't live in high crime areas. Not too many people are aware of how the vast majority who live in very wealthy areas with mansions and extraordinary high priced homes are Jewish.

Nor are most Jews forced to ride public transportation. I remember waiting for a bus with some other Gentiles in the cold, with sleet, and a Jewish funeral procession came by. There were some 30+ cars and they were ALL BRAND NEW. This is typical. They get the best jobs (many don't have to work their way up). We Gentiles pay for this! Most of you know how Christianity and Islam work with funneling Gentile psychic energies into Jewish prosperity.

Keep doing the RTRs everyone. 

I also want to add here... Take your anger out with your RTRs. This is where to get out your hatred and rage, and is much more effective in causing their rule and control to collapse.

Don't waste yourself with committing any crimes. Think before you act. You're of no use to anyone in prison. This is where the enemy wants you to be.
Consistently with the RTRs deals with all of them.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Well hps
I was gonna write a post too regarding doing more rtrs . We have to win , no other choice. I try to repeat what all hps have taught already to the newcomers as I can only imagine the amount of hard work that must be going into reading extensively for the satanic races to know, for us to know what is ours and what isn’t.

Hail lord satan
Hail gods of hell
Hail the hps
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
1 Jew dies by old age or because of some random accident that befalls people normally all the time = Jewish Media: "All the United States has to be alarmed. Oy vey! Increase policing to protect the Chosen people! 1 of them was mugged in New York which is the largest crime city worldwide. "Being mugged is for the Goyim and will not be tolerated in the 5th Avenue", Rabbi Moshe added".

White Genocide going on on real time where in 2040 Whites will lose the Nation their Fathers founded, which also happens to be the World's Ruling Power = Jewish Media: "That's great and nobody should ever question this. Let's focus on the real problems!

One Jew last week slipped over from a banana peel! He broke his wrist! United States Congress declared a National Emergency over the Jew's broken Wrist. Rabbi Moshe also added in his speech "The last days of Jews" that "Bananas are Anti-Semetic and must be outlawed". The ADL and the Jewish World Congress are onto the matter as it is. Cuba was blamed for the Banana Cultivation. The Banana was tracked to have been grown on a farm in Cuba. Dr Rafael Shekel mentioned: "This specific type of Banana is an anti-semetic type of Banana...A peel left behind that was programmed to kill the jew who stepped on it, it's a conspiracy against the chosen people! Bananas have to be outlawed!". The President of the United States is told to outlaw Bananas all over the Nation, and declare an emergency for every smoothie ever created in the United States. "It's Anti-Semitism and this we will not tolerate! If you see a banana throw it out of the window and dial 911 immediately!".

EasternFireLion666 said:
Teenager posts I love isis on Facebook and the secret services don't give a damn. Guy sends an email about jewish influence on history. Knock knock give us your PC you are suspected of terrorism. True story.

I will never forget this!
Like that guy in Scottland who had to pay a big fine because he hung up a Scottish flag in front of his welding shop, in Scottland. Because police said that hanging up a flag for your country makes you an evil nationalist. He had to take it down, he had to pay a lot of money, and if he didn't take it down they would put him in jail.

And around the same time in Scottland, a muslim immigrant hung up an isis flag. And he did not get in any trouble at all. They said that they need to embrace cultural differences and he must be allowed to show his own culture with the isis flag. He was allowed to keep the flag up, he didn't need to pay any fine, and nothing happened to him. This was also in Scottland like the other guy.

Then they wonder why people want to get rid of the EU, and start securing their borders and getting rid of criminals.
Also I notice they just keep cramming in random stuff on the Holocrap on news stories also on tv a couple days ago I saw a vomitous commerical about Jews "suffering" and asking for people to send money this Hannacrap.

If they keep up this whining they will be hated even more which is good for us. I know for sure people are getting tired of this you can just feel that in the vibe around this stuff.
Aquarius said:
Frenople said:
Fuck off you piece of shit jew, your race is in trouble, better run to pissrael while you still can.

He is just lying to himself by telling that "Enki" loves his jewish ass lol haahahah
WiseDragon said:
Aquarius said:
Frenople said:
Fuck off you piece of shit jew, your race is in trouble, better run to pissrael while you still can.

He is just lying to himself by telling that "Enki" loves his jewish ass lol haahahah

I did press a wrong button approving the rant of the jew, it's now gone.

It's funny how they always have the same preaching of pacifism for the Goyim. "Angels appear in all forms goy, cease spiritual assault on the holy people. The only ones who can do this to everyone else are the Jews for like 2500 years. It's ok when the Jews do death spells to everyone, but very bad of the naughty goyim to preach spiritual hate."
And if anyone meets a jew that pisses them off, does something annoying and such, or you know they are shady people ( criminals in some way ), you can always perform a death curse, and any other curses against them.
Best to keep secret what you do. Just for those looking for the opportunities
And if anyone meets a jew that pisses them off, does something annoying and such, or you know they are shady people ( criminals in some way ), you can always perform a death curse, and any other curses against them.
Best to keep secret what you do. Just for those looking for the opportunities
And if anyone meets a jew that pisses them off, does something annoying and such, or you know they are shady people ( criminals in some way ), you can always perform a death curse, and any other curses against them.
Best to keep secret what you do. Just for those looking for the opportunities
HailVictory88 said:
After the media finally talked a little about some of the brutal farm murders in South Africa (which often involve the rape of children and the torture of the elderly with power tools) the Jewish journalist Daniel Friedman mocked these attacks since they were targeting Whites, and Whites deserved it in this creep's mind.

Jews force Whites to live in economically destroyed Black communities (that the Jews themselves destroyed) and then brainwash the Blacks that all of their sufferings are the fault of Whites. But we are supposed to care whenever the peace of their plush communities gets breached.

It's totally atrocious what's happening in South Africa.

The violent terrorist communist ANC political party are using classic communist take over tactics.

Kill the Farmers, Starve the nation and kill the population.

So that then the communist control freaks can carve up what remains and take what's left for themselves.

I was watching an old 1986 film called Shaka Zulu and I was loving it.

Looking about Shaka on Wikipedia I saw that on his first assassination attempt by his traitorous half brothers he summoned for the white settlers to administer him medical treatment.

So he was then friendly with the settlers and allowed them movement through Zulu territory. A deal was also done for cattle and rifles that gave the settlers the Natal region to settle in.

My point being racism is not the problem in South Africa. The different tribes all got along well and respectfully before the Boer war where Great Britain went and forcibly took SA as a colony. It was the UK that decided to break up Shaka's Zulu kingdom because they were strong warriors and a threat.

The Zulus are not warriors anymore. They've lost their pride and good leadership. They are now lead by joos that are leading them astray to poison the land and kill innocents which will come back to affect them.

It's occurred to me with Zimbabwe that they fought for their land and got it. But now there are Zimbabwean refugees in SA and UK. They fought for their land. Got it but are now running from their beloved land?

What I say here is more factual I believe than what anyone will hear on the jooish owned and controlled media that's for certain.

It pains me because my generation are all expats all over the world. We are the scatterlings of Africa but it's totally necessary because the place has gone down and changed so much from the paradise it was.

As Donald Trump coined it. 'Fake News.'

The media is painfully made up nonsense as you point out there is no coverage on actual serious things but they poke fun and make insults when it gets a little exposure.

I've heard that the current leader Ramaphosa has put out laws saying the communist state can steal farmers land for free. But if there's outstanding debt on the farm the expropriated farmer is still legally bound to pay off the debts on the farm taken from him. You couldn't make it up.
Personal Growth said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
Teenager posts I love isis on Facebook and the secret services don't give a damn. Guy sends an email about jewish influence on history. Knock knock give us your PC you are suspected of terrorism. True story.

I will never forget this!

When I was a child someone's house down the road got broken into an electricians.

As it happens the electrician popped home during the day for some reason and caught the burglar.

The electrician stabbed the intruder with a screw driver. Seemed quite life threatening.

Anyway the electrician was arrested and landed up having to go to prison.

I saw him a few years later after he was released. And he had become totally broken.

Just a skinny hopeless bum. The incident and prison totally destroyed him. He lost his job and house and will to live.

This traumatised me and it got me thinking how you have to be clever because acting in the moment the legal service will and can own and destroy you.

Yes we are not allowed to be human or express natural emotions and reactions because the joos want slaves that arnt allowed to defend themselves.

Another thing people may not be aware of is that jews have exclusively jew only nursing homes and clubs.

And someone spray painted the Star of David and 911 next to it on a derelict cafe's shopfront in Belsize Park.

That graffiti of the Star of David with 911 written next to it made the newspapers with a picture of it.

Extreme twisting of reality those joos are pushing.

Happy New Year my Brothers and Sisters here.

That guy was a hero. I wish i see the day justice will destroy all those involved in such mistreatment. And i hope it is worse than in Law abiding citizen.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
Teenager posts I love isis on Facebook and the secret services don't give a damn. Guy sends an email about jewish influence on history. Knock knock give us your PC you are suspected of terrorism. True story.

I will never forget this!
Like that guy in Scottland who had to pay a big fine because he hung up a Scottish flag in front of his welding shop, in Scottland. Because police said that hanging up a flag for your country makes you an evil nationalist. He had to take it down, he had to pay a lot of money, and if he didn't take it down they would put him in jail.

And around the same time in Scottland, a muslim immigrant hung up an isis flag. And he did not get in any trouble at all. They said that they need to embrace cultural differences and he must be allowed to show his own culture with the isis flag. He was allowed to keep the flag up, he didn't need to pay any fine, and nothing happened to him. This was also in Scottland like the other guy.

Then they wonder why people want to get rid of the EU, and start securing their borders and getting rid of criminals.

Think they'd do the same for us? Justice needs to come big time. I think it will this decade!
In essence if you know the truth of what is being said here (support the effects of communism) and still support it by intent and from the heart as a processes in itself....If you like living in a world where these effects are present wallowing in it like a pig in, well you know, then this person is not deceived or misguided but corrupt (Then)..

If a woman or man is ''tempted'' to sleep with someone ''awkwardly'' of another race and can stand to do so without becoming violently ill, instead of aroused as a taboo, then, no mater what they say there blood is not awake.. The reaction is not to cause irrational hate, but in a sense of inappropriate ''types'' of relationship with that person.

In opposite its like the appeal of certain ''personally viable'' racial traits, or physical attributes like the breasts and hips of women certain foreheads and hands set off a genetic attraction. Smells, people with close genetic resonance by type.

There are anti-cues as well. As a rational or instinctive thing, this goes beyond psychology.
The reaction is also physiological, when you speak to such it should not trigger as an irrational hate, but when you regard them sexually, or inappropriately you should feel sick.

That is softened in people that damaged, deadened or bypassed certain vital points of neural interests, but cannot be removed completely from genetics.

In such cases its not shame you should feel but: You know how a lover says hes or her beloved is all sweetness in a modern way of speaking?

Inappropriately as the reverse, It should instinctively be the reaction one gets when looking at spoiled food or something nasty, attributed to the traits of the other when in a sexual context only.

Disgust in context not hate, biological Rejection. In a sexual context, not in response to that ones actions but nature. "hate would be against certain actions, or triggered in another astral or genetic sense''.

If you have to rationalize or are tempted even in a fetish sense, you have greater issue because your capable, trying to make yourself to not do a thing you want to do. If your forcing yourself and don't feel it, respond to blood triggers and cues, you have lost the ball game at present time, in my opinion.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
This past week we've been inundated with alarms sounding off regarding a few attacks on Jews....

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Here's a jew faking a stabbing on himself.


I'm not surprised at all..
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
This past week we've been inundated with alarms sounding off regarding a few attacks on Jews. Some were mild slap attacks where the Jewish victims received a slap in the face.

So... Just how many violent rapes, robberies, murders occur multiple times hourly, even in a minute on a daily basis against Gentiles????

Also, given the Jewish control of our legal systems, punishing the victims instead of the criminals, and pushing so that crime gets so out of hand that people will be begging to have their rights taken away and replaced by ultra strict laws, so that the Jews can completely take control with their communist agenda, just who are they to legitimately complain???

Gentiles endure all kinds of violent and vicious attacks incessantly around the world. Nearly all of this is due to Jewish control of the legal systems, Jewish control of governments, Jewish programs like Islam that they created and most everything. Not to mention how the Jews push immigration on both ends.

Then, they whine like a cunt over that phoney holocaust hoax (never even happened),

when millions upon millions of Gentiles have been murdered, tortured to death, worked to death and more in concentration camps created by Jews, especially in communist countries around the world.

A few Jews get attacked every once in a while and an international alarm goes off.

In truth, an alarm should go off in regards to people waking up concerning Jewish supremacy and control over Gentiles.

I also want to add that most Jews aren't forced to and don't live in high crime areas. Not too many people are aware of how the vast majority who live in very wealthy areas with mansions and extraordinary high priced homes are Jewish.

Nor are most Jews forced to ride public transportation. I remember waiting for a bus with some other Gentiles in the cold, with sleet, and a Jewish funeral procession came by. There were some 30+ cars and they were ALL BRAND NEW. This is typical. They get the best jobs (many don't have to work their way up). We Gentiles pay for this! Most of you know how Christianity and Islam work with funneling Gentile psychic energies into Jewish prosperity.

Keep doing the RTRs everyone. 

I also want to add here... Take your anger out with your RTRs. This is where to get out your hatred and rage, and is much more effective in causing their rule and control to collapse.

Don't waste yourself with committing any crimes. Think before you act. You're of no use to anyone in prison. This is where the enemy wants you to be.
Consistently with the RTRs deals with all of them.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
I second third and forth this in my Opinion...Shes a wise Priestess, listen to her and Others...mind and sorcery is key, in evolution....play into none of there propaganda. Do not undermine Fathers work by doing so. Nor incite others into physical violence. Don't be teased into it, not even by posts placed here occasionally that slip through to goad you. Think mental, occult, physiological, and finally esoteric tactics but be wise in all applications thereof.
*When the Demons have had many names as other Gods throughout history but angels inky exist in jewish scripture*

As i read everyone's response on this post and i agree with what the hp maxine said. what some people don't know is that at this moment as i type our galaxy is coming together with another galaxy .at this moment even now i can feel this the air feels heavy but i feel safe and like father satan has got my back. I feel huge hands on my back the energy is hot and numb please be carefull out there brothers and sisters .

christophermckee11 said:
This is not the place for you to be smoking your meth. Find another group somewhere else, you'll probably find your kind of group under a bridge somewhere.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
