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obnoxious people


Well-known member
Nov 27, 2017
I've been wondering about this for a while.. and I think its my saturn doing this.

I've only been seeing about every selfish, arrogant, indecent, obnoxious, decieving, lieing bastards, whom just love to put you down every single chance they get.

Is there anything at all I can do to get rid of this for once and for all?

For those whom think it is my behavior.. no it is not. I could try as many things as possible and it still would not change a thing. Plus thats also what the psychiatrists say and those whom do not seem to understand a darn thing about people.

@tapa - I find this post of yours rude. It sounds like you didn't read my message and you are just stating the obvious.

Perhaps I was not clear enough, this is not a problem that is confined to only 1 or 2 persons, but it happens over and over and over again with different people ALL THE TIME.
In some psychology texts I read about projecting what you do not want to be into others. Jung talked about this calling this your "shadow". I guess it may have to do with Pluto and with a process of cleaning the dross in the Magnum Opus.
What do you think?
On 07/19/2016, 18:35 "taolvanswd@... [JoS_Astrology]" <[email protected] wrote:
  I&apos;ve been wondering about this for a while.. and I think its my saturn doing this.

I&apos;ve only been seeing about every selfish, arrogant, indecent, obnoxious, decieving, lieing bastards, whom just love to put you down every single chance they get.

Is there anything at all I can do to get rid of this for once and for all?

For those whom think it is my behavior.. no it is not. I could try as many things as possible and it still would not change a thing. Plus thats also what the psychiatrists say and those whom do not seem to understand a darn thing about people.
I think it has to do with dross in some ways.. but it's been going for about 14 years (if not longer). Although there has been a slight difference in whom does what in which period. I.e. the first 7 years it was mainly bullying, and now its deceivers and those whom talk shit about you behind your back.
Could not necessarily be a change overall, but just a change of tactics.

So considering this I don't think its quite linked to pluto. Since a pluto transit takes 4-5 years or so?
Lol then I'd need to do tons of bindings xD.

You know what it is with the aura.. it goes for 1 person. What if you need to repel 10's or 20's or 100s of those people? Its not very convenient.
Especially not if 99.9% of all people that you ever come in a bit closer contact than a just passing by with pulls those tricks.
7 years is more or less the time Saturn needs to square natal Saturn so every 7 years it is in hard aspect to some point in the natal chart.
So most likely it is involved, I would check where Saturn was at the time of tactic change to check if Saturn is involved with 7th or 11th house or also 3rd house problems
On 07/20/2016, 23:40 "taolvanswd@... [JoS_Astrology]" <[email protected] wrote:
  I think it has to do with dross in some ways.. but it&apos;s been going for about 14 years (if not longer). Although there has been a slight difference in whom does what in which period. I.e. the first 7 years it was mainly bullying, and now its deceivers and those whom talk shit about you behind your back.
Could not necessarily be a change overall, but just a change of tactics.

So considering this I don&apos;t think its quite linked to pluto. Since a pluto transit takes 4-5 years or so?
Pluto is a neutral planet and a Pluto transit brings change for better or worse. If the problem has been going on for years, it may be natal (such as Saturn in the 11th house or a hard aspect between Saturn and the ruler of your 11th house) or due to past life karma. You can remove whatever dross is causing the problem by doing a MUNKA, ANSUZ, or URUZ working.

Words of Power - Freeing the Soul
https://web.archive.org/web/20150915063 ... _Soul.html

The Runic Kabalah PDF and Audio Mp3s
Workings with the aura do *not* work only on one person.... If you make an affirmation like "my aura repels all the negative people" (or whatever people you don't want around you), it's not just for one person...
@Gerecht: Certainly sounds like it.

@Johnson, thanks, I saw the guide. I will print it and add it to my notes.

@tapa.. wouldn't the energy be spread too thin or easily worn out?
Oh! And I forgot one thing! 
About your question on energy being too thin or easily spread out. If you raise your energies and bioelectricity every day, then the energy will never be "not enough". It's watering flowers. If you keep watering all the plants every day, then the plants will never die of dehydration. But if you only water some plants and not others, than those who didn't get any water will start to need water and evetnually will die. 
I know, bad example for this post because you apparentely have hundreds of people who hate you (Which I highly doubt unless you are a very hated on criminal) But hopefully that'll help plus my other post. 
tl;dr: Replenish your aura everyday with positive energy from the sun! Might not seem like it's enough, but trust me, after awhile it will start to build up. Just keep your aura clean as well, since theres no point in adding energy if your aura is full of bad stuff. That's like trying to add soapy clean water to a mud bath. Doesn't make the water any cleaner, it just makes an awkward mixture of both. (That you can't wash dishes (chakras) in either)
No, the aura doesn't attach it self on a per person basis. 
Think of it like this: You are standing on a sidewalk, with people walking in front of you. Your aura will attach to some people, based on their own energy and aura. But, when those people walk past you and continue on, your aura does not stay attached to them. It may, briefly, come in contact with those people's auras, but it certainly won't attach itself forever.
Now say someone you really hate walks past you. Because you saw this person, you'd immediately think "Oh I hate that person" and your aura would send hate energy. If your thought was brief and the anger quickly subsided, then your aura would pull back to you and thus not form an energy link. BUT, if your thought lasted for several hours and and you kept thinking about how much you hate them, THEN it would form an energy link. It'd be a negative one of course, one full of hate and anger. This is where the strength of your own aura comes into play. The people who you hate and continue to hate may have stronger or more protective auras than yourself. This then causes your hate to bounce off their auras and right back into yours. 
And once that hate keeps bouncing into your aura, we have a never ending cycle. You will never find peace (Or whatever comfort you are looking for) if you keep trying this. Your aura would never be strong enough if you keep charging at it, trying to get rid of it. 
As an example with my own experience: My mother is a jew (not biologically related to me), and she had a horrible energy link attached to me. She naturally has a strong aura that causes hate and destruction where ever she goes and with my own aura being naturally weak, she attached herself to me. This caused all my hatred and anger towards her to do nothing, and it all came crashing back on top of me. This then caused me to hate her even more so, and I yelled and screamed that she wasn't listening to me and she had ruined my life and she was controlling me and leading me into destruction. All that anger I put toward her, did NOTHING. It did nothing and I was left feeling so helpless and dead inside. All that anger and hate came right back at me and it very nearly destroyed me. 
So I helped myself and fixed my problem. I realized that she wasn't really doing anything to me, she simply was just being herself. And I had gone and created a huge problem between us that was caused from my inability to take a step back and look at what was happening. Over time i realized this. And I started meditating more, I worked specifically on my aura so this would never happen again. My aura grew stronger and more deflective. It wouldn't just repel negative energy from one person, but it would repel ANY and ALL negative energy. 
So as for some people I know you hate/ dislike very much, I would work on de attaching yourself from them. Un bind any energy links (good or bad) from those people. It'll be like a new beginning! Start fresh and work on your own aura. Sadly this can't just be done in one day or a one time thing. I still hate my mother and our relationship hasn't changed (well, it has changed for the better but I still don't give two shits about her) but it took me at least 2 years to figure out where her hate come from, where my own hate came from, where the negative energy was attached, and of course, working to get rid of it. Even the good things. I just took my aura and cleaned every aspect of it and really just... gave myself freedom from people. Even those who I love I unbinded myself and made sure to avoid creating any new bad links.
Good luck! :D

Please someone help me with some app or S.I.D.F product to clean and defend my phone. I found pictures that does not delete no matter how I try. I also found that I can't access google store and google to download trojan killer. Am going in shit! Please help!
They might not necessarily hate me but just are straight up dicks. And then when it comes to taking responsibility..

Some people are just being dicks for the sake of being dicks. And those are the kind of people you don't need and no one ever needs in their life.
Now I did not mention that I hated anyone so I do not get why you need to go over this again.

@Lawman: That is your own stupidity. SIDF is a corrupted thing so DO NOT trust on that.
Now what you could do, is safe what you want to safe, and reset your phone. Other things you'll have to search online for.
SIDF isn't corrupted. It is an organized group and healthy group.
On Jul 23, 2016 6:42 AM, "taolvanswd@... [JoS_Astrology]" <[email protected] wrote:
  They might not necessarily hate me but just are straight up dicks. And then when it comes to taking responsibility..

Some people are just being dicks for the sake of being dicks. And those are the kind of people you don't need and no one ever needs in their life.
Now I did not mention that I hated anyone so I do not get why you need to go over this again.

@Lawman: That is your own stupidity. SIDF is a corrupted thing so DO NOT trust on that.
Now what you could do, is safe what you want to safe, and reset your phone. Other things you'll have to search online for.
FYI, SIDF is a cesspool for JoS trolls.

You either don't know what you're talking about, or you're just a bitch of teloc vovim.

In any case, yes, SIDF *IS *corrupted.

Learn the facts or get lost.

Taol did you even read what I said? If you are not willing to try that then I back down. I can't help you any longer. I've given you the simple steps to fix this whole problem and you quite literally just focused on the fact that people are dicks.
I will say this once, in a very clear format. People mistake TRUTH for being mean. 
Since you've left, we've had ZERO arguments. Our group has not once had any friction or fighting between members after we kicked you out. 
You're a disgrace to the Gods, Taol... Jeez.

Who are you to be talking about SIDF? I've been in it since December of 2015 and it's been a really good experience for me. Teloc and all of the people in it are really good people. You guys just think whatever you see from one person is a corruption. Well, it isn't "corrupted" and I do know the facts about the group and I will stand up for the group and everyone in it.
On Jul 23, 2016 12:46 PM, "black.wyrm666@... [JoS_Astrology]" <[email protected] wrote:
  FYI, SIDF is a cesspool for JoS trolls.

You either don't know what you're talking about, or you're just a bitch of teloc vovim.

In any case, yes, SIDF *IS *corrupted.

Learn the facts or get lost.

You know what Jethro. You blame me while you had yourself a part to play in it.

Take your fcking responsibility.

Get Lost. I do not want to fight here. Nor do I want any of your advice like I ALREADY made clear.

As for the SIDF, Teloc Vovim was kicked out of the groups, for repeatedly saying bad things about (one of) the High Priest(s). That is a charge that can not be forgiven.
I am sorry. Since the SIDF or whatever, is so healthy, fine and capable, why don't they just spare the sight of all the people who have had their relentless psycho-coup-crap happen? Enough time has been wasted on these trolls and idiots who are so incapable but forever try to infiltrate the group and create a cult group with members from the JoS. Its only sensible that they just follow their bright destiny, and leave us do whatever we are supposed to do.

But no...

It is becoming more boring by the day. The recent wave of traitors and trolls was *again* affilated with this "SIDF" group, and was nothing more than its leftovers clinging around, and staging *YET ANOTHER* coup. Like some sort of revanche, because they couldn't handle they got foiled in the first place. We gave permission for this group to exist, and with whatever bit of life it acquired, it tried to backstab and attack us. If people feel like they align with this sort of behavior, or are buying twitter lies, or whatever else- they can go. We have no time for drama, or people who are not here in reality. Just get along, and have a nice day.

However, these people prove how obnoxious and mentally decapitated they are, and how much these individuals I exposed months ago have brainwashed them, to the point they recruit them and they send them like paper soldiers or infiltrate and keep tabs on the JoS. Some people cannot cope with the fact that they are being useless, they are damaging the community and they have been wasting chance after chance.

This is what happens when you have too much time in your hands, a big ego, and absolutely no interest in the wellbeing of Satanism whatsover...

Only jews attack people and later demand to be forgiven, only to do this again, and again, and again. The "SIDF" has proved its intentions and motivations, member to member. Week after week, they attempt to create strife. Month after month they try to create a coup. Year after year they make a "group" and they fail it, and then attack anyone else for their own retardiation.

Any Satanist should have better things to do with their time, mind and self, than joining and staging all this inferior garbage, based solely on the emotions of some wanna-be's that think this group is a circus for their demands.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Sean it is the truth. I was in that group for many months as well (October). It became completely corrupt, which is why I left
How bad is the influence of a Saturn squaring natal Saturn? Are there problems arising around that time? Or does that depend on other things as well, like a planet transgressing? (or what you could call it).
Transiting Saturn squaring natal Saturn will negatively affect the house that your natal Saturn is in as well as negatively affecting the houses with Capricorn and Aquarius on the cusps. The Saturn transit may not cause problems to manifest. There may be other transits affecting you that prevent problems from occurring. For example, if you have Aquarius on the cusp of your 9th house but transiting Jupiter was in your 9th house then that would offset the malefic influence of the Saturn transit.

When you said "a planet transgressing" were you referring to progressed planets? If you were, yes progressed planets have influence as well.
I meant a transition, in this case, I am not that positive about it. Although if I am still here by the end of the year I should be fine.

I don't quite understand what a progression is to be honest.
Big thanks to everyone who took out time to write me in response to my inquiry. I know what to do now to fix my baby due to your advise. Hail Satan
Help me t0 make deal with satan am just a new member in this gr0up with0ut any c0nnecti0n with hail satan
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Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
