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NPCs are real, 50-75% of people have no thoughts

Ol argedco luciftias

Well-known member
Dec 4, 2017
Duat, Orion

NPCs are real.
Study shows that between 50% and 75% of people have no thoughts and no internal voice. If you wonder why many people seem like soulless programmed zombies, it's because they are.

NPCs are real.
Study shows that between 50% and 75% of people have no thoughts and no internal voice. If you wonder why many people seem like soulless programmed zombies, it's because they are.
Void Meditation would come natural to them, they have an advantage :ROFLMAO:
Severely underdeveloped souls. Shows probably also the opposite of how many are actually reincarnate and older souls, the rest of the percentage.
We went from one billion to eight billion people on this planet extremely quick. This explains a lot.
Maybe one should take into consideration that Mercury also has only 3 signs in which it can Express to a better degree it's qualities compared to the rest 75% of the chart. The individual that is hosting the podcast shows incredible ability in thinking and forming sentences on the fly without the use of a script.
That the vast majority of human population might be spiritually badly underdeveloped I'm sure about, however I might be hesitant to think of the majority of that section as totally incapable of thought processing. After all even the podcaster does make a point about there being multiple "modalities".
If you have ever heard about the 80/20 'rule', I think it also applies to humans. 20% of humans think of 80% of the thinking. Or, that 20% of the people are capable of individual thought while the rest are not capable of it. That would not be far from the numbers you have presented either.
It's even worse than I thought! I thought at the very least most people would be able to create voices in their head and visualize with their imagination.
I don't know whether I should be happy that I'm not part of the lobotomized NPC masses or sad that most people really are existing on a level lower than single celled amoeba.
Its like when morons believe we live in a simulation, except when you talk to "the masses" these stats are actually proven right 💀💀💀 And social media and constant artificial adhd making people look at their phones all the time just consuming their new tiktok feed and making them even more braindead. I heard these stats like a year or 2 ago and i was astonished, cuz i think to myself all the time. I always have some sort of critical thought going on and was absolutely fucking astonished when i saw that ratio. I couldn't believe it could be true but dam..
And either these kind of people grew up? In a household where they were told not to express themselves emotionally? And being taught and programmed at home is a little kid not to think to yourself? Because it's a sign of being self-centered! When people like this are self-centered as it is.. a lot of these people do show those symptoms. And yet they are like that of empty shells and have no feelings or consideration for other people. They even hide their own feelings from themselves. So it's kind of a Christian mind game. And people grow up mindset. Literally taught and trained from childhood. They go to these stupid programs where they're told not to do this and not to do that repeatedly! So many times that after a certain point they actually believe it and they fall into that spell. And pretty soon they are walking around like those zombies. People say that is what the third sex is all about. And I don't want to go there! I don't believe in that shit. People have made a freak Show of themselves into a freakshow. And along with it they created entities like themselves if not worse. And these are the people that are going to be left behind to die.
For whatever strange and unusual reasons, I am reminded of the Parable of the King and the Poisoned Well. I wonder how long it will be before those who have the normal Natural ability of having an internal voice, who can think in words and sentences, hear their voice when they are reading, sing lyrics or instrumental music in their head, for some examples, would be deemed insane.
For whatever strange and unusual reasons, I am reminded of the Parable of the King and the Poisoned Well. I wonder how long it will be before those who have the normal Natural ability of having an internal voice, who can think in words and sentences, hear their voice when they are reading, sing lyrics or instrumental music in their head, for some examples, would be deemed insane.
But we are already moving in another direction from that sort of outcome of the situation. ;)
I don't believe that not thinking in words or sentences necessarily means you have an inferior mind, since many people think in images and sensory receptions, or are just more intensely emotional. I myself talk to myself all the time when I'm alone, but I am more right brained at the same time.

Its more about the power of critical thinking(which will NOT be provided if one does not have the emotional intensity to care about their own existence and others and be brave), not being naive, and having better quality thoughts as well as a clean, un-jewified soul.
This is real. I saw a video a few years ago that pointed out that a lot of people don't have an inner voice, as evidenced by the number of such people in the comments section of the video.

This struck me. There are people out there who don't even have an inner voice.
For whatever strange and unusual reasons, I am reminded of the Parable of the King and the Poisoned Well. I wonder how long it will be before those who have the normal Natural ability of having an internal voice, who can think in words and sentences, hear their voice when they are reading, sing lyrics or instrumental music in their head, for some examples, would be deemed insane.

Could you describe in more detail what you meant in your last sentence ?
When I translate it , I can 't get to the bottom of it . In particular , what does it have to do with people who can hear their voice when reading and instrumental music in their head ?

Thanks for the reply.
I understand your point.

I was thinking the other day that without the Gods, humanity would have died out long ago.
It is the wise benevolence of the gods that keeps humanity alive.
I trust in the wisdom of the Gods, however bad this situation may seem.
I understand your point.

I was thinking the other day that without the Gods, humanity would have died out long ago.
It is the wise benevolence of the gods that keeps humanity alive.
I trust in the wisdom of the Gods, however bad this situation may seem.
I understood, in spite of all my negative feelings, that the Gods see our world and humanity in a larger perspective. At a level I don't understand.
But I trust that they know what they are doing.
I saw the video but didn't watch all of it before seeing it posted here. At first I was thinking no way but then immediately thought the spiritual aspect of it and thought the better way was how it was explained already that it's the mass of those who are at he lower level of consciousness. Looks like this is the case and makes the most sense if so.

When speaking to someone who lives on the street along with drugs, I have seen this empty stare on their face when trying to even have a small talk with them.

Never thought it was that bad.

Knowing all this, it gives me more incentive to be patient or at the very least understand why there's so many people who miss very easy logical points to the fact one feels like they're the crazy ones for knowing or noticing what seems to be basic knowledge.

Thanks for sharing the video.
But we are already moving in another direction from that sort of outcome of the situation. ;)
Now you reminded me about the schism. Things are separating. If we want to go biblical - "god" AKA (((TPTB))) is separating the wheat from the chaff, and separated ingredients can be used for different things; or like in a centrifuge, separating fluids, etc. Playing both sides against the middle, some go this way, some go that way. I forgot who said it but someone said quite a while ago something to do with joining sides. For some, there will be no joining; they will, and are, default to this or that. The ignorant will default to one side if they are there already; the knowledgeable and wise will default to the other if they are there already, some in-between must decide. Unfortunately, it is not as simple as choosing one side or the other. There are too many factors in play.

Overall, though - as you say, we are moving away from the nonsense of what life has become thanks to (((TPTB))). In the end, things will be better, and one can only hope that those who either chose or defaulted to the wrong side can and do reincarnate back onto this Planet and 'be saved' as it were.
Could you describe in more detail what you meant in your last sentence ?
When I translate it , I can 't get to the bottom of it . In particular , what does it have to do with people who can hear their voice when reading and instrumental music in their head ?

Thanks for the reply.

At the beginning when I said "for whatever strange and unusual reasons", I was being sarcastic. I like to be silly, but also I get frustrated with some things, and also from having experienced so many things I move beyond being shocked or surprised into "OK, yet another one..." so the sarcasm comes out. The truth is that it was not strange or unusual that I was reminded about the Parable of the King and the Poisoned Well.

I think the normal, Natural internal voice in our heads helps us to think in words and sentences that we hear in our heads, we can hear our own voice in our heads when we are reading, we hear our voice in our heads when we are singing lyrics or instrumental music. I wonder how long it will be before people who can do these things will be deemed insane. Similar to the Parable of the King and the Poisoned Well. It is quite obvious that (((TPTB)))* are flipping normal, Natural things into abnormal, unnatural things. I wonder if these NPCs cannot dream, as well. Then that extends further into recollection of memories and from what has been said, imagination and creativity. I wonder how much it might overlap with anally-retentive, super stubborn, extreme pedanticism AKA Sheldon Cooper-esque; or if they are literal near-braindead, living zombies.

For what it's worth mentioning, there are a lot of "brainwashing" materials available for being a slave, wiping out oneself, being a Race-traitor... in favour of interracial evil. I first found damning Whites in favour of Blacks for ages, then much, much later I found what is still technically damning Whites in favour of Asians (because of how genes work). In the first case, Blacks are supposed to be superior to Whites; in the second case, Whites are supposed to be superior to Asians; but in both cases, due to genetics, Whites would be eradicated. After such an event of Whites' annihilation, the jew would enslave the remaining mongoloid mixed-"race" of Blacks and Asians. I think it must be so easy for these betas or bitches or submissives or NPCs to accept engaging in that. I wonder how they might fare if they found the Truth of things, Satan, Energy and Magick, etc. Would they just go along with it like a robot, or would they actually wake up and be alive?... I further can't help but consider the possibilities of how their Soul must be underdeveloped, Chakras be so dirty and blocked... what they must have gone through in previous lives (if any) to cause them to be like this today, and their experiences in this life from birth to today. It must have been some extreme torture which drained the life out of them in a previous life or lives, which affects them in this life so as to make them be NPCs... Likewise, some who are born more or less 100% reliant on a carer, wheelchair-bound and unable to walk and communicate properly, feed themselves, bathe themselves, etc...

In case it matters, the reason I spell "Natural" with a capital N (and other words which don't have capital initials usually) is because of a couple of similar reasons. I used to be a christian, and I used to spell "god" with a capital G, partly because it is a proper noun (name/title) (but christians argue about that...) but also out of respect; now I spell it with a lowercase G; I put it in "inverted commas" to indicate that it is actually not any form of respectful, worthy god; sometimes I also add "so-called" or "false" when saying "god"; and I also say "it" instead of saying "god"; i.e. calling Children "it" is sheer disrespectful, whether it is "correct" in English or not. Of course, the abrahamic "god" does not exist, but abrahamists/christians/muslims would notice my spelling. I spell "Nature" with a capital N to show respect for Nature, at least for others to see. Notice in my posts, I capitalise the R in "Race", but above, where I said "mongoloid mixed-"race"", I didn't capitalise "race" there, on purpose. It all partly psychological and partly a stab against (((some things))).

*the 3 pairs of parentheses is Internet usage for indicating someone or something is jewish, i.e. the enemy. "TPTB" means "the powers that be", which is the same, mostly.
NPCs are real.
Study shows that between 50% and 75% of people have no thoughts and no internal voice. If you wonder why many people seem like soulless programmed zombies, it's because they are.

In my daily interactions, it's strikingly apparent that many individuals I come across, particularly among those in the younger generation, seem to lack any individuality. Among the youth, there appears to be a certain desire to flock with the other sheeps, to blend into the crowd rather than stand out. For instance, it's remarkable how the majority of teenagers in my vicinity adhere to a very weird custom in appearance and demeanor, with only a small fraction exhibiting any sincerity or uniqueness.

Dressing in all black, with a hoodie on, your hands in your pants, perhaps wearing a piercing, looking at your phone, walking like a junkie while possessing a bad appearance does not do it for me. All of this is more than enough why I do not hold any friends, as for that people would have to be intellectuals that can understand me decently, and share a decent outlook of life.
After watching the rest of the video (I typed what I typed above after a few minutes into it), and after more consideration about the video, I have more comments.

Regarding varying levels of consciousness, Timcast said that not thinking that Humans are the be all and end all of consciousness has to do with his own belief in "god". OK, so who/what is beyond the level of consciousness of "god", then? We know the default answer, which - dare I say - is an NPC knee-jerk reaction, is the "Nothing. 'god' is the highest." nonsense reaction.

The Woman in the video just sounds like a so-called "influencer". She probably can picture pictures and hear sounds in her head. A lot of people do things just for clickbait and for views/advertising revenue.

There is the term 'aphantasia', the inability to create mental imagery, and that is the term he was trying to remember. I have said previously that I had partial-aphantasia, but I don't think I ever clarified it. The more I drift off to sleep, the easier it becomes to visalise. It's as if while awake, it's more washed-out; whereas falling asleep, and sleeping, I can picture things vividly. I should correct myself. Maybe say semi-phantasia (without the initial A, which negates things), waking-aphantasia, semi-waking-aphantasia, waking-semi-aphantasia might be more accurate.

I know that I don't have aphantasia because I dream and at least some of the dreams seem both
  1. irrelevant (unless we want to get into meanings of dreams, then they might have relevance) and
  2. involving events which seem extremely unlikely (hence saying they can be irrelevant) or involving places I either haven't been, or maybe have seen in media or collected different things and joined them together,
e.g. one dream I had seemed to be from a building of some sort on or near a beach, with what appeared to be officials, I think soldiers and black-suited officials, having to escort us quite forcefully, but it wasn't a war zone. Maybe something bad happened in the building, but they either wanted to confiscate our phones or just check them, but they were not extremely forceful but they were rather persistent. Unless,
  1. this might be me 'bodysnatching' someone in Gaza and the jew "soldiers" doing shit against us/them; or
  2. parts of that news was in my unconscious and my Brain decided to put me there in a dream...
then it seems irrelevant to me and impossible for me. I imagine and visualise and dream, so I know I don't have aphantasia.

Timcast says he can picture the apple, and Robocop and other things... the World around the apple. The point is to picture an apple, not to create and imagine a scenario. So this depends on if we want you to picture an apple, or picture an apple then let your imagination run wild. I think Timcast is mixing up 2 or more similar but not quite the same things here, regarding visualisation.

Why you believe in "god", Timcast. Because it "formed you in the womb" (see the picture I share below) and it decided that, because it "loves you so much" that it would create you (maybe not you, Tim, just referring to anyone) with inabilities, and - only in faerie tale fantasy book stories from way back when - "heal" the victims of "god" "miraculously", but not in real-life. For "god" so-loved the World*, it did these things, and it had its own son (itself) be tortured to death...for Earthlings. Nothing said about Phaeton or Mars or Planet Flaxnor way out there in space. Does "jesus" have to die, repeatedly, on each Planet, for each Planet's inhabitants? Lol at "that" "sacrifice". jesus be like, "FFS, Mefather. Why do you-I put your-myself through this for each and every fkng Planet you-I made? You-I'm such a schizo!".

The correct phrase is "Be all, end all". Like "same exact thing" - what is an exact thing? The correct phrase is "exact same thing" because it is the same thing, not an exact thing. Talk about not knowing how to process things correctly... "Some People DONT THINK AT ALL, We Call Them..."

Tim says about a hypothetical being much greater than us, and claims he doesn't mean a godly being. No, Tim, you're not even or odd talking a godly being. Of course not. As a former christian, I can say that yes, you are referring to "god". I ask, though - Who is "god"'s god?

"How many atoms, how many electrons, how many quarks?"
The answer is 6 protons, 6 neutrons, 6 electrons, my christian... well, not friend, but you know... Allegedly, "god" made the Universe be 666, and said it is evil and you must die. [Click.] Lol - enjoy believing, instead of knowing.

It's great that a christian uses Science to... not prove his "god". It's also great that the christian uses persuasive speech to subtly (for some people) try to belittle us and undermine us and say how small and shit we are, in a somewhat emotional sense, jabbing right at the heart of "the Human condition", unconsciously (again, for some people). A fish rots from the head down - your "god", Tim, is to blame - especially when it forms-in-the-womb people blind or incognizant or sending its own son-self to be tortured.

Why did "god" send its own self to be tortured?
How else would it understand the pain it causes?!

"The likelihood that there exists another being with more capabilities than you is 1."
Speaking in probability, between 0 and 1. Also - "I am", meaning "one", i.e. "god". I see what you tried spoiler-tagging - hiding - there, Tim.

"The likelihood that we exist as the epitome of consciousness is an absurdity."
Why? Because you are nothing [in the eyes of your "god"]? You are so small and empty.

"I hope it helped you to self-reflect upon yourselves."
I can't self-reflect upon someone else... Herp-derp...

"The next segment is coming-up at 4pm on this channel."
[When I typed this]That's about 30 minutes from now. I won't be attending.

Oh. You're in America? Damn. I exist in the part of the entire Universe that is not America. I live in Europe - you know. Europe, that part of Canada? :p

I haven't been asked by any statisticians or reporters about whether I can visualise and - as he says, which I of course appreciated - 'audialise' or I think he actually said 'audioise'. These facts and statistics are merely a sample. "We asked 100 people..." I've never been asked, nor do I know anyone who has ever been asked, nor do I know anyone who knows anyone else who has ever been asked... I think another reason that NPCs can't think (which I find difficult to accept) surely must be due to be plonked in front of the TV or tablet with pretty colours and sounds, and been fed media and entertainment, instead of telling and listening to stories and reading books and drawing and painting, and building Lego scenes, etc., to fuel their thinking and imaginations and creativity. These things, the experiences since birth that anyone has experienced, which causes the NPC behaviour and supposed inability to think, is included with any previous-life factors.

This all seems to be pre-matrix. Curious. The word "matron" and "matrix", or "maternal" and "matrix", or "matrimony" and "matrix" seem to be nearly identical. Does "matrix" refer to birth/egg and joining/combining/coming together?

Yes! It does. I knew I read that before. It's nice to remember it in-context and use it.



Regarding "madrigal" - the seduction of facebook/meta, and all related things such as AI/GAI/AGI/AR..., is such lovely and... well... seductive enticement. Consider -

  • Star Trek's Borg - "3 or more voices";
  • the Venetian - "simple", reducing us down, because you will find - there is no spoon, and I expect it is, as I said before, reducing us down to mere numbers, dehumanising us; and "ingenious" - the jew full of itself; and
  • the first book of the bibles - Genesis; "matrix". I can always remember learning that the rest of the books of the bibles, either directly or in a thread, in one way or another began in, and refer back to, Genesis, which means "beginnings/origins", AKA matrix...

Indeed - "meta" does mean "dead" or "death". I found a jewish film, I think in hebrew/yiddish, with English (or American) subtitles. "Meta" was mentioned. I can remember, around the things about facebook/meta, that a commenter said "meta" means "dead" or "death" (I forgot which), and a jew replied denying that it means that. Now seeing this film, the word "meta" and the translation says otherwise. If I can find it again, I'll share the clip for educational purposes. I don't know the name of the film off-hand, so I can't tell you what to search for, but for anyone who might know the film and hasn't seen it, or who will "watch this space" for if I upload the bit sooner or later, who might be interested in the film, beware. It contains jew-child sexual abuse. If I do, then I'll upload only the bit regarding "meta".

A lot of the users online are jewish anyway. We know that "israel" pays its jew students to promote "israel" online, so that would also include promoting jewish things online... meaning promoting the degeneration of Earthly and Human things and the continued thrust of the degeneration of those things, the rape of Earth and Her Inhabitants. How many of these NPCs who 'can't think' are actually jewish users just claiming it, which the media picks up eventually?

*I have a thread idea named For god So-Loved the World that I intend to do
"ingenious" - the jew full of itself; and
I misread. Ingenuous -


In that case, us lacking in experience and understanding reality, that being lack of knowledge of esotericism/occultism. One could interpret "straighforward" to mean straight forward, the jew's 6000-year plan marching straight forward to the meta/death and "living" in virtual "reality". One could say "ingenious" might mean "ungeniuous" or "not-genious" i.e. simple. The jew is still full of itself, though.
Tim Pool is not a christian. He does not believe in christianity and does not believe or follow any jew "god". But he does have an instinctual and intuition belief in the living creative force of the Aether/Akasha which continuously generates growth, changes, adaptations, and increasingly complex life. He believes in higher beings who are greater and improved versions of humanity, and who may have helped humanity to grow and develop.

He basically intuitively knows the truth about the gods and Satan, but he does not know enough to know what to call them so he doesn't use any names and just speaks in a general or hypothetical way.

Tim Pool is not a christian. He does not believe in christianity and does not believe or follow any jew "god". But he does have an instinctual and intuition belief in the living creative force of the Aether/Akasha which continuously generates growth, changes, adaptations, and increasingly complex life. He believes in higher beings who are greater and improved versions of humanity, and who may have helped humanity to grow and develop.

He basically intuitively knows the truth about the gods and Satan, but he does not know enough to know what to call them so he doesn't use any names and just speaks in a general or hypothetical way.
I also was thinking in this manner but I ran out of patience and I've been watching his videos since late 2017.

First of all, watching the video above I realized I have become too harsh on him. He is intelligent and deserves credit.

Now, the reason I couldn't watch him anymore for the past 2ish years is because he constantly says Swedish people are the most racist people he has met. This is verbatim. He's said this in his videos and podcasts over the years. He also gets very irrated when Ian says anything bad about xianity. Granted he gets mad at him for several small stuff sometimes lol but I understand that part a bit on why he tends to have little patience with him and they've explained it in the past. Irrelevant at the moment.

The "final" straw was him putting titles on his videos that Hollywood is "Satanic" which came after constantly having on his podcast xians who push their lies and slander on pagans with no pushback except to Ian when he brings up how he considers xianity a bad thing.

Again I know I should have been more patient but at the time I was sick of hearing so much xian propaganda from the right so I took a hiatus from the political scene for around 2 years as mentioned.

All in all I agree with your statement above. I just been wanting to vent this for a while and explain myself as to why I've bashed on him in the past on here. He definitely does way more good than bad.
@FancyMancy I wouldn't base his religious beliefs on one video. Been watching him for years now and what Ol said is pretty spot on. Although if you said he leans towards believing the false stories of the xians than anything else then you wouldn't be wrong. He is logical so if finally provided with the facts of that cult then I wouldn't believe he would defend it with muh emotions.
In around 2013 when there were stories of Swedish neighborhoods where everybody were muslim african immigrants, who followed their own muslim laws and did not follow the Swedish laws. They did not consider themselves to be Swedish, and it was like a seperate small country inside of Sweden.

The Swedish did not consider the africans to be Swedish, even though they were legally living inside of Sweden. The africans did not consider themselves to be Swedish either. Everybody involved knew that the muslim africans are not Swedish and do not belong in Sweden.

Tim went to Sweden at this time and did journalism, and found all of this for himself. He went to Malmo Sweden where there were stories of african immigrants having "no go zones" where only their law is enforced and they are acting like a seperate country. Swedish police were not going there. He was warned that it was too dangerous of a situation for anybody to investigate, so he went there and investigated it for himself.

His meaning of "Swedish people are racist." Is actually saying that Swedish people understand that race is a real thing, and that the africans are not Swedish, and the Swedish are not africans. They are two seperate species, and being in the same location does not mean that they are the same. If this understanding is the definition of racism, then every person on this planet should all be "racist." All white, black, asian, and all other races are all required to be "racist" for their own safety and preservation. This is not the insult that you thought it was, but it is simple racial understanding that is necessary for all people, and what Tim witnessed was that the Swedish had more of this basic knowledge than most other countries he had been to.
And even though he describes how he is instinctively reaching toward the gods, he does not know their names. He does not know the meaning of Satan, so like most people, the only meaning he is able to give to the word Satan is what christians have described, because this is the only thing he has heard.

He describes the fight between the gods and the jews. How one side is trying to enslave and destroy humanity spiritually, mentally, and physically. And how the other side is working for Truth, Freedom, and Education of humanity. He intuitively understands these two sides, and he is working under the guidance of the gods. But he just does not know enough to get the names correctly, or to say who is in control of each side. I would say he is half way in between an athiest and a Spiritual Satanist.
Whether or not he knows it, Tim is one of our greatest allies on the side of helping Humanity. He is one of the very few True and honest journalists in our world, and hundreds of evil jewish plans in the past few years have failed partly because of him broadcasting Truth to millions of people per day.

As we work the Spiritual side by our RTR rituals, he is following on the Physical side by sharing the light of truth. And working to "build culture" by creating and promoting new civilization based on Truth and Education. He calls this the "parallel economy" and "creation of new culture." Working to erase jewish lies and suicidal jewish cultural influences by creating new companies, new industries, and new cultural influences outside of the jews. This is what all of his profits are being invested into every year, working to create new opportunities and locations for Truth to be shared.
Tim Pool is not a christian. He does not believe in christianity and does not believe or follow any jew "god". But he does have an instinctual and intuition belief in the living creative force of the Aether/Akasha which continuously generates growth, changes, adaptations, and increasingly complex life. He believes in higher beings who are greater and improved versions of humanity, and who may have helped humanity to grow and develop.

He basically intuitively knows the truth about the gods and Satan, but he does not know enough to know what to call them so he doesn't use any names and just speaks in a general or hypothetical way.
Ah. OK. I don't follow him so I didn't know any of that. Thanks for explaining.

@FancyMancy I wouldn't base his religious beliefs on one video. Been watching him for years now and what Ol said is pretty spot on. Although if you said he leans towards believing the false stories of the xians than anything else then you wouldn't be wrong. He is logical so if finally provided with the facts of that cult then I wouldn't believe he would defend it with muh emotions.
Well, he said about his belief in "god". I don't think I've seen any of his other videos. I have heard of a Tim Pool, and TimcastIRL, but I didn't know they were the same person and I didn't know about either - rather, him.

He does seem to have decent discernment and analytical skills. I know America is supposed to be a "christian country", so I put it all together and came to a conclusion. Fair enough, though.
Ah. OK. I don't follow him so I didn't know any of that. Thanks for explaining.

Well, he said about his belief in "god". I don't think I've seen any of his other videos. I have heard of a Tim Pool, and TimcastIRL, but I didn't know they were the same person and I didn't know about either - rather, him.

He does seem to have decent discernment and analytical skills. I know America is supposed to be a "christian country", so I put it all together and came to a conclusion. Fair enough, though.
The USA is not a christian country.
The USA is not a christian country.
Hence why I said "supposed to be". "The Founding Fathers were christians" and "in 'god' we trust" and "...so help me 'god' and "'god' speed" (whatever that's supposed to mean) , blah, blah, blah.
Yeah. NPCs lack masculinity in spiritual and mental level. This means basically any kind of activeness. They lack mental "activity". They are also passive about living. If we think life as a game, then they aren't "real" aware and active players, just NPCs.
For whatever strange and unusual reasons, I am reminded of the Parable of the King and the Poisoned Well. I wonder how long it will be before those who have the normal Natural ability of having an internal voice, who can think in words and sentences, hear their voice when they are reading, sing lyrics or instrumental music in their head, for some examples, would be deemed insane.
This is what I was worried about wrongfully, that the world would be like that. I think it maybe used to be too, but we've also come quite far.
Was that study done before the vax or after the vax ?
Before, it's from 2016. Here's the source, cited in the article Tim discusses:

I didn't have time to read it, it seems pretty legit. Just keep in mind it was done in China with only Chinese people. I'm curious to see if there is any difference in Western countries or African countries.
This is what I was worried about wrongfully, that the world would be like that. I think it maybe used to be too, but we've also come quite far.
We have come far, and others have... gone far. When I quoted the lyrics in my siggie originally, and then readded it later, I didn't mean anything quite like this... I was meaning more politically and religiously, but this is... something...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
