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Jan 5, 2011
Date: Saturday, 13 November 2010

Time: Hour of Saturn. You can work out the correct time for your location by using Chronos XP: http://chronosxp.sourceforge.net/en/

Target and outcome: Total Destruction of the kike race

Ritual Affirmation: "the jewish race is destroyed"
Using: Runes
- Thurisaz
- Hagl


Our focus for this, the first, Monthly Destruction Ritual is the kike race at large. This is following up from the Major Group Destruction Ritual that was performed (adding to the Energy that was raised then). The kike race itself is the obvious starting place for the destruction of our enemies. Direct the Destructive Energy raised by the Runes to the kike race as a whole. You can ask your Guardian Demons assistance with the direction. Read the Sermon regarding this by High Priest Vovim Baghie: http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/the_amassi ... nergy.html

The Runes are exceptionally powerful when directed towards a specific goal, and when used in Black Magick are a fierce weapon against the enemy. They are Ancient Powers, given to humanity by the Gods themselves.

We will be harnessing these Powers and directing them to the Destruction of the enemies of Satan (Our enemies, as we must never forget).

More information concerning the Runes can be found on the Joy of Satan site.

Use either the format for the Standard Ritual or the Grand Satanic Ritual.

There are Four, very simple steps to this Ritual:
Step 1- Begin Ritual
Step 2- Read and burn Ritual Prayer
Step 3- Vibrate Runes and raise Energy
Step 4- Release Energy

-You are going to gather the Energy (through simple visualization) raised by the vibration of the Runes into a ball either above or in front of you. We will be using this technique for many of the Destruction Rituals. For those who are new and not yet totally confident in raising Energy, start off by simply Vibrating the Runes and directing them by Mental Focus to the Target, via the affirmations. Every dedicated Warrior should be practicing and working towards Warfare techniques such as correctly raising and directing Energy, however, this simple alternative will suffice at first.

It is important for those who haven't read the following article by High Priestess Maxine Dietrich to do so: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... Steps.html

Begin Ritual

Reading and Burning of the Ritual Prayer

At the height of the Ritual, read out the Ritual Prayer with intent. Those Members who are able to and so wish can also empower the Ritual Prayer itself prior to the Ritual: http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/satanic_elementalism.html

Light the Prayer in the flame of one of the candles and place it into your Burning Bowl. For the duration of the burning, repeat the Ritual Affirmation. Know that it IS happening. They ARE crumbling. There is no question about it.

Runic Vibrations

After the burning of the Prayer begin the Vibration of the Runes.

As you vibrate the Runes, see the Energy of the Vibration accumulating before you, forming a tight ball (The vibration is raising the Destructive Runic Energy. See the Energy forming in front of you as you Vibrate). Visualize the Energy and ball it forms as grey, and see the Rune imprinting upon it. (I personally visualize Runes directed for Destruction as a dirty, bloody red colour.)As you inhale, repeat the Affirmation for the specific Rune into the ball of Destructive Energy, programming it. On the exhale, the Rune is vibrated and visualized.

Begin with Thurisaz.
"TTTTHHHHOOOORRRRIIIIZZZZAAAAZZZZ" (Hard TH as in "The", Remember to roll the R)
Vibrate Nine Times.
We are programming the Energy raised by the vibration to bring chaos and destruction to the jewish race. See this happening. See their race crumbling. Know that it IS happening.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation (Mentally): "The energies of Thurisaz are bringing chaos and destruction to the jewish race", programming the ball of destructive Energy. As you affirm, see it happening. See the kike race falling and crumbling.
2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, gathering the Energy into the ball and filling it with the Destructive Energy of Thurisaz. Visualize the Rune imprinting on the ball.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.

Move on to the vibration of Hagal.
Vibrate Nine Times.
Direct the Energy raised by the vibration of Hagal to bring total destruction and disaster to the kike race. See it turning to disaster and destruction, crumbling and crashing down. Again, know that this IS happening.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Hagal are bringing disaster and destruction to the jewish race", programming the ball of Destructive Energy. As you affirm, see it happening.
2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, accumulating and filling the ball with the Destructive Energy of Hagal. See Hagal imprinting on the ball.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.

Move to the vibration of Sol/Sowilo.
Vibrate 9 times.
We are only using this Rune to empower and activate further the energies of Thurisaz and Hagal. We are not directing it to the kikes.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Sol/Sowilo are working to further activate and empower the Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal and amplify the Destructive Energy raised, assisting in the total destruction of the jewish race".
2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, directing the Energy to reflect on and Empower the other Runes.

Once you are done with the Vibrations, repeat the following affirmation with force and intent: "The Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal, Empowered by the Energies of Sol/Sowilo, are combining to bring total destruction to the jewish race in every way", to close up and tie together the raising of the Energy. This must be repeated 9 times, visualizing their total Destruction.

Releasing of the Destructive Energy

Now, send the Ball of Destructive Energy to the target, as described by High Priest Vovim Baghie.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation once again and for the last time.

End the Ritual with "HAIL SATAN! So Mote It Be"


Ritual Prayer:
In the Name of Satan, True God and Mighty Lord of the Earth, we declare that the jewish race is destroyed. As Brothers and Sisters and Warriors of Hell we stand, our Energies combining to make our working a reality and to set the most foul enemies of our Father Satan irreversibly upon their course, heading towards their total and eternal destruction. By our Energies, and by the Energies of the Mighty Gods of Hell whose assistance we humbly and respectfully call upon, and the Energies of the True God who is TRUTH and POWER, STRENGTH, KNOWLEDGE and FREEDOM, who is SATAN Himself, SO MOTE IT BE!!!



*It is extremely important to remember to clean your Aura and Chakras thoroughly after performing Destruction Rituals! Every Brother and Sister in Satan should also be working on building their Aura of Protection daily.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries
on my calendar now so i will not forget

Flash - Shelly Clemmons    Life is short, break the rules, forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that made you smile.
I will participate!
To arms my brothers and sisters!!

Hail Satan!!
Hail The Mighty Gods ov Duat!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@... wrote:

Date: Saturday, 13 November 2010

Time: Hour of Saturn. You can work out the correct time for your location by using Chronos XP: http://chronosxp.sourceforge.net/en/

Target and outcome: Total Destruction of the kike race

Ritual Affirmation: "the jewish race is destroyed"
Using: Runes
- Thurisaz
- Hagl


Our focus for this, the first, Monthly Destruction Ritual is the kike race at large. This is following up from the Major Group Destruction Ritual that was performed (adding to the Energy that was raised then). The kike race itself is the obvious starting place for the destruction of our enemies. Direct the Destructive Energy raised by the Runes to the kike race as a whole. You can ask your Guardian Demons assistance with the direction. Read the Sermon regarding this by High Priest Vovim Baghie: http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/the_amassi ... nergy.html

The Runes are exceptionally powerful when directed towards a specific goal, and when used in Black Magick are a fierce weapon against the enemy. They are Ancient Powers, given to humanity by the Gods themselves.

We will be harnessing these Powers and directing them to the Destruction of the enemies of Satan (Our enemies, as we must never forget).

More information concerning the Runes can be found on the Joy of Satan site.

Use either the format for the Standard Ritual or the Grand Satanic Ritual.

There are Four, very simple steps to this Ritual:
Step 1- Begin Ritual
Step 2- Read and burn Ritual Prayer
Step 3- Vibrate Runes and raise Energy
Step 4- Release Energy

-You are going to gather the Energy (through simple visualization) raised by the vibration of the Runes into a ball either above or in front of you. We will be using this technique for many of the Destruction Rituals. For those who are new and not yet totally confident in raising Energy, start off by simply Vibrating the Runes and directing them by Mental Focus to the Target, via the affirmations. Every dedicated Warrior should be practicing and working towards Warfare techniques such as correctly raising and directing Energy, however, this simple alternative will suffice at first.

It is important for those who haven't read the following article by High Priestess Maxine Dietrich to do so: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... Steps.html

Begin Ritual

Reading and Burning of the Ritual Prayer

At the height of the Ritual, read out the Ritual Prayer with intent. Those Members who are able to and so wish can also empower the Ritual Prayer itself prior to the Ritual: http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/satanic_elementalism.html

Light the Prayer in the flame of one of the candles and place it into your Burning Bowl. For the duration of the burning, repeat the Ritual Affirmation. Know that it IS happening. They ARE crumbling. There is no question about it.

Runic Vibrations

After the burning of the Prayer begin the Vibration of the Runes.

As you vibrate the Runes, see the Energy of the Vibration accumulating before you, forming a tight ball (The vibration is raising the Destructive Runic Energy. See the Energy forming in front of you as you Vibrate). Visualize the Energy and ball it forms as grey, and see the Rune imprinting upon it. (I personally visualize Runes directed for Destruction as a dirty, bloody red colour.)As you inhale, repeat the Affirmation for the specific Rune into the ball of Destructive Energy, programming it. On the exhale, the Rune is vibrated and visualized.

Begin with Thurisaz.
"TTTTHHHHOOOORRRRIIIIZZZZAAAAZZZZ" (Hard TH as in "The", Remember to roll the R)
Vibrate Nine Times.
We are programming the Energy raised by the vibration to bring chaos and destruction to the jewish race. See this happening. See their race crumbling. Know that it IS happening.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation (Mentally): "The energies of Thurisaz are bringing chaos and destruction to the jewish race", programming the ball of destructive Energy. As you affirm, see it happening. See the kike race falling and crumbling.
2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, gathering the Energy into the ball and filling it with the Destructive Energy of Thurisaz. Visualize the Rune imprinting on the ball.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.

Move on to the vibration of Hagal.
Vibrate Nine Times.
Direct the Energy raised by the vibration of Hagal to bring total destruction and disaster to the kike race. See it turning to disaster and destruction, crumbling and crashing down. Again, know that this IS happening.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Hagal are bringing disaster and destruction to the jewish race", programming the ball of Destructive Energy. As you affirm, see it happening.
2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, accumulating and filling the ball with the Destructive Energy of Hagal. See Hagal imprinting on the ball.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.

Move to the vibration of Sol/Sowilo.
Vibrate 9 times.
We are only using this Rune to empower and activate further the energies of Thurisaz and Hagal. We are not directing it to the kikes.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Sol/Sowilo are working to further activate and empower the Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal and amplify the Destructive Energy raised, assisting in the total destruction of the jewish race".
2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, directing the Energy to reflect on and Empower the other Runes.

Once you are done with the Vibrations, repeat the following affirmation with force and intent: "The Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal, Empowered by the Energies of Sol/Sowilo, are combining to bring total destruction to the jewish race in every way", to close up and tie together the raising of the Energy. This must be repeated 9 times, visualizing their total Destruction.

Releasing of the Destructive Energy

Now, send the Ball of Destructive Energy to the target, as described by High Priest Vovim Baghie.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation once again and for the last time.

End the Ritual with "HAIL SATAN! So Mote It Be"


Ritual Prayer:
In the Name of Satan, True God and Mighty Lord of the Earth, we declare that the jewish race is destroyed. As Brothers and Sisters and Warriors of Hell we stand, our Energies combining to make our working a reality and to set the most foul enemies of our Father Satan irreversibly upon their course, heading towards their total and eternal destruction. By our Energies, and by the Energies of the Mighty Gods of Hell whose assistance we humbly and respectfully call upon, and the Energies of the True God who is TRUTH and POWER, STRENGTH, KNOWLEDGE and FREEDOM, who is SATAN Himself, SO MOTE IT BE!!!



*It is extremely important to remember to clean your Aura and Chakras thoroughly after performing Destruction Rituals! Every Brother and Sister in Satan should also be working on building their Aura of Protection daily.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries
Indeed. HAILZ! This will be yet another glorious experience =)



Brother Raven

To: [email protected]
From: slade89666@...
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2010 03:29:41 +0000

  I will participate!
To arms my brothers and sisters!!

Hail Satan!!
Hail The Mighty Gods ov Duat!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@... wrote:

Date: Saturday, 13 November 2010

Time: Hour of Saturn. You can work out the correct time for your location by using Chronos XP: http://chronosxp.sourceforge.net/en/

Target and outcome: Total Destruction of the kike race

Ritual Affirmation: "the jewish race is destroyed"
Using: Runes
- Thurisaz
- Hagl


Our focus for this, the first, Monthly Destruction Ritual is the kike race at large. This is following up from the Major Group Destruction Ritual that was performed (adding to the Energy that was raised then). The kike race itself is the obvious starting place for the destruction of our enemies. Direct the Destructive Energy raised by the Runes to the kike race as a whole. You can ask your Guardian Demons assistance with the direction. Read the Sermon regarding this by High Priest Vovim Baghie: http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/the_amassi ... nergy.html

The Runes are exceptionally powerful when directed towards a specific goal, and when used in Black Magick are a fierce weapon against the enemy. They are Ancient Powers, given to humanity by the Gods themselves.

We will be harnessing these Powers and directing them to the Destruction of the enemies of Satan (Our enemies, as we must never forget).

More information concerning the Runes can be found on the Joy of Satan site.

Use either the format for the Standard Ritual or the Grand Satanic Ritual.

There are Four, very simple steps to this Ritual:
Step 1- Begin Ritual
Step 2- Read and burn Ritual Prayer
Step 3- Vibrate Runes and raise Energy
Step 4- Release Energy

-You are going to gather the Energy (through simple visualization) raised by the vibration of the Runes into a ball either above or in front of you. We will be using this technique for many of the Destruction Rituals. For those who are new and not yet totally confident in raising Energy, start off by simply Vibrating the Runes and directing them by Mental Focus to the Target, via the affirmations. Every dedicated Warrior should be practicing and working towards Warfare techniques such as correctly raising and directing Energy, however, this simple alternative will suffice at first.

It is important for those who haven't read the following article by High Priestess Maxine Dietrich to do so: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... Steps.html

Begin Ritual

Reading and Burning of the Ritual Prayer

At the height of the Ritual, read out the Ritual Prayer with intent. Those Members who are able to and so wish can also empower the Ritual Prayer itself prior to the Ritual: http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/satanic_elementalism.html

Light the Prayer in the flame of one of the candles and place it into your Burning Bowl. For the duration of the burning, repeat the Ritual Affirmation. Know that it IS happening. They ARE crumbling. There is no question about it.

Runic Vibrations

After the burning of the Prayer begin the Vibration of the Runes.

As you vibrate the Runes, see the Energy of the Vibration accumulating before you, forming a tight ball (The vibration is raising the Destructive Runic Energy. See the Energy forming in front of you as you Vibrate). Visualize the Energy and ball it forms as grey, and see the Rune imprinting upon it. (I personally visualize Runes directed for Destruction as a dirty, bloody red colour.)As you inhale, repeat the Affirmation for the specific Rune into the ball of Destructive Energy, programming it. On the exhale, the Rune is vibrated and visualized.

Begin with Thurisaz.
"TTTTHHHHOOOORRRRIIIIZZZZAAAAZZZZ" (Hard TH as in "The", Remember to roll the R)
Vibrate Nine Times.
We are programming the Energy raised by the vibration to bring chaos and destruction to the jewish race. See this happening. See their race crumbling. Know that it IS happening.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation (Mentally): "The energies of Thurisaz are bringing chaos and destruction to the jewish race", programming the ball of destructive Energy. As you affirm, see it happening. See the kike race falling and crumbling.
2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, gathering the Energy into the ball and filling it with the Destructive Energy of Thurisaz. Visualize the Rune imprinting on the ball.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.

Move on to the vibration of Hagal.
Vibrate Nine Times.
Direct the Energy raised by the vibration of Hagal to bring total destruction and disaster to the kike race. See it turning to disaster and destruction, crumbling and crashing down. Again, know that this IS happening.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Hagal are bringing disaster and destruction to the jewish race", programming the ball of Destructive Energy. As you affirm, see it happening.
2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, accumulating and filling the ball with the Destructive Energy of Hagal. See Hagal imprinting on the ball.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.

Move to the vibration of Sol/Sowilo.
Vibrate 9 times.
We are only using this Rune to empower and activate further the energies of Thurisaz and Hagal. We are not directing it to the kikes.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Sol/Sowilo are working to further activate and empower the Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal and amplify the Destructive Energy raised, assisting in the total destruction of the jewish race".
2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, directing the Energy to reflect on and Empower the other Runes.

Once you are done with the Vibrations, repeat the following affirmation with force and intent: "The Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal, Empowered by the Energies of Sol/Sowilo, are combining to bring total destruction to the jewish race in every way", to close up and tie together the raising of the Energy. This must be repeated 9 times, visualizing their total Destruction.

Releasing of the Destructive Energy

Now, send the Ball of Destructive Energy to the target, as described by High Priest Vovim Baghie.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation once again and for the last time.

End the Ritual with "HAIL SATAN! So Mote It Be"


Ritual Prayer:
In the Name of Satan, True God and Mighty Lord of the Earth, we declare that the jewish race is destroyed. As Brothers and Sisters and Warriors of Hell we stand, our Energies combining to make our working a reality and to set the most foul enemies of our Father Satan irreversibly upon their course, heading towards their total and eternal destruction. By our Energies, and by the Energies of the Mighty Gods of Hell whose assistance we humbly and respectfully call upon, and the Energies of the True God who is TRUTH and POWER, STRENGTH, KNOWLEDGE and FREEDOM, who is SATAN Himself, SO MOTE IT BE!!!



*It is extremely important to remember to clean your Aura and Chakras thoroughly after performing Destruction Rituals! Every Brother and Sister in Satan should also be working on building their Aura of Protection daily.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries
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I am really hoping my roomate will be gone on the hours of Saturn on Saturday if not i will have to do it all astrally.  I also ordered temple supplies recently and hope they arrive b4 Saturday.  So exited, i got an athame, silver bell, silver 6'' burning bowl, silver chalice, and those diabetic needle prick things to draw blood.  Also got a bahomet necklace, I already have a black 7 day candle and Indian frankincense.  Now all i have to worry about is not tripping the fire alarm in my dorms.  If i do, the whole fire department will be in my room "assessing" what triggered it.  These alarms are smart.  They even know when you cover it up with a plastic bag.  I will probably start collecting energy for storage into my Gold Chakra for Saturday for any additional boost.

Hail Satan!

From: High Priestess Zildar Raasi <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Tue, November 9, 2010 1:23:30 PM

  Date: Saturday, 13 November 2010

Time: Hour of Saturn. You can work out the correct time for your location by using Chronos XP: http://chronosxp.sourceforge.net/en/

Target and outcome: Total Destruction of the kike race

Ritual Affirmation: "the jewish race is destroyed"
Using: Runes
- Thurisaz
- Hagl


Our focus for this, the first, Monthly Destruction Ritual is the kike race at large. This is following up from the Major Group Destruction Ritual that was performed (adding to the Energy that was raised then). The kike race itself is the obvious starting place for the destruction of our enemies. Direct the Destructive Energy raised by the Runes to the kike race as a whole. You can ask your Guardian Demons assistance with the direction. Read the Sermon regarding this by High Priest Vovim Baghie: http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/the_amassi ... nergy.html

The Runes are exceptionally powerful when directed towards a specific goal, and when used in Black Magick are a fierce weapon against the enemy. They are Ancient Powers, given to humanity by the Gods themselves.

We will be harnessing these Powers and directing them to the Destruction of the enemies of Satan (Our enemies, as we must never forget).

More information concerning the Runes can be found on the Joy of Satan site.

Use either the format for the Standard Ritual or the Grand Satanic Ritual.

There are Four, very simple steps to this Ritual:
Step 1- Begin Ritual
Step 2- Read and burn Ritual Prayer
Step 3- Vibrate Runes and raise Energy
Step 4- Release Energy

-You are going to gather the Energy (through simple visualization) raised by the vibration of the Runes into a ball either above or in front of you. We will be using this technique for many of the Destruction Rituals. For those who are new and not yet totally confident in raising Energy, start off by simply Vibrating the Runes and directing them by Mental Focus to the Target, via the affirmations. Every dedicated Warrior should be practicing and working towards Warfare techniques such as correctly raising and directing Energy, however, this simple alternative will suffice at first.

It is important for those who haven't read the following article by High Priestess Maxine Dietrich to do so: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... Steps.html

Begin Ritual

Reading and Burning of the Ritual Prayer

At the height of the Ritual, read out the Ritual Prayer with intent. Those Members who are able to and so wish can also empower the Ritual Prayer itself prior to the Ritual: http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/satanic_elementalism.html

Light the Prayer in the flame of one of the candles and place it into your Burning Bowl. For the duration of the burning, repeat the Ritual Affirmation. Know that it IS happening. They ARE crumbling. There is no question about it.

Runic Vibrations

After the burning of the Prayer begin the Vibration of the Runes.

As you vibrate the Runes, see the Energy of the Vibration accumulating before you, forming a tight ball (The vibration is raising the Destructive Runic Energy. See the Energy forming in front of you as you Vibrate). Visualize the Energy and ball it forms as grey, and see the Rune imprinting upon it. (I personally visualize Runes directed for Destruction as a dirty, bloody red colour.)As you inhale, repeat the Affirmation for the specific Rune into the ball of Destructive Energy, programming it. On the exhale, the Rune is vibrated and visualized.

Begin with Thurisaz.
"TTTTHHHHOOOORRRRIIIIZZZZAAAAZZZZ" (Hard TH as in "The", Remember to roll the R)
Vibrate Nine Times.
We are programming the Energy raised by the vibration to bring chaos and destruction to the jewish race. See this happening. See their race crumbling. Know that it IS happening.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation (Mentally): "The energies of Thurisaz are bringing chaos and destruction to the jewish race", programming the ball of destructive Energy. As you affirm, see it happening. See the kike race falling and crumbling.
2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, gathering the Energy into the ball and filling it with the Destructive Energy of Thurisaz. Visualize the Rune imprinting on the ball.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.

Move on to the vibration of Hagal.
Vibrate Nine Times.
Direct the Energy raised by the vibration of Hagal to bring total destruction and disaster to the kike race. See it turning to disaster and destruction, crumbling and crashing down. Again, know that this IS happening.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Hagal are bringing disaster and destruction to the jewish race", programming the ball of Destructive Energy. As you affirm, see it happening.
2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, accumulating and filling the ball with the Destructive Energy of Hagal. See Hagal imprinting on the ball.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.

Move to the vibration of Sol/Sowilo.
Vibrate 9 times.
We are only using this Rune to empower and activate further the energies of Thurisaz and Hagal. We are not directing it to the kikes.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Sol/Sowilo are working to further activate and empower the Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal and amplify the Destructive Energy raised, assisting in the total destruction of the jewish race".
2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, directing the Energy to reflect on and Empower the other Runes.

Once you are done with the Vibrations, repeat the following affirmation with force and intent: "The Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal, Empowered by the Energies of Sol/Sowilo, are combining to bring total destruction to the jewish race in every way", to close up and tie together the raising of the Energy. This must be repeated 9 times, visualizing their total Destruction.

Releasing of the Destructive Energy

Now, send the Ball of Destructive Energy to the target, as described by High Priest Vovim Baghie.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation once again and for the last time.

End the Ritual with "HAIL SATAN! So Mote It Be"


Ritual Prayer:
In the Name of Satan, True God and Mighty Lord of the Earth, we declare that the jewish race is destroyed. As Brothers and Sisters and Warriors of Hell we stand, our Energies combining to make our working a reality and to set the most foul enemies of our Father Satan irreversibly upon their course, heading towards their total and eternal destruction. By our Energies, and by the Energies of the Mighty Gods of Hell whose assistance we humbly and respectfully call upon, and the Energies of the True God who is TRUTH and POWER, STRENGTH, KNOWLEDGE and FREEDOM, who is SATAN Himself, SO MOTE IT BE!!!



*It is extremely important to remember to clean your Aura and Chakras thoroughly after performing Destruction Rituals! Every Brother and Sister in Satan should also be working on building their Aura of Protection daily.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

I'm in a dorm and I burn the paper out my window. I thought about what would happen if the alarm went off and I decided if it did I would pretend I burned food in the microwave.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Drew Bolden <ditto6891@... wrote:

I am really hoping my roomate will be gone on the hours of Saturn on Saturday if
not i will have to do it all astrally. I also ordered temple supplies recently
and hope they arrive b4 Saturday. So exited, i got an athame, silver bell,
silver 6'' burning bowl, silver chalice, and those diabetic needle prick things
to draw blood. Also got a bahomet necklace, I already have a black 7 day candle
and Indian frankincense. Now all i have to worry about is not tripping the fire
alarm in my dorms. If i do, the whole fire department will be in my room
"assessing" what triggered it. These alarms are smart. They even know when you
cover it up with a plastic bag. I will probably start collecting energy for
storage into my Gold Chakra for Saturday for any additional boost.

Hail Satan!

From: High Priestess Zildar Raasi <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Tue, November 9, 2010 1:23:30 PM

Date: Saturday, 13 November 2010

Time: Hour of Saturn. You can work out the correct time for your location by
using Chronos XP: http://chronosxp.sourceforge.net/en/

Target and outcome: Total Destruction of the kike race

Ritual Affirmation: "the jewish race is destroyed"
Using: Runes
- Thurisaz
- Hagl


Our focus for this, the first, Monthly Destruction Ritual is the kike race at
large. This is following up from the Major Group Destruction Ritual that was
performed (adding to the Energy that was raised then). The kike race itself is
the obvious starting place for the destruction of our enemies. Direct the
Destructive Energy raised by the Runes to the kike race as a whole. You can ask
your Guardian Demons assistance with the direction. Read the Sermon regarding
this by High Priest Vovim Baghie:
http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/the_amassi ... nergy.html

The Runes are exceptionally powerful when directed towards a specific goal, and
when used in Black Magick are a fierce weapon against the enemy. They are
Ancient Powers, given to humanity by the Gods themselves.

We will be harnessing these Powers and directing them to the Destruction of the
enemies of Satan (Our enemies, as we must never forget).

More information concerning the Runes can be found on the Joy of Satan site.

Use either the format for the Standard Ritual or the Grand Satanic Ritual.

There are Four, very simple steps to this Ritual:
Step 1- Begin Ritual
Step 2- Read and burn Ritual Prayer
Step 3- Vibrate Runes and raise Energy
Step 4- Release Energy

-You are going to gather the Energy (through simple visualization) raised by the
vibration of the Runes into a ball either above or in front of you. We will be
using this technique for many of the Destruction Rituals. For those who are new
and not yet totally confident in raising Energy, start off by simply Vibrating
the Runes and directing them by Mental Focus to the Target, via the
affirmations. Every dedicated Warrior should be practicing and working towards
Warfare techniques such as correctly raising and directing Energy, however, this
simple alternative will suffice at first.

It is important for those who haven't read the following article by High
Priestess Maxine Dietrich to do so:
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... Steps.html

Begin Ritual

Reading and Burning of the Ritual Prayer

At the height of the Ritual, read out the Ritual Prayer with intent. Those
Members who are able to and so wish can also empower the Ritual Prayer itself
prior to the Ritual: http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/satanic_elementalism.html

Light the Prayer in the flame of one of the candles and place it into your
Burning Bowl. For the duration of the burning, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.
Know that it IS happening. They ARE crumbling. There is no question about it.

Runic Vibrations

After the burning of the Prayer begin the Vibration of the Runes.

As you vibrate the Runes, see the Energy of the Vibration accumulating before
you, forming a tight ball (The vibration is raising the Destructive Runic
Energy. See the Energy forming in front of you as you Vibrate). Visualize the
Energy and ball it forms as grey, and see the Rune imprinting upon it. (I
personally visualize Runes directed for Destruction as a dirty, bloody red
colour.)As you inhale, repeat the Affirmation for the specific Rune into the
ball of Destructive Energy, programming it. On the exhale, the Rune is vibrated
and visualized.

Begin with Thurisaz.
"TTTTHHHHOOOORRRRIIIIZZZZAAAAZZZZ" (Hard TH as in "The", Remember to roll the
Vibrate Nine Times.
We are programming the Energy raised by the vibration to bring chaos and
destruction to the jewish race. See this happening. See their race crumbling.
Know that it IS happening.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation (Mentally): "The energies of Thurisaz
are bringing chaos and destruction to the jewish race", programming the ball of
destructive Energy. As you affirm, see it happening. See the kike race falling
and crumbling.
2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, gathering the Energy into the ball and filling
it with the Destructive Energy of Thurisaz. Visualize the Rune imprinting on the

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.

Move on to the vibration of Hagal.
Vibrate Nine Times.
Direct the Energy raised by the vibration of Hagal to bring total destruction
and disaster to the kike race. See it turning to disaster and destruction,
crumbling and crashing down. Again, know that this IS happening.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Hagal are bringing
disaster and destruction to the jewish race", programming the ball of
Destructive Energy. As you affirm, see it happening.

2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, accumulating and filling the ball with the
Destructive Energy of Hagal. See Hagal imprinting on the ball.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.

Move to the vibration of Sol/Sowilo.
Vibrate 9 times.
We are only using this Rune to empower and activate further the energies of
Thurisaz and Hagal. We are not directing it to the kikes.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Sol/Sowilo are
working to further activate and empower the Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal and
amplify the Destructive Energy raised, assisting in the total destruction of the
jewish race".

2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, directing the Energy to reflect on and Empower
the other Runes.

Once you are done with the Vibrations, repeat the following affirmation with
force and intent: "The Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal, Empowered by the Energies
of Sol/Sowilo, are combining to bring total destruction to the jewish race in
every way", to close up and tie together the raising of the Energy. This must be
repeated 9 times, visualizing their total Destruction.

Releasing of the Destructive Energy

Now, send the Ball of Destructive Energy to the target, as described by High
Priest Vovim Baghie.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation once again and for the last

End the Ritual with "HAIL SATAN! So Mote It Be"


Ritual Prayer:
In the Name of Satan, True God and Mighty Lord of the Earth, we declare that the
jewish race is destroyed. As Brothers and Sisters and Warriors of Hell we stand,
our Energies combining to make our working a reality and to set the most foul
enemies of our Father Satan irreversibly upon their course, heading towards
their total and eternal destruction. By our Energies, and by the Energies of the
Mighty Gods of Hell whose assistance we humbly and respectfully call upon, and
the Energies of the True God who is TRUTH and POWER, STRENGTH, KNOWLEDGE and
FREEDOM, who is SATAN Himself, SO MOTE IT BE!!!



*It is extremely important to remember to clean your Aura and Chakras thoroughly
after performing Destruction Rituals! Every Brother and Sister in Satan should
also be working on building their Aura of Protection daily.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries
What do you mean by the gold chakra are you talking about the solar plexus chakra? what ckakra are you talking about in the Amassing and the release of energy ritural?

Hail Satan!
Hail the Gods and Goddess' of Hell
Hail the Daemons and Daemoness' that Help us!
[/IMG]www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/the_sun_chakra.html[/url]It's written by HP Vovim Baghie.

DrewHail Satan!
On Nov 10, 2010, at 15:19, "meg" <to_cool_2_fu@... wrote:

What do you mean by the gold chakra are you talking about the solar plexus chakra? what ckakra are you talking about in the Amassing and the release of energy ritural?

Hail Satan!
Hail the Gods and Goddess' of Hell
Hail the Daemons and Daemoness' that Help us!
Thanks ditto6891 for the info. I though that it belong to the minor chacras,which I am opening at the present time.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Drew <ditto6891@... wrote:

It's the one right above the crown chakra. It's about 4cm above the head.
Go to www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/the_sun_chakra.html
It's written by HP Vovim Baghie.

Hail Satan!

On Nov 10, 2010, at 15:19, "meg" <to_cool_2_fu@... wrote:

What do you mean by the gold chakra are you talking about the solar plexus chakra? what ckakra are you talking about in the Amassing and the release of energy ritural?

Hail Satan!
Hail the Gods and Goddess' of Hell
Hail the Daemons and Daemoness' that Help us!
Thank you for posting this! Although i am not 100% sure if i can participate since i have very little privacy for the time being. I am able to do everything else in this ritual but im not sure about burning the piece of paper. . .would it be okay to skip that or is it very nessesary?


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Spencer" <redfishbloofish@... wrote:

I'm in a dorm and I burn the paper out my window. I thought about what would happen if the alarm went off and I decided if it did I would pretend I burned food in the microwave.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Drew Bolden <ditto6891@ wrote:

I am really hoping my roomate will be gone on the hours of Saturn on Saturday if
not i will have to do it all astrally. I also ordered temple supplies recently
and hope they arrive b4 Saturday. So exited, i got an athame, silver bell,
silver 6'' burning bowl, silver chalice, and those diabetic needle prick things
to draw blood. Also got a bahomet necklace, I already have a black 7 day candle
and Indian frankincense. Now all i have to worry about is not tripping the fire
alarm in my dorms. If i do, the whole fire department will be in my room
"assessing" what triggered it. These alarms are smart. They even know when you
cover it up with a plastic bag. I will probably start collecting energy for
storage into my Gold Chakra for Saturday for any additional boost.

Hail Satan!

From: High Priestess Zildar Raasi <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Tue, November 9, 2010 1:23:30 PM

Date: Saturday, 13 November 2010

Time: Hour of Saturn. You can work out the correct time for your location by
using Chronos XP: http://chronosxp.sourceforge.net/en/

Target and outcome: Total Destruction of the kike race

Ritual Affirmation: "the jewish race is destroyed"
Using: Runes
- Thurisaz
- Hagl


Our focus for this, the first, Monthly Destruction Ritual is the kike race at
large. This is following up from the Major Group Destruction Ritual that was
performed (adding to the Energy that was raised then). The kike race itself is
the obvious starting place for the destruction of our enemies. Direct the
Destructive Energy raised by the Runes to the kike race as a whole. You can ask
your Guardian Demons assistance with the direction. Read the Sermon regarding
this by High Priest Vovim Baghie:
http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/the_amassi ... nergy.html

The Runes are exceptionally powerful when directed towards a specific goal, and
when used in Black Magick are a fierce weapon against the enemy. They are
Ancient Powers, given to humanity by the Gods themselves.

We will be harnessing these Powers and directing them to the Destruction of the
enemies of Satan (Our enemies, as we must never forget).

More information concerning the Runes can be found on the Joy of Satan site.

Use either the format for the Standard Ritual or the Grand Satanic Ritual.

There are Four, very simple steps to this Ritual:
Step 1- Begin Ritual
Step 2- Read and burn Ritual Prayer
Step 3- Vibrate Runes and raise Energy
Step 4- Release Energy

-You are going to gather the Energy (through simple visualization) raised by the
vibration of the Runes into a ball either above or in front of you. We will be
using this technique for many of the Destruction Rituals. For those who are new
and not yet totally confident in raising Energy, start off by simply Vibrating
the Runes and directing them by Mental Focus to the Target, via the
affirmations. Every dedicated Warrior should be practicing and working towards
Warfare techniques such as correctly raising and directing Energy, however, this
simple alternative will suffice at first.

It is important for those who haven't read the following article by High
Priestess Maxine Dietrich to do so:
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... Steps.html

Begin Ritual

Reading and Burning of the Ritual Prayer

At the height of the Ritual, read out the Ritual Prayer with intent. Those
Members who are able to and so wish can also empower the Ritual Prayer itself
prior to the Ritual: http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/satanic_elementalism.html

Light the Prayer in the flame of one of the candles and place it into your
Burning Bowl. For the duration of the burning, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.
Know that it IS happening. They ARE crumbling. There is no question about it.

Runic Vibrations

After the burning of the Prayer begin the Vibration of the Runes.

As you vibrate the Runes, see the Energy of the Vibration accumulating before
you, forming a tight ball (The vibration is raising the Destructive Runic
Energy. See the Energy forming in front of you as you Vibrate). Visualize the
Energy and ball it forms as grey, and see the Rune imprinting upon it. (I
personally visualize Runes directed for Destruction as a dirty, bloody red
colour.)As you inhale, repeat the Affirmation for the specific Rune into the
ball of Destructive Energy, programming it. On the exhale, the Rune is vibrated
and visualized.

Begin with Thurisaz.
"TTTTHHHHOOOORRRRIIIIZZZZAAAAZZZZ" (Hard TH as in "The", Remember to roll the
Vibrate Nine Times.
We are programming the Energy raised by the vibration to bring chaos and
destruction to the jewish race. See this happening. See their race crumbling.
Know that it IS happening.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation (Mentally): "The energies of Thurisaz
are bringing chaos and destruction to the jewish race", programming the ball of
destructive Energy. As you affirm, see it happening. See the kike race falling
and crumbling.
2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, gathering the Energy into the ball and filling
it with the Destructive Energy of Thurisaz. Visualize the Rune imprinting on the

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.

Move on to the vibration of Hagal.
Vibrate Nine Times.
Direct the Energy raised by the vibration of Hagal to bring total destruction
and disaster to the kike race. See it turning to disaster and destruction,
crumbling and crashing down. Again, know that this IS happening.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Hagal are bringing
disaster and destruction to the jewish race", programming the ball of
Destructive Energy. As you affirm, see it happening.

2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, accumulating and filling the ball with the
Destructive Energy of Hagal. See Hagal imprinting on the ball.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.

Move to the vibration of Sol/Sowilo.
Vibrate 9 times.
We are only using this Rune to empower and activate further the energies of
Thurisaz and Hagal. We are not directing it to the kikes.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Sol/Sowilo are
working to further activate and empower the Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal and
amplify the Destructive Energy raised, assisting in the total destruction of the
jewish race".

2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, directing the Energy to reflect on and Empower
the other Runes.

Once you are done with the Vibrations, repeat the following affirmation with
force and intent: "The Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal, Empowered by the Energies
of Sol/Sowilo, are combining to bring total destruction to the jewish race in
every way", to close up and tie together the raising of the Energy. This must be
repeated 9 times, visualizing their total Destruction.

Releasing of the Destructive Energy

Now, send the Ball of Destructive Energy to the target, as described by High
Priest Vovim Baghie.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation once again and for the last

End the Ritual with "HAIL SATAN! So Mote It Be"


Ritual Prayer:
In the Name of Satan, True God and Mighty Lord of the Earth, we declare that the
jewish race is destroyed. As Brothers and Sisters and Warriors of Hell we stand,
our Energies combining to make our working a reality and to set the most foul
enemies of our Father Satan irreversibly upon their course, heading towards
their total and eternal destruction. By our Energies, and by the Energies of the
Mighty Gods of Hell whose assistance we humbly and respectfully call upon, and
the Energies of the True God who is TRUTH and POWER, STRENGTH, KNOWLEDGE and
FREEDOM, who is SATAN Himself, SO MOTE IT BE!!!



*It is extremely important to remember to clean your Aura and Chakras thoroughly
after performing Destruction Rituals! Every Brother and Sister in Satan should
also be working on building their Aura of Protection daily.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries
Yes, if this is what you are forced into doing because of your situation then it is fine. It is the fact that you are participating in the Ritua and fighting our enemies that matters. The raising of the Destructive Energy is the most important part.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "XxLOVELESSxX" <witch_of_flames@... wrote:

Thank you for posting this! Although i am not 100% sure if i can participate since i have very little privacy for the time being. I am able to do everything else in this ritual but im not sure about burning the piece of paper. . .would it be okay to skip that or is it very nessesary?


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Spencer" <redfishbloofish@ wrote:

I'm in a dorm and I burn the paper out my window. I thought about what would happen if the alarm went off and I decided if it did I would pretend I burned food in the microwave.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Drew Bolden <ditto6891@ wrote:

I am really hoping my roomate will be gone on the hours of Saturn on Saturday if
not i will have to do it all astrally. I also ordered temple supplies recently
and hope they arrive b4 Saturday. So exited, i got an athame, silver bell,
silver 6'' burning bowl, silver chalice, and those diabetic needle prick things
to draw blood. Also got a bahomet necklace, I already have a black 7 day candle
and Indian frankincense. Now all i have to worry about is not tripping the fire
alarm in my dorms. If i do, the whole fire department will be in my room
"assessing" what triggered it. These alarms are smart. They even know when you
cover it up with a plastic bag. I will probably start collecting energy for
storage into my Gold Chakra for Saturday for any additional boost.

Hail Satan!

From: High Priestess Zildar Raasi <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Tue, November 9, 2010 1:23:30 PM

Date: Saturday, 13 November 2010

Time: Hour of Saturn. You can work out the correct time for your location by
using Chronos XP: http://chronosxp.sourceforge.net/en/

Target and outcome: Total Destruction of the kike race

Ritual Affirmation: "the jewish race is destroyed"
Using: Runes
- Thurisaz
- Hagl


Our focus for this, the first, Monthly Destruction Ritual is the kike race at
large. This is following up from the Major Group Destruction Ritual that was
performed (adding to the Energy that was raised then). The kike race itself is
the obvious starting place for the destruction of our enemies. Direct the
Destructive Energy raised by the Runes to the kike race as a whole. You can ask
your Guardian Demons assistance with the direction. Read the Sermon regarding
this by High Priest Vovim Baghie:
http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/the_amassi ... nergy.html

The Runes are exceptionally powerful when directed towards a specific goal, and
when used in Black Magick are a fierce weapon against the enemy. They are
Ancient Powers, given to humanity by the Gods themselves.

We will be harnessing these Powers and directing them to the Destruction of the
enemies of Satan (Our enemies, as we must never forget).

More information concerning the Runes can be found on the Joy of Satan site.

Use either the format for the Standard Ritual or the Grand Satanic Ritual.

There are Four, very simple steps to this Ritual:
Step 1- Begin Ritual
Step 2- Read and burn Ritual Prayer
Step 3- Vibrate Runes and raise Energy
Step 4- Release Energy

-You are going to gather the Energy (through simple visualization) raised by the
vibration of the Runes into a ball either above or in front of you. We will be
using this technique for many of the Destruction Rituals. For those who are new
and not yet totally confident in raising Energy, start off by simply Vibrating
the Runes and directing them by Mental Focus to the Target, via the
affirmations. Every dedicated Warrior should be practicing and working towards
Warfare techniques such as correctly raising and directing Energy, however, this
simple alternative will suffice at first.

It is important for those who haven't read the following article by High
Priestess Maxine Dietrich to do so:
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... Steps.html

Begin Ritual

Reading and Burning of the Ritual Prayer

At the height of the Ritual, read out the Ritual Prayer with intent. Those
Members who are able to and so wish can also empower the Ritual Prayer itself
prior to the Ritual: http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/satanic_elementalism.html

Light the Prayer in the flame of one of the candles and place it into your
Burning Bowl. For the duration of the burning, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.
Know that it IS happening. They ARE crumbling. There is no question about it.

Runic Vibrations

After the burning of the Prayer begin the Vibration of the Runes.

As you vibrate the Runes, see the Energy of the Vibration accumulating before
you, forming a tight ball (The vibration is raising the Destructive Runic
Energy. See the Energy forming in front of you as you Vibrate). Visualize the
Energy and ball it forms as grey, and see the Rune imprinting upon it. (I
personally visualize Runes directed for Destruction as a dirty, bloody red
colour.)As you inhale, repeat the Affirmation for the specific Rune into the
ball of Destructive Energy, programming it. On the exhale, the Rune is vibrated
and visualized.

Begin with Thurisaz.
"TTTTHHHHOOOORRRRIIIIZZZZAAAAZZZZ" (Hard TH as in "The", Remember to roll the
Vibrate Nine Times.
We are programming the Energy raised by the vibration to bring chaos and
destruction to the jewish race. See this happening. See their race crumbling.
Know that it IS happening.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation (Mentally): "The energies of Thurisaz
are bringing chaos and destruction to the jewish race", programming the ball of
destructive Energy. As you affirm, see it happening. See the kike race falling
and crumbling.
2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, gathering the Energy into the ball and filling
it with the Destructive Energy of Thurisaz. Visualize the Rune imprinting on the

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.

Move on to the vibration of Hagal.
Vibrate Nine Times.
Direct the Energy raised by the vibration of Hagal to bring total destruction
and disaster to the kike race. See it turning to disaster and destruction,
crumbling and crashing down. Again, know that this IS happening.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Hagal are bringing
disaster and destruction to the jewish race", programming the ball of
Destructive Energy. As you affirm, see it happening.

2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, accumulating and filling the ball with the
Destructive Energy of Hagal. See Hagal imprinting on the ball.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.

Move to the vibration of Sol/Sowilo.
Vibrate 9 times.
We are only using this Rune to empower and activate further the energies of
Thurisaz and Hagal. We are not directing it to the kikes.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Sol/Sowilo are
working to further activate and empower the Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal and
amplify the Destructive Energy raised, assisting in the total destruction of the
jewish race".

2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, directing the Energy to reflect on and Empower
the other Runes.

Once you are done with the Vibrations, repeat the following affirmation with
force and intent: "The Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal, Empowered by the Energies
of Sol/Sowilo, are combining to bring total destruction to the jewish race in
every way", to close up and tie together the raising of the Energy. This must be
repeated 9 times, visualizing their total Destruction.

Releasing of the Destructive Energy

Now, send the Ball of Destructive Energy to the target, as described by High
Priest Vovim Baghie.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation once again and for the last

End the Ritual with "HAIL SATAN! So Mote It Be"


Ritual Prayer:
In the Name of Satan, True God and Mighty Lord of the Earth, we declare that the
jewish race is destroyed. As Brothers and Sisters and Warriors of Hell we stand,
our Energies combining to make our working a reality and to set the most foul
enemies of our Father Satan irreversibly upon their course, heading towards
their total and eternal destruction. By our Energies, and by the Energies of the
Mighty Gods of Hell whose assistance we humbly and respectfully call upon, and
the Energies of the True God who is TRUTH and POWER, STRENGTH, KNOWLEDGE and
FREEDOM, who is SATAN Himself, SO MOTE IT BE!!!



*It is extremely important to remember to clean your Aura and Chakras thoroughly
after performing Destruction Rituals! Every Brother and Sister in Satan should
also be working on building their Aura of Protection daily.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries
Greetings Brother&sisters,

I would Like to participate but I don't If I would able to do it when I haven't yet opened all minor chacras (But I have fully opened the main chacras and mainly my minor chacras of my head). Including that I haven't much experience whit black magic but far more whit whit.

Would I still be able to participate on some what decreased program or is that out of the question?

My thanks in advance.

Hail Satan and The Gods Of Duat !!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@... wrote:

Yes, if this is what you are forced into doing because of your situation then it is fine. It is the fact that you are participating in the Ritua and fighting our enemies that matters. The raising of the Destructive Energy is the most important part.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "XxLOVELESSxX" <witch_of_flames@ wrote:

Thank you for posting this! Although i am not 100% sure if i can participate since i have very little privacy for the time being. I am able to do everything else in this ritual but im not sure about burning the piece of paper. . .would it be okay to skip that or is it very nessesary?


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Spencer" <redfishbloofish@ wrote:

I'm in a dorm and I burn the paper out my window. I thought about what would happen if the alarm went off and I decided if it did I would pretend I burned food in the microwave.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Drew Bolden <ditto6891@ wrote:

I am really hoping my roomate will be gone on the hours of Saturn on Saturday if
not i will have to do it all astrally. I also ordered temple supplies recently
and hope they arrive b4 Saturday. So exited, i got an athame, silver bell,
silver 6'' burning bowl, silver chalice, and those diabetic needle prick things
to draw blood. Also got a bahomet necklace, I already have a black 7 day candle
and Indian frankincense. Now all i have to worry about is not tripping the fire
alarm in my dorms. If i do, the whole fire department will be in my room
"assessing" what triggered it. These alarms are smart. They even know when you
cover it up with a plastic bag. I will probably start collecting energy for
storage into my Gold Chakra for Saturday for any additional boost.

Hail Satan!

From: High Priestess Zildar Raasi <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Tue, November 9, 2010 1:23:30 PM

Date: Saturday, 13 November 2010

Time: Hour of Saturn. You can work out the correct time for your location by
using Chronos XP: http://chronosxp.sourceforge.net/en/

Target and outcome: Total Destruction of the kike race

Ritual Affirmation: "the jewish race is destroyed"
Using: Runes
- Thurisaz
- Hagl


Our focus for this, the first, Monthly Destruction Ritual is the kike race at
large. This is following up from the Major Group Destruction Ritual that was
performed (adding to the Energy that was raised then). The kike race itself is
the obvious starting place for the destruction of our enemies. Direct the
Destructive Energy raised by the Runes to the kike race as a whole. You can ask
your Guardian Demons assistance with the direction. Read the Sermon regarding
this by High Priest Vovim Baghie:
http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/the_amassi ... nergy.html

The Runes are exceptionally powerful when directed towards a specific goal, and
when used in Black Magick are a fierce weapon against the enemy. They are
Ancient Powers, given to humanity by the Gods themselves.

We will be harnessing these Powers and directing them to the Destruction of the
enemies of Satan (Our enemies, as we must never forget).

More information concerning the Runes can be found on the Joy of Satan site.

Use either the format for the Standard Ritual or the Grand Satanic Ritual.

There are Four, very simple steps to this Ritual:
Step 1- Begin Ritual
Step 2- Read and burn Ritual Prayer
Step 3- Vibrate Runes and raise Energy
Step 4- Release Energy

-You are going to gather the Energy (through simple visualization) raised by the
vibration of the Runes into a ball either above or in front of you. We will be
using this technique for many of the Destruction Rituals. For those who are new
and not yet totally confident in raising Energy, start off by simply Vibrating
the Runes and directing them by Mental Focus to the Target, via the
affirmations. Every dedicated Warrior should be practicing and working towards
Warfare techniques such as correctly raising and directing Energy, however, this
simple alternative will suffice at first.

It is important for those who haven't read the following article by High
Priestess Maxine Dietrich to do so:
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... Steps.html

Begin Ritual

Reading and Burning of the Ritual Prayer

At the height of the Ritual, read out the Ritual Prayer with intent. Those
Members who are able to and so wish can also empower the Ritual Prayer itself
prior to the Ritual: http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/satanic_elementalism.html

Light the Prayer in the flame of one of the candles and place it into your
Burning Bowl. For the duration of the burning, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.
Know that it IS happening. They ARE crumbling. There is no question about it.

Runic Vibrations

After the burning of the Prayer begin the Vibration of the Runes.

As you vibrate the Runes, see the Energy of the Vibration accumulating before
you, forming a tight ball (The vibration is raising the Destructive Runic
Energy. See the Energy forming in front of you as you Vibrate). Visualize the
Energy and ball it forms as grey, and see the Rune imprinting upon it. (I
personally visualize Runes directed for Destruction as a dirty, bloody red
colour.)As you inhale, repeat the Affirmation for the specific Rune into the
ball of Destructive Energy, programming it. On the exhale, the Rune is vibrated
and visualized.

Begin with Thurisaz.
"TTTTHHHHOOOORRRRIIIIZZZZAAAAZZZZ" (Hard TH as in "The", Remember to roll the
Vibrate Nine Times.
We are programming the Energy raised by the vibration to bring chaos and
destruction to the jewish race. See this happening. See their race crumbling.
Know that it IS happening.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation (Mentally): "The energies of Thurisaz
are bringing chaos and destruction to the jewish race", programming the ball of
destructive Energy. As you affirm, see it happening. See the kike race falling
and crumbling.
2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, gathering the Energy into the ball and filling
it with the Destructive Energy of Thurisaz. Visualize the Rune imprinting on the

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.

Move on to the vibration of Hagal.
Vibrate Nine Times.
Direct the Energy raised by the vibration of Hagal to bring total destruction
and disaster to the kike race. See it turning to disaster and destruction,
crumbling and crashing down. Again, know that this IS happening.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Hagal are bringing
disaster and destruction to the jewish race", programming the ball of
Destructive Energy. As you affirm, see it happening.

2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, accumulating and filling the ball with the
Destructive Energy of Hagal. See Hagal imprinting on the ball.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.

Move to the vibration of Sol/Sowilo.
Vibrate 9 times.
We are only using this Rune to empower and activate further the energies of
Thurisaz and Hagal. We are not directing it to the kikes.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Sol/Sowilo are
working to further activate and empower the Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal and
amplify the Destructive Energy raised, assisting in the total destruction of the
jewish race".

2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, directing the Energy to reflect on and Empower
the other Runes.

Once you are done with the Vibrations, repeat the following affirmation with
force and intent: "The Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal, Empowered by the Energies
of Sol/Sowilo, are combining to bring total destruction to the jewish race in
every way", to close up and tie together the raising of the Energy. This must be
repeated 9 times, visualizing their total Destruction.

Releasing of the Destructive Energy

Now, send the Ball of Destructive Energy to the target, as described by High
Priest Vovim Baghie.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation once again and for the last

End the Ritual with "HAIL SATAN! So Mote It Be"


Ritual Prayer:
In the Name of Satan, True God and Mighty Lord of the Earth, we declare that the
jewish race is destroyed. As Brothers and Sisters and Warriors of Hell we stand,
our Energies combining to make our working a reality and to set the most foul
enemies of our Father Satan irreversibly upon their course, heading towards
their total and eternal destruction. By our Energies, and by the Energies of the
Mighty Gods of Hell whose assistance we humbly and respectfully call upon, and
the Energies of the True God who is TRUTH and POWER, STRENGTH, KNOWLEDGE and
FREEDOM, who is SATAN Himself, SO MOTE IT BE!!!



*It is extremely important to remember to clean your Aura and Chakras thoroughly
after performing Destruction Rituals! Every Brother and Sister in Satan should
also be working on building their Aura of Protection daily.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries
Not all of my chakras are open yet so I can't do the ammassing and release of energy yet, so to direct the energy what should I do?

I don't know for sure who my Guardian Demon is so I can't ask Her or Him.

Should I just print out an israeli flag and draw runes on it and visualize them lighting up like in the last ritual?

Or should I use my own runes and pack the ball and direct it into the star of david, just as a means for focusing on directing it into the jewish race?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@... wrote:

Yes, if this is what you are forced into doing because of your situation then it is fine. It is the fact that you are participating in the Ritua and fighting our enemies that matters. The raising of the Destructive Energy is the most important part.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "XxLOVELESSxX" <witch_of_flames@ wrote:

Thank you for posting this! Although i am not 100% sure if i can participate since i have very little privacy for the time being. I am able to do everything else in this ritual but im not sure about burning the piece of paper. . .would it be okay to skip that or is it very nessesary?


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Spencer" <redfishbloofish@ wrote:

I'm in a dorm and I burn the paper out my window. I thought about what would happen if the alarm went off and I decided if it did I would pretend I burned food in the microwave.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Drew Bolden <ditto6891@ wrote:

I am really hoping my roomate will be gone on the hours of Saturn on Saturday if
not i will have to do it all astrally. I also ordered temple supplies recently
and hope they arrive b4 Saturday. So exited, i got an athame, silver bell,
silver 6'' burning bowl, silver chalice, and those diabetic needle prick things
to draw blood. Also got a bahomet necklace, I already have a black 7 day candle
and Indian frankincense. Now all i have to worry about is not tripping the fire
alarm in my dorms. If i do, the whole fire department will be in my room
"assessing" what triggered it. These alarms are smart. They even know when you
cover it up with a plastic bag. I will probably start collecting energy for
storage into my Gold Chakra for Saturday for any additional boost.

Hail Satan!

From: High Priestess Zildar Raasi <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Tue, November 9, 2010 1:23:30 PM

Date: Saturday, 13 November 2010

Time: Hour of Saturn. You can work out the correct time for your location by
using Chronos XP: http://chronosxp.sourceforge.net/en/

Target and outcome: Total Destruction of the kike race

Ritual Affirmation: "the jewish race is destroyed"
Using: Runes
- Thurisaz
- Hagl


Our focus for this, the first, Monthly Destruction Ritual is the kike race at
large. This is following up from the Major Group Destruction Ritual that was
performed (adding to the Energy that was raised then). The kike race itself is
the obvious starting place for the destruction of our enemies. Direct the
Destructive Energy raised by the Runes to the kike race as a whole. You can ask
your Guardian Demons assistance with the direction. Read the Sermon regarding
this by High Priest Vovim Baghie:
http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/the_amassi ... nergy.html

The Runes are exceptionally powerful when directed towards a specific goal, and
when used in Black Magick are a fierce weapon against the enemy. They are
Ancient Powers, given to humanity by the Gods themselves.

We will be harnessing these Powers and directing them to the Destruction of the
enemies of Satan (Our enemies, as we must never forget).

More information concerning the Runes can be found on the Joy of Satan site.

Use either the format for the Standard Ritual or the Grand Satanic Ritual.

There are Four, very simple steps to this Ritual:
Step 1- Begin Ritual
Step 2- Read and burn Ritual Prayer
Step 3- Vibrate Runes and raise Energy
Step 4- Release Energy

-You are going to gather the Energy (through simple visualization) raised by the
vibration of the Runes into a ball either above or in front of you. We will be
using this technique for many of the Destruction Rituals. For those who are new
and not yet totally confident in raising Energy, start off by simply Vibrating
the Runes and directing them by Mental Focus to the Target, via the
affirmations. Every dedicated Warrior should be practicing and working towards
Warfare techniques such as correctly raising and directing Energy, however, this
simple alternative will suffice at first.

It is important for those who haven't read the following article by High
Priestess Maxine Dietrich to do so:
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... Steps.html

Begin Ritual

Reading and Burning of the Ritual Prayer

At the height of the Ritual, read out the Ritual Prayer with intent. Those
Members who are able to and so wish can also empower the Ritual Prayer itself
prior to the Ritual: http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/satanic_elementalism.html

Light the Prayer in the flame of one of the candles and place it into your
Burning Bowl. For the duration of the burning, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.
Know that it IS happening. They ARE crumbling. There is no question about it.

Runic Vibrations

After the burning of the Prayer begin the Vibration of the Runes.

As you vibrate the Runes, see the Energy of the Vibration accumulating before
you, forming a tight ball (The vibration is raising the Destructive Runic
Energy. See the Energy forming in front of you as you Vibrate). Visualize the
Energy and ball it forms as grey, and see the Rune imprinting upon it. (I
personally visualize Runes directed for Destruction as a dirty, bloody red
colour.)As you inhale, repeat the Affirmation for the specific Rune into the
ball of Destructive Energy, programming it. On the exhale, the Rune is vibrated
and visualized.

Begin with Thurisaz.
"TTTTHHHHOOOORRRRIIIIZZZZAAAAZZZZ" (Hard TH as in "The", Remember to roll the
Vibrate Nine Times.
We are programming the Energy raised by the vibration to bring chaos and
destruction to the jewish race. See this happening. See their race crumbling.
Know that it IS happening.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation (Mentally): "The energies of Thurisaz
are bringing chaos and destruction to the jewish race", programming the ball of
destructive Energy. As you affirm, see it happening. See the kike race falling
and crumbling.
2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, gathering the Energy into the ball and filling
it with the Destructive Energy of Thurisaz. Visualize the Rune imprinting on the

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.

Move on to the vibration of Hagal.
Vibrate Nine Times.
Direct the Energy raised by the vibration of Hagal to bring total destruction
and disaster to the kike race. See it turning to disaster and destruction,
crumbling and crashing down. Again, know that this IS happening.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Hagal are bringing
disaster and destruction to the jewish race", programming the ball of
Destructive Energy. As you affirm, see it happening.

2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, accumulating and filling the ball with the
Destructive Energy of Hagal. See Hagal imprinting on the ball.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.

Move to the vibration of Sol/Sowilo.
Vibrate 9 times.
We are only using this Rune to empower and activate further the energies of
Thurisaz and Hagal. We are not directing it to the kikes.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Sol/Sowilo are
working to further activate and empower the Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal and
amplify the Destructive Energy raised, assisting in the total destruction of the
jewish race".

2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, directing the Energy to reflect on and Empower
the other Runes.

Once you are done with the Vibrations, repeat the following affirmation with
force and intent: "The Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal, Empowered by the Energies
of Sol/Sowilo, are combining to bring total destruction to the jewish race in
every way", to close up and tie together the raising of the Energy. This must be
repeated 9 times, visualizing their total Destruction.

Releasing of the Destructive Energy

Now, send the Ball of Destructive Energy to the target, as described by High
Priest Vovim Baghie.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation once again and for the last

End the Ritual with "HAIL SATAN! So Mote It Be"


Ritual Prayer:
In the Name of Satan, True God and Mighty Lord of the Earth, we declare that the
jewish race is destroyed. As Brothers and Sisters and Warriors of Hell we stand,
our Energies combining to make our working a reality and to set the most foul
enemies of our Father Satan irreversibly upon their course, heading towards
their total and eternal destruction. By our Energies, and by the Energies of the
Mighty Gods of Hell whose assistance we humbly and respectfully call upon, and
the Energies of the True God who is TRUTH and POWER, STRENGTH, KNOWLEDGE and
FREEDOM, who is SATAN Himself, SO MOTE IT BE!!!



*It is extremely important to remember to clean your Aura and Chakras thoroughly
after performing Destruction Rituals! Every Brother and Sister in Satan should
also be working on building their Aura of Protection daily.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries
Thank you so mcuh for answering my question High Priestess Zildar Raasil! Your anwser has gave me a real confidence boost to perform this ritual! Although I do live in a different time zone so today is the day of saturn instead of tomorrow. Hopefully that won't really matter when I do this ritual today instead of tomorrow. . .

Father Satan has done so much for me yet I had done so little! Its time for me to return the favour! ^^


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@... wrote:

Yes, if this is what you are forced into doing because of your situation then it is fine. It is the fact that you are participating in the Ritua and fighting our enemies that matters. The raising of the Destructive Energy is the most important part.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "XxLOVELESSxX" <witch_of_flames@ wrote:

Thank you for posting this! Although i am not 100% sure if i can participate since i have very little privacy for the time being. I am able to do everything else in this ritual but im not sure about burning the piece of paper. . .would it be okay to skip that or is it very nessesary?


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Spencer" <redfishbloofish@ wrote:

I'm in a dorm and I burn the paper out my window. I thought about what would happen if the alarm went off and I decided if it did I would pretend I burned food in the microwave.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Drew Bolden <ditto6891@ wrote:

I am really hoping my roomate will be gone on the hours of Saturn on Saturday if
not i will have to do it all astrally. I also ordered temple supplies recently
and hope they arrive b4 Saturday. So exited, i got an athame, silver bell,
silver 6'' burning bowl, silver chalice, and those diabetic needle prick things
to draw blood. Also got a bahomet necklace, I already have a black 7 day candle
and Indian frankincense. Now all i have to worry about is not tripping the fire
alarm in my dorms. If i do, the whole fire department will be in my room
"assessing" what triggered it. These alarms are smart. They even know when you
cover it up with a plastic bag. I will probably start collecting energy for
storage into my Gold Chakra for Saturday for any additional boost.

Hail Satan!

From: High Priestess Zildar Raasi <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Tue, November 9, 2010 1:23:30 PM

Date: Saturday, 13 November 2010

Time: Hour of Saturn. You can work out the correct time for your location by
using Chronos XP: http://chronosxp.sourceforge.net/en/

Target and outcome: Total Destruction of the kike race

Ritual Affirmation: "the jewish race is destroyed"
Using: Runes
- Thurisaz
- Hagl


Our focus for this, the first, Monthly Destruction Ritual is the kike race at
large. This is following up from the Major Group Destruction Ritual that was
performed (adding to the Energy that was raised then). The kike race itself is
the obvious starting place for the destruction of our enemies. Direct the
Destructive Energy raised by the Runes to the kike race as a whole. You can ask
your Guardian Demons assistance with the direction. Read the Sermon regarding
this by High Priest Vovim Baghie:
http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/the_amassi ... nergy.html

The Runes are exceptionally powerful when directed towards a specific goal, and
when used in Black Magick are a fierce weapon against the enemy. They are
Ancient Powers, given to humanity by the Gods themselves.

We will be harnessing these Powers and directing them to the Destruction of the
enemies of Satan (Our enemies, as we must never forget).

More information concerning the Runes can be found on the Joy of Satan site.

Use either the format for the Standard Ritual or the Grand Satanic Ritual.

There are Four, very simple steps to this Ritual:
Step 1- Begin Ritual
Step 2- Read and burn Ritual Prayer
Step 3- Vibrate Runes and raise Energy
Step 4- Release Energy

-You are going to gather the Energy (through simple visualization) raised by the
vibration of the Runes into a ball either above or in front of you. We will be
using this technique for many of the Destruction Rituals. For those who are new
and not yet totally confident in raising Energy, start off by simply Vibrating
the Runes and directing them by Mental Focus to the Target, via the
affirmations. Every dedicated Warrior should be practicing and working towards
Warfare techniques such as correctly raising and directing Energy, however, this
simple alternative will suffice at first.

It is important for those who haven't read the following article by High
Priestess Maxine Dietrich to do so:
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... Steps.html

Begin Ritual

Reading and Burning of the Ritual Prayer

At the height of the Ritual, read out the Ritual Prayer with intent. Those
Members who are able to and so wish can also empower the Ritual Prayer itself
prior to the Ritual: http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/satanic_elementalism.html

Light the Prayer in the flame of one of the candles and place it into your
Burning Bowl. For the duration of the burning, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.
Know that it IS happening. They ARE crumbling. There is no question about it.

Runic Vibrations

After the burning of the Prayer begin the Vibration of the Runes.

As you vibrate the Runes, see the Energy of the Vibration accumulating before
you, forming a tight ball (The vibration is raising the Destructive Runic
Energy. See the Energy forming in front of you as you Vibrate). Visualize the
Energy and ball it forms as grey, and see the Rune imprinting upon it. (I
personally visualize Runes directed for Destruction as a dirty, bloody red
colour.)As you inhale, repeat the Affirmation for the specific Rune into the
ball of Destructive Energy, programming it. On the exhale, the Rune is vibrated
and visualized.

Begin with Thurisaz.
"TTTTHHHHOOOORRRRIIIIZZZZAAAAZZZZ" (Hard TH as in "The", Remember to roll the
Vibrate Nine Times.
We are programming the Energy raised by the vibration to bring chaos and
destruction to the jewish race. See this happening. See their race crumbling.
Know that it IS happening.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation (Mentally): "The energies of Thurisaz
are bringing chaos and destruction to the jewish race", programming the ball of
destructive Energy. As you affirm, see it happening. See the kike race falling
and crumbling.
2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, gathering the Energy into the ball and filling
it with the Destructive Energy of Thurisaz. Visualize the Rune imprinting on the

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.

Move on to the vibration of Hagal.
Vibrate Nine Times.
Direct the Energy raised by the vibration of Hagal to bring total destruction
and disaster to the kike race. See it turning to disaster and destruction,
crumbling and crashing down. Again, know that this IS happening.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Hagal are bringing
disaster and destruction to the jewish race", programming the ball of
Destructive Energy. As you affirm, see it happening.

2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, accumulating and filling the ball with the
Destructive Energy of Hagal. See Hagal imprinting on the ball.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.

Move to the vibration of Sol/Sowilo.
Vibrate 9 times.
We are only using this Rune to empower and activate further the energies of
Thurisaz and Hagal. We are not directing it to the kikes.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Sol/Sowilo are
working to further activate and empower the Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal and
amplify the Destructive Energy raised, assisting in the total destruction of the
jewish race".

2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, directing the Energy to reflect on and Empower
the other Runes.

Once you are done with the Vibrations, repeat the following affirmation with
force and intent: "The Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal, Empowered by the Energies
of Sol/Sowilo, are combining to bring total destruction to the jewish race in
every way", to close up and tie together the raising of the Energy. This must be
repeated 9 times, visualizing their total Destruction.

Releasing of the Destructive Energy

Now, send the Ball of Destructive Energy to the target, as described by High
Priest Vovim Baghie.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation once again and for the last

End the Ritual with "HAIL SATAN! So Mote It Be"


Ritual Prayer:
In the Name of Satan, True God and Mighty Lord of the Earth, we declare that the
jewish race is destroyed. As Brothers and Sisters and Warriors of Hell we stand,
our Energies combining to make our working a reality and to set the most foul
enemies of our Father Satan irreversibly upon their course, heading towards
their total and eternal destruction. By our Energies, and by the Energies of the
Mighty Gods of Hell whose assistance we humbly and respectfully call upon, and
the Energies of the True God who is TRUTH and POWER, STRENGTH, KNOWLEDGE and
FREEDOM, who is SATAN Himself, SO MOTE IT BE!!!



*It is extremely important to remember to clean your Aura and Chakras thoroughly
after performing Destruction Rituals! Every Brother and Sister in Satan should
also be working on building their Aura of Protection daily.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries
You're welcome:). As for your time zone, you can adjust the times of the Rituals to fit you. If its a day before or after its fine. Its great to see many Dedicated Brothers and Sisters participating and working towards the Destruction of our enemies. Father Satan does do a lot for each one of us. We would not be here, if it were not for Him. Fighting this war is an important way of showing our thanks and our Dedication.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "XxLOVELESSxX" <witch_of_flames@... wrote:

Thank you so mcuh for answering my question High Priestess Zildar Raasil! Your anwser has gave me a real confidence boost to perform this ritual! Although I do live in a different time zone so today is the day of saturn instead of tomorrow. Hopefully that won't really matter when I do this ritual today instead of tomorrow. . .

Father Satan has done so much for me yet I had done so little! Its time for me to return the favour! ^^


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@ wrote:

Yes, if this is what you are forced into doing because of your situation then it is fine. It is the fact that you are participating in the Ritua and fighting our enemies that matters. The raising of the Destructive Energy is the most important part.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "XxLOVELESSxX" <witch_of_flames@ wrote:

Thank you for posting this! Although i am not 100% sure if i can participate since i have very little privacy for the time being. I am able to do everything else in this ritual but im not sure about burning the piece of paper. . .would it be okay to skip that or is it very nessesary?


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Spencer" <redfishbloofish@ wrote:

I'm in a dorm and I burn the paper out my window. I thought about what would happen if the alarm went off and I decided if it did I would pretend I burned food in the microwave.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Drew Bolden <ditto6891@ wrote:

I am really hoping my roomate will be gone on the hours of Saturn on Saturday if
not i will have to do it all astrally. I also ordered temple supplies recently
and hope they arrive b4 Saturday. So exited, i got an athame, silver bell,
silver 6'' burning bowl, silver chalice, and those diabetic needle prick things
to draw blood. Also got a bahomet necklace, I already have a black 7 day candle
and Indian frankincense. Now all i have to worry about is not tripping the fire
alarm in my dorms. If i do, the whole fire department will be in my room
"assessing" what triggered it. These alarms are smart. They even know when you
cover it up with a plastic bag. I will probably start collecting energy for
storage into my Gold Chakra for Saturday for any additional boost.

Hail Satan!

From: High Priestess Zildar Raasi <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Tue, November 9, 2010 1:23:30 PM

Date: Saturday, 13 November 2010

Time: Hour of Saturn. You can work out the correct time for your location by
using Chronos XP: http://chronosxp.sourceforge.net/en/

Target and outcome: Total Destruction of the kike race

Ritual Affirmation: "the jewish race is destroyed"
Using: Runes
- Thurisaz
- Hagl


Our focus for this, the first, Monthly Destruction Ritual is the kike race at
large. This is following up from the Major Group Destruction Ritual that was
performed (adding to the Energy that was raised then). The kike race itself is
the obvious starting place for the destruction of our enemies. Direct the
Destructive Energy raised by the Runes to the kike race as a whole. You can ask
your Guardian Demons assistance with the direction. Read the Sermon regarding
this by High Priest Vovim Baghie:
http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/the_amassi ... nergy.html

The Runes are exceptionally powerful when directed towards a specific goal, and
when used in Black Magick are a fierce weapon against the enemy. They are
Ancient Powers, given to humanity by the Gods themselves.

We will be harnessing these Powers and directing them to the Destruction of the
enemies of Satan (Our enemies, as we must never forget).

More information concerning the Runes can be found on the Joy of Satan site.

Use either the format for the Standard Ritual or the Grand Satanic Ritual.

There are Four, very simple steps to this Ritual:
Step 1- Begin Ritual
Step 2- Read and burn Ritual Prayer
Step 3- Vibrate Runes and raise Energy
Step 4- Release Energy

-You are going to gather the Energy (through simple visualization) raised by the
vibration of the Runes into a ball either above or in front of you. We will be
using this technique for many of the Destruction Rituals. For those who are new
and not yet totally confident in raising Energy, start off by simply Vibrating
the Runes and directing them by Mental Focus to the Target, via the
affirmations. Every dedicated Warrior should be practicing and working towards
Warfare techniques such as correctly raising and directing Energy, however, this
simple alternative will suffice at first.

It is important for those who haven't read the following article by High
Priestess Maxine Dietrich to do so:
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... Steps.html

Begin Ritual

Reading and Burning of the Ritual Prayer

At the height of the Ritual, read out the Ritual Prayer with intent. Those
Members who are able to and so wish can also empower the Ritual Prayer itself
prior to the Ritual: http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/satanic_elementalism.html

Light the Prayer in the flame of one of the candles and place it into your
Burning Bowl. For the duration of the burning, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.
Know that it IS happening. They ARE crumbling. There is no question about it.

Runic Vibrations

After the burning of the Prayer begin the Vibration of the Runes.

As you vibrate the Runes, see the Energy of the Vibration accumulating before
you, forming a tight ball (The vibration is raising the Destructive Runic
Energy. See the Energy forming in front of you as you Vibrate). Visualize the
Energy and ball it forms as grey, and see the Rune imprinting upon it. (I
personally visualize Runes directed for Destruction as a dirty, bloody red
colour.)As you inhale, repeat the Affirmation for the specific Rune into the
ball of Destructive Energy, programming it. On the exhale, the Rune is vibrated
and visualized.

Begin with Thurisaz.
"TTTTHHHHOOOORRRRIIIIZZZZAAAAZZZZ" (Hard TH as in "The", Remember to roll the
Vibrate Nine Times.
We are programming the Energy raised by the vibration to bring chaos and
destruction to the jewish race. See this happening. See their race crumbling.
Know that it IS happening.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation (Mentally): "The energies of Thurisaz
are bringing chaos and destruction to the jewish race", programming the ball of
destructive Energy. As you affirm, see it happening. See the kike race falling
and crumbling.
2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, gathering the Energy into the ball and filling
it with the Destructive Energy of Thurisaz. Visualize the Rune imprinting on the

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.

Move on to the vibration of Hagal.
Vibrate Nine Times.
Direct the Energy raised by the vibration of Hagal to bring total destruction
and disaster to the kike race. See it turning to disaster and destruction,
crumbling and crashing down. Again, know that this IS happening.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Hagal are bringing
disaster and destruction to the jewish race", programming the ball of
Destructive Energy. As you affirm, see it happening.

2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, accumulating and filling the ball with the
Destructive Energy of Hagal. See Hagal imprinting on the ball.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.

Move to the vibration of Sol/Sowilo.
Vibrate 9 times.
We are only using this Rune to empower and activate further the energies of
Thurisaz and Hagal. We are not directing it to the kikes.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Sol/Sowilo are
working to further activate and empower the Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal and
amplify the Destructive Energy raised, assisting in the total destruction of the
jewish race".

2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, directing the Energy to reflect on and Empower
the other Runes.

Once you are done with the Vibrations, repeat the following affirmation with
force and intent: "The Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal, Empowered by the Energies
of Sol/Sowilo, are combining to bring total destruction to the jewish race in
every way", to close up and tie together the raising of the Energy. This must be
repeated 9 times, visualizing their total Destruction.

Releasing of the Destructive Energy

Now, send the Ball of Destructive Energy to the target, as described by High
Priest Vovim Baghie.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation once again and for the last

End the Ritual with "HAIL SATAN! So Mote It Be"


Ritual Prayer:
In the Name of Satan, True God and Mighty Lord of the Earth, we declare that the
jewish race is destroyed. As Brothers and Sisters and Warriors of Hell we stand,
our Energies combining to make our working a reality and to set the most foul
enemies of our Father Satan irreversibly upon their course, heading towards
their total and eternal destruction. By our Energies, and by the Energies of the
Mighty Gods of Hell whose assistance we humbly and respectfully call upon, and
the Energies of the True God who is TRUTH and POWER, STRENGTH, KNOWLEDGE and
FREEDOM, who is SATAN Himself, SO MOTE IT BE!!!



*It is extremely important to remember to clean your Aura and Chakras thoroughly
after performing Destruction Rituals! Every Brother and Sister in Satan should
also be working on building their Aura of Protection daily.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries
If you really feel you are unable to raise the Energy, then simply Vibrate the Runes and repeat the Affirmations. This will direct the Energy by mental focus.

The only part of the "Amassing" the Energy we are using is asking your Gaurdian to direct the Energy and then the points on how to send it off. The Ball raised is raised in front of you and does not come from you, but from the Vibration of the Runes. We are not raising the Energy through ourselves.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Siatris" <rammesses666@... wrote:

Not all of my chakras are open yet so I can't do the ammassing and release of energy yet, so to direct the energy what should I do?

I don't know for sure who my Guardian Demon is so I can't ask Her or Him.

Should I just print out an israeli flag and draw runes on it and visualize them lighting up like in the last ritual?

Or should I use my own runes and pack the ball and direct it into the star of david, just as a means for focusing on directing it into the jewish race?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@ wrote:

Yes, if this is what you are forced into doing because of your situation then it is fine. It is the fact that you are participating in the Ritua and fighting our enemies that matters. The raising of the Destructive Energy is the most important part.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "XxLOVELESSxX" <witch_of_flames@ wrote:

Thank you for posting this! Although i am not 100% sure if i can participate since i have very little privacy for the time being. I am able to do everything else in this ritual but im not sure about burning the piece of paper. . .would it be okay to skip that or is it very nessesary?


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Spencer" <redfishbloofish@ wrote:

I'm in a dorm and I burn the paper out my window. I thought about what would happen if the alarm went off and I decided if it did I would pretend I burned food in the microwave.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Drew Bolden <ditto6891@ wrote:

I am really hoping my roomate will be gone on the hours of Saturn on Saturday if
not i will have to do it all astrally. I also ordered temple supplies recently
and hope they arrive b4 Saturday. So exited, i got an athame, silver bell,
silver 6'' burning bowl, silver chalice, and those diabetic needle prick things
to draw blood. Also got a bahomet necklace, I already have a black 7 day candle
and Indian frankincense. Now all i have to worry about is not tripping the fire
alarm in my dorms. If i do, the whole fire department will be in my room
"assessing" what triggered it. These alarms are smart. They even know when you
cover it up with a plastic bag. I will probably start collecting energy for
storage into my Gold Chakra for Saturday for any additional boost.

Hail Satan!

From: High Priestess Zildar Raasi <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Tue, November 9, 2010 1:23:30 PM

Date: Saturday, 13 November 2010

Time: Hour of Saturn. You can work out the correct time for your location by
using Chronos XP: http://chronosxp.sourceforge.net/en/

Target and outcome: Total Destruction of the kike race

Ritual Affirmation: "the jewish race is destroyed"
Using: Runes
- Thurisaz
- Hagl


Our focus for this, the first, Monthly Destruction Ritual is the kike race at
large. This is following up from the Major Group Destruction Ritual that was
performed (adding to the Energy that was raised then). The kike race itself is
the obvious starting place for the destruction of our enemies. Direct the
Destructive Energy raised by the Runes to the kike race as a whole. You can ask
your Guardian Demons assistance with the direction. Read the Sermon regarding
this by High Priest Vovim Baghie:
http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/the_amassi ... nergy.html

The Runes are exceptionally powerful when directed towards a specific goal, and
when used in Black Magick are a fierce weapon against the enemy. They are
Ancient Powers, given to humanity by the Gods themselves.

We will be harnessing these Powers and directing them to the Destruction of the
enemies of Satan (Our enemies, as we must never forget).

More information concerning the Runes can be found on the Joy of Satan site.

Use either the format for the Standard Ritual or the Grand Satanic Ritual.

There are Four, very simple steps to this Ritual:
Step 1- Begin Ritual
Step 2- Read and burn Ritual Prayer
Step 3- Vibrate Runes and raise Energy
Step 4- Release Energy

-You are going to gather the Energy (through simple visualization) raised by the
vibration of the Runes into a ball either above or in front of you. We will be
using this technique for many of the Destruction Rituals. For those who are new
and not yet totally confident in raising Energy, start off by simply Vibrating
the Runes and directing them by Mental Focus to the Target, via the
affirmations. Every dedicated Warrior should be practicing and working towards
Warfare techniques such as correctly raising and directing Energy, however, this
simple alternative will suffice at first.

It is important for those who haven't read the following article by High
Priestess Maxine Dietrich to do so:
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... Steps.html

Begin Ritual

Reading and Burning of the Ritual Prayer

At the height of the Ritual, read out the Ritual Prayer with intent. Those
Members who are able to and so wish can also empower the Ritual Prayer itself
prior to the Ritual: http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/satanic_elementalism.html

Light the Prayer in the flame of one of the candles and place it into your
Burning Bowl. For the duration of the burning, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.
Know that it IS happening. They ARE crumbling. There is no question about it.

Runic Vibrations

After the burning of the Prayer begin the Vibration of the Runes.

As you vibrate the Runes, see the Energy of the Vibration accumulating before
you, forming a tight ball (The vibration is raising the Destructive Runic
Energy. See the Energy forming in front of you as you Vibrate). Visualize the
Energy and ball it forms as grey, and see the Rune imprinting upon it. (I
personally visualize Runes directed for Destruction as a dirty, bloody red
colour.)As you inhale, repeat the Affirmation for the specific Rune into the
ball of Destructive Energy, programming it. On the exhale, the Rune is vibrated
and visualized.

Begin with Thurisaz.
"TTTTHHHHOOOORRRRIIIIZZZZAAAAZZZZ" (Hard TH as in "The", Remember to roll the
Vibrate Nine Times.
We are programming the Energy raised by the vibration to bring chaos and
destruction to the jewish race. See this happening. See their race crumbling.
Know that it IS happening.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation (Mentally): "The energies of Thurisaz
are bringing chaos and destruction to the jewish race", programming the ball of
destructive Energy. As you affirm, see it happening. See the kike race falling
and crumbling.
2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, gathering the Energy into the ball and filling
it with the Destructive Energy of Thurisaz. Visualize the Rune imprinting on the

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.

Move on to the vibration of Hagal.
Vibrate Nine Times.
Direct the Energy raised by the vibration of Hagal to bring total destruction
and disaster to the kike race. See it turning to disaster and destruction,
crumbling and crashing down. Again, know that this IS happening.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Hagal are bringing
disaster and destruction to the jewish race", programming the ball of
Destructive Energy. As you affirm, see it happening.

2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, accumulating and filling the ball with the
Destructive Energy of Hagal. See Hagal imprinting on the ball.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.

Move to the vibration of Sol/Sowilo.
Vibrate 9 times.
We are only using this Rune to empower and activate further the energies of
Thurisaz and Hagal. We are not directing it to the kikes.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Sol/Sowilo are
working to further activate and empower the Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal and
amplify the Destructive Energy raised, assisting in the total destruction of the
jewish race".

2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, directing the Energy to reflect on and Empower
the other Runes.

Once you are done with the Vibrations, repeat the following affirmation with
force and intent: "The Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal, Empowered by the Energies
of Sol/Sowilo, are combining to bring total destruction to the jewish race in
every way", to close up and tie together the raising of the Energy. This must be
repeated 9 times, visualizing their total Destruction.

Releasing of the Destructive Energy

Now, send the Ball of Destructive Energy to the target, as described by High
Priest Vovim Baghie.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation once again and for the last

End the Ritual with "HAIL SATAN! So Mote It Be"


Ritual Prayer:
In the Name of Satan, True God and Mighty Lord of the Earth, we declare that the
jewish race is destroyed. As Brothers and Sisters and Warriors of Hell we stand,
our Energies combining to make our working a reality and to set the most foul
enemies of our Father Satan irreversibly upon their course, heading towards
their total and eternal destruction. By our Energies, and by the Energies of the
Mighty Gods of Hell whose assistance we humbly and respectfully call upon, and
the Energies of the True God who is TRUTH and POWER, STRENGTH, KNOWLEDGE and
FREEDOM, who is SATAN Himself, SO MOTE IT BE!!!



*It is extremely important to remember to clean your Aura and Chakras thoroughly
after performing Destruction Rituals! Every Brother and Sister in Satan should
also be working on building their Aura of Protection daily.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries
I'm glad you got back to me when you did, thank you.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@... wrote:

If you really feel you are unable to raise the Energy, then simply Vibrate the Runes and repeat the Affirmations. This will direct the Energy by mental focus.

The only part of the "Amassing" the Energy we are using is asking your Gaurdian to direct the Energy and then the points on how to send it off. The Ball raised is raised in front of you and does not come from you, but from the Vibration of the Runes. We are not raising the Energy through ourselves.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Siatris" <rammesses666@ wrote:

Not all of my chakras are open yet so I can't do the ammassing and release of energy yet, so to direct the energy what should I do?

I don't know for sure who my Guardian Demon is so I can't ask Her or Him.

Should I just print out an israeli flag and draw runes on it and visualize them lighting up like in the last ritual?

Or should I use my own runes and pack the ball and direct it into the star of david, just as a means for focusing on directing it into the jewish race?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@ wrote:

Yes, if this is what you are forced into doing because of your situation then it is fine. It is the fact that you are participating in the Ritua and fighting our enemies that matters. The raising of the Destructive Energy is the most important part.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "XxLOVELESSxX" <witch_of_flames@ wrote:

Thank you for posting this! Although i am not 100% sure if i can participate since i have very little privacy for the time being. I am able to do everything else in this ritual but im not sure about burning the piece of paper. . .would it be okay to skip that or is it very nessesary?


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Spencer" <redfishbloofish@ wrote:

I'm in a dorm and I burn the paper out my window. I thought about what would happen if the alarm went off and I decided if it did I would pretend I burned food in the microwave.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Drew Bolden <ditto6891@ wrote:

I am really hoping my roomate will be gone on the hours of Saturn on Saturday if
not i will have to do it all astrally. I also ordered temple supplies recently
and hope they arrive b4 Saturday. So exited, i got an athame, silver bell,
silver 6'' burning bowl, silver chalice, and those diabetic needle prick things
to draw blood. Also got a bahomet necklace, I already have a black 7 day candle
and Indian frankincense. Now all i have to worry about is not tripping the fire
alarm in my dorms. If i do, the whole fire department will be in my room
"assessing" what triggered it. These alarms are smart. They even know when you
cover it up with a plastic bag. I will probably start collecting energy for
storage into my Gold Chakra for Saturday for any additional boost.

Hail Satan!

From: High Priestess Zildar Raasi <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Tue, November 9, 2010 1:23:30 PM

Date: Saturday, 13 November 2010

Time: Hour of Saturn. You can work out the correct time for your location by
using Chronos XP: http://chronosxp.sourceforge.net/en/

Target and outcome: Total Destruction of the kike race

Ritual Affirmation: "the jewish race is destroyed"
Using: Runes
- Thurisaz
- Hagl


Our focus for this, the first, Monthly Destruction Ritual is the kike race at
large. This is following up from the Major Group Destruction Ritual that was
performed (adding to the Energy that was raised then). The kike race itself is
the obvious starting place for the destruction of our enemies. Direct the
Destructive Energy raised by the Runes to the kike race as a whole. You can ask
your Guardian Demons assistance with the direction. Read the Sermon regarding
this by High Priest Vovim Baghie:
http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/the_amassi ... nergy.html

The Runes are exceptionally powerful when directed towards a specific goal, and
when used in Black Magick are a fierce weapon against the enemy. They are
Ancient Powers, given to humanity by the Gods themselves.

We will be harnessing these Powers and directing them to the Destruction of the
enemies of Satan (Our enemies, as we must never forget).

More information concerning the Runes can be found on the Joy of Satan site.

Use either the format for the Standard Ritual or the Grand Satanic Ritual.

There are Four, very simple steps to this Ritual:
Step 1- Begin Ritual
Step 2- Read and burn Ritual Prayer
Step 3- Vibrate Runes and raise Energy
Step 4- Release Energy

-You are going to gather the Energy (through simple visualization) raised by the
vibration of the Runes into a ball either above or in front of you. We will be
using this technique for many of the Destruction Rituals. For those who are new
and not yet totally confident in raising Energy, start off by simply Vibrating
the Runes and directing them by Mental Focus to the Target, via the
affirmations. Every dedicated Warrior should be practicing and working towards
Warfare techniques such as correctly raising and directing Energy, however, this
simple alternative will suffice at first.

It is important for those who haven't read the following article by High
Priestess Maxine Dietrich to do so:
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... Steps.html

Begin Ritual

Reading and Burning of the Ritual Prayer

At the height of the Ritual, read out the Ritual Prayer with intent. Those
Members who are able to and so wish can also empower the Ritual Prayer itself
prior to the Ritual: http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/satanic_elementalism.html

Light the Prayer in the flame of one of the candles and place it into your
Burning Bowl. For the duration of the burning, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.
Know that it IS happening. They ARE crumbling. There is no question about it.

Runic Vibrations

After the burning of the Prayer begin the Vibration of the Runes.

As you vibrate the Runes, see the Energy of the Vibration accumulating before
you, forming a tight ball (The vibration is raising the Destructive Runic
Energy. See the Energy forming in front of you as you Vibrate). Visualize the
Energy and ball it forms as grey, and see the Rune imprinting upon it. (I
personally visualize Runes directed for Destruction as a dirty, bloody red
colour.)As you inhale, repeat the Affirmation for the specific Rune into the
ball of Destructive Energy, programming it. On the exhale, the Rune is vibrated
and visualized.

Begin with Thurisaz.
"TTTTHHHHOOOORRRRIIIIZZZZAAAAZZZZ" (Hard TH as in "The", Remember to roll the
Vibrate Nine Times.
We are programming the Energy raised by the vibration to bring chaos and
destruction to the jewish race. See this happening. See their race crumbling.
Know that it IS happening.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation (Mentally): "The energies of Thurisaz
are bringing chaos and destruction to the jewish race", programming the ball of
destructive Energy. As you affirm, see it happening. See the kike race falling
and crumbling.
2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, gathering the Energy into the ball and filling
it with the Destructive Energy of Thurisaz. Visualize the Rune imprinting on the

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.

Move on to the vibration of Hagal.
Vibrate Nine Times.
Direct the Energy raised by the vibration of Hagal to bring total destruction
and disaster to the kike race. See it turning to disaster and destruction,
crumbling and crashing down. Again, know that this IS happening.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Hagal are bringing
disaster and destruction to the jewish race", programming the ball of
Destructive Energy. As you affirm, see it happening.

2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, accumulating and filling the ball with the
Destructive Energy of Hagal. See Hagal imprinting on the ball.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.

Move to the vibration of Sol/Sowilo.
Vibrate 9 times.
We are only using this Rune to empower and activate further the energies of
Thurisaz and Hagal. We are not directing it to the kikes.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Sol/Sowilo are
working to further activate and empower the Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal and
amplify the Destructive Energy raised, assisting in the total destruction of the
jewish race".

2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, directing the Energy to reflect on and Empower
the other Runes.

Once you are done with the Vibrations, repeat the following affirmation with
force and intent: "The Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal, Empowered by the Energies
of Sol/Sowilo, are combining to bring total destruction to the jewish race in
every way", to close up and tie together the raising of the Energy. This must be
repeated 9 times, visualizing their total Destruction.

Releasing of the Destructive Energy

Now, send the Ball of Destructive Energy to the target, as described by High
Priest Vovim Baghie.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation once again and for the last

End the Ritual with "HAIL SATAN! So Mote It Be"


Ritual Prayer:
In the Name of Satan, True God and Mighty Lord of the Earth, we declare that the
jewish race is destroyed. As Brothers and Sisters and Warriors of Hell we stand,
our Energies combining to make our working a reality and to set the most foul
enemies of our Father Satan irreversibly upon their course, heading towards
their total and eternal destruction. By our Energies, and by the Energies of the
Mighty Gods of Hell whose assistance we humbly and respectfully call upon, and
the Energies of the True God who is TRUTH and POWER, STRENGTH, KNOWLEDGE and
FREEDOM, who is SATAN Himself, SO MOTE IT BE!!!



*It is extremely important to remember to clean your Aura and Chakras thoroughly
after performing Destruction Rituals! Every Brother and Sister in Satan should
also be working on building their Aura of Protection daily.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries
Right now, it looks like i might have to do it tomorrow but it would be the day of the sun for me over here then. . .but i might get lucky and beable to do it today. Which i really am hoping for!!!!


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@... wrote:

You're welcome:). As for your time zone, you can adjust the times of the Rituals to fit you. If its a day before or after its fine. Its great to see many Dedicated Brothers and Sisters participating and working towards the Destruction of our enemies. Father Satan does do a lot for each one of us. We would not be here, if it were not for Him. Fighting this war is an important way of showing our thanks and our Dedication.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "XxLOVELESSxX" <witch_of_flames@ wrote:

Thank you so mcuh for answering my question High Priestess Zildar Raasil! Your anwser has gave me a real confidence boost to perform this ritual! Although I do live in a different time zone so today is the day of saturn instead of tomorrow. Hopefully that won't really matter when I do this ritual today instead of tomorrow. . .

Father Satan has done so much for me yet I had done so little! Its time for me to return the favour! ^^


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@ wrote:

Yes, if this is what you are forced into doing because of your situation then it is fine. It is the fact that you are participating in the Ritua and fighting our enemies that matters. The raising of the Destructive Energy is the most important part.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "XxLOVELESSxX" <witch_of_flames@ wrote:

Thank you for posting this! Although i am not 100% sure if i can participate since i have very little privacy for the time being. I am able to do everything else in this ritual but im not sure about burning the piece of paper. . .would it be okay to skip that or is it very nessesary?


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Spencer" <redfishbloofish@ wrote:

I'm in a dorm and I burn the paper out my window. I thought about what would happen if the alarm went off and I decided if it did I would pretend I burned food in the microwave.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Drew Bolden <ditto6891@ wrote:

I am really hoping my roomate will be gone on the hours of Saturn on Saturday if
not i will have to do it all astrally. I also ordered temple supplies recently
and hope they arrive b4 Saturday. So exited, i got an athame, silver bell,
silver 6'' burning bowl, silver chalice, and those diabetic needle prick things
to draw blood. Also got a bahomet necklace, I already have a black 7 day candle
and Indian frankincense. Now all i have to worry about is not tripping the fire
alarm in my dorms. If i do, the whole fire department will be in my room
"assessing" what triggered it. These alarms are smart. They even know when you
cover it up with a plastic bag. I will probably start collecting energy for
storage into my Gold Chakra for Saturday for any additional boost.

Hail Satan!

From: High Priestess Zildar Raasi <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Tue, November 9, 2010 1:23:30 PM

Date: Saturday, 13 November 2010

Time: Hour of Saturn. You can work out the correct time for your location by
using Chronos XP: http://chronosxp.sourceforge.net/en/

Target and outcome: Total Destruction of the kike race

Ritual Affirmation: "the jewish race is destroyed"
Using: Runes
- Thurisaz
- Hagl


Our focus for this, the first, Monthly Destruction Ritual is the kike race at
large. This is following up from the Major Group Destruction Ritual that was
performed (adding to the Energy that was raised then). The kike race itself is
the obvious starting place for the destruction of our enemies. Direct the
Destructive Energy raised by the Runes to the kike race as a whole. You can ask
your Guardian Demons assistance with the direction. Read the Sermon regarding
this by High Priest Vovim Baghie:
http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/the_amassi ... nergy.html

The Runes are exceptionally powerful when directed towards a specific goal, and
when used in Black Magick are a fierce weapon against the enemy. They are
Ancient Powers, given to humanity by the Gods themselves.

We will be harnessing these Powers and directing them to the Destruction of the
enemies of Satan (Our enemies, as we must never forget).

More information concerning the Runes can be found on the Joy of Satan site.

Use either the format for the Standard Ritual or the Grand Satanic Ritual.

There are Four, very simple steps to this Ritual:
Step 1- Begin Ritual
Step 2- Read and burn Ritual Prayer
Step 3- Vibrate Runes and raise Energy
Step 4- Release Energy

-You are going to gather the Energy (through simple visualization) raised by the
vibration of the Runes into a ball either above or in front of you. We will be
using this technique for many of the Destruction Rituals. For those who are new
and not yet totally confident in raising Energy, start off by simply Vibrating
the Runes and directing them by Mental Focus to the Target, via the
affirmations. Every dedicated Warrior should be practicing and working towards
Warfare techniques such as correctly raising and directing Energy, however, this
simple alternative will suffice at first.

It is important for those who haven't read the following article by High
Priestess Maxine Dietrich to do so:
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... Steps.html

Begin Ritual

Reading and Burning of the Ritual Prayer

At the height of the Ritual, read out the Ritual Prayer with intent. Those
Members who are able to and so wish can also empower the Ritual Prayer itself
prior to the Ritual: http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/satanic_elementalism.html

Light the Prayer in the flame of one of the candles and place it into your
Burning Bowl. For the duration of the burning, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.
Know that it IS happening. They ARE crumbling. There is no question about it.

Runic Vibrations

After the burning of the Prayer begin the Vibration of the Runes.

As you vibrate the Runes, see the Energy of the Vibration accumulating before
you, forming a tight ball (The vibration is raising the Destructive Runic
Energy. See the Energy forming in front of you as you Vibrate). Visualize the
Energy and ball it forms as grey, and see the Rune imprinting upon it. (I
personally visualize Runes directed for Destruction as a dirty, bloody red
colour.)As you inhale, repeat the Affirmation for the specific Rune into the
ball of Destructive Energy, programming it. On the exhale, the Rune is vibrated
and visualized.

Begin with Thurisaz.
"TTTTHHHHOOOORRRRIIIIZZZZAAAAZZZZ" (Hard TH as in "The", Remember to roll the
Vibrate Nine Times.
We are programming the Energy raised by the vibration to bring chaos and
destruction to the jewish race. See this happening. See their race crumbling.
Know that it IS happening.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation (Mentally): "The energies of Thurisaz
are bringing chaos and destruction to the jewish race", programming the ball of
destructive Energy. As you affirm, see it happening. See the kike race falling
and crumbling.
2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, gathering the Energy into the ball and filling
it with the Destructive Energy of Thurisaz. Visualize the Rune imprinting on the

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.

Move on to the vibration of Hagal.
Vibrate Nine Times.
Direct the Energy raised by the vibration of Hagal to bring total destruction
and disaster to the kike race. See it turning to disaster and destruction,
crumbling and crashing down. Again, know that this IS happening.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Hagal are bringing
disaster and destruction to the jewish race", programming the ball of
Destructive Energy. As you affirm, see it happening.

2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, accumulating and filling the ball with the
Destructive Energy of Hagal. See Hagal imprinting on the ball.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.

Move to the vibration of Sol/Sowilo.
Vibrate 9 times.
We are only using this Rune to empower and activate further the energies of
Thurisaz and Hagal. We are not directing it to the kikes.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Sol/Sowilo are
working to further activate and empower the Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal and
amplify the Destructive Energy raised, assisting in the total destruction of the
jewish race".

2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, directing the Energy to reflect on and Empower
the other Runes.

Once you are done with the Vibrations, repeat the following affirmation with
force and intent: "The Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal, Empowered by the Energies
of Sol/Sowilo, are combining to bring total destruction to the jewish race in
every way", to close up and tie together the raising of the Energy. This must be
repeated 9 times, visualizing their total Destruction.

Releasing of the Destructive Energy

Now, send the Ball of Destructive Energy to the target, as described by High
Priest Vovim Baghie.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation once again and for the last

End the Ritual with "HAIL SATAN! So Mote It Be"


Ritual Prayer:
In the Name of Satan, True God and Mighty Lord of the Earth, we declare that the
jewish race is destroyed. As Brothers and Sisters and Warriors of Hell we stand,
our Energies combining to make our working a reality and to set the most foul
enemies of our Father Satan irreversibly upon their course, heading towards
their total and eternal destruction. By our Energies, and by the Energies of the
Mighty Gods of Hell whose assistance we humbly and respectfully call upon, and
the Energies of the True God who is TRUTH and POWER, STRENGTH, KNOWLEDGE and
FREEDOM, who is SATAN Himself, SO MOTE IT BE!!!



*It is extremely important to remember to clean your Aura and Chakras thoroughly
after performing Destruction Rituals! Every Brother and Sister in Satan should
also be working on building their Aura of Protection daily.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries
I was planning on doing this Ritual today in the afternoon but I looked up for my area and the moon is void then. I may be able to do it later today or late at night during the hours of Saturn, but if I can't is it acceptable if I perform the Ritual tomorrow on Sunday during the hours of Saturn? Thank you


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@... wrote:

If you really feel you are unable to raise the Energy, then simply Vibrate the Runes and repeat the Affirmations. This will direct the Energy by mental focus.

The only part of the "Amassing" the Energy we are using is asking your Gaurdian to direct the Energy and then the points on how to send it off. The Ball raised is raised in front of you and does not come from you, but from the Vibration of the Runes. We are not raising the Energy through ourselves.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Siatris" <rammesses666@ wrote:

Not all of my chakras are open yet so I can't do the ammassing and release of energy yet, so to direct the energy what should I do?

I don't know for sure who my Guardian Demon is so I can't ask Her or Him.

Should I just print out an israeli flag and draw runes on it and visualize them lighting up like in the last ritual?

Or should I use my own runes and pack the ball and direct it into the star of david, just as a means for focusing on directing it into the jewish race?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@ wrote:

Yes, if this is what you are forced into doing because of your situation then it is fine. It is the fact that you are participating in the Ritua and fighting our enemies that matters. The raising of the Destructive Energy is the most important part.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "XxLOVELESSxX" <witch_of_flames@ wrote:

Thank you for posting this! Although i am not 100% sure if i can participate since i have very little privacy for the time being. I am able to do everything else in this ritual but im not sure about burning the piece of paper. . .would it be okay to skip that or is it very nessesary?


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Spencer" <redfishbloofish@ wrote:

I'm in a dorm and I burn the paper out my window. I thought about what would happen if the alarm went off and I decided if it did I would pretend I burned food in the microwave.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Drew Bolden <ditto6891@ wrote:

I am really hoping my roomate will be gone on the hours of Saturn on Saturday if
not i will have to do it all astrally. I also ordered temple supplies recently
and hope they arrive b4 Saturday. So exited, i got an athame, silver bell,
silver 6'' burning bowl, silver chalice, and those diabetic needle prick things
to draw blood. Also got a bahomet necklace, I already have a black 7 day candle
and Indian frankincense. Now all i have to worry about is not tripping the fire
alarm in my dorms. If i do, the whole fire department will be in my room
"assessing" what triggered it. These alarms are smart. They even know when you
cover it up with a plastic bag. I will probably start collecting energy for
storage into my Gold Chakra for Saturday for any additional boost.

Hail Satan!

From: High Priestess Zildar Raasi <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Tue, November 9, 2010 1:23:30 PM

Date: Saturday, 13 November 2010

Time: Hour of Saturn. You can work out the correct time for your location by
using Chronos XP: http://chronosxp.sourceforge.net/en/

Target and outcome: Total Destruction of the kike race

Ritual Affirmation: "the jewish race is destroyed"
Using: Runes
- Thurisaz
- Hagl


Our focus for this, the first, Monthly Destruction Ritual is the kike race at
large. This is following up from the Major Group Destruction Ritual that was
performed (adding to the Energy that was raised then). The kike race itself is
the obvious starting place for the destruction of our enemies. Direct the
Destructive Energy raised by the Runes to the kike race as a whole. You can ask
your Guardian Demons assistance with the direction. Read the Sermon regarding
this by High Priest Vovim Baghie:
http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/the_amassi ... nergy.html

The Runes are exceptionally powerful when directed towards a specific goal, and
when used in Black Magick are a fierce weapon against the enemy. They are
Ancient Powers, given to humanity by the Gods themselves.

We will be harnessing these Powers and directing them to the Destruction of the
enemies of Satan (Our enemies, as we must never forget).

More information concerning the Runes can be found on the Joy of Satan site.

Use either the format for the Standard Ritual or the Grand Satanic Ritual.

There are Four, very simple steps to this Ritual:
Step 1- Begin Ritual
Step 2- Read and burn Ritual Prayer
Step 3- Vibrate Runes and raise Energy
Step 4- Release Energy

-You are going to gather the Energy (through simple visualization) raised by the
vibration of the Runes into a ball either above or in front of you. We will be
using this technique for many of the Destruction Rituals. For those who are new
and not yet totally confident in raising Energy, start off by simply Vibrating
the Runes and directing them by Mental Focus to the Target, via the
affirmations. Every dedicated Warrior should be practicing and working towards
Warfare techniques such as correctly raising and directing Energy, however, this
simple alternative will suffice at first.

It is important for those who haven't read the following article by High
Priestess Maxine Dietrich to do so:
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... Steps.html

Begin Ritual

Reading and Burning of the Ritual Prayer

At the height of the Ritual, read out the Ritual Prayer with intent. Those
Members who are able to and so wish can also empower the Ritual Prayer itself
prior to the Ritual: http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/satanic_elementalism.html

Light the Prayer in the flame of one of the candles and place it into your
Burning Bowl. For the duration of the burning, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.
Know that it IS happening. They ARE crumbling. There is no question about it.

Runic Vibrations

After the burning of the Prayer begin the Vibration of the Runes.

As you vibrate the Runes, see the Energy of the Vibration accumulating before
you, forming a tight ball (The vibration is raising the Destructive Runic
Energy. See the Energy forming in front of you as you Vibrate). Visualize the
Energy and ball it forms as grey, and see the Rune imprinting upon it. (I
personally visualize Runes directed for Destruction as a dirty, bloody red
colour.)As you inhale, repeat the Affirmation for the specific Rune into the
ball of Destructive Energy, programming it. On the exhale, the Rune is vibrated
and visualized.

Begin with Thurisaz.
"TTTTHHHHOOOORRRRIIIIZZZZAAAAZZZZ" (Hard TH as in "The", Remember to roll the
Vibrate Nine Times.
We are programming the Energy raised by the vibration to bring chaos and
destruction to the jewish race. See this happening. See their race crumbling.
Know that it IS happening.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation (Mentally): "The energies of Thurisaz
are bringing chaos and destruction to the jewish race", programming the ball of
destructive Energy. As you affirm, see it happening. See the kike race falling
and crumbling.
2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, gathering the Energy into the ball and filling
it with the Destructive Energy of Thurisaz. Visualize the Rune imprinting on the

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.

Move on to the vibration of Hagal.
Vibrate Nine Times.
Direct the Energy raised by the vibration of Hagal to bring total destruction
and disaster to the kike race. See it turning to disaster and destruction,
crumbling and crashing down. Again, know that this IS happening.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Hagal are bringing
disaster and destruction to the jewish race", programming the ball of
Destructive Energy. As you affirm, see it happening.

2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, accumulating and filling the ball with the
Destructive Energy of Hagal. See Hagal imprinting on the ball.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.

Move to the vibration of Sol/Sowilo.
Vibrate 9 times.
We are only using this Rune to empower and activate further the energies of
Thurisaz and Hagal. We are not directing it to the kikes.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Sol/Sowilo are
working to further activate and empower the Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal and
amplify the Destructive Energy raised, assisting in the total destruction of the
jewish race".

2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, directing the Energy to reflect on and Empower
the other Runes.

Once you are done with the Vibrations, repeat the following affirmation with
force and intent: "The Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal, Empowered by the Energies
of Sol/Sowilo, are combining to bring total destruction to the jewish race in
every way", to close up and tie together the raising of the Energy. This must be
repeated 9 times, visualizing their total Destruction.

Releasing of the Destructive Energy

Now, send the Ball of Destructive Energy to the target, as described by High
Priest Vovim Baghie.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation once again and for the last

End the Ritual with "HAIL SATAN! So Mote It Be"


Ritual Prayer:
In the Name of Satan, True God and Mighty Lord of the Earth, we declare that the
jewish race is destroyed. As Brothers and Sisters and Warriors of Hell we stand,
our Energies combining to make our working a reality and to set the most foul
enemies of our Father Satan irreversibly upon their course, heading towards
their total and eternal destruction. By our Energies, and by the Energies of the
Mighty Gods of Hell whose assistance we humbly and respectfully call upon, and
the Energies of the True God who is TRUTH and POWER, STRENGTH, KNOWLEDGE and
FREEDOM, who is SATAN Himself, SO MOTE IT BE!!!



*It is extremely important to remember to clean your Aura and Chakras thoroughly
after performing Destruction Rituals! Every Brother and Sister in Satan should
also be working on building their Aura of Protection daily.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries
I just finished doing the distruction ritual and cleansing my chakras+aura. I am very happy that i was able to do this today and may the jewish race rot and suffer! My body feels a little werid yet i cannot stop smilling! May the forces of hell guide us all and show us true spiritual knowledge and power!!!!!!!!!!


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "XxLOVELESSxX" <witch_of_flames@... wrote:

Right now, it looks like i might have to do it tomorrow but it would be the day of the sun for me over here then. . .but i might get lucky and beable to do it today. Which i really am hoping for!!!!


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@ wrote:

You're welcome:). As for your time zone, you can adjust the times of the Rituals to fit you. If its a day before or after its fine. Its great to see many Dedicated Brothers and Sisters participating and working towards the Destruction of our enemies. Father Satan does do a lot for each one of us. We would not be here, if it were not for Him. Fighting this war is an important way of showing our thanks and our Dedication.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "XxLOVELESSxX" <witch_of_flames@ wrote:

Thank you so mcuh for answering my question High Priestess Zildar Raasil! Your anwser has gave me a real confidence boost to perform this ritual! Although I do live in a different time zone so today is the day of saturn instead of tomorrow. Hopefully that won't really matter when I do this ritual today instead of tomorrow. . .

Father Satan has done so much for me yet I had done so little! Its time for me to return the favour! ^^


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@ wrote:

Yes, if this is what you are forced into doing because of your situation then it is fine. It is the fact that you are participating in the Ritua and fighting our enemies that matters. The raising of the Destructive Energy is the most important part.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "XxLOVELESSxX" <witch_of_flames@ wrote:

Thank you for posting this! Although i am not 100% sure if i can participate since i have very little privacy for the time being. I am able to do everything else in this ritual but im not sure about burning the piece of paper. . .would it be okay to skip that or is it very nessesary?


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Spencer" <redfishbloofish@ wrote:

I'm in a dorm and I burn the paper out my window. I thought about what would happen if the alarm went off and I decided if it did I would pretend I burned food in the microwave.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Drew Bolden <ditto6891@ wrote:

I am really hoping my roomate will be gone on the hours of Saturn on Saturday if
not i will have to do it all astrally. I also ordered temple supplies recently
and hope they arrive b4 Saturday. So exited, i got an athame, silver bell,
silver 6'' burning bowl, silver chalice, and those diabetic needle prick things
to draw blood. Also got a bahomet necklace, I already have a black 7 day candle
and Indian frankincense. Now all i have to worry about is not tripping the fire
alarm in my dorms. If i do, the whole fire department will be in my room
"assessing" what triggered it. These alarms are smart. They even know when you
cover it up with a plastic bag. I will probably start collecting energy for
storage into my Gold Chakra for Saturday for any additional boost.

Hail Satan!

From: High Priestess Zildar Raasi <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Tue, November 9, 2010 1:23:30 PM

Date: Saturday, 13 November 2010

Time: Hour of Saturn. You can work out the correct time for your location by
using Chronos XP: http://chronosxp.sourceforge.net/en/

Target and outcome: Total Destruction of the kike race

Ritual Affirmation: "the jewish race is destroyed"
Using: Runes
- Thurisaz
- Hagl


Our focus for this, the first, Monthly Destruction Ritual is the kike race at
large. This is following up from the Major Group Destruction Ritual that was
performed (adding to the Energy that was raised then). The kike race itself is
the obvious starting place for the destruction of our enemies. Direct the
Destructive Energy raised by the Runes to the kike race as a whole. You can ask
your Guardian Demons assistance with the direction. Read the Sermon regarding
this by High Priest Vovim Baghie:
http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/the_amassi ... nergy.html

The Runes are exceptionally powerful when directed towards a specific goal, and
when used in Black Magick are a fierce weapon against the enemy. They are
Ancient Powers, given to humanity by the Gods themselves.

We will be harnessing these Powers and directing them to the Destruction of the
enemies of Satan (Our enemies, as we must never forget).

More information concerning the Runes can be found on the Joy of Satan site.

Use either the format for the Standard Ritual or the Grand Satanic Ritual.

There are Four, very simple steps to this Ritual:
Step 1- Begin Ritual
Step 2- Read and burn Ritual Prayer
Step 3- Vibrate Runes and raise Energy
Step 4- Release Energy

-You are going to gather the Energy (through simple visualization) raised by the
vibration of the Runes into a ball either above or in front of you. We will be
using this technique for many of the Destruction Rituals. For those who are new
and not yet totally confident in raising Energy, start off by simply Vibrating
the Runes and directing them by Mental Focus to the Target, via the
affirmations. Every dedicated Warrior should be practicing and working towards
Warfare techniques such as correctly raising and directing Energy, however, this
simple alternative will suffice at first.

It is important for those who haven't read the following article by High
Priestess Maxine Dietrich to do so:
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... Steps.html

Begin Ritual

Reading and Burning of the Ritual Prayer

At the height of the Ritual, read out the Ritual Prayer with intent. Those
Members who are able to and so wish can also empower the Ritual Prayer itself
prior to the Ritual: http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/satanic_elementalism.html

Light the Prayer in the flame of one of the candles and place it into your
Burning Bowl. For the duration of the burning, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.
Know that it IS happening. They ARE crumbling. There is no question about it.

Runic Vibrations

After the burning of the Prayer begin the Vibration of the Runes.

As you vibrate the Runes, see the Energy of the Vibration accumulating before
you, forming a tight ball (The vibration is raising the Destructive Runic
Energy. See the Energy forming in front of you as you Vibrate). Visualize the
Energy and ball it forms as grey, and see the Rune imprinting upon it. (I
personally visualize Runes directed for Destruction as a dirty, bloody red
colour.)As you inhale, repeat the Affirmation for the specific Rune into the
ball of Destructive Energy, programming it. On the exhale, the Rune is vibrated
and visualized.

Begin with Thurisaz.
"TTTTHHHHOOOORRRRIIIIZZZZAAAAZZZZ" (Hard TH as in "The", Remember to roll the
Vibrate Nine Times.
We are programming the Energy raised by the vibration to bring chaos and
destruction to the jewish race. See this happening. See their race crumbling.
Know that it IS happening.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation (Mentally): "The energies of Thurisaz
are bringing chaos and destruction to the jewish race", programming the ball of
destructive Energy. As you affirm, see it happening. See the kike race falling
and crumbling.
2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, gathering the Energy into the ball and filling
it with the Destructive Energy of Thurisaz. Visualize the Rune imprinting on the

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.

Move on to the vibration of Hagal.
Vibrate Nine Times.
Direct the Energy raised by the vibration of Hagal to bring total destruction
and disaster to the kike race. See it turning to disaster and destruction,
crumbling and crashing down. Again, know that this IS happening.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Hagal are bringing
disaster and destruction to the jewish race", programming the ball of
Destructive Energy. As you affirm, see it happening.

2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, accumulating and filling the ball with the
Destructive Energy of Hagal. See Hagal imprinting on the ball.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.

Move to the vibration of Sol/Sowilo.
Vibrate 9 times.
We are only using this Rune to empower and activate further the energies of
Thurisaz and Hagal. We are not directing it to the kikes.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Sol/Sowilo are
working to further activate and empower the Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal and
amplify the Destructive Energy raised, assisting in the total destruction of the
jewish race".

2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, directing the Energy to reflect on and Empower
the other Runes.

Once you are done with the Vibrations, repeat the following affirmation with
force and intent: "The Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal, Empowered by the Energies
of Sol/Sowilo, are combining to bring total destruction to the jewish race in
every way", to close up and tie together the raising of the Energy. This must be
repeated 9 times, visualizing their total Destruction.

Releasing of the Destructive Energy

Now, send the Ball of Destructive Energy to the target, as described by High
Priest Vovim Baghie.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation once again and for the last

End the Ritual with "HAIL SATAN! So Mote It Be"


Ritual Prayer:
In the Name of Satan, True God and Mighty Lord of the Earth, we declare that the
jewish race is destroyed. As Brothers and Sisters and Warriors of Hell we stand,
our Energies combining to make our working a reality and to set the most foul
enemies of our Father Satan irreversibly upon their course, heading towards
their total and eternal destruction. By our Energies, and by the Energies of the
Mighty Gods of Hell whose assistance we humbly and respectfully call upon, and
the Energies of the True God who is TRUTH and POWER, STRENGTH, KNOWLEDGE and
FREEDOM, who is SATAN Himself, SO MOTE IT BE!!!



*It is extremely important to remember to clean your Aura and Chakras thoroughly
after performing Destruction Rituals! Every Brother and Sister in Satan should
also be working on building their Aura of Protection daily.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries
Yes, this will be fine. Your participation and the raising of the Energy is what is really important.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "eddiel" <l67f54jf576@... wrote:

I was planning on doing this Ritual today in the afternoon but I looked up for my area and the moon is void then. I may be able to do it later today or late at night during the hours of Saturn, but if I can't is it acceptable if I perform the Ritual tomorrow on Sunday during the hours of Saturn? Thank you


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@ wrote:

If you really feel you are unable to raise the Energy, then simply Vibrate the Runes and repeat the Affirmations. This will direct the Energy by mental focus.

The only part of the "Amassing" the Energy we are using is asking your Gaurdian to direct the Energy and then the points on how to send it off. The Ball raised is raised in front of you and does not come from you, but from the Vibration of the Runes. We are not raising the Energy through ourselves.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Siatris" <rammesses666@ wrote:

Not all of my chakras are open yet so I can't do the ammassing and release of energy yet, so to direct the energy what should I do?

I don't know for sure who my Guardian Demon is so I can't ask Her or Him.

Should I just print out an israeli flag and draw runes on it and visualize them lighting up like in the last ritual?

Or should I use my own runes and pack the ball and direct it into the star of david, just as a means for focusing on directing it into the jewish race?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@ wrote:

Yes, if this is what you are forced into doing because of your situation then it is fine. It is the fact that you are participating in the Ritua and fighting our enemies that matters. The raising of the Destructive Energy is the most important part.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "XxLOVELESSxX" <witch_of_flames@ wrote:

Thank you for posting this! Although i am not 100% sure if i can participate since i have very little privacy for the time being. I am able to do everything else in this ritual but im not sure about burning the piece of paper. . .would it be okay to skip that or is it very nessesary?


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Spencer" <redfishbloofish@ wrote:

I'm in a dorm and I burn the paper out my window. I thought about what would happen if the alarm went off and I decided if it did I would pretend I burned food in the microwave.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Drew Bolden <ditto6891@ wrote:

I am really hoping my roomate will be gone on the hours of Saturn on Saturday if
not i will have to do it all astrally. I also ordered temple supplies recently
and hope they arrive b4 Saturday. So exited, i got an athame, silver bell,
silver 6'' burning bowl, silver chalice, and those diabetic needle prick things
to draw blood. Also got a bahomet necklace, I already have a black 7 day candle
and Indian frankincense. Now all i have to worry about is not tripping the fire
alarm in my dorms. If i do, the whole fire department will be in my room
"assessing" what triggered it. These alarms are smart. They even know when you
cover it up with a plastic bag. I will probably start collecting energy for
storage into my Gold Chakra for Saturday for any additional boost.

Hail Satan!

From: High Priestess Zildar Raasi <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Tue, November 9, 2010 1:23:30 PM

Date: Saturday, 13 November 2010

Time: Hour of Saturn. You can work out the correct time for your location by
using Chronos XP: http://chronosxp.sourceforge.net/en/

Target and outcome: Total Destruction of the kike race

Ritual Affirmation: "the jewish race is destroyed"
Using: Runes
- Thurisaz
- Hagl


Our focus for this, the first, Monthly Destruction Ritual is the kike race at
large. This is following up from the Major Group Destruction Ritual that was
performed (adding to the Energy that was raised then). The kike race itself is
the obvious starting place for the destruction of our enemies. Direct the
Destructive Energy raised by the Runes to the kike race as a whole. You can ask
your Guardian Demons assistance with the direction. Read the Sermon regarding
this by High Priest Vovim Baghie:
http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/the_amassi ... nergy.html

The Runes are exceptionally powerful when directed towards a specific goal, and
when used in Black Magick are a fierce weapon against the enemy. They are
Ancient Powers, given to humanity by the Gods themselves.

We will be harnessing these Powers and directing them to the Destruction of the
enemies of Satan (Our enemies, as we must never forget).

More information concerning the Runes can be found on the Joy of Satan site.

Use either the format for the Standard Ritual or the Grand Satanic Ritual.

There are Four, very simple steps to this Ritual:
Step 1- Begin Ritual
Step 2- Read and burn Ritual Prayer
Step 3- Vibrate Runes and raise Energy
Step 4- Release Energy

-You are going to gather the Energy (through simple visualization) raised by the
vibration of the Runes into a ball either above or in front of you. We will be
using this technique for many of the Destruction Rituals. For those who are new
and not yet totally confident in raising Energy, start off by simply Vibrating
the Runes and directing them by Mental Focus to the Target, via the
affirmations. Every dedicated Warrior should be practicing and working towards
Warfare techniques such as correctly raising and directing Energy, however, this
simple alternative will suffice at first.

It is important for those who haven't read the following article by High
Priestess Maxine Dietrich to do so:
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... Steps.html

Begin Ritual

Reading and Burning of the Ritual Prayer

At the height of the Ritual, read out the Ritual Prayer with intent. Those
Members who are able to and so wish can also empower the Ritual Prayer itself
prior to the Ritual: http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/satanic_elementalism.html

Light the Prayer in the flame of one of the candles and place it into your
Burning Bowl. For the duration of the burning, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.
Know that it IS happening. They ARE crumbling. There is no question about it.

Runic Vibrations

After the burning of the Prayer begin the Vibration of the Runes.

As you vibrate the Runes, see the Energy of the Vibration accumulating before
you, forming a tight ball (The vibration is raising the Destructive Runic
Energy. See the Energy forming in front of you as you Vibrate). Visualize the
Energy and ball it forms as grey, and see the Rune imprinting upon it. (I
personally visualize Runes directed for Destruction as a dirty, bloody red
colour.)As you inhale, repeat the Affirmation for the specific Rune into the
ball of Destructive Energy, programming it. On the exhale, the Rune is vibrated
and visualized.

Begin with Thurisaz.
"TTTTHHHHOOOORRRRIIIIZZZZAAAAZZZZ" (Hard TH as in "The", Remember to roll the
Vibrate Nine Times.
We are programming the Energy raised by the vibration to bring chaos and
destruction to the jewish race. See this happening. See their race crumbling.
Know that it IS happening.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation (Mentally): "The energies of Thurisaz
are bringing chaos and destruction to the jewish race", programming the ball of
destructive Energy. As you affirm, see it happening. See the kike race falling
and crumbling.
2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, gathering the Energy into the ball and filling
it with the Destructive Energy of Thurisaz. Visualize the Rune imprinting on the

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.

Move on to the vibration of Hagal.
Vibrate Nine Times.
Direct the Energy raised by the vibration of Hagal to bring total destruction
and disaster to the kike race. See it turning to disaster and destruction,
crumbling and crashing down. Again, know that this IS happening.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Hagal are bringing
disaster and destruction to the jewish race", programming the ball of
Destructive Energy. As you affirm, see it happening.

2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, accumulating and filling the ball with the
Destructive Energy of Hagal. See Hagal imprinting on the ball.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.

Move to the vibration of Sol/Sowilo.
Vibrate 9 times.
We are only using this Rune to empower and activate further the energies of
Thurisaz and Hagal. We are not directing it to the kikes.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Sol/Sowilo are
working to further activate and empower the Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal and
amplify the Destructive Energy raised, assisting in the total destruction of the
jewish race".

2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, directing the Energy to reflect on and Empower
the other Runes.

Once you are done with the Vibrations, repeat the following affirmation with
force and intent: "The Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal, Empowered by the Energies
of Sol/Sowilo, are combining to bring total destruction to the jewish race in
every way", to close up and tie together the raising of the Energy. This must be
repeated 9 times, visualizing their total Destruction.

Releasing of the Destructive Energy

Now, send the Ball of Destructive Energy to the target, as described by High
Priest Vovim Baghie.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation once again and for the last

End the Ritual with "HAIL SATAN! So Mote It Be"


Ritual Prayer:
In the Name of Satan, True God and Mighty Lord of the Earth, we declare that the
jewish race is destroyed. As Brothers and Sisters and Warriors of Hell we stand,
our Energies combining to make our working a reality and to set the most foul
enemies of our Father Satan irreversibly upon their course, heading towards
their total and eternal destruction. By our Energies, and by the Energies of the
Mighty Gods of Hell whose assistance we humbly and respectfully call upon, and
the Energies of the True God who is TRUTH and POWER, STRENGTH, KNOWLEDGE and
FREEDOM, who is SATAN Himself, SO MOTE IT BE!!!



*It is extremely important to remember to clean your Aura and Chakras thoroughly
after performing Destruction Rituals! Every Brother and Sister in Satan should
also be working on building their Aura of Protection daily.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries
what is most confusing, troubling about these 4 chakras, is that those chakras used to be listed on HPS maxine's site, and now they are only shown in one picture on her site. moreover, the one on top is shown as *grey* in the picture?? its been my expierience to not even think about grey energy unless I'm gonna use it. there somes light that needs to be shed here.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Drew <ditto6891@... wrote:

It's the one right above the crown chakra. It's about 4cm above the head.
Go to www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/the_sun_chakra.html
It's written by HP Vovim Baghie.

Hail Satan!

On Nov 10, 2010, at 15:19, "meg" <to_cool_2_fu@... wrote:

What do you mean by the gold chakra are you talking about the solar plexus chakra? what ckakra are you talking about in the Amassing and the release of energy ritural?

Hail Satan!
Hail the Gods and Goddess' of Hell
Hail the Daemons and Daemoness' that Help us!
I did my best to participate. HAIL SATAN and all who are his with love!! 666Sent via BlackBerry from T-MobileFrom: "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@... Sender: [email protected] Date: Tue, 09 Nov 2010 20:23:30 -0000To: <[email protected]ReplyTo: [email protected] Subject: [HellsArmy666] NOVEMBER DESTRUCTION RITUAL
  Date: Saturday, 13 November 2010

Time: Hour of Saturn. You can work out the correct time for your location by using Chronos XP: http://chronosxp.sourceforge.net/en/

Target and outcome: Total Destruction of the kike race

Ritual Affirmation: "the jewish race is destroyed"
Using: Runes
- Thurisaz
- Hagl


Our focus for this, the first, Monthly Destruction Ritual is the kike race at large. This is following up from the Major Group Destruction Ritual that was performed (adding to the Energy that was raised then). The kike race itself is the obvious starting place for the destruction of our enemies. Direct the Destructive Energy raised by the Runes to the kike race as a whole. You can ask your Guardian Demons assistance with the direction. Read the Sermon regarding this by High Priest Vovim Baghie: http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/the_amassi ... nergy.html

The Runes are exceptionally powerful when directed towards a specific goal, and when used in Black Magick are a fierce weapon against the enemy. They are Ancient Powers, given to humanity by the Gods themselves.

We will be harnessing these Powers and directing them to the Destruction of the enemies of Satan (Our enemies, as we must never forget).

More information concerning the Runes can be found on the Joy of Satan site.

Use either the format for the Standard Ritual or the Grand Satanic Ritual.

There are Four, very simple steps to this Ritual:
Step 1- Begin Ritual
Step 2- Read and burn Ritual Prayer
Step 3- Vibrate Runes and raise Energy
Step 4- Release Energy

-You are going to gather the Energy (through simple visualization) raised by the vibration of the Runes into a ball either above or in front of you. We will be using this technique for many of the Destruction Rituals. For those who are new and not yet totally confident in raising Energy, start off by simply Vibrating the Runes and directing them by Mental Focus to the Target, via the affirmations. Every dedicated Warrior should be practicing and working towards Warfare techniques such as correctly raising and directing Energy, however, this simple alternative will suffice at first.

It is important for those who haven't read the following article by High Priestess Maxine Dietrich to do so: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... Steps.html

Begin Ritual

Reading and Burning of the Ritual Prayer

At the height of the Ritual, read out the Ritual Prayer with intent. Those Members who are able to and so wish can also empower the Ritual Prayer itself prior to the Ritual: http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/satanic_elementalism.html

Light the Prayer in the flame of one of the candles and place it into your Burning Bowl. For the duration of the burning, repeat the Ritual Affirmation. Know that it IS happening. They ARE crumbling. There is no question about it.

Runic Vibrations

After the burning of the Prayer begin the Vibration of the Runes.

As you vibrate the Runes, see the Energy of the Vibration accumulating before you, forming a tight ball (The vibration is raising the Destructive Runic Energy. See the Energy forming in front of you as you Vibrate). Visualize the Energy and ball it forms as grey, and see the Rune imprinting upon it. (I personally visualize Runes directed for Destruction as a dirty, bloody red colour.)As you inhale, repeat the Affirmation for the specific Rune into the ball of Destructive Energy, programming it. On the exhale, the Rune is vibrated and visualized.

Begin with Thurisaz.
"TTTTHHHHOOOORRRRIIIIZZZZAAAAZZZZ" (Hard TH as in "The", Remember to roll the R)
Vibrate Nine Times.
We are programming the Energy raised by the vibration to bring chaos and destruction to the jewish race. See this happening. See their race crumbling. Know that it IS happening.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation (Mentally): "The energies of Thurisaz are bringing chaos and destruction to the jewish race", programming the ball of destructive Energy. As you affirm, see it happening. See the kike race falling and crumbling.
2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, gathering the Energy into the ball and filling it with the Destructive Energy of Thurisaz. Visualize the Rune imprinting on the ball.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.

Move on to the vibration of Hagal.
Vibrate Nine Times.
Direct the Energy raised by the vibration of Hagal to bring total destruction and disaster to the kike race. See it turning to disaster and destruction, crumbling and crashing down. Again, know that this IS happening.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Hagal are bringing disaster and destruction to the jewish race", programming the ball of Destructive Energy. As you affirm, see it happening.
2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, accumulating and filling the ball with the Destructive Energy of Hagal. See Hagal imprinting on the ball.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.

Move to the vibration of Sol/Sowilo.
Vibrate 9 times.
We are only using this Rune to empower and activate further the energies of Thurisaz and Hagal. We are not directing it to the kikes.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Sol/Sowilo are working to further activate and empower the Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal and amplify the Destructive Energy raised, assisting in the total destruction of the jewish race".
2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, directing the Energy to reflect on and Empower the other Runes.

Once you are done with the Vibrations, repeat the following affirmation with force and intent: "The Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal, Empowered by the Energies of Sol/Sowilo, are combining to bring total destruction to the jewish race in every way", to close up and tie together the raising of the Energy. This must be repeated 9 times, visualizing their total Destruction.

Releasing of the Destructive Energy

Now, send the Ball of Destructive Energy to the target, as described by High Priest Vovim Baghie.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation once again and for the last time.

End the Ritual with "HAIL SATAN! So Mote It Be"


Ritual Prayer:
In the Name of Satan, True God and Mighty Lord of the Earth, we declare that the jewish race is destroyed. As Brothers and Sisters and Warriors of Hell we stand, our Energies combining to make our working a reality and to set the most foul enemies of our Father Satan irreversibly upon their course, heading towards their total and eternal destruction. By our Energies, and by the Energies of the Mighty Gods of Hell whose assistance we humbly and respectfully call upon, and the Energies of the True God who is TRUTH and POWER, STRENGTH, KNOWLEDGE and FREEDOM, who is SATAN Himself, SO MOTE IT BE!!!



*It is extremely important to remember to clean your Aura and Chakras thoroughly after performing Destruction Rituals! Every Brother and Sister in Satan should also be working on building their Aura of Protection daily.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

It looks gray but it's supposed to be silver. We all know black and or darker shades energy that aren't pure are not supposed to be taken into oneself. Anyways my destruction ritual went awesome, my mom even came outside and tried to distract me but i kept concentrated and focused on the task at hand. Right afterwards I found out that my acquaintance kevin wanted to drive me to a ska/punk show too, and my xian, excuse me bitch ass xian, mom was being rude and disrespectful to me whilst i was talking on the phone with kevin and ended up giving me 15 bucks for the show, while being rude still. Which doesn't make sense unless Satan or my Guardian was helping the situation, because my a mom has long ago sold her soul to the evil of xianity.


To: [email protected]
From: darkfury211@...
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 2010 21:18:30 +0000

  what is most confusing, troubling about these 4 chakras, is that those chakras used to be listed on HPS maxine's site, and now they are only shown in one picture on her site. moreover, the one on top is shown as *grey* in the picture?? its been my expierience to not even think about grey energy unless I'm gonna use it. there somes light that needs to be shed here.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Drew <ditto6891@... wrote:

It's the one right above the crown chakra. It's about 4cm above the head.
Go to www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/the_sun_chakra.html
It's written by HP Vovim Baghie.

Hail Satan!

On Nov 10, 2010, at 15:19, "meg" <to_cool_2_fu@... wrote:

What do you mean by the gold chakra are you talking about the solar plexus chakra? what ckakra are you talking about in the Amassing and the release of energy ritural?

Hail Satan!
Hail the Gods and Goddess' of Hell
Hail the Daemons and Daemoness' that Help us!
#ygrps-yiv-1232356330 .ygrps-yiv-1232356330ExternalClass #ygrps-yiv-1232356330ecxygrp-mkp {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;padding:0 10px;} #ygrps-yiv-1232356330 .ygrps-yiv-1232356330ExternalClass #ygrps-yiv-1232356330ecxygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;} #ygrps-yiv-1232356330 .ygrps-yiv-1232356330ExternalClass #ygrps-yiv-1232356330ecxygrp-mkp #ygrps-yiv-1232356330ecxhd {color:#628c2a;font-size:85%;font-weight:700;line-height:122%;} #ygrps-yiv-1232356330 .ygrps-yiv-1232356330ExternalClass #ygrps-yiv-1232356330ecxygrp-mkp #ygrps-yiv-1232356330ecxads {margin-bottom:10px;} #ygrps-yiv-1232356330 .ygrps-yiv-1232356330ExternalClass #ygrps-yiv-1232356330ecxygrp-mkp .ygrps-yiv-1232356330ecxad {padding:0 0;} #ygrps-yiv-1232356330 .ygrps-yiv-1232356330ExternalClass #ygrps-yiv-1232356330ecxygrp-mkp .ygrps-yiv-1232356330ecxad p {} #ygrps-yiv-1232356330 .ygrps-yiv-1232356330ExternalClass #ygrps-yiv-1232356330ecxygrp-mkp .ygrps-yiv-1232356330ecxad a 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Oops! I just realised i made a typo with the title on my previous post! It wasnt meant to be "ay the forces of hell guide us RITUAL". . . I feel so silly right now -_-

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "XxLOVELESSxX" <witch_of_flames@... wrote:

I just finished doing the distruction ritual and cleansing my chakras+aura. I am very happy that i was able to do this today and may the jewish race rot and suffer! My body feels a little werid yet i cannot stop smilling! May the forces of hell guide us all and show us true spiritual knowledge and power!!!!!!!!!!


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "XxLOVELESSxX" <witch_of_flames@ wrote:

Right now, it looks like i might have to do it tomorrow but it would be the day of the sun for me over here then. . .but i might get lucky and beable to do it today. Which i really am hoping for!!!!


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@ wrote:

You're welcome:). As for your time zone, you can adjust the times of the Rituals to fit you. If its a day before or after its fine. Its great to see many Dedicated Brothers and Sisters participating and working towards the Destruction of our enemies. Father Satan does do a lot for each one of us. We would not be here, if it were not for Him. Fighting this war is an important way of showing our thanks and our Dedication.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "XxLOVELESSxX" <witch_of_flames@ wrote:

Thank you so mcuh for answering my question High Priestess Zildar Raasil! Your anwser has gave me a real confidence boost to perform this ritual! Although I do live in a different time zone so today is the day of saturn instead of tomorrow. Hopefully that won't really matter when I do this ritual today instead of tomorrow. . .

Father Satan has done so much for me yet I had done so little! Its time for me to return the favour! ^^


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@ wrote:

Yes, if this is what you are forced into doing because of your situation then it is fine. It is the fact that you are participating in the Ritua and fighting our enemies that matters. The raising of the Destructive Energy is the most important part.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "XxLOVELESSxX" <witch_of_flames@ wrote:

Thank you for posting this! Although i am not 100% sure if i can participate since i have very little privacy for the time being. I am able to do everything else in this ritual but im not sure about burning the piece of paper. . .would it be okay to skip that or is it very nessesary?


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Spencer" <redfishbloofish@ wrote:

I'm in a dorm and I burn the paper out my window. I thought about what would happen if the alarm went off and I decided if it did I would pretend I burned food in the microwave.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Drew Bolden <ditto6891@ wrote:

I am really hoping my roomate will be gone on the hours of Saturn on Saturday if
not i will have to do it all astrally. I also ordered temple supplies recently
and hope they arrive b4 Saturday. So exited, i got an athame, silver bell,
silver 6'' burning bowl, silver chalice, and those diabetic needle prick things
to draw blood. Also got a bahomet necklace, I already have a black 7 day candle
and Indian frankincense. Now all i have to worry about is not tripping the fire
alarm in my dorms. If i do, the whole fire department will be in my room
"assessing" what triggered it. These alarms are smart. They even know when you
cover it up with a plastic bag. I will probably start collecting energy for
storage into my Gold Chakra for Saturday for any additional boost.

Hail Satan!

From: High Priestess Zildar Raasi <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Tue, November 9, 2010 1:23:30 PM

Date: Saturday, 13 November 2010

Time: Hour of Saturn. You can work out the correct time for your location by
using Chronos XP: http://chronosxp.sourceforge.net/en/

Target and outcome: Total Destruction of the kike race

Ritual Affirmation: "the jewish race is destroyed"
Using: Runes
- Thurisaz
- Hagl


Our focus for this, the first, Monthly Destruction Ritual is the kike race at
large. This is following up from the Major Group Destruction Ritual that was
performed (adding to the Energy that was raised then). The kike race itself is
the obvious starting place for the destruction of our enemies. Direct the
Destructive Energy raised by the Runes to the kike race as a whole. You can ask
your Guardian Demons assistance with the direction. Read the Sermon regarding
this by High Priest Vovim Baghie:
http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/the_amassi ... nergy.html

The Runes are exceptionally powerful when directed towards a specific goal, and
when used in Black Magick are a fierce weapon against the enemy. They are
Ancient Powers, given to humanity by the Gods themselves.

We will be harnessing these Powers and directing them to the Destruction of the
enemies of Satan (Our enemies, as we must never forget).

More information concerning the Runes can be found on the Joy of Satan site.

Use either the format for the Standard Ritual or the Grand Satanic Ritual.

There are Four, very simple steps to this Ritual:
Step 1- Begin Ritual
Step 2- Read and burn Ritual Prayer
Step 3- Vibrate Runes and raise Energy
Step 4- Release Energy

-You are going to gather the Energy (through simple visualization) raised by the
vibration of the Runes into a ball either above or in front of you. We will be
using this technique for many of the Destruction Rituals. For those who are new
and not yet totally confident in raising Energy, start off by simply Vibrating
the Runes and directing them by Mental Focus to the Target, via the
affirmations. Every dedicated Warrior should be practicing and working towards
Warfare techniques such as correctly raising and directing Energy, however, this
simple alternative will suffice at first.

It is important for those who haven't read the following article by High
Priestess Maxine Dietrich to do so:
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... Steps.html

Begin Ritual

Reading and Burning of the Ritual Prayer

At the height of the Ritual, read out the Ritual Prayer with intent. Those
Members who are able to and so wish can also empower the Ritual Prayer itself
prior to the Ritual: http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/satanic_elementalism.html

Light the Prayer in the flame of one of the candles and place it into your
Burning Bowl. For the duration of the burning, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.
Know that it IS happening. They ARE crumbling. There is no question about it.

Runic Vibrations

After the burning of the Prayer begin the Vibration of the Runes.

As you vibrate the Runes, see the Energy of the Vibration accumulating before
you, forming a tight ball (The vibration is raising the Destructive Runic
Energy. See the Energy forming in front of you as you Vibrate). Visualize the
Energy and ball it forms as grey, and see the Rune imprinting upon it. (I
personally visualize Runes directed for Destruction as a dirty, bloody red
colour.)As you inhale, repeat the Affirmation for the specific Rune into the
ball of Destructive Energy, programming it. On the exhale, the Rune is vibrated
and visualized.

Begin with Thurisaz.
"TTTTHHHHOOOORRRRIIIIZZZZAAAAZZZZ" (Hard TH as in "The", Remember to roll the
Vibrate Nine Times.
We are programming the Energy raised by the vibration to bring chaos and
destruction to the jewish race. See this happening. See their race crumbling.
Know that it IS happening.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation (Mentally): "The energies of Thurisaz
are bringing chaos and destruction to the jewish race", programming the ball of
destructive Energy. As you affirm, see it happening. See the kike race falling
and crumbling.
2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, gathering the Energy into the ball and filling
it with the Destructive Energy of Thurisaz. Visualize the Rune imprinting on the

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.

Move on to the vibration of Hagal.
Vibrate Nine Times.
Direct the Energy raised by the vibration of Hagal to bring total destruction
and disaster to the kike race. See it turning to disaster and destruction,
crumbling and crashing down. Again, know that this IS happening.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Hagal are bringing
disaster and destruction to the jewish race", programming the ball of
Destructive Energy. As you affirm, see it happening.

2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, accumulating and filling the ball with the
Destructive Energy of Hagal. See Hagal imprinting on the ball.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.

Move to the vibration of Sol/Sowilo.
Vibrate 9 times.
We are only using this Rune to empower and activate further the energies of
Thurisaz and Hagal. We are not directing it to the kikes.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Sol/Sowilo are
working to further activate and empower the Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal and
amplify the Destructive Energy raised, assisting in the total destruction of the
jewish race".

2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, directing the Energy to reflect on and Empower
the other Runes.

Once you are done with the Vibrations, repeat the following affirmation with
force and intent: "The Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal, Empowered by the Energies
of Sol/Sowilo, are combining to bring total destruction to the jewish race in
every way", to close up and tie together the raising of the Energy. This must be
repeated 9 times, visualizing their total Destruction.

Releasing of the Destructive Energy

Now, send the Ball of Destructive Energy to the target, as described by High
Priest Vovim Baghie.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation once again and for the last

End the Ritual with "HAIL SATAN! So Mote It Be"


Ritual Prayer:
In the Name of Satan, True God and Mighty Lord of the Earth, we declare that the
jewish race is destroyed. As Brothers and Sisters and Warriors of Hell we stand,
our Energies combining to make our working a reality and to set the most foul
enemies of our Father Satan irreversibly upon their course, heading towards
their total and eternal destruction. By our Energies, and by the Energies of the
Mighty Gods of Hell whose assistance we humbly and respectfully call upon, and
the Energies of the True God who is TRUTH and POWER, STRENGTH, KNOWLEDGE and
FREEDOM, who is SATAN Himself, SO MOTE IT BE!!!



*It is extremely important to remember to clean your Aura and Chakras thoroughly
after performing Destruction Rituals! Every Brother and Sister in Satan should
also be working on building their Aura of Protection daily.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries
So mad right now. I was ready for the ritual when I beilve I was attacked by a grey. I was getting ready, when something came up. We were moving back into our house(we had been staying in a trailer since it was cheaper to run in the warm months.

Well, we were cleaning when all of a sudden a water line in the wall shattered For NO REASON. Nobody had done anything to break it. My house quickly began to flood. We went looking for the main shut off but could not find it.

Please keep in mind that the area around the main line is very same and simple. The only explanation I can come up with is that a grey was clouding my vision/perception and hiding it. Eventually we found it and shut it off but the damage was already done. After that I had to clean the mess and my aura was drained.

I still don't feel well after the experience and I am so upset that I did not get to do the ritual as I literaly passed out from being exhuasted. I do however feel good in knowing that we are doing damage, otherwise the angels would not try to stop us from doing these rituals.

I am not letting some shitty grey stop me know though. I am going to try a Satanic house blessing. Congrats everyone who did the ritual, did anyone else have any problems with greys? If so how did you stop them?


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "dawn.desgraves" <dawn.desgraves@... wrote:

I did my best to participate. HAIL SATAN and all who are his with love!! 666
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

-----Original Message-----
From: "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@...
Sender: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Tue, 09 Nov 2010 20:23:30
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Reply-To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]

Date: Saturday, 13 November 2010

Time: Hour of Saturn. You can work out the correct time for your location by using Chronos XP: http://chronosxp.sourceforge.net/en/

Target and outcome: Total Destruction of the kike race

Ritual Affirmation: "the jewish race is destroyed"
Using: Runes
- Thurisaz
- Hagl


Our focus for this, the first, Monthly Destruction Ritual is the kike race at large. This is following up from the Major Group Destruction Ritual that was performed (adding to the Energy that was raised then). The kike race itself is the obvious starting place for the destruction of our enemies. Direct the Destructive Energy raised by the Runes to the kike race as a whole. You can ask your Guardian Demons assistance with the direction. Read the Sermon regarding this by High Priest Vovim Baghie: http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/the_amassi ... nergy.html

The Runes are exceptionally powerful when directed towards a specific goal, and when used in Black Magick are a fierce weapon against the enemy. They are Ancient Powers, given to humanity by the Gods themselves.

We will be harnessing these Powers and directing them to the Destruction of the enemies of Satan (Our enemies, as we must never forget).

More information concerning the Runes can be found on the Joy of Satan site.

Use either the format for the Standard Ritual or the Grand Satanic Ritual.

There are Four, very simple steps to this Ritual:
Step 1- Begin Ritual
Step 2- Read and burn Ritual Prayer
Step 3- Vibrate Runes and raise Energy
Step 4- Release Energy

-You are going to gather the Energy (through simple visualization) raised by the vibration of the Runes into a ball either above or in front of you. We will be using this technique for many of the Destruction Rituals. For those who are new and not yet totally confident in raising Energy, start off by simply Vibrating the Runes and directing them by Mental Focus to the Target, via the affirmations. Every dedicated Warrior should be practicing and working towards Warfare techniques such as correctly raising and directing Energy, however, this simple alternative will suffice at first.

It is important for those who haven't read the following article by High Priestess Maxine Dietrich to do so: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... Steps.html

Begin Ritual

Reading and Burning of the Ritual Prayer

At the height of the Ritual, read out the Ritual Prayer with intent. Those Members who are able to and so wish can also empower the Ritual Prayer itself prior to the Ritual: http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/satanic_elementalism.html

Light the Prayer in the flame of one of the candles and place it into your Burning Bowl. For the duration of the burning, repeat the Ritual Affirmation. Know that it IS happening. They ARE crumbling. There is no question about it.

Runic Vibrations

After the burning of the Prayer begin the Vibration of the Runes.

As you vibrate the Runes, see the Energy of the Vibration accumulating before you, forming a tight ball (The vibration is raising the Destructive Runic Energy. See the Energy forming in front of you as you Vibrate). Visualize the Energy and ball it forms as grey, and see the Rune imprinting upon it. (I personally visualize Runes directed for Destruction as a dirty, bloody red colour.)As you inhale, repeat the Affirmation for the specific Rune into the ball of Destructive Energy, programming it. On the exhale, the Rune is vibrated and visualized.

Begin with Thurisaz.
"TTTTHHHHOOOORRRRIIIIZZZZAAAAZZZZ" (Hard TH as in "The", Remember to roll the R)
Vibrate Nine Times.
We are programming the Energy raised by the vibration to bring chaos and destruction to the jewish race. See this happening. See their race crumbling. Know that it IS happening.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation (Mentally): "The energies of Thurisaz are bringing chaos and destruction to the jewish race", programming the ball of destructive Energy. As you affirm, see it happening. See the kike race falling and crumbling.
2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, gathering the Energy into the ball and filling it with the Destructive Energy of Thurisaz. Visualize the Rune imprinting on the ball.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.

Move on to the vibration of Hagal.
Vibrate Nine Times.
Direct the Energy raised by the vibration of Hagal to bring total destruction and disaster to the kike race. See it turning to disaster and destruction, crumbling and crashing down. Again, know that this IS happening.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Hagal are bringing disaster and destruction to the jewish race", programming the ball of Destructive Energy. As you affirm, see it happening.
2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, accumulating and filling the ball with the Destructive Energy of Hagal. See Hagal imprinting on the ball.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.

Move to the vibration of Sol/Sowilo.
Vibrate 9 times.
We are only using this Rune to empower and activate further the energies of Thurisaz and Hagal. We are not directing it to the kikes.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Sol/Sowilo are working to further activate and empower the Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal and amplify the Destructive Energy raised, assisting in the total destruction of the jewish race".
2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, directing the Energy to reflect on and Empower the other Runes.

Once you are done with the Vibrations, repeat the following affirmation with force and intent: "The Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal, Empowered by the Energies of Sol/Sowilo, are combining to bring total destruction to the jewish race in every way", to close up and tie together the raising of the Energy. This must be repeated 9 times, visualizing their total Destruction.

Releasing of the Destructive Energy

Now, send the Ball of Destructive Energy to the target, as described by High Priest Vovim Baghie.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation once again and for the last time.

End the Ritual with "HAIL SATAN! So Mote It Be"


Ritual Prayer:
In the Name of Satan, True God and Mighty Lord of the Earth, we declare that the jewish race is destroyed. As Brothers and Sisters and Warriors of Hell we stand, our Energies combining to make our working a reality and to set the most foul enemies of our Father Satan irreversibly upon their course, heading towards their total and eternal destruction. By our Energies, and by the Energies of the Mighty Gods of Hell whose assistance we humbly and respectfully call upon, and the Energies of the True God who is TRUTH and POWER, STRENGTH, KNOWLEDGE and FREEDOM, who is SATAN Himself, SO MOTE IT BE!!!



*It is extremely important to remember to clean your Aura and Chakras thoroughly after performing Destruction Rituals! Every Brother and Sister in Satan should also be working on building their Aura of Protection daily.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries
Hey, don't feel down, Father Satan loves you and we all will have more rituals to perform soon ;) Have a great demonic day!! 666 HAIL SATAN and all who are his forever!! 88 Sent via BlackBerry from T-MobileFrom: "DemonW" <satansgirl66@... Sender: [email protected] Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2010 16:25:06 -0000To: <[email protected]ReplyTo: [email protected] Subject: [HellsArmy666] Re: NOVEMBER DESTRUCTION RITUAL
  So mad right now. I was ready for the ritual when I beilve I was attacked by a grey. I was getting ready, when something came up. We were moving back into our house(we had been staying in a trailer since it was cheaper to run in the warm months.

Well, we were cleaning when all of a sudden a water line in the wall shattered For NO REASON. Nobody had done anything to break it. My house quickly began to flood. We went looking for the main shut off but could not find it.

Please keep in mind that the area around the main line is very same and simple. The only explanation I can come up with is that a grey was clouding my vision/perception and hiding it. Eventually we found it and shut it off but the damage was already done. After that I had to clean the mess and my aura was drained.

I still don't feel well after the experience and I am so upset that I did not get to do the ritual as I literaly passed out from being exhuasted. I do however feel good in knowing that we are doing damage, otherwise the angels would not try to stop us from doing these rituals.

I am not letting some shitty grey stop me know though. I am going to try a Satanic house blessing. Congrats everyone who did the ritual, did anyone else have any problems with greys? If so how did you stop them?


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "dawn.desgraves" <dawn.desgraves@... wrote:

I did my best to participate. HAIL SATAN and all who are his with love!! 666
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

-----Original Message-----
From: "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@...
Sender: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Tue, 09 Nov 2010 20:23:30
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Reply-To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]

Date: Saturday, 13 November 2010

Time: Hour of Saturn. You can work out the correct time for your location by using Chronos XP: http://chronosxp.sourceforge.net/en/

Target and outcome: Total Destruction of the kike race

Ritual Affirmation: "the jewish race is destroyed"
Using: Runes
- Thurisaz
- Hagl


Our focus for this, the first, Monthly Destruction Ritual is the kike race at large. This is following up from the Major Group Destruction Ritual that was performed (adding to the Energy that was raised then). The kike race itself is the obvious starting place for the destruction of our enemies. Direct the Destructive Energy raised by the Runes to the kike race as a whole. You can ask your Guardian Demons assistance with the direction. Read the Sermon regarding this by High Priest Vovim Baghie: http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/the_amassi ... nergy.html

The Runes are exceptionally powerful when directed towards a specific goal, and when used in Black Magick are a fierce weapon against the enemy. They are Ancient Powers, given to humanity by the Gods themselves.

We will be harnessing these Powers and directing them to the Destruction of the enemies of Satan (Our enemies, as we must never forget).

More information concerning the Runes can be found on the Joy of Satan site.

Use either the format for the Standard Ritual or the Grand Satanic Ritual.

There are Four, very simple steps to this Ritual:
Step 1- Begin Ritual
Step 2- Read and burn Ritual Prayer
Step 3- Vibrate Runes and raise Energy
Step 4- Release Energy

-You are going to gather the Energy (through simple visualization) raised by the vibration of the Runes into a ball either above or in front of you. We will be using this technique for many of the Destruction Rituals. For those who are new and not yet totally confident in raising Energy, start off by simply Vibrating the Runes and directing them by Mental Focus to the Target, via the affirmations. Every dedicated Warrior should be practicing and working towards Warfare techniques such as correctly raising and directing Energy, however, this simple alternative will suffice at first.

It is important for those who haven't read the following article by High Priestess Maxine Dietrich to do so: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... Steps.html

Begin Ritual

Reading and Burning of the Ritual Prayer

At the height of the Ritual, read out the Ritual Prayer with intent. Those Members who are able to and so wish can also empower the Ritual Prayer itself prior to the Ritual: http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/satanic_elementalism.html

Light the Prayer in the flame of one of the candles and place it into your Burning Bowl. For the duration of the burning, repeat the Ritual Affirmation. Know that it IS happening. They ARE crumbling. There is no question about it.

Runic Vibrations

After the burning of the Prayer begin the Vibration of the Runes.

As you vibrate the Runes, see the Energy of the Vibration accumulating before you, forming a tight ball (The vibration is raising the Destructive Runic Energy. See the Energy forming in front of you as you Vibrate). Visualize the Energy and ball it forms as grey, and see the Rune imprinting upon it. (I personally visualize Runes directed for Destruction as a dirty, bloody red colour.)As you inhale, repeat the Affirmation for the specific Rune into the ball of Destructive Energy, programming it. On the exhale, the Rune is vibrated and visualized.

Begin with Thurisaz.
"TTTTHHHHOOOORRRRIIIIZZZZAAAAZZZZ" (Hard TH as in "The", Remember to roll the R)
Vibrate Nine Times.
We are programming the Energy raised by the vibration to bring chaos and destruction to the jewish race. See this happening. See their race crumbling. Know that it IS happening.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation (Mentally): "The energies of Thurisaz are bringing chaos and destruction to the jewish race", programming the ball of destructive Energy. As you affirm, see it happening. See the kike race falling and crumbling.
2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, gathering the Energy into the ball and filling it with the Destructive Energy of Thurisaz. Visualize the Rune imprinting on the ball.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.

Move on to the vibration of Hagal.
Vibrate Nine Times.
Direct the Energy raised by the vibration of Hagal to bring total destruction and disaster to the kike race. See it turning to disaster and destruction, crumbling and crashing down. Again, know that this IS happening.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Hagal are bringing disaster and destruction to the jewish race", programming the ball of Destructive Energy. As you affirm, see it happening.
2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, accumulating and filling the ball with the Destructive Energy of Hagal. See Hagal imprinting on the ball.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.

Move to the vibration of Sol/Sowilo.
Vibrate 9 times.
We are only using this Rune to empower and activate further the energies of Thurisaz and Hagal. We are not directing it to the kikes.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Sol/Sowilo are working to further activate and empower the Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal and amplify the Destructive Energy raised, assisting in the total destruction of the jewish race".
2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, directing the Energy to reflect on and Empower the other Runes.

Once you are done with the Vibrations, repeat the following affirmation with force and intent: "The Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal, Empowered by the Energies of Sol/Sowilo, are combining to bring total destruction to the jewish race in every way", to close up and tie together the raising of the Energy. This must be repeated 9 times, visualizing their total Destruction.

Releasing of the Destructive Energy

Now, send the Ball of Destructive Energy to the target, as described by High Priest Vovim Baghie.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation once again and for the last time.

End the Ritual with "HAIL SATAN! So Mote It Be"


Ritual Prayer:
In the Name of Satan, True God and Mighty Lord of the Earth, we declare that the jewish race is destroyed. As Brothers and Sisters and Warriors of Hell we stand, our Energies combining to make our working a reality and to set the most foul enemies of our Father Satan irreversibly upon their course, heading towards their total and eternal destruction. By our Energies, and by the Energies of the Mighty Gods of Hell whose assistance we humbly and respectfully call upon, and the Energies of the True God who is TRUTH and POWER, STRENGTH, KNOWLEDGE and FREEDOM, who is SATAN Himself, SO MOTE IT BE!!!



*It is extremely important to remember to clean your Aura and Chakras thoroughly after performing Destruction Rituals! Every Brother and Sister in Satan should also be working on building their Aura of Protection daily.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries
That ritual was fucking great. it was good fun, and the positive energy of the ritual, along with the normal meditations that I did that day kept me up for most of the night.
I sincerely look forward to the next group ritual.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "DemonW" <satansgirl66@... wrote:

So mad right now. I was ready for the ritual when I beilve I was attacked by a grey. I was getting ready, when something came up. We were moving back into our house(we had been staying in a trailer since it was cheaper to run in the warm months.

Well, we were cleaning when all of a sudden a water line in the wall shattered For NO REASON. Nobody had done anything to break it. My house quickly began to flood. We went looking for the main shut off but could not find it.

Please keep in mind that the area around the main line is very same and simple. The only explanation I can come up with is that a grey was clouding my vision/perception and hiding it. Eventually we found it and shut it off but the damage was already done. After that I had to clean the mess and my aura was drained.

I still don't feel well after the experience and I am so upset that I did not get to do the ritual as I literaly passed out from being exhuasted. I do however feel good in knowing that we are doing damage, otherwise the angels would not try to stop us from doing these rituals.

I am not letting some shitty grey stop me know though. I am going to try a Satanic house blessing. Congrats everyone who did the ritual, did anyone else have any problems with greys? If so how did you stop them?


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "dawn.desgraves" <dawn.desgraves@ wrote:

I did my best to participate. HAIL SATAN and all who are his with love!! 666
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

-----Original Message-----
From: "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@
Sender: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Tue, 09 Nov 2010 20:23:30
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Reply-To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]

Date: Saturday, 13 November 2010

Time: Hour of Saturn. You can work out the correct time for your location by using Chronos XP: http://chronosxp.sourceforge.net/en/

Target and outcome: Total Destruction of the kike race

Ritual Affirmation: "the jewish race is destroyed"
Using: Runes
- Thurisaz
- Hagl


Our focus for this, the first, Monthly Destruction Ritual is the kike race at large. This is following up from the Major Group Destruction Ritual that was performed (adding to the Energy that was raised then). The kike race itself is the obvious starting place for the destruction of our enemies. Direct the Destructive Energy raised by the Runes to the kike race as a whole. You can ask your Guardian Demons assistance with the direction. Read the Sermon regarding this by High Priest Vovim Baghie: http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/the_amassi ... nergy.html

The Runes are exceptionally powerful when directed towards a specific goal, and when used in Black Magick are a fierce weapon against the enemy. They are Ancient Powers, given to humanity by the Gods themselves.

We will be harnessing these Powers and directing them to the Destruction of the enemies of Satan (Our enemies, as we must never forget).

More information concerning the Runes can be found on the Joy of Satan site.

Use either the format for the Standard Ritual or the Grand Satanic Ritual.

There are Four, very simple steps to this Ritual:
Step 1- Begin Ritual
Step 2- Read and burn Ritual Prayer
Step 3- Vibrate Runes and raise Energy
Step 4- Release Energy

-You are going to gather the Energy (through simple visualization) raised by the vibration of the Runes into a ball either above or in front of you. We will be using this technique for many of the Destruction Rituals. For those who are new and not yet totally confident in raising Energy, start off by simply Vibrating the Runes and directing them by Mental Focus to the Target, via the affirmations. Every dedicated Warrior should be practicing and working towards Warfare techniques such as correctly raising and directing Energy, however, this simple alternative will suffice at first.

It is important for those who haven't read the following article by High Priestess Maxine Dietrich to do so: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... Steps.html

Begin Ritual

Reading and Burning of the Ritual Prayer

At the height of the Ritual, read out the Ritual Prayer with intent. Those Members who are able to and so wish can also empower the Ritual Prayer itself prior to the Ritual: http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/satanic_elementalism.html

Light the Prayer in the flame of one of the candles and place it into your Burning Bowl. For the duration of the burning, repeat the Ritual Affirmation. Know that it IS happening. They ARE crumbling. There is no question about it.

Runic Vibrations

After the burning of the Prayer begin the Vibration of the Runes.

As you vibrate the Runes, see the Energy of the Vibration accumulating before you, forming a tight ball (The vibration is raising the Destructive Runic Energy. See the Energy forming in front of you as you Vibrate). Visualize the Energy and ball it forms as grey, and see the Rune imprinting upon it. (I personally visualize Runes directed for Destruction as a dirty, bloody red colour.)As you inhale, repeat the Affirmation for the specific Rune into the ball of Destructive Energy, programming it. On the exhale, the Rune is vibrated and visualized.

Begin with Thurisaz.
"TTTTHHHHOOOORRRRIIIIZZZZAAAAZZZZ" (Hard TH as in "The", Remember to roll the R)
Vibrate Nine Times.
We are programming the Energy raised by the vibration to bring chaos and destruction to the jewish race. See this happening. See their race crumbling. Know that it IS happening.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation (Mentally): "The energies of Thurisaz are bringing chaos and destruction to the jewish race", programming the ball of destructive Energy. As you affirm, see it happening. See the kike race falling and crumbling.
2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, gathering the Energy into the ball and filling it with the Destructive Energy of Thurisaz. Visualize the Rune imprinting on the ball.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.

Move on to the vibration of Hagal.
Vibrate Nine Times.
Direct the Energy raised by the vibration of Hagal to bring total destruction and disaster to the kike race. See it turning to disaster and destruction, crumbling and crashing down. Again, know that this IS happening.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Hagal are bringing disaster and destruction to the jewish race", programming the ball of Destructive Energy. As you affirm, see it happening.
2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, accumulating and filling the ball with the Destructive Energy of Hagal. See Hagal imprinting on the ball.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.

Move to the vibration of Sol/Sowilo.
Vibrate 9 times.
We are only using this Rune to empower and activate further the energies of Thurisaz and Hagal. We are not directing it to the kikes.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Sol/Sowilo are working to further activate and empower the Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal and amplify the Destructive Energy raised, assisting in the total destruction of the jewish race".
2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, directing the Energy to reflect on and Empower the other Runes.

Once you are done with the Vibrations, repeat the following affirmation with force and intent: "The Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal, Empowered by the Energies of Sol/Sowilo, are combining to bring total destruction to the jewish race in every way", to close up and tie together the raising of the Energy. This must be repeated 9 times, visualizing their total Destruction.

Releasing of the Destructive Energy

Now, send the Ball of Destructive Energy to the target, as described by High Priest Vovim Baghie.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation once again and for the last time.

End the Ritual with "HAIL SATAN! So Mote It Be"


Ritual Prayer:
In the Name of Satan, True God and Mighty Lord of the Earth, we declare that the jewish race is destroyed. As Brothers and Sisters and Warriors of Hell we stand, our Energies combining to make our working a reality and to set the most foul enemies of our Father Satan irreversibly upon their course, heading towards their total and eternal destruction. By our Energies, and by the Energies of the Mighty Gods of Hell whose assistance we humbly and respectfully call upon, and the Energies of the True God who is TRUTH and POWER, STRENGTH, KNOWLEDGE and FREEDOM, who is SATAN Himself, SO MOTE IT BE!!!



*It is extremely important to remember to clean your Aura and Chakras thoroughly after performing Destruction Rituals! Every Brother and Sister in Satan should also be working on building their Aura of Protection daily.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries
I did the ritual and it actually went off pretty smooth...  
I felt tired and was quite drained for just a few days but it was a good form of exhaustion, the kind you feel after a good work out...  :) 
Im not to sure about those that had problems, but I have been doing cleansing meditations, protection auras, using runes to strengthen my defenses, visualizing powerful Blue Demonic energies all around me..  all of those and I do it 3 times.... 
Once for around myself, like a personal shield, then again for around my room and then finally for around my entire home...  maybe that might help...  :) 
I try and do that every time I am about to start a ritual...  
Hope it helps..  :) 
From: DemonW <satansgirl66@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, 16 November 2010 00:25:06

  So mad right now. I was ready for the ritual when I beilve I was attacked by a grey. I was getting ready, when something came up. We were moving back into our house(we had been staying in a trailer since it was cheaper to run in the warm months.

Well, we were cleaning when all of a sudden a water line in the wall shattered For NO REASON. Nobody had done anything to break it. My house quickly began to flood. We went looking for the main shut off but could not find it.

Please keep in mind that the area around the main line is very same and simple. The only explanation I can come up with is that a grey was clouding my vision/perception and hiding it. Eventually we found it and shut it off but the damage was already done. After that I had to clean the mess and my aura was drained.

I still don't feel well after the experience and I am so upset that I did not get to do the ritual as I literaly passed out from being exhuasted. I do however feel good in knowing that we are doing damage, otherwise the angels would not try to stop us from doing these rituals.

I am not letting some shitty grey stop me know though. I am going to try a Satanic house blessing. Congrats everyone who did the ritual, did anyone else have any problems with greys? If so how did you stop them?


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "dawn.desgraves" <dawn.desgraves@... wrote:

I did my best to participate. HAIL SATAN and all who are his with love!! 666
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

-----Original Message-----
From: "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@...
Sender: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Tue, 09 Nov 2010 20:23:30
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Reply-To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]

Date: Saturday, 13 November 2010

Time: Hour of Saturn. You can work out the correct time for your location by using Chronos XP: http://chronosxp.sourceforge.net/en/

Target and outcome: Total Destruction of the kike race

Ritual Affirmation: "the jewish race is destroyed"
Using: Runes
- Thurisaz
- Hagl


Our focus for this, the first, Monthly Destruction Ritual is the kike race at large. This is following up from the Major Group Destruction Ritual that was performed (adding to the Energy that was raised then). The kike race itself is the obvious starting place for the destruction of our enemies. Direct the Destructive Energy raised by the Runes to the kike race as a whole. You can ask your Guardian Demons assistance with the direction. Read the Sermon regarding this by High Priest Vovim Baghie: http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/the_amassi ... nergy.html

The Runes are exceptionally powerful when directed towards a specific goal, and when used in Black Magick are a fierce weapon against the enemy. They are Ancient Powers, given to humanity by the Gods themselves.

We will be harnessing these Powers and directing them to the Destruction of the enemies of Satan (Our enemies, as we must never forget).

More information concerning the Runes can be found on the Joy of Satan site.

Use either the format for the Standard Ritual or the Grand Satanic Ritual.

There are Four, very simple steps to this Ritual:
Step 1- Begin Ritual
Step 2- Read and burn Ritual Prayer
Step 3- Vibrate Runes and raise Energy
Step 4- Release Energy

-You are going to gather the Energy (through simple visualization) raised by the vibration of the Runes into a ball either above or in front of you. We will be using this technique for many of the Destruction Rituals. For those who are new and not yet totally confident in raising Energy, start off by simply Vibrating the Runes and directing them by Mental Focus to the Target, via the affirmations. Every dedicated Warrior should be practicing and working towards Warfare techniques such as correctly raising and directing Energy, however, this simple alternative will suffice at first.

It is important for those who haven't read the following article by High Priestess Maxine Dietrich to do so: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... Steps.html

Begin Ritual

Reading and Burning of the Ritual Prayer

At the height of the Ritual, read out the Ritual Prayer with intent. Those Members who are able to and so wish can also empower the Ritual Prayer itself prior to the Ritual: http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/satanic_elementalism.html

Light the Prayer in the flame of one of the candles and place it into your Burning Bowl. For the duration of the burning, repeat the Ritual Affirmation. Know that it IS happening. They ARE crumbling. There is no question about it.

Runic Vibrations

After the burning of the Prayer begin the Vibration of the Runes.

As you vibrate the Runes, see the Energy of the Vibration accumulating before you, forming a tight ball (The vibration is raising the Destructive Runic Energy. See the Energy forming in front of you as you Vibrate). Visualize the Energy and ball it forms as grey, and see the Rune imprinting upon it. (I personally visualize Runes directed for Destruction as a dirty, bloody red colour.)As you inhale, repeat the Affirmation for the specific Rune into the ball of Destructive Energy, programming it. On the exhale, the Rune is vibrated and visualized.

Begin with Thurisaz.
"TTTTHHHHOOOORRRRIIIIZZZZAAAAZZZZ" (Hard TH as in "The", Remember to roll the R)
Vibrate Nine Times.
We are programming the Energy raised by the vibration to bring chaos and destruction to the jewish race. See this happening. See their race crumbling. Know that it IS happening.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation (Mentally): "The energies of Thurisaz are bringing chaos and destruction to the jewish race", programming the ball of destructive Energy. As you affirm, see it happening. See the kike race falling and crumbling.
2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, gathering the Energy into the ball and filling it with the Destructive Energy of Thurisaz. Visualize the Rune imprinting on the ball.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.

Move on to the vibration of Hagal.
Vibrate Nine Times.
Direct the Energy raised by the vibration of Hagal to bring total destruction and disaster to the kike race. See it turning to disaster and destruction, crumbling and crashing down. Again, know that this IS happening.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Hagal are bringing disaster and destruction to the jewish race", programming the ball of Destructive Energy. As you affirm, see it happening.
2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, accumulating and filling the ball with the Destructive Energy of Hagal. See Hagal imprinting on the ball.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.

Move to the vibration of Sol/Sowilo.
Vibrate 9 times.
We are only using this Rune to empower and activate further the energies of Thurisaz and Hagal. We are not directing it to the kikes.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Sol/Sowilo are working to further activate and empower the Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal and amplify the Destructive Energy raised, assisting in the total destruction of the jewish race".
2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, directing the Energy to reflect on and Empower the other Runes.

Once you are done with the Vibrations, repeat the following affirmation with force and intent: "The Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal, Empowered by the Energies of Sol/Sowilo, are combining to bring total destruction to the jewish race in every way", to close up and tie together the raising of the Energy. This must be repeated 9 times, visualizing their total Destruction.

Releasing of the Destructive Energy

Now, send the Ball of Destructive Energy to the target, as described by High Priest Vovim Baghie.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation once again and for the last time.

End the Ritual with "HAIL SATAN! So Mote It Be"


Ritual Prayer:
In the Name of Satan, True God and Mighty Lord of the Earth, we declare that the jewish race is destroyed. As Brothers and Sisters and Warriors of Hell we stand, our Energies combining to make our working a reality and to set the most foul enemies of our Father Satan irreversibly upon their course, heading towards their total and eternal destruction. By our Energies, and by the Energies of the Mighty Gods of Hell whose assistance we humbly and respectfully call upon, and the Energies of the True God who is TRUTH and POWER, STRENGTH, KNOWLEDGE and FREEDOM, who is SATAN Himself, SO MOTE IT BE!!!



*It is extremely important to remember to clean your Aura and Chakras thoroughly after performing Destruction Rituals! Every Brother and Sister in Satan should also be working on building their Aura of Protection daily.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries
i felt very exhausted and drained the next day. but am feeling much better now. i doubt it was the negative energy being used, i made sure to clean my aura well directly afterward. but it felt good to participate.

<hr>To: [email protected]
From: satansgirl66@...
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2010 16:25:06 +0000

  So mad right now. I was ready for the ritual when I beilve I was attacked by a grey. I was getting ready, when something came up. We were moving back into our house(we had been staying in a trailer since it was cheaper to run in the warm months.

Well, we were cleaning when all of a sudden a water line in the wall shattered For NO REASON. Nobody had done anything to break it. My house quickly began to flood. We went looking for the main shut off but could not find it.

Please keep in mind that the area around the main line is very same and simple. The only explanation I can come up with is that a grey was clouding my vision/perception and hiding it. Eventually we found it and shut it off but the damage was already done. After that I had to clean the mess and my aura was drained.

I still don't feel well after the experience and I am so upset that I did not get to do the ritual as I literaly passed out from being exhuasted. I do however feel good in knowing that we are doing damage, otherwise the angels would not try to stop us from doing these rituals.

I am not letting some shitty grey stop me know though. I am going to try a Satanic house blessing. Congrats everyone who did the ritual, did anyone else have any problems with greys? If so how did you stop them?


--- [/IMG][email protected], "dawn.desgraves" <dawn.desgraves@... wrote:
I did my best to participate. HAIL SATAN and all who are his with love!! 666
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

-----Original Message-----
From: "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@...
Sender: <a rel="nofollow">[email protected]
Date: Tue, 09 Nov 2010 20:23:30
To: <<a rel="nofollow">[email protected]
Reply-To: <a rel="nofollow">[email protected]

Date: Saturday, 13 November 2010


Target and outcome: Total Destruction of the kike race

Ritual Affirmation: "the jewish race is destroyed"
Using: Runes
- Thurisaz
- Hagl


Our focus for th[/IMG]http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/the_amassing_and_the_release_of_energy.html

The Runes are exceptionally powerful when directed towards a specific goal, and when used in Black Magick are a fierce weapon against the enemy. They are Ancient Powers, given to humanity by the Gods themselves.

We will be harnessing these Powers and directing them to the Destruction of the enemies of Satan (Our enemies, as we must never forget).

More information concerning the Runes can be found on the Joy of Satan site.

Use either the format for the Standard Ritual or the Grand Satanic Ritual.

There are Four, very simple steps to this Ritual:
Step 1- Begin Ritual
Step 2- Read and burn Ritual Prayer
Step 3- Vibrate Runes and raise Energy
Step 4- Release Energy

-You are going to gather the Energy (through simple visualization) raised by the vibration of the Runes into a ball either above or in front of you. We will be using this technique for many of the Destruction Rituals. For those who are new and not yet totally confident in raising Energy, start off by simply Vibrating the Runes and directing them by Mental Focus to the Target, via the affirmations. Every dedicated Warrior should be practicing and working towards Warfare techniques such as correctly raising and directing Energy, however, this simple alternative will suffice at first.


Begin Ritual

Reading and Burning of the Ritual Prayer

At the he[/IMG]http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/satanic_elementalism.html

Light the Prayer in the flame of one of the candles and place it into your Burning Bowl. For the duration of the burning, repeat the Ritual Affirmation. Know that it IS happening. They ARE crumbling. There is no question about it.

Runic Vibrations

After the burning of the Prayer begin the Vibration of the Runes.

As you vibrate the Runes, see the Energy of the Vibration accumulating before you, forming a tight ball (The vibration is raising the Destructive Runic Energy. See the Energy forming in front of you as you Vibrate). Visualize the Energy and ball it forms as grey, and see the Rune imprinting upon it. (I personally visualize Runes directed for Destruction as a dirty, bloody red colour.)As you inhale, repeat the Affirmation for the specific Rune into the ball of Destructive Energy, programming it. On the exhale, the Rune is vibrated and visualized.

Begin with Thurisaz.
"TTTTHHHHOOOORRRRIIIIZZZZAAAAZZZZ" (Hard TH as in "The", Remember to roll the R)
Vibrate Nine Times.
We are programming the Energy raised by the vibration to bring chaos and destruction to the jewish race. See this happening. See their race crumbling. Know that it IS happening.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation (Mentally): "The energies of Thurisaz are bringing chaos and destruction to the jewish race", programming the ball of destructive Energy. As you affirm, see it happening. See the kike race falling and crumbling.
2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, gathering the Energy into the ball and filling it with the Destructive Energy of Thurisaz. Visualize the Rune imprinting on the ball.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.

Move on to the vibration of Hagal.
Vibrate Nine Times.
Direct the Energy raised by the vibration of Hagal to bring total destruction and disaster to the kike race. See it turning to disaster and destruction, crumbling and crashing down. Again, know that this IS happening.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Hagal are bringing disaster and destruction to the jewish race", programming the ball of Destructive Energy. As you affirm, see it happening.
2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, accumulating and filling the ball with the Destructive Energy of Hagal. See Hagal imprinting on the ball.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.

Move to the vibration of Sol/Sowilo.
Vibrate 9 times.
We are only using this Rune to empower and activate further the energies of Thurisaz and Hagal. We are not directing it to the kikes.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Sol/Sowilo are working to further activate and empower the Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal and amplify the Destructive Energy raised, assisting in the total destruction of the jewish race".
2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, directing the Energy to reflect on and Empower the other Runes.

Once you are done with the Vibrations, repeat the following affirmation with force and intent: "The Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal, Empowered by the Energies of Sol/Sowilo, are combining to bring total destruction to the jewish race in every way", to close up and tie together the raising of the Energy. This must be repeated 9 times, visualizing their total Destruction.

Releasing of the Destructive Energy

Now, send the Ball of Destructive Energy to the target, as described by High Priest Vovim Baghie.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation once again and for the last time.

End the Ritual with "HAIL SATAN! So Mote It Be"


Ritual Prayer:
In the Name of Satan, True God and Mighty Lord of the Earth, we declare that the jewish race is destroyed. As Brothers and Sisters and Warriors of Hell we stand, our Energies combining to make our working a reality and to set the most foul enemies of our Father Satan irreversibly upon their course, heading towards their total and eternal destruction. By our Energies, and by the Energies of the Mighty Gods of Hell whose assistance we humbly and respectfully call upon, and the Energies of the True God who is TRUTH and POWER, STRENGTH, KNOWLEDGE and FREEDOM, who is SATAN Himself, SO MOTE IT BE!!!



*It is extremely important to remember to clean your Aura and Chakras thoroughly after performing Destruction Rituals! Every Brother and Sister in Satan should also be working on building their Aura of Protection daily.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi

<a rel="nofollow">http://www.ageofsatan.co.cc
<a rel="nofollow">http://www.joyofsatan.org

Joy of Satan Ministries
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satansgirl66@ you know you can do it next Saturday. Just like it says. You can do destruction rituals every Saturday on the hour of Saturn as long as the moon is not void. or Tuesday (day of Mars Hour of Saturn I believe could also be used for destruction rituals)
Hail Satan
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "DemonW" <satansgirl66@... wrote:

So mad right now. I was ready for the ritual when I beilve I was attacked by a grey. I was getting ready, when something came up. We were moving back into our house(we had been staying in a trailer since it was cheaper to run in the warm months.

Well, we were cleaning when all of a sudden a water line in the wall shattered For NO REASON. Nobody had done anything to break it. My house quickly began to flood. We went looking for the main shut off but could not find it.

Please keep in mind that the area around the main line is very same and simple. The only explanation I can come up with is that a grey was clouding my vision/perception and hiding it. Eventually we found it and shut it off but the damage was already done. After that I had to clean the mess and my aura was drained.

I still don't feel well after the experience and I am so upset that I did not get to do the ritual as I literaly passed out from being exhuasted. I do however feel good in knowing that we are doing damage, otherwise the angels would not try to stop us from doing these rituals.

I am not letting some shitty grey stop me know though. I am going to try a Satanic house blessing. Congrats everyone who did the ritual, did anyone else have any problems with greys? If so how did you stop them?


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "dawn.desgraves" <dawn.desgraves@ wrote:

I did my best to participate. HAIL SATAN and all who are his with love!! 666
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

-----Original Message-----
From: "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@
Sender: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Tue, 09 Nov 2010 20:23:30
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Reply-To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]

Date: Saturday, 13 November 2010

Time: Hour of Saturn. You can work out the correct time for your location by using Chronos XP: http://chronosxp.sourceforge.net/en/

Target and outcome: Total Destruction of the kike race

Ritual Affirmation: "the jewish race is destroyed"
Using: Runes
- Thurisaz
- Hagl


Our focus for this, the first, Monthly Destruction Ritual is the kike race at large. This is following up from the Major Group Destruction Ritual that was performed (adding to the Energy that was raised then). The kike race itself is the obvious starting place for the destruction of our enemies. Direct the Destructive Energy raised by the Runes to the kike race as a whole. You can ask your Guardian Demons assistance with the direction. Read the Sermon regarding this by High Priest Vovim Baghie: http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/the_amassi ... nergy.html

The Runes are exceptionally powerful when directed towards a specific goal, and when used in Black Magick are a fierce weapon against the enemy. They are Ancient Powers, given to humanity by the Gods themselves.

We will be harnessing these Powers and directing them to the Destruction of the enemies of Satan (Our enemies, as we must never forget).

More information concerning the Runes can be found on the Joy of Satan site.

Use either the format for the Standard Ritual or the Grand Satanic Ritual.

There are Four, very simple steps to this Ritual:
Step 1- Begin Ritual
Step 2- Read and burn Ritual Prayer
Step 3- Vibrate Runes and raise Energy
Step 4- Release Energy

-You are going to gather the Energy (through simple visualization) raised by the vibration of the Runes into a ball either above or in front of you. We will be using this technique for many of the Destruction Rituals. For those who are new and not yet totally confident in raising Energy, start off by simply Vibrating the Runes and directing them by Mental Focus to the Target, via the affirmations. Every dedicated Warrior should be practicing and working towards Warfare techniques such as correctly raising and directing Energy, however, this simple alternative will suffice at first.

It is important for those who haven't read the following article by High Priestess Maxine Dietrich to do so: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... Steps.html

Begin Ritual

Reading and Burning of the Ritual Prayer

At the height of the Ritual, read out the Ritual Prayer with intent. Those Members who are able to and so wish can also empower the Ritual Prayer itself prior to the Ritual: http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/satanic_elementalism.html

Light the Prayer in the flame of one of the candles and place it into your Burning Bowl. For the duration of the burning, repeat the Ritual Affirmation. Know that it IS happening. They ARE crumbling. There is no question about it.

Runic Vibrations

After the burning of the Prayer begin the Vibration of the Runes.

As you vibrate the Runes, see the Energy of the Vibration accumulating before you, forming a tight ball (The vibration is raising the Destructive Runic Energy. See the Energy forming in front of you as you Vibrate). Visualize the Energy and ball it forms as grey, and see the Rune imprinting upon it. (I personally visualize Runes directed for Destruction as a dirty, bloody red colour.)As you inhale, repeat the Affirmation for the specific Rune into the ball of Destructive Energy, programming it. On the exhale, the Rune is vibrated and visualized.

Begin with Thurisaz.
"TTTTHHHHOOOORRRRIIIIZZZZAAAAZZZZ" (Hard TH as in "The", Remember to roll the R)
Vibrate Nine Times.
We are programming the Energy raised by the vibration to bring chaos and destruction to the jewish race. See this happening. See their race crumbling. Know that it IS happening.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation (Mentally): "The energies of Thurisaz are bringing chaos and destruction to the jewish race", programming the ball of destructive Energy. As you affirm, see it happening. See the kike race falling and crumbling.
2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, gathering the Energy into the ball and filling it with the Destructive Energy of Thurisaz. Visualize the Rune imprinting on the ball.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.

Move on to the vibration of Hagal.
Vibrate Nine Times.
Direct the Energy raised by the vibration of Hagal to bring total destruction and disaster to the kike race. See it turning to disaster and destruction, crumbling and crashing down. Again, know that this IS happening.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Hagal are bringing disaster and destruction to the jewish race", programming the ball of Destructive Energy. As you affirm, see it happening.
2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, accumulating and filling the ball with the Destructive Energy of Hagal. See Hagal imprinting on the ball.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.

Move to the vibration of Sol/Sowilo.
Vibrate 9 times.
We are only using this Rune to empower and activate further the energies of Thurisaz and Hagal. We are not directing it to the kikes.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Sol/Sowilo are working to further activate and empower the Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal and amplify the Destructive Energy raised, assisting in the total destruction of the jewish race".
2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, directing the Energy to reflect on and Empower the other Runes.

Once you are done with the Vibrations, repeat the following affirmation with force and intent: "The Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal, Empowered by the Energies of Sol/Sowilo, are combining to bring total destruction to the jewish race in every way", to close up and tie together the raising of the Energy. This must be repeated 9 times, visualizing their total Destruction.

Releasing of the Destructive Energy

Now, send the Ball of Destructive Energy to the target, as described by High Priest Vovim Baghie.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation once again and for the last time.

End the Ritual with "HAIL SATAN! So Mote It Be"


Ritual Prayer:
In the Name of Satan, True God and Mighty Lord of the Earth, we declare that the jewish race is destroyed. As Brothers and Sisters and Warriors of Hell we stand, our Energies combining to make our working a reality and to set the most foul enemies of our Father Satan irreversibly upon their course, heading towards their total and eternal destruction. By our Energies, and by the Energies of the Mighty Gods of Hell whose assistance we humbly and respectfully call upon, and the Energies of the True God who is TRUTH and POWER, STRENGTH, KNOWLEDGE and FREEDOM, who is SATAN Himself, SO MOTE IT BE!!!



*It is extremely important to remember to clean your Aura and Chakras thoroughly after performing Destruction Rituals! Every Brother and Sister in Satan should also be working on building their Aura of Protection daily.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries
I do the same thing b4 i go to bed, i do the aura of protection, then create a diamond shield + an energy shield of 666 layers.  Then i do the same for my room but put Satan's sigil on all walls/floor/ceiling.  All visualized of course.

Hail Satan!

From: LoneWolf <lonewolf69sg@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Mon, November 15, 2010 12:17:24 PM

  I did the ritual and it actually went off pretty smooth...  
I felt tired and was quite drained for just a few days but it was a good form of exhaustion, the kind you feel after a good work out...  :) 
Im not to sure about those that had problems, but I have been doing cleansing meditations, protection auras, using runes to strengthen my defenses, visualizing powerful Blue Demonic energies all around me..  all of those and I do it 3 times.... 
Once for around myself, like a personal shield, then again for around my room and then finally for around my entire home...  maybe that might help...  :) 
I try and do that every time I am about to start a ritual...  
Hope it helps..  :) 
From: DemonW <satansgirl66@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, 16 November 2010 00:25:06

  So mad right now. I was ready for the ritual when I beilve I was attacked by a grey. I was getting ready, when something came up. We were moving back into our house(we had been staying in a trailer since it was cheaper to run in the warm months.

Well, we were cleaning when all of a sudden a water line in the wall shattered For NO REASON. Nobody had done anything to break it. My house quickly began to flood. We went looking for the main shut off but could not find it.

Please keep in mind that the area around the main line is very same and simple. The only explanation I can come up with is that a grey was clouding my vision/perception and hiding it. Eventually we found it and shut it off but the damage was already done. After that I had to clean the mess and my aura was drained.

I still don't feel well after the experience and I am so upset that I did not get to do the ritual as I literaly passed out from being exhuasted. I do however feel good in knowing that we are doing damage, otherwise the angels would not try to stop us from doing these rituals.

I am not letting some shitty grey stop me know though. I am going to try a Satanic house blessing. Congrats everyone who did the ritual, did anyone else have any problems with greys? If so how did you stop them?


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "dawn.desgraves" <dawn.desgraves@... wrote:

I did my best to participate. HAIL SATAN and all who are his with love!! 666
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

-----Original Message-----
From: "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@...
Sender: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Tue, 09 Nov 2010 20:23:30
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Reply-To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]

Date: Saturday, 13 November 2010

Time: Hour of Saturn. You can work out the correct time for your location by using Chronos XP: http://chronosxp.sourceforge.net/en/

Target and outcome: Total Destruction of the kike race

Ritual Affirmation: "the jewish race is destroyed"
Using: Runes
- Thurisaz
- Hagl


Our focus for this, the first, Monthly Destruction Ritual is the kike race at large. This is following up from the Major Group Destruction Ritual that was performed (adding to the Energy that was raised then). The kike race itself is the obvious starting place for the destruction of our enemies. Direct the Destructive Energy raised by the Runes to the kike race as a whole. You can ask your Guardian Demons assistance with the direction. Read the Sermon regarding this by High Priest Vovim Baghie: http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/the_amassi ... nergy.html

The Runes are exceptionally powerful when directed towards a specific goal, and when used in Black Magick are a fierce weapon against the enemy. They are Ancient Powers, given to humanity by the Gods themselves.

We will be harnessing these Powers and directing them to the Destruction of the enemies of Satan (Our enemies, as we must never forget).

More information concerning the Runes can be found on the Joy of Satan site.

Use either the format for the Standard Ritual or the Grand Satanic Ritual.

There are Four, very simple steps to this Ritual:
Step 1- Begin Ritual
Step 2- Read and burn Ritual Prayer
Step 3- Vibrate Runes and raise Energy
Step 4- Release Energy

-You are going to gather the Energy (through simple visualization) raised by the vibration of the Runes into a ball either above or in front of you. We will be using this technique for many of the Destruction Rituals. For those who are new and not yet totally confident in raising Energy, start off by simply Vibrating the Runes and directing them by Mental Focus to the Target, via the affirmations. Every dedicated Warrior should be practicing and working towards Warfare techniques such as correctly raising and directing Energy, however, this simple alternative will suffice at first.

It is important for those who haven't read the following article by High Priestess Maxine Dietrich to do so: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... Steps.html

Begin Ritual

Reading and Burning of the Ritual Prayer

At the height of the Ritual, read out the Ritual Prayer with intent. Those Members who are able to and so wish can also empower the Ritual Prayer itself prior to the Ritual: http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/satanic_elementalism.html

Light the Prayer in the flame of one of the candles and place it into your Burning Bowl. For the duration of the burning, repeat the Ritual Affirmation. Know that it IS happening. They ARE crumbling. There is no question about it.

Runic Vibrations

After the burning of the Prayer begin the Vibration of the Runes.

As you vibrate the Runes, see the Energy of the Vibration accumulating before you, forming a tight ball (The vibration is raising the Destructive Runic Energy. See the Energy forming in front of you as you Vibrate). Visualize the Energy and ball it forms as grey, and see the Rune imprinting upon it. (I personally visualize Runes directed for Destruction as a dirty, bloody red colour.)As you inhale, repeat the Affirmation for the specific Rune into the ball of Destructive Energy, programming it. On the exhale, the Rune is vibrated and visualized.

Begin with Thurisaz.
"TTTTHHHHOOOORRRRIIIIZZZZAAAAZZZZ" (Hard TH as in "The", Remember to roll the R)
Vibrate Nine Times.
We are programming the Energy raised by the vibration to bring chaos and destruction to the jewish race. See this happening. See their race crumbling. Know that it IS happening.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation (Mentally): "The energies of Thurisaz are bringing chaos and destruction to the jewish race", programming the ball of destructive Energy. As you affirm, see it happening. See the kike race falling and crumbling.
2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, gathering the Energy into the ball and filling it with the Destructive Energy of Thurisaz. Visualize the Rune imprinting on the ball.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.

Move on to the vibration of Hagal.
Vibrate Nine Times.
Direct the Energy raised by the vibration of Hagal to bring total destruction and disaster to the kike race. See it turning to disaster and destruction, crumbling and crashing down. Again, know that this IS happening.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Hagal are bringing disaster and destruction to the jewish race", programming the ball of Destructive Energy. As you affirm, see it happening.
2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, accumulating and filling the ball with the Destructive Energy of Hagal. See Hagal imprinting on the ball.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.

Move to the vibration of Sol/Sowilo.
Vibrate 9 times.
We are only using this Rune to empower and activate further the energies of Thurisaz and Hagal. We are not directing it to the kikes.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Sol/Sowilo are working to further activate and empower the Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal and amplify the Destructive Energy raised, assisting in the total destruction of the jewish race".
2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, directing the Energy to reflect on and Empower the other Runes.

Once you are done with the Vibrations, repeat the following affirmation with force and intent: "The Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal, Empowered by the Energies of Sol/Sowilo, are combining to bring total destruction to the jewish race in every way", to close up and tie together the raising of the Energy. This must be repeated 9 times, visualizing their total Destruction.

Releasing of the Destructive Energy

Now, send the Ball of Destructive Energy to the target, as described by High Priest Vovim Baghie.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation once again and for the last time.

End the Ritual with "HAIL SATAN! So Mote It Be"


Ritual Prayer:
In the Name of Satan, True God and Mighty Lord of the Earth, we declare that the jewish race is destroyed. As Brothers and Sisters and Warriors of Hell we stand, our Energies combining to make our working a reality and to set the most foul enemies of our Father Satan irreversibly upon their course, heading towards their total and eternal destruction. By our Energies, and by the Energies of the Mighty Gods of Hell whose assistance we humbly and respectfully call upon, and the Energies of the True God who is TRUTH and POWER, STRENGTH, KNOWLEDGE and FREEDOM, who is SATAN Himself, SO MOTE IT BE!!!



*It is extremely important to remember to clean your Aura and Chakras thoroughly after performing Destruction Rituals! Every Brother and Sister in Satan should also be working on building their Aura of Protection daily.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

I know that, it's just the idea that a grey stopped me from doing it when I wanted to. I will however be doing it, It's good to hear some many are particpating!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "David" <darkmonkey87@... wrote:

satansgirl66@ you know you can do it next Saturday. Just like it says. You can do destruction rituals every Saturday on the hour of Saturn as long as the moon is not void. or Tuesday (day of Mars Hour of Saturn I believe could also be used for destruction rituals)
Hail Satan
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "DemonW" <satansgirl66@ wrote:

So mad right now. I was ready for the ritual when I beilve I was attacked by a grey. I was getting ready, when something came up. We were moving back into our house(we had been staying in a trailer since it was cheaper to run in the warm months.

Well, we were cleaning when all of a sudden a water line in the wall shattered For NO REASON. Nobody had done anything to break it. My house quickly began to flood. We went looking for the main shut off but could not find it.

Please keep in mind that the area around the main line is very same and simple. The only explanation I can come up with is that a grey was clouding my vision/perception and hiding it. Eventually we found it and shut it off but the damage was already done. After that I had to clean the mess and my aura was drained.

I still don't feel well after the experience and I am so upset that I did not get to do the ritual as I literaly passed out from being exhuasted. I do however feel good in knowing that we are doing damage, otherwise the angels would not try to stop us from doing these rituals.

I am not letting some shitty grey stop me know though. I am going to try a Satanic house blessing. Congrats everyone who did the ritual, did anyone else have any problems with greys? If so how did you stop them?


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "dawn.desgraves" <dawn.desgraves@ wrote:

I did my best to participate. HAIL SATAN and all who are his with love!! 666
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

-----Original Message-----
From: "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@
Sender: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Tue, 09 Nov 2010 20:23:30
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Reply-To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]

Date: Saturday, 13 November 2010

Time: Hour of Saturn. You can work out the correct time for your location by using Chronos XP: http://chronosxp.sourceforge.net/en/

Target and outcome: Total Destruction of the kike race

Ritual Affirmation: "the jewish race is destroyed"
Using: Runes
- Thurisaz
- Hagl


Our focus for this, the first, Monthly Destruction Ritual is the kike race at large. This is following up from the Major Group Destruction Ritual that was performed (adding to the Energy that was raised then). The kike race itself is the obvious starting place for the destruction of our enemies. Direct the Destructive Energy raised by the Runes to the kike race as a whole. You can ask your Guardian Demons assistance with the direction. Read the Sermon regarding this by High Priest Vovim Baghie: http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/the_amassi ... nergy.html

The Runes are exceptionally powerful when directed towards a specific goal, and when used in Black Magick are a fierce weapon against the enemy. They are Ancient Powers, given to humanity by the Gods themselves.

We will be harnessing these Powers and directing them to the Destruction of the enemies of Satan (Our enemies, as we must never forget).

More information concerning the Runes can be found on the Joy of Satan site.

Use either the format for the Standard Ritual or the Grand Satanic Ritual.

There are Four, very simple steps to this Ritual:
Step 1- Begin Ritual
Step 2- Read and burn Ritual Prayer
Step 3- Vibrate Runes and raise Energy
Step 4- Release Energy

-You are going to gather the Energy (through simple visualization) raised by the vibration of the Runes into a ball either above or in front of you. We will be using this technique for many of the Destruction Rituals. For those who are new and not yet totally confident in raising Energy, start off by simply Vibrating the Runes and directing them by Mental Focus to the Target, via the affirmations. Every dedicated Warrior should be practicing and working towards Warfare techniques such as correctly raising and directing Energy, however, this simple alternative will suffice at first.

It is important for those who haven't read the following article by High Priestess Maxine Dietrich to do so: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... Steps.html

Begin Ritual

Reading and Burning of the Ritual Prayer

At the height of the Ritual, read out the Ritual Prayer with intent. Those Members who are able to and so wish can also empower the Ritual Prayer itself prior to the Ritual: http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/satanic_elementalism.html

Light the Prayer in the flame of one of the candles and place it into your Burning Bowl. For the duration of the burning, repeat the Ritual Affirmation. Know that it IS happening. They ARE crumbling. There is no question about it.

Runic Vibrations

After the burning of the Prayer begin the Vibration of the Runes.

As you vibrate the Runes, see the Energy of the Vibration accumulating before you, forming a tight ball (The vibration is raising the Destructive Runic Energy. See the Energy forming in front of you as you Vibrate). Visualize the Energy and ball it forms as grey, and see the Rune imprinting upon it. (I personally visualize Runes directed for Destruction as a dirty, bloody red colour.)As you inhale, repeat the Affirmation for the specific Rune into the ball of Destructive Energy, programming it. On the exhale, the Rune is vibrated and visualized.

Begin with Thurisaz.
"TTTTHHHHOOOORRRRIIIIZZZZAAAAZZZZ" (Hard TH as in "The", Remember to roll the R)
Vibrate Nine Times.
We are programming the Energy raised by the vibration to bring chaos and destruction to the jewish race. See this happening. See their race crumbling. Know that it IS happening.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation (Mentally): "The energies of Thurisaz are bringing chaos and destruction to the jewish race", programming the ball of destructive Energy. As you affirm, see it happening. See the kike race falling and crumbling.
2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, gathering the Energy into the ball and filling it with the Destructive Energy of Thurisaz. Visualize the Rune imprinting on the ball.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.

Move on to the vibration of Hagal.
Vibrate Nine Times.
Direct the Energy raised by the vibration of Hagal to bring total destruction and disaster to the kike race. See it turning to disaster and destruction, crumbling and crashing down. Again, know that this IS happening.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Hagal are bringing disaster and destruction to the jewish race", programming the ball of Destructive Energy. As you affirm, see it happening.
2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, accumulating and filling the ball with the Destructive Energy of Hagal. See Hagal imprinting on the ball.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.

Move to the vibration of Sol/Sowilo.
Vibrate 9 times.
We are only using this Rune to empower and activate further the energies of Thurisaz and Hagal. We are not directing it to the kikes.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Sol/Sowilo are working to further activate and empower the Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal and amplify the Destructive Energy raised, assisting in the total destruction of the jewish race".
2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, directing the Energy to reflect on and Empower the other Runes.

Once you are done with the Vibrations, repeat the following affirmation with force and intent: "The Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal, Empowered by the Energies of Sol/Sowilo, are combining to bring total destruction to the jewish race in every way", to close up and tie together the raising of the Energy. This must be repeated 9 times, visualizing their total Destruction.

Releasing of the Destructive Energy

Now, send the Ball of Destructive Energy to the target, as described by High Priest Vovim Baghie.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation once again and for the last time.

End the Ritual with "HAIL SATAN! So Mote It Be"


Ritual Prayer:
In the Name of Satan, True God and Mighty Lord of the Earth, we declare that the jewish race is destroyed. As Brothers and Sisters and Warriors of Hell we stand, our Energies combining to make our working a reality and to set the most foul enemies of our Father Satan irreversibly upon their course, heading towards their total and eternal destruction. By our Energies, and by the Energies of the Mighty Gods of Hell whose assistance we humbly and respectfully call upon, and the Energies of the True God who is TRUTH and POWER, STRENGTH, KNOWLEDGE and FREEDOM, who is SATAN Himself, SO MOTE IT BE!!!



*It is extremely important to remember to clean your Aura and Chakras thoroughly after performing Destruction Rituals! Every Brother and Sister in Satan should also be working on building their Aura of Protection daily.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "High Priestess Zildar Raasi" <high_priestess_zildar_raasi666@... wrote:
Date: Saturday, 13 November 2010

Time: Hour of Saturn. You can work out the correct time for your location by using Chronos XP: http://chronosxp.sourceforge.net/en/

Target and outcome: Total Destruction of the kike race

Ritual Affirmation: "the jewish race is destroyed"
Using: Runes
- Thurisaz
- Hagl


Our focus for this, the first, Monthly Destruction Ritual is the kike race at large. This is following up from the Major Group Destruction Ritual that was performed (adding to the Energy that was raised then). The kike race itself is the obvious starting place for the destruction of our enemies. Direct the Destructive Energy raised by the Runes to the kike race as a whole. You can ask your Guardian Demons assistance with the direction. Read the Sermon regarding this by High Priest Vovim Baghie: http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/the_amassi ... nergy.html

The Runes are exceptionally powerful when directed towards a specific goal, and when used in Black Magick are a fierce weapon against the enemy. They are Ancient Powers, given to humanity by the Gods themselves.

We will be harnessing these Powers and directing them to the Destruction of the enemies of Satan (Our enemies, as we must never forget).

More information concerning the Runes can be found on the Joy of Satan site.

Use either the format for the Standard Ritual or the Grand Satanic Ritual.

There are Four, very simple steps to this Ritual:
Step 1- Begin Ritual
Step 2- Read and burn Ritual Prayer
Step 3- Vibrate Runes and raise Energy
Step 4- Release Energy

-You are going to gather the Energy (through simple visualization) raised by the vibration of the Runes into a ball either above or in front of you. We will be using this technique for many of the Destruction Rituals. For those who are new and not yet totally confident in raising Energy, start off by simply Vibrating the Runes and directing them by Mental Focus to the Target, via the affirmations. Every dedicated Warrior should be practicing and working towards Warfare techniques such as correctly raising and directing Energy, however, this simple alternative will suffice at first.

It is important for those who haven't read the following article by High Priestess Maxine Dietrich to do so: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... Steps.html

Begin Ritual

Reading and Burning of the Ritual Prayer

At the height of the Ritual, read out the Ritual Prayer with intent. Those Members who are able to and so wish can also empower the Ritual Prayer itself prior to the Ritual: http://www.vovimbaghie.co.cc/satanic_elementalism.html

Light the Prayer in the flame of one of the candles and place it into your Burning Bowl. For the duration of the burning, repeat the Ritual Affirmation. Know that it IS happening. They ARE crumbling. There is no question about it.

Runic Vibrations

After the burning of the Prayer begin the Vibration of the Runes.

As you vibrate the Runes, see the Energy of the Vibration accumulating before you, forming a tight ball (The vibration is raising the Destructive Runic Energy. See the Energy forming in front of you as you Vibrate). Visualize the Energy and ball it forms as grey, and see the Rune imprinting upon it. (I personally visualize Runes directed for Destruction as a dirty, bloody red colour.)As you inhale, repeat the Affirmation for the specific Rune into the ball of Destructive Energy, programming it. On the exhale, the Rune is vibrated and visualized.

Begin with Thurisaz.
"TTTTHHHHOOOORRRRIIIIZZZZAAAAZZZZ" (Hard TH as in "The", Remember to roll the R)
Vibrate Nine Times.
We are programming the Energy raised by the vibration to bring chaos and destruction to the jewish race. See this happening. See their race crumbling. Know that it IS happening.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation (Mentally): "The energies of Thurisaz are bringing chaos and destruction to the jewish race", programming the ball of destructive Energy. As you affirm, see it happening. See the kike race falling and crumbling.
2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, gathering the Energy into the ball and filling it with the Destructive Energy of Thurisaz. Visualize the Rune imprinting on the ball.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.

Move on to the vibration of Hagal.
Vibrate Nine Times.
Direct the Energy raised by the vibration of Hagal to bring total destruction and disaster to the kike race. See it turning to disaster and destruction, crumbling and crashing down. Again, know that this IS happening.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Hagal are bringing disaster and destruction to the jewish race", programming the ball of Destructive Energy. As you affirm, see it happening.
2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, accumulating and filling the ball with the Destructive Energy of Hagal. See Hagal imprinting on the ball.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation.

Move to the vibration of Sol/Sowilo.
Vibrate 9 times.
We are only using this Rune to empower and activate further the energies of Thurisaz and Hagal. We are not directing it to the kikes.

Basic breakdown:
1-Inhale and repeat the Rune Affirmation: "The Energies of Sol/Sowilo are working to further activate and empower the Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal and amplify the Destructive Energy raised, assisting in the total destruction of the jewish race".
2-Exhale and vibrate the Rune, directing the Energy to reflect on and Empower the other Runes.

Once you are done with the Vibrations, repeat the following affirmation with force and intent: "The Energies of Thurisaz and Hagal, Empowered by the Energies of Sol/Sowilo, are combining to bring total destruction to the jewish race in every way", to close up and tie together the raising of the Energy. This must be repeated 9 times, visualizing their total Destruction.

Releasing of the Destructive Energy

Now, send the Ball of Destructive Energy to the target, as described by High Priest Vovim Baghie.

Once you are done, repeat the Ritual Affirmation once again and for the last time.

End the Ritual with "HAIL SATAN! So Mote It Be"


Ritual Prayer:
In the Name of Satan, True God and Mighty Lord of the Earth, we declare that the jewish race is destroyed. As Brothers and Sisters and Warriors of Hell we stand, our Energies combining to make our working a reality and to set the most foul enemies of our Father Satan irreversibly upon their course, heading towards their total and eternal destruction. By our Energies, and by the Energies of the Mighty Gods of Hell whose assistance we humbly and respectfully call upon, and the Energies of the True God who is TRUTH and POWER, STRENGTH, KNOWLEDGE and FREEDOM, who is SATAN Himself, SO MOTE IT BE!!!



*It is extremely important to remember to clean your Aura and Chakras thoroughly after performing Destruction Rituals! Every Brother and Sister in Satan should also be working on building their Aura of Protection daily.

Hail Father Satan!!
Hail Beelzebub!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries
RE As someone mentioned : INDEED it was tiring
My biggest worry was ; Was the visualisation good ?
(NOT to "abstract")
But its a good thing we do this monthly
after all: Practice WILL make perfect
HS 88

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
