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Notre Dame Burning In Paris

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
As it has aired in the news, it's clear the Muslims or someone else (Possibly Yellow Vests) did burn the Notre Dame. It appears to be flattened basically.

I do not condone anything of this, just making commentary. Can't say I didn't laugh however, because I did. It's a LOLZ situation, with Christians throwing flipouts on the Muslims they allowed in, and complaining the Jewish symbol of schizophrenia has been destroyed. Then, their tax money will be used to fund more Mosques. Chaos.

This is the song that one can sing to the mother of Jesus, on whose "Glory" was devoted the "Notre Dame". (((Our Lady))) the jewess Miriam, the wife of Josephai, who gave birth to the Rabbi Emmanuel or Yehoshua, is having her "Chapel" burning.

Here's a soundtrack for the event:



No matter what, this is symbolic, and it shows the downfall of Christianity. You see, the situation with "Art" is that it is a politicized art. Many people have a soft sport for "art".

The thing is however Islam is also now in Europe, so these things are to be expected. Both these factions are totally uncivilized monkeys, and one is going to retaliate on the other. Primarily, Muslims are going to do this, and set ablaze many things. Europeans can conserve their tears, as Muslims are doing only what Europeans, if they had historical consciousness, should have done long ago, but for totally different reasons.

Normally, when foreign troops, monkey rapist hordes, and jewish degenerates, come into your nation and impose their desert cultist dogma, you don't keep relics of "celebration" around about this. As they didn't keep anything from the so called "Pagans" but only broken pottery. If people understood the great extent of this alien, hostile, and life hating cult of Abrahamism, they wouldn't tolerate these people in their midst.

I had the opportunity to see the "Notre Dame" but I refused because it's a bastion of my enemies. I don't care if it's beautiful, or if some "Gnostics" put there one Gargoyle and one Eagle on top of it. Beauty is not only about the architecture, but what it does, what it serves. The function of this structure is to praise a jewish egregore, and it has been doing this for 9 centuries. People who go there are 'amazed' by this Aryan Architecture, but who gains the credits? The Aryan Race and their Pagan Gods who made them? No- the filthy jew on the stick. Therefore, what purpose does it serve?

A lot of people who have a sweet spot for 'architecture', 'history' and everything else, they seem to forget about these things. As a Zoologist would support having two jews in a zoo when the Gods come, so we can 'remember' their species, this is how everything backfires everytime. Basically, because the enemy was incapable of extincting every information about our own Pagan civilizations, they survived, and they re-emerged.

A disgrace has happened in Europe both through the mosques and other Pagan temples who were not destroyed or flattened, but replaced. This is a sign of domination that is equal to destruction. Basically, destruction might have been better, as the enemy would be incapable to actually destroy everything, as they were themselves incapable to be creative on any megastructure or otherwise. In the same way they slyly replaced our Gods, by changing their names, they also changed these Pagan structures and changed the crosses.

As many people argue about a "Pagan Christianity" becuase they are worthless vermin, so do other argue in regards to "Cultural Heritage" from "Christianity". The "Cultural Heritage" of the jewish history in Europe's soil, the jewish history of how our people got systematically exterminated, and the jewish history of how our people were duped and slaughtered to worship "Rabbayenu Yehoshua". How beautiful, how historical, and how necessary? If someone comes and rapes your daughter and they leave back a condom, do you keep it so you remind yourself of the conquest as a holy relic?

What about the Mecca? It has been used as a toilet of hebrew magick for 13 or more centuries. Even the very bricks in it have inscribed Hebrew in it. Should we also keep this one around? Maybe also keep the bible around? Trim the noses of jews and keep them around so they can eat grass? I mean it's a literal dumb Cube. So impressive. The IQ of the creators and maintainers of it really shows.

Bringing the attention of people to Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, and all our Pagan civilizations, and on how only the bricks literally remain (And these only got saved by environmental factors, as all of it was looted, destroyed, and ruined) isn't it a bit self-evident that the enemy doesn't quite 'treat' our things with any respect?

The Jewish Church did their uttmost and their best to remove anything, but because all they would be left with would be their sick and torn, flea infested Middle Eastern diadems, they just kept some of our "Art" around, and our "Forms", so they can infect them with their own content. If it were up to the kikes and the mob christians, their "Art" would go as far as putting two wooden pieces with a prick in the middle and calling that a "Cross".

When we come in power, we can replace and salvage these things, and change them from the inside out. But when we are not in power, who are these really serving? The jew on the stick. This goes for Mosques, for Churches, and for Chapels. For those that lack awareness, the Christians of the first centuries had a fetish about this. They always killed endless Pagan people on top of these, so their blood is literally on the so called "Holy Marble". Dumb "Modernists" just look into these structures and have forgotten that basically these are reconstructions based on the total ruin of far more advanced, evolved, and spiritual structures that our ancestors have created.

Our greatest achievement is not the Stonehenge, the Stonehenge is probably what has remained from the fury of the mad Christians. They left things naked and ruined like the monkeys did to Egypt, and then these were used as proof of how "Primitive" we were as Pagans. If people believe that these structures are "Honorable" and "Art" that were made for Rabbi Christos, then might as well take the condom of your daughter's rapist and deify it as it procured your "Genetic line". It did but it also procured your rapist.

Anything admirable that we have created, boils down to our blood, consciousness, and race. This means a simple thing, even if all these things were to go, we would still create wonders. What the Germans have achieved and what other Pagans of the Renascence has achieved in structures and megastructures should be enough of proof. Without the enemy in our midst, we will create a lot of things like that, majestic, and great.

This is what comes to them even today because of the Jews and the related ilk. Yet when of their own things burns, people are like MUH ART. Where is MUH ART when the temple of Belzebub was blown to bits a few years ago?


In Europe, it's apparent how our people were able to build, especially in the Renaissance. This is why you have Pagan architecture everywhere with the Green Man, the Gargoyles, the Pagan Gods, important European figures and men, the list goes. This was a way to attack Christianity and show how impotent and worthless it is.

A funny thing also was the case back in the Black Metal panic, and how people were whinning about the so called "Churches" that went down. These were made by YOUR money, YOUR hands, YOUR consciousness, YOUR plans, White people, to basically honor a jew on a stick.

The National Socialists didn't treat Synagogues, albeit "Beautiful" architecturally with the "Formal respect". Maybe because they were created by Germans, financed by Germans, and been there for centuries, so the jews can chant their Torah curses against Germans. The "Gold plated Star of David" also went down.

Do you see many Swastikas and Golden Eagles who were prized at billions and were artistically divine and impressive, being in Germany? You're lucky if you saw a National Socialist helmet in a Museum in Germany. This is the reality.

Maybe them burning was symbolic to show us, for HOW FAR LONGER will we be enslaved on the Jew on the Stick, and his bullshit Mohamed, and all these desert cults that are coming eastwards? Maybe it is time to wake up?

Maybe it's time for the European race and consciousness to go through a purging of fire similar to this and stop cucking, and remember that all of this is our creation?

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This happening right before 'Easter weekend' wich is actually pagan but was stolen like every other pagan holiday is a sure sign the Jewish spells are rebounding
It was a Masterpiece and now, in only three hours, it is gone forever. It is a great Tragedy for the world of ART
Nixjana said:
It was a Masterpiece and now, in only three hours, it is gone forever. It is a great Tragedy for the world of ART

Basically with Muslims in Europe it's a matter of time until everything simply disappears and we return to Middle Eastern desertification.

When their "faith" takes over, it will do to Xianity what Xianity did to Paganism, and what Jew religions do to everything all the time.

But this is what you get when you worship kikes for 20 centuries. Cry for the Notre Dame, but you have been worshipping kikes, which brought in more monkeys, which burned everything.

Can't have it all.

Love the irony when people complain but they don't want any Muslims out, and they don't want to stop worshiping worthless jews. This is how you lose your civilization, it's just the reality of it.
When our side takes over, all of these things will be reconstructed, cleansed, and put to serve our people and our Gods. This is necessary.

I mean if anything remains in Europe thanks to Muzzies. I am curious to see if they have any official report on "How" this happened. It's clearly either Muslims of Yellow Vests.
Is the Notre Dame the same as the Sacré Coeur ?

Because they said that it burned down after it caught on fire when the restauration people were using a burning.

This was this evening by the way. Said to caught on fire at 7pm .. minutes ?
T.A.O.L. said:
Is the Notre Dame the same as the Sacré Coeur ?

Because they said that it burned down after it caught on fire when the restauration people were using a burning.

This was this evening by the way. Said to caught on fire at 7pm .. minutes ?

Notre Dame is the Church of "Holy Mary" In Paris. Saint Basillica is another sight.


Burn baby Burn

Muslims gotta go but what I wouldn't give to see that xian building burn before my eyes
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
T.A.O.L. said:
Is the Notre Dame the same as the Sacré Coeur ?

Because they said that it burned down after it caught on fire when the restauration people were using a burning.

This was this evening by the way. Said to caught on fire at 7pm .. minutes ?

Notre Dame is the Church of "Holy Mary" In Paris. Saint Basillica is another sight.

Ah thanks. I just heard it from someone who had just seen the news. I checked it myself too just now. They must have related the info wrongly.
Good riddance though..
It doesn't matter who did it, it's been obviously done to revive the old "Amalek" vs "Ishmael" meme.

Too bad many morons are going to get fooled by it...
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
When our side takes over, all of these things will be reconstructed, cleansed, and put to serve our people and our Gods. This is necessary.

I mean if anything remains in Europe thanks to Muzzies. I am curious to see if they have any official report on "How" this happened. It's clearly either Muslims of Yellow Vests.

In my opinion i would not bet on yellow vest... it's too like "religious" for this movement who aim the government , if it's done voluntary i would bet more on muzzies or jews themself for pushing futur "end of times story trailer(s)" or others like "it's a sign for everyone to love more each other and accept to bring whole africa here please " , like the whole mediatization with president(s) and stuff and to create distraction about this whole story of revolt... just theory but , if it's from ( officially ) the muslim it seems it would create some kind of wake up call for everyone racially,hopefully... and if it's just an accident it would create more fire for revolts ( as authorities incapable of taking care of this (((monuments))) )...

So yes let's see.
I feel like this is also almost a front for "please sympathize with us and feel sorry for us cuz of all the rapey rapey pedo shit. please shed tears for us and we promise we'll only rape another 6 million boys instead of 6 gorillion. please give us another $6 million in restoration funds and we'll build new rape rooms your children's parents won't ever find out about, we promise!"
Video - Notre Dame fire LIVE: updates as devastating inferno rips though world famous cathedral and sends smoke billowing across Paris

Watch: Iconic Notre-Dame on fire (Sky News)

The roof and main spire of the world famous Notre Dame cathedral has collapsed after a devastating blaze.


Notre Dame fire: Emmanuel Macron launches fundraiser and vows 'we will rebuild'


© AFP/Getty Images French President Emmanuel Macron (C) is accompanied by Mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo (3L), French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe (L) French Culture Minister Franck Riester (2L) and Archbishop of Paris Michel Aupetit as he speaks at Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris on April 15, 2019, after a fire engulfed the building. - A fire broke out at the landmark Notre-Dame Cathedral in central Paris, potentially involving renovation works being carried out at the site, the fire service said.Images posted on social media showed flames and huge clouds of smoke billowing above the roof of the gothic cathedral, the most visited historic monument in Europe. (Photo by PHILIPPE WOJAZER / POOL / AFP)PHILIPPE WOJAZER/AFP/Getty Images

French President Emmanuel Macron launched an international fundraising campaign as he pledged "we will rebuild" the fire-devastated Notre Dame.


Why water is not being dropped on Notre Dame from above during huge fire

People around the world are this evening watching devastating footage of Paris's Notre Dame being ravaged by a huge fire .

The spire of the 850-year-old building has already collapsed and the rest of the building is said to have suffered "colossal damage".


Notre Dame Fire: Parisians Sing 'Ave Maria' in Sombre Tribute to Burning Cathedral


© Getty Editorial Firefighter douse flames billowing from the roof at Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris on April 15, 2019. - A major fire broke out at the landmark Notre-Dame Cathedral in central Paris sending flames and huge clouds of grey smoke billowing into the sky, the fire service said. The flames and smoke plumed from the spire and roof of the gothic cathedral, visited by millions of people a year, where renovations are currently underway. (Photo by FRANCOIS GUILLOT / AFP) (Photo credit should read FRANCOIS GUILLOT/AFP/Getty Images)

As flames continued to ravage Notre Dame cathedral, Parisians gathered in the shadows of the burning building to sing ‘Ave Maria’ in a sombre show of solidarity.


Surely the kike current "the" pope will give at least 110% of the required money and send in kike labour to rebuild this kike home!
LMAO :lol:
Personally, I want Europe's cathedrals to survive, at least until we re-learn the art of building Civilization. If they're replaced over the next thousand years with better works of our hands, so be it - they've been here for an eyeblink, and no matter what happens, they'll be gone in an eyeblink too. But anyone who wants them around even that long has to understand that Christianity - which officially declares everything more ornate than the most soulless megachurch cereal box to be "Satanic," and which will probably reconsecrate the "New Notre Dame" as a Mosque and Holocaust Remembrance Center - has got to go.


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In that damn and disgusting church is where Jacques De Molay and other high officials templars were tortured and burned by the Vatican and their lackeys, no remorse that a church that for centuries was the banner of xianity in France has burned now.

I dedicate this song.
RoyBatty91 said:
Personally, I want Europe's cathedrals to survive, at least until we re-learn the art of building Civilization. If they're replaced over the next thousand years with better works of our hands, so be it - they've been here for an eyeblink, and no matter what happens, they'll be gone in an eyeblink too. But anyone who wants them around even that long has to understand that Christianity - which officially declares everything more ornate than the most soulless megachurch cereal box to be "Satanic," and which will probably reconsecrate the "New Notre Dame" as a Mosque and Holocaust Remembrance Center - has got to go.


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We don't need thousands of years. In 10 years you can rebuild wonders if it's not for lazy scum, xians, and other people who are parasites and do delays.

If America didn't give 65 hefty billions to protect Pedos in the Middle East, it would have all sorts of wonderful mega-structures around.
I really could not care less. Or well, that's a bit of a lie. I'm honestly glad. The building, no matter how it looked externally, internally represented everything rotten that's happened to Europe. I have an atheistic friend who made a joke when he saw the news. "Looks like the Gods brought down the hammer."

What people don't seem to understand is, art is only truly beautiful when the idea it represents is beautiful. As such, good riddance. There's absolutely no use or reason to keep these buildings lingering around just because they have some sort of architecture to them. They certainly did not give us the same courtesy.
Hearsync said:
I feel like this is also almost a front for "please sympathize with us and feel sorry for us cuz of all the rapey rapey pedo shit. please shed tears for us and we promise we'll only rape another 6 million boys instead of 6 gorillion. please give us another $6 million in restoration funds and we'll build new rape rooms your children's parents won't ever find out about, we promise!"

It's not beyond them to "Rebuild" this as a Mosque or something like where "Christians, Muslims and Jews can come together in peace..." or some shit like that.

Maybe Macaroni also set it on fire to evoke mercy. He's really a big ass failure. Worst president ever for France. He's totally defiled, lowest of the low, absolutely shameful. This monkey is trying to also unite Eurabia, and he can't even control his own "Paris" which he tries to turn into Eurabia. Pathetic in everyway.
Arcadia said:
I really could not care less. Or well, that's a bit of a lie. I'm honestly glad. The building, no matter how it looked externally, internally represented everything rotten that's happened to Europe. I have an atheistic friend who made a joke when he saw the news. "Looks like the Gods brought down the hammer."

What people don't seem to understand is, art is only truly beautiful when the idea it represents is beautiful. As such, good riddance. There's absolutely no use or reason to keep these buildings lingering around just because they have some sort of architecture to them. They certainly did not give us the same courtesy.

We Whites made these buildings, and we will re-do them. Literally people are freaking out over these, it's sentimentality. In 5 years you can reconstruct them top to bottom if a state power is serious. The architecture and the planning is known, we have the knowledge basis for this.

What you can't reconstruct is your genetics when you become a total whatever because you were a "Christian" and wanted to integrate all of Africa, Asia, Middle East, and Kikes to make a "Christian people" whom "The Lord Doesn't Judge". But at least you have Jew Notre Dame right...
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Literally people are freaking out over these, it's sentimentality.
Once when I was an xian I said something about "the" bible, that it's only a book, regarding it being defaced or ruined and having to buy another one. After I said that it's just a book, an xian gasped, until I reminded them that it's jewsus we are the salves of and suck shit out of the arse of... Then they agreed with me. :roll: Hm - try saying something like that to a muslim!
At H.P. Cobra, H.P. Mageson or some knowledge person.

Is the Notre Dame building built over a layline or some specific Pagan era structure? is there a specific reason why this building built over a LONG time like some of the cathedrals built over decades or centuries was put there on purpose? I mean who exactly commissioned such shit in the first place?


Is it simply a fancy Qaballah pump to burst out nefarious energies into the astral and continue attacking mankind and help the enemy? And it's location has nothing to do with anything fancy just simply another building pumping the Bible.
Watching this happen my opinion is the French need to declare a national emergency and use all their resources to truck Behemoth into Paris ASAP, and set up the stage for them to play a concert on, with this in the background. That would be totally excellent.
Feels like a mix of the RTR's and the buybull's self-destructive tendencies about the church failing/falling "in the end." how interesting. maybe even the catlick church burned it for insurance money or something absolutely stupid like that.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
We Whites made these buildings, and we will re-do them. Literally people are freaking out over these, it's sentimentality. In 5 years you can reconstruct them top to bottom if a state power is serious. The architecture and the planning is known, we have the knowledge basis for this.

What you can't reconstruct is your genetics when you become a total whatever because you were a "Christian" and wanted to integrate all of Africa, Asia, Middle East, and Kikes to make a "Christian people" whom "The Lord Doesn't Judge". But at least you have Jew Notre Dame right...

Exactly, I had the same thought when I was reading the topic. They burned down our pagan temples and erected new ones over the old ones! We'll just give them what they gave us and burn those down and build something even more beautiful to replace it!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
We don't need thousands of years. In 10 years you can rebuild wonders if it's not for lazy scum, xians, and other people who are parasites and do delays.

If America didn't give 65 hefty billions to protect Pedos in the Middle East, it would have all sorts of wonderful mega-structures around.

Creating a civilizational culture isn't just a "money" issue or an "effort" issue. Billions of people are going to have to reacquaint themselves with the very concept of building for Deep Time. There's almost no one left alive who remembers the time when "New Architecture" didn't mean "Vomit up the most deliberately revolting shitbox you can think of, but remember Mr. Shekelstein's bottom line!" - a good first step would be to bring back Art Deco and Art Nouveau, and re-start our progress from there.



Building to last means re-learning authentic architecture almost from scratch, and then making our own developments in addition. There's nothing we could build after just ten years of that process that would be worth keeping around for a thousand. After a hundred years though, we could start making things that would be worthy of tens of thousands.


Ultimately though, it's a moot point - unless JoS can expand by about a billion members in the next few decades, we're just running interference until the Gods can return. Whatever happens after that will be up to them, not us.
Nobody was actually going inside to pray to jeezuz. It was just a very small contributir to Frencg GDP. It was just a historical monument and thats it. History has good and bad events. All must be remembered in order to not repeat mistakes. If we destroy all traces of the enemy in the upcoming era we will not know of the influence they had. Another holy box of juice and bibles could be paradroped on earth and it will start all over again if we do not keep the history. Why do many people think bad of paganism? Maybe because the enemy destroyed and altered histoty?

And another thing. Such monuments were just regarded as history until now, the french were not too religious. Such an event could generate fanatism where it is least needed. We all know how fanatical are people in believing what they want no matter what. In religion, morales, politics, and so on. So in this case we either have the muslims celebrating this event or the xians rising up and cleaning europe in the name of jewsus. Who should we like? Both factions would kill us if either becomes fanatical and powerfull.

As far as i am concerned both controlled opposition factions must fall simultaneously to achieve victory or else we just start all over. This goes the same between the east west narative. On one side we have Soros like characters that want to eradicate us trough race mixing and cucking and on the other is Putin waiting for the nationalists vs liberal civil war in Europe as it will be most vulnerable the. Then the jwish russian hero will come to save us from the multiculti eurooe with weapons such as xianity and communism.

I ussualy watch both. I am happy to see europe shifting towards nationalism but i also watch what is happening in Russia and China, economy, protests, approval ratings, religious fanatism etc

My point is: let us be watchfull and carefull in regards to any fight. In my entourage if I disagree with someone's faction (whaterver it is: religion or political party) i am immediately labeled as the opposide. We do not need fanatism. We need rationality and critical thinking.
I have a feeling this was actually an inside job by Macron to exploit peoples 'sentimentality' and try convince the yellow vests that he believes in French Nationalism and calm them down.
All over the world people are beginning to rebel against Christianity and work to destroy it's foul churches and stolen icons. Apparently there has been a string of church desecration and arson incidents in France and other places across Europe last month continuing into April. In California, a "virgin mary" statue was beheaded:



Christianity is dying like never before due to our RTRs and Islam is soon to follow. Some churches and mosques alike have Hebrew letters inscribed into the stones, foundations, or on "relics" within, so you can see the correlation here. The false temples of our enemies will all come crashing down as payback for what the purposes of their construction was; to cover up ruins and the bodies of murdered Pagans beneath them and then to mock the Pagan temples. Fire is sometimes symbolic of new growth as well, so in place of the disgusting Notre Dame there will be a beautiful structure dedicated to the true Gods in the future. As wisely put by HP Hooded Cobra, it is no big loss at all really, with the technology that will come to us later we can build a far better structure in it's place. This incident may also strengthen nationalist sentiment across Europe, while sending a clear message to xians that the Jewish god does nothing to protect it's churches.

Hail Satan!
RoyBatty91 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
We don't need thousands of years. In 10 years you can rebuild wonders if it's not for lazy scum, xians, and other people who are parasites and do delays.

If America didn't give 65 hefty billions to protect Pedos in the Middle East, it would have all sorts of wonderful mega-structures around.

Creating a civilizational culture isn't just a "money" issue or an "effort" issue. Billions of people are going to have to reacquaint themselves with the very concept of building for Deep Time. There's almost no one left alive who remembers the time when "New Architecture" didn't mean "Vomit up the most deliberately revolting shitbox you can think of, but remember Mr. Shekelstein's bottom line!" - a good first step would be to bring back Art Deco and Art Nouveau, and re-start our progress from there.

Maybe next time time when I do not say something, and you put it on my mouth, such as that this is a matter of money and effort ONLY, you will understand you are answering only to your own stupid argument and not mine.

I know what you mean on the mindset of building.

We have built everything on this planet many times over. This is racial. This is race and consciousness based. Art is consciousness based.

Its interesting how xians and Muslims erect Mosques and places of toilet worship and kike glorifying in a couple years, but lo and behold, Pagans need very deep thought here.

You need 3 trillion years to establish a civilization goy, except when it is to build Dr Shekelsteins Synagogue with your own tax money. You can make this like a 17th century palace in 6 months and it can fit 10,000 people. If you are to build a pagan hut, this should take 25 years.
The best part on arguing and calling christards names and all, is that if they say ANYTHING about it, you can just remind them of this: https://quod.lib.umich.edu/cgi/k/kjv/kjv-idx?type=citation&book=Matthew&chapno=5&startverse=38&endverse=48

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
EasternFireLion666 said:
Nobody was actually going inside to pray to jeezuz. It was just a very small contributir to Frencg GDP. It was just a historical monument and thats it. History has good and bad events. All must be remembered in order to not repeat mistakes. If we destroy all traces of the enemy in the upcoming era we will not know of the influence they had. Another holy box of juice and bibles could be paradroped on earth and it will start all over again if we do not keep the history. Why do many people think bad of paganism? Maybe because the enemy destroyed and altered histoty?

And another thing. Such monuments were just regarded as history until now, the french were not too religious. Such an event could generate fanatism where it is least needed. We all know how fanatical are people in believing what they want no matter what. In religion, morales, politics, and so on. So in this case we either have the muslims celebrating this event or the xians rising up and cleaning europe in the name of jewsus. Who should we like? Both factions would kill us if either becomes fanatical and powerfull.

As far as i am concerned both controlled opposition factions must fall simultaneously to achieve victory or else we just start all over. This goes the same between the east west narative. On one side we have Soros like characters that want to eradicate us trough race mixing and cucking and on the other is Putin waiting for the nationalists vs liberal civil war in Europe as it will be most vulnerable the. Then the jwish russian hero will come to save us from the multiculti eurooe with weapons such as xianity and communism.

I ussualy watch both. I am happy to see europe shifting towards nationalism but i also watch what is happening in Russia and China, economy, protests, approval ratings, religious fanatism etc

My point is: let us be watchfull and carefull in regards to any fight. In my entourage if I disagree with someone's faction (whaterver it is: religion or political party) i am immediately labeled as the opposide. We do not need fanatism. We need rationality and critical thinking.

Bro is this a reply or just a post. You win the nomination for the Democratic Party with this speech about open mindedness. Go for it.

You contradict your own point. So a box of bibles is going to change history, but on the other hand, keeping everything the enemy has done alive and running as it is, will help us remember history.

..............Like come on bro.

A happy day for France when its popluation is being replaced, and when the replaced are asked, so what did you achieve? They will point on the monuments of the White French people.

Also, Christians have killed every other Christian in history, Muslims are a killer based "religion" in regards to others.

Instead of the problem of Muslims and how we are becoming forced into displacement or something important, people make an uproar for the archtecture.

What is architecture if people are displaced? And how they are displaced? By the teachings of filth propagated in what the Notre Dame is symbolic for.

When Paris will become Eurabia or Eurafrica or Detroit, the bricks of the Notre Kike Damewill be the last thing to think about.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
