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Not Financial Advice - Buying the Dip (possibly last chance)


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2018
This is by no means financial advice and I won't be responsible for your losses. However what I'm about to say is something I'm personally doing.

Bitcoin is hitting 41k right now as I'm writing this. There are two ways this can go either the support breaks and it drops to 33k which means the lowest drop. Or we see a rebound from 41k which can create an ATH. It looks like a lot of people are buying as a lot of people are selling too. This could go anyway.

No matter if you buy now or if it drops ,at 33k the trend is Web3 and Metaverse coins that are going to give maximum profits in 2022 before the eventual collapse which is coming. Listen, a lot of you are in need of financial assistance so do what you want with this information.

Best counsel to buy during now and possibly if BTC drops to 33k is MANA, SAND ,ICP ,MATIC ,ENJ and SOL. These are the best bets for 2022. I hope this post ages fucking well. Don't fucking Hodl when we hit the new ATH in the coming months. Sell immediately and buy something that physically matters. I don't think the US economy will stand after another round of money printing. Please be prepared.
Jack said:

Thank you for your input. This follows HPHC's advice that we should all do at least a 40 day working to secure our wealth into the future. It would be very unfortunate if such matters forced an SS to lose some or all of their ability to advance, for example, so this goes beyond just having luxury items.
Where do you go about buying BitCoin? How does it work and why does it work? I am ill informed in the land of investment but I want to learn, is there a guide?
Jack said:
This is by no means financial advice and I won't be responsible for your losses. However what I'm about to say is something I'm personally doing.

Bitcoin is hitting 41k right now as I'm writing this. There are two ways this can go either the support breaks and it drops to 33k which means the lowest drop. Or we see a rebound from 41k which can create an ATH. It looks like a lot of people are buying as a lot of people are selling too. This could go anyway.

No matter if you buy now or if it drops ,at 33k the trend is Web3 and Metaverse coins that are going to give maximum profits in 2022 before the eventual collapse which is coming. Listen, a lot of you are in need of financial assistance so do what you want with this information.

Best counsel to buy during now and possibly if BTC drops to 33k is MANA, SAND ,ICP ,MATIC ,ENJ and SOL. These are the best bets for 2022. I hope this post ages fucking well. Don't fucking Hodl when we hit the new ATH in the coming months. Sell immediately and buy something that physically matters. I don't think the US economy will stand after another round of money printing. Please be prepared.

Longterm (4-5j) it is unimportant what the price is at the moment. All the alt coins are somehow compromised compared to BTC. Either one big founder holds most of it, can be heald at gunpoint or they did give a big portion to angel wing investors, who will drop it on retailinvestors. If you sell you have also to think about taxes etc.

If just the demand is stable for BTC the price will increase with the halving. At some point everything will be consumed by BTC if it continues like before. To trade this opportunity for sandcoins/altcoins I wouldn´t.

To give people the advise to invest in enemy infrastructure aka Metaverse coins, :shock: well why not go to your nearest Jewish synagogue and drop a donation? :x
GoldenxChild1 said:
Where do you go about buying BitCoin? How does it work and why does it work? I am ill informed in the land of investment but I want to learn, is there a guide?
See (on youtube the videos are not blurry):

You could buy or get the ultimate guide to bitcoin from Andreas M. Antonopoulos:

GoldenxChild1 said:
Where do you go about buying BitCoin? How does it work and why does it work? I am ill informed in the land of investment but I want to learn, is there a guide?

The easiest way to buy crypto is through a centralized exchange.
Binance, KuCoin or Coinbase(only if you're in the USA).

I'm not an expert, but I know roughly that Bitcoin uses the blockchain(a fancy term for a global database. Think about it as a huge sheet of paper where the money flow is recorded. So things like who sent money to whom, how much money was sent. How much money you own, etc.)

Bitcoin is immune to inflation and was created to combat it. There will only be 21 million Bitcoins in existence and every 4 years an event called "the halving" happens. It's when the process of making Bitcoins(called mining) doubles in difficulty, which leads to less Bitcoins being available at any given time, leading to an increase in demand which, subsequently, leads to an increase in price.
If you want to learn more about Bitcoin, you can start with it's whitepaper https://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf and after that, google away. Lots of material out there.

If you plan holding cryptocurrency long term(called hodling, yes it's spelled like that), it's recommended to use a wallet.
A wallet has a public key and a private key, public key is used to receive crypto from other people. It's something you share with the world. Private key (if I remember correctly, it's a 12 or 24 seed phrase) is something you never share. Even if someone asks you to. It's a key to your wallet. When you create an account on an exchange, they manage your wallet and have your private key. That's why you shouldn't hold your crypto there long term.

Other than that, you can check out videos on youtube for more information.

Oh, and there's an entire science out there called technical analysis - where you look at the price history of an asset and try to predict what's going happen. Even though I know a lot about it, it's not feasible to write a guide for it here because there are way too many terms a beginner doesn't know. This is also something you should just google and learn at your own pace.
GoldenxChild1 said:
Where do you go about buying BitCoin? How does it work and why does it work? I am ill informed in the land of investment but I want to learn, is there a guide?

Essentially this has value because people believe it to have value.
The question is, will people in the future believe that it is worth than it is now?
What is good about Crypto is that it is not inflatable, you have a maximum of bitcoin for example.
Also you can transfer in real time money, instead if having to wait for days until your bank does the transfer.
Also what you should keep in mind is, is that pur current financial system is highly fragile and artificially kept alive, the collapse will come and is inevitable.
So it is good to have Bitcoin for that, so you have a plan B.
But only because the financial system crashes, won’t necessarily mean that btc keeps it‘s worth or even increases.

However, if the world governments decided to accept bitcoin as an official currency and the entire globe supports this sort of payment/currency, then Bitcoin will shoot to the moon.

If you have money sitting on the bench and don’t need it, you could invest if you believe that you can profit in any way from it.

I also invested something in btc but only to have a backup plan if things get worse.
NinRick said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
Where do you go about buying BitCoin? How does it work and why does it work? I am ill informed in the land of investment but I want to learn, is there a guide?

Essentially this has value because people believe it to have value.
The question is, will people in the future believe that it is worth than it is now?

Like Money, Digits on a bank acc.

But BTC instead of the above isn´t controlled by the Jewish Rothchild banking family. Your acc can´t be deleted. It is politically neutral, every BTC is worth the same, it only will stop working if the I-net is taking out worldwide. In this case we will have bigger problems, like food etc.
Safest bet would be to use like 20-30% of your investment money now and the rest when BTC looks like it will definitely go up.
If it dumps to the 30k area, you get a nice discount and you still have majority of your investment money to capitalize on this.
I'll admit, I'm a little bit biased here since I've been bearish on bitcoin ever since it fell to the 55k range. So if someone is willing to take a risk, you can use as much investment capital as you want. I wouldn't recommend more than 50% still.

Remember folks, only use what you can afford to lose.
And this post isn't financial advice.
Don't buy shitcoin. They have no intrinsic value, therefore it is like a game of chance.

For those want to know better BTC, or want to buy some:


It's like JoS but in financial education.

Explained beautifully.

For those with money problems, you can find it for free downloading from libgen (the author even pointed this out in a tweet, so I'm not promoting illegality as he pointed it out himself)

libgen is available on TOR.

Very Very Highly recommended reading.
Thank you for the guidance everyone, I will definitely look more into it.
Fuchs said:
NinRick said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
Where do you go about buying BitCoin? How does it work and why does it work? I am ill informed in the land of investment but I want to learn, is there a guide?

Essentially this has value because people believe it to have value.
The question is, will people in the future believe that it is worth than it is now?

Like Money, Digits on a bank acc.

But BTC instead of the above isn´t controlled by the Jewish Rothchild banking family. Your acc can´t be deleted. It is politically neutral, every BTC is worth the same, it only will stop working if the I-net is taking out worldwide. In this case we will have bigger problems, like food etc.

True true.

I still don’t fully trust this thing tbh tho.
Well let’s see what happens. I hope it goes up. :p
Fuchs said:
Longterm (4-5j) it is unimportant what the price is at the moment. All the alt coins are somehow compromised compared to BTC. Either one big founder holds most of it, can be heald at gunpoint or they did give a big portion to angel wing investors, who will drop it on retailinvestors. If you sell you have also to think about taxes etc.

If just the demand is stable for BTC the price will increase with the halving. At some point everything will be consumed by BTC if it continues like before. To trade this opportunity for sandcoins/altcoins I wouldn´t.

To give people the advise to invest in enemy infrastructure aka Metaverse coins, :shock: well why not go to your nearest Jewish synagogue and drop a donation? :x

Personally, I will not pay any taxes on investments and trading. This is because it should be illegal in my opinion to tax it. The enemy won't be around long enough to find out about this and prosecute me for it, not to mention I will always have the upper hand legally by the way of things simply are in my case. This is my personal stance, and nobody should think I am telling you to do the same.

BTC has very little growth compared to other coins, including ETH. It is simply more convenient to have the majority in what will make the most important growth and what will be around for a much longer time. BTC is doomed to be surpassed by ETH. This is by design. For one, it is names about the universal currency (Ether/Akasha). Secondly, its symbol is a Merkaba. And there are other less evident reasons, of course. It's simply by design. Bitcoin doesn't have any good symbology in its favour, so it's not tied to universal forces. Sure, it may be gold in colour. But so what? Ethereum has many more powerful affiliations

With other stablecoins, you can always profit then move most of the profit to ETH and withdraw some (only what you need, really). This is what I'll do. You are, of course, entitled to your choices. I am only here to make you reflect on them in a different way.

Here's a picture of what happened last year, solstice to solstice:

:arrow: BTC +114%
:arrow: ETH +565.1%
:arrow: SOL +14,036%
:arrow: XRP +169.35%
:arrow: ADA +846.61%
:arrow: BNB +1,582%
:arrow: DOT +454.11%
:arrow: LUNA +18,767%

This is only one year. What's going to happen in 4-5 years or even 10, other than ETH overtaking BTC?

So, tell me, would it have been convenient to stick to bitcoin?

Solana's immense growth was inevitable, giving the name and the fact it's literally a lightning bolt in symbol, the Sol rune. Even its shortened name is the rune. I have been a fool last year. I was telling people to invest in SOL for months, but I neglected to do so myself. I knew it was going to yield immense gains, yet I did not take action to secure it myself. Let's leave the past to the past, anyway. A lesson learnt for sure.

Luna's growth may seem a mystery but considering the ecosystem it is part of, I am not surprised. This is one coin that would make immense benefit, especially if powered with a working started with Moon in Taurus. The ecosystem it is part of is Terra. Again, no surprise here. Terra means Earth, both the planet and the element. This element rules wealth. Luna means Moon in Latin and Italian. Luna, part of the Terra ecosystem. I see it like saying Moon in Taurus. Great for wealth gain. On top of that, this ecosystem has powerful affiliations to our Gods.

In any case, investing and trading is done without emotions. Emotions only hinder judgement in these things, and only lead to make rushed decisions. A good analysis is what matters the most, and there are three different types of analysis in this world: technical, fundamental, and sentimental. The latter means intuition/instinct, not emotions.

As for investing in Metaverse, what is wrong with it, exactly? Sure, the Metaverse has its negative sides and many of them. However, once that structure is taken over it can be used only positively in many ways, especially when its full potential is unravelled (full dive). An example of that is to train military to acquire the proper mindsets. Another is to help people with limited mobility enjoy themselves until proper medical care is developed. Another is to help people in a coma to strengthen their grip on life. It's also very good for meeting people who live on different parts of the world and whom you are too busy to visit in person, much better than video chat for sure.

In short, there are many ways to use this technology in a responsible way. It's a not a nuclear weapon that is 100% ill-advised. Investing in it is nothing wrong, especially if you can profit on it. And you definitely can because it's going to be having a massive growth this year and in the long term. It is especially important to get into it now when it's in its early stages, so your earnings will be greater.

I hope this helped you understand my point of view.
GoldenxChild1 said:
Where do you go about buying BitCoin? How does it work and why does it work? I am ill informed in the land of investment but I want to learn, is there a guide?


P2P is the Best Way to Buy cripto.

Do not trust centralized exchanges.

NinRick said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
Where do you go about buying BitCoin? How does it work and why does it work? I am ill informed in the land of investment but I want to learn, is there a guide?

Essentially this has value because people believe it to have value.
The question is, will people in the future believe that it is worth than it is now?
What is good about Crypto is that it is not inflatable, you have a maximum of bitcoin for example.
Also you can transfer in real time money, instead if having to wait for days until your bank does the transfer.
Also what you should keep in mind is, is that pur current financial system is highly fragile and artificially kept alive, the collapse will come and is inevitable.
So it is good to have Bitcoin for that, so you have a plan B.
But only because the financial system crashes, won’t necessarily mean that btc keeps it‘s worth or even increases.

However, if the world governments decided to accept bitcoin as an official currency and the entire globe supports this sort of payment/currency, then Bitcoin will shoot to the moon.

If you have money sitting on the bench and don’t need it, you could invest if you believe that you can profit in any way from it.

I also invested something in btc but only to have a backup plan if things get worse.

bitcoin has value because its technology is superior. it doesn't matter what people think about bitcoin right now, because even if they hate crypto ,the technology is still superior. Opinions do not change a superior technology.

Yes, in the future people will use bitcoin because (((Fiat currency )))is not reliable. The Jewish bankers can print money when they want to.
Stormblood said:
Fuchs said:
Longterm (4-5j) it is unimportant what the price is at the moment. All the alt coins are somehow compromised compared to BTC. Either one big founder holds most of it, can be heald at gunpoint or they did give a big portion to angel wing investors, who will drop it on retailinvestors. If you sell you have also to think about taxes etc.

If just the demand is stable for BTC the price will increase with the halving. At some point everything will be consumed by BTC if it continues like before. To trade this opportunity for sandcoins/altcoins I wouldn´t.

To give people the advise to invest in enemy infrastructure aka Metaverse coins, :shock: well why not go to your nearest Jewish synagogue and drop a donation? :x

Personally, I will not pay any taxes on investments and trading. This is because it should be illegal in my opinion to tax it. The enemy won't be around long enough to find out about this and prosecute me for it, not to mention I will always have the upper hand legally by the way of things simply are in my case. This is my personal stance, and nobody should think I am telling you to do the same.

BTC has very little growth compared to other coins, including ETH. It is simply more convenient to have the majority in what will make the most important growth and what will be around for a much longer time. BTC is doomed to be surpassed by ETH. This is by design. For one, it is names about the universal currency (Ether/Akasha). Secondly, its symbol is a Merkaba. And there are other less evident reasons, of course. It's simply by design. Bitcoin doesn't have any good symbology in its favour, so it's not tied to universal forces. Sure, it may be gold in colour. But so what? Ethereum has many more powerful affiliations

With other stablecoins, you can always profit then move most of the profit to ETH and withdraw some (only what you need, really). This is what I'll do. You are, of course, entitled to your choices. I am only here to make you reflect on them in a different way.

Here's a picture of what happened last year, solstice to solstice:

:arrow: BTC +114%
:arrow: ETH +565.1%
:arrow: SOL +14,036%
:arrow: XRP +169.35%
:arrow: ADA +846.61%
:arrow: BNB +1,582%
:arrow: DOT +454.11%
:arrow: LUNA +18,767%

This is only one year. What's going to happen in 4-5 years or even 10, other than ETH overtaking BTC?

So, tell me, would it have been convenient to stick to bitcoin?

Solana's immense growth was inevitable, giving the name and the fact it's literally a lightning bolt in symbol, the Sol rune. Even its shortened name is the rune. I have been a fool last year. I was telling people to invest in SOL for months, but I neglected to do so myself. I knew it was going to yield immense gains, yet I did not take action to secure it myself. Let's leave the past to the past, anyway. A lesson learnt for sure.

Luna's growth may seem a mystery but considering the ecosystem it is part of, I am not surprised. This is one coin that would make immense benefit, especially if powered with a working started with Moon in Taurus. The ecosystem it is part of is Terra. Again, no surprise here. Terra means Earth, both the planet and the element. This element rules wealth. Luna means Moon in Latin and Italian. Luna, part of the Terra ecosystem. I see it like saying Moon in Taurus. Great for wealth gain. On top of that, this ecosystem has powerful affiliations to our Gods.

In any case, investing and trading is done without emotions. Emotions only hinder judgement in these things, and only lead to make rushed decisions. A good analysis is what matters the most, and there are three different types of analysis in this world: technical, fundamental, and sentimental. The latter means intuition/instinct, not emotions.

As for investing in Metaverse, what is wrong with it, exactly? Sure, the Metaverse has its negative sides and many of them. However, once that structure is taken over it can be used only positively in many ways, especially when its full potential is unravelled (full dive). An example of that is to train military to acquire the proper mindsets. Another is to help people with limited mobility enjoy themselves until proper medical care is developed. Another is to help people in a coma to strengthen their grip on life. It's also very good for meeting people who live on different parts of the world and whom you are too busy to visit in person, much better than video chat for sure.

In short, there are many ways to use this technology in a responsible way. It's a not a nuclear weapon that is 100% ill-advised. Investing in it is nothing wrong, especially if you can profit on it. And you definitely can because it's going to be having a massive growth this year and in the long term. It is especially important to get into it now when it's in its early stages, so your earnings will be greater.

I hope this helped you understand my point of view.
I think Fuchs might be more intelligent than Michael Saylor himself. Only peasants get rich from Crypto. Real players like Fuchs don't invest in anything but Bitcoin and keep Hodl while millionaire's are made everyday from Altcoins.
Best counsel to buy during now and possibly if BTC drops to 33k is MANA, SAND ,ICP ,MATIC ,ENJ and SOL. These are the best bets for 2022.

Hey Jack why don't you post your entire portfolio with numbers while youre at it lol. Our daily kike audience of 2000+ that comes over here would like to know more.

Also you BTC maxis here keep listening to shills that write rocket emojis, price charts that only go up and laser eyes everywhere and not doing your own research on some other crypto projects. I bet that will end up really good for you /sarcasm

I'm not gonna even write long post about this since its clear from reading stuff on this forum that everyone has their brains in clouds regarding finances since they managed to get 100% return. :roll: :lol:
Stormblood said:

I hope this helped you understand my point of view.

so i brand a shit with a rune or gods/elemental image, does this shit automatically become good? I'm puzzled...wtf, your reasoning is very strange....
Ethereum is funded by JP Morgan, did you know?? It's a huge difference and has huge implications. Like all other [shit]coin, it's like a company (with specific members and teams) and you're just basically buying one of their products. You are a consumer. Practically a transposition of the Jewish mentality in the world of crypto.

You have lack of background of what is btc and crypto, you need to read the bitcoin standard and the fiat standard, ASAP.

If you want instead to use the trader's reasoning, to speculate, then ok you can advise, but it must be emphasized that they are junk and will never be like bitcoin. Bitcoin is and will forever be the perfect tool. Unless everyone becomes a sheep and starts buying shitcoin, then...mirror of society, with serious consequences for sheeps.

To whom want to gamble...last 1 year :arrow: SHIB +18286351%. But does this mean anything in the big picture of things? Nothing, just pure speculation. Same thing with other coins. As btc improves the system by adding new features, the other coins are fucked, as happened with litecoin and bitcoin cash when btc introduce lightning network.

Same with stablecoins. What is their purpose for us mere mortals? Usd in digital form? then why don't you take cash [paper]? If tomorrow usd is 100% inflated, these stablecoins will also have a 100% loss of purchasing power, because it is mirrored to the dollar.
Stormblood said:
Fuchs said:
Longterm (4-5j) it is unimportant what the price is at the moment. All the alt coins are somehow compromised compared to BTC. Either one big founder holds most of it, can be heald at gunpoint or they did give a big portion to angel wing investors, who will drop it on retailinvestors. If you sell you have also to think about taxes etc.

If just the demand is stable for BTC the price will increase with the halving. At some point everything will be consumed by BTC if it continues like before. To trade this opportunity for sandcoins/altcoins I wouldn´t.

To give people the advise to invest in enemy infrastructure aka Metaverse coins, :shock: well why not go to your nearest Jewish synagogue and drop a donation? :x

Personally, I will not pay any taxes on investments and trading. This is because it should be illegal in my opinion to tax it. The enemy won't be around long enough to find out about this and prosecute me for it, not to mention I will always have the upper hand legally by the way of things simply are in my case. This is my personal stance, and nobody should think I am telling you to do the same.

BTC has very little growth compared to other coins, including ETH. It is simply more convenient to have the majority in what will make the most important growth and what will be around for a much longer time. BTC is doomed to be surpassed by ETH. This is by design. For one, it is names about the universal currency (Ether/Akasha). Secondly, its symbol is a Merkaba. And there are other less evident reasons, of course. It's simply by design. Bitcoin doesn't have any good symbology in its favour, so it's not tied to universal forces. Sure, it may be gold in colour. But so what? Ethereum has many more powerful affiliations

With other stablecoins, you can always profit then move most of the profit to ETH and withdraw some (only what you need, really). This is what I'll do. You are, of course, entitled to your choices. I am only here to make you reflect on them in a different way.

Here's a picture of what happened last year, solstice to solstice:

:arrow: BTC +114%
:arrow: ETH +565.1%
:arrow: SOL +14,036%
:arrow: XRP +169.35%
:arrow: ADA +846.61%
:arrow: BNB +1,582%
:arrow: DOT +454.11%
:arrow: LUNA +18,767%

This is only one year. What's going to happen in 4-5 years or even 10, other than ETH overtaking BTC?

So, tell me, would it have been convenient to stick to bitcoin?

Solana's immense growth was inevitable, giving the name and the fact it's literally a lightning bolt in symbol, the Sol rune. Even its shortened name is the rune. I have been a fool last year. I was telling people to invest in SOL for months, but I neglected to do so myself. I knew it was going to yield immense gains, yet I did not take action to secure it myself. Let's leave the past to the past, anyway. A lesson learnt for sure.

Luna's growth may seem a mystery but considering the ecosystem it is part of, I am not surprised. This is one coin that would make immense benefit, especially if powered with a working started with Moon in Taurus. The ecosystem it is part of is Terra. Again, no surprise here. Terra means Earth, both the planet and the element. This element rules wealth. Luna means Moon in Latin and Italian. Luna, part of the Terra ecosystem. I see it like saying Moon in Taurus. Great for wealth gain. On top of that, this ecosystem has powerful affiliations to our Gods.

In any case, investing and trading is done without emotions. Emotions only hinder judgement in these things, and only lead to make rushed decisions. A good analysis is what matters the most, and there are three different types of analysis in this world: technical, fundamental, and sentimental. The latter means intuition/instinct, not emotions.

As for investing in Metaverse, what is wrong with it, exactly? Sure, the Metaverse has its negative sides and many of them. However, once that structure is taken over it can be used only positively in many ways, especially when its full potential is unravelled (full dive). An example of that is to train military to acquire the proper mindsets. Another is to help people with limited mobility enjoy themselves until proper medical care is developed. Another is to help people in a coma to strengthen their grip on life. It's also very good for meeting people who live on different parts of the world and whom you are too busy to visit in person, much better than video chat for sure.

In short, there are many ways to use this technology in a responsible way. It's a not a nuclear weapon that is 100% ill-advised. Investing in it is nothing wrong, especially if you can profit on it. And you definitely can because it's going to be having a massive growth this year and in the long term. It is especially important to get into it now when it's in its early stages, so your earnings will be greater.

I hope this helped you understand my point of view.

ETH is mostly controled by one person if you take vitalik buterin hostage the coins can be worthless over night, also the infrastrukture is mostly amazon servers. Also they are moving from proof of work to proof of stake meaning if you already have the most ETH this will stay this way and all the smal people will only feed your groth. Vitalik did once after a hack approve a light fork so all his buddys could keep thear coins. If you want to stick to a centralized banking system which can be put offline from the Jew by pressing one button, keep buying ETH.

How are Bitcoin smaler digit named ? Sats = Sat = Satan? ;)

If you look the groth from invention to now BTC had the most groth. Just because some whales etc did manipulate the marked last jear does not mean they can do this infinitely.

BTC is the only true decentralised coin, has the biggest safety proof of work + highest hash rate etc. If you look into networking effects you will understand why it is the most valuabel.

In essence most people only trade altcoins to later get back into BTC, because it is the only save coin.

If someone wants to make a large sum of money by the end of the month well they can dump all thear money in a altcoin but they can also loose everything, if BTC is going to zero every other Coin is also, including atleast half or 3/4 of the stock market.
BlackJackal said:
Best counsel to buy during now and possibly if BTC drops to 33k is MANA, SAND ,ICP ,MATIC ,ENJ and SOL. These are the best bets for 2022.

Hey Jack why don't you post your entire portfolio with numbers while youre at it lol. Our daily kike audience of 2000+ that comes over here would like to know more.

Also you BTC maxis here keep listening to shills that write rocket emojis, price charts that only go up and laser eyes everywhere and not doing your own research on some other crypto projects. I bet that will end up really good for you /sarcasm

I'm not gonna even write long post about this since its clear from reading stuff on this forum that everyone has their brains in clouds regarding finances since they managed to get 100% return. :roll: :lol:
Anyone who listened to my advice is already in profit and will keep getting profits throughout 2022. I don't see anything wrong with it. Jews can listen and see whatever they want but I'm trying to help people out here. It doesn't matter because jews cannot go inside your exchange and your wallet and steal your coins. That's just being completely paranoid.
Cfecit said:
Stormblood said:

I hope this helped you understand my point of view.

so i brand a shit with a rune or gods/elemental image, does this shit automatically become good? I'm puzzled...wtf, your reasoning is very strange....
Ethereum is funded by JP Morgan, did you know?? It's a huge difference and has huge implications. Like all other [shit]coin, it's like a company (with specific members and teams) and you're just basically buying one of their products. You are a consumer. Practically a transposition of the Jewish mentality in the world of crypto.

You have lack of background of what is btc and crypto, you need to read the bitcoin standard and the fiat standard, ASAP.

If you want instead to use the trader's reasoning, to speculate, then ok you can advise, but it must be emphasized that they are junk and will never be like bitcoin. Bitcoin is and will forever be the perfect tool. Unless everyone becomes a sheep and starts buying shitcoin, then...mirror of society, with serious consequences for sheeps.

To whom want to gamble...last 1 year :arrow: SHIB +18286351%. But does this mean anything in the big picture of things? Nothing, just pure speculation. Same thing with other coins. As btc improves the system by adding new features, the other coins are fucked, as happened with litecoin and bitcoin cash when btc introduce lightning network.

Same with stablecoins. What is their purpose for us mere mortals? Usd in digital form? then why don't you take cash [paper]? If tomorrow usd is 100% inflated, these stablecoins will also have a 100% loss of purchasing power, because it is mirrored to the dollar.
It's just about making quick profits ,no one cares about any of these things. Good Speculation pays off when you do it right.
Jack said:
This is by no means financial advice and I won't be responsible for your losses. However what I'm about to say is something I'm personally doing.
What do you think about the Shiba Inu coin? Now is something like $0.000035 or something like this. Imagine if one buy this coin worth of say $100 and the coin gets to only $1, it can turn one millionaire. But do you think it will ever get that far compared to how much is now? I know a few months ago I read the coin expanded its activity to new platforms or something similar and as a result its value increased like 3 times but it decreased back.

I was also thinking that someone who is spiritually very powerful can buy a coin with a very small value and tthen do magical workings for that coin to increase in value but that would require too much energy given many these coins are used in complex networks that would need to expand for such coins to increase in value.

Also given that the world economy did not crash yet. Since many of these coins are generated by devices that run on electricity, and they require A LOT of electricity, the logical output of a petrol price explosion (as is expected to happen) is that these coins should increase in value proportionally because the price for the electrcity required to produce these coins will increase, but not neccesarily everywhere as petrol is not used everywhere to produce electricity.

Regarding the crisis, one economist I know said Bitcoin is a tool created by the jewish mafia as a bubble where all printed money will go when the economy will crash due to huge inflation. I don't believe this as bitcoin is decentralized and not controlled or owned by any entity so artificially pouring money in Bitcoin would only backfire on the jewish banking mafia and enrich the gentiles who own bitcoin, and most likely exactly same applies to all the other coins. But one has far bigger chances to win big money from a smaller coin than Bitcoin because the Bitcoin is very big already and has a slow evolution while other small coins care increase in value a lot and suddenly.

These coins can easily go hand in hand with spirituality and magical workings as these can be used to increase their value artificially however huge amounts of energy would be required but on long term it might work.
Jack said:
I think Fuchs might be more intelligent than Michael Saylor himself. Only peasants get rich from Crypto. Real players like Fuchs don't invest in anything but Bitcoin and keep Hodl while millionaire's are made everyday from Altcoins.

Don't tell anyone about poocoins. 100x earnings in a year or less may be too much for some to process.

Cfecit said:

I am discussing the theory behind the results. The results speak for themselves. Unlike some overly cautious people here (and I am not referring to you specifically), I don't have any hang-ups about wealth.

It doesn't matter who owns or funds what. Even with BTC and real-estate, the enemy can sunk it in a nanosecond, if they want to. They are the market makers. They could take down BTC if they wanted, either by financial means or by physical means. They can make irrefutable offers and so on.

It also doesn't matter shit if they sink. Investment is not the only gig. There is also trading, which is a different way to play the markets where you can earn on bear market pretty easily. You know how many thousands and millions have been made from all the pips BTC dropped since it went short? I'd say most people have no idea, since they put all their eggs in the same basket (the investment game).

There is no need for all this hostility. People can become wealthy even if they don't play by your rules, as investing and trading financial assets of these kind are not immoral nor unethical. If you like BTC, keep playing with bitcoin. My job is unlimiting people and showing them potential.

Fuchs said:

Some of what I replied to Cfecit applies as a reply to you as well.

Other than that, I get you are a more cautious investor. That is fine but not everyone needs to do the same that you do. They can make their own choices after make their own (possibly in-depth) research. As far as I am concerned, crypto, DeFi more specifically, and Meta yield a lot of possibilities.

Another attitude is risk-taking, which yields different possibilities from caution and is favoured by the Goddess of Luck. The saying goes "Fortune favours the bold". Not all the time, obviously, because you need to be smart and study, not to mention use your psychic abilities rather than just overthinking things.

What I want to conclude this reply with is that emotions like fear really have no place in the financial world, only calculated approaches. You can be cautious and you can be bold, but you cannot make decisions based on the fear that X will happen. Fear is not data, is not evidence. Taking the path of justifying fear only stunts growth, as growth only happens outside of one's comfort zone. How much outside one goes, it's up to them, really.
Stormblood said:

Totally disagree. I can tell you don't understand the purpose of btc at all. Read these books, they will help you understand better, give you a new and spectacular perspective on things.

Your "mistake" is defining them as financial products, like any stock or bond, etc.

BTC was not born for this purpose. It was born to put an end to hundreds of hundreds of abuse on the currency and therefore on the lives of billions of people, a state of perpetual slavery for the benefit of the elite [Jews&Co] who create their own wealth out of nothing. Apparently you don't know what hard money means and its implications. Neither "low preference and high preference". These are very, but really, very important aspects of understanding the system thoroughly, and once you fix the money, you will create a system of living based on the right principles that correspond to our satanic mindset.

BTC cannot be shut down. The only way to do this is to shut down the entire internet or turn off the electricity, either way takes us to the stone age. You don't even understand the technical aspect of btc. It's the only coin where you can't close, all the others can and easy (like as in the case of eth)

This is the fundamental problem for those entering the crypto world. You think you know, but instead you don't know at all. This is why there are various coins, people only look at the results and not the ethical, moral and tecnichal aspect. In other side, so many people make a living from this, from the ignorance of people, they have no interest in you properly understanding the purpose of btc, but rather try to shove strange theories and garbage at you, to screw you over, they are just trying to bring more, more ever, water to their own mill. And as Jack said above, people are looking for easy and quick money and so they hope to find it in crypto world.

The truth is that if everyone understands what the purpose of btc is, we will all be richer and live in a world of right principles. But a category of people don't like it because they want to continue to be parasites. As well as those people who only think about their own little garden, not in the bigger picture of things.

I therefore reject your "association" with hang-ups about wealth. It's the exact opposite. We live in a world of sheep and npc's, therefore reflect in the world of crypto. Therefore it is therefore a matter of understanding the tendencies of these "inferior" people, you will be able to have profits. But I do not choose this path, it is not ethical for me by my standards. I prefer to help people by educating them, in this way I assist in completely eradicating the problems of society, instead of continuing to prune the branches of the tree.

The Alchemist7 said:
What do you think about the Shiba Inu coin? Now is something like $0.000035 or something like this. Imagine if one buy this coin worth of say $100 and the coin gets to only $1, it can turn one millionaire. But do you think it will ever get that far compared to how much is now? I know a few months ago I read the coin expanded its activity to new platforms or something similar and as a result its value increased like 3 times but it decreased back. [...]

SHIB to become 1$ from today as 0.000035, means that you will have a percentage increase of 3333333. Today SHIB's cap market is 17billion usd. Then, when shib hit 1$, the cap market should be, if I have done the calculations correctly, 533.4 Trillion usd, when the world's entire wealth is estimated at between 100 and 300 Trillion. Make your own conclusions.
The Alchemist7 said:
Jack said:
This is by no means financial advice and I won't be responsible for your losses. However what I'm about to say is something I'm personally doing.
What do you think about the Shiba Inu coin? Now is something like $0.000035 or something like this. Imagine if one buy this coin worth of say $100 and the coin gets to only $1, it can turn one millionaire. But do you think it will ever get that far compared to how much is now? I know a few months ago I read the coin expanded its activity to new platforms or something similar and as a result its value increased like 3 times but it decreased back.

I was also thinking that someone who is spiritually very powerful can buy a coin with a very small value and tthen do magical workings for that coin to increase in value but that would require too much energy given many these coins are used in complex networks that would need to expand for such coins to increase in value.

Also given that the world economy did not crash yet. Since many of these coins are generated by devices that run on electricity, and they require A LOT of electricity, the logical output of a petrol price explosion (as is expected to happen) is that these coins should increase in value proportionally because the price for the electrcity required to produce these coins will increase, but not neccesarily everywhere as petrol is not used everywhere to produce electricity.

Regarding the crisis, one economist I know said Bitcoin is a tool created by the jewish mafia as a bubble where all printed money will go when the economy will crash due to huge inflation. I don't believe this as bitcoin is decentralized and not controlled or owned by any entity so artificially pouring money in Bitcoin would only backfire on the jewish banking mafia and enrich the gentiles who own bitcoin, and most likely exactly same applies to all the other coins. But one has far bigger chances to win big money from a smaller coin than Bitcoin because the Bitcoin is very big already and has a slow evolution while other small coins care increase in value a lot and suddenly.

These coins can easily go hand in hand with spirituality and magical workings as these can be used to increase their value artificially however huge amounts of energy would be required but on long term it might work.
I couldn't say. It could and at the same rate it couldn't. I hold that coin in small amounts, maybe it'll pump sometime in the future.
Stormblood said:
Jack said:
I think Fuchs might be more intelligent than Michael Saylor himself. Only peasants get rich from Crypto. Real players like Fuchs don't invest in anything but Bitcoin and keep Hodl while millionaire's are made everyday from Altcoins.

Don't tell anyone about poocoins. 100x earnings in a year or less may be too much for some to process.

Most gamblers end up broke guys, otherwise casinos would be bankrupt.

Do we want to continue the enemy shit or do we want a free satanic decentralised world out of the enemy grip, the only solution to this is Bitcoin. We either are broke alone, or wealthy free together.


Kantillionares won´t buy BTC because they would kill thear own earnings.

I don´t argue here so I get rich, my asset gets bought, I only want to be free in every sense, that´s also the reason why I´m here to begin with.

With the RTRS espacially the shattering we destroy the enemy this includes all enemy infrastructures, money is nothing else then a form of energy. At day you invest your energy in enemy infrastructure and at night you destroy it?

Does not make sense to me.
I wish I could go back in time and not lose my Bitcoin wallet in 2011 along with others. I was mining hard when I was young, fried a lot of equipment only to forget and lose it all.
NakedPluto said:
I wish I could go back in time and not lose my Bitcoin wallet in 2011 along with others. I was mining hard when I was young, fried a lot of equipment only to forget and lose it all.

I thought you are quite good with visions etc, couln´t you do a past live regression (this live) to find your things again?
Cfecit said:
BTC was not born for this purpose. It was born to put an end to hundreds of hundreds of abuse on the currency and therefore on the lives of billions of people, a state of perpetual slavery for the benefit of the elite [Jews&Co] who create their own wealth out of nothing.

So is every coin part of DeFi.

Cfecit said:
The rest of what you say is similar to argument I hear from supporters of certain theories of physics. "Oh, special relativity is superior to quantum theory", "Oh quantum theory is superior special relativity", etc etc with other things too like ether theory and so on.

Cfecit said:
The truth is that if everyone understands what the purpose of btc is, we will all be richer and live in a world of right principles. But a category of people don't like it because they want to continue to be parasites. As well as those people who only think about their own little garden, not in the bigger picture of things.
Getting rich over crypto doesn't always have anything to do with only thinking about your little garden. When you have wealth, you can decide if and how to influence your community. Those with a higher soul quality will obviously build businesses or sponsor projects that uplift everyone, giving back to society like upper classes and royal classes of all did in cradle civilisations' time.

You can pick your way to have impact and you chose education. Let other people choose what they want.

As for whom you call 'inferior' people, you cannot protect them forever. They should play with tools they don't understand. You play with fire, you get burnt. You play with knives, you get cut. The helicopter parent educational method doesn't work for everyone. Many people need to get hurt before they can understand something. Many people need to get hurt multiple times in the same thing before they understand, as they are more stubborn in not learning from their mistakes.

This is similar of how you raise children. There is that parent that just says "don't do that" without even bothering to explain why. This is the worst type of parent, as this will cause their children to have hang-ups, some manifesting as rebellion and other manifesting as inhibition. Then there is the parent who actually sits down with the kids and explain things to them, in a way the can understand it. That's the best kind of parent. However, even here there can be pitfalls, as we are not perfect beings. In many cases, the teaching method can be wrong, a mismatch for the kid and they won't understand, which is why it is important to try and understand how your child learns and learn to deliver education in the way that matches most the child's learning patterns. Even so, what one is teaching may be wrong or narrow-minded, or simply do not really apply to the child. And that's the trickiest part of parenting.

Anyway, for both of you, I am not here to debate finance with you. Do what you want. I and other people here will do what you want as well. If you want to educate people about your particular perspective on finance, you can do open topics of your own, instead of attacking Jack's topic. I am sure your posts on financial education will be appreciated by the community, no matter their level of financial intelligence.

Fuchs said:
Most gamblers end up broke guys, otherwise casinos would be bankrupt.

Do we want to continue the enemy shit or do we want a free satanic decentralised world out of the enemy grip, the only solution to this is Bitcoin. We either are broke alone, or wealthy free together.


Kantillionares won´t buy BTC because they would kill thear own earnings.

They actually do buy it. Those statements they make work to manipulate the financial markets. They are made on purpose. This is Fundamental analysis 101.

I also do not subscribe to binary thinking. I no longer live in Disneyland where everything works out for everyone. It simply does not happen, as the universe does not work that way. There will always be social classes and hierarchies. The nature of the universe is inequality. There will always be criminals and wholesome people. We can only try to save as many people as possible.

Anyway, for both of you, I am not here to debate finance with you. Do what you want. I and other people here will do what you want as well. If you want to educate people about your particular perspective on finance, you can do open topics of your own, instead of attacking Jack's topic. I am sure your posts on financial education will be appreciated by the community, no matter their level of financial intelligence.


For others, as a reference to what I stated earlier, here is a very brief introduction to the differences between trading and investing: https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/12/difference-investing-trading.asp

NakedPluto said:
I wish I could go back in time and not lose my Bitcoin wallet in 2011 along with others. I was mining hard when I was young, fried a lot of equipment only to forget and lose it all.
Do it. On the astral.
Jack said:
I couldn't say. It could and at the same rate it couldn't. I hold that coin in small amounts, maybe it'll pump sometime in the future.

Jack said:
SHIB to become 1$ from today as 0.000035, means that you will have a percentage increase of 3333333. Today SHIB's cap market is 17billion usd. Then, when shib hit 1$, the cap market should be, if I have done the calculations correctly, 533.4 Trillion usd, when the world's entire wealth is estimated at between 100 and 300 Trillion. Make your own conclusions.
The world GDP is somewhere around 195 trillion as far as I remember.
Anyway you are right that coin is way too abundant to ever reach $1 one coin, is not meant to reach such value by design since there are 500 trillion coins available (and another 500 trillion `locked` coins which are not available for trading).
NakedPluto said:
I wish I could go back in time and not lose my Bitcoin wallet in 2011 along with others. I was mining hard when I was young, fried a lot of equipment only to forget and lose it all.
I feel for you.
Fuchs said:
NakedPluto said:
I wish I could go back in time and not lose my Bitcoin wallet in 2011 along with others. I was mining hard when I was young, fried a lot of equipment only to forget and lose it all.

I thought you are quite good with visions etc, couln´t you do a past live regression (this live) to find your things again?
I still have the HDDs with over 4 wallets and hundreds of Bitcoin, but it is infected with encryption virus. That's how I lost like 3 systems over 2 years of mining and moved on since then. I am too angry to try do recover anything, spent a lot of time only to find it impossible.
Bitcoin-Qt if I remember right the name. If you format, encrypt or lose the walled.dat you are done. That's a Plutonic negative outcome, so nothing out of the ordinary here. I tried too many times to save something from the HDD to no luck. Recovered the doge coin, with only like 1000 coins.

A couple of years ago I also mined Monero only to lose it again, this time by forgetting the seeds. But this was just a couple of hundreds bucks.

I always had extreme luck in finding opportunities and knowing how to, but on the cash out aspects , always always hard luck. I will put my planets in the second house to work soon with crypto again, only this time I won't ever mine again.
NakedPluto said:
Fuchs said:
NakedPluto said:
I wish I could go back in time and not lose my Bitcoin wallet in 2011 along with others. I was mining hard when I was young, fried a lot of equipment only to forget and lose it all.

I thought you are quite good with visions etc, couln´t you do a past live regression (this live) to find your things again?
I still have the HDDs with over 4 wallets and hundreds of Bitcoin, but it is infected with encryption virus. That's how I lost like 3 systems over 2 years of mining and moved on since then. I am too angry to try do recover anything, spent a lot of time only to find it impossible.
Bitcoin-Qt if I remember right the name. If you format, encrypt or lose the walled.dat you are done. That's a Plutonic negative outcome, so nothing out of the ordinary here. I tried too many times to save something from the HDD to no luck. Recovered the doge coin, with only like 1000 coins.

A couple of years ago I also mined Monero only to lose it again, this time by forgetting the seeds. But this was just a couple of hundreds bucks.

I always had extreme luck in finding opportunities and knowing how to, but on the cash out aspects , always always hard luck. I will put my planets in the second house to work soon with crypto again, only this time I won't ever mine again.

I DM'd you something that you will appreciate.
NakedPluto said:
Fuchs said:
NakedPluto said:
I wish I could go back in time and not lose my Bitcoin wallet in 2011 along with others. I was mining hard when I was young, fried a lot of equipment only to forget and lose it all.

I thought you are quite good with visions etc, couln´t you do a past live regression (this live) to find your things again?
I still have the HDDs with over 4 wallets and hundreds of Bitcoin, but it is infected with encryption virus. That's how I lost like 3 systems over 2 years of mining and moved on since then. I am too angry to try do recover anything, spent a lot of time only to find it impossible.
Bitcoin-Qt if I remember right the name. If you format, encrypt or lose the walled.dat you are done. That's a Plutonic negative outcome, so nothing out of the ordinary here. I tried too many times to save something from the HDD to no luck. Recovered the doge coin, with only like 1000 coins.

A couple of years ago I also mined Monero only to lose it again, this time by forgetting the seeds. But this was just a couple of hundreds bucks.

I always had extreme luck in finding opportunities and knowing how to, but on the cash out aspects , always always hard luck. I will put my planets in the second house to work soon with crypto again, only this time I won't ever mine again.

As technology advances so does cracking software, If you have your HDDs then you don´t lost your bitcoins you just lost acces to them, keep them, may in the future you will find a way to solve it. With the benefit you didn´t sold your BTC for a quick buck.
Stormblood said:
Fuchs said:
Most gamblers end up broke guys, otherwise casinos would be bankrupt.

Do we want to continue the enemy shit or do we want a free satanic decentralised world out of the enemy grip, the only solution to this is Bitcoin. We either are broke alone, or wealthy free together.


Kantillionares won´t buy BTC because they would kill thear own earnings.

They actually do buy it. Those statements they make work to manipulate the financial markets. They are made on purpose. This is Fundamental analysis 101.

I also do not subscribe to binary thinking. I no longer live in Disneyland where everything works out for everyone. It simply does not happen, as the universe does not work that way. There will always be social classes and hierarchies. The nature of the universe is inequality. There will always be criminals and wholesome people. We can only try to save as many people as possible.

Bill Gates: "Bitcoin will be worth nothing"
Tesla Elon Musk: "Bitcoin is too bad for the environment we won´t accept any more bitcoin payments."
(the normal banking system uses more or equal energy, but don´t tell anybody, there is also lighningnetwork which does safe energy)

They do not invest like 50%(if even 10%) of there money in BTC if they would BTC would be up big time, which they don´t like, because this kills them.

People who are abel to invest or build BTC infrastructure like notes, mining are not equal to each other:

There is the saying everybody get´s there BTC for the price they deserve.

Meaning the sooner one was on board the better was the price.

I do not debate about finance, I debate about freedom, destroying the JNWO which BTC does, by taking the finances back to gentiles. Without the Jews be abel in anyway to take control back of the money they lost.
Jack said:
BlackJackal said:
Best counsel to buy during now and possibly if BTC drops to 33k is MANA, SAND ,ICP ,MATIC ,ENJ and SOL. These are the best bets for 2022.

Hey Jack why don't you post your entire portfolio with numbers while youre at it lol. Our daily kike audience of 2000+ that comes over here would like to know more.

Also you BTC maxis here keep listening to shills that write rocket emojis, price charts that only go up and laser eyes everywhere and not doing your own research on some other crypto projects. I bet that will end up really good for you /sarcasm

I'm not gonna even write long post about this since its clear from reading stuff on this forum that everyone has their brains in clouds regarding finances since they managed to get 100% return. :roll: :lol:
Anyone who listened to my advice is already in profit and will keep getting profits throughout 2022. I don't see anything wrong with it. Jews can listen and see whatever they want but I'm trying to help people out here. It doesn't matter because jews cannot go inside your exchange and your wallet and steal your coins. That's just being completely paranoid.

You misunderstand what I meant. You actually have to try hard to lose money right now, when you have Jerome Powell pumping stocks and crypto with his money printer. Hence people get delusional thinking they are pro even though they really aren't.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
