This remind me of a personal story of mine where I was about 16 and I always been very private and quiet , never wishing to truly talk to anybody , just being myself and having my privacy and time alone. And because of this , people always were looking strangely at me, how I was just always sitting there in the "dark" quietly just observing but not wishing to ever truly interact with the life in itself , just observing , anyways , people thought and wondered that I might be a "Satanist" but because everyone is blind and has no ideea what Satanism truly is, they went thinking who knows that the fuck I am doing and whatever , so they were a bit paranoid , that's because of the false information's that the enemy has been sharing about the Satanism.
There were some chick who liked me back then , but I assume only because I am a Satanist and that's just very " edgy and cool " , very uhm "bad boy" or some shit.
This very chick comes then to me , having at her neck a necklace with the pentagram in a circle and pointing up and says to me "I am a Satanist as well you know...
Then I've looked at her and said just this and left : No , you're fucking not. You don't even realize what Satanism is all about , we stand for LIFE not the opposite , we stand for Beauty not the ugliness you guys promote , we stand for Freedom , True GOD and God's would never want anyone to ever bend their knee or be afraid of them , Satan dose not rule by fear and He is allowing anyone to be whatever , according to his nature but there's no excuses for actions as each has an effect and all turns back.
I meet Father Satan when I was 7 and in big problems with the enemies as well , in astral mostly , that's when I have been given up at life , it was not the Fear who was killing me the most but the fact that I was literally alone, I was looking during the night at the blue dark sky watching and wondering about the stars and the planets, seeing the beauty of the Universe just doing it's thing in all of it's wonders and truly magnificent , what was that has been putting me down was the fact I was lonely and alone and also feeling without a purpose in the existence just aimless , just existing and was asking myself : What's the point of existence if all I have since I have came here is just pain , chaos , agony , suffering and just having those twats on my ass 24/7 trying to get me down and never grow up and evolve the One that I am today.
I will write the full story in another topic of how I have started my journey , from the begging until the present , those above are just a few bits from the entire story which would surely be re-done again in my future topic.
I have always wanted a better life and a better world, not to live well just myself but also the Humanity even if I was never too connected with it, I always was and could felt the despair and suffering of others , thing that took me very long to full master in the present but everyone has it's up and downs and got to work their ass off to grow and evolve. No Pain No Gain.
Time will come, as it always done and everything is well and forever be so , our own very Hope's it's literally the strongest potent actions and manifestation towards a better world ,one of beauty and freedom , one of spiritual advancement not a world of disillusion and lies and suffering , The God's are Here, They Always been , they Will always be.