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I wondered how tattoos are viewed as i am heavily tattooed amd next one i get i was thinkin of a subtle one in honor of lord satan Hail satan
tattoos are fine as the hp maxine got one of her gd's sigil. this is a personal choice. as for the satan tattoo this could cause problems so you might wanna steer clear from this.
On Thu, Jan 8, 2015 at 7:41 PM, Mark Waterhouse waterhouse811@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  I wondered how tattoos are viewed as i am heavily tattooed amd next one i get i was thinkin of a subtle one in honor of lord satan Hail satan
<td val[/IMG]Father encoura[/IMG] From:"Mark Waterhouse waterhouse811@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected]
Date:Fri, 9 Jan, 2015 at 4:31
Subject:[JoyofSatan666] Tattoos

  I wondered how tattoos are viewed as i am heavily tattooed amd next one i get i was thinkin of a subtle one in honor of lord satan Hail satan [/TD]
If i tattoo a sigil on my back , lets say the sigil of Enki or Enlil , will my comunication with them will increase ? Will i be able to summon them more easily ? Tell me the effects .Hail Satan ! 
I strongly recommend against getting any Satanic tattoo.It would be too easy for people to find out. Many xians and kikes know a sigil when they see one.

On Wednesday, September 2, 2015 3:36 PM, "Alex Popescu chimera072@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  If i tattoo a sigil on my back , lets say the sigil of Enki or Enlil , will my comunication with them will increase ? Will i be able to summon them more easily ? Tell me the effects .Hail Satan ! 

You are most probably wondering whats the use of sigils.
I would not suggest that they increase your chances or luck in summoning ademon...and if so its by 2%.... I belive sigils are for identification majorly. They are a form of a signture for the demon...and they help mostly  in, visualisation as you forcus no a specific demon. Otherwise i dnt believe that they enhance your working to sumon a demon in any way that is more than that.....its majorly for forcus. Well...the above is for demonic sigils... However there are sigils that are designed for energy workings...for charms en even curses...these can be made from runes, the oghum any many oher sacred dilects... And as of getting a tatoo...
I thnk it would be cool...
My self ibe gotten fathers sigil on a less exposed body part...
Idk , but how long will Satanist have to live in fear of xtians seeing us express ourselves. I think thats rediculous ...
So get the tattoo if uu want it..
Hail Satan
Hail all hell
On 2 Sep 2015 22:36, "Alex Popescu chimera072@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  If i tattoo a sigil on my back , lets say the sigil of Enki or Enlil , will my comunication with them will increase ? Will i be able to summon them more easily ? Tell me the effects .Hail Satan ! 
Well i did =) and i am very proud of them .Hail Satan ! 

On Saturday, September 5, 2015 8:49 PM, "devilsAdvocate Nic nic.dn6@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  You are most probably wondering whats the use of sigils.
I would not suggest that they increase your chances or luck in summoning ademon...and if so its by 2%.... I belive sigils are for identification majorly. They are a form of a signture for the demon...and they help mostly  in, visualisation as you forcus no a specific demon. Otherwise i dnt believe that they enhance your working to sumon a demon in any way that is more than that.....its majorly for forcus. Well...the above is for demonic sigils... However there are sigils that are designed for energy workings...for charms en even curses...these can be made from runes, the oghum any many oher sacred dilects... And as of getting a tatoo...
I thnk it would be cool...
My self ibe gotten fathers sigil on a less exposed body part...
Idk , but how long will Satanist have to live in fear of xtians seeing us express ourselves. I think thats rediculous ...
So get the tattoo if uu want it..
Hail Satan
Hail all hell
On 2 Sep 2015 22:36, "Alex Popescu chimera072@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  If i tattoo a sigil on my back , lets say the sigil of Enki or Enlil , will my comunication with them will increase ? Will i be able to summon them more easily ? Tell me the effects .Hail Satan ! 

Hail Satan
On 6 Sep 2015 15:59, "Alex Popescu chimera072@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Well i did =) and i am very proud of them .Hail Satan ! 

On Saturday, September 5, 2015 8:49 PM, "devilsAdvocate Nic nic.dn6@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  You are most probably wondering whats the use of sigils.
I would not suggest that they increase your chances or luck in summoning ademon...and if so its by 2%.... I belive sigils are for identification majorly. They are a form of a signture for the demon...and they help mostly  in, visualisation as you forcus no a specific demon. Otherwise i dnt believe that they enhance your working to sumon a demon in any way that is more than that.....its majorly for forcus. Well...the above is for demonic sigils... However there are sigils that are designed for energy workings...for charms en even curses...these can be made from runes, the oghum any many oher sacred dilects... And as of getting a tatoo...
I thnk it would be cool...
My self ibe gotten fathers sigil on a less exposed body part...
Idk , but how long will Satanist have to live in fear of xtians seeing us express ourselves. I think thats rediculous ...
So get the tattoo if uu want it..
Hail Satan
Hail all hell On 2 Sep 2015 22:36, "Alex Popescu chimera072@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  If i tattoo a sigil on my back , lets say the sigil of Enki or Enlil , will my comunication with them will increase ? Will i be able to summon them more easily ? Tell me the effects .Hail Satan ! 
I'm not saying don't get one- plenty of people from other religions get their symbols tattooes on their body. I'm just saying recognise the twofold issue here, being that a. You support a minority religious belief, and it may be problematic, and b. Tattoos on the hands are already generally frowned upon in the workplace.

If you can deal with the possible long-term repercussions, then by all means go for it.

I would not do any Satanic tatoo visible to others. When people see it they will label you, try to hurt you, it is like if you tatoo a swastika in a visible place. Not a good idea. Most people are not Spiritual Satanists and you may get into trouble. May get fired, or lose your job. You know how most people are.
Maxine said once that she wears a pendant of the Baphomet and she does not care. Well, I believe she is advanced enough to be so powerfully protected that no one will get on her way. Nevertheless, I have no doubt that she takes precautions as well. 
Please be careful. Maybe you can have the tatoo in a place nobody can see.
Hail Father Satan Forever!

On Saturday, October 1, 2016 2:20 AM, "therealcybss@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Is it okay for me to get an inverted pentagram tattooed on my hand?

Yes that is fine, but you need to be careful because having a satanic tattoo, especially one that is visable can severely limit your chances at a succesful career and cause you all kinds of trouble in life. 

People might outright attack you if they see you have a Satanic tattoo, your boss might fire you if you currently have a job, in job interviews you will most likely be rejected everywhere for the sole reason of having a satanic tattoo on a visable part of your body. 

Doctors might refuse to treat you, or purposefully harm you if you ever need an opperation because most surgeons are jews these days. 

So for your own safety and wellbeing I suggest you don't get a satanic tattoo right now, since these times are difficult times for any people who want to express their Spiritual Satanism openly. 

It does more harm than good for certain to get a Satanic tattoo these day, but in the end it is your own choice and from a Satanic view point it's completely fine to get tattoo's especially satanic tattoo's. 
I am fairly good at henna, so i find myself making Satanic henna tattoos on my body all the time. Its my own artwork that brings me joy from my love for Satan, while it fades away if I need to hide it. Then when it's gone, I just simply draw another.
On Oct 2, 2016 8:56 AM, "blazerschik08@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  I'm not saying don't get one- plenty of people from other religions get their symbols tattooes on their body. I'm just saying recognise the twofold issue here, being that a. You support a minority religious belief, and it may be problematic, and b. Tattoos on the hands are already generally frowned upon in the workplace.

If you can deal with the possible long-term repercussions, then by all means go for it.

I don't what to tell you. I got tattooed the sigil of Satan, Astaroth, Beelzebub and Azazel; and nobody really know the meaning of my tattoo.
Hail Satan from Cuba!
I don't want to rain on your parade - but is that a circle around the pentagram?

Circles are "bad shit" with the Demons!

Does anyone else here not like tatoos? I remember when I was in middle school they were more of a rare thing and having one or two was cool and unique. I thought yeah maybe I'll get one.

Now that every idiot has one I'm going to stay tat free. I think we were designed to be beautiful as we are and maybe it desicrating Satan's great work. You are not unique anymore by getting one.

It's especially frustrating to find women without them. That's part of the visual turn on is seeing a women's beautiful skin and now they are all covered in black ink. If I wanted to see black skin I'd be fucking a negro. It's also perhaps not a very feminine thing to do, and I like to enjoy our feminine counterparts.

It's like like it's just another part of the social engineers forcing us all to be the same, and also promoting an artificial existence. Watch your church of football, eat the same food as everyone else, cover your skin like everyone else, deny your natural beauty like everyone else.

I have friends with them btw, I don't hate on anyone that has them, it just seems to be getting out of hand.
Don't get a tattoo on your hand. A lot of conservative or office jobs require you cover up your tattoos, and you cannot cover a tattoo on your hand.
I would also tell you not to get a Satanic tattoo, as we are at war here and this puts a bulls-eye on you for the enemy and deluded people. But it's your choice in the end.
I got my Satanic tattoos covered over, they used to be four sigils of the two Crowned Princes of Hell. Now they are covered with pagan themes. No one can guess I am Satanist.

On Saturday, October 8, 2016 11:53 PM, "satansdemons@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I don't want to tell you - you might have to die for that - are you ready - I am!

In Satan's Service!

I can't say that I 'don't' like tattoos, but I think it's something that shouldn't be rushed into. I myself don't have any although there have been times where I thought about getting one. When I was a xtian, I wanted to get a tattoo of a cross or some other xtian theme and I can't say enough how thankful I am for not doing it. That's the last thing I want to see everyday! I suppose it's up to the individual, but I would advise to make sure it's what you want. It's not something to rush into. It's hard to undo a tattoo.

Hail Father Satan!!!
Personally I don't hate tattoo's, but I don't think it adds anything. 
Sure it would be cool to have an awesome piece of art somewhere on your body, and some tattoo's especially when made by a real master can look incredible, but it doesn't do anything. 

The human body is not a canvas. Why get a tattoo? You could instead simply wear a pendant or create a beautiful piece of art and place it in your house. 

It's up to each individual to get tattoo's, but it especially pains me when people have mediocre tattoo's just for the sake of having them.. The normal smooth skin on a persons natural body is much more beautiful in my opinion. 

My ex had tattoo's, though her tattoo's were pretty beautiful and colorful so they didn't really make her look worse, but they didn't make her look more attractive either. 

Things like body modifications and stuff that alters the natural self seem like a waste of a perfectly fine and beautiful human body to me. 

Having a pentagram tattoo also doesn't really add anything in terms of your dedication to satanism. Just getting one for the sake of having one or because you are a satanist is kind of a waste in my opinion. 

Like I said, if you want something physical to have with you, you could just get a pendant or some other kind of pagen styled accessory. This is more useful because you can actually infuse it with energy and program it to fullfill a purpose instead of simply being some random accessory or some ink in your skin. 
Odin, I know what you mean they were very rare when I was younger but now....everyone seems to have them. And I don't mean just some little thing, but covered with em! One of my sisters is just...fucking COVERED in them and while I don't want to tell her so (hurt her feelings), I personally don't think its at all attractive. I don't have any.
Hailodin666 same here. I used to love the idea of having a cute little tattoo on the ankle, so I once drew myself one & went over it with a clear nail polish. It looked super cute, but after some time it started falling apart so I erased it & damn I was strikes by the beauty of my clean pale skin! I never felt so good & beautiful about it due to some medical problems, but at that moment I was so awestruck by it *-* the white race MUST survive to preserve our beauty that mostly goes unseen!
It's logical obviously not to get anything Satanic on our bodies and of course not xian shit but tattoos aren't always a negative thing. I've realized hey I shouldn't get Satanic symbols for my own safety but thinking about it and reading some posts I might get a few. Now I know some say it degrades the skin- why ruin beautiful skin? But for me a tattoo isn't necessarily about looking cool. Yes I wanted one for that purpose but the others they symbolize moving on for me. All of my skin in not "beautiful" because I went through a phase in my life where I cut a lot. And every time I see the scars I have that longing for wishing I had more scars like ill never be better. That's all ill ever be because when I have shorts or a Tshirt on its the first thing they notice and some have the odacity to say "Ill pray for you". By having a tattoo would cover that up so every time I look at it I see something that motivates me to push myself to do more than jut be alive- to thrive. And when others see it they'll see my way of art and of expression. Bu if I actually decide to get a tat that's a whole new story because I have a lot of maturing to do and it's permanent. What I'm trying to say is that not all tattoos are negative if they actually mean something.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
