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Nietzsche And Satanism

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This is an answer I gave on the subject of Nietzsche.

Nietzsche's big work was moving German philosophy away from Christian thinking and influence and creating a new path away from it. Nietzsche lost his career for his work Zarathustra for its attacks on Christian ideology he couldn't get hired in any university in Germany after that and they told him for that reason openly. I suspect more then one German philosopher hated Christianity and somewhat worked outside of it but didn't come against it because they didn't want to deal with the blowback.

Nietzsche's ubermensch is in all reality a person free of Christianity who follows their own inner self realization to self development and actualization without any self sabotage they are free to manifest the life they wish in accordance with their spirit. This allows the person to follow their natural ascending path which is the normal flow of the will of life in the universe this is also the obvious reason we have this normal thing called ambition. Its the desire to evolve within us in and become something more and whole of a being. This is what Christianity is at war with within the human psyche.

I suspect that Rudolf Steiner might be the origin of the Jewing up of Nietzsche's works. He showed up in the late few years of Nietzsche's life when he was living with and being cared for by his sister and was no longer able to be present mentality due to his hereditary illness and it was hereditary. And Steiner just seems to latch himself onto Nietzsche's train and even is hired by his sister who he conned his way into her presence. Steiner's goal was to take over the spiritual-philosophical trend in Germany and push all the actual spiritual knowledge and Paganism out of it and replace with a Judeo-Christian narrative and pass this off for "western" tradition. This is why the Thule Society denounced him. Steiner was also actively attempting to organize the Theosophical groups in Germany to oppose National Socialism and the Thule Society. Steiner used psychic warfare against them and got into a magical war with Thule and he lost. Steiner was known to be an agent of the Jews.

Nietzsche due to his way of living spent most of his time in quiet places in solitude this opens up the mind psychically he even called his work meditations he had some type of discipline even appearing in a mundane practice. From studying his life I wonder how much of Nietzsche work was actually channelled without him knowing such from our Gods. Tesla was the same he telepathically channelled information from Satan especially during his vision of the knowledge of AC and Hitler was an open medium who channelled some of his speeches and works as well from Satan and our Gods but he did so knowingly as he was a highly ascended being who had a life time of spiritual practice dealing with Kundalini energy and development of the mind. This is why the enemy puts some much negative imprints in the mass mind against Satan and our Gods it creates psychic blocks from being able to contact the Gods or to allow for communication from them on the telepathic level. Nietzsche was free of Christianity and was in his own statements a Pagan which creates an unconscious window for telepathic communication with Satan and our Gods. By being a Pagan and rejecting Christianity that made Nietzsche a Satanist. The enemy also makes that clear in their own Bible.

Nietzsche's sister who he was close with his whole life and who organized his works and created an institution around them for him. She was an open supporter of the National Socialist Party in Germany and when she passed away in 1935, Hitler as the leader of the German nation openly came to her funeral to pay his respects to her and her work for the Party and her work to destroy Christianity by the work she did to promote her brothers philosophy. Without her it would have been lost to time and forgotten. Which is what the enemy wanted. She was also a well known anti-Semite. Hitler quoted Nietzsche many times in personal conversation. Including when Hitler stated: "I am a Hellene!" Which was the term for Pagan.

loki88 said:
Thanks for the insight. For those unaware of esotericism and coming as I have been from a more exoteric outsider's view of these philosophers one gets only a dim glimpse into the meaning of their philosophy. I assume Neitzsche was a Dionysian(ie. Satanist). I assume also there are no historical records to reveal what he did in terms of esoteric practice?
HP Mageson666 said:
This is an answer I gave on the subject of Nietzsche.

Nietzsche's big work was moving German philosophy away from Christian thinking and influence and creating a new path away from it. Nietzsche lost his career for his work Zarathustra for its attacks on Christian ideology he couldn't get hired in any university in Germany after that and they told him for that reason openly. I suspect more then one German philosopher hated Christianity and somewhat worked outside of it but didn't come against it because they didn't want to deal with the blowback.

Nietzsche's ubermensch is in all reality a person free of Christianity who follows their own inner self realization to self development and actualization without any self sabotage they are free to manifest the life they wish in accordance with their spirit. This allows the person to follow their natural ascending path which is the normal flow of the will of life in the universe this is also the obvious reason we have this normal thing called ambition. Its the desire to evolve within us in and become something more and whole of a being. This is what Christianity is at war with within the human psyche.

I suspect that Rudolf Steiner might be the origin of the Jewing up of Nietzsche's works. He showed up in the late few years of Nietzsche's life when he was living with and being cared for by his sister and was no longer able to be present mentality due to his hereditary illness and it was hereditary. And Steiner just seems to latch himself onto Nietzsche's train and even is hired by his sister who he conned his way into her presence. Steiner's goal was to take over the spiritual-philosophical trend in Germany and push all the actual spiritual knowledge and Paganism out of it and replace with a Judeo-Christian narrative and pass this off for "western" tradition. This is why the Thule Society denounced him. Steiner was also actively attempting to organize the Theosophical groups in Germany to oppose National Socialism and the Thule Society. Steiner used psychic warfare against them and got into a magical war with Thule and he lost. Steiner was known to be an agent of the Jews.

Nietzsche due to his way of living spent most of his time in quiet places in solitude this opens up the mind psychically he even called his work meditations he had some type of discipline even appearing in a mundane practice. From studying his life I wonder how much of Nietzsche work was actually channelled without him knowing such from our Gods. Tesla was the same he telepathically channelled information from Satan especially during his vision of the knowledge of AC and Hitler was an open medium who channelled some of his speeches and works as well from Satan and our Gods but he did so knowingly as he was a highly ascended being who had a life time of spiritual practice dealing with Kundalini energy and development of the mind. This is why the enemy puts some much negative imprints in the mass mind against Satan and our Gods it creates psychic blocks from being able to contact the Gods or to allow for communication from them on the telepathic level. Nietzsche was free of Christianity and was in his own statements a Pagan which creates an unconscious window for telepathic communication with Satan and our Gods. By being a Pagan and rejecting Christianity that made Nietzsche a Satanist. The enemy also makes that clear in their own Bible.

Nietzsche's sister who he was close with his whole life and who organized his works and created an institution around them for him. She was an open supporter of the National Socialist Party in Germany and when she passed away in 1935, Hitler as the leader of the German nation openly came to her funeral to pay his respects to her and her work for the Party and her work to destroy Christianity by the work she did to promote her brothers philosophy. Without her it would have been lost to time and forgotten. Which is what the enemy wanted. She was also a well known anti-Semite. Hitler quoted Nietzsche many times in personal conversation. Including when Hitler stated: "I am a Hellene!" Which was the term for Pagan.

loki88 said:
Thanks for the insight. For those unaware of esotericism and coming as I have been from a more exoteric outsider's view of these philosophers one gets only a dim glimpse into the meaning of their philosophy. I assume Neitzsche was a Dionysian(ie. Satanist). I assume also there are no historical records to reveal what he did in terms of esoteric practice?

thanks for the clarification. I'm glad Nietzsche was not a jew shill and I can have confidence in his work.
Something to note with Nietzsche you can witness with his concepts of Dionysus and Apollo and other works the creation of the basis of the psychological paradigm that Jung later came into. As HP Carlson has shown the Jews attempted to attack and corrupt Nietzsche's works by corrupting them with the Freudian school and Jung called Freud out for stealing and corrupting Nietzsche. Note Jung left Freud basically calling him a kike and purified this paradigm. Jung was a National Socialist and ran the psychology school in National Socialist Germany as well.
He knew christinsanity was a psyop.

On the Genealogy of morals, first essay, section 8:

"But you understand this not? You don’t have eyes for something that needed two millennia to achieve victory? . . . There is nothing surprising about that: all long things are difficult to see, to see round. But that is what happened: from the trunk of the tree of revenge and hatred,Jewish hatred – the deepest and most sublime, indeed a hatred which created ideals and changed values, the like of which has never been seen on earth – there grew something just as incomparable, a new love, the deepest and most sublime kind of love: – and what other trunk could it have grown out of ? . . . But don’t make the mistake of thinking that it had grown forth as a denial of the thirst for revenge, as the opposite of Jewish hatred! No, the reverse is true! This love grew out of the hatred, as its crown, as the triumphant crown expanding ever wider in the purest brightness and radiance of the sun, the crown which, as it were, in the realm of light and height, was pursuing the aims of that hatred, victory,spoils, seduction with the same urgency with which the roots of that hatred were burrowing ever more thoroughly and greedily into every-thing that was deep and evil. This Jesus of Nazareth, as the embodiment of the gospel of love, this ‘redeemer’ bringing salvation and victory to the poor, the sick, to sinners – was he not seduction in its most sinister and irresistible form, seduction and the circuitous route to just those very Jewish values and innovative ideals? Did Israel not reach the pinnacle of her sublime vengefulness via this very ‘redeemer’, this apparent opponent of and disperser of Israel? Is it not part of a secret black art of a truly grand politics of revenge, a far-sighted, subterranean revenge, slow to grip and calculating, that Israel had to denounce her actual instrument of revenge before all the world as a mortal enemy and nail him to the cross so that ‘all the world’, namely all Israel’s enemies, could safely nibble at this bait?And could anyone, on the other hand, using all the ingenuity of his intellect, think up a more dangerous bait? Something to equal the enticing,intoxicating, benumbing, corrupting power of that symbol of the ‘holy cross’, to equal that horrible paradox of a ‘God on the Cross’, to equal that mystery of an unthinkable final act of extreme cruelty and self-crucifixion of God for the salvation of mankind?. . . At least it is certain that sub hoc signo Israel, with its revenge and revaluation of all former values, has triumphed repeatedly over all other ideals, all nobler ideals."
There are Christian idiots at my workplace who really believe in all the stupid things their lying book writes!
There is no scientific basis for this false religion, just murder, blood sacrifice and be a submissive goy who does not seek revenge and who does not wish for an attractive woman!




By the way! What are your opinions? Life is vortex, not just rotation?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
