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Next Level Of Human Evolution: Homo Judaicus

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
People when they hear the word "Freedom", they do not quite understand what it means.

When Satan came to give sight to man in his "ignorance", where man was only a primitive monkey without a thought process, it was said "And Man Can Now See Good and Evil". Even in the epic of His enemies, Satan did nothing wrong - he gave us eyes to see. Now, with consciousness, comes an understanding of positive, negative, likes and dislikes, and in general, things that can be either extremely pleasant, or unpleasant.

Maybe it wasn't included in this story that some of these "Humans" went back to Jehovah, and decided to remain retarded for eternity. Actually, this is what Christianity, Islam and Judaism came to correct later - Man seen too many things, and he was becoming God. Therefore, he had to be stopped and to be returned into the form of a cattle. "God" was happy about this, but he loses sleep at night in that not all the "Goyim" are collected yet, ((("God"))) was always afraid of Man, and of Satan, and the spirit of Satan, in Man.

The weakening of present day humanity, and how brutish and worthless this strangely infested amalgam of weaklings is being shaped, is apparent. Freedom becomes only a burden to them. The moment Freedom means any form of unpleasantness, it's discarded, and people seek eternal "Convenience". This shows that we are moving away from Freedom, straight into a world of cattle. Humanity will become increasingly cattle, animals that are catered and cared for, for which superior powers will decide "Good and Evil", and whose sole purpose will be to just passively experience things in computer screens while they are getting data mined.

Freedom of speech is a great example here. We aren't talking about threats and ISIS terrorists, but the mere "weight" of people seeing other opinions than their Cultural Marxist own.

Freedom to speak, comes with the freedom to insult, and get insulted, to praise and get praised, to lie and get lied to, and many other things. Freedom in this case, is the allowing of an exchange of power between parties. The brain-dead and weak people of today, cannot exchange any form of power [other than the sheer domination of their slavers, with a silk glove that strangulates them] and they demand to censor free speech. Then these types of people complain that they are only destined to become useless, domesticated, inferior races and cattle, but that is all one is good for.

To be free comes with a price, in that one can either utterly fail, or can utterly succeed. The limits towards both sides are open. Values of freedom come in opposition to values of full on convenience, and freedom comes with dangers and infinite prospects. As such many people do choose slavery as a sensible conclusion to their own weakness - they transfer their inability towards some sort of "Master" who takes care of them, and in return, they give up their freedom completely.

For example, they do not want to manage their feelings when they are confronted with an opinion. They consider a logical solution therefore, NOT to control their emotions, or understand that this is merely adult life, but their evil demands to destroy all rights to speech. The absurdity and weakness is reeking.

Think for example how many people have completely given up thinking, and they are like robots - some sort of other form or life-form will do their choosing for them, and all they will be is an enslaved vessel to them. All rights to thought are relinquished in front of a television. This shows that the mental level of present day humanity, for a huge inflated ego they all possess, is no better than that of a toddler.

Elevation of freedom hating politics and beliefs, such as let's say Christianity [a big sky daddy takes care of all the universe, who does everything required for enslaving the petty goy], or Communism, is just a symptom of this psychopathology, bastardization, and inferiority within present day man. All decisions are transferred elsewhere, into the "Collective" to make, while they themselves take a zero responsibility policy towards everything. Writers in the past who have criticized democracy, talked on how democracy comes with some burden, and it is true. Everyone becomes a carrier of a little piece of responsibility in a Democracy.

But on leftist Jewtopias none of that ever exists again. You won't vote again and have to get your shaggy ass up. Nobody insults you, because nobody can speak. Nobody can question you, because nobody is thinking to pose any questions. Nobody wonders, because there is nothing to wonder about - the ultimate 'truth' is only the leftist jew and mongrel infested party, which tells you, that you slavery is very convenient, and that you will be happier as a slave than as a free man.

The problem with these slaves is that these have no consciousness, so do not get fooled when you see them supposedly enjoying their enslaved existence. True happiness can even come from suffering, where there is consciousness involved. These slaves are just idle in themselves. Other than their heart beating, they are internally dead and damned. Relinquishing your rights to your personal existence, and your freedoms, will lead to an everlasting despair and eternal nihilism.

Their nihilism and dead soul reflects so strongly in them, that they want to ruin the whole world to make it submit into their strange prototype of enslaved damnation. They hope to create more internally dead people same as themselves.

Think of what happens to the nest of Eagles, when you bring many rats to live in it, somehow. The rats shit on the nest, and devour it. It certainly does not represent the house of any Eagles anymore. If anything, it doesn't even represent a memory. Old Eagles die schreeching in agony for their lost home, but the rats are very happy they destroyed the Eagle's nest.

Now, the oppressor is finally gone, and the rats can keep on ratting for the rest of eternity, they think. At first they wanted to be friends with the Eagle, to partake in his creation. But then their instincts of destruction and jealousy started kicking in violently, and they destroyed the Eagle's nest. "Very satisfying to destroy the nest of the Eagle", they think to themselves, rubbing their rat hands. "We got back to him from our issues of inferiority and how worthless we were feeling!". Then, they realize they are sitting in the middle of the mountain, with nowhere to go, and nothing to eat. As they die, they cannibalize one another, and then they all die. The Eagle will set his nest elsewhere, and then elsewhere, because the Eagle can and the Eagle will fly.

The revolution of the inferior and the weaklings of mind and soul is a very true thing. It stated with the first usurping of natural laws of advancement with Christianity, where the retard was crowned the inheritor of the earth, and from there on, the creation of the world into a zoo of slaves for jewish use as humanity's sole destiny, did begin.

The United States is an example here, two thousand years later than the founding of Christianity. The values of the Founding Fathers, who were blood, sword, intelligence, noblety, masters of life, are no longer reflecting on the amalgam of crap that is being generated by the systematic stupefaction of the masses today. The things they penned in blood are not even understood. But how could a chicken ever understand the writing of an Eagle, and how could it live inside it's nest? A chicken cannot even handle the altitude, it feels cursed to exist where an Eagle was living.

Notions of Freedom created to reflect the powers of free men and a balance between these, are collapsing, into the ancient Abrahamic cesspool of weaklings, jews, slaves, and related subhuman garbage. Freedom is too big and heavy for their little shoulders. It's almost as if these types of people are only begging to become completely enslaved.

The "Free Man" of the future is not a strong man, with strong moral shoulders, an acute mind, or a great body, but a thing going on a strange oversized creature with pink hair, riding a scooter in Walmart, shouting Communist Slogans, weilding a hammer and sickle [that it never used in the field], while wearing a VR headset to watch more and more food of what it's going to consume, food videos all day long. The Scooter is remotely driven by Elon Musk's technology as the Creature is too incapable to drive a scooter, due to gapping out on the wheel all the time. It's intravenously fed medication 24/7, because the Creature's owners want it to be "happy". Occasionally Mark Zuccerborg will flash some ads into this creature's fat infested brain, through an implanted microchip created by Elon Musk, and that is this Creature's divine revelations.

This creature will be called Homo Judaicus. And the "God" of the Hebrews saw his creation, and he wept and said in whiny high pitched voice: "Finally, that is the manifested plan I had about Adam in the garden, my sons the jews gave to me the most worthless and botched followers I could ever imagine. Satan is finally begone from this creation, he's a perfect golem!".

For all the Gods and Men that have existed, have forsaken this land, and now this creature above is our new "God", Homo Judeus. Their "Opinion" must be worshipped, and never questioned - Because Facebook will ban you for doing so! Behind said creature is a jew with a giant whip, and slams it on it's fat and huge ever-flowing belly ripples. The Creature doesn't bat an eyelid as it's too immersed in VR to feel anything. The mission of these two is that the Ubermensch should never exist. Drinking the tenth gallon of Coca Cola for this day, the creature praises Communism and thanks (((God))) the National Socialists did not win the war. "Thankfully the best creature we will have by 2050 is ME and only ME!", the thing proudly exclaims, while drooling from it's permanently attached VR headset.

Homo Judaicus is really the fear and terror of many living species, primarily over two of his greatest assets. One is the smell of it's sweat, that can kill people that come close at around 20ft diameter. The second mighty weapon of Homo Judaicus is that everytime it happens to exit it's comatose situation and listen to any of the code words such as "Freedom", he farts loudly, which is known to kill people in a 20ft diameter also. This has made Homo Judaicus a formidable opponent. Homo Judaicus have also been found disconnected from their scooters, reading verses from Karl Marx's Das Kapital in so high pitched voice, that people around them started going insane. Homo Judaicus's weakness is to cut off the Wi-Fi connection, bar fast food chains, and in general, disconnect them from their pet owner jews, which makes them go into a tantrum that lasts anywhere from 5 to 10 minutes. During this phase, Homo Judaicus cries loudly and shouts "MY FEEEELZ!!!".

Because it truly takes a subhuman to want to create a world of freedom into a world of slavery and damnation for everyone else, just for "moral convenience". The argument now is "my feelings of convenience" vs "all the meaningful things on this planet that make the planet liveable and life worth living", is a non argument. Homo Judaicus is a dangerous creature emerging in our times, and it has to be fought, it's values, it's symbolic representation, and how gross it is.

Now one may think, but this is not dangerous at all. The rule of the mob in a jewish infested civilization is always a dangerous thing. Signals are showing us that we are moving towards a less and less freedom loving world, not a more freedom loving world.

Add this to the 2800 Talmud Promised Homo Judaicus slaves for each jew, and them rallying with the scooters, and they will run our world apart. These could be used for tanks in a Chinese Communist uprising in the United States [Led by the mummy of Bernie Sanders, mounted on AOC], better be proactive, so that we don't have problems with them later. We certainly don't want mad jews and inferior garbage to impose their ideas and make our world a living incarnated permanent nightmare. This world can do better than that. Now, disturbing jokes aside...

Whatever happens in your existence, do not allow yourselves to be swarmed by these types of weak sub-humans, who have made it their lives mission to decay, destroy, and uproot everything valuable from this world. You are a better soul than this. Always remember who you are, and what yours and our values are. We have chosen FREEDOM, with a price most people wouldn't even want to pay. It's alright if one falters a bit, or if one is not perfect, or if one does mistakes. What matters is our general stance against this plague of degradation of all beauty, meaning, and value of this world.

Flex your wings and learn flight, fellow Satanists, because we are eagles trying to fight slaves and rats, and we have yet to free many Eagles.

Thanks, HP this was an extremely inspiring sermon...im currently working on munka so some bits really spoke to me as im starting to feel more and more that i have trouble letting go of somethings in my life

"To be free comes with a price, in that one can either utterly fail, or can utterly succeed. The limits towards both sides are open. Values of freedom come in opposition to values of full on convenience, and freedom comes with dangers and infinite prospects. As such many people do choose slavery as a sensible conclusion to their own weakness - they transfer their inability towards some sort of "Master" who takes care of them, and in return, they give up their freedom completely."

this and alot of the last bit...the very last sentance too especially spoke to me. :D
Were going to FUCKING CHANGE THIS. And we're going to do it ALL OVER THE WORLD. There will come a time when our enemies will know fear,TRUE FEAR. There will come a time when being a jew or a marxist cohort will mean AN ENEMY OF THE HUMAN RACE. They will be completely exterminated and we shall change the page of this disastrous history book Into something new.
Like Zarathustra, my best friends are eagle and snake. Greetings big brother.
I was watching a comedic video on youtube the other day and the guy pulls out a site that did a survey of millenials compared to the older generation. It looked upon what or haven't each generation done as menial manual labor goes. Some of these weren't even a big thing like just owning a power tool or even resetting a circuit breaker. In this survey millenials were at a way less percentage to have done all these things. How domesticated do you have to be to be a grown adult and ask someone to come over and push a button for you..... no one's is asking people to build a house but for someone to not even know how to turn a on and off switch is just :|

It's no surprise that these types of people are the same who want to push laws that stop their fees fees from getting hurt.

Chaotic freedom will always be better than peaceful slavery to an Eagle.
This crapping on millennials is some stupid meme that people conservative boomer types like to promote to attempt to make fun of "dem Socialists" instead of using the big brain they don't have and understanding the collages and universities are Marxist indoctrination centers and most millennials have all gone to post secondary and then understanding that the millennials are living in a depression era economy. Nope just make fun of them because why... It makes them feel important to take a dump on other peoples situation. Which is why American is going under.

They also being stupid don't understand what depression era economies and generations of Marxist ideology coming together does. The Jews however do understand such.
The Eagle and the Snake.

In the garden of Eden the serpent said to Eve that she would gain wisdom if she ate of the fruit of the tree.

Yahweh said she would die if she ate from the tree.

Well who's the good guy here? Yahweh obviously is a liar. They did not die, they got wisdom.

The serpent brings wisdom.

The Eagle has two wings and one represents the Ida channel and the other wing represents the other pingala channel.

When you see them together that represents them all working together.

When you see the serpent wrapped around the eagle that's the sushumna and Ida and pingala together.
Hi High Priest Cobra. I know a poem that is similar to your eagle story. I think you may like it. I found it english, see below :) :

Albert Wass: The Conquest of the Rats

A Tale for the Youths

The house of the man was standing on the hill and it ruled the land. It ruled over the garden, the trees, and the bush.
It ruled over the lands, the meadows, the grassy fields and ruled over the forest, which was spread from the bottom of the hill and reached to the mountains. The trees had fruits, the fruits was harvested by the man, who lived in the house and saved the harvest for the winter. He gathered all the lands has grown, he put them in the basement to save it from the winter frost and cold. He harvested the wheat and the seeds, he collected the hay from the fields, and the fire wood from the forest. He placed all where they belonged, in or around the house, the way he felt the best. At the beginning of the winter, he herded his livestock from the meadows, moved them to the warm barn and took care of them. This is how the man lived.

For more to know, storks would settle on his chimney , from spring to fall, and under the gutter swallows made nests. And more to be known, at Spring, good smell from the blooming trees would fill the air and birds songs would break the silence, and the scent of the flowers would surround his house.

His house had sturdy walls and the Man painted his house white every year, except, where a rosebush would crawl up around his windows. This rose was blooming in June and during this time, the beautiful scent would fill the house through the window.

This is how the Man lived for many years.

Once upon a dark cloudy day of the Fall, when rain was felt in the air, there came 2 little wet and soaked rat from somewhere, nobody knows from where. They came from far away, they were cold, they were hungry. They saw the house, went inside through the open door and hid in the basement. They found enough food, they ate and they grew. At Winter, they already had a nest and little ones, and even more by the Spring came. The young rats grown up in the house, they have already felt the house as their home, ran around in the basement like it was theirs.

At first, the Man didn't even see them. Later he noticed, that something is eating the stored food, but he didn't care. There was enough. There was enough for all who was hungry. At one time, he saw a rat running by the wall. "How small and how scared"- he thought. Let him live, if he wants to.

And the time was passing and the rats were getting very numerous. First, they dug around in the basement. Then they started to dig into the walls. Deep and twisty holes and paths, across all over the place and many places they've reached the rooms upstairs. The man was nudging his head when he noticed the first hole in his bedroom. And since he didn't like the mess, he plugged the hole and painted over it. Next day, the hole was there again. The Man plugged the hole 3 times, the rats dug it out 3 times.

Then he waived his hand and thought: "-They have to live too". And if it's good for them, so let it be. And after that, he didn't plugged in the holes anymore. And the rats were growing in numbers in fast, and so did the holes all over in the walls. Not only in the basement, but in the storage room, on the attic and even at night - they sneaked inside the bedrooms and chew everything that can be chewed.

One time though, when the rats started to chew the man's best boots, the Man got angry and he bashed them with his walking cane. He nailed one of the rats on the head and the rat died from the hit. The rats furiously gathered together over this. And then they declared, that the Man is the Enemy, who won't let them live and he threatens their freedom, disrespects their rights and he is a murderer and he is an evil selfish being.

-We won't be slaves anymore! -Screamed the boss rat from the top of a butter pot. - We want our freedom and rights! - An the rats
decided to wage war against the Man.
The Man had known nothing about this. He has let go his anger and bought a new pair of boots and he didn't care about the rats anymore. Even though there were many many rats by then. They ate all the seeds in the basement, they ate all the flour and cheese in the storage room and started to chew on the bacon, which was the most precious food of the Man, he wouldn't even give any to his dog from it.

When the Man noticed, he grabbed what's left over from the bacon and tied it to a rod and he hanged the rod to the roof beam. This cause a great stir among the rats. "Jealousy, Blasphemy!"- they screamed, when they noticed, they couldn't reach it. "-He takes all of our food, robs us, expedite us! We are not taking this anymore!"- and the rats began to rebel. - The house is ours!- declared it among themselves, "-It was ours all the time, we just allowed the Man to live with us, until he began to cross our paths, but now, Enough is Enough!

One night, when the Man was already at sleep, they attacked him, bit him all over the place and chased him out of the house, chased him far away, and then the rats proudly declared it to the garden and the treets, to the animals and the birds- even to the flowers- that, the house doesn't belong to the Man anymore, but it is to be a Rat house, according to the new law and order.
And then they began to rule like rats. They ate everything that was eatable, they chewed everything that wasn't, whatever was around them. Everything was emptied, the basement, the storage, the barn. The birds moved away, the flowers died, the walls started to crumble and turned black, the scent of the trees and flowers was replaced by stink. The garden died, nobody took care of it. The fruit was never harvested and fell on the ground and rotted away. The wheat was not taken, the rain washed it out and the wind broke it. And when the Winter came, the rats ate everything and chewed apart everything else. The walls were full of rat holes, the shingles were falling off the roof, and giant gaps started to appear around the doors and windows. And then the rats begun to starve, because there wasn't a drop of seed or a piece of food, and through the gaps around the windows the wind was blowing through, the snow was falling through the broken roof and the rats couldn't do anything.

First, they started to fight among themselves, they were biting, scratching each other, later killing one another and even eating each other. But on the end, the couldn't do anything else but to leave the ruined empire.

The Man has returned for the Spring, fixed the roof, cleaned out the house, fixed and painted the walls, plowed the garden and the lane, sow the seeds and and by the time the Summer came, flower scent filled the air and bird songs was heard around the house. By Fall, the basement was filled with food, the storage was full, and when Winter came, everything was just like nothing ever happened before.

Even though there were a few rats were still living in the walls and in the holes around the basement. And when the Man noticed they were spreading again, he gave a long and serious thought of what to do with them.

You too, think wisely and act accordingly!

-Albert Wass
Hungarian Patriot, Writer and Poet.
This is very beautiful. Thank you.

ÁrjaBüszkeség said:
Hi High Priest Cobra. I know a poem that is similar to your eagle story. I think you may like it. I found it english, see below :) :

You too, think wisely and act accordingly!

-Albert Wass
Hungarian Patriot, Writer and Poet.
HP Mageson666 said:
This crapping on millennials is some stupid meme that people conservative boomer types like to promote to attempt to make fun of "dem Socialists" instead of using the big brain they don't have and understanding the collages and universities are Marxist indoctrination centers and most millennials have all gone to post secondary and then understanding that the millennials are living in a depression era economy. Nope just make fun of them because why... It makes them feel important to take a dump on other peoples situation. Which is why American is going under.

They also being stupid don't understand what depression era economies and generations of Marxist ideology coming together does. The Jews however do understand such.

This is not only America this is everywhere, it's growing like a plague, way more than other times. A few decades ago "Class Warfare" was more of the snobbish type, now it's just this incoherent babbling which is far more brutal.
Isn't happening. Gas the bikes, race car now!
Amadel said:
Isn't happening. Gas the bikes, race car now!

I had to remove the meme it's too Annuda Shoa and we are trying to keep the forum going, but it was hilarious.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Amadel said:
Isn't happening. Gas the bikes, race car now!

I had to remove the meme it's too Annuda Shoa and we are trying to keep the forum going, but it was hilarious.

Glad you liked it, High Priest. ;) You should consider visiting /pol sometimes. Im trying to spread the word there as well as some other anons.
Amadel said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Amadel said:
Isn't happening. Gas the bikes, race car now!

I had to remove the meme it's too Annuda Shoa and we are trying to keep the forum going, but it was hilarious.

Glad you liked it, High Priest. ;) You should consider visiting /pol sometimes. Im trying to spread the word there as well as some other anons.

I do not hang around in /pol, due to lack of time, but I observe everything.

Regardless, I can see why a super free speech board is beneficial for the promotion of ideas. What I make a point however is to always get to the forums and do online warfare, like everyone else does, with the aim to reach at least 50 random people per day. I can see /pol could be used here also, but it has so many shills in there, I legit believe the enemy cuts checks for people to shill in there all day long. The JIDF is definitely in there, same as many others. Then 8chan got nuked also. With /pol they couldn't shut it down so they made it a total toilet filled with shills instead.

I believe in Free Speech in regards to society at large, yet with all these shills, hardly no place can survive online on a total free speech platform. I hope the shills do not take down 4chan and /pol also with some other idiotic stunt as they took down 8chan.
let the light of knowledge flash forth from the ziarahs! let them all tremble before the peacock of bronze and gold for his descent is clear unto you! I am repulsed by the pulsating lifeless masses of shit that surround a day to day! my hate has grown to heights never before imagined BUT now I can control my emotions shit is crazy lately most people are just absolute retards , people like doctors and what not think they are so fucking smart because they have a few books nailed into there heads but they have no actual personal wisdom or knowledge in there head..especially the know it alls who have A DEFINITIVE ANSWER to absoloutely everything even things they have no nowledge about this is like the christian who has never even read the bible but blabbers on and on jehovas this and jesus that and theres no blood sacrifice in the bible jewhova never ordered any deaths...fucking retarted wanker fucks is all i can say
I'm very glad that you're in touch with all this. Shills are definitely a problem, but can be recognised pretty easily.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
People when they hear the word "Freedom", they do not quite understand what it means.

When Satan came to give sight to man in his "ignorance", where man was only a primitive monkey without a thought process, it was said "And Man Can Now See Good and Evil". Even in the epic of His enemies, Satan did nothing wrong - he gave us eyes to see. Now, with consciousness, comes an understanding of positive, negative, likes and dislikes, and in general, things that can be either extremely pleasant, or unpleasant.

Maybe it wasn't included in this story that some of these "Humans" went back to Jehovah, and decided to remain retarded for eternity. Actually, this is what Christianity, Islam and Judaism came to correct later - Man seen too many things, and he was becoming God. Therefore, he had to be stopped and to be returned into the form of a cattle. "God" was happy about this, but he loses sleep at night in that not all the "Goyim" are collected yet, ((("God"))) was always afraid of Man, and of Satan, and the spirit of Satan, in Man.

The weakening of present day humanity, and how brutish and worthless this strangely infested amalgam of weaklings is being shaped, is apparent. Freedom becomes only a burden to them. The moment Freedom means any form of unpleasantness, it's discarded, and people seek eternal "Convenience". This shows that we are moving away from Freedom, straight into a world of cattle. Humanity will become increasingly cattle, animals that are catered and cared for, for which superior powers will decide "Good and Evil", and whose sole purpose will be to just passively experience things in computer screens while they are getting data mined.

Freedom of speech is a great example here. We aren't talking about threats and ISIS terrorists, but the mere "weight" of people seeing other opinions than their Cultural Marxist own.

Freedom to speak, comes with the freedom to insult, and get insulted, to praise and get praised, to lie and get lied to, and many other things. Freedom in this case, is the allowing of an exchange of power between parties. The brain-dead and weak people of today, cannot exchange any form of power [other than the sheer domination of their slavers, with a silk glove that strangulates them] and they demand to censor free speech. Then these types of people complain that they are only destined to become useless, domesticated, inferior races and cattle, but that is all one is good for.

To be free comes with a price, in that one can either utterly fail, or can utterly succeed. The limits towards both sides are open. Values of freedom come in opposition to values of full on convenience, and freedom comes with dangers and infinite prospects. As such many people do choose slavery as a sensible conclusion to their own weakness - they transfer their inability towards some sort of "Master" who takes care of them, and in return, they give up their freedom completely.

For example, they do not want to manage their feelings when they are confronted with an opinion. They consider a logical solution therefore, NOT to control their emotions, or understand that this is merely adult life, but their evil demands to destroy all rights to speech. The absurdity and weakness is reeking.

Think for example how many people have completely given up thinking, and they are like robots - some sort of other form or life-form will do their choosing for them, and all they will be is an enslaved vessel to them. All rights to thought are relinquished in front of a television. This shows that the mental level of present day humanity, for a huge inflated ego they all possess, is no better than that of a toddler.

Elevation of freedom hating politics and beliefs, such as let's say Christianity [a big sky daddy takes care of all the universe, who does everything required for enslaving the petty goy], or Communism, is just a symptom of this psychopathology, bastardization, and inferiority within present day man. All decisions are transferred elsewhere, into the "Collective" to make, while they themselves take a zero responsibility policy towards everything. Writers in the past who have criticized democracy, talked on how democracy comes with some burden, and it is true. Everyone becomes a carrier of a little piece of responsibility in a Democracy.

But on leftist Jewtopias none of that ever exists again. You won't vote again and have to get your shaggy ass up. Nobody insults you, because nobody can speak. Nobody can question you, because nobody is thinking to pose any questions. Nobody wonders, because there is nothing to wonder about - the ultimate 'truth' is only the leftist jew and mongrel infested party, which tells you, that you slavery is very convenient, and that you will be happier as a slave than as a free man.

The problem with these slaves is that these have no consciousness, so do not get fooled when you see them supposedly enjoying their enslaved existence. True happiness can even come from suffering, where there is consciousness involved. These slaves are just idle in themselves. Other than their heart beating, they are internally dead and damned. Relinquishing your rights to your personal existence, and your freedoms, will lead to an everlasting despair and eternal nihilism.

Their nihilism and dead soul reflects so strongly in them, that they want to ruin the whole world to make it submit into their strange prototype of enslaved damnation. They hope to create more internally dead people same as themselves.

Think of what happens to the nest of Eagles, when you bring many rats to live in it, somehow. The rats shit on the nest, and devour it. It certainly does not represent the house of any Eagles anymore. If anything, it doesn't even represent a memory. Old Eagles die schreeching in agony for their lost home, but the rats are very happy they destroyed the Eagle's nest.

Now, the oppressor is finally gone, and the rats can keep on ratting for the rest of eternity, they think. At first they wanted to be friends with the Eagle, to partake in his creation. But then their instincts of destruction and jealousy started kicking in violently, and they destroyed the Eagle's nest. "Very satisfying to destroy the nest of the Eagle", they think to themselves, rubbing their rat hands. "We got back to him from our issues of inferiority and how worthless we were feeling!". Then, they realize they are sitting in the middle of the mountain, with nowhere to go, and nothing to eat. As they die, they cannibalize one another, and then they all die. The Eagle will set his nest elsewhere, and then elsewhere, because the Eagle can and the Eagle will fly.

The revolution of the inferior and the weaklings of mind and soul is a very true thing. It stated with the first usurping of natural laws of advancement with Christianity, where the retard was crowned the inheritor of the earth, and from there on, the creation of the world into a zoo of slaves for jewish use as humanity's sole destiny, did begin.

The United States is an example here, two thousand years later than the founding of Christianity. The values of the Founding Fathers, who were blood, sword, intelligence, noblety, masters of life, are no longer reflecting on the amalgam of crap that is being generated by the systematic stupefaction of the masses today. The things they penned in blood are not even understood. But how could a chicken ever understand the writing of an Eagle, and how could it live inside it's nest? A chicken cannot even handle the altitude, it feels cursed to exist where an Eagle was living.

Notions of Freedom created to reflect the powers of free men and a balance between these, are collapsing, into the ancient Abrahamic cesspool of weaklings, jews, slaves, and related subhuman garbage. Freedom is too big and heavy for their little shoulders. It's almost as if these types of people are only begging to become completely enslaved.

The "Free Man" of the future is not a strong man, with strong moral shoulders, an acute mind, or a great body, but a thing going on a strange oversized creature with pink hair, riding a scooter in Walmart, shouting Communist Slogans, weilding a hammer and sickle [that it never used in the field], while wearing a VR headset to watch more and more food of what it's going to consume, food videos all day long. The Scooter is remotely driven by Elon Musk's technology as the Creature is too incapable to drive a scooter, due to gapping out on the wheel all the time. It's intravenously fed medication 24/7, because the Creature's owners want it to be "happy". Occasionally Mark Zuccerborg will flash some ads into this creature's fat infested brain, through an implanted microchip created by Elon Musk, and that is this Creature's divine revelations.

This creature will be called Homo Judaicus. And the "God" of the Hebrews saw his creation, and he wept and said in whiny high pitched voice: "Finally, that is the manifested plan I had about Adam in the garden, my sons the jews gave to me the most worthless and botched followers I could ever imagine. Satan is finally begone from this creation, he's a perfect golem!".

For all the Gods and Men that have existed, have forsaken this land, and now this creature above is our new "God", Homo Judeus. Their "Opinion" must be worshipped, and never questioned - Because Facebook will ban you for doing so! Behind said creature is a jew with a giant whip, and slams it on it's fat and huge ever-flowing belly ripples. The Creature doesn't bat an eyelid as it's too immersed in VR to feel anything. The mission of these two is that the Ubermensch should never exist. Drinking the tenth gallon of Coca Cola for this day, the creature praises Communism and thanks (((God))) the National Socialists did not win the war. "Thankfully the best creature we will have by 2050 is ME and only ME!", the thing proudly exclaims, while drooling from it's permanently attached VR headset.

Homo Judaicus is really the fear and terror of many living species, primarily over two of his greatest assets. One is the smell of it's sweat, that can kill people that come close at around 20ft diameter. The second mighty weapon of Homo Judaicus is that everytime it happens to exit it's comatose situation and listen to any of the code words such as "Freedom", he farts loudly, which is known to kill people in a 20ft diameter also. This has made Homo Judaicus a formidable opponent. Homo Judaicus have also been found disconnected from their scooters, reading verses from Karl Marx's Das Kapital in so high pitched voice, that people around them started going insane. Homo Judaicus's weakness is to cut off the Wi-Fi connection, bar fast food chains, and in general, disconnect them from their pet owner jews, which makes them go into a tantrum that lasts anywhere from 5 to 10 minutes. During this phase, Homo Judaicus cries loudly and shouts "MY FEEEELZ!!!".

Because it truly takes a subhuman to want to create a world of freedom into a world of slavery and damnation for everyone else, just for "moral convenience". The argument now is "my feelings of convenience" vs "all the meaningful things on this planet that make the planet liveable and life worth living", is a non argument. Homo Judaicus is a dangerous creature emerging in our times, and it has to be fought, it's values, it's symbolic representation, and how gross it is.

Now one may think, but this is not dangerous at all. The rule of the mob in a jewish infested civilization is always a dangerous thing. Signals are showing us that we are moving towards a less and less freedom loving world, not a more freedom loving world.

Add this to the 2800 Talmud Promised Homo Judaicus slaves for each jew, and them rallying with the scooters, and they will run our world apart. These could be used for tanks in a Chinese Communist uprising in the United States [Led by the mummy of Bernie Sanders, mounted on AOC], better be proactive, so that we don't have problems with them later. We certainly don't want mad jews and inferior garbage to impose their ideas and make our world a living incarnated permanent nightmare. This world can do better than that. Now, disturbing jokes aside...

Whatever happens in your existence, do not allow yourselves to be swarmed by these types of weak sub-humans, who have made it their lives mission to decay, destroy, and uproot everything valuable from this world. You are a better soul than this. Always remember who you are, and what yours and our values are. We have chosen FREEDOM, with a price most people wouldn't even want to pay. It's alright if one falters a bit, or if one is not perfect, or if one does mistakes. What matters is our general stance against this plague of degradation of all beauty, meaning, and value of this world.

Flex your wings and learn flight, fellow Satanists, because we are eagles trying to fight slaves and rats, and we have yet to free many Eagles.


This was a beautiful read! Thanks so much for taking the time to write this. I'm so happy to have found my way to Satan. He saw something in me worthy of being awoken. I guess he was always my home. When I studied with a bible teacher I would defended Satan and pointed out how if god was love then why does he teach everyone to hate Satan and hate anything he doesn't agree with . I looked at the lady I studied with and said I don't hate Satan, her face was priceless and she went on and on about why I should. I always challenged the bible and my bible teachers would always get so frustrated with me.Anyway I always viewed Satan differently even if it went against my religion. I never gave up on finding my way home. Even if I went all the wrong ways first I eventually got here, to Satan! I want to make him proud and show him I was worthy of waking up. I am learning from you guys and the JOS Wedsite and it's helps me a lot. Deprogramming myself has been a battle, it's been a long two years since my dedication but compared to the brain dead slave that I was, I'm now far from that. But I still have so much more I need to do, so much more to learn. I look forward to it! And forward to being apart of this with you all.

Ave Satanás
LotharMcSkippy said:
Quick question, Is there an Introduction thread for new members?

Feel free to go to www.joyofsatan.org and start studying. The community is also here for answering questions. Welcome.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This creature will be called Homo Judaicus.
I know a "smarter" Homo Judaicus, basically he:
- is a believer of the flat earth theory
- called the germans "nationalist pieces of shit" because some of them refuse to speak english with the foreigners
- went at fucking 12 o'clock in the night at 13 miles away to attend orthodox prayings at a church and he stayed there for about 3-4 hours because he "hasn't been to church for long time"
- called the scientists pieces of shit when I told him that there are plenty of scientific studies that prove that sugar in excess is not healthy for the body, suggesting that he's smarter than them when he was claiming that I have mental issues because I eat sugar in moderate amounts

There is no joke this is a real person that I know

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
