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New World Order

Brian Gibbons

Active member
Nov 23, 2002
<td val[/IMG]Greetings Maxine,
I highly respect your views that you put across in this e-group,and on all you sites on the internet.Though I am only a year old in Satanism, I have been on a regular exercise program and doing your power meditations every morning.
So I ask this from a sincere heart of finding the truth.Could you please tell me your views on the New World Order conspiracy,and where I could find some true info on that subject.Thanks for all you do for us.
Hail Satan!

Hail Father Satan! although i know you adress this to HP Maxine, here is a video that might answer some questions, and the jews are behind this all--if you take into account that all HP Maxine teaches is TRUE!!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PpMdTmVMpo {New World Order Is Here video}

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@... wrote:

Greetings Maxine,
I highly respect your views that you put across in this e-group,and on all you sites on the internet.Though I am only a year old in Satanism, I have been on a regular exercise program and doing your power meditations every morning.
So I ask this from a sincere heart of finding the truth.Could you please tell me your views on the New World Order conspiracy,and where I could find some true info on that subject.Thanks for all you do for us.
Hail Satan!
Always remember, the enemy works to create confusion, doubt and uncertainty. Everything of the enemy is false and artificial, and is based and built upon lies.

The Satanic layout of Washington DC and several other US Cities was to ensure our freedom. Our Founding Fathers all knew too well about the jews and what would eventually happen here.


The Truth About the "New World Order"

There is a lot of confusion concerning Freemasonry, The New World Order, The United States, and where these all stand in regards to True Satanism. The reason for the confusion is because of infiltration. The ORIGINAL Freemasons who were mainly responsible for establishing the United States of America, designing Washington DC and many other US Cities where the architecture is specially designed and geographically arranged for a future goal, using occult knowledge, had a completely different idea of a New World Order.

This NWO that our Founding Fathers (Whom were almost all Freemasons) had in mind was based upon Luciferian Principles. The goals of this NWO were:

1. To establish a free country where citizens could escape the severe oppression of Christianity and learn the ancient secrets of the past for themselves without any fear of losing their lives.

2. The United States was to be “The New Atlantis” and was meant to set a precedent for other nations of the world to follow in regards to spiritual knowledge.

3. To establish a free nation where each individual could become the best he/she could be.

4. The other goals of this NWO can be found in the original doctrines of the United States.

Now, what happened to the above and where this *other* NWO, which is of the Jews is going today is another story. I remember asking Father Satan about Freemasonry some time ago as I was confused by conflicting information. His reply was “They have been infiltrated” and he also told me the Freemasonry of today is much different from the original, which was based upon Luciferian Principles.

I read soon after this how Mayer Amschel Rothschild, father of the multi-trillion dollar Jewish banking dynasty used his trusted position:

Here is an excerpt from the book “Rule by Secrecy” by Jim Marrs, © 2000, pages 58 - 59:

“This secretive banking dynasty was begun by Mayer Amschel Bauer, a German Jew born on February 23, 1744, in Frankfurt…”
“Young Mayer studied to become a Rabbi. He was particularly schooled in Hashkalah, a blending of religion, Hebrew law, and reason”
“The death of his parents forced Mayer to leave rabbinical school and become an apprentice at a banking house.

Quickly learning the trade, he became court financial agent to William IX, royal administrator of the Hesse-Kassel region, and a prominent Freemason. He ingratiated himself to William, who was only one year older than himself, by joining his interest in Freemasonry and antiquities. Mayer would search out ancient coins and sell them to his benefactor at greatly reduced prices. Considering his rabbinical training, coupled with his serious searches for antiquities, he surely developed a deep understanding of the ancient mysteries particularly those of the Jewish Cabala. It was during this same period that the metaphysics of the Cabala began to fuse with the traditions of Freemasonry."


The Jews infiltrate every source of Gentile power they can. From the inside, they either gain total control or they seek to rot it out and destroy it, through corruption.

The Jewish NWO is a world slave state, headed and run by the Jews. This NWO is the exact opposite of what was intended by the original Freemasons who were Gentiles:

1. The Jewish messiah in the form of "Jesus" (A sympathetic magick connection of where all of the Christian prayers and psychic energy has been shafted into) will unite the Jews and establish a one world government communist state run out of Israel (Stolen from the Palestinians, based upon the fictitious history of the Jews in the Bible, and especially selected because of its being at the crossroads of the three major continents of Europe, Africa, and Asia, and centered upon powerful ley lines) where the Jews will have total rule and control over the Gentiles of every nation, culture, and race of the world.

2. People will be bar-coded like cattle (the meaning of the derogatory Jewish word "goyim" for Gentiles) are branded to ensure this total control. Microchip implants are another possibility to ensure Gentiles can be tracked like animals.

3. All spiritual knowledge will be systematically removed from the Gentile populace (The true goals of both Christianity and Communism) through mass murder and torture as was done during the Inquisition and recently (1950’s) as Chinese Communist Chairman Mao Tse-Tung marched on Tibet and burned their monasteries and slaughtered and tortured to death their religious leaders. Tibet, because of its seclusion in the Himalayan Mountains contained much in the way of ancient doctrines of the original spiritual teachings, long before the arrival of Judaism, Christianity, and their cohorts.

4. Spiritual knowledge and occult power will firmly be in the hands of the Jews for total world control.

5. Nearly all uninvolved, lukewarm, and neutral Jews will only be too glad to join this new ruling class of their brethren should the time come.

6. The race-mixing program will further erase all racial and cultural identities for total control. With a loss of self through the destruction of racial and cultural identity, history can be rewritten any way the Jews see fit. They have been doing this for ages, unbeknownst to the majority of the Gentile populace. This has already been done with Satanism (Humanity's Original Religion), where the original teachings, Priests, Priestesses, other spiritual leaders and people with knowledge, along with libraries were systematically destroyed. The Christian Church has been at liberty to define Satanism any way the see fit, given there is little remaining of the past in regards to knowledge and truth. The Bible is nothing more than a fabricated history of the Jewish people of which they never had. Because of the mass indoctrination and force fed beliefs, the mass mind has created a powerful thoughtform that has aided the Jewish people in their quest for world

7. Human beings will be nothing more than lost souls with no identity, freedom, knowledge or individuality; just a number in total service of a Jewish run slave state.

The above is completely opposite from the intended NWO of the original Freemasons who were Gentiles. Unfortunately, again, this is playing both sides against the middle for total control. Modern rituals in Freemasonry which are geared to the second coming of that filthy messiah and a fusion of all religions of the world are now quite different from those years ago upon which the records have been removed and sealed in secrecy.
** See: The Second Messiah: Templars, the Turin Shroud, and the Great Secret of Freemasonry by Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas.
Published New York : Barnes & Noble, 2000.

It is all too blatant once the spell is broken, how the Jews have wrested control of, and abused occult power in their quest to become "God." If one does the necessary research and studying, one can blatantly see the correlation between the Judeo-Christian Bible, Communism, and the Jewish version of the New World Order. Though the book: "Deadly Deception: Freemasonry Exposed by One of Its Top Leaders" by by James D. Shaw and Tom C. McKenney, was written from a Christian perpective, it contains much useful information regarding Modern Freemasonry. Upon reaching the 33rd degree (this now a days is much different from the original rank where spiritual knowledge was obtained and the 33 degrees represented the spinal column and the kundalni), the Freemason is usually invited to join the Illuminati, a communist organization with the goals of a Jewish run New World Order.

The Judeo-Christian Bible is, like the goal of the modern day Jew infiltrated Freemasonry, "All religions are one." This is quite blatant given everything in the Christian religion has been stolen from religions all over the world, both east and west and their nazarene (the psychic connection for the Jewish messiah), is comprised of some 18+ Gentile Pagan Gods, like Odin who hung from a tree. Anyone who is familair with the occult and powers of the mind knows there must be a connection in which to channel the psychic energy.

The Jews have infiltrated nearly every Gentile Occult Organization. The Golden Dawn is chock full of Hebrew symbols, Hebrew angel, god names, Jewish aleph-bet, and so forth. Wicca is also going this way with the emphasis in some groups on Jewish angels, the Jewish "Three-fold" which is a spin-off of the six-pointed (division of three) "Star of David" which the Jews adopted recently (within the past 100-150 years) and was stolen from the Hindu "Star of Vishnu." The emphasis on the number one (Jewish monotheism, where they, themselves become "God") is unnatural as it takes two to create and even asexual creatures must connect to reproduce at some point.

The truth is: Gentile psychic power, through Christianity and on the other side (The Jews play both sides against the middle and control both sides), the Occult Lodges is being systematically channeled into making the coming of the Jewish messiah, along with a Jewish run New World Order a reality.

Because of the total infiltration and control of key positions, many Gentiles, namely Christians, are confused and lump this NWO into one, where it is really two seperate ideas. Because of the occult power used, they are blind to the fact that this monster is in their own back yard so to speak and they are duped into fervently working for it. The Founding Fathers of the United States used occult power for benevolent purposes in establishing a free nation where ancient teachings and spiritual knowledge could flourish without fear of reproach. It should also be blatantly obvious, there is NOTHING "spiritual" about the Christian "religion." It is and always was plain materialism. Christians have no knowledge of the anatomy of their soul, how to heal themselves or others or anything else of a spiritual nature. The entire so-called "religion" is nothing but false and counterfeit. Christians who reach the advanced stages of Christianity take on an artificial
pastey look- that infamous Christian pasted on smile. This is because their entire lives revolve around lies, to the point where they begin to take on an artifical appearance and physically resemble the lies they are so steeped in. This is part of their punishment, which will eventually lead to their eternal damnation through the degeneration of their souls due to their rebuking spiritual knowledge, and cursing and blaspheming humanity's True Creator God whom is none other than "Satan."


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "blackkat_411" <egret23@... wrote:

Hail Father Satan! although i know you adress this to HP Maxine, here is a video that might answer some questions, and the jews are behind this all--if you take into account that all HP Maxine teaches is TRUE!!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PpMdTmVMpo {New World Order Is Here video}

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@ wrote:

Greetings Maxine,
I highly respect your views that you put across in this e-group,and on all you sites on the internet.Though I am only a year old in Satanism, I have been on a regular exercise program and doing your power meditations every morning.
So I ask this from a sincere heart of finding the truth.Could you please tell me your views on the New World Order conspiracy,and where I could find some true info on that subject.Thanks for all you do for us.
Hail Satan!
<td val[/IMG]Yes I have watched that one already.But thanks anyway.
Hail Satan!

--- On Tue, 9/7/10, blackkat_411 <egret23@... wrote:
From: blackkat_411 <egret23@...
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: New World Order
To: [email protected]
Date: Tuesday, September 7, 2010, 6:01 PM

  Hail Father Satan! although i know you adress this to HP Maxine, here is a video that might answer some questions, and the jews are behind this all--if you take into account that all HP Maxine teaches is TRUE!!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PpMdTmVMpo {New World Order Is Here video}

--- [/IMG][email protected], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@... wrote:

Greetings Maxine,
I highly respect your views that you put across in this e-group,and on all you sites on the internet.Though I am only a year old in Satanism, I have been on a regular exercise program and doing your power meditations every morning.
So I ask this from a sincere heart of finding the truth.Could you please tell me your views on the New World Order conspiracy,and where I could find some true info on that subject.Thanks for all you do for us.
Hail Satan!
<td val[/IMG]Thank you for your quick response Maxine.I will keep that in mind in the future.
Hail Satan!

--- On Tue, 9/7/10, High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@... wrote:
From: High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@...
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: New World Order
To: [email protected]
Date: Tuesday, September 7, 2010, 7:20 PM

Always remember, the enemy works to create confusion, doubt and uncertainty. Everything of the enemy is false and artificial, and is based and built upon lies.

The Satanic layout of Washington DC and several other US Cities was to ensure our freedom. Our Founding Fathers all knew too well about the jews and what would eventually happen here.


The Truth About the "New World Order"

There is a lot of confusion concerning Freemasonry, The New World Order, The United States, and where these all stand in regards to True Satanism. The reason for the confusion is because of infiltration. The ORIGINAL Freemasons who were mainly responsible for establishing the United States of America, designing Washington DC and many other US Cities where the architecture is specially designed and geographically arranged for a future goal, using occult knowledge, had a completely different idea of a New World Order.

This NWO that our Founding Fathers (Whom were almost all Freemasons) had in mind was based upon Luciferian Principles. The goals of this NWO were:

1. To establish a free country where citizens could escape the severe oppression of Christianity and learn the ancient secrets of the past for themselves without any fear of losing their lives.

2. The United States was to be “The New Atlantis” and was meant to set a precedent for other nations of the world to follow in regards to spiritual knowledge.

3. To establish a free nation where each individual could become the best he/she could be.

4. The other goals of this NWO can be found in the original doctrines of the United States.

Now, what happened to the above and where this *other* NWO, which is of the Jews is going today is another story. I remember asking Father Satan about Freemasonry some time ago as I was confused by conflicting information. His reply was “They have been infiltrated” and he also told me the Freemasonry of today is much different from the original, which was based upon Luciferian Principles.

I read soon after this how Mayer Amschel Rothschild, father of the multi-trillion dollar Jewish banking dynasty used his trusted position:

Here is an excerpt from the book “Rule by Secrecy” by Jim Marrs, © 2000, pages 58 - 59:

“This secretive banking dynasty was begun by Mayer Amschel Bauer, a German Jew born on February 23, 1744, in Frankfurt…”
“Young Mayer studied to become a Rabbi. He was particularly schooled in Hashkalah, a blending of religion, Hebrew law, and reason”
“The death of his parents forced Mayer to leave rabbinical school and become an apprentice at a banking house.

Quickly learning the trade, he became court financial agent to William IX, royal administrator of the Hesse-Kassel region, and a prominent Freemason. He ingratiated himself to William, who was only one year older than himself, by joining his interest in Freemasonry and antiquities. Mayer would search out ancient coins and sell them to his benefactor at greatly reduced prices. Considering his rabbinical training, coupled with his serious searches for antiquities, he surely developed a deep understanding of the ancient mysteries particularly those of the Jewish Cabala. It was during this same period that the metaphysics of the Cabala began to fuse with the traditions of Freemasonry."


The Jews infiltrate every source of Gentile power they can. From the inside, they either gain total control or they seek to rot it out and destroy it, through corruption.

The Jewish NWO is a world slave state, headed and run by the Jews. This NWO is the exact opposite of what was intended by the original Freemasons who were Gentiles:

1. The Jewish messiah in the form of "Jesus" (A sympathetic magick connection of where all of the Christian prayers and psychic energy has been shafted into) will unite the Jews and establish a one world government communist state run out of Israel (Stolen from the Palestinians, based upon the fictitious history of the Jews in the Bible, and especially selected because of its being at the crossroads of the three major continents of Europe, Africa, and Asia, and centered upon powerful ley lines) where the Jews will have total rule and control over the Gentiles of every nation, culture, and race of the world.

2. People will be bar-coded like cattle (the meaning of the derogatory Jewish word "goyim" for Gentiles) are branded to ensure this total control. Microchip implants are another possibility to ensure Gentiles can be tracked like animals.

3. All spiritual knowledge will be systematically removed from the Gentile populace (The true goals of both Christianity and Communism) through mass murder and torture as was done during the Inquisition and recently (1950’s) as Chinese Communist Chairman Mao Tse-Tung marched on Tibet and burned their monasteries and slaughtered and tortured to death their religious leaders. Tibet, because of its seclusion in the Himalayan Mountains contained much in the way of ancient doctrines of the original spiritual teachings, long before the arrival of Judaism, Christianity, and their cohorts.

4. Spiritual knowledge and occult power will firmly be in the hands of the Jews for total world control.

5. Nearly all uninvolved, lukewarm, and neutral Jews will only be too glad to join this new ruling class of their brethren should the time come.

6. The race-mixing program will further erase all racial and cultural identities for total control. With a loss of self through the destruction of racial and cultural identity, history can be rewritten any way the Jews see fit. They have been doing this for ages, unbeknownst to the majority of the Gentile populace. This has already been done with Satanism (Humanity's Original Religion), where the original teachings, Priests, Priestesses, other spiritual leaders and people with knowledge, along with libraries were systematically destroyed. The Christian Church has been at liberty to define Satanism any way the see fit, given there is little remaining of the past in regards to knowledge and truth. The Bible is nothing more than a fabricated history of the Jewish people of which they never had. Because of the mass indoctrination and force fed beliefs, the mass mind has created a powerful thoughtform that has aided the Jewish people in their quest for world

7. Human beings will be nothing more than lost souls with no identity, freedom, knowledge or individuality; just a number in total service of a Jewish run slave state.

The above is completely opposite from the intended NWO of the original Freemasons who were Gentiles. Unfortunately, again, this is playing both sides against the middle for total control. Modern rituals in Freemasonry which are geared to the second coming of that filthy messiah and a fusion of all religions of the world are now quite different from those years ago upon which the records have been removed and sealed in secrecy.
** See: The Second Messiah: Templars, the Turin Shroud, and the Great Secret of Freemasonry by Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas.
Published New York : Barnes & Noble, 2000.

It is all too blatant once the spell is broken, how the Jews have wrested control of, and abused occult power in their quest to become "God." If one does the necessary research and studying, one can blatantly see the correlation between the Judeo-Christian Bible, Communism, and the Jewish version of the New World Order. Though the book: "Deadly Deception: Freemasonry Exposed by One of Its Top Leaders" by by James D. Shaw and Tom C. McKenney, was written from a Christian perpective, it contains much useful information regarding Modern Freemasonry. Upon reaching the 33rd degree (this now a days is much different from the original rank where spiritual knowledge was obtained and the 33 degrees represented the spinal column and the kundalni), the Freemason is usually invited to join the Illuminati, a communist organization with the goals of a Jewish run New World Order.

The Judeo-Christian Bible is, like the goal of the modern day Jew infiltrated Freemasonry, "All religions are one." This is quite blatant given everything in the Christian religion has been stolen from religions all over the world, both east and west and their nazarene (the psychic connection for the Jewish messiah), is comprised of some 18+ Gentile Pagan Gods, like Odin who hung from a tree. Anyone who is familair with the occult and powers of the mind knows there must be a connection in which to channel the psychic energy.

The Jews have infiltrated nearly every Gentile Occult Organization. The Golden Dawn is chock full of Hebrew symbols, Hebrew angel, god names, Jewish aleph-bet, and so forth. Wicca is also going this way with the emphasis in some groups on Jewish angels, the Jewish "Three-fold" which is a spin-off of the six-pointed (division of three) "Star of David" which the Jews adopted recently (within the past 100-150 years) and was stolen from the Hindu "Star of Vishnu." The emphasis on the number one (Jewish monotheism, where they, themselves become "God") is unnatural as it takes two to create and even asexual creatures must connect to reproduce at some point.

The truth is: Gentile psychic power, through Christianity and on the other side (The Jews play both sides against the middle and control both sides), the Occult Lodges is being systematically channeled into making the coming of the Jewish messiah, along with a Jewish run New World Order a reality.

Because of the total infiltration and control of key positions, many Gentiles, namely Christians, are confused and lump this NWO into one, where it is really two seperate ideas. Because of the occult power used, they are blind to the fact that this monster is in their own back yard so to speak and they are duped into fervently working for it. The Founding Fathers of the United States used occult power for benevolent purposes in establishing a free nation where ancient teachings and spiritual knowledge could flourish without fear of reproach. It should also be blatantly obvious, there is NOTHING "spiritual" about the Christian "religion." It is and always was plain materialism. Christians have no knowledge of the anatomy of their soul, how to heal themselves or others or anything else of a spiritual nature. The entire so-called "religion" is nothing but false and counterfeit. Christians who reach the advanced stages of Christianity take on an artificial
pastey look- that infamous Christian pasted on smile. This is because their entire lives revolve around lies, to the point where they begin to take on an artifical appearance and physically resemble the lies they are so steeped in. This is part of their punishment, which will eventually lead to their eternal damnation through the degeneration of their souls due to their rebuking spiritual knowledge, and cursing and blaspheming humanity's True Creator God whom is none other than "Satan."


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

--- [/IMG][email protected], "blackkat_411" <egret23@... wrote:

Hail Father Satan! although i know you adress this to HP Maxine, here is a video that might answer some questions, and the jews are behind this all--if you take into account that all HP Maxine teaches is TRUE!!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PpMdTmVMpo {New World Order Is Here video}

--- [/IMG][email protected], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@ wrote:

Greetings Maxine,
I highly respect your views that you put across in this e-group,and on all you sites on the internet.Though I am only a year old in Satanism, I have been on a regular exercise program and doing your power meditations every morning.
So I ask this from a sincere heart of finding the truth.Could you please tell me your views on the New World Order conspiracy,and where I could find some true info on that subject.Thanks for all you do for us.
Hail Satan!
Attachments :
The freemasonry layout has been infiltrated and corrupted. It is based on a worldwide network via the Ley Line system, and interestingly, xian churches or at least major ones are carefully built ontop of those lines. I happened across this information a long time ago when I was studying different things and gathered info here and there. Not sure how plausble it is, but seeing how seriously the Xians take religion and occult, I wouldn't be surprised.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@... wrote:

Always remember, the enemy works to create confusion, doubt and uncertainty. Everything of the enemy is false and artificial, and is based and built upon lies.

The Satanic layout of Washington DC and several other US Cities was to ensure our freedom. Our Founding Fathers all knew too well about the jews and what would eventually happen here.


The Truth About the "New World Order"

There is a lot of confusion concerning Freemasonry, The New World Order, The United States, and where these all stand in regards to True Satanism. The reason for the confusion is because of infiltration. The ORIGINAL Freemasons who were mainly responsible for establishing the United States of America, designing Washington DC and many other US Cities where the architecture is specially designed and geographically arranged for a future goal, using occult knowledge, had a completely different idea of a New World Order.

This NWO that our Founding Fathers (Whom were almost all Freemasons) had in mind was based upon Luciferian Principles. The goals of this NWO were:

1. To establish a free country where citizens could escape the severe oppression of Christianity and learn the ancient secrets of the past for themselves without any fear of losing their lives.

2. The United States was to be “The New Atlantis” and was meant to set a precedent for other nations of the world to follow in regards to spiritual knowledge.

3. To establish a free nation where each individual could become the best he/she could be.

4. The other goals of this NWO can be found in the original doctrines of the United States.

Now, what happened to the above and where this *other* NWO, which is of the Jews is going today is another story. I remember asking Father Satan about Freemasonry some time ago as I was confused by conflicting information. His reply was “They have been infiltrated” and he also told me the Freemasonry of today is much different from the original, which was based upon Luciferian Principles.

I read soon after this how Mayer Amschel Rothschild, father of the multi-trillion dollar Jewish banking dynasty used his trusted position:

Here is an excerpt from the book “Rule by Secrecy” by Jim Marrs, © 2000, pages 58 - 59:

“This secretive banking dynasty was begun by Mayer Amschel Bauer, a German Jew born on February 23, 1744, in Frankfurt…”
“Young Mayer studied to become a Rabbi. He was particularly schooled in Hashkalah, a blending of religion, Hebrew law, and reason”
“The death of his parents forced Mayer to leave rabbinical school and become an apprentice at a banking house.

Quickly learning the trade, he became court financial agent to William IX, royal administrator of the Hesse-Kassel region, and a prominent Freemason. He ingratiated himself to William, who was only one year older than himself, by joining his interest in Freemasonry and antiquities. Mayer would search out ancient coins and sell them to his benefactor at greatly reduced prices. Considering his rabbinical training, coupled with his serious searches for antiquities, he surely developed a deep understanding of the ancient mysteries particularly those of the Jewish Cabala. It was during this same period that the metaphysics of the Cabala began to fuse with the traditions of Freemasonry."


The Jews infiltrate every source of Gentile power they can. From the inside, they either gain total control or they seek to rot it out and destroy it, through corruption.

The Jewish NWO is a world slave state, headed and run by the Jews. This NWO is the exact opposite of what was intended by the original Freemasons who were Gentiles:

1. The Jewish messiah in the form of "Jesus" (A sympathetic magick connection of where all of the Christian prayers and psychic energy has been shafted into) will unite the Jews and establish a one world government communist state run out of Israel (Stolen from the Palestinians, based upon the fictitious history of the Jews in the Bible, and especially selected because of its being at the crossroads of the three major continents of Europe, Africa, and Asia, and centered upon powerful ley lines) where the Jews will have total rule and control over the Gentiles of every nation, culture, and race of the world.

2. People will be bar-coded like cattle (the meaning of the derogatory Jewish word "goyim" for Gentiles) are branded to ensure this total control. Microchip implants are another possibility to ensure Gentiles can be tracked like animals.

3. All spiritual knowledge will be systematically removed from the Gentile populace (The true goals of both Christianity and Communism) through mass murder and torture as was done during the Inquisition and recently (1950’s) as Chinese Communist Chairman Mao Tse-Tung marched on Tibet and burned their monasteries and slaughtered and tortured to death their religious leaders. Tibet, because of its seclusion in the Himalayan Mountains contained much in the way of ancient doctrines of the original spiritual teachings, long before the arrival of Judaism, Christianity, and their cohorts.

4. Spiritual knowledge and occult power will firmly be in the hands of the Jews for total world control.

5. Nearly all uninvolved, lukewarm, and neutral Jews will only be too glad to join this new ruling class of their brethren should the time come.

6. The race-mixing program will further erase all racial and cultural identities for total control. With a loss of self through the destruction of racial and cultural identity, history can be rewritten any way the Jews see fit. They have been doing this for ages, unbeknownst to the majority of the Gentile populace. This has already been done with Satanism (Humanity's Original Religion), where the original teachings, Priests, Priestesses, other spiritual leaders and people with knowledge, along with libraries were systematically destroyed. The Christian Church has been at liberty to define Satanism any way the see fit, given there is little remaining of the past in regards to knowledge and truth. The Bible is nothing more than a fabricated history of the Jewish people of which they never had. Because of the mass indoctrination and force fed beliefs, the mass mind has created a powerful thoughtform that has aided the Jewish people in their quest for world

7. Human beings will be nothing more than lost souls with no identity, freedom, knowledge or individuality; just a number in total service of a Jewish run slave state.

The above is completely opposite from the intended NWO of the original Freemasons who were Gentiles. Unfortunately, again, this is playing both sides against the middle for total control. Modern rituals in Freemasonry which are geared to the second coming of that filthy messiah and a fusion of all religions of the world are now quite different from those years ago upon which the records have been removed and sealed in secrecy.
** See: The Second Messiah: Templars, the Turin Shroud, and the Great Secret of Freemasonry by Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas.
Published New York : Barnes & Noble, 2000.

It is all too blatant once the spell is broken, how the Jews have wrested control of, and abused occult power in their quest to become "God." If one does the necessary research and studying, one can blatantly see the correlation between the Judeo-Christian Bible, Communism, and the Jewish version of the New World Order. Though the book: "Deadly Deception: Freemasonry Exposed by One of Its Top Leaders" by by James D. Shaw and Tom C. McKenney, was written from a Christian perpective, it contains much useful information regarding Modern Freemasonry. Upon reaching the 33rd degree (this now a days is much different from the original rank where spiritual knowledge was obtained and the 33 degrees represented the spinal column and the kundalni), the Freemason is usually invited to join the Illuminati, a communist organization with the goals of a Jewish run New World Order.

The Judeo-Christian Bible is, like the goal of the modern day Jew infiltrated Freemasonry, "All religions are one." This is quite blatant given everything in the Christian religion has been stolen from religions all over the world, both east and west and their nazarene (the psychic connection for the Jewish messiah), is comprised of some 18+ Gentile Pagan Gods, like Odin who hung from a tree. Anyone who is familair with the occult and powers of the mind knows there must be a connection in which to channel the psychic energy.

The Jews have infiltrated nearly every Gentile Occult Organization. The Golden Dawn is chock full of Hebrew symbols, Hebrew angel, god names, Jewish aleph-bet, and so forth. Wicca is also going this way with the emphasis in some groups on Jewish angels, the Jewish "Three-fold" which is a spin-off of the six-pointed (division of three) "Star of David" which the Jews adopted recently (within the past 100-150 years) and was stolen from the Hindu "Star of Vishnu." The emphasis on the number one (Jewish monotheism, where they, themselves become "God") is unnatural as it takes two to create and even asexual creatures must connect to reproduce at some point.

The truth is: Gentile psychic power, through Christianity and on the other side (The Jews play both sides against the middle and control both sides), the Occult Lodges is being systematically channeled into making the coming of the Jewish messiah, along with a Jewish run New World Order a reality.

Because of the total infiltration and control of key positions, many Gentiles, namely Christians, are confused and lump this NWO into one, where it is really two seperate ideas. Because of the occult power used, they are blind to the fact that this monster is in their own back yard so to speak and they are duped into fervently working for it. The Founding Fathers of the United States used occult power for benevolent purposes in establishing a free nation where ancient teachings and spiritual knowledge could flourish without fear of reproach. It should also be blatantly obvious, there is NOTHING "spiritual" about the Christian "religion." It is and always was plain materialism. Christians have no knowledge of the anatomy of their soul, how to heal themselves or others or anything else of a spiritual nature. The entire so-called "religion" is nothing but false and counterfeit. Christians who reach the advanced stages of Christianity take on an artificial
pastey look- that infamous Christian pasted on smile. This is because their entire lives revolve around lies, to the point where they begin to take on an artifical appearance and physically resemble the lies they are so steeped in. This is part of their punishment, which will eventually lead to their eternal damnation through the degeneration of their souls due to their rebuking spiritual knowledge, and cursing and blaspheming humanity's True Creator God whom is none other than "Satan."


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "blackkat_411" <egret23@... wrote:

Hail Father Satan! although i know you adress this to HP Maxine, here is a video that might answer some questions, and the jews are behind this all--if you take into account that all HP Maxine teaches is TRUE!!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PpMdTmVMpo {New World Order Is Here video}

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@ wrote:

Greetings Maxine,
I highly respect your views that you put across in this e-group,and on all you sites on the internet.Though I am only a year old in Satanism, I have been on a regular exercise program and doing your power meditations every morning.
So I ask this from a sincere heart of finding the truth.Could you please tell me your views on the New World Order conspiracy,and where I could find some true info on that subject.Thanks for all you do for us.
Hail Satan!
Attachments :
What do some think regarding the current state of affairs in the US and the president? Is it just more sheisty jewish dealings? It looks like more enemy jews trying to tear this country down to what makes it strong.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@... wrote:

Always remember, the enemy works to create confusion, doubt and uncertainty. Everything of the enemy is false and artificial, and is based and built upon lies.

The Satanic layout of Washington DC and several other US Cities was to ensure our freedom. Our Founding Fathers all knew too well about the jews and what would eventually happen here.


The Truth About the "New World Order"

There is a lot of confusion concerning Freemasonry, The New World Order, The United States, and where these all stand in regards to True Satanism. The reason for the confusion is because of infiltration. The ORIGINAL Freemasons who were mainly responsible for establishing the United States of America, designing Washington DC and many other US Cities where the architecture is specially designed and geographically arranged for a future goal, using occult knowledge, had a completely different idea of a New World Order.

This NWO that our Founding Fathers (Whom were almost all Freemasons) had in mind was based upon Luciferian Principles. The goals of this NWO were:

1. To establish a free country where citizens could escape the severe oppression of Christianity and learn the ancient secrets of the past for themselves without any fear of losing their lives.

2. The United States was to be “The New Atlantis” and was meant to set a precedent for other nations of the world to follow in regards to spiritual knowledge.

3. To establish a free nation where each individual could become the best he/she could be.

4. The other goals of this NWO can be found in the original doctrines of the United States.

Now, what happened to the above and where this *other* NWO, which is of the Jews is going today is another story. I remember asking Father Satan about Freemasonry some time ago as I was confused by conflicting information. His reply was “They have been infiltrated” and he also told me the Freemasonry of today is much different from the original, which was based upon Luciferian Principles.

I read soon after this how Mayer Amschel Rothschild, father of the multi-trillion dollar Jewish banking dynasty used his trusted position:

Here is an excerpt from the book “Rule by Secrecy” by Jim Marrs, © 2000, pages 58 - 59:

“This secretive banking dynasty was begun by Mayer Amschel Bauer, a German Jew born on February 23, 1744, in Frankfurt…”
“Young Mayer studied to become a Rabbi. He was particularly schooled in Hashkalah, a blending of religion, Hebrew law, and reason”
“The death of his parents forced Mayer to leave rabbinical school and become an apprentice at a banking house.

Quickly learning the trade, he became court financial agent to William IX, royal administrator of the Hesse-Kassel region, and a prominent Freemason. He ingratiated himself to William, who was only one year older than himself, by joining his interest in Freemasonry and antiquities. Mayer would search out ancient coins and sell them to his benefactor at greatly reduced prices. Considering his rabbinical training, coupled with his serious searches for antiquities, he surely developed a deep understanding of the ancient mysteries particularly those of the Jewish Cabala. It was during this same period that the metaphysics of the Cabala began to fuse with the traditions of Freemasonry."


The Jews infiltrate every source of Gentile power they can. From the inside, they either gain total control or they seek to rot it out and destroy it, through corruption.

The Jewish NWO is a world slave state, headed and run by the Jews. This NWO is the exact opposite of what was intended by the original Freemasons who were Gentiles:

1. The Jewish messiah in the form of "Jesus" (A sympathetic magick connection of where all of the Christian prayers and psychic energy has been shafted into) will unite the Jews and establish a one world government communist state run out of Israel (Stolen from the Palestinians, based upon the fictitious history of the Jews in the Bible, and especially selected because of its being at the crossroads of the three major continents of Europe, Africa, and Asia, and centered upon powerful ley lines) where the Jews will have total rule and control over the Gentiles of every nation, culture, and race of the world.

2. People will be bar-coded like cattle (the meaning of the derogatory Jewish word "goyim" for Gentiles) are branded to ensure this total control. Microchip implants are another possibility to ensure Gentiles can be tracked like animals.

3. All spiritual knowledge will be systematically removed from the Gentile populace (The true goals of both Christianity and Communism) through mass murder and torture as was done during the Inquisition and recently (1950’s) as Chinese Communist Chairman Mao Tse-Tung marched on Tibet and burned their monasteries and slaughtered and tortured to death their religious leaders. Tibet, because of its seclusion in the Himalayan Mountains contained much in the way of ancient doctrines of the original spiritual teachings, long before the arrival of Judaism, Christianity, and their cohorts.

4. Spiritual knowledge and occult power will firmly be in the hands of the Jews for total world control.

5. Nearly all uninvolved, lukewarm, and neutral Jews will only be too glad to join this new ruling class of their brethren should the time come.

6. The race-mixing program will further erase all racial and cultural identities for total control. With a loss of self through the destruction of racial and cultural identity, history can be rewritten any way the Jews see fit. They have been doing this for ages, unbeknownst to the majority of the Gentile populace. This has already been done with Satanism (Humanity's Original Religion), where the original teachings, Priests, Priestesses, other spiritual leaders and people with knowledge, along with libraries were systematically destroyed. The Christian Church has been at liberty to define Satanism any way the see fit, given there is little remaining of the past in regards to knowledge and truth. The Bible is nothing more than a fabricated history of the Jewish people of which they never had. Because of the mass indoctrination and force fed beliefs, the mass mind has created a powerful thoughtform that has aided the Jewish people in their quest for world

7. Human beings will be nothing more than lost souls with no identity, freedom, knowledge or individuality; just a number in total service of a Jewish run slave state.

The above is completely opposite from the intended NWO of the original Freemasons who were Gentiles. Unfortunately, again, this is playing both sides against the middle for total control. Modern rituals in Freemasonry which are geared to the second coming of that filthy messiah and a fusion of all religions of the world are now quite different from those years ago upon which the records have been removed and sealed in secrecy.
** See: The Second Messiah: Templars, the Turin Shroud, and the Great Secret of Freemasonry by Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas.
Published New York : Barnes & Noble, 2000.

It is all too blatant once the spell is broken, how the Jews have wrested control of, and abused occult power in their quest to become "God." If one does the necessary research and studying, one can blatantly see the correlation between the Judeo-Christian Bible, Communism, and the Jewish version of the New World Order. Though the book: "Deadly Deception: Freemasonry Exposed by One of Its Top Leaders" by by James D. Shaw and Tom C. McKenney, was written from a Christian perpective, it contains much useful information regarding Modern Freemasonry. Upon reaching the 33rd degree (this now a days is much different from the original rank where spiritual knowledge was obtained and the 33 degrees represented the spinal column and the kundalni), the Freemason is usually invited to join the Illuminati, a communist organization with the goals of a Jewish run New World Order.

The Judeo-Christian Bible is, like the goal of the modern day Jew infiltrated Freemasonry, "All religions are one." This is quite blatant given everything in the Christian religion has been stolen from religions all over the world, both east and west and their nazarene (the psychic connection for the Jewish messiah), is comprised of some 18+ Gentile Pagan Gods, like Odin who hung from a tree. Anyone who is familair with the occult and powers of the mind knows there must be a connection in which to channel the psychic energy.

The Jews have infiltrated nearly every Gentile Occult Organization. The Golden Dawn is chock full of Hebrew symbols, Hebrew angel, god names, Jewish aleph-bet, and so forth. Wicca is also going this way with the emphasis in some groups on Jewish angels, the Jewish "Three-fold" which is a spin-off of the six-pointed (division of three) "Star of David" which the Jews adopted recently (within the past 100-150 years) and was stolen from the Hindu "Star of Vishnu." The emphasis on the number one (Jewish monotheism, where they, themselves become "God") is unnatural as it takes two to create and even asexual creatures must connect to reproduce at some point.

The truth is: Gentile psychic power, through Christianity and on the other side (The Jews play both sides against the middle and control both sides), the Occult Lodges is being systematically channeled into making the coming of the Jewish messiah, along with a Jewish run New World Order a reality.

Because of the total infiltration and control of key positions, many Gentiles, namely Christians, are confused and lump this NWO into one, where it is really two seperate ideas. Because of the occult power used, they are blind to the fact that this monster is in their own back yard so to speak and they are duped into fervently working for it. The Founding Fathers of the United States used occult power for benevolent purposes in establishing a free nation where ancient teachings and spiritual knowledge could flourish without fear of reproach. It should also be blatantly obvious, there is NOTHING "spiritual" about the Christian "religion." It is and always was plain materialism. Christians have no knowledge of the anatomy of their soul, how to heal themselves or others or anything else of a spiritual nature. The entire so-called "religion" is nothing but false and counterfeit. Christians who reach the advanced stages of Christianity take on an artificial
pastey look- that infamous Christian pasted on smile. This is because their entire lives revolve around lies, to the point where they begin to take on an artifical appearance and physically resemble the lies they are so steeped in. This is part of their punishment, which will eventually lead to their eternal damnation through the degeneration of their souls due to their rebuking spiritual knowledge, and cursing and blaspheming humanity's True Creator God whom is none other than "Satan."


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "blackkat_411" <egret23@... wrote:

Hail Father Satan! although i know you adress this to HP Maxine, here is a video that might answer some questions, and the jews are behind this all--if you take into account that all HP Maxine teaches is TRUE!!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PpMdTmVMpo {New World Order Is Here video}

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@ wrote:

Greetings Maxine,
I highly respect your views that you put across in this e-group,and on all you sites on the internet.Though I am only a year old in Satanism, I have been on a regular exercise program and doing your power meditations every morning.
So I ask this from a sincere heart of finding the truth.Could you please tell me your views on the New World Order conspiracy,and where I could find some true info on that subject.Thanks for all you do for us.
Hail Satan!
So here I sit trying to watch this thing and it keeps pausing right in the middle of shit even though everything else I watch runs smoothly....anything else thats just as informative?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@... wrote:

Yes I have watched that one already.But thanks anyway.
Hail Satan!

--- On Tue, 9/7/10, blackkat_411 <egret23@... wrote:

From: blackkat_411 <egret23@...
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: New World Order
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Tuesday, September 7, 2010, 6:01 PM


Hail Father Satan! although i know you adress this to HP Maxine, here is a video that might answer some questions, and the jews are behind this all--if you take into account that all HP Maxine teaches is TRUE!!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PpMdTmVMpo {New World Order Is Here video}

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@ wrote:

Greetings Maxine,

I highly respect your views that you put across in this e-group,and on all you sites on the internet.Though I am only a year old in Satanism, I have been on a regular exercise program and doing your power meditations every morning.

So I ask this from a sincere heart of finding the truth.Could you please tell me your views on the New World Order conspiracy,and where I could find some true info on that subject.Thanks for all you do for us.

Hail Satan!

As stated in one of the discussions, Jews already created New World Order. By using various false flag operations they made people afraid so they trade their freedom and constitutional rights for the feeling of being safe.
My question is simple - it seems to me, and I guess I am not alone, that Jews have already won the war. 
What is left to do in such a fucked up jewtrix reality?
Do you also have a sense of that they want to manipulate us into the reality as seen in porn movie - let's look pretty so we can fuck all the time, have no kids and just enjoy our life so we can fuck more and with everyone???
Thanks for your repliesHail Satan! 88! 
@ ywylnc3aeiiaye45nxihfidflgqbeulba2lpp663

I guess, if you want to give up and just lay down and die already, this really is your choice. But, that would be the worst form of cowardice. And, I'd like to think Father Satan would be truly offended.

Compared to what Satan, the other Gods of Hell, our ancestors and forebearers have been through, we actually have it easy.

Those who suffered through the Inquisition, numerous wars, slaughter of the Pagans, didn't even have HALF of the creature comforts, food, medicine, tools, information or even the Internet, like we do.

With all they had to deal with, even getting a glass of milk in the morning was hard work - and they still fought.

So, I guess, if you feel like you want to just give in because the struggle is requiring too much effort to perform a few RTRs, I guess that IS your right.

If speaking the Truth, sharing some links online (anonymously, I might add) or even being willing to FIGHT if need be is just too much for you, then by all means, go ahead and quit.

Or, - oh I dunno - man the fuck up and try since we have it relatively easy.

Hail Father Satan, the entire Pantheon of Hell, in deed and in Truth, always.
@Jake(Jewish name)My reply is FUCK DAT,YOU FOOL!You ARE alone HERE.You should probably take that attitude elsewhere and return when you get some strength.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
