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New Website - "Exposing Joy of Satan" EXPOSED


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2021

So, this is something me and a friend of mine worked on.
Long story short, the idea is that we have a website where all the "arguments" against JoS are answered and debunked.

The problem is, we dont know much about domains and we dont know if the site would show up if someone googled "JoS exposed" with the domain we used, because it doesnt show up now and the domain we used is bad as I understand.

If someone knows better about domains and hosting websites:
as I know, wordpress is a good one, so if anyone knows how to make wordpress website, please do.
The above link is link to the html, you can use it to make websites.

Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=319934 time=1643314515 user_id=346]

Qouting HPHC and Soaring Eagle to suggest if we could add something like this on the Satanisgod.org, or if we could copy the html into Joyofsatan.org so the domain would be one and more people would see?
I posted this the other day when someone talked about becomingalivinggod.com/org. The group that is basically JoS but without political properties. Hell there is even subtle anti-semitism one person goes akin to paraphrasing "What has the jews done to the occult". Funny no one complained, no one pulled (insert) anti-sumetism property. In fact one person agreed and was like "abrhamism has damaged the occult". So in essence this website has various "famous" occultists and are variably (insert) pill. Some even redpilled to a degree or enough redpilled but has a blindspot or lacks a certain propaganda training to push the boundaries.

(Imagine Neo redpilled but not pulled out of the Matrix into the physical World with the machines and underground facilities. Funny if anything the machines even if considered jewbots at some point are playing God literally. They await for Humanity to awaken from it's retardation and that happens with Neo and so in essence you can make the argument the machines and the redpilled Humans and natural Humans are the good guys.)

Reminds me of a sermon HP.Cobra replied to that said the situation is in the Middle Ages when shit was hitting the fan for the enemies of mankind and realized they need to mobilize against their countering. Many Gentiles went up to jews as they sorta from various information knew they had occult knowledge. And asked "Jews is that Occult stuff anything we need to know about". To which the jews go "No no it's just silly non-sense just crazy people inventing stuff". Gentiles "oh okay we'll leave you alone".

Funny if anything we should have ripped the occult out of them and staged mass spiritual warfare against them.

Sheer fact is this is from the Hungarian division of the anti-JoSers. I recall a Euro group and Euro member in a seaside vista sorta like a Greek like seaside place. Stating he took down the old ProPHP-Forums. I don't know how much truth to it there is but if ProPHP is hosted in the U.S. that is a violation of our 1A religion and speech. If anything it's a Euro thug promoting anti-American and Anti-Liberty activities. If anything if the World was chaotic or anarchistic or kill or be killed I would not be surprised if some rogue elements or even some thugs activate 2A and pop this guy or group of people. Funny it happens just recently a Iranian transgirl was murdered by her brother who flew from Europe a kalergi child visited Iran and shanked his transbrother to death.

Crazy fucking people are everywhere and JoS attracts crazies even federalis/fed bombers good ol'B17ers flying liberty carpet bombing and dive bombing websites that don't agree with their stupid narrative.


I have no idea why a former Soviet Bloc is against National Socialism. Funny I recall reading online of former various Soviet and communist countries and it's like Idi Amin. Hitler and Nazism is past we destroyed it fuck it and that is it.

Except for some complaining and annoyance about Hitler stopping communism. Most communist laugh their ass off at Nazism and admit it was destroyed end of discussion. Though not everyone I recall a communist complaining Neo-Nazis and Neo-Fascists are coming back and trying to reconnect with the past 100 years of a re-rise of Nationalistic properties. If anything Nazism and Fascism bother more anti-nationalist communists than the current nationalist communist that only use communism as a broad stroke of their sword as some sort of supportive ideology on making their country great. As certain people put it many ignorant Russians believe Russia was Great when Sovietized the massive territory pushing on NATO/US pact. Soviet Blocs Ukraine/Belarus/Latvia/Estonia/Lithuanian/Kazahkstan hell I've even read of people saying if it weren't for the U.S. and it's CIA supportive terrorist activities Afghanistan would have been Sovietized and turned into another Soviet Bloc country.

Anyways I don't know why these Hungarians are against National Socialism. It seems to me all that coolaid vodka(Communism) went up their asses and around the corner. If anything they are being ignorant of history. Hell even many Germans who said yeah the holohax existed but I don't care I fought against communism it was gonna destroy the World. Funny if these Hungarians played Command and Conquer Red Alert circa late-90s during the Golden Age of Gaming. They'd realize the Soviet Hellmarch song and video is a full total attack on Europe/Britain and the shores of Eastern seaboard America. Hell the entire Red Alert series is basically Soviets attack everything and anything and America and it's remaining allies are trying to counter-attack.

Without history these guys fail to understand neither the future nor the present. And funny enough if they knew the future they'd realize the present. Hungarians was America/Allies terroristic attack on Libya worth it? Was Qaddafi the great evil devil shit? Was the guy who was against the Petrodollar that evil?

I can say the same thing for their Country of Hungary. Was the German evil(Nazism) that evil in their country?

IF anything Germany allowed freedom of Hungary till the soviets attacked. Also wasn't Bela Kun in charge of Hungary and created the 117 days of terror? Was that not in Hungary?

Bela Kun whichever balkan nation he controlled I think it's Hungary from my memory I know Budapest had communist uprising and the Iron Guard and various NS/Fascist organizations fought to liberate Budapest. Funny Bela Kun(Bela Cohen) should have been killed in 1919 during the 1st communist uprising with Karl Leibknicth and Rosa Luxomborg. In reality all 4 big baller hava nagilas should have faced a 31 caliber round and annihilate the communist spirit from the Earth.

Funny Hungary guess cultural enrichment and multi-cuckrism has given birth to the perfect communist slave species. Fight against liberty, freedom is a sin, fuck America, fuck your nation, fuck guns, fuck military, fuck everything. Be the Nihilistic communistic slave subordinate we should have had during the Middle Ages when we groomed you into being the perfect pre-grey slave.

Funny like my friend said S and NS are seen as scum shit garbage by everyone. Even normies and anti-religious people hell even some extremist who attack religion, spirituality, and perform duping contests on spiritually gifted people. Even they believe S and NS to be utter scum shit garbage.

I think Hitler's "And my spirit shall rise out of the grave in the end and everyone shall know I was right". Fits the situation.
Serbon said:

So, this is something me and a friend of mine worked on.
Long story short, the idea is that we have a website where all the "arguments" against JoS are answered and debunked.

The problem is, we dont know much about domains and we dont know if the site would show up if someone googled "JoS exposed" with the domain we used, because it doesnt show up now and the domain we used is bad as I understand.

If someone knows better about domains and hosting websites:
as I know, wordpress is a good one, so if anyone knows how to make wordpress website, please do.
The above link is link to the html, you can use it to make websites.

Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=319934 time=1643314515 user_id=346]

Qouting HPHC and Soaring Eagle to suggest if we could add something like this on the Satanisgod.org, or if we could copy the html into Joyofsatan.org so the domain would be one and more people would see?

This website was just what we needed against all the people who defame JOS, expecially the Antifa LARPers who made all these false statements against Maxine and the HPs.
Serbon said:

So, this is something me and a friend of mine worked on.
Long story short, the idea is that we have a website where all the "arguments" against JoS are answered and debunked.

The problem is, we dont know much about domains and we dont know if the site would show up if someone googled "JoS exposed" with the domain we used, because it doesnt show up now and the domain we used is bad as I understand.

If someone knows better about domains and hosting websites:
as I know, wordpress is a good one, so if anyone knows how to make wordpress website, please do.
The above link is link to the html, you can use it to make websites.

Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=319934 time=1643314515 user_id=346]

Qouting HPHC and Soaring Eagle to suggest if we could add something like this on the Satanisgod.org, or if we could copy the html into Joyofsatan.org so the domain would be one and more people would see?
It looks good. Nice work!

Another resource for rebutting slander against HPS Maxine is this page she wrote in 2007:

The page was lost in 2012 when the 666blacksun.com domain was taken down. I decided not to restore it in the recent site update because it deals with a lot of very specific accusations against her husband that don't seem to be used anymore in anti-JoS pages. But perhaps excerpts from it can be used in this project.

You already covered most of the common "Exposing JoS" garbage, which say things like this:
(using psychology to say them in a way that implies only an idiot would believe something so ridiculous.)

"They are actually Nazis!!!"
"They deny the Holocaust!!!"
"They believe all those conspiracy theories about jews trying to take over the world!!!"

In fact, yes, we openly believe all those things, and we have good reasons and solid facts behind them, which you explained nicely.

It's up to HP Hooded Cobra if any of this goes onto the main JoS sites, but I think it would be a good addition! It should probably go below the level of the front page, like under Resources or something, since it is best if new people can start learning about Satanism before potentially getting scared off by all the info about the enemy.
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=322771 time=1644182061 user_id=346]
Thank you for the feedback :D
Btw, if HPHC agrees on this aswell, I think adding the Maxines text would be good aswell, since every now and then someone will start accusing her and her family of many false things and it would be really a pitty to lose such a text.
Serbon said:

So, this is something me and a friend of mine worked on.
Long story short, the idea is that we have a website where all the "arguments" against JoS are answered and debunked.
You could also add the quotes below to your website:

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
It is all over the internet that myself and my husband Clifford Herrington [YES, he is a very high profile Nazi and has been so for over 40 years] engaged in sexual intercourse with minors. THIS IS NOTHING BUT SLANDER AND AN OUTRAGEOUS LIE!!! Neither myself, nor Mr. Herrington has ever had ANY sexual relations or even anything close to it with any minor. My sex life is not any of anyone's business, but I will reveal here, I have always prefered men who were older than I am. Sexual intercourse with young men is repulsive to me and a total turn off.
Source: https://archive.is/VkAiy

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Here is a reply I sent to someone who asked about that 'plagarism' allegation about me on the web. I don't care to re-type all of this so here it is for people who have read this bullshit and are wondering:

They are liars. The worst is the bitch that stole my astrology degree writings, this was much of my own research. I cite references. Also, yes, I saw the article and the idiot who wrote it doesn't know what ‘plagiarism' really is. Plagiarism is copying word for word, longer than sentences and not giving any credit- claiming the work as your own.

A blatant example of this is Anton LaVey's Satanic Bible which was copied word for word in many parts from the book 'Might is Right.' I read both cover to cover.

JoS has a full reading list of the bibliography of references.


Also, references are cited beneath most JoS articles where they were accessed as research material.
Source: https://web.archive.org/web/2016030...tter_2010_Sermons_and__Important_Messages.pdf (page 165)
This needs argumentation, introduction, and content, to be also in light of "normal" problems people encounter, and simply exposing the psychological warfare that is done. From the lower levels to the higher levels.

The idea is, these accusations are not made by some smart jew or human, they are extremely weak. However, we could make an introduction to the introduction, expanding with argumentation on all levels these points and much more, in turn leaving no space for any jew to alienate someone weaker. This is something to put on for the future exposing of the truth to the people.

I think this is also tied to the etiquette of help and matter of reason we have and that we can give to people. I can surely participate in this and this is something I can do on a very good level if you like.

For example, the level of Cobra sermons is way above the normal human (even this is also made extremely reachable to all, this is still the case), and this needs explanation and even more depth for a mind to rationalize its own defeat of ideas and imprints. A single phrase can mean different things by the level of advancement, yet even if all of their perceptions are correct, an immutable study on every aspect of this can be done.

A case study of jew tactics can also be tied in a complete study, to exemplify an academic work level.
Serbon said:
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=322771 time=1644182061 user_id=346]
Thank you for the feedback :D
Btw, if HPHC agrees on this aswell, I think adding the Maxines text would be good aswell, since every now and then someone will start accusing her and her family of many false things and it would be really a pitty to lose such a text.

Slander comes with this. I am personally disgusted by the things some sites have said about HPS Maxine which is all not only fully garbage, but totally insane. Yet this is unavoidable because the enemy invests time and resources in writing slander.

I don't even want to look what people say online about "me", but I have been privately sent some of this. I don't think they are worth attention [they are all lies, and cheap ones] but thank you for making the site.

It might help people who are standing in between garbage. At least that's what I would like to say for your time spent on this.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Serbon said:
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=322771 time=1644182061 user_id=346]
Thank you for the feedback :D
Btw, if HPHC agrees on this aswell, I think adding the Maxines text would be good aswell, since every now and then someone will start accusing her and her family of many false things and it would be really a pitty to lose such a text.

Slander comes with this. I am personally disgusted by the things some sites have said about HPS Maxine which is all not only fully garbage, but totally insane. Yet this is unavoidable because the enemy invests time and resources in writing slander.

I don't even want to look what people say online about "me", but I have been privately sent some of this. I don't think they are worth attention [they are all lies, and cheap ones] but thank you for making the site.

It might help people who are standing in between garbage. At least that's what I would like to say for your time spent on this.
Thank you for your feedback High Priest, it means a lot!

And yes, I've seen soo many "spiritual people" and wiccans repeat lies and nonsense over and over again, it is like a mantra for them, and sadly they didnt get a chance to hear our side. And I know that for many of them, if they have seen our arguments and our defence against those lies, they would turn to the truth.

I think that website like this will be very helpful in the future. It still needs some updates, Im planning to add this part about Maxine aswell.

But if you think it would be a bad idea to add something like this on the main website, I totally understand.

Hail Satan!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Serbon said:
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=322771 time=1644182061 user_id=346]
Thank you for the feedback :D
Btw, if HPHC agrees on this aswell, I think adding the Maxines text would be good aswell, since every now and then someone will start accusing her and her family of many false things and it would be really a pitty to lose such a text.

Slander comes with this. I am personally disgusted by the things some sites have said about HPS Maxine which is all not only fully garbage, but totally insane. Yet this is unavoidable because the enemy invests time and resources in writing slander.

I don't even want to look what people say online about "me", but I have been privately sent some of this. I don't think they are worth attention [they are all lies, and cheap ones] but thank you for making the site.

It might help people who are standing in between garbage. At least that's what I would like to say for your time spent on this.

I would also like to add other things that may help. There has recently been slander spreading around again about Maxine as some may know with kikes trying to find her personal info and prove that she is dead, which of course is far from the truth.

If anyone is having doubts please consider the following: https://www.acfe.com/fraud-examiner.aspx?id=4294994951

Now think about the magnitude and seriousness of the magnum opus and the numerous attempts on Maxine's Life and the trouble the enemy has tried to give her. If for whatever reason someone is trying to prove a death on paper and "finds" it know that it is false, whatever the case may be, be it slander or even faking physical death for protection and concealment. I have every reason to believe that feigning death especially in her circumstance at any cost would be an absolute necessity.

If this information is too sensitive to approve, then please do not however. Thanks
Nimrod33 said:
This website was just what we needed against all the people who defame JOS, expecially the Antifa LARPers who made all these false statements against Maxine and the HPs.
Thank you
NakedPluto said:
This needs argumentation, introduction, and content, to be also in light of "normal" problems people encounter, and simply exposing the psychological warfare that is done. From the lower levels to the higher levels.

The idea is, these accusations are not made by some smart jew or human, they are extremely weak. However, we could make an introduction to the introduction, expanding with argumentation on all levels these points and much more, in turn leaving no space for any jew to alienate someone weaker. This is something to put on for the future exposing of the truth to the people.

I think this is also tied to the etiquette of help and matter of reason we have and that we can give to people. I can surely participate in this and this is something I can do on a very good level if you like.

For example, the level of Cobra sermons is way above the normal human (even this is also made extremely reachable to all, this is still the case), and this needs explanation and even more depth for a mind to rationalize its own defeat of ideas and imprints. A single phrase can mean different things by the level of advancement, yet even if all of their perceptions are correct, an immutable study on every aspect of this can be done.

A case study of jew tactics can also be tied in a complete study, to exemplify an academic work level.
Yes, if you or any brother or sister has some ideas what arguments can be added, please send them.
This is excellent initiative. I do hope that this helps our cause.

A little note I took is that the English you have quoted is fine, but the lines you have typed yourself are in contrast slightly off. It shows that non-English speakers wrote them. I think this needs to be addressed if you plan on expanding.
Henu the Great said:
This is excellent initiative. I do hope that this helps our cause.

A little note I took is that the English you have quoted is fine, but the lines you have typed yourself are in contrast slightly off. It shows that non-English speakers wrote them. I think this needs to be addressed if you plan on expanding.
I myself have noticed a few mistakes that were made while putting everything from word to html while linking the links etc..
All those will be corrected soon
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=322771 time=1644182061 user_id=346]
Serbon said:

So, this is something me and a friend of mine worked on.
Long story short, the idea is that we have a website where all the "arguments" against JoS are answered and debunked.

The problem is, we dont know much about domains and we dont know if the site would show up if someone googled "JoS exposed" with the domain we used, because it doesnt show up now and the domain we used is bad as I understand.

If someone knows better about domains and hosting websites:
as I know, wordpress is a good one, so if anyone knows how to make wordpress website, please do.
The above link is link to the html, you can use it to make websites.

Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=319934 time=1643314515 user_id=346]

Qouting HPHC and Soaring Eagle to suggest if we could add something like this on the Satanisgod.org, or if we could copy the html into Joyofsatan.org so the domain would be one and more people would see?
It looks good. Nice work!

Another resource for rebutting slander against HPS Maxine is this page she wrote in 2007:

The page was lost in 2012 when the 666blacksun.com domain was taken down. I decided not to restore it in the recent site update because it deals with a lot of very specific accusations against her husband that don't seem to be used anymore in anti-JoS pages. But perhaps excerpts from it can be used in this project.

You already covered most of the common "Exposing JoS" garbage, which say things like this:
(using psychology to say them in a way that implies only an idiot would believe something so ridiculous.)

"They are actually Nazis!!!"
"They deny the Holocaust!!!"
"They believe all those conspiracy theories about jews trying to take over the world!!!"

In fact, yes, we openly believe all those things, and we have good reasons and solid facts behind them, which you explained nicely.

It's up to HP Hooded Cobra if any of this goes onto the main JoS sites, but I think it would be a good addition! It should probably go below the level of the front page, like under Resources or something, since it is best if new people can start learning about Satanism before potentially getting scared off by all the info about the enemy.

Thank you for the brilliant idea, we added it to the site we made and it will be uploaded soon :D :D

I looked more indepth into this, yes, we can make this an official project, but we have to iron the details, add many sources and so on.

After it's perfect, I don't see a reason why it shouldn't go on the official Satan Is God page or somewhere like this, but we have to make sure it's perfected.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I looked more indepth into this, yes, we can make this an official project, but we have to iron the details, add many sources and so on.

After it's perfect, I don't see a reason why it shouldn't go on the official Satan Is God page or somewhere like this, but we have to make sure it's perfected.

Is the SiG.org index returning? I noticed recently and some other members also mentioning it redirects to JoS mirror site.

Can Blacks for Satan(Shannon's site) be added in the index so people from the get go understand we aren't a Whites-/Asians-only organization.

What about an Asians for Satan website even if they are pretty populous and not in danger of being genocided. I notice the Asian division(Euroasian not the Indian teachings) kinda lacking but I understand not everything is done in a short period of time. There seems to be fewer stuff on Asian understanding such as (Kannon and Sonten sermon which was bumped recently on JoS important articles). From time to time there is various postings but not as much as White/Black members.

I assume this is why the translation mirrors of JoS are being put by various translators.

Excuse me for bothering you so much with BFS(Shannon) website but I think it would make a bigger impact when people post or are confronted with the index. Even some racialist(insert color pill or red pilled but with blind spots like Neo's learning. He might of taken the red pill but he still needs to practice and learn)

Especially who are stereotypical with marxised inclinations going BLACKS for SATAN?!?!. Can we at least when the preparations are made metaphorically kick some people's asses for believing Satanism and National Socialism is a Whites/Asian-only thing.

Plus lots of Blacks and other retards are acting out against Asians even non-Chinese/Hong Kong/Taiwanese(The three have the various Sub-races of the Chinese country). I hate how companies and programs advertise the issues with anti-Asianism it's almost like on purpose like reverse psychology. Asian hate is wrong, yes absolutely. But somehow I'm left with, it should have never happened in the first place.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I looked more indepth into this, yes, we can make this an official project, but we have to iron the details, add many sources and so on.

After it's perfect, I don't see a reason why it shouldn't go on the official Satan Is God page or somewhere like this, but we have to make sure it's perfected.
Awesome, thank you. We will work on perfecting it, and will put updates here.

Also, for everyone reading this, please write us your ideas about the site.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Serbon said:
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=322771 time=1644182061 user_id=346]
Thank you for the feedback :D
Btw, if HPHC agrees on this aswell, I think adding the Maxines text would be good aswell, since every now and then someone will start accusing her and her family of many false things and it would be really a pitty to lose such a text.

Slander comes with this. I am personally disgusted by the things some sites have said about HPS Maxine which is all not only fully garbage, but totally insane. Yet this is unavoidable because the enemy invests time and resources in writing slander.

I don't even want to look what people say online about "me", but I have been privately sent some of this. I don't think they are worth attention [they are all lies, and cheap ones] but thank you for making the site.

It might help people who are standing in between garbage. At least that's what I would like to say for your time spent on this.

If the enemy is slandering you, you know you are doing the right thing.

Would have been more concerning if enemy wasn’t bothered by us at all.
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=322771 time=1644182061 user_id=346]
Hey, so we updated the website. Every time we update something, I will announce it and post the html here and will quote you so you know where we stand and so you would have the html, if its okay with you.

What we updated:
- We added a part about Maxine
- We fixed some grammatical mistakes
- We made sources look better, like in books
- We also made some minor updates so the site would look better

This is the html.

The website we published with domain we have found will expire in about 6 days.
So, after it expires we will work in html only until it is perfect and ready for the main JoS or Satanisgod.org site.

What we now need is, suggestions what to add and what to improve specifically.

This is very good! Thank you for the work!

I am pretty sure that this will help quite some people in the future to get on this path!
I have seen this exposing JOS. They claim HP is a kike. Lying fucks they are. Classic kike tactic of divide and conquer they are trying because they know we are a threat to NJO and they know we are redpilling all Gentiles. If we weren't a threat to them they wouldn't go through the trouble.
Hail Satan and all SS and our Gods!
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=322771 time=1644182061 user_id=346]
1. The new domain is https://defendingjos.000webhostapp.com/
(the old one is expiring and also won't accept html files heavier than 3mb)

2. We have, as HPHC said, ironed the details everywhere we could and added many sources. We also have decided to add a bit more images to the texts, so they wouldn't look "boring".
(About the images, we have added a feature in "Holocaust denial", that, if you click on the photos they will show up bigger. This is due to some texts on the photos being a bit too small to read.)

3. We have aswell improved many grammatical and typing mistakes.

4. The whole website has been aesthetically retouched.
So, High Priest and Soaring Eagle, what do you think? Is it ready for the upload or are there still some things we need to improve?
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=324317 time=1644705405 user_id=346]

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

In relation to my post above (about the update), I forgot to link the html of the updated website:

Hail Satan!

1. The new domain is https://defendingjos.000webhostapp.com/
(the old one is expiring and also won't accept html files heavier than 3mb)

2. We have, as HPHC said, ironed the details everywhere we could and added many sources. We also have decided to add a bit more images to the texts, so they wouldn't look "boring".
(About the images, we have added a feature in "Holocaust denial", that, if you click on the photos they will show up bigger. This is due to some texts on the photos being a bit too small to read.)

3. We have aswell improved many grammatical and typing mistakes.

4. The whole website has been aesthetically retouched.

5. We added the part about Maxine
So, guys, what do you think? If you have any suggestions what should be improved, please let me know.
Serbon said:

1. The new domain is https://defendingjos.000webhostapp.com/
(the old one is expiring and also won't accept html files heavier than 3mb)

2. We have, as HPHC said, ironed the details everywhere we could and added many sources. We also have decided to add a bit more images to the texts, so they wouldn't look "boring".
(About the images, we have added a feature in "Holocaust denial", that, if you click on the photos they will show up bigger. This is due to some texts on the photos being a bit too small to read.)

3. We have aswell improved many grammatical and typing mistakes.

4. The whole website has been aesthetically retouched.

5. We added the part about Maxine
So, guys, what do you think? If you have any suggestions what should be improved, please let me know.

I looked through the whole site, this is great work thank you guys! I have book marked it as another part of JOS to be translated when this can be done.
Serbon said:

1. The new domain is https://defendingjos.000webhostapp.com/
(the old one is expiring and also won't accept html files heavier than 3mb)

2. We have, as HPHC said, ironed the details everywhere we could and added many sources. We also have decided to add a bit more images to the texts, so they wouldn't look "boring".
(About the images, we have added a feature in "Holocaust denial", that, if you click on the photos they will show up bigger. This is due to some texts on the photos being a bit too small to read.)

3. We have aswell improved many grammatical and typing mistakes.

4. The whole website has been aesthetically retouched.

5. We added the part about Maxine
So, guys, what do you think? If you have any suggestions what should be improved, please let me know.
Excellent work on the "exposing the exposers" from what I can tell, the one's trying to expose JOS are jews, which further prove that they are enemy to humanity. I love the dedication to Lord Buer as I've been drawn towards His energies alot lately and He has helped me through some "rough patches" with His energies!
Hail the Gods of SS! Hail Brother Serbon and other SS who made this site!
Hail Satan in His eternal glory and wisdom!
Serbon said:
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=322771 time=1644182061 user_id=346]
1. The new domain is https://defendingjos.000webhostapp.com/
(the old one is expiring and also won't accept html files heavier than 3mb)

2. We have, as HPHC said, ironed the details everywhere we could and added many sources. We also have decided to add a bit more images to the texts, so they wouldn't look "boring".
(About the images, we have added a feature in "Holocaust denial", that, if you click on the photos they will show up bigger. This is due to some texts on the photos being a bit too small to read.)

3. We have aswell improved many grammatical and typing mistakes.

4. The whole website has been aesthetically retouched.
So, High Priest and Soaring Eagle, what do you think? Is it ready for the upload or are there still some things we need to improve?
The content looks great! The sources are a good addition too. The formatting could use a little work to be easier to read and match the JoS style better, but I can do that. The content is the hard part. Thank you!

Sometime within the next week, I will proofread all the pages and prepare the final version for HP Cobra to review.
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=324857 time=1644861747 user_id=346]
The content looks great! The sources are a good addition too. The formatting could use a little work to be easier to read and match the JoS style better, but I can do that. The content is the hard part. Thank you!

Sometime within the next week, I will proofread all the pages and prepare the final version for HP Cobra to review.
Amazing, thank you!

When I was finding the citations I needed for the site, I was thinking if I should proofread them in details or not, but I didn't since those are citations and I thought it would be bad if I myself corrected them in any way, so I left them as they were written here on the forums.

And also, when you finish the final version, I would love to see it aswell. Can you please send it to me via email or here when you are finished with it? Thanks. :)
SagittarianMage said:
Excellent work on the "exposing the exposers" from what I can tell, the one's trying to expose JOS are jews, which further prove that they are enemy to humanity. I love the dedication to Lord Buer as I've been drawn towards His energies alot lately and He has helped me through some "rough patches" with His energies!
Hail the Gods of SS! Hail Brother Serbon and other SS who made this site!
Hail Satan in His eternal glory and wisdom!
Thank you brother :D
Hail Satan!
Serbon said:
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=324857 time=1644861747 user_id=346]
The content looks great! The sources are a good addition too. The formatting could use a little work to be easier to read and match the JoS style better, but I can do that. The content is the hard part. Thank you!

Sometime within the next week, I will proofread all the pages and prepare the final version for HP Cobra to review.
Amazing, thank you!

When I was finding the citations I needed for the site, I was thinking if I should proofread them in details or not, but I didn't since those are citations and I thought it would be bad if I myself corrected them in any way, so I left them as they were written here on the forums.

And also, when you finish the final version, I would love to see it aswell. Can you please send it to me via email or here when you are finished with it? Thanks. :)
Sure. I will post the final version here so anyone can look it over if they want.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I looked more indepth into this, yes, we can make this an official project, but we have to iron the details, add many sources and so on.

After it's perfect, I don't see a reason why it shouldn't go on the official Satan Is God page or somewhere like this, but we have to make sure it's perfected.
HP Cobra: They added sources as you requested. I read through it all, and it looks great! I did make a few small grammar changes, and I made the pages more consistent with the JoS style.

Here is the finished version, for all to see and catch any last-minute mistakes:
* Note: Some external links are broken because this is only a temporary site.

If you think it looks ready, I'll send you a Zip file for the main JoS site!
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=327048 time=1645512009 user_id=346]


The "Official Joy of Satan Forums" is smaller than "Official Joy of Satan Website".
In the original, they were the same size

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
