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new to satanism

Hi,. My name Cyril and i heard people sell their souls to satan in return to getwat they want and i just wanted to know how they do it .(making a pact withsatan)? And im very sorry if i have asked the wrong question ....... But i believe that satan is nt evil. But people tell wrong things about satan .. And as to say SATAN the original god is my god ......
Cyril people say alot of things about Satanism. But we as Satanists we know what is real and what is not. So to reprogram your mind i suggest you read www.exposingchristianty.com Cause it clear that a part of you is still confuses about what is right or wrong Hail Satan Hail Eligos Hail Andromalius
You do not sell your soul to Satan. You dedicate your soul to him all. of the info you need is right here on this website please do read and enjoy.
On Tue, May 20, 2014 2:16 PM PDT cyril.neo333@... [JoyofSatan666] wrote:

. My name Cyril and i heard people sell their souls to satan in return to get
wat they want and i just wanted to know how they do it .(making a pact with
satan)? And im very sorry if i have asked the wrong question .
...... But i believe that satan is nt evil. But people tell wrong things about satan .. And as to say SATAN the original god is my god ......
I am new to satanism and come from a long line of roman Catholics. So I am initially scared and nervous because of a long line of beliefs in the enemy. I have no clue where to start, what to read, or where to join up. Anyone willing to help a newcomer? 

Hello,please see Joy of Satan and Exposing Christianity
  Everything you need on this path is in this website.  This is excellent information to help you see the truth of Christianity, and to deprogram yourself with it by knowledge. Keep studying, reading, and seeking knowledge and this will help get rid of any fear or ignorance.If you want to dedicate to Satan after reading these sites, there is a dedication ritual page link on the main JoS homepage.

On Tuesday, May 12, 2015 7:13 PM, "winter_roses_lopez@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I am new to satanism and come from a long line of roman Catholics. So I am initially scared and nervous because of a long line of beliefs in the enemy. I have no clue where to start, what to read, or where to join up. Anyone willing to help a newcomer? 

This Joy of Satan  
These The True Origins of Satanism

DEFINITELY these Exposing Christianity  These
Death, the Afterlife and Hell

And this once you decide to truly become a satanist.
How to Dedicate You Soul to Satan
This ritual is what truly initiates you and gains you the protection of Satan and the gods from enemy spirits.You being afraid is an effect of the influence of evil spirits aligned with chrisitianity.I know because they did the same thing to me and I ALWAYS hated xianity and the retards who try to beat it into your skull.They tried to drive me insane when I did this ritual and the fear you feel is not your own, it is a psychic attack meant to keep you enslaved.Fight it and keep studying. When you are ready perform this ritual and then begin a meditation program

On Tuesday, May 12, 2015 10:13 PM, "winter_roses_lopez@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I am new to satanism and come from a long line of roman Catholics. So I am initially scared and nervous because of a long line of beliefs in the enemy. I have no clue where to start, what to read, or where to join up. Anyone willing to help a newcomer? 

A great start would be to meditate alot. Clean your aura vigorously and think alot. They will show you signs and you must recognize them. A good book to read is "the slave species of the Gods" by Michael tellinger. And remember that satanism is not a religion. It is the science and truth of our history, spiritual ability, and connection with our true loving God's.
@barteksyrek Is Tellinger a jew? Does anyone here know of him?

I'd recommend being careful to not direct new people to corrupted information until they've developed discernment.

By the way, how long have you been dedicated?

I remember reading you saying you've been a Satanist for a long time, yet I've also seen you say the xian "god" was Enlil and referring others to Zechariah Sitchin.

So, how long have you been dedicated?
Welcome.  Reading the entire website is a must.  Meditation is a must.  The sooner you get started with that the better.  But you need to be "dedicated" to do that, which involves the "Dedication Ritual", when and if your ready.  Try to be resourceful and do the work of finding things for yourself.  Define terms and get them defined.

---In [email protected], <victor_v94@... wrote :

i wont say im a Satanist yet but i am VERY excited about being one but i wanted to learn more about it before i begin my journey to a relationship with Satan.
I need some help in understanding demons, magick, and just generally anyones experience(s) with Satan and/or your chosen demon.

all in all, whether its possible or not i just want to know everything there is to know about Satan and how to build a relationship with him.
Uh, I'm sorry Victor; no offense, but the only way that you will truly
know Satan is if you dedicate your soul to him. And knowing everything
about him? Well, I do not honestly know if that is truly possible! I
have been dedicated to Satan for 7 years now, and have barely
scratched the surface of who he is. just sayin'. ^

On 5/14/15, magnum.arcanum@... [JoyofSatan666]
<[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
Welcome. Reading the entire website is a must. Meditation is a must. The
sooner you get started with that the better. But you need to be "dedicated"
to do that, which involves the "Dedication Ritual", when and if your ready.
Try to be resourceful and do the work of finding things for yourself.
Define terms and get them defined.

---In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], <victor_v94@... wrote :

i wont say im a Satanist yet but i am VERY excited about being one but i
wanted to learn more about it before i begin my journey to a relationship
with Satan.
I need some help in understanding demons, magick, and just generally
anyones experience(s) with Satan and/or your chosen demon.

all in all, whether its possible or not i just want to know everything
there is to know about Satan and how to build a relationship with him.
I've been a satanist for 7 years. I highly doubt tellinger is a jet since he factually bashes all religions especially xians and their God. I do not know for sure. I asked father this morning using a pendulum and he confirmed me although it wasn't the answer I wished to get. The concern you have with me "misleading" others is the same concern I share with you. I only wish to find the truth on this matter. You can imagine my confusion when I saw posted on jos that the beloved Daemon Bhal is named enlil. I am here to learn so I sincerely thank you for your patients with me.

Hail Satan
My advice is to study the JoS website and get some comprehensive knowledge and also you should read the Satanic Revelation it should be in the downloads section of this site. When you are ready, you can dedicate.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Hail Father Satan!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Hail All Hell!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Hail Adolf Hitler!

On Saturday, May 16, 2015 12:29 PM, "Allison Passino apocalypseofjon@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Uh, I'm sorry Victor; no offense, but the only way that you will truly
know Satan is if you dedicate your soul to him. And knowing everything
about him? Well, I do not honestly know if that is truly possible! I
have been dedicated to Satan for 7 years now, and have barely
scratched the surface of who he is. just sayin'. ^

On 5/14/15, magnum.arcanum@... [JoyofSatan666]
<[email protected] wrote:
Welcome. Reading the entire website is a must. Meditation is a must. The
sooner you get started with that the better. But you need to be "dedicated"
to do that, which involves the "Dedication Ritual", when and if your ready.
Try to be resourceful and do the work of finding things for yourself.
Define terms and get them defined.

---In [email protected], <victor_v94@... wrote :

i wont say im a Satanist yet but i am VERY excited about being one but i
wanted to learn more about it before i begin my journey to a relationship
with Satan.
I need some help in understanding demons, magick, and just generally
anyones experience(s) with Satan and/or your chosen demon.

all in all, whether its possible or not i just want to know everything
there is to know about Satan and how to build a relationship with him.

I strongly recommend that you dedicate your soul to Father Satan before trying to create a relationship with him, as trying to create a relationship with Father Satan before dedication can be extremely dangerous! It may be met with disaster or even death if you don't dedicate first. If you search for knowledge, the best sites for knowledge I've yet seen, and I do much research, are the Joy of Satan Website and the Exposing Christianity website. They are by far the most accurate and comprehensive websites I've yet seen. Special Thanks to the Clergy for such an incredible effort to expose the truth and sharing your knowledge.

                                                                                                                   Hail Father Satan!!!                                                                                                                       Hail all Hell!!! 
Greetings Winter_Roses, I myself was raised from a christian upbringing. I was as scared as you were but when I started reading the truth from Exposing Christianity, and the Joy of Satan websites I began to realize the truth. I also recommend reading the Satanic Revelation e-book which can be downloaded from the files tab I believe. They all shed much light on the world today and the origins of our past. Most of the christian religion controls its followers with fear, when Father Satan only encourages us to empower ourselves through knowledge and then applying that knowledge to enhance our souls. That is the very reason we were created so that we could progress in wisdom and empower our souls! Its our destiny as gentiles to become the sister colony to the Orion System and the only way we can accomplish this is through education and applying that knowledge to better ourselves eventually completing the Magnum Opus, which is Father Satan's desire for all of us.                                                                                                                    Hail Father Satan!!!                                                                                                                     Hail All Hell!!!                                                                                                                        Hail Adolf Hitler,                                                                                                                          & the Third Reich!
Hello! I've been doing the satanic rosary for 15 days now, but I didn't do it yesterday. I usually do it before sleep and I feel asleep before I could finish it. It happened once before but I woke up at 5 am, half an hour before the start of a new day and continued on with the workings. I fcked up yesterday tho... I was too eager to start and I didn't wait on full moon to consecrate the rosary too and just begun doing the workings. I want to start doing the rosary again on 22.5.2015 but first date for the full moon is on 2.6. . Can I start on twenty second of may and consecrate the rosary on the full moon or should I wait until after the ritual and than proceed? Also I read if you do not finish the rosary it might have the opposite effect. I was doing the FEHU chant. I am not scared that it will have the opposite effect because I have been raising a lot of energy lately and am feeling very confident. I was just curious.

Hail Satan!!
Before you learn what exists - learn what you've been told that is a lie.  Personally, I think that's the best thing a new person can do.  You need a strong foundation based in truth.  Learn this website cold.  Then things will be a lot easier to study, confront and learn.
The Black Sun 666  

---In [email protected], <victor_v94@... wrote :

i wont say im a Satanist yet but i am VERY excited about being one but i wanted to learn more about it before i begin my journey to a relationship with Satan.
I need some help in understanding demons, magick, and just generally anyones experience(s) with Satan and/or your chosen demon.

all in all, whether its possible or not i just want to know everything there is to know about Satan and how to build a relationship with him.
Hey everyone I am pretty new to satanism i have been studying it for a couple months now I have liked what I have seen and read, so the other day I did my dedication ritual and it was amazing but the the battle I am having with myself is, I have a girlfriend whom I have been dating for 7 years and before I became a satanist we were both christian. My problem is she is still a christian I am not any more (which I am so happy to say by the way) how should I go about telling her because I don't want to keep this a secret from her but I also don't want to lose her any suggestions?
I would slowly drop hints and stuff as to how xianity is false. Does she at least know you aren't xian anymore? Just continually drop little bits of knowledge showing her how xianity is false. Do NOT just come out and tell her. That could not only end your relationship, but result in your possible physical harm
Hello guys I'm new to satanisit I want a friend who can teach me more things and I'm a south African my personal email is givenkhoza07@... any one interested in teaching me must email me to that email address
she knows i'm no longer christian and it doesn't bother her but when I bring up hell or satan as like subtle hints I can tell she avoids giving an answer like one time before I was a satanist or did the dedication ritual I asked her "what would you do if I was a satanist?" and she simply replied "you're not so I don't have to worry." when I tried pushing it a little to actually get an answer she kept giving me that same exact response.
Sounds like she may never come to Satan in this lifetime. It's up to you to decide, but she shall probably not come to Satanism in this lifetime. Good luck
You know i don't mind if she doesnt come to satan and accept him as our one and only father I just hope she can accept the fact that I am oh well thanks for the help seems like something I gotta figure out on my ownI'm pretty sure satan will help me through it if anything goes downhill.
This is my reply to a thread in the Teen group, but I am reposting this to all the groups and the forum, as it is something to be aware of:

In addition, the Jewish controlled medical association is pushing hard for the population to be addicted to psychiatric drugs. Who hasn't heard of Prozac?

On top of the trillions of dollars these Jewish doctors, Jewish pharmaceutical companies and Jewish related reap from these drugs, the Jewish media incessantly pushes them.

Television commercials, magazine ads, in the newspapers, online advertisements and of course, their movies with the theme of mental illnesses in the characters.

I have seen several of these movies where the characters reach into their medicine cabinets for those little copper colored prescription bottles, often the shelf is lined with them.

The characters in these movies also have trouble discerning reality from delusion. This often is the main plot. This ties in with the pharmaceutical commercials and everything else as powerful subliminals to encourage mental illnesses among the populace. Not to mention we live in a sick world.

In the former communist countries, especially in the USSR, there was what was called "Punitive Medicine." Anyone who was a threat to Jewish communism was often forcibly placed in a mental institution, shot through with dangerously high doses of mind altering drugs for psychosis, such as haloperidol (commonly used), which produced hideous side effects.

Note- anyone who is against the Jews or their agenda is labeled as "insane."

Again, I want to add here, "People's" as is used synonymously with communism, is "People's Republic of North Korea" etc, has the word "Chosen" dropped. A rabbi authors have admitted this. As is written in their Talmud, they own everything.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

funnyfred1932 wrote:

Today at 1:39 PM

Psychiatric "help" can be extremely dangerous. Psychiatric medications are very dangerous to the body and soul.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
