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New powerful meditation routine


New member
Nov 19, 2003
Today I saw so many jews in the supermarket. It was absolutely disgusting and unprecedented.
They came out in flocks today walking everywhere. I was so pissed seeing them all walk so carefree. 

Today for the first time I managed to perform the new RTR stacked 3 times in a row without passing out afterwards. I think it's because I felt so enraged about the disgusting jews walking around and defiling the place everywhere. Still dispite all those jews all over the place the air didn't feel as disgusting as you would expect. It feels like a strong Satanic energy is starting to flow into the world that overshadows the filthy energy of the enemy.

Anyways let's move on to the main point of the Topic.

Angry Shaman shared a very powerful and amazing meditation routine (Don't know what else to call it) with me the other day. 

It's very powerful, but it's not for newbies. It takes about 30 minutes to fully complete and if you are powerful enough you can perform it before doing the RTR to give it a huge boost. Not recommended if you aren't an experienced meditator because it will most likely exaust you, in a good way though.

You can adjust the repetitions to what you are most comfortable with and increase them as you go for a more powerful effect.

If you try it I would love feedback. Angry Shaman is the one who came up with it though, so he deserves the credit. 

Here is the meditation:

then void meditation.

The void meditation should be done as long as you can. While doing the void meditation try realy feeling the energy and try visualizing your soul, with all the chakra's connected and the energy flowing up through the spine and along the chakra's. 
You can vizualize the energy as 2 curling snakes swirling around the chakra's and bursting through the granthis and burst through the crown chakra, filling your whole aura with powerful white golden light.

I found this stimulates the kundalini energy and greatly empowers the soul. 
Afterwards some of the effects I felt were:

Greater clarity
Immense warmth all over my body
Greatly increased bioelectricity
Pure bliss, especially if focussing on the pineal gland afterwards
The aura became much more powerful

I highly recommend trying this out. It is very powerful

If you are able to, try to perform this 30 or so minute meditation before doing the RTR and see how much more power is produced when doing it.
However don't push yourself. 

I modified the routine slightly because it worked a little better for myself:

Vibrate SATANAS Vibrate 18 Algiz
RAUM Meditation
Vibrate 9 AUM SURYAE
Then Void meditation while vizualing the soul as a connected energy circuit with the kundalini energy flowing through the chakra's along the spine. 

For the best result vizualize the soul like this:

Start with the Root chakra, vizualize it bright red, spin it and then vizualize the front and back extension chakra's of the Root Chakra. Spin them too.

Then connect the energy from the Root Chakra to the Sacral chakra. 
Vizualize the Sacral chakra bright orange, spin it and then vizualize the front and back extension chakra's of the Sacral chakra. Connect the energy from the front and back extension chakra's of the Root chakra to the energy from the front and back extension chakra's of the Sacral chakra. 

Then connect the energy from the Sacral and Root chakra's to the Solar chakra.
Vizualize the Solar chakra bright yellow, spin it and vizualize the front and back extension chakra's of the Solar chakra. Connect the energy from the Root and Sacral front and back extension chakra's to the front and back extension Chakra's of the Solar chakra.

Then continue to do so with all the other chakra's. Following them upwards and connecting the energy from all the subsequint chakra's to the next one. 

The energy from the Solar, Sacral and Root chakra's is connected to the Hearth chakra.

The energy from the Hearth, Solar, Sacral and Root chakra's is connected to the Troath chakra. 

The energy from the Troath, Hearth, Solar, Sacral and Root chakra's is connected to the Sixth chakra. Etc.

Do so with all the chakra's aswell as their front and back extension chakra's. 

When done correctly you should feel a lot of bioelectricity through your whole body and soul.

If you can then continue on with the minor chakra's and connect them in the same way. 

I focussed on the Minor chakra's, from bottem to top
First the Hip chakra's, spinning them and vizualizing them connected to the rest of the soul.
Then the Shoulder chakra's, Spinning them and vizualizing them connected to the rest of the soul.
Then the Temple chakra's, Spinning them and vizualizing them connected to the rest of the soul.
Then the Clairaudient chakra's, filling them with bright white gold light and expanding them for 6 breaths, vizualizing them connected to the rest of the soul.
Then the Claivoyant chakra's, filling them with bright white gold light and expanding them for 6 breaths, vizualizing them connected to the rest of the soul.
Then the Hand chakra's, spinning them and vizualizing them connected to the rest of the soul. 
Last the Pineal gland, filling it with white golden light from the kundalini and expanding it for 6 breaths. 

This is a very advanced vizualization exercise so it might be very difficult to really vizualize this in your mind when void meditating. It requires intense concentration for the best result.

However if you aren't able to really vizualize this then just try to feel it. 
The more you do this the easier it becomes and the faster you can do it.

When I first tried vizualization it was hard for me to just vizualize white golden light surrounding me. It took me a few months of practice before I could do something that simple. Learning to spin my chakra's took me a month aswell, but after I got the hang of vizualization it all became a breeze. 

The above might sound very complicated, but it's not as hard as it might sound. It takes me around 15-20 minutes to do the initial meditation and the void meditation where I vizualize the soul as a connected circuit also takes me about 15 minutes.

However the power generated is seriously huge. It is the most efficient meditation to raise power I have found yet. 

You can easily expand on it and increase the number of vibrations, but trust me when I say that the number of vibrations that I gave is enough to give you a very powerful energy buzz even when you are an advanced meditator.

From the meditations I have tried the only one that produced more energy was the Markaba meditation, but the vizualization involved in that is much more complicated and the technique is also more refined and difficult. 

Doing the above meditation sequence can be very helpful in developing your ability to vizualize energy and parts of the soul which will help you enormously when you perform more advanced meditations such as the Merkaba. 

I would love to hear what you think of it and what changes you guys come up with to make it better. 
I am still experimenting with it and trying to make it more efficient. After doing this everyday for a few weeks I'll share the results aswell as any changes I have made.

Hail Satan!

Hey, well, In the morning I perform Hatha Yoga and then, I condense that energy buzz and perform the first step of the Magnum Opus and afterwards the other two. During the day I perform the remaining steps of the Eightfold Path of Astaroth, but instead of the mantra step, I do the full chakra meditation according to the day it is and before bedtime, I perform Kundalini Yoga and Kundalini meditation and Kobra Breath.
I hope it will help :).
Hail Satan!
Hail Mother Lilith!
Hail the Gods of Hell!
I am not at the point yet where I can start working on the Magnum Opus. 

More work is first needed for me. 

So first I am working on empowering my soul, then next year around the spring equinox I might be powerful enough to properly start working on the magnum opus and the eight fold path of astaroth. 

It is very inspiring to hear from other Satanist who are already working on those amazing meditations. 

I have a question about Aum Suryae, since it is the only thing in that post which I did not understand. Is this a mantra, a planetary square, or what? I would greatly appreciate if someone could provide some information on this.
dude! you're already that advanced?
You made it sound like my aura is way stronger than yours though even though my astral senses are still only just awakening and you can already hear your GD.
now I'm really confused o.0

On Sunday, April 17, 2016 3:47 AM, "luka.huijerman@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I am not at the point yet where I can start working on the Magnum Opus. 

More work is first needed for me. 

So first I am working on empowering my soul, then next year around the spring equinox I might be powerful enough to properly start working on the magnum opus and the eight fold path of astaroth. 

It is very inspiring to hear from other Satanist who are already working on those amazing meditations. 


Hey Mook, 

The Aum Suryae chant is a powerful mantra that is used to clean the soul. 
It's very powerful and works well with the Algiz mantra and the RAUM meditation. 

It is based on Amon Ra's name. Just like the AUM mantra and the RAUM meditation. 
Suryae means Sun in Sumerian if I'm not mistaken. At least it is a solar mantra, which is why it is so powerful and healing. 

Here is how to chant it:

Aum Suryae   
Here is another meditation using the Suryae chant which is very powerful.

Advanced Aura Of Protection

Well Fake I certainly don't produce the same amounts of energy you discribed, just in terms of meditation it usually goes very smoothly for me. 

I always have trouble projecting my energy, especially when trying to work with the fire element, I can't project any heat at all. At most my hands warm up a little, but nothing special. 

I have a much easier time sending energy and directing it in more subtle ways. This might have to do with the fact I have a fire and earth deficiency unless I specifically meditate on these elements and I always have an air excess. 

A strong fire aspect and a strong earth aspect or both usually gives one a more powerful aura and more power. Air and water work more on the intuition and the aspects asociated with the upper chakra's, but the power is generated by the lower chakra's, specifically the solar chakra. The solar chakra also reacts very powerfully with the fire elements, because fire gives the most raw power and energy out of all. 

It looks like you produce a lot more energy with every repitition you do of the mantra's. 
Fake Name, We all advance at certain paces, and some in more areas than others.For example, from your posts it seems that you are advancing quite well, yet you can't see and hear your GD. I completely understand, as I can't fully either, only at certain times.This doesn't mean that you aren't advancing, it means that either, A. Your GD doesn't think that he/she needs to communicate with you,or B. He/she can't because you aren't open enough astrally. This isn't bad either, it just is what it is.HAIL SATAN!!!GLORY TO THE EMPIRE OF ORION!
Sent from my iPhone
On Apr 17, 2016, at 6:50, "fake name angryshaman666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  dude! you're already that advanced?
You made it sound like my aura is way stronger than yours though even though my astral senses are still only just awakening and you can already hear your GD.
now I'm really confused o.0

On Sunday, April 17, 2016 3:47 AM, "luka.huijerman@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  I am not at the point yet where I can start working on the Magnum Opus. 

More work is first needed for me. 

So first I am working on empowering my soul, then next year around the spring equinox I might be powerful enough to properly start working on the magnum opus and the eight fold path of astaroth. 

It is very inspiring to hear from other Satanist who are already working on those amazing meditations. 

Astrally I have always been very open. The moon is my chart ruler and most of the planetary placements in my chart indicate a natural afinity for the occult, black magic and the intuition. 

You are advancing much faster than me in other areas. Also I suspect my GD is communicating a lot with me because I have a tendacy to get distracted and not focus on the right things that are best for my advancement. She is helping me keep focussed on what I need to be doing. 

Your GD not really communicating yet can be a sign that it isn't needed at this time because you are doing the things you need to do. 
Also from your posts it is clear your astral sight is opening fast, so I don't think it will be much longer before you can see into the astral. 

On Monday, April 18, 2016 3:46 AM, "Sam sam.hinkley17@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Fake Name, We all advance at certain paces, and some in more areas than others.For example, from your posts it seems that you are advancing quite well, yet you can't see and hear your GD. I completely understand, as I can't fully either, only at certain times.This doesn't mean that you aren't advancing, it means that either, A. Your GD doesn't think that he/she needs to communicate with you,or B. He/she can't because you aren't open enough astrally. This isn't bad either, it just is what it is.HAIL SATAN!!!GLORY TO THE EMPIRE OF ORION!
Sent from my iPhone
On Apr 17, 2016, at 6:50, "fake name angryshaman666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  dude! you're already that advanced?
You made it sound like my aura is way stronger than yours though even though my astral senses are still only just awakening and you can already hear your GD.
now I'm really confused o.0

On Sunday, April 17, 2016 3:47 AM, "luka.huijerman@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  I am not at the point yet where I can start working on the Magnum Opus. 

More work is first needed for me. 

So first I am working on empowering my soul, then next year around the spring equinox I might be powerful enough to properly start working on the magnum opus and the eight fold path of astaroth. 

It is very inspiring to hear from other Satanist who are already working on those amazing meditations. 


Well I have noticed CONSTANT flashes ever since I went full steam with a new meditation I learned yesterday but before that I felt like my progress was slow.It only works on a bright sunny day but basically once I've done a RAUM meditation like the routine I showed you I close my eyes and look towards the sun, NOT at the sun but towards it, and breathe the sunlight into my clairvoyance chakras.
First the colors I see are red, then gold, then white gold and everything keeps getting brighter.
This entire time my eyes are closed but once I've done this meditation for long enough the flashes keep getting brighter and brighter and I feel the nerves start to throb while the bio-electricity increases and spikes.
It's definitely working, after doing this I kept seeing gold sparks dancing in my room all day and my aura feels brighter too.
Still at times I wonder if this is still slow compared to the ideal.

On Sunday, April 17, 2016 7:37 PM, "Luka Huijerman luka.huijerman@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Astrally I have always been very open. The moon is my chart ruler and most of the planetary placements in my chart indicate a natural afinity for the occult, black magic and the intuition. 

You are advancing much faster than me in other areas. Also I suspect my GD is communicating a lot with me because I have a tendacy to get distracted and not focus on the right things that are best for my advancement. She is helping me keep focussed on what I need to be doing. 

Your GD not really communicating yet can be a sign that it isn't needed at this time because you are doing the things you need to do. 
Also from your posts it is clear your astral sight is opening fast, so I don't think it will be much longer before you can see into the astral. 

On Monday, April 18, 2016 3:46 AM, "Sam sam.hinkley17@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Fake Name, We all advance at certain paces, and some in more areas than others.For example, from your posts it seems that you are advancing quite well, yet you can't see and hear your GD. I completely understand, as I can't fully either, only at certain times.This doesn't mean that you aren't advancing, it means that either, A. Your GD doesn't think that he/she needs to communicate with you,or B. He/she can't because you aren't open enough astrally. This isn't bad either, it just is what it is.HAIL SATAN!!!GLORY TO THE EMPIRE OF ORION!
Sent from my iPhone
On Apr 17, 2016, at 6:50, "fake name angryshaman666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  dude! you're already that advanced?
You made it sound like my aura is way stronger than yours though even though my astral senses are still only just awakening and you can already hear your GD.
now I'm really confused o.0

On Sunday, April 17, 2016 3:47 AM, "luka.huijerman@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  I am not at the point yet where I can start working on the Magnum Opus. 

More work is first needed for me. 

So first I am working on empowering my soul, then next year around the spring equinox I might be powerful enough to properly start working on the magnum opus and the eight fold path of astaroth. 

It is very inspiring to hear from other Satanist who are already working on those amazing meditations. 


@luka can you elaborate more on this:

"A strong fire aspect and a strong earth aspect or both usually gives one a more powerful aura and more power. Air and water work more on the intuition and the aspects associated with the upper chakra's, but the power is generated by the lower chakra's, specifically the solar chakra. The solar chakra also reacts very powerfully with the fire elements, because fire gives the most raw power and energy out of all."
Because I align most with the water element and have a similar issue so what you say about the intuition resonates with me. My solar chakra is most open though. What I'm getting from this is that I should focus on my lower chakras and do the fire mantra everyday to balance myself out and increase my power side

On Apr 17, 2016, at 9:33 AM, luka.huijerman@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Hey Mook, 

The Aum Suryae chant is a powerful mantra that is used to clean the soul. 
It's very powerful and works well with the Algiz mantra and the RAUM meditation. 

It is based on Amon Ra's name. Just like the AUM mantra and the RAUM meditation. 
Suryae means Sun in Sumerian if I'm not mistaken. At least it is a solar mantra, which is why it is so powerful and healing. 

Here is how to chant it:

Aum Suryae   
Here is another meditation using the Suryae chant which is very powerful.

Advanced Aura Of Protection

Well Fake I certainly don't produce the same amounts of energy you discribed, just in terms of meditation it usually goes very smoothly for me. 

I always have trouble projecting my energy, especially when trying to work with the fire element, I can't project any heat at all. At most my hands warm up a little, but nothing special. 

I have a much easier time sending energy and directing it in more subtle ways. This might have to do with the fact I have a fire and earth deficiency unless I specifically meditate on these elements and I always have an air excess. 

A strong fire aspect and a strong earth aspect or both usually gives one a more powerful aura and more power. Air and water work more on the intuition and the aspects asociated with the upper chakra's, but the power is generated by the lower chakra's, specifically the solar chakra. The solar chakra also reacts very powerfully with the fire elements, because fire gives the most raw power and energy out of all. 

It looks like you produce a lot more energy with every repitition you do of the mantra's. 
Same goes for me. I am naturally psychic and mage. Which means I advance quite well in these areas, even though there are points which is hard. And I have issues myself that I need to fix before I can advance any further.

In my case ALL my chakras are open but they are not fully empowered. I feel energy in every single chakra and my solar chakra does appear very strong.
I seem to be most powerful with the fire element, sometimes to a painful degree as my own bio-electricity and sheer heat boil me alive depending on how much meditations I've done and how many heat and light sources are nearby.I soak up heat and light energy like a magnet and there's no end to it.
Sometimes I feel like I'll burst into flames if I do alot of cardio or other physical activity for long especially in the light and at these times my aura vents itself in bursts of heat.
I just wish my upper chakras would open up more already.I'm making visible progress daily but I've been at it for a year now and still feel like I should be more developed than this by now.
Maybe I'm just impatient but that's what I feel like

On Monday, April 18, 2016 9:50 AM, "Vadric vadric562@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  @luka can you elaborate more on this:

"A strong fire aspect and a strong earth aspect or both usually gives one a more powerful aura and more power. Air and water work more on the intuition and the aspects associated with the upper chakra's, but the power is generated by the lower chakra's, specifically the solar chakra. The solar chakra also reacts very powerfully with the fire elements, because fire gives the most raw power and energy out of all."
Because I align most with the water element and have a similar issue so what you say about the intuition resonates with me. My solar chakra is most open though. What I'm getting from this is that I should focus on my lower chakras and do the fire mantra everyday to balance myself out and increase my power side

On Apr 17, 2016, at 9:33 AM, luka.huijerman@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Hey Mook, 

The Aum Suryae chant is a powerful mantra that is used to clean the soul. 
It's very powerful and works well with the Algiz mantra and the RAUM meditation. 

It is based on Amon Ra's name. Just like the AUM mantra and the RAUM meditation. 
Suryae means Sun in Sumerian if I'm not mistaken. At least it is a solar mantra, which is why it is so powerful and healing. 

Here is how to chant it:

Aum Suryae   
Here is another meditation using the Suryae chant which is very powerful.

Advanced Aura Of Protection

Well Fake I certainly don't produce the same amounts of energy you discribed, just in terms of meditation it usually goes very smoothly for me. 

I always have trouble projecting my energy, especially when trying to work with the fire element, I can't project any heat at all. At most my hands warm up a little, but nothing special. 

I have a much easier time sending energy and directing it in more subtle ways. This might have to do with the fact I have a fire and earth deficiency unless I specifically meditate on these elements and I always have an air excess. 

A strong fire aspect and a strong earth aspect or both usually gives one a more powerful aura and more power. Air and water work more on the intuition and the aspects asociated with the upper chakra's, but the power is generated by the lower chakra's, specifically the solar chakra. The solar chakra also reacts very powerfully with the fire elements, because fire gives the most raw power and energy out of all. 

It looks like you produce a lot more energy with every repitition you do of the mantra's. 

Impatient? I'd say driven. That's where I'd wanna be though, soaking up heat and light energy. Sounds like I may be right about focusing on the lower chakras. I just barely opened my chakras. I'm at the point where they opened but they're struggling to stay open. I haven't been meditating long but I feel like I'm lacking (or will be lacking) in power as my meditations go smoothly as luka mentioned. Alongside chakra meditations I want to experiment with the fire mantra, see if it will help increase my energy. My question is, when doing the fire mantra does it just involve simply vibrating it? Or is there visualization involved

On Apr 18, 2016, at 1:03 PM, fake name angryshaman666@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  In my case ALL my chakras are open but they are not fully empowered. I feel energy in every single chakra and my solar chakra does appear very strong.
I seem to be most powerful with the fire element, sometimes to a painful degree as my own bio-electricity and sheer heat boil me alive depending on how much meditations I've done and how many heat and light sources are nearby.I soak up heat and light energy like a magnet and there's no end to it.
Sometimes I feel like I'll burst into flames if I do alot of cardio or other physical activity for long especially in the light and at these times my aura vents itself in bursts of heat.
I just wish my upper chakras would open up more already.I'm making visible progress daily but I've been at it for a year now and still feel like I should be more developed than this by now.
Maybe I'm just impatient but that's what I feel like

On Monday, April 18, 2016 9:50 AM, "Vadric vadric562@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  @luka can you elaborate more on this:

"A strong fire aspect and a strong earth aspect or both usually gives one a more powerful aura and more power. Air and water work more on the intuition and the aspects associated with the upper chakra's, but the power is generated by the lower chakra's, specifically the solar chakra. The solar chakra also reacts very powerfully with the fire elements, because fire gives the most raw power and energy out of all."
Because I align most with the water element and have a similar issue so what you say about the intuition resonates with me. My solar chakra is most open though. What I'm getting from this is that I should focus on my lower chakras and do the fire mantra everyday to balance myself out and increase my power side

On Apr 17, 2016, at 9:33 AM, luka.huijerman@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  Hey Mook, 

The Aum Suryae chant is a powerful mantra that is used to clean the soul. 
It's very powerful and works well with the Algiz mantra and the RAUM meditation. 

It is based on Amon Ra's name. Just like the AUM mantra and the RAUM meditation. 
Suryae means Sun in Sumerian if I'm not mistaken. At least it is a solar mantra, which is why it is so powerful and healing. 

Here is how to chant it:

Aum Suryae   
Here is another meditation using the Suryae chant which is very powerful.

Advanced Aura Of Protection

Well Fake I certainly don't produce the same amounts of energy you discribed, just in terms of meditation it usually goes very smoothly for me. 

I always have trouble projecting my energy, especially when trying to work with the fire element, I can't project any heat at all. At most my hands warm up a little, but nothing special. 

I have a much easier time sending energy and directing it in more subtle ways. This might have to do with the fact I have a fire and earth deficiency unless I specifically meditate on these elements and I always have an air excess. 

A strong fire aspect and a strong earth aspect or both usually gives one a more powerful aura and more power. Air and water work more on the intuition and the aspects asociated with the upper chakra's, but the power is generated by the lower chakra's, specifically the solar chakra. The solar chakra also reacts very powerfully with the fire elements, because fire gives the most raw power and energy out of all. 

It looks like you produce a lot more energy with every repitition you do of the mantra's. 
you just vibrate it

On Monday, April 18, 2016 6:00 PM, "Vadric vadric562@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Impatient? I'd say driven. That's where I'd wanna be though, soaking up heat and light energy. Sounds like I may be right about focusing on the lower chakras. I just barely opened my chakras. I'm at the point where they opened but they're struggling to stay open. I haven't been meditating long but I feel like I'm lacking (or will be lacking) in power as my meditations go smoothly as luka mentioned. Alongside chakra meditations I want to experiment with the fire mantra, see if it will help increase my energy. My question is, when doing the fire mantra does it just involve simply vibrating it? Or is there visualization involved

On Apr 18, 2016, at 1:03 PM, fake name angryshaman666@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  In my case ALL my chakras are open but they are not fully empowered. I feel energy in every single chakra and my solar chakra does appear very strong.
I seem to be most powerful with the fire element, sometimes to a painful degree as my own bio-electricity and sheer heat boil me alive depending on how much meditations I've done and how many heat and light sources are nearby.I soak up heat and light energy like a magnet and there's no end to it.
Sometimes I feel like I'll burst into flames if I do alot of cardio or other physical activity for long especially in the light and at these times my aura vents itself in bursts of heat.
I just wish my upper chakras would open up more already.I'm making visible progress daily but I've been at it for a year now and still feel like I should be more developed than this by now.
Maybe I'm just impatient but that's what I feel like

On Monday, April 18, 2016 9:50 AM, "Vadric vadric562@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  @luka can you elaborate more on this:

"A strong fire aspect and a strong earth aspect or both usually gives one a more powerful aura and more power. Air and water work more on the intuition and the aspects associated with the upper chakra's, but the power is generated by the lower chakra's, specifically the solar chakra. The solar chakra also reacts very powerfully with the fire elements, because fire gives the most raw power and energy out of all."
Because I align most with the water element and have a similar issue so what you say about the intuition resonates with me. My solar chakra is most open though. What I'm getting from this is that I should focus on my lower chakras and do the fire mantra everyday to balance myself out and increase my power side

On Apr 17, 2016, at 9:33 AM, luka.huijerman@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  Hey Mook, 

The Aum Suryae chant is a powerful mantra that is used to clean the soul. 
It's very powerful and works well with the Algiz mantra and the RAUM meditation. 

It is based on Amon Ra's name. Just like the AUM mantra and the RAUM meditation. 
Suryae means Sun in Sumerian if I'm not mistaken. At least it is a solar mantra, which is why it is so powerful and healing. 

Here is how to chant it:

Aum Suryae   
Here is another meditation using the Suryae chant which is very powerful.

Advanced Aura Of Protection

Well Fake I certainly don't produce the same amounts of energy you discribed, just in terms of meditation it usually goes very smoothly for me. 

I always have trouble projecting my energy, especially when trying to work with the fire element, I can't project any heat at all. At most my hands warm up a little, but nothing special. 

I have a much easier time sending energy and directing it in more subtle ways. This might have to do with the fact I have a fire and earth deficiency unless I specifically meditate on these elements and I always have an air excess. 

A strong fire aspect and a strong earth aspect or both usually gives one a more powerful aura and more power. Air and water work more on the intuition and the aspects asociated with the upper chakra's, but the power is generated by the lower chakra's, specifically the solar chakra. The solar chakra also reacts very powerfully with the fire elements, because fire gives the most raw power and energy out of all. 

It looks like you produce a lot more energy with every repitition you do of the mantra's. 

I had built the discipline to do this routine today, and it felt new. As in, I don't think it is like any energy 'surge' I remember having experienced in the past; it feels forerunning, and that there is so much more that I as a spiritual Satanist am to experience. Additionally, the resulting energies felt warm and extremely positive! I had begun to see blobs of random colors when I closed my eyes afterwards. Mainly pink, but there were a few of moldy grey-blue, as well as bright green. Overall a very great meditation routine, and I am glad that someone had come up with it!
Hey brother, thank you for this routine, I have tried it today and I love it..
just a question, after I finish the meditation do I program the energy to do anything particular?
Try to feel the energy 'buzz' that your aura is charged with after doing this meditation. Sensing this energy buzz will cause its empowering effects to manifest.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
