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New member
Jan 6, 2021
Hello Everyone,

I'm new to this site and Satanism. I'm *** years old.
I've already did a successful dedication ritual, aligned my chakras, and I'm trying to mediate daily. However I've some problems that I've thankfully identified that could be causing some major problems in my family.

Well, the problem is the family itself!
Since I've been learning about law of attraction & how vibration work, I've come to understand why everyone in my family is usually sick and anxious all the time. I think this has to do with my stupid mother who while cooking food is negatively charging the food prepared with her extremely unstable mind. She's actually MENTAL for real! Actually growing up I found out that my mother is actually mentally unstable. My dad told me that she lost her mind after battling severe depression, and that some stupid doctor instead of curing her ended up destroying her and the family.

The issue with her is that she gets these thoughts in her mind that she thinks is real. During work she gets bad thoughts and she ends up talking with herself very negatively which ends up her cursing, shouting (sometimes) and turning negative! I think this negative energy gets channeled in the food as well. She takes her meds, but after enquiring myself I've found them to be just sedatives to calm her down, which actually never helps. Over the years the only thing these meds did was to reduce her shouting and made her mad talk reduced in volume. My dad once told me (while he was angry on somethin, else he won't had revealed) that my mother almost killed me (accidentally?) when I was 3 y/o in the bath tub, so yeah... she's a lot lot good now.
But the issue is real and unfortunately might stay with her for a lifetime.

We didn't send her to the asylum or like, as obviously she's not completely mad! she still is very normal and has a very good innocent heart.
She cares for me and my family.
We don't keep a special cook at home because we honestly can't afford so.. at least not for a very long time! The last time my dad kept a cook at home, that bitch ended up stealing our jewelry and money.

Okay, Now.. I obviously can't convince my fam that there's this spiritual problem happening in our kitchen. So I wanted your help to give me all the suggestions you can give me.. I dearly request you my brothers and sisters in Satan to help me.

Is there a way to cure my dear mother, who's just a victim of this poor world. Or is there any way to cure the food charge issue I explained to you. ??

Well, I know there's christian prayers and stuff to bless the food and all.. Yes that's what we used to do before I came to Satan, The Truth. And needless to say any form of Christianity has only brought anxiety and negativity to me and also for many I've known in my life. My older brother is almost turning insane due to his christian parasitic nature, and he's depressed too I can clearly see for myself. Sometimes I hear him praying in his room to that poo poo on the stick, and sometimes he ends up trashing stuffs, crying and shouting.. maybe he's into drugs too. I keep my distance with him, but I fear he's loosing his mind too.

Thanks to JoyofSatan and lovely Mother Maxine Dietrich, I was saved! My priority rests in eliminating the issues in my family and I've very big dreams. I'll be one of the best Spiritual Satanists ever to have lived in this world.

Please do help me, my brothers and sisters!
Since I'm new, but for whatever I've read & understood so far..
a: she can be specifically binded in order to seal her from negatively charging the food. (I don't know how though)

b: affirmation to cure her mental state. (can't think of anything, I want to play safe)

c: maybe some of your know herbology or some ayurvedic medicine recipy.

d: why can't Father Satan help by some miracle.?.

e: I trust in you, so I better leave this all to you. lol
Jal said:
I think this has to do with my stupid mother who while cooking food is negatively charging the food prepared with her extremely unstable mind

I highly doubt it's the food. A person who has a strong emotional charge can affect the others close to her, regardless if she cooks food for them or not. I mean, haven't you met people who are angry or depressed or time and wherever they go they bring other people down? The negative energy they are carrying doesn't need food to spread. You can see the opposite too when happy, positive people bless everyone they contact.

That is for everyday normal people, advanced people who have trained their minds can shut down any unwanted mental influences so they can be unaffected by them.

It may be hard to help her. The easiest thing you can do is to protect yourself from her influence. You can program your aura and use affirmations for that. You can do that for others in your family too but it's harder.
First of all, welcome, always good to see new dedicated SS joining us.

You are very excited to do great and be an great SS, this is good if course, but for now don’t worry too much about being the best, just be good and stay consistent with the meditations very day.

What meditations are you doing? Since currently the websites are down, I can link/copy-paste a few things here that may be of help to your advancement depending on what you are doing now.

As for the problem you have, most importantly, keep yourself safe. It’s good to care for your family, but trying to cure loved ones is very energy intensive and should be a long term goal as a new SS. I made the mistake of doing too much for others when I was new due to excitement regarding my new found knowledge and power, and drained myself too much which set me back quite a lot.

Be careful doing a lot of things for others to begin with. Best thing to do now would be a binding working to prevent her, and your brother from causing harm.

Focus on them, one at a time, start with your mother I think, since she seems to be a bigger issue to you. Use for example a picture of her while doing the working, to focus your mind on her if you struggle to visualize.

Ask Satan if he can send a Demon to you to help direct the energy, and then start the working. One will come and assist you if you ask Satan for help respectfully.

Vibrate Isa into her soul/aura while focusing on her picture. Isa is rune 11 out of 24, therefore we vibrate the tune a multiple of 11 for the best effect. 44 repetitions would be good for this, and shouldn’t be too much for you either.

So vibrate Isa 44 times into your mother’s aura/soul, then if you can, visualize her when she’s angry or having a psychotic episode, and bind that angry version of herself, visualize chains holding back her anger and madness, use your intent when you do the working (just think in your mind that is enough), how you want Isa to calm her down and prevent her madness from affecting you and your family.

After vibrating 44 times while doing your best to visualize and use your intent, affirm 10 times or 3 times if 10 is too much to program the energy something along the lines of this:

My mother, (insert her full name here, or at least first and last name while you affirm), is bound by the powerful energy of Isa, she is completely and totally harmless to me, my family and herself in positive and beneficial ways for me.

Visualizing a person you love bound by chains might seem unpleasant, but Isa is not inherently a curse and the binding doesn’t do any harm to a person if you use it like the above.

The binding can be used in many ways, such as to prevent a person from doing harm to themselves, or from acting upon certain things. It can prevent them from having certain thoughts. It can be used to make someone submissive to you, etc.

In this case you want to use Isa to prevent your mother from doing harm to you, your family and herself. This applies in a general way and restrains both her negative aura that drains others around her as well as any physical actions that may cause you harm or danger. She will be incapable of acting out against you if bound, which makes it much easier to clean her soul down the line as well and keeps you saver now.

You can do the same for your brother. But do not do it at the same time, don’t spread your energies thin.

Secondly, you can vibrate the Sanskrit word Sananda. It is vibrated Saa-naann-daa in a single breath.

Sananda means happiness in Sanskrit, and is a word of power you can use to bring positivity to the house and to your environment.

After you wake up and do your morning meditation session, (start doing one if you aren’t already), take a mod to vibrate Sananda for say 20 times to begin with, or more if you feel comfortable.

Affirm afterwards something like this:

My house is filled with beautiful, pleasant, positive energy bringing happiness to me and my family now and forever in positive and beneficial ways for me.

Then there is also Vinasa, for banishing. Vinasa is a powerful word, which you must use with care. Ask Satan to send a Demon to you to assist you in banishing with Vinasa to begin with.

Vibrate Vinasa 10 times, and affirm 3 or preferably 10 times:

Any and all negative energy, xian energy, negative influence, negative thoughtforms, curses, ill will and ill intent directed towards me or my loved ones is completely banished and gone from my home now and forever in positive and beneficial ways to me!

Say this with as much will and emotion as you can, without your family being able to hear you. Maybe do this when they are out of the house if you can. It’s good to feel strong emotion here (for any working), like anger toward the filthy xian energy ruining the atmosphere of your home. Be strong in your will to remove it, fight it off with the vibration and affirmation as if fighting an intruder trying to kill you.

Banishing often has immediate effect and is very powerful. Just make sure to never apply Vinasa to your own soul, because it will harm you greatly, when you vibrate it, evoke the energy, don’t let it get into direct contact with you, but let it spread into the environment around you where the energy is you want to banish.

It is like a pesticide. That is why, ask Satan to send you a Demon to help you to start with, they will guide you even if you cannot feel them or hear them yet.

When using Vinasa, it helps a lot to visualize Satanic blue fire filling the entire room you are in, or even engulf your whole house. Not regular fire, but blue fire (looks like a black light, google images of it if you don’t know), this energy is very powerful in banishing and cleaning if any harmful non satanic energy.

Good luck on your path as a Satanist. Stay strong and advance steadily.

Hail Satan!
Jal said:
Hello Everyone,

I'm new to this site and Satanism. I'm *** years old.
I've already did a successful dedication ritual, aligned my chakras, and I'm trying to mediate daily. However I've some problems that I've thankfully identified that could be causing some major problems in my family.

Well, the problem is the family itself!
Since I've been learning about law of attraction & how vibration work, I've come to understand why everyone in my family is usually sick and anxious all the time. I think this has to do with my stupid mother who while cooking food is negatively charging the food prepared with her extremely unstable mind. She's actually MENTAL for real! Actually growing up I found out that my mother is actually mentally unstable. My dad told me that she lost her mind after battling severe depression, and that some stupid doctor instead of curing her ended up destroying her and the family.

The issue with her is that she gets these thoughts in her mind that she thinks is real. During work she gets bad thoughts and she ends up talking with herself very negatively which ends up her cursing, shouting (sometimes) and turning negative! I think this negative energy gets channeled in the food as well. She takes her meds, but after enquiring myself I've found them to be just sedatives to calm her down, which actually never helps. Over the years the only thing these meds did was to reduce her shouting and made her mad talk reduced in volume. My dad once told me (while he was angry on somethin, else he won't had revealed) that my mother almost killed me (accidentally?) when I was 3 y/o in the bath tub, so yeah... she's a lot lot good now.
But the issue is real and unfortunately might stay with her for a lifetime.

We didn't send her to the asylum or like, as obviously she's not completely mad! she still is very normal and has a very good innocent heart.
She cares for me and my family.
We don't keep a special cook at home because we honestly can't afford so.. at least not for a very long time! The last time my dad kept a cook at home, that bitch ended up stealing our jewelry and money.

Okay, Now.. I obviously can't convince my fam that there's this spiritual problem happening in our kitchen. So I wanted your help to give me all the suggestions you can give me.. I dearly request you my brothers and sisters in Satan to help me.

Is there a way to cure my dear mother, who's just a victim of this poor world. Or is there any way to cure the food charge issue I explained to you. ??

Well, I know there's christian prayers and stuff to bless the food and all.. Yes that's what we used to do before I came to Satan, The Truth. And needless to say any form of Christianity has only brought anxiety and negativity to me and also for many I've known in my life. My older brother is almost turning insane due to his christian parasitic nature, and he's depressed too I can clearly see for myself. Sometimes I hear him praying in his room to that poo poo on the stick, and sometimes he ends up trashing stuffs, crying and shouting.. maybe he's into drugs too. I keep my distance with him, but I fear he's loosing his mind too.

Thanks to JoyofSatan and lovely Mother Maxine Dietrich, I was saved! My priority rests in eliminating the issues in my family and I've very big dreams. I'll be one of the best Spiritual Satanists ever to have lived in this world.

Please do help me, my brothers and sisters!
Since I'm new, but for whatever I've read & understood so far..
a: she can be specifically binded in order to seal her from negatively charging the food. (I don't know how though)

b: affirmation to cure her mental state. (can't think of anything, I want to play safe)

c: maybe some of your know herbology or some ayurvedic medicine recipy.

d: why can't Father Satan help by some miracle.?.

e: I trust in you, so I better leave this all to you. lol

Just start meditating, protecting yourself, and cleaning the environment. In my experience something is only negative to me when I’m tuning into it and letting it affect me. Satan won’t cure her because 1. Mental problems aren’t so simple and would require extreme work 2. Satan isn’t a Christian god, he’s a literal being who needs your effort as well.

Just start working on yourself. My own mom has mental issues and that’s something that resides deep within a person that Satan and the Gods work through with an individual in my eyes. If she’s not dedicated she’s just going to have to fight her own battles, but through Satan and myself and years of dedication and work both of my parents denounced catholicism and Christianity. That’s about as good as it got and that’s a miracle in and of itself. My mom has recently been speaking negatively about the jews and often calls me with realizations that follow along Satanism which is awesome. I haven’t had to do any workings on her and I do think it’s up to a person alone to make the decision to wake up, but I did will it and aid with this over the years. Sometimes it’s a lose-lose battle depending on how tied in with the enemy a person is. Regardless they’re family and we should do our best to keep positive relations with them. With advancement you can perform your own miracles.
Jal said:
Hello Everyone,

I'm new to this site and Satanism. I'm *** years old.
I've already did a successful dedication ritual, aligned my chakras, and I'm trying to mediate daily. However I've some problems that I've thankfully identified that could be causing some major problems in my family.

Well, the problem is the family itself!
Since I've been learning about law of attraction & how vibration work, I've come to understand why everyone in my family is usually sick and anxious all the time. I think this has to do with my stupid mother who while cooking food is negatively charging the food prepared with her extremely unstable mind. She's actually MENTAL for real! Actually growing up I found out that my mother is actually mentally unstable. My dad told me that she lost her mind after battling severe depression, and that some stupid doctor instead of curing her ended up destroying her and the family.

The issue with her is that she gets these thoughts in her mind that she thinks is real. During work she gets bad thoughts and she ends up talking with herself very negatively which ends up her cursing, shouting (sometimes) and turning negative! I think this negative energy gets channeled in the food as well. She takes her meds, but after enquiring myself I've found them to be just sedatives to calm her down, which actually never helps. Over the years the only thing these meds did was to reduce her shouting and made her mad talk reduced in volume. My dad once told me (while he was angry on somethin, else he won't had revealed) that my mother almost killed me (accidentally?) when I was 3 y/o in the bath tub, so yeah... she's a lot lot good now.
But the issue is real and unfortunately might stay with her for a lifetime.

We didn't send her to the asylum or like, as obviously she's not completely mad! she still is very normal and has a very good innocent heart.
She cares for me and my family.
We don't keep a special cook at home because we honestly can't afford so.. at least not for a very long time! The last time my dad kept a cook at home, that bitch ended up stealing our jewelry and money.

Okay, Now.. I obviously can't convince my fam that there's this spiritual problem happening in our kitchen. So I wanted your help to give me all the suggestions you can give me.. I dearly request you my brothers and sisters in Satan to help me.

Is there a way to cure my dear mother, who's just a victim of this poor world. Or is there any way to cure the food charge issue I explained to you. ??

Well, I know there's christian prayers and stuff to bless the food and all.. Yes that's what we used to do before I came to Satan, The Truth. And needless to say any form of Christianity has only brought anxiety and negativity to me and also for many I've known in my life. My older brother is almost turning insane due to his christian parasitic nature, and he's depressed too I can clearly see for myself. Sometimes I hear him praying in his room to that poo poo on the stick, and sometimes he ends up trashing stuffs, crying and shouting.. maybe he's into drugs too. I keep my distance with him, but I fear he's loosing his mind too.

Thanks to JoyofSatan and lovely Mother Maxine Dietrich, I was saved! My priority rests in eliminating the issues in my family and I've very big dreams. I'll be one of the best Spiritual Satanists ever to have lived in this world.

Please do help me, my brothers and sisters!
Since I'm new, but for whatever I've read & understood so far..
a: she can be specifically binded in order to seal her from negatively charging the food. (I don't know how though)

b: affirmation to cure her mental state. (can't think of anything, I want to play safe)

c: maybe some of your know herbology or some ayurvedic medicine recipy.

d: why can't Father Satan help by some miracle.?.

e: I trust in you, so I better leave this all to you. lol

I go with answer D, fight with all your heart and you will find your family becoming more stable.

My family is all kinds of fucked up, but every single one of them has take massive steps away from the enemy. Someday I will get to show them that it was Satan that allowed us to be so prosperous. :( All I had to do was keep fighting.

Still I recommend working as hard as you can to get a private place that you may go into trance or vibrate runes, etc.

Just a quick question as I am also a bit new to properly using magic, does the spell need to be in the form of a 40 day ritual or is the 44 and 7 for Gebo enough? I've done Gebo for added effect and just 7 since it seemed quite powerful on it's own.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
