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Leighton Yagami

New member
Dec 24, 2002
Hello, everybody im proud to say that we are getting a new member she is my sister in law (the one that lives with me) she want in on.I told her of me being a future Satanist and she said she  to be one to. Finding so many unpleasant things and setting me always happy. And she is going to dedicate with me on my birthday. Im so excited HAIL FATHER SATAN!!!
Oh don't tell her stupid things. Just tell her the truth. Tell her that many people told you that planning to do the dedication is stupid and dangerous and one should do it ASAP and you ignored them. And that she's best to dedicate now if she's ready and not try to plan it. I know you just ignore things like that but at least tell that to her. If she's not ready though she doesn't need to think of the dedication at all. When she's ready it'll come to her.
There's no such thing as a future Satanist. It's either now or never.
Awesome! I dedicated not too long ago, but it will have been even more awesome if I dedicated on my birthday or on some satanist holiday.

Anyway congrats and good luck!

Hail Satan!
Hail Gods of the Du'At!
But that would imply she has no choice. She has a choice of whether she wants to be a Satanist now, or in a week. The importance of her dedication is to show she has Satan in her heart and wants to share the glory of the truth, it's not something one should just do out on a whim because it's an important, eternal commitment and if she decides to be a kike later on in life due to unforeseen circumstances or even just her own astrology, it would be the biggest insult to Satan to just leave because she couldn't handle it all just because she made a commitment she wasn't ready for, so yes, she can take her sweet time -yes- times are dire, but we need those who are TRULY for Satan, not someone who thought it'd be cool and then later on doesn't do shit. 
We are not Communists, we are not kikes, people have free choices, but it is up to them to deal with any negative repercussions that may follow. It is illogical to jump into something with no "how" or "why"; you wouldn't go skydiving without a parachute all because you thought "Now or never."
I understand your concern on how we need people NOW, but consider that. Even if they don't become a Satanist now because they arn't ready, doesn't mean they never will, After all, we are Satan's creations (that'd be a sick bandname btw, FYI), and if they don't make it this life, they will come back, and they will be back in a Jewless world thanks to those who TRULY had Satan in their Hearts.
Have a good day @the_fire_starter666, and may Satan be with you!Hail Satan!!
Oh and by future Satanist I mean I will be one when I dedicate smart ass.
On Aug 21, 2015 8:41 AM, "j.l3mm0n@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Oh don't tell her stupid things. Just tell her the truth. Tell her that many people told you that planning to do the dedication is stupid and dangerous and one should do it ASAP and you ignored them. And that she's best to dedicate now if she's ready and not try to plan it. I know you just ignore things like that but at least tell that to her. If she's not ready though she doesn't need to think of the dedication at all. When she's ready it'll come to her.
There's no such thing as a future Satanist. It's either now or never.
Nice, good luck to her Yagami, certainly wish her the best. I just wish there were people willing to dedicate here in my town, it would be nice to know I'm not alone. The feeling of being alone sucks, really sucks... the only time I don't have such feelings is when I get on these forums talking to you guys, and that being all of my Satanic brothers and sisters.
Hey, look I messed up cuz im happy and she she is doing it. You fag oh and don't bring your ass here telling me shit that I already know and did. Got no good things to say then dont come over here and dont talk to me ever. And you're an "ASS". I dont even know why you got to be Hating and shit.
On Aug 21, 2015 8:41 AM, "j.l3mm0n@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Oh don't tell her stupid things. Just tell her the truth. Tell her that many people told you that planning to do the dedication is stupid and dangerous and one should do it ASAP and you ignored them. And that she's best to dedicate now if she's ready and not try to plan it. I know you just ignore things like that but at least tell that to her. If she's not ready though she doesn't need to think of the dedication at all. When she's ready it'll come to her.
There's no such thing as a future Satanist. It's either now or never.
Lmao. Thanks, now you read my post. Good. :p That means you'll tell her :) All what I'm telling you is factual, no hating at all. Instead you're the one who call me names. I only criticized your behavior, not you as a person. Read my post and you'll see I never called you any names as a person. In fact I always criticize behaviors not people and there's nothing wrong with that.
She isn't a Satanist so you aren't either, so what's the point of being happy? You may either of you never dedicate yourselves if you keep postponing it. LIke I said, it's either now or never. All the rest are excuses and dangerous ones.
Leighton, All I'd recommend is, even when you're newly dedicated, be very careful what you say to who. Undedicated, I want to advise you say nothing, to anyone else, at all.

I understand the desire to share something great with others but, there are bad people out there who would hurt you over this.

This is not a game.

Now, I think you have balls (chesticles anyway LOL). But just like others have told me, there's a thin line between brave and stupid.

Keep your secrets.

Hail Satan!
Note: If you told me that both of you dedicated today I'd be happy too and I'd agree with that. Because one gets happy for the things he does, not the promises. A promise may never happen, some people feel safe it's in the future but when the time comes they don't fulfill it.
Even if someone dedicates themselves there's no guarantee they'll be true Satanists, sure, but it's much worse if you say "future Satanist". The future hasn't come yet and it's totally uncertain so it's pointless. I know many people said they're gonna do many things in the future but when the time came they were scared and they didn't do them at all. Including the dedication ritual. There are people who planned the dedication ritual but the last time they didn't do it either because they were scared or because they got confronted by a xian or something.

I also agree with fire starter there is no such thing has a planned dedication ritual, you are just waiting to be attacked by the Enemy.
Either your ready to dedicate NOW or if not then you should keep the tought of dedicating out of your head.
i myself dedicated even when i was still programmed by xianity, but on a random day i got up in the morning and without thinkin to much about it i went and did my dedication ritual.
the thing is if you feel your ready why not dedicate NOW if you have deprogrammed your self from that xianity filth even better whats the difference!
Watch your tongue Leighton, these are dedicated SS that you are talking to not some fake BS levayan shit. This is the real deal. We are the chosen of the gods, and seeing as you haven't dedicated yet you are in no position to argue here. Don't be calling my brothers and sister "fag" or cursing at them. Remember, you are nothing as of now. You are not a SS yet, not under Satans protection. So speak in a more respectful tone when talking to us. 

On Aug 21, 2015, at 20:26, "Leighton Yagami godsofdeath669@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Hey, look I messed up cuz im happy and she she is doing it. You fag oh and don't bring your ass here telling me shit that I already know and did. Got no good things to say then dont come over here and dont talk to me ever. And you're an "ASS". I dont even know why you got to be Hating and shit. On Aug 21, 2015 8:41 AM, "j.l3mm0n@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Oh don't tell her stupid things. Just tell her the truth. Tell her that many people told you that planning to do the dedication is stupid and dangerous and one should do it ASAP and you ignored them. And that she's best to dedicate now if she's ready and not try to plan it. I know you just ignore things like that but at least tell that to her. If she's not ready though she doesn't need to think of the dedication at all. When she's ready it'll come to her.
There's no such thing as a future Satanist. It's either now or never.
Welcome, and thank you all. Some might be concerned of me forcing her to be Satanist. No, I tild her I was a Satanist and that my turned for the best, after a couple of months she came to me saying she wanted to learn. I told her she can but you have to want father satan is not its like a playing with fire. And she said she still wants to do it
On Aug 22, 2015 7:11 AM, "thompson1926@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  "Chesticles"!!!!! That's fucking awesome! :,) thank you for making my day!
Yeah but Leighton, you yourself say you have not dedicated yet.

So, what gives?

Are you setting.yourself up for a fall?

I'm not going to further concern myself here. But just remember, if you have a bad experience, it isn't Satan. It's you.
Look, I am person of my word. If I say I'm going to do something trust me ill do it. With no hesitation. If im say im going to dedicate ill do because to me I rather die then not do what I said I was going to do. Never in my life have I broken a promise and if she doesn't want to do it in the end then its not my problem. I only what to make sure of myself. I will teach her what she wants to learn but that will be all. And if she wants to dedicate then ill help her in that and ill set her free after that.
On Aug 22, 2015 12:13 AM, "j.l3mm0n@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Note: If you told me that both of you dedicated today I'd be happy too and I'd agree with that. Because one gets happy for the things he does, not the promises. A promise may never happen, some people feel safe it's in the future but when the time comes they don't fulfill it.
Even if someone dedicates themselves there's no guarantee they'll be true Satanists, sure, but it's much worse if you say "future Satanist". The future hasn't come yet and it's totally uncertain so it's pointless. I know many people said they're gonna do many things in the future but when the time came they were scared and they didn't do them at all. Including the dedication ritual. There are people who planned the dedication ritual but the last time they didn't do it either because they were scared or because they got confronted by a xian or something.
Thank you for what you said. But if you were to understand my post, and what I send it means that your the one that not thinking right. Yes I might not be dedicated but only because I care and all the bad habits I had when I was a Christian, I want to leave them because I care for my Satan. I know you'll say he's patient. But I don't want to him to be patient with what I can say in accident. I want to give him what he truly deserve and that is respect. And if you say my behavior is foolish then good. I dont have no need to please anybody else but Father Satan. Have a good day sir. Or ma'am who knows what you are.
On Aug 22, 2015 12:04 AM, "j.l3mm0n@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Lmao. Thanks, now you read my post. Good. :p That means you'll tell her :) All what I'm telling you is factual, no hating at all. Instead you're the one who call me names. I only criticized your behavior, not you as a person. Read my post and you'll see I never called you any names as a person. In fact I always criticize behaviors not people and there's nothing wrong with that.
She isn't a Satanist so you aren't either, so what's the point of being happy? You may either of you never dedicate yourselves if you keep postponing it. LIke I said, it's either now or never. All the rest are excuses and dangerous ones.
Ok....I never said I was blaming it satan I know its me. I guess this post is troublesome and im going to try and delete it.
On Aug 23, 2015 4:25 PM, "no.state@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Yeah but Leighton, you yourself say you have not dedicated yet.

So, what gives?

Are you setting.yourself up for a fall?

I'm not going to further concern myself here. But just remember, if you have a bad experience, it isn't Satan. It's you.
Satan is patient. The enemies of his aren't though. For one who understands ;} But anyway, it's okay if you want to do that and get rid of your xian habits. The main issue that's wrong is planning the ritual. If you want to get rid of your xian habits or whatever, just do them without thinking of the ritual at all. Just don't think of the ritual now and do it at sometime when you're ready. What I said it wasn't meant to force you to dedicate, but it had to do with planning it. If you have a certain date in your mind and you look forward to it then the enemy can see you have the thought of dedicating at that date and will try to attack you to stop you from it. If the enemy doesn't know you'll dedicate soon will most likely not.
Some of us do not just blindly accept Satan despite our political or spiritual beliefs matching up, which IMO is the trait of a true satanist. Truly superior beings don't need us to worship them, and I view blind acceptance of them worship. I believe our Gods encourage those of us who first need to push ourselves to advance to the point where we can sense the gods for sure before dedicating. To ask otherwise is to continue the tradition of the kike.
This is not the right attitude or approach to this subject. You are all getting nowhere and fighting amongst yourselves. What does that accomplish? As for those who have yet to Dedicate whoever, there's no time to procrastinate at all. If you wait too long the enemy will fuck you over. I know because they tried to kill me multiple times before I Dedicated.They'll only leave you alone in hopes they will deter you.

This isn't a kid's game. It's life or death. Fighting amongst yourselves about whose right is not the proper approach at ALL! If you wanna fucking live you will Dedicate and not pussy foot around. If you die now you'll have to go through all of the BS to get to this point again and what you have accomplished whether great or small will have been for NOTHING. The enemy looks for ways to make those procrastinate while playing on the psychological hang-ups to continue said procrastination or whatever else they are looking to cause(in-between because they are psychological manipulators by nature)  to keep one from Dedication, because the enemy is pushing for full on communism. Communism means everyone DIES. If you are not with Satan you're going to DIE.

There is no sugar coating it. You might think no, he's joking right. I'm not. When you Dedicate to Satan you are literally fighting for your life. I know because it has been that way for me since I Dedicated. I wouldn't be alive right now because of what the enemy has been doing to me since I Dedicated if it were not for Satan's help.

There's no need to try and act like a badass, or be in the corner fighting like someone who thinks they're being bullied or whatever the case may be in any way. You all need to bond together. It states in the AL-JIWAH that he wishes a bond of Unity for his followers and it is quite literal. It's put up or shut up for Dedication period. You can name call or run away from what I am saying all you want but I am right.

Fighting isn't going to accomplish anything at all. STOP. One of the first things the enemy looks to cause is infighting because from there the break up might happen. BE ON YOUR GUARD!

ok i really understand everything and i want to become mo powerful in this world

On Sunday, August 23, 2015 4:25 PM, "no.state@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Yeah but Leighton, you yourself say you have not dedicated yet.

So, what gives?

Are you setting.yourself up for a fall?

I'm not going to further concern myself here. But just remember, if you have a bad experience, it isn't Satan. It's you.

Hahaha, ok I understand. Well thanks, you should just have just said that. Oh btw sorry to call you those things...you see im a bit short temper when it comes up to people doubting my loyalty to father. (Even if I think they are doubting). :) friends...If you want.
On Aug 23, 2015 10:00 PM, "j.l3mm0n@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Satan is patient. The enemies of his aren't though. For one who understands ;} But anyway, it's okay if you want to do that and get rid of your xian habits. The main issue that's wrong is planning the ritual. If you want to get rid of your xian habits or whatever, just do them without thinking of the ritual at all. Just don't think of the ritual now and do it at sometime when you're ready. What I said it wasn't meant to force you to dedicate, but it had to do with planning it. If you have a certain date in your mind and you look forward to it then the enemy can see you have the thought of dedicating at that date and will try to attack you to stop you from it. If the enemy doesn't know you'll dedicate soon will most likely not.
Agreed...hehe...sorry for fighting btw....but I agree
On Aug 24, 2015 9:26 PM, "descipleofthegods13@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  This is not the right attitude or approach to this subject. You are all getting nowhere and fighting amongst yourselves. What does that accomplish? As for those who have yet to Dedicate whoever, there's no time to procrastinate at all. If you wait too long the enemy will fuck you over. I know because they tried to kill me multiple times before I Dedicated.They'll only leave you alone in hopes they will deter you.

This isn't a kid's game. It's life or death. Fighting amongst yourselves about whose right is not the proper approach at ALL! If you wanna fucking live you will Dedicate and not pussy foot around. If you die now you'll have to go through all of the BS to get to this point again and what you have accomplished whether great or small will have been for NOTHING. The enemy looks for ways to make those procrastinate while playing on the psychological hang-ups to continue said procrastination or whatever else they are looking to cause(in-between because they are psychological manipulators by nature)  to keep one from Dedication, because the enemy is pushing for full on communism. Communism means everyone DIES. If you are not with Satan you're going to DIE.

There is no sugar coating it. You might think no, he's joking right. I'm not. When you Dedicate to Satan you are literally fighting for your life. I know because it has been that way for me since I Dedicated. I wouldn't be alive right now because of what the enemy has been doing to me since I Dedicated if it were not for Satan's help.

There's no need to try and act like a badass, or be in the corner fighting like someone who thinks they're being bullied or whatever the case may be in any way. You all need to bond together. It states in the AL-JIWAH that he wishes a bond of Unity for his followers and it is quite literal. It's put up or shut up for Dedication period. You can name call or run away from what I am saying all you want but I am right.

Fighting isn't going to accomplish anything at all. STOP. One of the first things the enemy looks to cause is infighting because from there the break up might happen. BE ON YOUR GUARD!
What do you mean is this not possible think again my left hand has five parts sticking out my month is 5 my date is 6 and year is 66 Same as pentacal So 666 meaning solor Chakra colors yollow gold Like the Sun
I don't think he was trying to offend anyone with green eyes. He was just making a joke. Which is pretty hilarious. The enemy works too get us all pissed at each other, it's the only thing they have left. Imagine how much they are putting into it. Maxine told me once that ten minutes of void a day really helps to stop enemy attack. I will never forget it or everything else she has done for us all. 
  I strongly suggest void for us all, I am going to go and do some now. I wish the best of luck to all of you. Not being able to see through enemy attack is what got me banned, until I progressed to see my own faults. I thank everyone for accepting me back, it means a lot. We are a family, a satanic Family, Brothers and Sisters in Satan. 
   We have to push all the enemy garbage off of us. We have to come together, we don't have to live with each other, can we not get along over a computer? Don't let the enemy push you around and use any of you as a pawn. Your my family, your better then that. Chant Suraye 108x and while cleaning your aura, then do some affirmations such as. I am always safe, secure, protected and healthy in everyway.
   If you struggle with meditation, it's ok your not alone. Don't think we're special, we all struggle with it. We struggle together, bound together as one coven of Satan. When we talk about being on a battle field and looking to your sides for your companions, this is not an allegorical entourage. This is here and now, we all fight side by side. When we go and do online work, you look to each other to build something. Such as the work that YOG so Thoth and his friends are doing. Or this person that is building an app and everyone's sortof joining in. 
   I want to see all of you progress and advance to Godhead. I look forward too meeting you all in person one day in a better world. I know that we can do this. We can stop them from winning. We can win this war once and for all. We can build a world free from suffering. No more sex slave trades, kosher farms, pharmaceutical companies, sweat shop factories, communism, torture, rape, murder, deceiving, pollution, destruction of everything good. 
  What we are doing, what we are fighting for. Are the countless Gentile souls in this world, who are counting on us, Satans Elite, to win this for them. They are unable to come out from under the Jewish spell just yet, unable to see their Gentile God. We the Elite, are tasked the mission of Saving this planet. 
   Realize what your life really means. How precious and important you really are. Satan guides us all, and as such our victory is assured.

I know that. I just didn't like that green eyes comment and all.

On Saturday, August 29, 2015 6:30 AM, "aldric.strickland88@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I don't think he was trying to offend anyone with green eyes. He was just making a joke. Which is pretty hilarious. The enemy works too get us all pissed at each other, it's the only thing they have left. Imagine how much they are putting into it. Maxine told me once that ten minutes of void a day really helps to stop enemy attack. I will never forget it or everything else she has done for us all. 
  I strongly suggest void for us all, I am going to go and do some now. I wish the best of luck to all of you. Not being able to see through enemy attack is what got me banned, until I progressed to see my own faults. I thank everyone for accepting me back, it means a lot. We are a family, a satanic Family, Brothers and Sisters in Satan. 
   We have to push all the enemy garbage off of us. We have to come together, we don't have to live with each other, can we not get along over a computer? Don't let the enemy push you around and use any of you as a pawn. Your my family, your better then that. Chant Suraye 108x and while cleaning your aura, then do some affirmations such as. I am always safe, secure, protected and healthy in everyway.
   If you struggle with meditation, it's ok your not alone. Don't think we're special, we all struggle with it. We struggle together, bound together as one coven of Satan. When we talk about being on a battle field and looking to your sides for your companions, this is not an allegorical entourage. This is here and now, we all fight side by side. When we go and do online work, you look to each other to build something. Such as the work that YOG so Thoth and his friends are doing. Or this person that is building an app and everyone's sortof joining in. 
   I want to see all of you progress and advance to Godhead. I look forward too meeting you all in person one day in a better world. I know that we can do this. We can stop them from winning. We can win this war once and for all. We can build a world free from suffering. No more sex slave trades, kosher farms, pharmaceutical companies, sweat shop factories, communism, torture, rape, murder, deceiving, pollution, destruction of everything good. 
  What we are doing, what we are fighting for. Are the countless Gentile souls in this world, who are counting on us, Satans Elite, to win this for them. They are unable to come out from under the Jewish spell just yet, unable to see their Gentile God. We the Elite, are tasked the mission of Saving this planet. 
   Realize what your life really means. How precious and important you really are. Satan guides us all, and as such our victory is assured.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
