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New Member Greeting from Indonesia


New member
Jan 23, 2024
Hello fellows Brothers and Sisters in our Father Lord Satan, especially in this forum fellow Asians, im from Indonesia, and i hope in this forum there is member from Indonesia

Im new member, call me AsmodeusLucifer, or AsmoLuci, jm male, im Ex-Moslem and get converted (got baptized) into Christianity at January 2021 , i was Agnostic and know its my 3rd year becoming 'Christian' but really i research ,learn about Demonology and found Satanism since my first year convertion, and now i am still study (Christian) Theology at Christian College in my country, at some moment i still have a lot of questions and doubts, and i still have Agnostic-mind&souls, and interested with occult and mysteries , ancient spiritualism (wicca or witchraft too) to proof the existance of Spirits or Gods, i seek to their existance and communiate with them, so i can convince myself, and i was read some Buddhist and Hindu Literature and learned about Yoga, and i got interested to growing Spiritual Power to achieve some Power, haha sounds like childish, and then i found Joy of Satan that give me the TRUTH and convice me what i must believe and live a life with some kind of 'idealism-philosophy' or way/path of life. And so many reason i want to RISE and get GLORY, VICTORY, and FREEDOM in this Life with Our Father Satan, and i have BIG HATRED to people who did Evil and Injustice to me and i want take a REVENGE

But the point is i just introduce myself for i am getting accepted to this Ministries and thanks to Joy of Satan Ministries
And greets fellow Asians
And maybe in future i want to make Underground Community of Joy of Satan in Indonesia , JoS Indonesia Forum and Spread the Truth about Our Father Satan, my position giving me priviledge in real life so i can influence people and bring them to Satan
Selamat siang bro. saya bisa bicara sadikit Bahasa Indonesia....if you'd like to get started, first read these:

You can also do this standard prayer for guidance, as it is geared towards new people: https://www.joyofsatan.org/Prayer.html - for optimal results, face the east when doing it.

If you'd like to get involved in translations, contact @The Alchemist7 [JG]

Also, you can contact @OhNoItsMook I think she knows a lot about Indonesian and Malaysian Satanism. Sadly, I'm not expert on Indonesian, Pribumi and Malay religion, other than the fact that they were Vedic practitioners prior to Islam (well...Vedic is Satanic so not much of a difference there).

The holidays are quite reversed for those who live below the equator, since I believe many parts of Indonesia are below the equator: https://web.archive.org/web/2011112...ican_sabbat_dates_priestess_zildar_raasi.html

I am very happy to see that the Asians are coming forward and reclaiming their heritage!

Hello fellows Brothers and Sisters in our Father Lord Satan, especially in this forum fellow Asians, im from Indonesia, and i hope in this forum there is member from Indonesia

Im new member, call me AsmodeusLucifer, or AsmoLuci, jm male, im Ex-Moslem and get converted (got baptized) into Christianity at January 2021 , i was Agnostic and know its my 3rd year becoming 'Christian' but really i research ,learn about Demonology and found Satanism since my first year convertion, and now i am still study (Christian) Theology at Christian College in my country, at some moment i still have a lot of questions and doubts, and i still have Agnostic-mind&souls, and interested with occult and mysteries , ancient spiritualism (wicca or witchraft too) to proof the existance of Spirits or Gods, i seek to their existance and communiate with them, so i can convince myself, and i was read some Buddhist and Hindu Literature and learned about Yoga, and i got interested to growing Spiritual Power to achieve some Power, haha sounds like childish, and then i found Joy of Satan that give me the TRUTH and convice me what i must believe and live a life with some kind of 'idealism-philosophy' or way/path of life. And so many reason i want to RISE and get GLORY, VICTORY, and FREEDOM in this Life with Our Father Satan, and i have BIG HATRED to people who did Evil and Injustice to me and i want take a REVENGE

But the point is i just introduce myself for i am getting accepted to this Ministries and thanks to Joy of Satan Ministries
And greets fellow Asians
And maybe in future i want to make Underground Community of Joy of Satan in Indonesia , JoS Indonesia Forum and Spread the Truth about Our Father Satan, my position giving me priviledge in real life so i can influence people and bring them to Satan

If you want to enact justice and revenge on the evil-doers, check out: https://satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/RTR_English.html

The rituals on that site get right at the heart of the enemy and destroys them from within. For personal revenge, you'll need to build up your energy via power meditation.

Now as for turning Indonesians to Satan, this requires secrecy an utmost caution, from what I've heard, Indonesia has a serious Islam problem and "preaching Satanism" can get you booked under "blasphemy laws" - ESPECIALLY if you're in Aceh or the Poso District in Jakarta, this you know.

When it comes to "evangelizing for Satan", first you'll want to read these:

Therefore, depending on where in Indonesia, and depending how well the people receive pre-Islamic Indonesian religion, as the HP says: KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT, PRETEND TO BE MUSLIM OR CHRISTIAN IF YOU HAVE TO. It's the same advice our founder, HP Maxine gave to minors.

Unlike Jehova/Allah, Satan won't get mad. He cares about your safety.

As a matter of fact, throughout history - many rulers who claimed to be Muslim or Christian in the public were actually Satanic. Take the Sufis of the Arab World for example, they're not really Muslim, but in reality they worship Melek Ta'us, who is the Ancient Yezidi identity of our Father Satan.

Shah Jahan of the Mughal Empire, Averroes and Abd-ar-Rahman of the Moorish Empire too, were all Satanic souls, who had to fake being Muslim.

Or at times, they had to try "adding Christian/Muslim" themes to their promotion of Paganism, since anyways, Islam and Christianity both stole from the Pagans.

Within the case of Indonesia, I think Suharto was a Satanic soul, but that's just my guess.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, there is a religion known as "Kejawen" in Indonesia, promoting native Indonesian/Javanese religion perhaps you'd wanna focus and meditate on it and see if it is a Satanic movement:


I should have mentioned this first, you'll wanna start by reading all the content on the Joy of Satan, and when you're ready, you do the dedication ritual: https://www.joyofsatan.org/SATANIC.html

Afterwards, do the 40-day power meditation program: https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/hp_hooded_cobra_40_day_meditation_program.pdf

Lots to learn but all worth it, I know it was a bit disorganized but hey, it is what it is. :)


Fun fact: Merdeka, as well as the Filipino word Maharlika, both come from the Sanskrit word Maharddhika (महर्द्धिक) meaning "freedom/independence" - because it's what Satanism teaches, "freedom/independence" of the Soul from oppressive forces like Christianity and Islam or other enemy religions!

MERDEKA MAJAPAHIT-NUSANTARA! (You should make that pic your banner :D)
Selamat siang bro. saya bisa bicara sadikit Bahasa Indonesia....if you'd like to get started, first read these:

You can also do this standard prayer for guidance, as it is geared towards new people: https://www.joyofsatan.org/Prayer.html - for optimal results, face the east when doing it.

If you'd like to get involved in translations, contact @The Alchemist7 [JG]

Also, you can contact @OhNoItsMook I think she knows a lot about Indonesian and Malaysian Satanism. Sadly, I'm not expert on Indonesian, Pribumi and Malay religion, other than the fact that they were Vedic practitioners prior to Islam (well...Vedic is Satanic so not much of a difference there).

The holidays are quite reversed for those who live below the equator, since I believe many parts of Indonesia are below the equator: https://web.archive.org/web/2011112...ican_sabbat_dates_priestess_zildar_raasi.html

I am very happy to see that the Asians are coming forward and reclaiming their heritage!

Terimakasih, senang bertemu dengan saudara dalam Tuhan kita dan Bapa kita tercinta Satan! Dan senang bertemu dengan Saudara etnis Asia dan Asia Tenggara!

Terpujilah Satan!

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, there is a religion known as "Kejawen" in Indonesia, promoting native Indonesian/Javanese religion perhaps you'd wanna focus and meditate on it and see if it is a Satanic movement:

I know and im really Javaanese ethnic and live in Java Island, that is all not coincidence, its all has ben set up by Lord Satan. Hail Satan
Terimakasih, senang bertemu dengan saudara dalam Tuhan kita dan Bapa kita tercinta Satan! Dan senang bertemu dengan Saudara etnis Asia dan Asia Tenggara!

Terpujilah Satan!
Maaf...Bahasa Indonesiaaku tidak dungan baik lol, sadikit saja tapi tidak dungan baik.....

I took a couple lessons of Bahasa Indonesia but the language program didn't go past Level 1. :( It was however....quite enough to impress the Malay foreign students at my school. I really love that Mi Goreng....sadly, most of the Asian restaurants around me serve garbage, and not anything good like the exotic spice-rich makanan sedaap of ASEAN and Authentic Chinese.

Terpujiliah Satana!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
