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New Age Raelism & Jewish World Order


New member
Aug 24, 2009

I’ve been doing some research and this seemed pretty important.
Raelism is a sect of Scientology, and basically Judaism with a more material approach.
Their Jewish leader “Rael” works with the enemy beings, delivers “messages”/orders from them and most importantly, they’re openly Zionists and they call Jews “chosen people of Yahweh”
They admit the enemy (Elohim etc) created religions (christianity,islam,judaism) and that they’d sent the half-alien jewish “prophets”.
Raelism is being described in the book, “Religion, Media, Social Change”:
"Claude Vorilhon who took the name Rael- from Egyptian Ra and El- (‘El’ stands for ‘light’)
In recognition of his alien DNA, something the aliens (Elohim) told him he shared with the gods and prophets of human religious traditions, all of whom were half-breed aliens, sent to assist 'the development of human culture'
The aliens told Rael that 'the human beings "they created" were the most intelligent. So steps had to be taken to ensure that they did not surpass their creators.'  Which establishes the 'inferiority' of humanity vis-a-vis the elohim  and their half-alien offspring (the prophets and Rael himself)”    
The enemy beings-- “Elohim” speak in behalf of collective “Yahweh” (In case you’re unaware of the main reason for this, HP Hooded Cobra had explained the Elohim/angels’ collective nature in this sermon: http://josministries.prophpbb.com/topic ... 721ef2792e )
Also, the Raelians steal Gentile/Pagan history, with the Elohim posing as our Pagan Gods.
This is not new, most New Agers work with the enemy nordics acting like Gods, e.g. possibly Jewish Dani  R. Hoffman claims she works with Lord Thoth, while it’s obvious from the teachings that whoever that is, he’s not any of our Gods.
There are various examples, SS should watch out. Our enemy has no lines whatsoever they will and are trying to do anything they can to mislead Gentiles.
The Raelians “deny the existence of the ethereal soul and “a supernatural god” (creation force), completely ignore spirituality (while the enemy beings advice the “Jews For Rael” to meditate) and they claim cloning is necessary to reach eternal life, through “transferring mind and personality to the donor clone” something like jewish transhumanists mentioned. It’s clear that their aims are the same, according to Rael, Singularity is the time when Elohim will arrive with ‘prophets’
Exactly like in Judaism, they want the Third Temple to be built in Jerusalem, to use it as their “embassy” and they state that when the “temple” is built they’ll come back and take over to form a world government, they literally call it “a global Israel”.
I’ll directly quote them, from wiki and their own articles & booklets: From wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ra%C3%ABlism )
   “In his book The Message Given to me by Extraterrestrials Claude Vorilhon (Rael) claims that on 13 December 1973, he found a spacecraft shaped like a flattened bell that landed inside Puy de Lassolas, a volcano near the capital city of Auvergne. A 25,000-year-old human-like extraterrestrial inside the spacecraft named Yahweh said that Elohim was the name that primitive people of Earth called members of his extraterrestrial race—who were seen as "those who came from the sky". Yahweh explained that Earth was originally void of life. But the Elohim came, broke apart the clouds, exposed the seas to sunlight, built a continent, and synthesized a global ecosystem. Yahweh gave materialistic explanations of the following:

*the Garden of Eden: a large laboratory that was based on an artificially constructed continent *Noah's Ark: a spaceship that preserved DNA that was used to resurrect animals through cloning*the Tower of Babel: a rocket that was supposed to reach the creators' planet;*the Great Flood: the byproduct of a nuclear missile explosion that the Elohim sent. After tidal wave floods following the explosions receded, Elohim scattered the Israelites and had them speak the language of other tribes.”
As you know, these are stolen from Ancient Paganism-Satan created humanity through genetic engineering in Eden: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... arden.html
Long story short, those who are in contact with the jew Vorilhon/Rael, were the ones who opposed Satan, but now they’re acting like the opposite is the case. 
From JoS: “Satan wished to bring us to perfection, but some of the other Gods wanted for us to be destroyed after the mission was over and since we were becoming an issue, they attempted to let us all drown in the flood.”
From Raelian booklet, “Save Israel From Destruction” (pdf: http://jews4rael.org/e107_files/downloa ... ion_EN.pdf )
The enemy beings state: “We created humanity. You mistook us for Gods. We were the ones who started all the religions on earth. And now that humanity is capable of understanding this, we would like you to build an embassy where we can land officially in front of everyone.”
“7” is being used : “On this single land mass, we set up 7 laboratories, one for each of our own 7 races and began our experiments synthesizing life.”
“Seeing this incredible progress, opinions were divided in our government as to whether this artificial life was safe for us. Would the created destroy the creators. We decided to allow our scientists to continue their experiments as long as they did not create any intelligent life. But the temptation was too strong for these scientists and artists who were impassioned by their work of populating a virgin world. So one day, some of them decided to disregard their orders and synthesize intelligent people like themselves.” There are also biblical quotes all over the booklet.
“Our government was extremely alarmed when it heard about this. How could we be sure that the human beings that had been created would not become a threat to us? For our own security, we told our scientists to keep these human beings in ignorance of any scientific knowledge.“ Again, very revealing. They just don’t admit that they thought it’d be harder for them to control & enslave humanity once they were given not just scientific, but more importantly, spiritual knowledge. 
“They were even told to make these people - whom they had created - believe that we were almighty gods so as to be sure they would respect us.” This is a disinformation to mislead people, to make the term “godhead/godhood” void, as the Raelians oppose spirituality in all forms.

As outlined in Protocols of Elders of Zion 4/3, “It is indispensable for us to undermine all faith, to tear out of the mind of the 'Goyim' the very principle of god-head and the spirit, and to put in its place arithmetical and material needs"  Ancients looked up to our Gods, and wanted to be “as Gods” and then started to advance themselves spiritually.
Cont. from the enemy message: “When our scientists created people like ourselves, opinion on our planet became divided : could we trust human beings? But there was a group of scientists who had begun to deeply love the human beings they had made. They wished to give them scientific knowledge so that they would be able to communicate as equals. Their love grew so much that this group decided to educate some humans and reveal to them the truth that creators and created are exactly the same. “
We, as SS, understand those “scientists” were our Gods (“exactly the same” part is again misleading, subtracting the Godhead principle)
From wiki:
“According to Vorilhon (Rael), Elohim contacted about forty people to act as their prophets on Earth. Iincluding Moses, Elijah,Ezekiel, Buddha, John the Baptist, Jesus,  Muhammad  and Joseph Smith. The religions thought to be from Elohimic origins include Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam and Mormonism. From the Raëlian point of view, religious texts indicate that the Elohim would return at the age of Apocalypse or Revelation (unveiling of the truth).”

In their “Save Israel” booklet, Rael states in his message which he ends with the jewish salute ‘shalom’ :  

“The only reason for the State of Israel to exist is the day we are all working for, the day of the arrival of the Elohim, our creators.

Think about how privileged you are to be the people located at the exact spot the Elohim have chosen to arrive. Our beloved creators, responsible for everything, both good and bad, that has happened to you, would love to meet their chosen people, their beloved people.”

Don’t get confused when the Jew calls Elohim “our creators”: The enemy beings did create the jewish race, but they are acting as if they created the human race as a whole.  
Rael, like the enemy beings, stresses “equality” for all people, “not just Jews” (yet they are the ‘chosen’) but that’s a trick the enemy always uses to convince people to establish a communist order. Remember, in Orwell’s 1984, they call the communist leader big “Brother” as if he were ‘equal’ to people. 
((Rael))’s another message, from 2005: “…In accordance with the Elohim's precise instructions, Raelian architects have already completed commissioned drawings for the complex of buildings where the most dramatic and extraordinary meeting of world government leaders in history will take place. Not long after we built a small scale model of the embassy based on these drawings, a crop circle appeared in England which bore an astonishing resemblance to it.”

"...official request (to build the Third Temple) was made to Israel's Chief Rabbi some months later. The request was acknowledged, and a study of the application began.
In the summer of 1993, an Israeli government commission concluded that the Raelian Movement was peaceful in intent and was of no threat to Israel's security. In their report, two rabbis are believed to have concluded that it would be 'better not to do anything against Rael in case he really is the awaited Messiah’ … Much still remains to be done, and even when at last the great day dawns and the Elohim land openly and officially before the eyes of world government leaders and an international array of television cameras and media representatives”

According to Raelians, the Third Temple in Jerusalem, "would be surrounded by acres of campground capable of supporting about 144,000 people"
Jewish teachings indicate that there has to be (symbolically) 144.000 people on the Earth when they establish their order.
Jews For Rael: “We Jews for Rael are committed to building a Third Temple of joy to welcome the Elohim in Eretz Israel upon  their return. And we have recognized Rael as the Messiah, so we study His teachings, which are the New Talmud." http://www.jews4rael.org/page.php?4

“Two ex-Roman Catholic Priests, Victor Legendre and Charles-Yvan Giroux converted to Raëlianism. A former bishop of the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) joined the Raelian Movement. The Raëlian, Mark Woodgate, stated that 8% of Raëlians worldwide are former Latter-day Saints.” (from wiki)  More on Jew World Order from Elohim:   “In his book Geniocracy, Raël outlined his plan for a peaceful worldwide political union... The world government would also have a global currency, a common language, and a transformation of militaries of the world into civil police. …Raël recommends a world government with 12 regions. Inhabitants would vote for which region they want to be part of.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ra%C3%ABlism

“According to the  Raelian Messages, the following was another official message from Yahweh: You are all born equal and this is also written in the Bible. Your governments should ensure that people are born with  approximately the same level of financial means. …Property ownership must be abolished without establishing Communism” (i.e. communism with a different name, like 'globalism') https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economic_ ... %ABlianism)

 “Spread around the world to bring the magnificent values of Raelian-Judaism, a Judaism of peace and tolerance, an anti-racist Judaism, a globalist Judaism aiming to unite all the nations within a world government” (from Elohim’s message http://www.jews4rael.org/SaveIsrael)

“Anti-Racist” Judaism is being promoted to spread the Jewish genes. Having Jew DNA (cohen gene) makes one Jewish (http://www.jews4rael.org/page.php?3)

The “Elohim” also point out that there are more Jews than Gentiles in Palestine: “We ask all Jews to leave Israel as soon as possible, to convert to Raelianism, and to support the Palestinians, who are in fact mostly the descendants of real Jews who converted to Islam a very long time ago. To see false Jews coming from Europe massacring the descendants of Jews who lived in Israel from the Biblical times, is a heart rendering crime.” False jews could be a reference to not pure jews, mixed ones.

They promote “multi-racial and multi-cultural” Israel to be part of Palestine, because, “This path which leads to the Promised Land which is indeed an entire planet and not a piece of land delimited by borders.” (their message from 2009 – ‘Save Israel From Destruction’ booklet features all transmissions)
They aim for the Global Israel, the jewish world government, as the Jew relates here http://www.jewfaq.org/mashiach.htm with the jewish messiah concept
Katherine Rothschild, along with controlled-opposition agents, keep focusing on and defending Palestine for a reason.
Jewish Haaretz news: “Palestinians and Jews in One Complete Israel”
“The two-state solution is dead. The alternative? Jews and Arabs should be Israelis together.” http://www.haaretz.com/opinion/.premium-1.735494

OOOOOOOMFG THIS IS THE BEST ARTICLE I HAVE EVER READ IN MY ENTIRE FUKKING LIFE. FINALLY someone exposes the ascended masters / new age / great white brotherhood bullshit. I find that exposing new age christianity is my satanic luciferian mission as well. I recenttly did a video on youtube called Christ consciousness exposed where I explain how the So called 7 elohim and the 7rays are the initiations of christ consciousness (borg consciousness) and how they are trying to reingineer the natural 7 chakras into making us psychic batteries fit for the cube of new jerusalem.

My homepage also is: www.ascendedmastersexposed.com
I'm speechless.  This is exactly what I've been trying to figure out and prove.  I don't mean to swear so much, but, holy crap!  This is awesome! 

I have connections figured out in the Scientology Organization that link directly to the Jews and banks.  I just need to increase my spiritual awareness a little bit more and I'll have a lot more.  And I understand the Cohen Modal Haplotype or whatever those shit eaters call it and its link to the first parasite but this Raelism stuff; I probably never would have figured out.

Dam, that's impressive! Thank you so much for taking the time to figure this out.  I don't know when I'll put together a paper on Scientology and submit it to the HP's, but soon.  I'm still researching the Jew, Gentile Food Poisoning Program.  That's just non-stop Jew crap.  It's going to take awhile.

It probably won't constitute intelligent research like yours, but it will certainly identify the parasites, their games, and lay down a lot of good reference materials.  The Scientology one will probably be similar, but I'll probably happen on a few new important facts and certainly open the door to others.
Why did they need us as slaves? We're we really slaves or just laborers? I thought I read somewhere on here a post contradicting that and Satan wanted to spread life/colonize.

If Satan was repremanded by others for giving the slaves too much power how does that fit in with the fact that he is the most powerful? Did he kill his boss and take over? Was he not originally the most powerful? Why is he so nice but not his colleagues? That's what the enemy used to be to him at one time right, colleagues?

What confuses me is ancient history and how this all started. I think it's important we know these things.
before coming here and saying these things that profoundly show that you don't know beans
of what you are talking about.

Hail Satan!

On Mon, 8/22/16, catchpool11@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: New Age Raelism & Jewish World Order
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Monday, August 22, 2016, 9:38 PM


Why did they need us as slaves? We're we really
slaves or just laborers? I thought I read somewhere on here
a post contradicting that and Satan wanted to spread

If Satan was repremanded by others for giving the slaves too
much power how does that fit in with the fact that he is the
most powerful? Did he kill his boss and take over? Was he
not originally the most powerful? Why is he so nice but not
his colleagues? That's what the enemy used to be to him
at one time right, colleagues?

What confuses me is ancient history and how this all
started. I think it's important we know these

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I never claimed to know that's why it was a question. I have read the JOS about this and also some posts here. The problem is that I've seen conflicting acounts and there doesn't seem to be a full picture of what happened. Get off your high horse,and if you don't like discussion why even come here.
Well said Catchpool11.  There are things that seem to be contradictory and if we don't/can't ask questions we do not advance.

On Wednesday, August 24, 2016 9:54 PM, "catchpool11@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I never claimed to know that's why it was a question. I have read the JOS about this and also some posts here. The problem is that I've seen conflicting acounts and there doesn't seem to be a full picture of what happened. Get off your high horse,and if you don't like discussion why even come here.

Catchpool, the enemy has always been trying to enslave humanity. Elohim, who 'informed' Raelians, were aiming to spread misinformation. Their "government's scientists" did not create humanity as they claimed. Gods have never worked with them. But the enemy did attack our Gods, thus prevented humanity's advancement.

Satan and Gods had come here to not to enslave but to advance this planet, like Satan said, "The meaning of life is to better yourself and the universe"

I understand your confusion, in the JoS page titled "Tree of Knowledge, the Apple, and the Serpent"
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... arden.html it's being mentioned as (in Edward Kelley's work)"ETs who needed slave laborers in mines" In later articles-sermons by High Priests/Priestess, they openly stated that our Gods didn't create humanity merely because they "needed slaves"
Satan himself, created humanity to better our planet, to start a civilization etc.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
