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Never had a relationship


New member
Oct 3, 2023
I took some time to think whether it's right to give this message or not.
I'm not new to the forum, I have years of practice some more intense, some not, but I've always put off an issue that has always nagged me.
I have never had a girlfriend or a kiss. It may seem cringe situation, but it is something I have put off too long and I realize it may be too late if I put it off much longer.
What can I do, especially since I have a very busy schedule and don't always have time to meditate....
Honestly I'd rather throw an infantry platoon into a hail of bullets with minimal chance of survivability or walk down a road full of EOD or go into an NBC zone than feel ashamed for asking such a crap.
Any advice is welcome, from books ore one-shot meditations(i know this are not gonna work easily).
There's nothing to be ashamed of. I bet you'll find people in this world who share your struggles and will never admit it.

Have you ever tried a MUNKA/Vissudhi working to remove negative karma, obstacles from your love life?

You can use examples from this post. It's very effective but you have to keep doing the working for a long period. In the end, you WILL have the feeling that a huge burden has been removed off of your shoulders.

We all have busy schedules. That's the downside of living in the 21st century. We can't escape from this unfortunately.

You say you don't always have time to meditate, BUT you do meditate. So you could probably make some adjustments in your schedule like for example waking up 15 min earlier to clean you Aura, and to do AoP, chakra cleaning, etc.

And most importantly: ask Satan for further advice. He knows way more than me about your current situation and He will guide you to the best solution that will fit your needs.
Hy.dont worry about tht much.i wll also like you to read Dating:Lies told to men by HPs Lydia. It helped me alot.
I had in my mind a working with Munka, but i will be able just in 2030 to start his type of meditation, exactly immediatly after i get my lieutanent grades or in 2028 if i change my speciality to war drones...
There can be many reasons. It can be in your Natal Chart, some Planets may bring lack of partners or drive you to be a loner somehow.
Apart of this, that I'd consider checking, it may be possible you have an unconscious fear of relationships, that you are not consciously aware. Having an extra-busy schedule may be typical of people trying to cope with some trauma or childhood lack of love - or mistreatment - that built a personality lacking need for affection and love/sex depending on what happens. I use "may" as this is only a possibility.
Void meditation and asking to your own mind, like talking to yourself as a younger "you", may help to bring to the surface any buried feeling you may have. This connects to the Hearth Chakra, that may be blocked as a result. The Rune Wunjo may help to fix Hearth Chakra in case the problem is there.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
