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Neonatal nurse who allegedly murdered seven babies, including twins, was a 'poisoner at work'


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
A hospital nurse accused of the murder of seven babies - and attempted murder of 10 more - was a "poisoner at work", a jury has heard.

Pic: Shutterstock © Rex Features

Lucy Letby, who had specialist training in care for the sickest babies at the neonatal unit in the Countess of Chester, is alleged to have gone on a year-long killing spree while working there. She is charged with attacking - and in some instances murdering - sets of twins, as well as attempting to murder the same children more than once.


Letby's parents were in the public gallery. (File pic) ©PA

Letby, of Arran Avenue, Hereford, denies all 22 charges - which concern 17 babies. She denies murdering five boys and two girls and attempting to murder another five boys and five girls between June 2015 and June 2016.

The trial heard that one set of twins were among her alleged murder victims. Opening the prosecution case on Monday at Manchester Crown Court, Nick Johnson KC described the hospital as one "like so many others in the UK, but unlike many other hospitals in the UK and unlike many other neonatal units in the UK, within the neonatal unit in the Countess of Chester a poisoner was at work", he said.

After the infant mortality rate saw a "significant rise", consultants found "one common denominator", which was the presence of Letby. The court was shown a graphic which outlined all the nurses on shift at the time the different incidents took place. Only Letby was on shift when all the babies were harmed.

Child A was allegedly murdered by Letby on 8 June 2015, shortly after he - and his twin sister, Child B - were born. None of the children involved are being named for legal reasons. Despite being premature, he was born in "good condition" and on 8 June he was described in his medical notes as breathing "in air" - meaning he didn't need extra oxygen, but by 8.26pm that same day he was "deteriorating rapidly". He had been handed over to Letby's care less-than half-an-hour previously.

By 9pm, he had been pronounced dead. Letby had started her shift less than 90 minutes earlier, at 7.30pm. Two doctors concluded his death was most likely caused by an injection of air into either his umbilical venous catheter (UVC) or his long line. About 28 hours after Child A had died, his sister's oxygen levels began to fall.

At 12.05am, Letby began a bag of liquid feed on Child B and - even though she was not Child B's designated nurse - took her blood gases. At around half-past midnight, Child B's alarm sounded as she was not breathing. Her oxygen saturation levels had fallen to 50%. Child B survived the attack, but doctors concluded she had been the victim of some form of medical "sabotage", only explained by a dose of air administered into her bloodstream.

Letby 'tracked down victim's families on Facebook'
Letby was described by the prosecution as having an "unusual interest" in the victim's families. Police questioned her about why she had tracked the family of Children A and B on Facebook. She said she had no memory of doing so, but accepted there was evidence from her computer.

"We suggest it is an unusual interest and we will see that on occasions she searched in quick succession for several of the families of children's names who appear on this indictment", said Mr Johnson. He reiterated that Letby was always on shift at the time of these sometimes-fatal incidents, telling the jury, "You might be tempted to draw what, we suggest, is the obvious conclusion". Letby, wearing a blue jacket over a black button-up blouse, had earlier pleaded not guilty to seven counts of murder and 15 counts of attempted murder. Family members of some of her alleged child victims sat in the public gallery listening as the names of the children were read out.

On the other side of the public gallery sat the defendant's parents, John, 76, and Susan, 62. The trial continues on Tuesday.





To my knowledge, and for some specific reason besides the usual jew magic, the news have been rifle with news about babies being killed. From Thailand massacre to local, national and other international news with babies and kids being murdered and dead. This was a specific focus for the jews rituals.
This is a jewess.
Mum walked in on nurse killing baby, trial told
An alleged killer nurse was interrupted by the mother of one of her victims who paid her baby boy a visit at the neonatal unit, a court has heard.


Lucy Letby worked on the neonatal ward at the Countess of Chester Hospital

Lucy Letby is accused of murdering five baby boys and two girls, and attempting to murder 10 other babies at Countess of Chester Hospital in 2015 and 2016. Manchester Crown Court heard child E's mother did not realise he was being attacked and was told by the nurse the blood from his mouth was due to a tube. Ms Letby, 32, denies 22 charges. The nurse, of Hereford, is accused of murdering child E and attempting to murder his twin, child F, the following day. The court heard how the twins had been born prematurely and Ms Letby was the designated nurse for both boys.

One night, their mother, who was an inpatient on the postnatal ward, decided to visit her sons in the neonatal unit. The jury was told the mother interrupted Ms Letby, who was in the process of attacking child E, but she did not realise this. Child E's mother found her son acutely distressed and bleeding from his mouth. Ms Letby attempted to reassure the mother saying, "Trust me I'm a nurse". The court heard the nurse urged the mother of child E to go back to her ward, which she did, but was so concerned she phoned her husband. Ms Letby later made a record on the nursing notes which was not true and "designed to cover her tracks", prosecutor Nick Johnson KC said.

"They fail to mention that child E was bleeding at 21:00 BST and they mention a meeting between his mum and a doctor that neither of them remember." The court heard child E was bleeding so heavily that one of the doctors said he had never encountered such a large bleed in a small baby. The jury heard after child E's death his parents did not wish to have a post-mortem examination, the doctor on-call did not deem one necessary and the coroner's office agreed. "As subsequent reviews have established that was a big mistake", Mr Johnson said. He alleged child E was murdered by an injection of air.

'Not an accident'
The prosecution also told the court Ms Letby added insulin to child F's feed. This caused child F's blood sugar to start to drop calamitously while Ms Letby was present and continued after she had gone. Mr Johnson said, "Somebody poisoned him. No other baby on the neonatal unit was being prescribed insulin; therefore, it couldn't have been negligence. You know who was in the room, and you know from the records who hung the [feed] bag." The court heard child F's nutrients bag was replaced and he survived, but the medical team on the unit were concerned and ordered checks. It was also claimed Ms Letby took a "very unusual interest" in the parents of the twins, searching for them repeatedly on Facebook, including on Christmas Day in 2015.

The court heard the nurse allegedly attempted to murder one baby, child G, who had been born at 23 weeks, three times. The baby was born at a different hospital weighing 1lb 2oz (510g) and had later been transferred to the Chester hospital. She had been there three weeks and was "perfectly well" but then vomited and showed signs of infection, the jury heard. She was subsequently transferred away from the Countess of Chester Hospital back to the hospital where she was born, and made a "remarkable recovery".

The jury was told once child G recovered, she was then transferred back to Chester, where Ms Letby allegedly gave her milk via a tube and in little over an hour she had projectile vomited twice and was not breathing. There had been "no significant issues" with child G "until Lucy Letby got involved", the court heard. "Putting it simply the milk in her vomit did not come from nowhere. That doesn't happen by accident", Mr Johnson said. An MRI scan taken between the events revealed neurological changes and an MRI scan a few months later in August 2016 confirmed child G had sustained irreversible brain damage.

The court also heard about child C and D's alleged murders. Ms Letby allegedly injected air into the stomach of the tiny, premature child C through a nose tube, causing his breathing and heart to stop. The trial heard Ms Letby agreed she had been the only person in the room when child C collapsed and was supposed to be looking after another, more poorly baby, in another room. The incident came six days after she allegedly killed child A by injecting air into his bloodstream, and she later similarly attacked his twin sister, child B, causing her to collapse. "You can now see there was a pattern emerging", Mr Johnson said. "Lucy Letby was the only person working on the night shift when child C died who had also been working on either of the shifts when child A died and his twin sister child B collapsed."

'Constant presence'
Mr Johnson told the court Ms Letby's method of attacking the babies was "beginning to develop". "She had injected air into the bloodstream of the first twins, child A and B, and varied this approach by injecting air into child C's stomach via the nasogastric tube", he said. Mr Johnson also alleged Ms Letby murdered child D with an intentional injection of air. The baby girl had an infection but was responding well to treatment until she deteriorated and collapsed three times and could not be revived. At the time, three children had died and one had had a life-threatening episode in the neonatal unit and "only Lucy Letby was the constant presence", the court was told. The jury has been told the trial may last up to six months.

Nurse poisoned babies with insulin, trial told

I'm concerned about my Child, but because I am a stupid christian sheep, I accept the nurse telling me that god has shoved a tube down my Baby's throat causing him to bleed, and if it's "god"'s plan, then I will accept this wholeheartedly and I will refuse to force the nurse to leave my Baby alone. For those of you who can't follow that - people still today cannot look after themselves and their loved ones; they do as they are told by "authourity" despite having genuine worry, and they ring someone else who will not arrive for e.g. 30 minutes, by which time Baby will be dead. I can't help but recall contestants on game/quiz programmes, where the probably-jew host basically exerts itself over the contestants and is so belittling and condescending and undermining. One in particular comes to mind immediately - jim bohen from Bullseye.

Trust. People should be much more difficult and unwilling to give trust away. I have said before everything is about trust.
Accused nurse 'by incubator' as baby heart rate dropped, court hears
A nurse said she saw Lucy Letby standing by the incubator of a premature baby after its[sic] heart rate and oxygen levels dropped.


etby[sic], originally from Hereford, denies the murders and attempted murders (Image - PA)

The baby - known as Child C - died on 14th of June 2015, and is alleged to have been the second tot murdered by Letby at the Countess of Chester Hospital's neonatal unit. Yesterday, Manchester Crown Court heard from Letby's colleague Sophie Ellis, who was a newly-qualified nurse at the time. She cared for Child C on the night shift before the baby died. Giving evidence from behind a screen, Ms Ellis said Child C, who weighed 800 grams at birth, was fed for the first time at 11pm on 13th of June. Ms Ellis said she left the room briefly to go to the nurse's station but was alerted by an alarm from the baby's monitor.

Asked what she saw when she returned to the room, she said, "I'd seen Lucy standing by the incubator". She said Letby, 32, told her the baby's heart rate and oxygen levels had dropped. Ms Ellis said Child C's condition resolved by itself and she sat at the computer in the room, but the infant's heart rate and oxygen levels then dropped again. The witness said, "Lucy was standing at the incubator. I would have been looking from the computer, it was on the right-hand side."

Ms Ellis said she put out a crash call for a medical team to attend and then did chest compressions on Child C until becoming upset when the child's mother came into the room. She said, "It was completely overwhelming. It was very sudden, very unexpected. I did get a little bit upset. Lucy was stood opposite me and she said, 'Do you want me to take over?', and I said yes.".

The court has heard Letby was designated to look after a baby in a different room at the time of Child C's collapse. Child C died just before 6am, the court heard. Letby, originally from Hereford, denies the murders of seven babies and the attempted murders of 10 others at the Countess of Chester Hospital between June 2015 and June 2016. The court banned the reporting of names of babies allegedly killed by Letby. The trial continues.

Babies and Children are not "its". Fucking disgusting "journalist" chris riches.

I may not post all articles about this case. I might post any, only if I come across them.
FancyMancy said:
Nurse poisoned babies with insulin, trial told

I'm concerned about my Child, but because I am a stupid christian sheep, I accept the nurse telling me that god has shoved a tube down my Baby's throat causing him to bleed, and if it's "god"'s plan, then I will accept this wholeheartedly and I will refuse to force the nurse to leave my Baby alone. For those of you who can't follow that - people still today cannot look after themselves and their loved ones; they do as they are told by "authourity" despite having genuine worry, and they ring someone else who will not arrive for e.g. 30 minutes, by which time Baby will be dead. I can't help but recall contestants on game/quiz programmes, where the probably-jew host basically exerts itself over the contestants and is so belittling and condescending and undermining. One in particular comes to mind immediately - jim bohen from Bullseye.

Trust. People should be much more difficult and unwilling to give trust away. I have said before everything is about trust.

Dude, who would ever expect something like this? It's not fair to blame the parents. It's not like they know aliens are among us walking in fake human skin, and they want to eat our babies.

I would never personally trust a hospital myself because I'm not ignorant, and also I have experience with hospitals which makes me hate them with a burning passion. I would get a Gentile midwife, and I would not easily trust anyone with my baby. But again, I'm not ignorant, I know what the jews are. For most people, the feeling is that you're supposed to be able to trust a hospital with your baby. It's unthinkable to ordinary folk that anyone would ever want to hurt babies, especially those working for a hospital.

It's easy to judge people from far away with the advantage of hindsight when you weren't in that situation, not knowing what you know. I'm boiling with anger and hurt over what that monster piece of shit did to those kids, but it's not the parents fault. You have to trust someone, and they went to the wrong hospital. How could they have known? The mom didn't have medical knowledge.

You just don't understand. You don't know what it's like. These people lost their children to a shameless grinning lizard bitch, isn't that bad enough without having FancyMancy the empowered Satanist scorning them and blaming them for trusting hospital staff with their children?
jrvan said:
Dude, who would ever expect something like this? It's not fair to blame the parents. It's not like they know aliens are among us walking in fake human skin, and they want to eat our babies.
As I have said before, everything is about trust. I am too cynical of anything regarding "the system". I refer it back also to '90s game/quiz programme Bullseye as one example, where the jew host jim bohen, a so-called comedian, was right arrogant and condescending and (if one realises it) belittling, all wrapped-up in the loving comfort of "comedy" so we can win a few £. See the contestants - people were much more timid and 'little' and nothing back then; the jew, as arrogant and 'higher' and 'masterly' as ever. The point I mean is how Humans have behaved - a lot still live in a christianised "I do what I'm told by those in authourity" state, and in this case, the host bohen was 'in authourity', as were the other people behind the camera, while the contestants were supposed to take being a pawn as proper and their place in the Universe, like someone kidnapped and forced to perform for the jew's entertainment - except on TV contestants request being made fools of for the king's pleasure in the king's court for a few pennies.

In the same "I accept and trust authourity" way, people are too trusting in all sorts of other things. There are other things, which would seem like I am going off-topic if you/anyone didn't realise the point I am trying to make. e.g. Humans, as far as I can tell, are the only species of Animal who must pay someone (rather, something) else money, repeatedly, so that we can live in "our own" home - or if we want it to be actually our own home, then we still have to pay extortionate amounts of money to something else; other Animals make their own homes; we have to be bound and shackled. The contestants are bound and shackled and made fun of; people in hospitals are - literally - at the mercy of those sometimes-alleged and sometimes-so-called professionals and experts. We give too much trust away freely. We trust the council to make a neighbourhood dispute be resolved amicably for all involved (depending on the problem), we trust the government to make adequate and reasonable laws, we trust shops/franchises to give us affordable food instead of having "discounts" which is a psychological bullshit manipulation...

How could she have known? "Who would ever expect something like this?"? She went away from her Baby who was in distress -

Child E's mother found her son acutely distressed and bleeding from his mouth. Ms Letby attempted to reassure the mother saying, "Trust me I'm a nurse". The court heard the nurse urged the mother of child E to go back to her ward, which she did,

If your Child is in distress, are you going to trust a stranger, medical practitioner or not, certificated worker or not, qualified worker or not?! If your own Child is in distress, are you going to ignore your Motherly instinct or just your Human Nature of being able to tell something is very wrong, and merely, as a retard, accept "OK, you're a nurse, herp-a-derp, I'll go back to my ward"? (Of course, I put it in a christian-like context, because the jew has dirty wet dreams about all being retarded retards like that, worshipping it and feeding it, like a fool in a court or a quiz/game programme idiot.) Your Baby is not just upset; s/he is acutely distressed - and if that's not enough, s/he is bleeding from the mouth - and you go away from your Baby?! "Who would ever expect something like this?"? Probably no-one; Mum knows best, and regardless of being a mother and regardless of knowing about a jew harming her Baby, she just knew something was very wrong already anyway.

I would never personally trust a hospital myself because I'm not ignorant
There is a person I know. He is one of those characters who can get on with anyone, tells stories and anecdotes, is funny and is easy to get on with. Recently, he said that con-ronavirus is on the rise again, and I was like "meh", and he asked me if I have been jabbed; rather, asking me that I haven't as he suspected (I hadn't told him). I don't expect that he would be willing to read through and watch such materials that we share. That is about a real-or-fake virus which has been blown way out of proportion. Walking in on your own Baby who is not just murmuring but is in acute distress and if that wasn't enough, bleeding from the mouth, then going away and leaving him/her with a stranger, regardless of whom that stranger is?! That's a completely different thing entirely. No, this mother might not know that there are dirty aliens walking among us and raping and abusing and stealing from us, but your own not just Adult Child, not just young Child, but your Baby Child in such a situation as this, and you're like, "OK. Lol. I'll go and let you do whatever (but shit, double-you, tee, eff... something's wrong... meh). Baaaiieeeeeeeeee!"? Informed or ignorant of the interplanetary/interstellar situation or not, people have been programmed to ignore their Natural instinct - and Motherly instinct - of protecting their Babies. Shakespeare said Hell hath no fury like a Woman scorned; surely there is something in there relatable to not just Women being scorned but specifically to Human mothers or ursus mothers or feline mothers or canine mothers... When your Baby is in distress, but more so - acutely - and also is bleeding from the mouth... you're (I don't mean you, by the way) like, "Meh. You're the one with the medical practice qualification, certificate, and trust; I'll go put nail polish on. Herp-derp."?

For most people, the feeling is that you're supposed to be able to trust a hospital with your baby. It's unthinkable to ordinary folk that anyone would ever want to hurt babies, especially those working for a hospital.
I can remember reading or watching something ages ago that said "Doc's word is gospel" or something similar. Look at how it has been changed, and what it has been turned into now. Natural home-births, surrounded by family and friends in a warm, loving, caring, safe environment - or your Baby in distress, acute distress, and bleeding from the mouth, and you go away and leave him/her alone with a stranger?! Call me whatever you want in this context of my argument here, but that is unforgivable. Even if this Woman was not a christian, she has the same, or slightly higher, amount of Braining as christians have, apparently...

How could they have known? The mom didn't have medical knowledge.
I don't think one needs to have medical knowledge when your own Baby is distressed but distressed acutely, and bleeding from the mouth. Of course, "Trust me, I'm a nurse"?! In any other situation, I don't expect the trained medical professional, trained to be sensitive and gentle, would say, "Trust me"; they'd try to speak with the mother/family member, but as you say, that's hindsight; your own Baby in such a situation... and leaving him/her alone with someone else who is not your family member or friend and doesn't have a real, proper amount of trust... with your newborn defenceless little Being. It's not as if Human Babies are sharks, where one eats another in the womb before being born...

These people lost their children to a shameless grinning lizard bitch, isn't that bad enough without having FancyMancy the empowered Satanist scorning them and blaming them for trusting hospital staff with their children?
Yeah, thanks for that. It's not about me.
NitrateOsfatate666 said:
you should continue to post those things
I certainly intend to post things as I find them.

Continue posting. Don't stop :D as we need a lot of people like you, me, and other Proud Gentiles andhour Spiritual Satanists in order to expose the horrendous species called the joos.
Thanks, lol. I have a lot of articles to post, but I want to post the more important and more relevant ones.
FancyMancy said:
Regarding the thing about bleeding from the mouth which you emphasized a lot. When you hear "Trust me, I'm a nurse" the idea is that this trained professional is going to stop the bleeding, and rescue your baby. Clearly her soul on another level knew what was going on, her baby was pinging her, and so she called her husband because intuition. Analysis paralysis can also happen in these situations, and you want to make the best choice for the child. What exactly would she do, anyway? If she grabbed the baby away from the nurse's care... what then? The baby is still bleeding from the mouth, and it might die on her. She would look like a crazy hysterical person, and probably be charged with murdering her own child. The dad would probably blame her and turn on her. And then the jewess gets away with it. Baby still dies like the jewess wanted, and the mom gets all the blame. Probably the best thing she could have done was get more hospital staff to come there, and tell them it's an emergency.

jrvan said:
These people lost their children to a shameless grinning lizard bitch, isn't that bad enough without having FancyMancy the empowered Satanist scorning them and blaming them for trusting hospital staff with their children?
FancyMancy said:
Yeah, thanks for that. It's not about me.

I wasn't trying to offend you. I'm only trying to point out that you're putting your energy against this innocent victim, and that's going to affect her because you're in a completely different level of power from her. That's why I said, isn't it enough that she lost her child? I mean, you're not sending negative energy towards her at all times of the day, but it could still mildly affect her at least a little bit I imagine.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
