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Need some advices about Bisexuality


New member
Oct 22, 2021
Hello guys, i just need some advices and also i wanna get read of my negative emotions

First of all i want to thank Satan and Nephthys for guiding me to do the Mars Square, i have reach the half of this square and feeling far better than before.

A few days ago I asked myself if I am bisexual and I started to have attractions towards boys accompanied by a state of freedom and being "myself".On the other hand I worry that maybe I am deluded or maybe in a previous life I was marginalized for it and maybe that's where these feelings come from.Now, I know that no one here can give me the exact cause, but what guidance advice could you give me so that I can get into a healthier shape from this point of view?

Also, I have asked Father Satan a few times to give me the answer to this question, and after that i just looked at the message on my t-shirt "just be yourself" and then I have the same feeling of "me" or freedom as i mentioned above.
It sounds like you're doing great so far with the Mars square so that's good.

You can always perform a working with the ANSUZ and also, invoking the element of aether can help gather your thoughts together. As you focus on this element, you can bring up your attractions and from there assess how you feel.

It could go either way at this point, and as you continue to meditate, perform the Mars Square and evolve spiritually, you'll definitely be able to determine what is true for yourself. There IS a chance that these feelings might not be yours or externally induced. However, it does seem like your getting strong signs of being bisexual.

As you're aware already, be patient with all of this and continue to work with Satan or your Guardian.

I hope this helps. :)
Thanks for repliyng me, brother.I will indeed take your advices and looking forward for the results :)
Mars rules men and sexuality so it might be normal as you increase Mars energy to have increased and conflated feelings to what is related to Sex/Men, which does not necessarily mean that you changed your whole sexuality now, but you can use this sex drive and positivity towards masculinity to improve and grow in manly activities. As it's been stated before not all sex drive is just literal sex but a creative force that can be used to improve your life.
What are you using the square for and what is your affirmation? If you are using it to get rid of sexual hung-ups then it may be possible you are bi and this is helping you or you are doing some weird affirmation and this is making you confused. Either way, just you know there is nothing wrong with being Bi, you seem scared and like this is a issue, it's not and the Gods wil accept you because this is natural. I would say to do a working to get rid of sexual problems if you feel like you need it, if you are Bi the working will help you accept it. Remember that you need to have a fully unblocked sacral chakra if you want to advance spiritually.
luis said:
What are you using the square for and what is your affirmation? If you are using it to get rid of sexual hung-ups then it may be possible you are bi and this is helping you or you are doing some weird affirmation and this is making you confused. Either way, just you know there is nothing wrong with being Bi, you seem scared and like this is a issue, it's not and the Gods wil accept you because this is natural. I would say to do a working to get rid of sexual problems if you feel like you need it, if you are Bi the working will help you accept it. Remember that you need to have a fully unblocked sacral chakra if you want to advance spiritually.

I realized this was the case with me officially after a sun square I did in the spring and I made an affirmation of being aware of all aspects of my identity in every way. it hit me in the face right when we started the ritual for Janus. I already noticed hints and signs when i was younger but ignored them, largely due to xtian programming and blaming what I was seeing and experiencing on something else or that it was supposed to be expressed differently. For example, I always felt attracted to feminine men, (which counts for the one percent of men I can still find attractive physically and psychologically), but my genuine emotional and physical attraction to femininity was only directed at men because at first I thought it was the only right way. Although it still counts for me, it is far from the only way I feel and is in fact even in the minority.

I should have known the day I actually fell in love with a guy that could actually pass for a girl for a while...but when the psychological femininity from him lifted after the end of what was some apparent confusion for him, we clashed badly and only later on I realized why...next thing I know several years later, even while we were together I noticed that there were women that turned my head that I tried to ignore....because I was completely straight right? lol NOPE.

Maybe I can actually find a decent girl one day that doesn't make a point to look like something out of a circus, or is bi looking for a third, or makes a point to reject butches :roll:

I hope this might be helpful to the OP, and also to take the reminder of making sure that what they feel and experience is something that happens organically, so as to not confuse themselves. If one actually tries to change their natural sexuality into something else completely it will not end well. I have talked to a lot of girls who have a lot of hatred and anger to men and are basically pivoting to women for the wrong reasons. One will almost always be attracted to what compliments them, see to it that you can feel what this is without the interference of hangups in regard to sex and relationships or other, and you will have your answer.
Egon said:
Mars rules men and sexuality so it might be normal as you increase Mars energy to have increased and conflated feelings to what is related to Sex/Men, which does not necessarily mean that you changed your whole sexuality now, but you can use this sex drive and positivity towards masculinity to improve and grow in manly activities. As it's been stated before not all sex drive is just literal sex but a creative force that can be used to improve your life.

I have waited a while to give you a response for this post in order to feel sure of what i want to say.I have accepted the truth that i am a bisexual and feel no more shame about that.I always was afraid of that part of me, since i was a younger boy, because i didn’t want to feel refused by the society and my family but there is no need to tell people about that.

In otherwords, i used to watch a serial named Shameless and i was always atracted to a gay couple from that show.I remember that i was feeling great with my ex girlfriend from those times and still feeling the need to watch to those guys.

I have other exemples for this but i think it’s enough.Thanks for your time and for this knowledge brother

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
