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Need advice. Extremely jealous and strange peer at college.


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2019
Hello brothers and sisters,

So there this colleague at uni who I got to know at the first day. At first he was like a friend to me and treated me okay. I helped him get popular because I recommended him to the professor to be a school rep for our group since he was a "friend" and he already owned a whatsapp group where we were all there.

So he got voted to be the school rep. The professor asked me my grades because I answered a question and he said I was smart. I told him my grades and then that colleague started looking at me differently he started to get really jealous and hateful because I had the top grades at college and was generally very smart.

He started really turning into someone extremely annoying especially at the whatsapp groups and trying to put me down and making people hate me. Telling people I am a nerd and stuff.

He is the most popular currently. Although I am generally popular and very loved by my peers and they keep saying they like me alot he is trying to sabotage this and that fucker even turned off the groups once when people where saying nice tuings about me and telling me how much they like me. Then out of nowhere he turned off group messaging (since he is the only admin) and said that people complained of too many messages.

Now he is trying so hard to sabotage me at college and he is really pissing me off.

What can I do spiritually to deal with that little piece of shit? Also what can you advice me on dealing with people like him regardless of spiritual knowledge? Please help I don't want to ruin my college life because of him.

Hail Satan Forever!!
mercury_wisdom said:
Hello brothers and sisters,

So there this colleague at uni who I got to know at the first day. At first he was like a friend to me and treated me okay. I helped him get popular because I recommended him to the professor to be a school rep for our group since he was a "friend" and he already owned a whatsapp group where we were all there.

So he got voted to be the school rep. The professor asked me my grades because I answered a question and he said I was smart. I told him my grades and then that colleague started looking at me differently he started to get really jealous and hateful because I had the top grades at college and was generally very smart.

He started really turning into someone extremely annoying especially at the whatsapp groups and trying to put me down and making people hate me. Telling people I am a nerd and stuff.

He is the most popular currently. Although I am generally popular and very loved by my peers and they keep saying they like me alot he is trying to sabotage this and that fucker even turned off the groups once when people where saying nice tuings about me and telling me how much they like me. Then out of nowhere he turned off group messaging (since he is the only admin) and said that people complained of too many messages.

Now he is trying so hard to sabotage me at college and he is really pissing me off.

What can I do spiritually to deal with that little piece of shit? Also what can you advice me on dealing with people like him regardless of spiritual knowledge? Please help I don't want to ruin my college life because of him.

Hail Satan Forever!!
Tune into his soul and visualize black energy on his aura and affirm he is bound from attacking you in any way, or being a nuisance. You can also serve his plate to him and make him get despised if you wish. Red energy is good in that regard.

Also don't associates with him. Tune him out and keep him out of your circle as much as possible. Keep shining brother. That will eat him up with his jealousy as he can't take your mind from you.
You mean envy, jealousy is something else and is only about love.
Blackdragon666 said:
mercury_wisdom said:
Hello brothers and sisters,

So there this colleague at uni who I got to know at the first day. At first he was like a friend to me and treated me okay. I helped him get popular because I recommended him to the professor to be a school rep for our group since he was a "friend" and he already owned a whatsapp group where we were all there.

So he got voted to be the school rep. The professor asked me my grades because I answered a question and he said I was smart. I told him my grades and then that colleague started looking at me differently he started to get really jealous and hateful because I had the top grades at college and was generally very smart.

He started really turning into someone extremely annoying especially at the whatsapp groups and trying to put me down and making people hate me. Telling people I am a nerd and stuff.

He is the most popular currently. Although I am generally popular and very loved by my peers and they keep saying they like me alot he is trying to sabotage this and that fucker even turned off the groups once when people where saying nice tuings about me and telling me how much they like me. Then out of nowhere he turned off group messaging (since he is the only admin) and said that people complained of too many messages.

Now he is trying so hard to sabotage me at college and he is really pissing me off.

What can I do spiritually to deal with that little piece of shit? Also what can you advice me on dealing with people like him regardless of spiritual knowledge? Please help I don't want to ruin my college life because of him.

Hail Satan Forever!!
Tune into his soul and visualize black energy on his aura and affirm he is bound from attacking you in any way, or being a nuisance. You can also serve his plate to him and make him get despised if you wish. Red energy is good in that regard.

Also don't associates with him. Tune him out and keep him out of your circle as much as possible. Keep shining brother. That will eat him up with his jealousy as he can't take your mind from you.
Thanks alot for this brother!!
Henu the Great said:
At the very least bind him with runes. You can use magick in a way that he gets the shit, not you, even though he badmouths you.

Sounds like a real piece of shit. I hope you succeed.
Thank you Henu! I will make sure to succeed no matter what! Hail Satan!
Master said:
You mean envy, jealousy is something else and is only about love.
No it can be used in this way. I have even seen a Youtube video talking about how to deal with jealousy at work. Surely it won't be about relationships lmao.
mercury_wisdom said:
Now he is trying so hard to sabotage me at college and he is really pissing me off.

What can I do spiritually to deal with that little piece of shit? Also what can you advice me on dealing with people like him regardless of spiritual knowledge? Please help I don't want to ruin my college life because of him.

Hail Satan Forever!!

You can confront him privately if you feel brave enough. Inhale a bunch of fire and spin your solar chakra, then go tell him you don't appreciate how he is acting. Leave him room to save face and he will probably crack.

Otherwise, just bind him like Henu said, then just dump any dirt on his head that you get from cleaning. You can attack him worse if you want, it's up to you. Since you know how he acts, you can use a rune to amplify his mistakes.

You already have the upper hand in this social engagement. He is acting out of line and not channeling his emotions constructively. It would be "fair" once you call him out and he does not back down, then at that point, you can turn people against him in a similar manner by describing what he is doing and expressing your disdain for it/him.
One day it will be included on the JOS website I hope.

Sounds perfect for this situation (gossip).


Just another option.
In cases like these, if someone I thought wasn't toxic ends up toxic, I need to detach myself completely.

I do something similar to this, so I recommend reading this first, if you haven't already:

Now, if you're interested, I have a personal derision from this (unless it's actually posted somewhere and I can't find it/am forgetful, quite likely).
Personally, I feel my connection to people in general most strongly in my chest, in my heart chakra. Whether ex lover or acquaintance. Perhaps a little bit in my throat, but I'd say a good solid 90% is in my heart. I've used this to detach from exs, removing trolls who've affected me (I can be sensitive) and toxic friends. I imagine the person as clearly as I can in my mind. I visualise the connection as a taut string from my chest to theirs. Bring forwards and remember why you want to get rid of this person and your connection (positive, and negative) to them. (This is also part of a form of therapy known as shadow work. You must bring it forward to let it go.). Lift your sharp spiritual weapon high (I use a cleaver, lol) and bring it down on the connection with as much force and purpose you can muster. Listen to the sound of the weapon severing the chord and acknowledge your work is done. Your intent is absolutely the most important thing here. I will warn that this has been extremely effective for me and in some cases I feel nothing for people I once had. So there we are. Hope this helps!
mercury_wisdom said:
What can I do spiritually to deal with that little piece of shit? Also what can you advice me on dealing with people like him regardless of spiritual knowledge? Please help I don't want to ruin my college life because of him.

Hail Satan Forever!!

I don't know the extent of this situation, but I'd take a slightly different approach. From a spiritual perspective:

Work on yourself. You are a Satanist - unless this person is physically threatening towards you, I don't see any need to waste spiritual efforts on them. They are best reserved for your own development and empowerment.

Find a way to transcend the situations or people that keep pulling you back down as you ascend. Seek within yourself the strength required to deal with the situation in the best possible way that you can.


From a "non-spiritual", political perspective:

If you want to learn to navigate politics, there's a book called "secret to winning at office politics", which is pretty good. It teaches you how to protect yourself more than anything else, and is a bit like jiu-jitsu in using other people's attacks against them.

On politics, there's also a good "dog-fight" methodology called OODA loops by John Boyd. If you can learn this, it's also like a political martial art.

Well worth investing time into learning this sort of thing, just to guard your spiritual development.
mercury_wisdom said:
Hello brothers and sisters,

So there this colleague at uni who I got to know at the first day. At first he was like a friend to me and treated me okay. I helped him get popular because I recommended him to the professor to be a school rep for our group since he was a "friend" and he already owned a whatsapp group where we were all there.

So he got voted to be the school rep. The professor asked me my grades because I answered a question and he said I was smart. I told him my grades and then that colleague started looking at me differently he started to get really jealous and hateful because I had the top grades at college and was generally very smart.

He started really turning into someone extremely annoying especially at the whatsapp groups and trying to put me down and making people hate me. Telling people I am a nerd and stuff.

He is the most popular currently. Although I am generally popular and very loved by my peers and they keep saying they like me alot he is trying to sabotage this and that fucker even turned off the groups once when people where saying nice tuings about me and telling me how much they like me. Then out of nowhere he turned off group messaging (since he is the only admin) and said that people complained of too many messages.

Now he is trying so hard to sabotage me at college and he is really pissing me off.

What can I do spiritually to deal with that little piece of shit? Also what can you advice me on dealing with people like him regardless of spiritual knowledge? Please help I don't want to ruin my college life because of him.

Hail Satan Forever!!

Wait for the waning moon and bind his salty ass. Isa works pretty good ;)
mercury_wisdom said:
No it can be used in this way. I have even seen a Youtube video talking about how to deal with jealousy at work. Surely it won't be about relationships lmao.

I think it is likely this is related to your saturn transit, or other transits. First a fight with your mom, then this? Not just a coincidence.
Blitzkreig said:
mercury_wisdom said:
No it can be used in this way. I have even seen a Youtube video talking about how to deal with jealousy at work. Surely it won't be about relationships lmao.

I think it is likely this is related to your saturn transit, or other transits. First a fight with your mom, then this? Not just a coincidence.
Yep, this is what I thought by reading this post. Mercury are you doing your cleaning/protection?
luis said:
Blitzkreig said:
mercury_wisdom said:
No it can be used in this way. I have even seen a Youtube video talking about how to deal with jealousy at work. Surely it won't be about relationships lmao.

I think it is likely this is related to your saturn transit, or other transits. First a fight with your mom, then this? Not just a coincidence.
Yep, this is what I thought by reading this post. Mercury are you doing your cleaning/protection?
Hey Luis and Blitz.

So everything's been fine now. That guy is nice now and I am quite loved and popular at college.

Honestly Saturn retro has been brutal. Now that it is direct I am so much better.

By the way Saturn is my chart ruler so I am not so much negatively affected by it. In fact when it went to my 1st house was one of the best periods of my life.

I was productive, happy and responsible. But that is only when it is direct when it is retro it turns dark and lots of shit happens I get ultra stressed and depressed.

Now it's fine I feel a weight off my shoulder and I am relaxed and productive. Thank you for caring everyone. Yes I do my basic protection, void, yoga and cleaning but nothing more.

Hail Satan Forever!!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
