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nazi ?

Oct 15, 2013
I see you guys say things like THE GODS ARE NAZI,theirs a very racist tone to this sect of spiritual satanism.I am wondering how this is even possible.im reading the the origins of satanism section and there were no white people in the far east thousands of years ago.The people of Sumeria, Egypt,the yezidis none of these people where white.Im also wondering why you guys hate people in other religions,i can understand the not liking the high ranking members of it which spread the lie but if satan is really god aren't the regular people that have been lied to hes people to.Why would he not want them set straight with truth,instead of telling you to hate them? i have never been a fan of religion and have always thought i was being lied to,this is what lead me here but im starting the human hand just i did with the christian and other religions.  
Let's start off with the simple fact of the matter, you are extraordinarily brainwashed. Now let that settle in. You have been programmed to believe these things that you are saying, when in fact ALL of them are untrue. Yes, Our Gods ARE Nazi's. And yes, we also follow Nazism. We follow true Nazism, and are not afraid to speak the Truth. Don't like it, fine leave. Call us racist if you please, the Truth does not fear being labeled as "racist". Yes, we as Satanists realize the Natural Order of things, with Our Aryan race being at the top. This is factual, we are descendants of Satan and the Gods, and therefor are the greatest and most supreme out of all the races. The Aryan race has contributed more to this world than every other race combined. You also state that "there were no whites in the Middle East back then." On the contrary, when Satan and the Gods first and to Earth, they populated the entire world with Aryans. In the Americas there were Aryans, as Far East as China, India, Egypt, the Middle East, everywhere. 
And why do we have hatred of these religions? Is it unnatural to hate the programs that have enslaved, tortured, attacked, and decimated our people?    
We do not hate all xtians per say, but they are not Satanists, and therefor not trustable. Muslims and jews however, are enemies. Muslims worship a peodophile, and actively attempt to spread his destruction to our Aryan Heartlands. This makes Muslims my enemies. And behind all of it are the jews, guiding, manipulating, and attempting to destroy the White Aryan race so they can finally take this planet. THIS, is the Truth.Like it or not. You now have the choice before you,Ignorance, decide to become one of the countless millions, a slave in a husk of a soul, a lifeless drone. Or, the path of Illumination. Research, meditation, spiritual warfare, and absolute and full Trust and Faith in The Eternal AllFather Satan and The Gods. The choice is yours, chose wisely. HAIL SATAN!!!GLORY TO THE EMPIRE OF ORION!GOT MIT UNS! 
On Nov 2, 2016, at 1:05, "michaelturruiviate@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  I see you guys say things like THE GODS ARE NAZI,theirs a very racist tone to this sect of spiritual satanism.I am wondering how this is even possible.im reading the the origins of satanism section and there were no white people in the far east thousands of years ago.The people of Sumeria, Egypt,the yezidis none of these people where white.Im also wondering why you guys hate people in other religions,i can understand the not liking the high ranking members of it which spread the lie but if satan is really god aren't the regular people that have been lied to hes people to.Why would he not want them set straight with truth,instead of telling you to hate them? i have never been a fan of religion and have always thought i was being lied to,this is what lead me here but im starting the human hand just i did with the christian and other religions.  
I recommend you read the Death of Islam webpage, Exposingchristianity and exposingjudaism. And the Joy of Satan as well.
I think you misunderstood something. We don't hate other races - our HPs are White, Black and Asian & we even have e-groups for each race. We're against race mixing because that would mean the end of 3 races. I don't know where you found the info that ancient Egyptians weren't white... I'm quite sure Ramses the Great was white and he was the Pharaoh.
About the other religions: yes there are regular people that live a lie, but when you think of a typical Xtian - do you think of pope or a regular person who goes to church? Have you ever tried going to the nice old lady that lives across the street and tried telling her, that what she believed her whole life was a lie? That her daily prayers were only harming her & her loved ones? In the best case scenario she would throw the bible at you. Some people are just too programmed, too destroyed to be helped. Some of them don't want to change their beliefs and just mentioning Satan makes them angry and they want to curse you. But who do you think this hurts more - them or our Father? Every time Gentlie says they hate Father it brings sorrow to his heart, since we're all his children and he loves us, but some people just want to stab him in the back. Not everyone can be helped and not everyone wants help.
I do not understand why you are saying all this.

I do not know who you've been talking to but if you read the comments in this group there has not been an SS that has insulted or tried to insult any other race.

As for this issue you are speaking of, DO you even have a single idea what it would feel like if your child or brother stabbed you in the back? You don't help people that hurt you. 

As for the religions. the JEWS (RACE!!!!) has always followed their religion 'judaism' which is a corrupted stolen whatnot version of everything once pagan. Their 'sanity' they wrote down in that stupid disgusting book called the Torah, which later turned out to be old testament of the Bible. Just read it you'll know its full of blood sacrifice, fear, war, etc. This same book, Torah, was used to make up the Koran. After which we have those disgusting muslims whom rape children, blow themselves up, believe in having all the virgins they want when in heaven (obviously a lot like the ... people the jews were promised to 'own' aka those people are supposed to be all slaves).

Also read this:
The Commandments of Satan   

The gods are in no way obliged to help anyone who does not stand with them. (And even then you still have to put the effort in. It is not just all take and take).
IT has been said over and over again and I will repeat what others have said.
This war is SPIRITUAL. That means that we must participate in the RTRs. It is about preserving the future of mankind, NOT THE JEWS BECAUSE THEY RUINED EVERYTHING.
If you think you can just be lazy and get all that you want just by asking you won't get it. YOU MUST WORK FOR IT.

k.. that was kind of a rant.
Sumeria, Egypt and the Yezidis ARE white.The Pharaohs mummies are all blondes and redheads and have an ARYAN skull structure.

If you believe the mainstream (((history))) books written by LYING JEWS then you clearly believe the world was farted out of JEWhova's ass and all the other jewish excrement of the JEWISH bible/torah/koran/talmuds (((SAME BOOK))) and therefore I cannot help you.
We can only help those who are willing to search for the truth and make up their own minds rather than believe the first LYING JEW who tells them "OY VEY! WHITE PEOPLE ARE EVIL BECAUSE WE SAID SO GOY!"
If you are one of those fools who believes what your JEWISH schoolteachers, JEWISH television, JEWISH hollywood movies and JEWISH government tells you without ever bothering to think for yourself then you are already lost.

On Tuesday, November 1, 2016 10:59 PM, "michaelturruiviate@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I see you guys say things like THE GODS ARE NAZI,theirs a very racist tone to this sect of spiritual satanism.I am wondering how this is even possible.im reading the the origins of satanism section and there were no white people in the far east thousands of years ago.The people of Sumeria, Egypt,the yezidis none of these people where white.Im also wondering why you guys hate people in other religions,i can understand the not liking the high ranking members of it which spread the lie but if satan is really god aren't the regular people that have been lied to hes people to.Why would he not want them set straight with truth,instead of telling you to hate them? i have never been a fan of religion and have always thought i was being lied to,this is what lead me here but im starting the human hand just i did with the christian and other religions.  

Please read the JOS website completely. You will come to know why we say Satan and the gods are white. And BTW.. A sizable population in the east thousands of years ago was indeed White.
1. There were european people living in ancient china.
http://hubpages.com/education/The-White ... ient-China
http://mysteriousuniverse.org/2014/10/t ... -of-china/ 

2. White people seemed to have been ruling Egypt over the blacks and browns in ancient Egypt.Black people were portrayed comparably like how old Walt Disney cartoons portrayed blacks. I would very much like someone who can speak to the demons ask them regarding what happened to ancient Egypt. I am very curious on how Egypt transitioned from a white kingdom to another muslim arab land.

3. One member in another post made it clear that race mixing would be against the law under Satanic order. Race-mixing is a betrayal to one's own race; it 'weakens' the blood. I would also appreciate it if someone else posted info or sermon about race-mixing.

4. The Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Islam, Christianity) are programs to weaken and destroy humanity. The other religions have been corrupted to make it impossible or more difficult to ascend. For example, enforcing vegetarianism to all followers.

5. It is normal to hate such destructive tools of insanity. Also, would you not abhor people who are naturally promoting garbage and working for the enemy or even against you? Would you not hate people for following a religion that promises 2800 slaves for every jew or 72 virgins for every muslim?


http://www.angelfire.com/dawn666blacksu ... ocaust.htm

The Third Reich and Christianity


Nazi is not a bad, Goddess Nazi (Jewish Hijack of Languages)

---In [email protected], <michaelturruiviate@... wrote :

I see you guys say things like THE GODS ARE NAZI,theirs a very racist tone to this sect of spiritual satanism.I am wondering how this is even possible.im reading the the origins of satanism section and there were no white people in the far east thousands of years ago.The people of Sumeria, Egypt,the yezidis none of these people where white.Im also wondering why you guys hate people in other religions,i can understand the not liking the high ranking members of it which spread the lie but if satan is really god aren't the regular people that have been lied to hes people to.Why would he not want them set straight with truth,instead of telling you to hate them? i have never been a fan of religion and have always thought i was being lied to,this is what lead me here but im starting the human hand just i did with the christian and other religions.  
It's quite simple. Paganism (Satanism) is the worship of the ancient Gods (Satan, Beelzeebub, Astorath) which originated in the east, in the places you have mentioned.

The Nazis - National Socialism was based on Satanism.

This is well documented in:
"BlackSun666" archives!
Http://www.joyofsatan.org (click on links at bottom of cover page)

When you read enough of the website, it all makes sense!


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
