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Nazi Research Subforum

The Alchemist7 [TG]

Head of Translations
Nov 17, 2017
[email protected]
Since we all know most people are mislead and brainwashed about Nazism, what is your opinion about opening a subforum dedicated only to Nazi research, where topics can be opened by anybody but only for posting books, documentaries, websites or any piece of research that shows the historical truth about Nazi Germany, so we concentrate all information in one place and people who will be open minded enough will know where to go to find the information. Those who have questions would/should ask them in an already opened thread. Topics/threads already opened about Nazi Research would be moved in that subforum. It would be way more organized and will open the eyes of many people who are willing to research the matter and not only accept what they have been told in the school.

Equally, do you think that opening such a subforum will put the entire JoS forum at risk of being attacked? At the end of the day everything about Nazism is quasi-illegal unless is coming from jewish sources.
The Alchemist7 said:
Equally, do you think that opening such a subforum will put the entire JoS forum at risk of being attacked? At the end of the day everything about Nazism is quasi-illegal unless is coming from jewish sources.

I think it is a good idear, the enemy allready hates JOS etc to full extend (they attack it frequently).
As long the forum does not advocate anything, which is illegal in thear server hosting country, everything should be fine.
I wish to make known a tireless militant of National Socialism, of his relentless rehabilitation of Hitler (he devoted a long video series to it), of the EXAUSTIVE demonstration of the "shoarnaque" (many videos and books) :
Vincent REYNOUARD, professor of physics and chemistry.
He is a man of (too) great kindness, persecuted by the enemy, put in prison, forced into exile, and as I speak, on the run to escape extradition and a third imprisonment.
Unfortunately, this is in French, but his work on the study of the Third Reich, both in video and book form, is very important.

As an example:
(Translation : "NS : A very current solution")

(23 episodes!)
What fate of Adolf Hitler has taught me

NS : Last hope of the white world

NS : Europe's Llast hope

My plea for Adolf Hitler

Euthanasia under Hitler

Human rights and social achievements of the Third Reich

Etc etc etc!
Fuchs said:
As long the forum does not advocate anything, which is illegal in thear server hosting country, everything should be fine.
Definitely yes, such subforum would be meant only to host and popularize objective historical revisionism and research, which is completely legal for educational purposes. There are historical revisionism websites specificaly focused on Nazism, such as CODOH (Comitee for Open Debate on Holocaust) and IHR (Institute for Historical Review) and they exist freely.

SShiva_fr said:
Vincent REYNOUARD, professor of physics and chemistry.
That is great evidence. Hopefully the subforum can be created, if it happens you can post it there too.

I hope you will see this thread, if not I will try to reach to you.
This is an excellent idea because it's a bit exhausting having General666 forums mixed with NS stuff. In other words we are spiritual organization with political aspects. I think the General forum has been used as kinda a catch all. I think General forum should remain a spiritual section or a slightly side-topic/off-topic to a small degree hence slightly. Maybe even a message ping through quote pinging or for example a member mentioning something to the HPs/Mods about something, hence GENERAL.

I say it's a great idea because it puts straight in the face of people we are a NatSoc organization. Many people like Joy of Satan but once they understand the NS principle they do an about face. Like what occurred on Yahoo forums circa 2016 or so some guy comes to Yahoo forums JoS anti-simetic(yeah that's how he spelled it) and Lydia commented just study it's not bad. But the person never came back.

So I think inasmuch this is kinda like Hp.Cobra said SATANISM instead of PAGANISM. If your fearful of a name of attribute Satanism or National Socialism(Nazism) then maybe your not supposed to be here. Remove the rough from the diamond or dust from the gold.

Unfortunately I can see some people being confused because there is a lot of NS misunderstandings. We need to study all aspects even kosher kvetching of ebil, debil NS needs to be studied because we are trying to reverse engineer and provide counter-fire on what they said.

For example a while back I mentioned something and Stormblood responded stating NS is anti-Union, Strike, and protest. But then when I read Dr.Dalton's translation of Mein Kampf. Hitler goes the Union question is we create or do we infiltrate. In the end Hitler stated we infiltrate the marxist Unions and turn them NS, as for creating it's not out of the question but needs to be done tactfully. As for protest and strikes Hitler goes on to say that the reason why workers strike and protest their company which they have every right to do so is for better work conditions. A worker or workers should strike and protest if the company is acting in bad faith to it's members.

Stormblood provided what he learned. It's not wrong nor malefic nor evil cause even he wishes to a large degree wanting direct communication with the NS of old. But this Mein Kampf contradicts Stormblood. Even HP.Myla Limlal's Understanding NS is right in some things for example we are revolutionaries we are not conservatives despite the fact that Hitler states the 3 most powerful authoritarian principles is power, authority, and the most powerful tradition. We certainly aren't cuckservatives especially the American kind who seemingly believes that by turning the other cheek it can do good. But I can see some contradictions on HP.Myla's section or at least the information available at the time when she printed that pamphlet circa 2014-2015 or so and had older information.

If NS is evolution, science, and the application of truth. It's kinda like the computer industry a new technology or chip comes out and it just ripples through another evolution. It's not so much we can stop evolution but we need a baseline. I think that is the biggest obstacle with NS it was destroyed by eliminating it's baseline. If we had a baseline we can at least have a common ground/knowledge and push further.

For now NS even SS = experimental there's some rules, regulations, and few platues of baselines but the entirety of NS/SS isn't baseline rather we are either creating from the ground up, studying outdated information and testing from there, or there is information, there is a baseline or even evolutionary data. But it's non-sense because the rest of it was destroyed.

I think the only obstacle is the one SShiva_FR mentions the language barrier. HP.Cobra a while ago responded to a person stating the fact we are more English community is helpful as that language is huge and is far and wide.

The only negative thing I can see is giving the enemy URL links of places and having it shut down or removed from the internet.

It's one thing to study NS and theorycraft some things. It's another when a member has information it's gone from the internet and we are left holding empty sacks.

So this is an excellent idea but it needs to be done with tact. Kinda like Astrological charts the Moderators need to be on high alert for the safety of preserving historical knowledge as well as theorycrafting knowledge.
The BlackSun666 could be used for this purpose, it's there for matters like that. Just be aware to do things in accordance to the rules of singing up of the forum [legality, etc].
Gear88 said:
This is an excellent idea because it's a bit exhausting having General666 forums mixed with NS stuff. In other words we are spiritual organization with political aspects.
Yea to be honest I consider that having a main General thread for everything is not going to be feasible on long term because if we consider the 10 years plan posted, the first point was to reach 1 billion people by the end of this decade. Image how many people would be registering and using this forum in the next years (maybe at least millions), this is why I think the forum might need to become more organized, with separate sections/subforums for main areas, like one for Spirituality and Satanism, one for Science and/or Technology, one for Health (which already exists) etc. Already if one opens a new thread and doesn't get answers, it will end up on the second page in a matter of 1-2 days with only a few views, therefore barely read by a few members who were `lucky` to see it. If the number of members will double or triple, this congestion of topics in only one subforum will aggravate.

Gear88 said:
Like what occurred on Yahoo forums circa 2016 or so some guy comes to Yahoo forums JoS anti-simetic(yeah that's how he spelled it) and Lydia commented just study it's not bad. But the person never came back.
Indeed this is why I considered a place where all Nazi research will be gathered would be very useful to open the eyes of those people who understand the religious/spiritual symbolism of Joy of Satan but cannot agree with our stand on Nazism due to systemic indoctrination. This is not about `respecting someone's opinions`, if it was about that then jews wouldn't send holocaust deniers to prison and most people nowadays wouldn't have such a bad perception about Nazi Germany because based on respecting opinions, holocaust revisionism would be a popular and accepted practice. By having such a forum, new people will understand that our views on Nazism are based on proper verificable evidence and not propaganda or `conspiracy theories`, which will give us more credibility on long term, and they will also realize that they have been lied and brainwashed by the present informational and educational systems.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The BlackSun666 could be used for this purpose, it's there for matters like that. Just be aware to do things in accordance to the rules of singing up of the forum [legality, etc].
I agree but at least on the description under the group/forum name, it should be noted that Nazi research/revisionism can be found and also spread in that forum, so people who visit the forum and already existing members will know where to find this information. I think this would be enough to `catch the attention` so to say.
I can see issues with BS666(BlackSun section) being limited. For example the BS666 was turned from the beginning to be White(Aryan) section. The only possible thing can be is BlackSun gets split. BlackSun666(Shadow study of NS philosophy) but that would mean we would need to create kinda a Whites or Aryans for Satan section. It would mean BlackSun666 after being around since 2002 would be split away, it'll just create confusion.

I think we should just have a section called N.S.P.R.(D./S.): National Socialist Philosophical Research (Department/Section).

1. The rational investigation of the truths and principles of being, knowledge, or conduct.

2. Any of the three branches, namely natural philosophy, moral philosophy, and metaphysical philosophy, that are accepted as composing this study.(Exactly Meta/Phy Fanatical + Zealot; the Spiritual with the Physical or Physical with the Spiritual)

3. A particular system of thought based on such study or investigation.

4. The critical study of the basic principles and concepts of a particular branch of knowledge, especially with a view to improving or reconstituting them hence what I said before above the lack of baseline or the uneven baseline or the lack of beginning from a baseline is causing issues.

Hitler in Mein Kampf mentioned political > economic. Rather if we go about teaching economics from the get go we become the very parliamentarians we oppose. Thus Hitler stated everything must be done politically first to get people to be political fanatics/zealots and then after a period of time introduce economic issues. Many of us are into the NS economy even many non-NS or anti-NS want economic data to improve their nation. Which is one reason why they fail they are not fanatical/zealot nor wanting a counter-fanaticism they merely want to improve the economy and miss out on the life changing, life providing properties of National Socialism. It be akin to a bunch of African nations going rogue forming an NSBS(NS Brotherhood) and developing within a short period of time advanced technologies. If Hitler took Germany even IF Germany was not battered into submission like WW2 i.e. some cities and places in Germany got bombed. Most of the bombing was in the front. But even then Germany was crushed by all. And Hitler took that nation to be a space age nation and really revolutionized the entire World, then there is hope for even lesser nations.

It should emphasize on critical thinking, rational thinking, and even illogical thinking(emotional training or emotional understanding). For example: NPC going Oy vey 6 gorrilian died(iINDEED 6 million JEWS but are they Gentiles?! :? ) to which we counter with various studies even Red Cross and Vatican studies that state worst case scenario not only did worst 300,000 die but over the entire camp system there was a Universal no to mass extermination processes. Even the jews themselves laugh at how stupid goyim are believing such non-sense. And then people wonder why the jews control the entire World.

It can either be Black Sun National Socialist Philosophical Research Department/Section or BSNSPR(D/S) or NSPR(D/S). IF BlackSun wishes to split and we recreate blacksun to be Aryans(Whites) for Satan.

For short I can see people liking the Black Sun aspect see the shadows like the occult. In other words a mixing of Political Fanaticism and Spiritual Zealotry. I can see it at a higher level being an expression of the unseen shadow of politics. Just because politics is everywhere is there no shadow(personal effect). For example the Sun is out but funny enough there are shadows even a curb of the sidewalk area on the side of a road can produce a shadow depending on the Sun's position.

Either way it's not up to me but a community thing. Maybe if we had a few more members fire off some ideas. I can see some traction. But for now it's just the few of us on this thread. Glad HP.Cobra saw it at least it garnished a view from a higher up personnel.

Anyways just theorycrafting some ideas.
Fuchs said:
The Alchemist7 said:
Equally, do you think that opening such a subforum will put the entire JoS forum at risk of being attacked? At the end of the day everything about Nazism is quasi-illegal unless is coming from jewish sources.

I think it is a good idear, the enemy allready hates JOS etc to full extend (they attack it frequently).
As long the forum does not advocate anything, which is illegal in thear server hosting country, everything should be fine.

Except inasmuch freedom of speech violations(looking at you Canada Zundel incident).

We don't advocate anything illegal or psuedo-illegal. As a matter of fact even we who have many Pro-2A U.S. members or gun owning members around the World. The most illegal thing anyone talked about with guns is merely hunting. IF hunting is restricted or hunting is limited or maybe a country doesn't want people hunting which hurts their nation as for example a wild boar stampede of proportional amount could wreck a lot of farming.

We don't advocate anything illegal or anything like underage or blood sacrifice or anything.

OUR enemies force it on us. Oy vey ebil, debil Szataniztzs but when it comes to our organization. Except inasmuch a few quips or some deleted threads that went offtopic or debated with negative individuals or the thread really went off topic and SHTF for the thread.

JoS = so legal we are illegal for being legal.

Our legality in existing is our illegality. Basically.

The crime of thought and speech is far, far, far worse than the action.

Like the Waekushe incident black guy(criminal) runs over 5 and now a 6th person died. That is fine great spectacular. But if someone posted on the communism twitter post. When American Leftism went Communist proper. Vey oy vey oy.

Sticks and stones may break my bones but words cannot hurt me. Apparently for the enemy words = sticks and stones striking my bones.

Or like HP.Cobra said on feminism which can be applied to clown world. Imaginary problems > Real problems.

Like the meme goes "It was real because it was in my mind".

Anyways thanks for bringing this up. If anything the illegality we bring up is the truth.
National Socialism in its basics are definitely grounded in natural Aristocratic principles, specifically the SS division. However the issue with our current state of the world is that we can collectively only go through populism and not specifically National Socialism because of the pervasive misunderstanding about it. You don't need to wear a black uniform and have a Swastika flag to do all the things that Adolf Hitler did. It's good to look for information and basic ideological understanding but Nationalists must adapt to the current situation. A lot of National Socialist policies are not going to be very welcome to a good majority of the populace because of outdated social norms. The Nazis capped the college attendance of women at 10% or so in order to facilitate more marriage and birthrate. Those policies will be widely rejected as being misogynistic due to current Social norms. However incentives to have children with marriage loans and forgiving of loans can be implemented.

The most pressing concern is However the New World Order and this genocidal vax regime that's on our chests. Unless and until all these vaxx manaic rulers are removed and this permanent Tyranny is defeated there is no chance for Nationalists anywhere to do anything.
Jack said:
However the issue with our current state of the world is that we can collectively only go through populism and not specifically National Socialism because of the pervasive misunderstanding about it.
Yea that's also what I suggested in another topic. If there is to exist another similar organization now or in the future, it doesn't have to be called `National-Socialist` or have a Swastika as main symbol, it can be called something else, have different symbolism and yet promote healthy and jewish-free doctrines that can be easily embraced by people. Yet organized Nazi research should be neccesary as many people on the outside do not agree that JoS have positive views towards Nazism as you said because of total misunderstanding of the matter and complete brainwashing from the enemy institutions. In this way people will realize that they were brainwashed and will better understand that both us and the Nazis were and are fighting against a common enemy, that is also their enemy. Who will not understand, will be their own issue as objective and verificable research from our side will be already layed down. As HP said the Black Sun666 forum can be used for this but it should at least be noted in the forum description.
The Alchemist7 said:
Jack said:
However the issue with our current state of the world is that we can collectively only go through populism and not specifically National Socialism because of the pervasive misunderstanding about it.
Yea that's also what I suggested in another topic. If there is to exist another similar organization now or in the future, it doesn't have to be called `National-Socialist` or have a Swastika as main symbol, it can be called something else, have different symbolism and yet promote healthy and jewish-free doctrines that can be easily embraced by people. Yet organized Nazi research should be neccesary as many people on the outside do not agree that JoS have positive views towards Nazism as you said because of total misunderstanding of the matter and complete brainwashing from the enemy institutions. In this way people will realize that they were brainwashed and will better understand that both us and the Nazis were and are fighting against a common enemy, that is also their enemy. Who will not understand, will be their own issue as objective and verificable research from our side will be already layed down. As HP said the Black Sun666 forum can be used for this but it should at least be noted in the forum description.
Instead of wasting a bunch of time , Nazis at heart should join Nationalist organizations like the White Nationalists have done with the Republican Party and Trumpism. It's better than creating and popularizing an organization from scratch.
The Alchemist7 said:
Jack said:
However the issue with our current state of the world is that we can collectively only go through populism and not specifically National Socialism because of the pervasive misunderstanding about it.
Yea that's also what I suggested in another topic. If there is to exist another similar organization now or in the future, it doesn't have to be called `National-Socialist` or have a Swastika as main symbol, it can be called something else, have different symbolism and yet promote healthy and jewish-free doctrines that can be easily embraced by people. Yet organized Nazi research should be neccesary as many people on the outside do not agree that JoS have positive views towards Nazism as you said because of total misunderstanding of the matter and complete brainwashing from the enemy institutions. In this way people will realize that they were brainwashed and will better understand that both us and the Nazis were and are fighting against a common enemy, that is also their enemy. Who will not understand, will be their own issue as objective and verificable research from our side will be already layed down. As HP said the Black Sun666 forum can be used for this but it should at least be noted in the forum description.
We need no sheep among our ranks, National Socialism will remain National Socialism, and Spiritual Satanism will stay as Spiritual Satanism.
It's the same concept of the JoS website, all black and red, people who are brainwashed are gonna be scared of it and if they actually want to go forward they are gonna have to accept it.
Jack said:
Instead of wasting a bunch of time , Nazis at heart should join Nationalist organizations like the White Nationalists have done with the Republican Party and Trumpism. It's better than creating and popularizing an organization from scratch.
In the future this will definitely be possible as more we get rid of jewish power. As for now I still think this research forum is very neccesary and I layed down an answer why.

Aquarius said:
It's the same concept of the JoS website, all black and red, people who are brainwashed are gonna be scared of it and if they actually want to go forward they are gonna have to accept it.
That would be the reason for such a forum. If brainwashed people are rejecting us because of our views or Nazis, then we might also carry a part of the guilt for not offering organized educational material to educate them. We do have educational material about Nazism but is spread all over the place in the Library, different websites, a lot of it is part of websites that only exist in the Internet Archive now etc. If we have a forum where we gather together all the Nazi research we find to debunk all the jewish lies, then people will have no more reason to reject us based on our views about Nazism, except their own stupidity and ignorance, in which case as you said they have no place here. Such a forum makes it way easier for new people to read this information as they will find it all in the same place, without having to spend hours on searching the forums or the websites for Nazi materials and it will be more efficient in filtering out people in total denial to those who are curious to research and will find all information they are looking for in one place.
The Alchemist7 said:
Jack said:
Instead of wasting a bunch of time , Nazis at heart should join Nationalist organizations like the White Nationalists have done with the Republican Party and Trumpism. It's better than creating and popularizing an organization from scratch.
In the future this will definitely be possible as more we get rid of jewish power. As for now I still think this research forum is very neccesary and I layed down an answer why.

Aquarius said:
It's the same concept of the JoS website, all black and red, people who are brainwashed are gonna be scared of it and if they actually want to go forward they are gonna have to accept it.
That would be the reason for such a forum. If brainwashed people are rejecting us because of our views or Nazis, then we might also carry a part of the guilt for not offering organized educational material to educate them. We do have educational material about Nazism but is spread all over the place in the Library, different websites, a lot of it is part of websites that only exist in the Internet Archive now etc. If we have a forum where we gather together all the Nazi research we find to debunk all the jewish lies, then people will have no more reason to reject us based on our views about Nazism, except their own stupidity and ignorance, in which case as you said they have no place here. Such a forum makes it way easier for new people to read this information as they will find it all in the same place, without having to spend hours on searching the forums or the websites for Nazi materials and it will be more efficient in filtering out people in total denial to those who are curious to research and will find all information they are looking for in one place.
Isn't the Blacksun subforum enough?
Research could be conducted also about more niche topics such as body refinement (= physical fitness) in NS Germany, which many people are ignorant about and have many misconceptions or just neglect altogether, thinking jewish ways are better.

A good start for that endeavour would be with translating these books from German: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=151259#p151259 Like the post says, all these are from the guy responsible for physical education of the NS infantry. One should also remember that many equipment available nowadays in this training style was created in NS Germany, while the rest dates back to Ancient Greece. At some point, even Alexander the Great used and it was outlawed by the enemy for a very long time (for 'good' reason!)
Aquarius said:
Isn't the Blacksun subforum enough?
It is good enough I agree but as mentionned above, there should be at least a note added on the forum description under the title mentionning that Nazi research can be found and spread in that topic so new people can see it when they visit and scroll down the forum, otherwise is like creating a JoS website that is not indexed anywhere, making it difficult to find. I think if we have an opportunity to organize access easier to such sensitive topic for outsiders and new people then we should take advantage of it.

Stormblood said:
Research could be conducted also about more niche topics such as body refinement (= physical fitness) in NS Germany, which many people are ignorant about and have many misconceptions or just neglect altogether, thinking jewish ways are better.
Definitely yes. Whatever unburries the hidden truths and exposes the jewish lies about Nazi Germany is worth of being researched and posted there.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
