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My Vision of the TEMPLE OF ZEUS


Well-known member
Feb 19, 2021
With the New Update, what we are and always have been is truly now manifest. Engraved with sacred words that show to whom our Temple truly belongs: our Lord ZEUS, and that we, His children, finally have free access to it in true uncorrupted ever-progressive knowledge, and this is what we have always strived for by following in the footsteps of our great men who in the past have gone before us, and why our minds can only refer to them as magnificent examples of righteousness and knowledge, but also of Loyalty to what has always been and always will be: Our Eternal Gods; and this includes the way our ancestors served the highest wills of these Gods, reason why we are here, alive and can benefit from our own fruits and theirs, in a progressing update of the website itself towards an eternity ALWAYS closer!

This is nothing different from what we have always maintained over the decades, over the centuries, over the millennia, even before this little Jewish story ended. Even before it began. This is what we have always sacrificed what we were for, in a sense of sacrifice that has nothing to do with the time-wasting garbage of Christian distractions, we have made enormous sacricians for what we are. To expand it, to improve it, to fulfill ourselves with it. We and others will do it, really do it, are already doing it fully, and what we see on the Forum, from our Commander and High Administrative Priest publishes, explains, and sacrifices his own time to put it to great causes just as the best men in the universe have always done... ALL OF WHICH SHOWS WHENEVER HE CAN PROVE IT OUR PERENNIAL SUCCESS! THE GREATEST VICTORY!

And this for those who have always been victimized by the Enemy that is the Jew seems to be an eternal antithesis to what is the Jew, but the Jew is not something significant. Observe well the Jew, it is only a collective mechanism without any kind of own consciousness and humanizing and that’s why programs like Communism where they are forced to have identical needs, do the same things, cancel their identity, work very well with these "beings", because they are only a collective mind that thinks according to a programming, from the smallest to the oldest of the Jews, it is always a Jewish collective and nothing more, nothing to humanize or justify, and this agglomeration in itself has ALWAYS been destined to fail and to no longer be able to have any real importance, as it is no longer considered by us or anyone else, a voice that cries out from afar, but there is no one there and that place has long since been abandoned, dead and desolate and it is only there that the Jew can continue to breathe, where it means nothing for us or anything else and this is well seen if you consider that communist programs have always failed in terms of Economy, Companies and anything else they could fail in. The Jew is a failure and it has failed now because he could not do anything else!

And what we finally got today is what we had to get because it’s really ours: the Temple of Zeus! The Temple of Zeus is our way of seeing, feeling and thinking, linked to our Race and the Races that are the creations of Zeus himself under the glory of his human project, the extension of his Eternal Empire, which works in agreement with our Races, that they are not the Jewish race. The Temple of Zeus works perfectly with us because it belongs to us as Humanity, seeing how Jewish things worked for us and their influences in Satya, as if Satya had ever had points in common with this Jewish crap, you can see that they have always been failures. The discomfort felt in the Catholic Masses, the child who would prefer to be Zeus and would never choose that dead Rabbi on the cross, to the fact that no one would ever want to read 3000 messages of Catholic Marian seers, but they would all be very happy to have 3000 conversations with Zeus himself if there was time to do such a beautiful thing.

We had to adapt to the Spirit of Time with the old JoS, and it was obviously productive and proper to follow this current of manifestation, but continuing to run through this eternal flow, We evolve with it by the very desire of this Spirit that progresses and advances in Time while the Jew remains still, stuck in his failure!

But as our Gods have understood their religion, it has never focused on the submissive, passive and enslaving concepts that promoted those Jews of Jesus and Muhammad, because Our Lord is not HaShem and never was, but we are guided, loved and observed by God and not HaShem, and "this" God, God, has many Names including his very popular ZEUS that identifies us, and for which we have the pride that when they indicated us as "cursed" it was difficult to show. The Gods have brought to us the religions of Satya that work for us to progress in society, advance spiritually, improve all our conditions and create the most positive things in the universe, This is the great difference and it is what could be noticed from the beginning and that is now completely evident, and this evidence accessible to all as never before in the history of our planet.

All this is devoid of dogmas, blind faith, obligations to accept things incomprehensible in themselves, but everything is explained and our High Priests are always available to take care of our people here. Nothing to believe for sure, only verifiable things, every source and resource is made accessible and there will be only truth as long as the Temple of Zeus exists and the Temple of Zeus will exist forever. And this is thanks to you, your donations, your translations, your support for members, your contributions of any kind that are observed by the Gods and held in very high regard!

None of this has simply been revealed to us by an invisible entity that we must believe in. All that has ever been said in the Temple is what you can see in nature now that you have removed the obscuring lenses of International Judaism. The Laws of Nature and the way in which the universe works, all this constantly declares loudly: "ZEUS IS FOREVER, EVERYTHING MOVES ACCORDING TO ZEUS AND WHAT COMES FROM ZEUS IS THE ETERNAL GOOD AT MAXIMUM!" Who would therefore dare to challenge the Will of Zeus? Knowing this, who would dare to reject His Words? Who after seeing the Greatness of Zeus would ever return to Jesus, Muhammad or any other Jewish character?

We are all here today without any obligation, without any threat, solely for our free will, we chose Zeus because we saw his almighty Valor. Because we have looked into our own potentialities and have ardently wanted to be part of His Temple, and Zeus has welcomed us with open arms because this is the place that has always been ours.

We are not Christians, everything that has always been considered of Jewish property, and on which this unworthy race has founded its Jewish religious system, has always been ours, the Clerical systems, the Priestly functions and the Spiritual Hierarchies have always been ours. And they are fully manifested on this Ancient Forum. As anyone can see well!

We are here today, we are here forever. We stay and we don’t leave. We are not here to wait for a heavenly reward in an invisible realm, we have no hope. We have only certainty! The certainty of what we are doing today and the concrete results of everything that is now manifesting itself, not in death while a Jewish "god" reaches out his hand to lift us up and imprison us in a square cell of Heavenly Jerusalem to worship his filth with eternal forced, undeserved songs that we would never have wanted to dedicate to him, For what we have always wanted, what we want, is to obtain wealth that can be seen now, and that lasts forever, without being lost in death, but that will endure through all subsequent incarnations.

And for this we advance, we improve, and we do it constantly under the guidance of our Gods, holding Zeus in our chest, inside our heart, as we look to the more and more glorious future that we are progressively building!
And of all this universal good, we take proud credit for it, since it was us who worked to realize it, We have built with our hands the most positive things of the universe and it is right that we are so ourselves to benefit from it because it is our creation led by Zeus!

The Gods come to us, teach us at any level of understanding what we find on our website of the Temple of Zeus, and we listen to them in silence, understand their guidance, and our actions that reflect their wishes contribute to bless them, to bless the Temple in which they reside, to bless ourselves in the Temple.

We must not give up anything that is good for us for this, but we take everything that is good for us without reservation, every blessing comes upon us, and no amount of suffering is required in return.

Because we ourselves are the children of Zeus and our lives are what was manifested in the Temple, what is there and always will be there and that we have manifested in our lives so as to complete our being to the maximum and fill our existence with the best things!

We are not sinners!
We don’t feel guilty!
We will not do penance for this!

Instead, we will always be guided by our feeling of sacredness towards our Gods and the beatitudes that come from them, and we will fully understand our unique value of the one God. It will be that which guides us from now on. Always!

We have the original merit, which is to be the Sons and the Daughters of Zeus, who pass from father to son, from mother to daughter, throughout the continuous generations, a merit that we inherit from our ancestors and that gives us the right to the Power to achieve the most universal things.

And we will take all the credit for it, in front of ourselves, in front of the Gods, in front of the whole infinite Universe! And that is why, regardless of everything, we will serve our people by always doing the good of our persons. This is proof that we are not the passive slaves of NOBODY, but the creators of our own good! That is why no one will redeem us, but we will achieve the salvation of our souls, our races, our nations, and of who we are and have always been!

We are the heroes here, the really positive figures that we have always been, no matter how much others might see it or not, NOW THEY WILL SEE IT! And so our children will be heroes, and their children in this continuous preservation of our original Races!

We are exactly the masculine and feminine principle of the Divine here, and we demonstrate this as being supported by the Laws of Nature. And we will continue to be forever because the Divine part in us is just what we inherited from Zeus!

And this is none other than the True LIGHT, the True POWER of our People here! The Temple of Zeus will always support us in this because this is the very essence of living, the life that flows in us who are alive. SIEG HEIL!
With the New Update, what we are and always have been is truly now manifest. Engraved with sacred words that show to whom our Temple truly belongs: our Lord ZEUS, and that we, His children, finally have free access to it in true uncorrupted ever-progressive knowledge, and this is what we have always strived for by following in the footsteps of our great men who in the past have gone before us, and why our minds can only refer to them as magnificent examples of righteousness and knowledge, but also of Loyalty to what has always been and always will be: Our Eternal Gods; and this includes the way our ancestors served the highest wills of these Gods, reason why we are here, alive and can benefit from our own fruits and theirs, in a progressing update of the website itself towards an eternity ALWAYS closer!

This is nothing different from what we have always maintained over the decades, over the centuries, over the millennia, even before this little Jewish story ended. Even before it began. This is what we have always sacrificed what we were for, in a sense of sacrifice that has nothing to do with the time-wasting garbage of Christian distractions, we have made enormous sacricians for what we are. To expand it, to improve it, to fulfill ourselves with it. We and others will do it, really do it, are already doing it fully, and what we see on the Forum, from our Commander and High Administrative Priest publishes, explains, and sacrifices his own time to put it to great causes just as the best men in the universe have always done... ALL OF WHICH SHOWS WHENEVER HE CAN PROVE IT OUR PERENNIAL SUCCESS! THE GREATEST VICTORY!

And this for those who have always been victimized by the Enemy that is the Jew seems to be an eternal antithesis to what is the Jew, but the Jew is not something significant. Observe well the Jew, it is only a collective mechanism without any kind of own consciousness and humanizing and that’s why programs like Communism where they are forced to have identical needs, do the same things, cancel their identity, work very well with these "beings", because they are only a collective mind that thinks according to a programming, from the smallest to the oldest of the Jews, it is always a Jewish collective and nothing more, nothing to humanize or justify, and this agglomeration in itself has ALWAYS been destined to fail and to no longer be able to have any real importance, as it is no longer considered by us or anyone else, a voice that cries out from afar, but there is no one there and that place has long since been abandoned, dead and desolate and it is only there that the Jew can continue to breathe, where it means nothing for us or anything else and this is well seen if you consider that communist programs have always failed in terms of Economy, Companies and anything else they could fail in. The Jew is a failure and it has failed now because he could not do anything else!

And what we finally got today is what we had to get because it’s really ours: the Temple of Zeus! The Temple of Zeus is our way of seeing, feeling and thinking, linked to our Race and the Races that are the creations of Zeus himself under the glory of his human project, the extension of his Eternal Empire, which works in agreement with our Races, that they are not the Jewish race. The Temple of Zeus works perfectly with us because it belongs to us as Humanity, seeing how Jewish things worked for us and their influences in Satya, as if Satya had ever had points in common with this Jewish crap, you can see that they have always been failures. The discomfort felt in the Catholic Masses, the child who would prefer to be Zeus and would never choose that dead Rabbi on the cross, to the fact that no one would ever want to read 3000 messages of Catholic Marian seers, but they would all be very happy to have 3000 conversations with Zeus himself if there was time to do such a beautiful thing.

We had to adapt to the Spirit of Time with the old JoS, and it was obviously productive and proper to follow this current of manifestation, but continuing to run through this eternal flow, We evolve with it by the very desire of this Spirit that progresses and advances in Time while the Jew remains still, stuck in his failure!

But as our Gods have understood their religion, it has never focused on the submissive, passive and enslaving concepts that promoted those Jews of Jesus and Muhammad, because Our Lord is not HaShem and never was, but we are guided, loved and observed by God and not HaShem, and "this" God, God, has many Names including his very popular ZEUS that identifies us, and for which we have the pride that when they indicated us as "cursed" it was difficult to show. The Gods have brought to us the religions of Satya that work for us to progress in society, advance spiritually, improve all our conditions and create the most positive things in the universe, This is the great difference and it is what could be noticed from the beginning and that is now completely evident, and this evidence accessible to all as never before in the history of our planet.

All this is devoid of dogmas, blind faith, obligations to accept things incomprehensible in themselves, but everything is explained and our High Priests are always available to take care of our people here. Nothing to believe for sure, only verifiable things, every source and resource is made accessible and there will be only truth as long as the Temple of Zeus exists and the Temple of Zeus will exist forever. And this is thanks to you, your donations, your translations, your support for members, your contributions of any kind that are observed by the Gods and held in very high regard!

None of this has simply been revealed to us by an invisible entity that we must believe in. All that has ever been said in the Temple is what you can see in nature now that you have removed the obscuring lenses of International Judaism. The Laws of Nature and the way in which the universe works, all this constantly declares loudly: "ZEUS IS FOREVER, EVERYTHING MOVES ACCORDING TO ZEUS AND WHAT COMES FROM ZEUS IS THE ETERNAL GOOD AT MAXIMUM!" Who would therefore dare to challenge the Will of Zeus? Knowing this, who would dare to reject His Words? Who after seeing the Greatness of Zeus would ever return to Jesus, Muhammad or any other Jewish character?

We are all here today without any obligation, without any threat, solely for our free will, we chose Zeus because we saw his almighty Valor. Because we have looked into our own potentialities and have ardently wanted to be part of His Temple, and Zeus has welcomed us with open arms because this is the place that has always been ours.

We are not Christians, everything that has always been considered of Jewish property, and on which this unworthy race has founded its Jewish religious system, has always been ours, the Clerical systems, the Priestly functions and the Spiritual Hierarchies have always been ours. And they are fully manifested on this Ancient Forum. As anyone can see well!

We are here today, we are here forever. We stay and we don’t leave. We are not here to wait for a heavenly reward in an invisible realm, we have no hope. We have only certainty! The certainty of what we are doing today and the concrete results of everything that is now manifesting itself, not in death while a Jewish "god" reaches out his hand to lift us up and imprison us in a square cell of Heavenly Jerusalem to worship his filth with eternal forced, undeserved songs that we would never have wanted to dedicate to him, For what we have always wanted, what we want, is to obtain wealth that can be seen now, and that lasts forever, without being lost in death, but that will endure through all subsequent incarnations.

And for this we advance, we improve, and we do it constantly under the guidance of our Gods, holding Zeus in our chest, inside our heart, as we look to the more and more glorious future that we are progressively building!
And of all this universal good, we take proud credit for it, since it was us who worked to realize it, We have built with our hands the most positive things of the universe and it is right that we are so ourselves to benefit from it because it is our creation led by Zeus!

The Gods come to us, teach us at any level of understanding what we find on our website of the Temple of Zeus, and we listen to them in silence, understand their guidance, and our actions that reflect their wishes contribute to bless them, to bless the Temple in which they reside, to bless ourselves in the Temple.

We must not give up anything that is good for us for this, but we take everything that is good for us without reservation, every blessing comes upon us, and no amount of suffering is required in return.

Because we ourselves are the children of Zeus and our lives are what was manifested in the Temple, what is there and always will be there and that we have manifested in our lives so as to complete our being to the maximum and fill our existence with the best things!

We are not sinners!
We don’t feel guilty!
We will not do penance for this!

Instead, we will always be guided by our feeling of sacredness towards our Gods and the beatitudes that come from them, and we will fully understand our unique value of the one God. It will be that which guides us from now on. Always!

We have the original merit, which is to be the Sons and the Daughters of Zeus, who pass from father to son, from mother to daughter, throughout the continuous generations, a merit that we inherit from our ancestors and that gives us the right to the Power to achieve the most universal things.

And we will take all the credit for it, in front of ourselves, in front of the Gods, in front of the whole infinite Universe! And that is why, regardless of everything, we will serve our people by always doing the good of our persons. This is proof that we are not the passive slaves of NOBODY, but the creators of our own good! That is why no one will redeem us, but we will achieve the salvation of our souls, our races, our nations, and of who we are and have always been!

We are the heroes here, the really positive figures that we have always been, no matter how much others might see it or not, NOW THEY WILL SEE IT! And so our children will be heroes, and their children in this continuous preservation of our original Races!

We are exactly the masculine and feminine principle of the Divine here, and we demonstrate this as being supported by the Laws of Nature. And we will continue to be forever because the Divine part in us is just what we inherited from Zeus!

And this is none other than the True LIGHT, the True POWER of our People here! The Temple of Zeus will always support us in this because this is the very essence of living, the life that flows in us who are alive. SIEG HEIL!
Hail Satan Oath!💎💪🔥

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
