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My Thoughts On AI And Robots


Active member
Oct 27, 2021
Thanks to rapid advances in technology, we have reached the point where robots are actually doing and performing things that humans would do. I have my own views on this, and it is a very interesting but somewhat sad subject.

To begin with, in my opinion, these pieces of shit are 'trying' to look human, to look slow, as if to send the message that there are beings more valuable than humans - well, it's still just a robot that isn't alive. A useless prop.

We know about the parasitism of jews and how dangerous it is, so I can imagine that they are behind this, as well as sending the subliminal message that humans are useless and that an artificial robot can be more valuable than a human.

There is a very big downside to this technology - as we know, things in life are never one colour, and this Path requires understanding and Knowledge, and then provides it for the rest of our lives.

If robots get to the point where human work and the human essence itself becomes worthless, we are in big trouble. Many people are ignorantly assisting the kind of lifestyle that robots are creating because they can do the work for us.

Seriously, are we that lazy? Have we become so incapable of getting things done and so worthless as humans? A robot, no matter how smart, is just a robot - you know what? I pour a glass of water on it and the robot crashes.

We must not sink into the moral abyss that jews represents. The Enlightenment of Truth in Germany 80-85 years ago would have brought us forward as human beings and as beings capable of world-wide development.

History repeats itself, there is no need to fret about that. This aeon, which gives us nothing but deception, decay and degradation, will end and the Pagan Race will triumph once again. All power, however great, will fall.

We, we will take the Light to the Gates of Darkness, and with steely will we will break through the gates of lies, or open them with the Key of Truth.

My views on AI are firmly established and not far from what I have written above. It takes people to an even lazier level because they can think it has all the answers, they don't need to learn, and the list is long.

More than once I come across people who want to make monumental amounts of money without any will or work. Well, money is not happiness, but it is a help if you have it - but you can be a billionaire, you can be a billionaire of dollars, after you die your body will be in the ground just like anybody else's.

Life isn't very long for those who don't develop their souls on any level, and that fleeting 80-90 [at best] is nothing compared to the REAL life you get with Magnum Opus. These people don't take the money with them to death, and that's where longevity really begins.

Life is the beginning of death, since birth. This is a fact, and entering death does not accept earthly handouts - there you have to show your soul what level you are at. You have to develop yourself in life to lay the foundation for what comes after.

I digress.

To return, neither artificial intelligence nor robot armies can replace humans. What makes a man a man is his soul, his mentality and his morality, and it is at this level that evolution can begin. Everyone is here for a reason, and everything is here for a reason.

It seemed that recently somebody tried to kill me [I don't analyse the details] - later I asked my Father how this was possible, because I had never experienced anything like this. Okay, of course there were people who wanted to harm me, but they always got the short end of the stick.

He told me the same thing that I had read earlier from our wonderful High Priestess Maxine - "There will be attempts against you, but none will succeed. The fact is, they will all know Me! This is true for everyone in the Family". Though to this day I don't know who would have wanted to hurt me anyway.

In fact we as a joint army and Family are a threat. Fuck off I going off the topic again...

The reason I am writing this is because of doubt and nervousness. I pity humanity for rushing to its own doom. The jews do not care about anything we care about, they work against us and everything they do exists against us.

Artificial videos and "creations" where a computer algorithm makes something look like it was said by an influential person are not only scary, they are fucking dangerous.

Imagine if somebody pastes the leader of a country or state into this program and says things in this 'fake' video that are not true. How much trouble could that cause? You can apologise after the disaster, but it's too late.

It depends on what the person is using the technology for. A gun won't kill you, it's up to you to pull the trigger. It can be used for constructive or destructive phenomena, but it can also be used without - it doesn't make a good impression on humanity.

These robots are programmed by their maker to do what they want. If they fall into the wrong hands, what will they do? Will we think about this when it's all fucked up? It's worth a lot, really...

I am certainly not in favour of artificial intelligence or robots. Of course it is great that humanity is evolving, but at what cost? Man should develop his own soul first, and only then create things that he uses wisely.

In fact, to some extent, they can replace the work done by people - which is where we are now. What will happen in 20 years? The Gods and Satan Are always there, keeping an eye on Humanity, and if there is a serious problem they will step in, so I'm not worried about it.

What humanity needs first of all is to understand and recognise the Truth, so that it can then create things in an advanced way, not irresponsibly. No matter how hyper-super advanced robots and intelligence may be, one thing is solid Truth - they are just robots, we Humans.

I'd be interested to hear what you guys think on this topic, because I think there would be something to talk about.

I think we can define what should be a work of a robot. I don't think, for example that the gods do not take advantage of robots.
There are some job in my opinion that shouldn't be done by people. Look the Chinese workers in factories, they look like a robot and they make one move all day every day. With this amount of population there are some things that can't be done without manufacturing. When we gentiles ruled the world we were nowhere near to this amount of people, nowhere near, of course back than, it was enough, that one-two people made one thing like an exe, but there are so much people that some things can't be done like this.
We need to dig up the resources in a big amount, we need to transport them in a big amount and than we need to produce them in a big amount.

I think people should do more sophisticated works, and not robot works, I don't see any problem with that. An AI on the other hand is just an intelligent search engine, but I can definitely see the destruction from these. I'm sure AI makes people stupider, and lazier, that's for sure, but on the other hand there is definitely a good usage of AI too (just as with robots).

I know I been writing "thats for sure" and these stuff, but these are just personal opinions, and not facts of course.
BrightSpace666 said:
I'd be interested to hear what you guys think on this topic
Machines are only needed to carry out computational operations and do heavy work.

An important decision cannot be made by a machine; machines do not have to develop some form of consciousness.
They only have to carry out orders.
They are just tools, as a calculator is or as a fork is.

Humanity in the meantime will be more facilitated to ascend to higher realms of existence, no longer having to spend 10 hours a day working on a construction site to run a community project, and can then focus on its own evolution.

Essentially, humanity must evolve and advance technologically at the same time; these are two things that must be done together.

Humanity has not evolved is more open to deception and error regarding technologies.
BrightSpace666 said:
Life is the beginning of death
One must consider the fact that life is not linear but is a circle.

We have Sa which is infinity, Ta is life, Na is death and Ma is rebirth.

This is an important concept to meditate on; this is how the universe works.
BrightSpace666 said:
you can be a billionaire of dollars, after you die your body will be in the ground just like anybody else's.
As for not taking money with you when you die, that is a half-truth, when you die you take with you your positive karma on wealth and the ability to produce more wealth.

But people should obviously move forward and understand what is the purpose of having so much money, other than welfare.
AFODO said:
I think we can define what should be a work of a robot. I don't think, for example that the gods do not take advantage of robots.
There are some job in my opinion that shouldn't be done by people. Look the Chinese workers in factories, they look like a robot and they make one move all day every day. With this amount of population there are some things that can't be done without manufacturing. When we gentiles ruled the world we were nowhere near to this amount of people, nowhere near, of course back than, it was enough, that one-two people made one thing like an exe, but there are so much people that some things can't be done like this.
We need to dig up the resources in a big amount, we need to transport them in a big amount and than we need to produce them in a big amount.

I think people should do more sophisticated works, and not robot works, I don't see any problem with that. An AI on the other hand is just an intelligent search engine, but I can definitely see the destruction from these. I'm sure AI makes people stupider, and lazier, that's for sure, but on the other hand there is definitely a good usage of AI too (just as with robots).

I know I been writing "thats for sure" and these stuff, but these are just personal opinions, and not facts of course.

Yes, actually in countries like China, where there are too many people, it's understandable. There are robots that are used by humans, that's not the problem, my feeling about this is that it's not going to end well. The jews are trying to destroy all the fantastic inventions made by the Pagans and try to take over.

It's just somehow strange that robots exist and do things that humans do. I'm not in favour of artificial intelligence or robots at all because it just makes me sick to my stomach. Just as I don't like modern technology because it takes the humanity out of people.

Artificial intelligence is another extreme - on the one hand it is good that there are such good programmers in the world, but there is nothing virtual that cannot be hacked and used for the wrong purposes. That's my impression of robots and the AI.

Yes, and what is the guarantee that these orders are always specifically for the benefit of the people? It is up to the programmer what he writes into the program and how he wants to express it. Too many tragedies have befallen humanity unfortunately.

Take the internet for example - 90% of sites use cookies, scripts, Xhr and ads, trying to get all your data. The internet didn't start out as "spyware bullshit" either, yet it got here.

Yes, humanity really needs time to evolve, but how many people can map what a soul is like? Most people have no idea who their True God is. This requires Truth and the recognition of JoS, which does not happen overnight.

Vira_ said:
As for not taking money with you when you die, that is a half-truth, when you die you take with you your positive karma on wealth and the ability to produce more wealth.

But people should obviously move forward and understand what is the purpose of having so much money, other than welfare.

This part was just about people who think that money can solve everything, which is far from the case. Astrological influences were not taken into account.
BrightSpace666 said:
Yes, and what is the guarantee that these orders are always specifically for the benefit of the people? It is up to the programmer what he writes into the program and how he wants to express it. Too many tragedies have befallen humanity unfortunately.

Until we are not risen again, and there is no godlike forces in the control of the earth, we should work to keep humanity away from the current Jewish technologies such as chips.

When we rise, under the control of the gods, we can advance with technology into an unimaginable levels, just as the gods. This is just the future, and a futuristic golden age, until that, your thought are completely correct, and there is actually a very big danger with technology.
BrightSpace666 said:
Yes, and what is the guarantee that these orders are always specifically for the benefit of the people?
With the idea of National Socialism.

It is based on spiritual order, where the most advanced direct and take the most important, high and risky positions of power and work.

A person with evil and ignorant aims cannot even think of attaining one of these positions; he or she would be immediately removed.

In the future there will be no greedy people ruled by money, who would sell their mother for $5, in power.

We will be ruled by a higher sense of self-consciousness and race, not that of preservation of nature.

If you don't have this conscience you are out of the game, and if you try to destroy the system for your own interest like any jew, then you will have crime of treason, terrorism or the like, and in memory of enemy crimes I don't think the people will treat one of these criminals well.

This is in a Satanic context of the world.

Right now there are not so many guarantees.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
