Good evening.
Today I have tried to do a practice drawing of Father Satan and Lilith.
(Had to reduce quality of photo so it can upload to forum.)
I just have to say that I have only practiced for a few months but I only practiced portraits for 3 to 4 times in total. This is my first try of doing a larger face portrait and I have never tried shading before.
I had to do something for my daily practice so I decided to try and sketch Satan and Lilith together on one page.

I keep telling myself that I did good, considering it is my first attempt at such a large portrait, but deep inside me I feel like I could have done better. This is that curse that has been following me on my journey with my art since I started to draw. Every time I finish with my practice, it's always that "you could have done better" that follows.
I have tried ignoring me and instead tell myself afterwards that I did really good but it didn't really work well.
That is why I have decided to practice in private with no outer influence as I can't really take criticism. I believe that to be my mistake because now I was left alone with my thoughts.
For some reason I didn't want to upload this here as I felt ashamed of how it turned out but I thought this is something They would have wanted people to see.
Anyway, I don't want to rant too much, I have created this thread as I will keep on updating it with my drawings. Digital drawings will also be here but at the moment it is easier for me to practice traditional as I grew up with it.
I was always drawn to art, since kid, I used to draw portraits and random backgrounds all over the house. They all enjoyed it, but then the time came when we had to repaint the walls and all of it was gone. But I did it all again

Later in my life I have stopped drawing and only started recently few months back when I decided art is something I want to pursue in future and make a living from it. That is all what also says in my natal chart about me loving art and being more on artistic side. Heck, it even says that I will make a living from art (I have decided to pursue art before I read that in my chart). I still cannot read it but it is clear enough me and art are destined for each other.
The only thing I will have to improve on is myself and finally start to appreciate my art as it is. Also from now on I will start to take any criticism, good or bad and take it to heart.
I will keep on improving and updating this thread and after a while I will switch to digital paintings.