Don't worry, I just noticed that your situation was serious, so I decided to take a few hours to focus on giving you a better answer and not on what I thought at the time.
You are just going through the phase of knowing yourself. Adolescence is long for this very reason. It is unrealistic to think that the day after you become a teenager you already know everything precisely about how sex works and your relationship with it.
You are not used to doing it. And maybe initially you don't even have something specific that is the cause that excites you sexually. It is exactly part of the process. Think about when an adult falls in love. No one starts from "I already know who I want to build a family with", they always start with the idea of "I would like someone to love" and then the thing becomes more and more precise. It is normal and things work like this.
Here too it is a matter of habit. Think of 7-year-olds who find a boyfriend or girlfriend. What do they know about a deep romantic love that you would devote your energy to making the other person feel good about? They simply have a best friend who is more enjoyable for them to spend time with than other friends and they mistake this for "love and the need for a relationship." Take your time.
This is because in schools, in sex education, they explain sex to you in extreme and wrong ways. Either the teacher tells you that "sex exists, but it is not used as an expression of love that we can translate into something physically perceptible immediately like a hug, a kiss or a caress through our senses; no, it is just to procreate" or the other extreme of "love? It does not exist! You all have the tendency to have sex with 100 prostitutes a week, so remember our brand of condoms and not someone else's". NO ONE during your growing age focuses on the TRUE role of sex. And if you like to love someone and show it to them through a moment of total intimacy, they also make you feel wrong because "what if Jesus knew???".
You could try to handle this (and you seriously should if you want my personal advice) with this spiritual work:
You have your physical body, soul, astral body, mental body, and more. The Emotional Body is the part of the soul that can be damaged when you experience emotional trauma, grief, bereavement, abandonment, and so on. Many people have emotional outbursts, immature reactions, trigger episodes...
Did you see? You are making good progress in knowing yourself when you say that you have noticed that you don't like women's breasts. For example, I don't like breasts too much on women either, and I prefer other areas, but it wasn't an immediate awareness for me, I got there over time and I thought I really liked breasts at first since all men like them, etc. In the future you may notice that you actually start to like breasts, etc. take time to feel and understand these things. And when you say that you like to be sexually touched it means that you are awakening your sexual nature, the fact that the sexual tendency is present in you gives you the opportunity to know it better and better. You are making good progress for yourself
You can try hypnosis to increase your self-esteem, at least for now. I leave you the link of JoS:
A great tool for the trance state for Hypnosis:
Doing this exercise before falling asleep is very helpful.
For now try to explore these new sensations. Over time you may naturally be drawn to want to do more practical experiences and understand. But treat it as if it were a school subject of Mathematics: you study the theoretical part and then do the exercises, and while you do the exercises you can always go back to review the theoretical part until you have been able to solve the exercise correctly.
This thing is solved, at the end of this reply I'll insert a quote from another reply of mine that deals with this topic in response to another user. But first I'll finish the discussion.
It's normal, but you know, the fact that you like to be spiritual, doesn't mean that other things are necessarily useless, obviously you just have to scale back their importance. I can't even stand it when my friends list the players that make up their favorite football team. But there are some things that in the past I was interested in talking about with them (for example Japanese Anime) and even if I haven't seen a movie in a long time, I recently enjoyed a conversation with a comic book fan about the new superhero movies. This didn't devalue meditation for me, on the contrary it allowed me to feel better about myself and meditating even became easier that day.
Don't worry, focus on attracting people who are a good fit for your specific needs
Yes, it is precisely the process of greater self-knowledge of this period that you are experiencing now that you are talking about.
Take your time

Don't rush.
Just follow the HPS Lydia's sermon on how to heal the emotional body I linked to you above
EXTRA: The quote of mine I was talking about: