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My Reply to a Christian


New member
Sep 21, 2017
I view the form as a place of learning, that being said I would like to have some input on how I responded to someone on gab who replied to me. This is what exactly happened. I go through the list of followers that have followed me and click on their followers. I then follow all of their followers. they either follow me back because I followed them or they click on my profile and choose to follow me or not. On my profile I promote the video sermons that I do from JoS.

This is the reply that was sent to me from @KimJongUnsFace

"I would follow you back but some things concerne me . Joy if Satan ? .... Although I agree with the evil that most jews bacame, I can not subscribe to anything that is anti God / Christian .
I am a proud unapologetic Christian .
Perhaps I have misunderstood your intent . If so please respond accordingly" .

This was my reply.
@KimJongUnsFace I like your decision about viewing Jews as evil. That is great! But your wrong about your view on Christianity. It is the mind control your are under to automatically think negatively about true Satanism. If you study further, you will find that Christianity is a program invented by the Jews to remove all spiritual knowledge from the populist.
As you may know, the Jews have tried to corrupt the Satanic teachings such as the Church of Satan the Satanic Bible and even in Hollywood movies.
We don't promote blood sacrifices, it is not about monsters and scary things.
I am a Spiritual Satanists and I work on empowering my soul through meditation and is actually positive.

My question, is my way of responding a good one, and can you see anything where I could have done something better?
You did good. But one thing is sure, NS is the problem. The biggest problem for many people is studying National Socialism.

I'd say the propaganda of the last 80+ years is more horrifying on National Socialism than Spiritual Satanism. At least we have a history that is broken and unsure by the enemy. For example many people believe Satanism is rebellion. To a degree it is but not what they think. But at least Satanism isn't promoted by jews to a degree.

If people were told "We jews are against Satanism, We hate those pagans". Some people might study history and find out "Hey these Satanist, Pagans, or Gentiles were defending themselves from a desert horde of barbarians".

If people discover NS, it's "Oy gevalt the poor chosen holy people they got shoad".

So it's very good to cloak the political aspect, it's better they understand the spiritual side first and then discover the political side.

I know what I say sounds a bit silly but let me ask you. Isn't NS so recent that to this day the juden cries for the shoah, to "Holla for the dolla".

So which is considered more easier to swallow "Satanism or Nazism"? Once you reel them in then they decide to stay for the full meal. Satanism is the appetizer for introduction to the full meal Spiritual and Political.
ShermanTank said:
As you may know, the Jews have tried to corrupt the Satanic teachings such as the Church of Satan the Satanic Bible and even in Hollywood movies.
The church of Satan and satanic bible were never Satanic teachings, as they belong to laveyan satanism which is just a xianity turned upside down. The true corrupted satanic teaching are in the xian bible, all the pagan concepts stolen and twisted and attributed to jewish fake characters. The real Satanic teaching is our spiritual knowledge which was given to us tens of thousands of years ago, and it existed forever as it's a natural concept of the nature and universe.
ShermanTank said:
I view the form as a place of learning, that being said I would like to have some input on how I responded to someone on gab who replied to me. This is what exactly happened. I go through the list of followers that have followed me and click on their followers. I then follow all of their followers. they either follow me back because I followed them or they click on my profile and choose to follow me or not. On my profile I promote the video sermons that I do from JoS.

This is the reply that was sent to me from @KimJongUnsFace

"I would follow you back but some things concerne me . Joy if Satan ? .... Although I agree with the evil that most jews bacame, I can not subscribe to anything that is anti God / Christian .
I am a proud unapologetic Christian .
Perhaps I have misunderstood your intent . If so please respond accordingly" .

This was my reply.
@KimJongUnsFace I like your decision about viewing Jews as evil. That is great! But your wrong about your view on Christianity. It is the mind control your are under to automatically think negatively about true Satanism. If you study further, you will find that Christianity is a program invented by the Jews to remove all spiritual knowledge from the populist.
As you may know, the Jews have tried to corrupt the Satanic teachings such as the Church of Satan the Satanic Bible and even in Hollywood movies.
We don't promote blood sacrifices, it is not about monsters and scary things.
I am a Spiritual Satanists and I work on empowering my soul through meditation and is actually positive.

My question, is my way of responding a good one, and can you see anything where I could have done something better?

Probably distance ourselves more from the Church of Satan, as it's Atheistic and has nothing to do with the Joy of Satan. No need to put it down or anything, just distance us.

In my opinion it was a good answer. I also use the dialectics and information from the JOS, it's straight to the point and logical.

You personalize it which I think is a great thing. If all of us was writing the same it would be a bore and death to us. Might as well become droids. I like that you told him he was under mind control :lol:
ShermanTank said:

I have my own unique way of responding to xians...

Anyways, you said your piece how you wanted to and felt would be most appropriate. There's really no chemistry or mathematical formula to derive from it. But I will say, if things ever spiral down into a heated debate, don't waste your time anymore and let it go.

Sometimes the enemy binding is too strong to break for some people so it's not worth wasting your energy trying to. I've had my fair share when I was younger and more naive on this path. I learned the hard way that it doesn't matter if you send them the whole library or thousands of pieces of proof and evidence and walk them through it step by step, it's virtually impossible to just wake some people up.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
