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My Last 3-4 Days. I Need Help.


New member
Jul 4, 2024
Peace be upon you. I have been receiving psychological violence and death threats from my uncle and father for the last 5 months, and I have not had a personal electronic device and freedom for the last 5 months. I was very tired and exhausted, so as a friend of mine, who is an SS and a witch like us, said a day or two ago, "We cannot sit idle and expect help from the gods." Then it occurred to us that I should go to the police. As we said, I went to the police 1-2 days ago (I can't keep track of the time because I don't have an electronic device). I ran away after school and went to a police station, after asking the security and calling the police. I explained my situation there and they directed me to the Children's Office. We went to the Children's Bureau with a team. I filed a complaint against my uncle and father at the Children's Office, and after consulting a lawyer, hours later I was sent to a dormitory at night. Unfortunately, I was fed up because my school, my surroundings, my "family", in short, everywhere was filled with Islamic idiots, and when I saw that the dormitory was small and I saw the painting of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on the wall, the name of Allah and the ridiculous prophets were written on it, and I realized that there were only men, I couldn't control myself and called my father. I had to beg my father, I cried and begged a lot, and he told me to die right there and not be his child anymore. Since these words I have been in shock and in a very bad situation.
But I still made him promise to pick me up tomorrow. I needed to go sleep but it wasn't hygienic so I slept sitting up. (I'm not going to talk about the dormitory, just to summarize; It wasn't as bad as I thought. I met 2 people who were gay like me, and I can even say that I regret coming home again. Also, although a few other kids were barbaric, it wasn't an uninhabitable place as much as I thought, and it was even better than this house. ) Anyway, my father came and said he would take me if I repented and said blah blah muslim nonsense and became his slave. But he continued to make threats. He said that if I didn't "get better" he would take me from my sleep and bury me. But since I grew up in a financially positive way, I couldn't stay there. I don't know if it was good or bad that I came again, but I came and they started right away. They don't even treat me well, they don't even try to understand that psychology. My uncle will come to see me tomorrow and maybe he will force me to cut my hair... I'm in a very bad situation, I'm very sick and tired.
The incident 5 months ago is as follows: My father beat me, took my phone, turned it on and found out that I liked men. And then the threats started against my uncle and my father. “We will pour vitriol on his face and throw him on the road.” And more similar. That's why I went to the police anyway. I don't know what will happen anymore, I'm just so tired. My friend says what I'm doing is good, I think it's better than doing nothing, right?
As I said, I woke up to my uncle calling me downstairs. I went downstairs and my uncle took me to the police station to withdraw my complaint. But he said a lot of bad things on the way: "Commit suicide, I wish you were dead, go back home, I'll make you angry." And when I say that I have already tried to commit suicide; “I wish you were dead, why didn't you try something decent?” Anyway, we went to the police and he made a statement and stuff, I had to withdraw my complaint, but as I said, he was forcing me to cut my hair, so I asked the police to take me home. It didn't work. This time my father came to take me home so I could cut my hair. When it arrived, I was lying on the bed and if anyone knows this bed model, they will understand, there are 3 drawers under my bed; In one is my clothes, in one is my grimorie, candles, stones and so on, and in the other is my care products. He came and scattered them all. I hid the tarot and the spell I cast on it well, so he couldn't find it, but he threw away most of my things and then I had to go to the hairdresser. I had to cut my hair as short as possible and for some unknown reason, but it can be predicted, he called me and said, "It's unfair to my son" because I cut my hair so short. He also cut my brother's and cousin's hair, but he was very angry with them too. That's it, I hope tomorrow I can just sleep with peace.
Also now my father found the spell i did to him and took my tarot cards.

Thank you.
This will be hard, but given the severity of the situation you need to do whatever is necessary to secure your safety. These people who are your family sound deranged, evil and extremely dangerous to your health and well being.

In cases like these, you should consider for the time being, to falsely go along that you have changed and are not homosexual for your own safety. As the severity of the situation is that if you don't do this, you may end up injured or killed by these deranged lunatics.

Fake even if you have to, so you may have more privacy, that you have adopted a more devout Islamic practice, say you would like privacy to pray more, and in these moments when you are left alone, do whatever satanic practices you can do safely.

Say what you have to so you may be okay for the time being and strongly work on getting away.

Father Satan UNDERSTANDS COMPLETELY, if you were to have to falsely tell others you are a devout muslim, and or lie that you are very devout and tell people who would harm you or even kill you, that you are religious and observant.

Work to better hide your satanic materials, as best you can for the time being. Get very creative as this is super important in a situation this severe.

Stay close to the Gods, and focus on working financially and finding a stable ground so you may move away and live alone far, far away from these people so you are safe, unable to be harmed and advance spiritually in peace.

I wish you nothing but success, good health, the utmost safety, and better circumstances, where you may be okay and not harmed by these vile animals.
In situations like this you should not have any Satanic material possessions, its too risky by far and frankly most props are ultimately unnecessary, so immediately stop trying to hide and keep these items and instead get rid of them, as unfortunate as it is the Gods understand you have to put your safety first, its concerning to me that you know other SS as a young person particularly as a young person living in what I assume is Turkey, The Gods have warned us to keep our faith a secret for this very reason, nobody should know that your an SS in this situation nobody, not a single person, be far more secretive going forward.

You need to just suck it up and play the part, pretend your heterosexual and if you have to pretend to be a muslim your safety is number one priority, work towards being able to go university and try to get to Europe and perhaps look into applying for asylum (DONT MENTION YOUR A SATANIST SAY PAGAN WE ARE ALLOWED TO LIE TO OUTSIDERS), its unfortunate that leaving your home country is the solution but seeing how Europe's being flooded with millions of fake refugees anyways we might as well have a real one and as far as I am concerned you being a Satanist gives you a pass to do such things due to the worlds current state.

People have died in situations like yours, this isnt a game, so focus up and pretend to be the child your dad wants you to be the Gods if anything will respect you having the strength to endure such a situation, they will not judge you by any lies you have to tell, if your dad tells you to go the mosque just go and pretend you enjoyed it pretend it means something to you the better you pretend the better the outcome muslims prayers have no power over you, your simply biding your time before you can leave to safer pastures where you can be homosexual without danger.

For now just fake it until you don't have to there is no shame in it whatsoever and this is not the time to act like a rebel it could put you in real danger, Satan wants you safe so make yourself safe.

It is sad listening to similar facts. Some humans are really fallen at the lowest levels thanks to the enemy programs.
Beware to people you will find in the dormitory. There will be any kind of damaged people, some of them may be dangerous, some others helpful and kind. Do not show you are gay and - as said by others - don't do anything against islam in public or you risk to be kicked out or worst.
I don't know your age, when you will be legally able to leave your family I suggest you move very far from them.
Ask protection to the Gods - I remember many years ago the only protection ritual the JoS had was invoking Flaures and Orobas help. Just do this if you are in a desperate situation and you will be shielded from negativity.
Important : don't have fear. Better said, control your fear as fear is natural feeling. I experienced on myself, opening the doors to high fear will let negativity enter and cause negative events to happen around you. Stay strong like what is around you cannot affect you.
I can only say that. I know, it's difficult to understand the gravity and weight of your situation for a person that did not experience that, but I try to imagine how bad being in a dormitory with allah people is ...

This is a very important advice to be taken seriously.
You could do a spell with the ISA rune to bind your family from hurting you. But you should not write this on a paper or anything. You should not leave any evidence of your practices and believes from now on.
You could vibrate this on your aura or on your family members too.
40x or more times ISA
"My family is unable to hurt me, in the most beneficial way for me" or something like this.
You could do a spell with the ISA rune to bind your family from hurting you. But you should not write this on a paper or anything. You should not leave any evidence of your practices and believes from now on.
You could vibrate this on your aura or on your family members too.
40x or more times ISA
"My family is unable to hurt me, in the most beneficial way for me" or something like this.
Thank you so much. Would ANSUZ also work?
But since I grew up in a financially positive way, I couldn't stay there
If your family is financially comfortable but are too young to leave your home, could they pay you for martial arts lessons ?

I think it will have a positive psychological impact on your family. They want a warrior ? be a warrior, be sportive... because your interest is to become strong.
You will have more time for you, and martial arts are also a spiritual path.

In the hope that everything will improve.
If your family is financially comfortable but are too young to leave your home, could they pay you for martial arts lessons ?

I think it will have a positive psychological impact on your family. They want a warrior ? be a warrior, be sportive... because your interest is to become strong.
You will have more time for you, and martial arts are also a spiritual path.

In the hope that everything will improve.

Better yet, one could convince them to invest in their future, like a college degree, or use magick to make their family feel it would be best to help them go overseas and work and study for a high paying career. You mention extremely good points here, yet this also can be elaborated on with some of what I mentioned. The OP is in serious circumstances, they should bend this in whatever way they need to.
Barış senin üstünde olsun. Son 5 aydır amcamdan ve babamdan psikolojik şiddet ve ölüm tehditleri alıyorum ve son 5 aydır kişisel bir elektronik cihazım ve özgürlüğüm yoktu. Çok yorgun ve bitkin düşmüştüm, bu yüzden bir SS ve bizim gibi bir cadı olan bir arkadaşım, bir iki gün önce, "Boşta oturup tanrılardan yardım bekleyemeyiz" dedi. Sonra polise gitmem gerekti. Söylediğimiz gibi, 1-2 gün önce polise gittim (elektronik cihazım olmadığı için zamanı takip edemiyorum). Okuldan sonra kaçtım ve güvenliği sorduktan ve polisi aradıktan sonra bir karakola gittim. Oradaki durumumu açıkladım ve beni Çocuk Ofisine yönlendirdiler. Çocuk Bürosuna bir ekiple gittik.Çocuk Ofisinde amcam ve babama karşı şikayette bulundum ve bir avukata danıştıktan sonra saatler sonra gece yurtta gönderildim. Ne yazık ki bıkmıştım çünkü okulum, çevrem, "ailem", kısacası, her yer İslami aptallarla doluydu ve yurtların küçük olduğunu gördüğümde Recep Tayyip Erdoğan'ın resmini duvarda gördüm, Allah'ın adı ve gülünç peygamberler üzerine yazıldı ve sadece erkeklerin olduğunu fark ettim, kendimi kontrol edemedim ve babamı aradım. Babama yalvarmalıydım, çok ağladım ve yalvardım ve bana orada ölmemi ve artık çocuğu olmamamı söyledi. Bu sözlerden beri şoktayım ve çok kötü bir durumdayım.Ne yazık ki bıkmıştım çünkü okulum, çevrem, "ailem", kısacası, her yer İslami aptallarla doluydu ve yurtların küçük olduğunu gördüğümde Recep Tayyip Erdoğan'ın resmini duvarda gördüm, Allah'ın adı ve gülünç peygamberler üzerine yazıldı ve sadece erkeklerin olduğunu fark ettim, kendimi kontrol edemedim ve babamı aradım. Babama yalvarmalıydım, çok ağladım ve yalvardım ve bana orada ölmemi ve artık çocuğu olmamamı söyledi. Bu sözlerden beri şoktayım ve çok kötü bir durumdayım.Ne yazık ki bıkmıştım çünkü okulum, çevrem, "ailem", kısacası, her yer İslami aptallarla doluydu ve yurtların küçük olduğunu gördüğümde Recep Tayyip Erdoğan'ın resmini duvarda gördüm, Allah'ın adı ve gülünç peygamberler üzerine yazıldı ve sadece erkeklerin olduğunu fark ettim, kendimi kontrol edemedim ve babamı aradım. Babama yalvarmalıydım, çok ağladım ve yalvardım ve bana orada ölmemi ve artık çocuğu olmamamı söyledi. Bu sözlerden beri şoktayım ve çok kötü bir durumdayım.Allah'ın adı ve saçma peygamberler üzerine yazıldı ve sadece erkeklerin olduğunu fark ettim, kendimi kontrol edemedim ve babamı aradım. Babama yalvarmalıydım, çok ağladım ve yalvardım ve bana orada ölmemi ve artık çocuğu olmamamı söyledi. Bu sözlerden beri şoktayım ve çok kötü bir durumdayım.Allah'ın adı ve saçma peygamberler üzerine yazıldı ve sadece erkeklerin olduğunu fark ettim, kendimi kontrol edemedim ve babamı aradım. Babama yalvarmalıydım, çok ağladım ve yalvardım ve bana orada ölmemi ve artık çocuğu olmamamı söyledi. Bu sözlerden beri şoktayım ve çok kötü bir durumdayım.
Ama yine de yarın beni alacağına söz verdim. Uyumaya ihtiyacım vardı ama hijyenik değildi bu yüzden otururken uyudum. (Yurt hakkında konuşmayacağım, sadece özetlemek gerekirse; Düşündüğüm kadar kötü değildi. Benim gibi eşcinsel olan 2 kişiyle tanıştım ve tekrar eve geldiğim için pişman olduğumu bile söyleyebilirim. Ayrıca, birkaç çocuk barbar olmasına rağmen, düşündüğüm kadar yaşanmaz bir yer değildi ve bu evden bile daha iyiydi. Her neyse, babam geldi ve tövbe edip falan filan saçmalık ve onun kölesi olsaydı beni alacağını söyledi. Ama tehdit etmeye devam etti. "Daha iyi olmazsam" beni uykumdan alıp gömeceğini söyledi. Ama finansal olarak olumlu bir şekilde büyüdüğüm için orada kalamadım. Tekrar gelmenin iyi mi kötü mü olduğunu bilmiyorum,ama geldim ve hemen başladılar. Bana iyi davranmıyorlar bile, bu psikolojiyi anlamaya bile çalışmıyorlar. Amcam yarın beni görmeye gelecek ve belki de saçımı kesmeye zorlayacak ... Çok kötü bir durumdayım, çok hasta ve yorgunum.
Olay 5 ay önce şöyle: Babam beni dövdü, telefonumu aldı, açtı ve erkekleri sevdiğimi öğrendi. Sonra amcam ve babama yönelik tehditler başladı. “Yüzüne vitriol dökeceğiz ve onu yola atacağız. ” Ve daha benzer. Bu yüzden yine de polise gittim. Artık ne olacağını bilmiyorum, çok yorgunum. Arkadaşım yaptığımın iyi olduğunu söylüyor, bence hiçbir şey yapmamaktan daha iyi, değil mi?
Dediğim gibi, amcamın beni aşağıya çağırmasıyla uyandım. Aşağı indim ve amcam şikayetimi geri çekmek için beni karakola götürdü. Ama yolda bir sürü kötü şey söyledi: "İntihar et, keşke ölmüş olsaydın, eve dön, seni kızdırırım." Ve zaten intihar etmeye çalıştığımı söylediğimde; “Keşke ölmüş olsaydın, neden iyi bir şey denemedin? ” Her neyse, polise gittik ve bir açıklama yaptı, şikayetimi geri çekmek zorunda kaldım, ama dediğim gibi beni saçlarımı kesmeye zorluyordu, bu yüzden polisten beni eve götürmesini istedim. İşe yaramadı. Bu sefer babam beni eve götürmeye geldi, böylece saçlarımı kesebildim. O geldiğinde, ben yatakta yatıyordu ve kimse bu yatak modelini biliyorsa, anlayacaklar, yatağımın altında 3 çekmece var; Birinde kıyafetlerim, birinde benim yüz buruşturma, mumlar,taşlar vb. ve diğerinde benim bakım ürünlerim. Geldi ve hepsini dağıttı. Tarotu ve üzerine attığım büyüyü iyi sakladım, bu yüzden bulamadı, ama eşyalarımın çoğunu attı ve sonra kuaföre gitmek zorunda kaldım. Saçlarımı olabildiğince kısa ve bilinmeyen bir nedenden dolayı kesmek zorunda kaldım, ama tahmin edilebilir, beni aradı ve "Oğlum için haksızlık" dedi çünkü saçlarımı çok kısa kestim. Ayrıca kardeşimin ve kuzeninin saçlarını da kesti, ama onlara da çok kızdı. İşte bu, umarım yarın huzurla uyuyabilirim.Saçlarımı olabildiğince kısa ve bilinmeyen bir nedenden dolayı kesmek zorunda kaldım, ama tahmin edilebilir, beni aradı ve "Oğlum için haksızlık" dedi çünkü saçlarımı çok kısa kestim. Ayrıca kardeşimin ve kuzeninin saçlarını da kesti, ama onlara da çok kızdı. İşte bu, umarım yarın huzurla uyuyabilirim.Saçlarımı olabildiğince kısa ve bilinmeyen bir nedenden dolayı kesmek zorunda kaldım, ama tahmin edilebilir, beni aradı ve "Oğlum için haksızlık" dedi çünkü saçlarımı çok kısa kestim. Ayrıca kardeşimin ve kuzeninin saçlarını da kesti, ama onlara da çok kızdı. İşte bu, umarım yarın huzurla uyuyabilirim.
Ayrıca şimdi babam ona yaptığım büyüyü buldu ve tarot kartlarımı aldı.

Teşekkür ederim.
Sizi anlıyorum Türkiye de yaşayan biri olarak kesinlikle boyun eğmeyin ve bu sizin yaşam deneyiminiz olacak, o aileden kurtulun.. Ne kadar iğrenç ve tiksindirici..

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
