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MY GOD IS ABOUT to Destroy You !

Demur Opeth

New member
Jun 21, 2012
My God is the creator of absolutely everything in the Universe, including you, you race hating useless fuck !, Your Powers are no match for my God, Lord Jesus Christ, I am His Queen, if so powerful you are, you would have been able to delete my Facebook posts in 2016, 
Crawl back to the synagogue you filthy sewer rat.

"MY gaWd is Abut to de$troy U! I Am HITH QUEEEEN~!!!!"

How can a creator of the universe THAT NEEDS PEOPLE destory us? Manchildren are no better than someone who is simple but does is best all the time.

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On Fri, Mar 16, 2018 at 9:49 AM, Demur Opeth demuropeth2@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   My God is the creator of absolutely everything in the Universe, including you, you race hating useless fuck !, Your Powers are no match for my God, Lord Jesus Christ, I am His Queen, if so powerful you are, you would have been able to delete my Facebook posts in 2016, 
For  my Brothers and Sisters in Satan, I will show this bitch, demur a thing or two and prove that I am a warrior for our Father. Fighting lack of knowledge with knowledge is indeed the best way to go about it. So I will point a few things out for this damn demur:First of all Satan is the True Creator not your filthy pestilence of an excuse for a god! He is nothing but a pile of piss and shit! He is weak,a hypocrite, he is NOTHING! He has no real power.There is no god. And no I am not spelling it wrong. I am not capitalizing him because he will never get any form of respect from me.He is a tyrant madman that encourages abuse and enslavement of men, women, and children, who are not under his name, and even his own people are not safe from this either, torture to all who refuse to be his slave/s, murder, rape, pedophilia,(even infants are dragged into pedophilia in this bastard gods name) forced marriages to children as young as 8 to men old enough to be their grandfathers, in some cases, the marriages are arranged before the child is even born into the world, children as young as 11 are expected to give birth and many of them die because of this sick abuse. Blood sacrifices in his name(even his own son was sacrificed), even how to prepare an altar for these sacrifices is stated in the bible. Even your bible says parents must be willing to be ready to sacrifice their children to god if they are called to do so. Would you really do that to your babies? Do you not see this is true evil? There is nothing but this shit throughout the bible and this is your god. This is the one you chose to follow so blindly! And you are definitely no queen, you're just another one is his slaves, and I bet you're ugly as fuck, fat and gross with no aesthetics for your appearance, and even if you did, you'd still be ugly, and your heart and soul are even uglier. If you think about it, your god is the real evil, the real devil, think about it... All he cares about is how many souls he has or gets. The angelic filth do nothing to help you unless you promise to give yourself or your time to him. Sound familiar?..It's called pact making hon which is what "the devil" is said to be known for when in truth it is your god not Father Satan. And if that doesn't work angels and gods slaves use false imagery to "scare" you into following him. And converting others is even worse you people don't stop. You're like viruses and when you finally do infect the person(convert them) you, and that individual spread out the virus even further. I can go on and on here. Your people even go so far as to kill those who refuse to convert.
Father Satan and his many Gods, and the gifts they give us to fight back is the real cure against you filthy rats. Father Satan loves all his children, he doesn't push himself on us either, we come to him willingly. He doesn't play favorites either like your god does, which is also displayed throughout your so called "good book" always favoring one of over the other, based on how well they "please him". Father Satan loves all of us as his equals, and he loves us for who we are as individuals, birth defect or not, he shows us our true talents, and teaches us what we can do despite have defects,regardless, and encourages us to grow and evolve in life, where your god expects people to be a certain way, no one can be individual in his eyes in the bible it says god will not accept anyone with a birth defect or brain defect. Even after you die, if it shows you were born with any form of defect whether born with it or it came later in life, you are automatically an abomination and not allowed in his so called kingdom, meaning he is obsessed with perfectionism.we will all fight with Satan for the good of humanity to be freed from the entrapment your god has placed upon the gentiles of the world. Father Satan teaches us how to be strong warriors, and gives us truthful knowledge. where your god just expects you to be dimwitted  and naive. 
And Father Satan who is the Real True God and the Gods of Hell are going to kick your weak little ass. And when he does, let's see if jesus will take the heat for you, I bet god will conveniently be gone. Like I said, I can go on and on here, Visit this website and also reread the quotes in your bible that are in the bible that will just prove my points to back all this up on how evil your god truly is which apparently you are too blind and fucked up in the head to see... http://josgreece.angelfire.com/Exposing_Xianity.htmSo go on crawl back into the little shit hole life of yours, and stay away from here! Unlike you weakling little shit xians who are encouraged to let your enemies hit you and beat you down, and to turn the cheek, WE will not! We are encouraged to not take abuse and fight back...
Sister In SatanBellatrix, Satan's WarriorHAIL SATAN LUCIFER THE MOST HIGH GOD!
??? FUCKING PATHETIC KIKE!?? We do NOT even HAVE and never WILL have a KIKEbook page!
I know some of what I say may have sounded reverse xian, and I apologize if it upset anyone here, but sometimes the only way to respond to  these degenerate kikes is to talk to them from their point of view, which isn't saying much on their part.
Your Sister in SatanBellatrix, Satan's WarriorHAIL SATAN/LUCIFER FOREVER!

I know you may feel like you said more than you needed to say... ehh, I would say maybe so, but someone needed to set them str8. I hear very religious ppl(Xians mostly) express themselves and they do tend to push their beliefs on you or try to tell you the “right” thing. That’s what gets to me. They are telling you it’s their way and no other way. We definitely can’t stoop to their level no matter how bad someone needs to tell them off. But we cant act the way they do.... what does that show of us??? And what does it show of them? How scared they must be to have to do what they do. Feel like they have to go and bash someone else... It just Shows how weak they truly are... which is just pathetic.  

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Friday, March 16, 2018, 19:47, enlightened_serpent@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected] wrote:
  I know some of what I say may have sounded reverse xian, and I apologize if it upset anyone here, but sometimes the only way to respond to  these degenerate kikes is to talk to them from their point of view, which isn't saying much on their part.
Your Sister in SatanBellatrix, Satan's WarriorHAIL SATAN/LUCIFER FOREVER!

When this non-threat continues to not happen, the OP will both forget and ignore this retardedness it posted here, so as to not be doubting a jew-on-a-stick.
Lol that’s what it comes down to? Measuring powers by ability to delete posts on facebook...... that’s cia’s job not ours...
Hi my friend in satanI'am new coming here i'really want to studieI'am from africa i live in camerounI need somoene to help me and show me all about satan Thank u
Le dim. 18 mars 2018 05:00, ashjul@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected] a écrit :
  Lol that’s what it comes down to? Measuring powers by ability to delete posts on facebook...... that’s cia’s job not ours...
Hi Alitheophile,
welcome to the groups. Glad to see you here!
Please read and study thoroughly this site: Joy of Satan

It will tell you all you need to know about true Satanism. All newbie questions can be answered by reading the site.
We also have a forum:Joy Of Satan Forums - Index page


If you have any questions after reading the Joy of Satan site, please feel free to ask them here in these groups or in the forums.
Hail Satan!
On Monday, March 19, 2018, 5:09:04 a.m. EDT, Isabel Chavez isabel.marie.chavez@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected] wrote:

  Who the fuck are you to spout such blasphemy,and you are nothing special kike loving bitch
You believe in a fairy tale! The bible is nothing but stolen stories from the original Sumerian, Greek, Egyptian, etc. stories.
jews tagged jew name on the characters, twisted the stories to suit their evil agenda, and especially that of your god. And they
declared themselves the 'chosen' people. Chosen by their selves!

What good god would let their own son be murdered, tortured, and humiliated to save people from the "sin" of
eating a fictional apple. Take off the blindfolds.

Hail Satan!


On Thu, 3/15/18, Demur Opeth demuropeth2@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: [JoyofSatan666] MY GOD IS ABOUT to Destroy You !
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Thursday, March 15, 2018, 5:50 PM


My God is the creator of absolutely
everything in the Universe, including you, you race hating
useless fuck !, Your Powers are no match for my God, Lord
Jesus Christ, I am His Queen, if so powerful you are, you
would have been able to delete my Facebook posts in

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Did anyone else realise something?

"MY KIKE IS ABOUT to Destroy You!" - That's the same as the return of the jew-on-a-stick, "coming soon" for 2 thousand fucking years. We're STILL fucking waiting for both the kike to "return" and to be destroyed, round about.... Now! Now! Now. Now? Now... Now?! Nooowwwww!... [insert Homer Simpson waiting for his roofer mate Ray]

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
