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My Faith is Trembling


New member
Feb 21, 2005
Hello, It's me again,

I stumbled upon many "exposing JOS" sites and stuff about High Priestess Maxine being "Andrea Herrington" and lots of stuff about pedophilia and through reading them, I was able to answer some of the points they made myself but the amount of hate they show scares me, I am a fragile person, after all when it comes to hate. Although, my problems weren't the points, they made accusations of pedophilia and other disgusting things like being sex obsessed and I personally don't know the ministry so I couldn't tell for myself if they were true or not and that really made me question my faith. I really want to believe in Father Satan, I've always had an interest in spirituality ever since I was younger. I couldn't find any answers that would help me rebuild my faith and hopefully make it stronger so I decided to ask here. Conflict genuinely horrifies me more than anything and hearing things about fake emails and other stuff had me shaking. Please help me, I don't know anything about these things.

I apologize for the lengthy text and if I have offended anyone.
Thank you very much.
Hail Satan
People who poo-poo the JoS and go so far as to writing these "Exposing the Joy of Satan" websites are the sick, ignorant or just clueless ones. They write "pedophilia" just to scare off curious people, new sincere seekers of Satan and newbie JoS members. They will use any kind of strong language just so people look only at the surface of what these websites say, without investigating further. Unfortunately a lot of people are like this nowadays. They take things at face value. (I'm NOT talking about you, alysbennett.)They just read and swallow the content there without asking WHY JoS is being spoken of in this way.
Let me just put it this way: when you're doing something right, you're going to get a lot of enemies. JoS has a lot of enemies, namely the Jews, as well as Christians because the websites exposes them, the JoS yahoo groups and forums exposes them, for what they are and the plans they are trying to make successful in this world. (Which they are failing at.)
I went to the 666blacksun.com websiteThe Real Holocaust And then this link, which will help you understand our stance on the Jews. Please also read the links contained therein. Some of the information may be shocking because so many people have been told and taught differently by the media, by their school teachers, by hollywood, by newspapers, their social circle etc.-the compete opposite of what you will find in these websites, especially concerning the "holocaust."
The Christian Mass and How it Ties into Jewish Ritual Murder

The quotes near the bottom that are from the Jewish Talmud are very revealing on how they view Gentiles (non-Jews) and what they have been planning for several thousand years now against us and for this world.
There are also infiltrators in these groups along with LIARS and other sickos that put up these anti-JoS websites. 
Nothing is too low for them to do. There is no honor with these characters, only defaming, bitching, nutty accusations on which they have no truthful evidence. They just name-call and point fingers because JoS is not the fucking wishy-washy, "anything goes" Satanic groups that you find on Facebook or out in public that are reverse Christianity or accept the Jews into their organizations, which the Jews work to infiltrate, control and destroy from the inside. 
This is the real deal. There is a war going on right now that Satan and the gods are fighting with us, and the enemy is doing their best to keep everyone away from real Satanism and from Satan, and away from anything that goes against their agenda and is beyond their control.
Be careful of anyone who contacts you by email and tries to get your personal information, or that tries sly tactics to keep you away from Satan. These things happen and it's important to be careful. Don't even show them your social media (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) because they can see your real name, where you are located, your pictures.
I'm sorry to hear that you don't like conflict. However, there is a war going on right now, and many people are participating in spiritual warfare and the Reverse Torah Rituals, which you can find here:
Joy Of Satan Forums - Index page 

If you are a dedicated spiritual Satanist, and dedicated your soul to Satan (which grants you protection to do these rituals against the enemy as well as being able to advance yourself), please consider joining in. We must all do our part in helping the Powers of Hell.
 Anyone can put up a website and then direct sincere seekers of Satan towards them. Don't fall for their tactics. It's good that you came to this group and asked sincere questions. It's good to question everything.
I highly recommend you continue reading and studying the JoS site and the sermons too, there's quite a lot but they are very informative. The more you know about Satanism and Satan, the more secure you will be in your foundation of knowledge and these bullshit, inflammatory sites, blogs and videos will be very quickly revealed completely for what they are.
Hail Satan!

On Sunday, May 27, 2018, 11:22:08 a.m. EDT, alysbennett@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected] wrote:

  Hello, It's me again,

I stumbled upon many "exposing JOS" sites and stuff about High Priestess Maxine being "Andrea Herrington" and lots of stuff about pedophilia and through reading them, I was able to answer some of the points they made myself but the amount of hate they show scares me, I am a fragile person, after all when it comes to hate. Although, my problems weren't the points, they made accusations of pedophilia and other disgusting things like being sex obsessed and I personally don't know the ministry so I couldn't tell for myself if they were true or not and that really made me question my faith. I really want to believe in Father Satan, I've always had an interest in spirituality ever since I was younger. I couldn't find any answers that would help me rebuild my faith and hopefully make it stronger so I decided to ask here. Conflict genuinely horrifies me more than anything and hearing things about fake emails and other stuff had me shaking. Please help me, I don't know anything about these things.

I apologize for the lengthy text and if I have offended anyone.
Thank you very much.
Hail Satan
So you ran across some places run by Jews who's Talmud allows pedophilia, and states "Even the best of the Goyim are to be killed."  And that a Jew is to use lies and deceit against non Jews.
And you just sit there and believe them....... 
The enemy makes countless relentless attempts to push you from Satanism, in any way possible. Including influencing people to make such "exposure" sites. There's nothing to expose about JoS because JoS does the exposing. Don't listen to anything or anyone that says shit about JoS.
What makes you think anyone here has anything to do with Satan?? 
These are all just ordinary people. People who have stumbled upon ancient knowledge about spiritual work but it doesn't mean that Satan communicates with anyone here regardless of their claims. 
Pedophilia, sex obsession, sexual and physical abuse etc is everywhere. Can you put together the listings and readings that you came across, I'm curious to take a look at it all. 
Don't let yourself get steered away from something just because you hear something controversial. Just because someone might be into something like Pedophilia, it doesn't mean that you are going to be into it also. You can distinguish on your own right from wrong, good and bad. Know yourself, that is the most important thing.
Satan to you... is what Jesus is to a christian...  Allah is to a Muslim... this is all one in the same. The so-called  "high commanders" here preach hate to them when they themselves do and say the same things regarding these other religious groups. They are all the same. "Worshipping" or acknowledging some higher entity, putting their faith and trust in that rather than in themselves. 
So keep with your journey and stay true to yourself. Because in the end, who you might actually be communicating with, could just be your truer higher form of self.
On May 27, 2018 11:21 AM, "alysbennett@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Hello, It's me again,

I stumbled upon many "exposing JOS" sites and stuff about High Priestess Maxine being "Andrea Herrington" and lots of stuff about pedophilia and through reading them, I was able to answer some of the points they made myself but the amount of hate they show scares me, I am a fragile person, after all when it comes to hate. Although, my problems weren't the points, they made accusations of pedophilia and other disgusting things like being sex obsessed and I personally don't know the ministry so I couldn't tell for myself if they were true or not and that really made me question my faith. I really want to believe in Father Satan, I've always had an interest in spirituality ever since I was younger. I couldn't find any answers that would help me rebuild my faith and hopefully make it stronger so I decided to ask here. Conflict genuinely horrifies me more than anything and hearing things about fake emails and other stuff had me shaking. Please help me, I don't know anything about these things.

I apologize for the lengthy text and if I have offended anyone.
Thank you very much.
Hail Satan
Adolf Hitler knew about the Jews and made what he found public. The Jews then started the Second World War where hundreds of millions died. They later tarnished his reputation by claiming he killed 6 gazillion of them.
Our High Priestess knows about the Jews and has made her information public. Among other things, she has exposed Xianity and how it is a program created by Jews at the expense of all Gentiles. She created the Joy of Satan and has since then been the most instrumental person in tearing apart the Xian program and the Jewish power structure at the root. This she did by publishing the Reverse Torah Rituals to the Joy of Satan. Not to mention the spiritual information she has made public.
The Jews stand to lose everything. Once the world wakes up to them, they will be done in- these are their own words:
Libbre David 37:
To communicate anything with a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.

To really understand this, let's have a look at what it is the Jews teach about us. The following are quotes from the Jewish Talmud:
Sanhedrin 59a:
Murdering Goyim is like killing a wild animal.
Abodah Zara 26b:
Even the best of the Gentiles should be killed.
Sanhedrin 57a: When a Jew murders a Gentile ("Cuthean"), there will be no death penalty. What a Jew steals from a Gentile he may keep.

They are the worst criminals the planet has ever seen. Having read the above quotes - WHICH ARE FROM THEIR OWN RELIGIOUS 'WORKS' - do you really find it that odd that they will do anything to save their own asses? Given the riches and spiritual power they have amassed for centuries, the invisible Jewish empire has been able to kill ANYONE with a wave of their hand, and even make it look like a natural death. 
When you are with Satan, they can't kill you. Then they resort to lying and tarnishing one's reputation to try and make one quit. How do they do this? By projecting THEIR *OWN* horrific and sick nature and practices unto you. In case you don't believe me, check out what the Jews themselves have to say about this:
Schabouth Hag. 6b:Jews may swear falsely by use of subterfuge wording.
Baba Kamma 113a: Jews may use lies ("subterfuges") to circumvent a Gentile.

Yebhamoth 11b: Sexual intercourse with a little girl is permitted if she is of three years of age.
Sanhedrin 55b: A Jew may marry a three year old girl (specifically, three years "and a day" old).
Kethuboth 11b: When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing.

Abodah Zarah 17a:States that there is not a whore in the world that Rabbi Eleazar has not had sex with.
Sanhedrin 105ab:Jesus fornicated with his jackass.

There you go. Now point me to the Satanic religious text that contains shit like this. You can't because it doesn't exist. 
The discussions of sex and intimacy that ocasionally take place in the e-groups and forums are educational, as they pertain to link between sexual and spiritual health and well-being. Conversely, what they teach you in the Jewish program of Xianity is that you will be punished for even just having sexual URGES. This causes insanity, which is what the Jews want for us. 
At this point, it's do-or-die for the Jews, as it will be over for them when the world sees them for what they are- and these are their own words. Are you really surprised the biggest perverts and most horrendous sexual predators the world has ever seen are projecting their own crap unto Satanists who have no problems with healthy sexuality?

My point above is common sense. But if unsubstantiated and slanderous accusations that you found online are enough to make you question your 'faith', then you need to mediate more to actually experience Satan. You also need to study more about the Jews. The above quotes are very few.
remember satanist are not christians at all were against christiantiy period we have every right  to  be evil  thats suppose to be kept secretive anyways  we have a infiltrater in the groups  of satanist  exposing our secrets too so be careful all hail satan to you my friend ok;-) i support  satanism myself  and support our leaders what do  they are teaching us to like that so dont be  weak  be strong  and do what your told as well all hail satan to you always;-)  
On Sun, May 27, 2018 at 2:11 PM, Magus Immortalis magus.immortalis@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  People who poo-poo the JoS and go so far as to writing these "Exposing the Joy of Satan" websites are the sick, ignorant or just clueless ones. They write "pedophilia" just to scare off curious people, new sincere seekers of Satan and newbie JoS members. They will use any kind of strong language just so people look only at the surface of what these websites say, without investigating further. Unfortunately a lot of people are like this nowadays. They take things at face value. (I'm NOT talking about you, alysbennett.)They just read and swallow the content there without asking WHY JoS is being spoken of in this way.
Let me just put it this way: when you're doing something right, you're going to get a lot of enemies. JoS has a lot of enemies, namely the Jews, as well as Christians because the websites exposes them, the JoS yahoo groups and forums exposes them, for what they are and the plans they are trying to make successful in this world. (Which they are failing at.)
I went to the 666blacksun.com websiteThe Real Holocaust And then this link, which will help you understand our stance on the Jews. Please also read the links contained therein. Some of the information may be shocking because so many people have been told and taught differently by the media, by their school teachers, by hollywood, by newspapers, their social circle etc.-the compete opposite of what you will find in these websites, especially concerning the "holocaust."
The Christian Mass and How it Ties into Jewish Ritual Murder

The quotes near the bottom that are from the Jewish Talmud are very revealing on how they view Gentiles (non-Jews) and what they have been planning for several thousand years now against us and for this world..
There are also infiltrators in these groups along with LIARS and other sickos that put up these anti-JoS websites. 
Nothing is too low for them to do. There is no honor with these characters, only defaming, bitching, nutty accusations on which they have no truthful evidence. They just name-call and point fingers because JoS is not the fucking wishy-washy, "anything goes" Satanic groups that you find on Facebook or out in public that are reverse Christianity or accept the Jews into their organizations, which the Jews work to infiltrate, control and destroy from the inside. 
This is the real deal. There is a war going on right now that Satan and the gods are fighting with us, and the enemy is doing their best to keep everyone away from real Satanism and from Satan, and away from anything that goes against their agenda and is beyond their control.
Be careful of anyone who contacts you by email and tries to get your personal information, or that tries sly tactics to keep you away from Satan. These things happen and it's important to be careful. Don't even show them your social media (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) because they can see your real name, where you are located, your pictures.
I'm sorry to hear that you don't like conflict. However, there is a war going on right now, and many people are participating in spiritual warfare and the Reverse Torah Rituals, which you can find here:
Joy Of Satan Forums - Index page 

If you are a dedicated spiritual Satanist, and dedicated your soul to Satan (which grants you protection to do these rituals against the enemy as well as being able to advance yourself), please consider joining in. We must all do our part in helping the Powers of Hell.
 Anyone can put up a website and then direct sincere seekers of Satan towards them. Don't fall for their tactics. It's good that you came to this group and asked sincere questions. It's good to question everything.
I highly recommend you continue reading and studying the JoS site and the sermons too, there's quite a lot but they are very informative. The more you know about Satanism and Satan, the more secure you will be in your foundation of knowledge and these bullshit, inflammatory sites, blogs and videos will be very quickly revealed completely for what they are.
Hail Satan!

On Sunday, May 27, 2018, 11:22:08 a.m. EDT, alysbennett@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  Hello, It's me again,

I stumbled upon many "exposing JOS" sites and stuff about High Priestess Maxine being "Andrea Herrington" and lots of stuff about pedophilia and through reading them, I was able to answer some of the points they made myself but the amount of hate they show scares me, I am a fragile person, after all when it comes to hate. Although, my problems weren't the points, they made accusations of pedophilia and other disgusting things like being sex obsessed and I personally don't know the ministry so I couldn't tell for myself if they were true or not and that really made me question my faith. I really want to believe in Father Satan, I've always had an interest in spirituality ever since I was younger. I couldn't find any answers that would help me rebuild my faith and hopefully make it stronger so I decided to ask here. Conflict genuinely horrifies me more than anything and hearing things about fake emails and other stuff had me shaking. Please help me, I don't know anything about these things.

I apologize for the lengthy text and if I have offended anyone.
Thank you very much.
Hail Satan
i am a member of the church of satan and the  satanic temple my friend i  am seeking  from these groups help  if theres away  they can  lead me to finding  satanist  homosexuals i am  wanting to be a homosexual  i am 4'8" 61 years  old  white male looking for black men who are older than me too  and wants to own my body for  sex and a  slave to be shared with other  black  homosexuals  i want to be their property   as well;-) i would appreciate your helping hands to  send this information to the  group for me please all hail satan to you alls;-) gerald d luke jr;-)
On Sun, May 27, 2018 at 2:11 PM, Magus Immortalis magus.immortalis@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  People who poo-poo the JoS and go so far as to writing these "Exposing the Joy of Satan" websites are the sick, ignorant or just clueless ones. They write "pedophilia" just to scare off curious people, new sincere seekers of Satan and newbie JoS members. They will use any kind of strong language just so people look only at the surface of what these websites say, without investigating further. Unfortunately a lot of people are like this nowadays. They take things at face value. (I'm NOT talking about you, alysbennett.)They just read and swallow the content there without asking WHY JoS is being spoken of in this way.
Let me just put it this way: when you're doing something right, you're going to get a lot of enemies. JoS has a lot of enemies, namely the Jews, as well as Christians because the websites exposes them, the JoS yahoo groups and forums exposes them, for what they are and the plans they are trying to make successful in this world. (Which they are failing at.)
I went to the 666blacksun.com websiteThe Real Holocaust And then this link, which will help you understand our stance on the Jews. Please also read the links contained therein. Some of the information may be shocking because so many people have been told and taught differently by the media, by their school teachers, by hollywood, by newspapers, their social circle etc.-the compete opposite of what you will find in these websites, especially concerning the "holocaust."
The Christian Mass and How it Ties into Jewish Ritual Murder

The quotes near the bottom that are from the Jewish Talmud are very revealing on how they view Gentiles (non-Jews) and what they have been planning for several thousand years now against us and for this world.
There are also infiltrators in these groups along with LIARS and other sickos that put up these anti-JoS websites. 
Nothing is too low for them to do. There is no honor with these characters, only defaming, bitching, nutty accusations on which they have no truthful evidence. They just name-call and point fingers because JoS is not the fucking wishy-washy, "anything goes" Satanic groups that you find on Facebook or out in public that are reverse Christianity or accept the Jews into their organizations, which the Jews work to infiltrate, control and destroy from the inside. 
This is the real deal. There is a war going on right now that Satan and the gods are fighting with us, and the enemy is doing their best to keep everyone away from real Satanism and from Satan, and away from anything that goes against their agenda and is beyond their control.
Be careful of anyone who contacts you by email and tries to get your personal information, or that tries sly tactics to keep you away from Satan. These things happen and it's important to be careful. Don't even show them your social media (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) because they can see your real name, where you are located, your pictures.
I'm sorry to hear that you don't like conflict. However, there is a war going on right now, and many people are participating in spiritual warfare and the Reverse Torah Rituals, which you can find here:
Joy Of Satan Forums - Index page 

If you are a dedicated spiritual Satanist, and dedicated your soul to Satan (which grants you protection to do these rituals against the enemy as well as being able to advance yourself), please consider joining in. We must all do our part in helping the Powers of Hell.
 Anyone can put up a website and then direct sincere seekers of Satan towards them. Don't fall for their tactics. It's good that you came to this group and asked sincere questions. It's good to question everything.
I highly recommend you continue reading and studying the JoS site and the sermons too, there's quite a lot but they are very informative. The more you know about Satanism and Satan, the more secure you will be in your foundation of knowledge and these bullshit, inflammatory sites, blogs and videos will be very quickly revealed completely for what they are.
Hail Satan!

On Sunday, May 27, 2018, 11:22:08 a.m. EDT, alysbennett@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  Hello, It's me again,

I stumbled upon many "exposing JOS" sites and stuff about High Priestess Maxine being "Andrea Herrington" and lots of stuff about pedophilia and through reading them, I was able to answer some of the points they made myself but the amount of hate they show scares me, I am a fragile person, after all when it comes to hate. Although, my problems weren't the points, they made accusations of pedophilia and other disgusting things like being sex obsessed and I personally don't know the ministry so I couldn't tell for myself if they were true or not and that really made me question my faith. I really want to believe in Father Satan, I've always had an interest in spirituality ever since I was younger. I couldn't find any answers that would help me rebuild my faith and hopefully make it stronger so I decided to ask here. Conflict genuinely horrifies me more than anything and hearing things about fake emails and other stuff had me shaking. Please help me, I don't know anything about these things.

I apologize for the lengthy text and if I have offended anyone.
Thank you very much.
Hail Satan
The thing is, is that here in Satanism.... Someone who has reached a certain point of spiritual development from consistent power meditation and yoga doesn’t need to have faith because he/she *knows* for themselves that the JoyofSatan Is true and IS the way to Satan.

Satanism IS about empowering the soul into the godhead with the knowledge that Enki/Satan gave humanity. Idiots will try to say that Enki isn’t Satan but just look to the facts where Enki creates humanity and gives him knowledge of the kundalini serpent. Enki was associated with the Serpent as it’s the symbol of the kundalini and then the Jews took this and twisted it around and put in their shit Bible that their yahweh created humanity and “the serpent”/Satan gave them knowledge of the soul. Satan is Enki but he’s actually the creator of humanity.

I know the website you’re speaking of where the idiot claims that JoS has little to no occult knowledge but hold the fuck on. If this person knows so much about the occult and wants to speak on someone lacking knowledge then where the fuck is their website that has more power meditations than those on JoyofSatan.org???

The JoyofSatans power meditation section has the power meditations to raise the kundalini though I’m sure one would most likely need assistance from the gods on some parts, they will still get there if they make it that far and are truly dedicated to Satan. I don’t even know of any other website that has the knowledge for this especially not any other “Satanic” site.

The JoyofSatan wasn’t stolen from initiation into hermetics, it cites the book and has it in the file section on the yahoo groups. I don’t even know how I personally feel about someone saying something like that. Spiritual knowledge doesn't belong to some humans; its for all of humanity. So why could someone not use some spiritual practices from an authors book, especially if you cite the reference.

The pedophilia part that you speak of, the member who wrote this was on drugs and isn’t even a part of the JoyofSatan anymore, also, pedophilia was never promoted or talked about in any good manner in these groups...Nor was suicide.so throw that bizarre shit out the window or someone take the time to find these messages for me and discern who they are from.. People dont understand that almost anyone can join these groups and post a message and there is a chance that it will go through. That does not mean that this person is a Satanist or legit. Again, the clergy has never promoted such things so that statement is shit.

Then there is the ridiculous statement that “Satan doesn’t hate Jews, he is a very peaceful god”. It doesn’t make sense, if Satan didn’t hate the Jews then why is it obvious that there is a spiritual war going on on planet earth; if Satan didn’t hate the Jews and the Jews didn’t hate Satan that would mean that the Jews who are supposedly the “chosen of god” are going against the descendants of a god who is peaceful with them? Because it’s obvious that the Jews have been waging a war upon humanity, mainly the white race but other gentile races too, for centuries and they brought a fraudulent religion that revolves around them and defames Satan/God of the Gentiles. It’s obvious that the Jews obviously want a spiritual war with the Gentiles so they will get just that.

There is even an episode of ancient aliens about Hitler working with the extraterrestrials from Orion. Those are our Gods.

Come on now, the name “Satan” even means “the enemy” in the Hebrew language/spiritual language of the Jews.

The Jews from their own texts and statements openly state that they come from Yhvh and that the Gentiles come from the seed of Satan and that they were sent to conqueror the earth.

Satan doesn’t have bad intentions for humanity, it’s the Jews that do. Satan’s enemies were in fear and were probably jealous that humanity was becoming gods with the knowledge our God gave us so they destroyed Satan’s kingdom and replaced it with all of this Jesus garbage that involves no true spiritual work on the soul while the Jew retains this knowledge and uses it against humanity. It is the enemies of Satan who created the Jews but this isn’t some omnipotent god or whatever. The Bible is obviously stolen and twisted material from the ancient religions, not only that but it ties certain numbers in with certain verses that are in a spiritual language which is Jewish witchcraft.

The JoyofSatan is the legit way to Satan and the path to the godhead. The Jews have an alien soul and are the enemy. When one applies power meditation consistently, like I said, after a certain point they will be able to see all of this for themselves. It may sound like some type of movie but it’s not... the Jewish problem is a reality that needs a final solution

Hail Satan
Sent from my iPhone
Those are good points magus. I think some of the people here who are new may have some unconscious Christianity going on in them and look for things that “debunk” the JoS because they are afraid due to all of the past and intense brainwashing from Christianity. That’s why daily power meditation and studying is important. It helps them to open their eyes and become free. There is nothing to fear when it comes to Satan and his Demons. They do not have bad intentions for humanity, they taught humanity immortality and godlike perfection and wish to see us develop.
Not saying this is the OP.

Sent from my iPhone
On May 27, 2018, at 12:11 PM, Magus Immortalis magus.immortalis@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  People who poo-poo the JoS and go so far as to writing these "Exposing the Joy of Satan" websites are the sick, ignorant or just clueless ones. They write "pedophilia" just to scare off curious people, new sincere seekers of Satan and newbie JoS members. They will use any kind of strong language just so people look only at the surface of what these websites say, without investigating further. Unfortunately a lot of people are like this nowadays. They take things at face value. (I'm NOT talking about you, alysbennett.)They just read and swallow the content there without asking WHY JoS is being spoken of in this way.
Let me just put it this way: when you're doing something right, you're going to get a lot of enemies. JoS has a lot of enemies, namely the Jews, as well as Christians because the websites exposes them, the JoS yahoo groups and forums exposes them, for what they are and the plans they are trying to make successful in this world. (Which they are failing at.)
I went to the 666blacksun.com websiteThe Real Holocaust And then this link, which will help you understand our stance on the Jews. Please also read the links contained therein. Some of the information may be shocking because so many people have been told and taught differently by the media, by their school teachers, by hollywood, by newspapers, their social circle etc.-the compete opposite of what you will find in these websites, especially concerning the "holocaust."
The Christian Mass and How it Ties into Jewish Ritual Murder

The quotes near the bottom that are from the Jewish Talmud are very revealing on how they view Gentiles (non-Jews) and what they have been planning for several thousand years now against us and for this world.
There are also infiltrators in these groups along with LIARS and other sickos that put up these anti-JoS websites. 
Nothing is too low for them to do. There is no honor with these characters, only defaming, bitching, nutty accusations on which they have no truthful evidence. They just name-call and point fingers because JoS is not the fucking wishy-washy, "anything goes" Satanic groups that you find on Facebook or out in public that are reverse Christianity or accept the Jews into their organizations, which the Jews work to infiltrate, control and destroy from the inside. 
This is the real deal. There is a war going on right now that Satan and the gods are fighting with us, and the enemy is doing their best to keep everyone away from real Satanism and from Satan, and away from anything that goes against their agenda and is beyond their control.
Be careful of anyone who contacts you by email and tries to get your personal information, or that tries sly tactics to keep you away from Satan. These things happen and it's important to be careful. Don't even show them your social media (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) because they can see your real name, where you are located, your pictures.
I'm sorry to hear that you don't like conflict. However, there is a war going on right now, and many people are participating in spiritual warfare and the Reverse Torah Rituals, which you can find here:
Joy Of Satan Forums - Index page 

If you are a dedicated spiritual Satanist, and dedicated your soul to Satan (which grants you protection to do these rituals against the enemy as well as being able to advance yourself), please consider joining in. We must all do our part in helping the Powers of Hell.
 Anyone can put up a website and then direct sincere seekers of Satan towards them. Don't fall for their tactics. It's good that you came to this group and asked sincere questions. It's good to question everything.
I highly recommend you continue reading and studying the JoS site and the sermons too, there's quite a lot but they are very informative. The more you know about Satanism and Satan, the more secure you will be in your foundation of knowledge and these bullshit, inflammatory sites, blogs and videos will be very quickly revealed completely for what they are.
Hail Satan!

On Sunday, May 27, 2018, 11:22:08 a.m. EDT, alysbennett@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  Hello, It's me again,

I stumbled upon many "exposing JOS" sites and stuff about High Priestess Maxine being "Andrea Herrington" and lots of stuff about pedophilia and through reading them, I was able to answer some of the points they made myself but the amount of hate they show scares me, I am a fragile person, after all when it comes to hate. Although, my problems weren't the points, they made accusations of pedophilia and other disgusting things like being sex obsessed and I personally don't know the ministry so I couldn't tell for myself if they were true or not and that really made me question my faith. I really want to believe in Father Satan, I've always had an interest in spirituality ever since I was younger. I couldn't find any answers that would help me rebuild my faith and hopefully make it stronger so I decided to ask here. Conflict genuinely horrifies me more than anything and hearing things about fake emails and other stuff had me shaking. Please help me, I don't know anything about these things.

I apologize for the lengthy text and if I have offended anyone.
Thank you very much.
Hail Satan
personally i am also against the jews they are to be destroyed my friend  i didnt know about them putting those websites like that up my friend i apologize there for that    i didnt understand that  myself  thank you for  bringing that up to my attention ;-) all hail satan to you my friend;-) um yes they are liars to the mac i dont believe them at all either myself . all hail satan to you alls then i am on your side at all times murder the fucking jews  get rid of them period;-)
On Mon, May 28, 2018 at 1:59 AM, mageson6666@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  So you ran across some places run by Jews who's Talmud allows pedophilia, and states "Even the best of the Goyim are to be killed."  And that a Jew is to use lies and deceit against non Jews.
And you just sit there and believe them....... 
I sincerely apologize for my mistake, mageson6666.

I have learned from my mistake and I am currently making my faith stronger. Especially after the reply of Magus Immortalis ; It really gave me a boost in my faith. I am only human after all, I need reassurance every now and then.

I apologize for the wavering of my faith
Thank you very much
Hail Satan
Do you doubt that if you put a fork in an electric plug socket that you'll be electrocuted? Do you have to try it to experience it? Did you try the meditations and workings on JoS to make things happen, and to advance and empower yourself?

Experience is one of the best teachers, if not the best teacher. Try it properly. It won't all happen overnight. You must work to make things work. Open your Third Eye and unblock and empower it. Our Third Eye helps us to detect lies and helps us not be deceived. Then you'll know if the JoS is true or not. If you don't try properly, then you made your mind up already.
There is very little outside the Joy of Satan that is of any value. I would personally recommend that you not trust it unless you are personally lead there by Satan or your Guardian Demon/ness.

Please be very careful. Also please tell no one that you are a Satanist.
also my friends not only the jews but the catholic church as well are a bunch of liars as well too  i have been against christianity  and jews along time too  say  can you send me a list of so called  sites ran by these jews so i can take a look at them myself too  also mark zuckerberg is also a fucking jew as well  find away to get rid of him period  hes  to  conning as well they are con artistes . all hail satan to you always .
On Mon, May 28, 2018 at 5:35 AM, Gerald D Luke Jr <gdljr55@... wrote:
personally i am also against the jews they are to be destroyed my friend  i didnt know about them putting those websites like that up my friend i apologize there for that    i didnt understand that  myself  thank you for  bringing that up to my attention ;-) all hail satan to you my friend;-) um yes they are liars to the mac i dont believe them at all either myself . all hail satan to you alls then i am on your side at all times murder the fucking jews  get rid of them period;-)
On Mon, May 28, 2018 at 1:59 AM, mageson6666@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  So you ran across some places run by Jews who's Talmud allows pedophilia, and states "Even the best of the Goyim are to be killed."  And that a Jew is to use lies and deceit against non Jews.
And you just sit there and believe them....... 
Ask Lord/Father Satan to reveal the truth to you. I know Maxine. She
is not like they say! She is a favoured daughter of our Father Satan!
But don't take my word for it; ask Father Satan to reveal the truth to
you, I say! He will, if you sincerely desire to know.

On 5/27/18, Sol ugc3697gouken@... [JoyofSatan666]
<[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
What makes you think anyone here has anything to do with Satan??

These are all just ordinary people. People who have stumbled upon ancient
knowledge about spiritual work but it doesn't mean that Satan communicates
with anyone here regardless of their claims.

Pedophilia, sex obsession, sexual and physical abuse etc is everywhere. Can
you put together the listings and readings that you came across, I'm
curious to take a look at it all.

Don't let yourself get steered away from something just because you hear
something controversial. Just because someone might be into something like
Pedophilia, it doesn't mean that you are going to be into it also. You can
distinguish on your own right from wrong, good and bad. Know yourself, that
is the most important thing.

Satan to you... is what Jesus is to a christian... Allah is to a Muslim...
this is all one in the same. The so-called "high commanders" here preach
hate to them when they themselves do and say the same things regarding
these other religious groups. They are all the same. "Worshipping" or
acknowledging some higher entity, putting their faith and trust in that
rather than in themselves.

So keep with your journey and stay true to yourself. Because in the end,
who you might actually be communicating with, could just be your truer
higher form of self.

On May 27, 2018 11:21 AM, "alysbennett@... [JoyofSatan666]" <
[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Hello, It's me again,

I stumbled upon many "exposing JOS" sites and stuff about High Priestess
Maxine being "Andrea Herrington" and lots of stuff about pedophilia and
through reading them, I was able to answer some of the points they made
myself but the amount of hate they show scares me, I am a fragile person,
after all when it comes to hate. Although, my problems weren't the points,
they made accusations of pedophilia and other disgusting things like being
sex obsessed and I personally don't know the ministry so I couldn't tell
for myself if they were true or not and that really made me question my
faith. I really want to believe in Father Satan, I've always had an
interest in spirituality ever since I was younger. I couldn't find any
answers that would help me rebuild my faith and hopefully make it stronger
so I decided to ask here. Conflict genuinely horrifies me more than
anything and hearing things about fake emails and other stuff had me
shaking. Please help me, I don't know anything about these things.

I apologize for the lengthy text and if I have offended anyone.
Thank you very much.
Hail Satan
"Group DescriptionDescription

For those who wish to establish a relationship with Satan. 

Topics of discussion include: Demons, Magick, Satanic Witchcraft and much more


1. We know Satan and his Demons are real beings. If you are LaVeyan, or feel otherwise, do not push your beliefs here. 

2. People who sympathise with and/or support the enemies of Satan- [The Jews, Christians and Muslims]- WILL BE BANNED! 

3. Blasphemy against Satan and/or his Demons will not be tolerated!

4. If you believe Satan and his Demons are evil, this is not the group for you, find another. 

5. Do not try to push Wiccan or other non-Satanic creeds here. 

6. Do not try to promote individuals, groups or organizations who bash the Joy of Satan. Your posts will be deleted and you will be banned. 

7. Anyone who posts advocating anything illegal will be banned. 

8.. Please be polite- flaming will not be tolerated."
The Joy of Satan website:


The Following Websites can be found on the Joy of Satan website:

Exposing Christianity:

GBLT Thule Society:

The Black Sun 666:


Exposing Islam:


Azazel's Marketplace:


The Ancient Forums:


These 2 Links use to be in the link section of The Joy of Satan Website but seem to not be there anymore:

The Satanic Beauty Website:


Astral Arts Of The Gods:

On Tue, May 29, 2018, 1:39 AM Sol ugc3697gouken@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  What makes you think anyone here has anything to do with Satan?? 
These are all just ordinary people. People who have stumbled upon ancient knowledge about spiritual work but it doesn't mean that Satan communicates with anyone here regardless of their claims. 
Pedophilia, sex obsession, sexual and physical abuse etc is everywhere. Can you put together the listings and readings that you came across, I'm curious to take a look at it all. 
Don't let yourself get steered away from something just because you hear something controversial. Just because someone might be into something like Pedophilia, it doesn't mean that you are going to be into it also. You can distinguish on your own right from wrong, good and bad. Know yourself, that is the most important thing.
Satan to you... is what Jesus is to a christian...  Allah is to a Muslim... this is all one in the same. The so-called  "high commanders" here preach hate to them when they themselves do and say the same things regarding these other religious groups. They are all the same. "Worshipping" or acknowledging some higher entity, putting their faith and trust in that rather than in themselves. 
So keep with your journey and stay true to yourself. Because in the end, who you might actually be communicating with, could just be your truer higher form of self.
On May 27, 2018 11:21 AM, "alysbennett@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Hello, It's me again,

I stumbled upon many "exposing JOS" sites and stuff about High Priestess Maxine being "Andrea Herrington" and lots of stuff about pedophilia and through reading them, I was able to answer some of the points they made myself but the amount of hate they show scares me, I am a fragile person, after all when it comes to hate. Although, my problems weren't the points, they made accusations of pedophilia and other disgusting things like being sex obsessed and I personally don't know the ministry so I couldn't tell for myself if they were true or not and that really made me question my faith. I really want to believe in Father Satan, I've always had an interest in spirituality ever since I was younger. I couldn't find any answers that would help me rebuild my faith and hopefully make it stronger so I decided to ask here. Conflict genuinely horrifies me more than anything and hearing things about fake emails and other stuff had me shaking. Please help me, I don't know anything about these things.

I apologize for the lengthy text and if I have offended anyone.
Thank you very much.
Hail Satan
Anyone wants to bother refuting those mindless ramblinbgs of this retard?
BAN THIS ugc3697gouken SHIT!

---In [email protected], <ugc3697gouken@... wrote :

What makes you think anyone here has anything to do with Satan?? 
These are all just ordinary people. People who have stumbled upon ancient knowledge about spiritual work but it doesn't mean that Satan communicates with anyone here regardless of their claims. 
Pedophilia, sex obsession, sexual and physical abuse etc is everywhere. Can you put together the listings and readings that you came across, I'm curious to take a look at it all. 
Don't let yourself get steered away from something just because you hear something controversial. Just because someone might be into something like Pedophilia, it doesn't mean that you are going to be into it also. You can distinguish on your own right from wrong, good and bad. Know yourself, that is the most important thing.
Satan to you... is what Jesus is to a christian...  Allah is to a Muslim... this is all one in the same. The so-called  "high commanders" here preach hate to them when they themselves do and say the same things regarding these other religious groups. They are all the same. "Worshipping" or acknowledging some higher entity, putting their faith and trust in that rather than in themselves. 
So keep with your journey and stay true to yourself. Because in the end, who you might actually be communicating with, could just be your truer higher form of self.
You're not "only human". Stop the Christian bullshit attitude. Can an ant build a rocket to the Moon, Mars, and More? You're "only human". Anyone with that anti-Human attitude needs correcting severely.

If you're "only Human" then why bother trying at all? Just sulk in a corner and die slowly and painfully, instead.
If he was advanced enough to be able to have stable communication with Gods/Goddesses, he wouldn't be bothered by such cheap slander.
I know, because that is an old story, in fact, it is several years old. I also had some doubts back then. Newbies can get their faith shaken by such bullshit.
all hail satan to you alls i do agree with you as well on this  i am on your side at all times  this sounds redicoulouse  at it its best this person does sound  weird too  i am always on your side  at all times  ;-) all hail satan to you  at all times;-)
On Tue, May 29, 2018 at 4:26 AM, sable.wolf616@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Anyone wants to bother refuting those mindless ramblinbgs of this retard?
BAN THIS ugc3697gouken SHIT!

---In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], <ugc3697gouken@... wrote :

What makes you think anyone here has anything to do with Satan?? 
These are all just ordinary people. People who have stumbled upon ancient knowledge about spiritual work but it doesn't mean that Satan communicates with anyone here regardless of their claims. 
Pedophilia, sex obsession, sexual and physical abuse etc is everywhere. Can you put together the listings and readings that you came across, I'm curious to take a look at it all. 
Don't let yourself get steered away from something just because you hear something controversial. Just because someone might be into something like Pedophilia, it doesn't mean that you are going to be into it also. You can distinguish on your own right from wrong, good and bad. Know yourself, that is the most important thing..
Satan to you... is what Jesus is to a christian....  Allah is to a Muslim... this is all one in the same. The so-called  "high commanders" here preach hate to them when they themselves do and say the same things regarding these other religious groups. They are all the same. "Worshipping" or acknowledging some higher entity, putting their faith and trust in that rather than in themselves. 
So keep with your journey and stay true to yourself. Because in the end, who you might actually be communicating with, could just be your truer higher form of self.
Calm down.... I dont mean to take anything away from the JOS. I'm referring to the people who are making false accusations and posting ridiculous writings. Yeah, some of what i said, might have sounded a bit messed up... look at it like paying the role of devils advocate. To stir up some talk and get the knowledgeable ones talking. So I apologize for some things I said... 
On Wed, May 30, 2018, 2:36 PM sable.wolf616@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Anyone wants to bother refuting those mindless ramblinbgs of this retard?
BAN THIS ugc3697gouken SHIT!

---In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], <ugc3697gouken@... wrote :

What makes you think anyone here has anything to do with Satan?? 
These are all just ordinary people. People who have stumbled upon ancient knowledge about spiritual work but it doesn't mean that Satan communicates with anyone here regardless of their claims. 
Pedophilia, sex obsession, sexual and physical abuse etc is everywhere. Can you put together the listings and readings that you came across, I'm curious to take a look at it all. 
Don't let yourself get steered away from something just because you hear something controversial. Just because someone might be into something like Pedophilia, it doesn't mean that you are going to be into it also. You can distinguish on your own right from wrong, good and bad. Know yourself, that is the most important thing.
Satan to you... is what Jesus is to a christian...  Allah is to a Muslim.... this is all one in the same. The so-called  "high commanders" here preach hate to them when they themselves do and say the same things regarding these other religious groups. They are all the same. "Worshipping" or acknowledging some higher entity, putting their faith and trust in that rather than in themselves. 
So keep with your journey and stay true to yourself. Because in the end, who you might actually be communicating with, could just be your truer higher form of self.
I have learned from my mistakes. Thank you all for replying. I apologize for my wrong choice of words. My faith has been stronger than ever now. Thank you, brothers and sisters of Satan.

Thank you very much
Hail Satan!
I don't know. Do you turn the computer off and walk outside? Do you throw your computer off a cliff? Do you cancel your internet subscription? How are we supposed to know how you do things? We don't watch you every second of every day.
Sol said;

"Don't let yourself get steered away from something just because you hear something controversial. Just because someone might be into something like Pedophilia, it doesn't mean that you are going to be into it also. You can distinguish on your own right from wrong, good and bad. Know yourself, that is the most important thing."
"Satan to you... is what Jesus is to a christian...  Allah is to a Muslim... this is all one in the same. The so-called  "high commanders" here preach hate to them when they themselves do and say the same things regarding these other religious groups. They are all the same. "Worshipping" or acknowledging some higher entity, putting their faith and trust in that rather than in themselves. "
Defending pedophilia, Allah and Jesus all at the same time? This is groundbreaking even for you, Schlomo 
This guy you call Shlomo here, a nasty one at that, was the first one to reply to your message about the chatroom. He tried to literally call people to start developing it. He is the instant proof to what I was stating earlier.

It won't be long till every jew and paranoid nutcase would be lurking and corrupting here all day. It has no other job unto itself anyway.

If you want to make a living toilet and waste your time, there are many ways. All the useless, beaten, disatisfied jews will instantly join these rooms. With the naive new SS that don't even know what Satanism is.

Might as well name it "Internet Synagogue" and put a Judenstar on the thing.

Irony aside, this is a very bad idea and it always ends up with victims. Do not share info of personal importance here neither.
Translation: "sol; oy vey goyim, don't be antisemitic! I swear I'm not a jew, it's just your antisemitic imagination!!".

Btw, notice its name... Could it be more obvious?..

All those who bless the JoS are blessed and all those who curse the JoS are cursed.
Hail Satan!!!!
Hahahaha... yea, point taken. I don't know jack all about moderation of internet forums or chats, I kind of assume sometimes the internet is more simple than it really is. Thank you all for doing a good job clearing up the crap in the forum as it be, I definitely don't want to make your job more difficult.

 I tried Setting up Social Groups a couple times. It always starts with good intentions. People want to come together more and fight the enemy. This has never worked out well. Now I keep what few friends I keep in contact with, we can share private groups together. But Invitation is very exclusive, just asking everyone to come join, you bring it all. 
 Not everyone is a jew in hiding either. But, for some reason most peoples tolerance level before their ready to gouge out each others eyes, is very very small. You don't give someone enough personal attention or ask them to keep out of your personal business with something or say something they don't agree with and they are your sworn enemy for life. 
 We have everything we need here. We have Moderation and Leadership set in place and this group has been going strong for 17 years. If you are not happy with certain aspects of the groups, Believe me it all follows you to a new platform. 


 So you ran across the exposing Joy Of Satan Jews. I know all too well of this organization. I have read all their stuff. None of it makes a single bit of sense. 
 They claim things like they are ones who took down our forums and wonder why we are celebrating. But I guess they don't realize this was a win for us because we didn't lose all our material, Hard working Members saved it all so it can be downloaded. We didn't have that option before. Then we got a Better Forum. So thank you...
 Another thing is they laugh at our Reverse Torah Rituals and say they do not possess power. Then why do they have AN ENTIRE ORGANIZATION DEDICATED TO DESTROYING US? Why come in and destroy our forum? They have even had reverse Rituals orchestrated from what we were doing. Like we do a Protection ritual for the JOS, they spend their time trying to reverse it. A member posted where they had the Reverse JOS Protection Ritual for people to do, including themselves. So WHY in the HELL would you devote an entire Organization and Hacking and Rituals to something that is not a threat? 
 Do they just live in their moms basement and have absolutely no life? I mean look at us, Do we go around trying to destroy other organizations? Are we all up in the Church of Satans Business? Trying to recant everything they say? Destroy their Communications and reverse whatever rituals they are doing? Who the Hell would waste their time? 
 So Obviously we are a threat to them or they wouldn't be spending all their time devoted solely to us. I MEAN THEY DO NOT EVEN HAVE ANYTHING OF THEIR OWN. They are literally just Anti-JOS and that is it. They are not for anything. So that would be like having an organization not JOS but ExposingChurchOfSatan and all we spent all of our time doing was trying to destroy them.... 
 Can one not see how ludicrous this is? Of course we are a threat to them and our Rituals have power, or they would not even be in existence. So if your trying to slander an organization, what is the first thing you do? Destroy their leadership, you do that, the organization crumbles. Whats the first thing they go too? 
 Well what did they try on trump? Grab her by the Pussy? What are they using to take down powerful media figures? Sex Scandals? So whats the first thing they're going to use? Oh Maxine our Highest leader is some sort of Sex Offender... 
 Even if that was the case, why would that affect your relationship with Satan and knowing the truth? Apparently, you have not studied enough and learned enough to KNOW. You are just trusting an organization to have the truth. So don't give me this faith trembling nonsense, were not christians. Go Learn and study and seek out after whatever you find. It is okay to just not know and take time before making a decision. 
 People want snap decisions. I have to know right now. Then they get possessive over their thoughts. If you don't think this, then you are my enemy nonsense. While I love the word Satan and related such as Satanist. I think the truest word to describe me would be "Agnostic". 
 Because there is so much we do not know. Going around grabbing at everything to make a DOGMA and defend it, is not true intelligence. I mean what do you think you really know? About the Universe, which is infinite in time and space? About Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Physics? 
 I will be open and honest and tell you straight forward what I know. Absolutely NOTHING. I know Nothin about A lot of things. Can I do Advanced Trigonometry in my head? Can you? What about Biology? How About History? There is a lot to learn in this world isn't there? So much you could spend an entire life time and only scratch the surface. I have Several Books I read at the same time. The more I learn, the more I learn.. I don't know. 
 So don't give me this faith shit. Leave that for the Catholics and other losers. I have a Scientific Mind and I want to Learn. Through Experience and Knowledge, What is taught here at JOS seems absolutely true. That doesn't mean I understand it all. Not even close! 
 My point is this, do not seek out Faith. Seek out education! Read, study, research and Learn. Then make your own decisions based on logic. Not well this is true or false depending on our Clergies criminal back ground record... 
haha,ignore them.You know the truth,and it hurts  jews and other idiots out there who don't want to believe that Satan is who we know him to be.Take courage,and fight for the truth like you'll never fight again.I've also come across such trash online and i think i left the exposingxianity link on one such forum
On Sun, May 27, 2018 at 11:45 AM, alysbennett@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Hello, It's me again,

I stumbled upon many "exposing JOS" sites and stuff about High Priestess Maxine being "Andrea Herrington" and lots of stuff about pedophilia and through reading them, I was able to answer some of the points they made myself but the amount of hate they show scares me, I am a fragile person, after all when it comes to hate. Although, my problems weren't the points, they made accusations of pedophilia and other disgusting things like being sex obsessed and I personally don't know the ministry so I couldn't tell for myself if they were true or not and that really made me question my faith. I really want to believe in Father Satan, I've always had an interest in spirituality ever since I was younger. I couldn't find any answers that would help me rebuild my faith and hopefully make it stronger so I decided to ask here. Conflict genuinely horrifies me more than anything and hearing things about fake emails and other stuff had me shaking. Please help me, I don't know anything about these things.

I apologize for the lengthy text and if I have offended anyone.
Thank you very much.
Hail Satan

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
