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My experiences with lucid dreaming


New member
Jun 30, 2019
I will write my experiences with lucid dreaming here, and I would like to ask some questions about them. The last two ones are the really interesting ones.

My first experience was the night after christman (like 8 years ago or so) after eating with my family. The technique I used was visualizing some stairs and every step I would say to myself "this night I will have an onironautic experience" (in my language) and I counted every time I said that and I said it more than 100 times and then I felt asleep. In the middle of the night I woke up inside the dream and I was in a fetal position inside a lake, and I read in the site I discovered about lucid dreaming that you can fly so I started to fly on the lake and I got excited and woke up.

My next experience was some months after, I was sitting in some stair of my town and I just started to wake up and remembered about spinning and tried it but I woke up. Next 3 experiences were in my room and I get them mixed up. One night I am just looking at the mirror in my room and I decide to go outside and I am floating out of my window and I am looking at the floor and "as above so below" comes to my mind and I understood that in some profound way I couldnt get when I woke up. its like when you are in the astral travel you are more wise and more in tune with knowledge, can someone confirm? Other night I was in my room too and I was going to go outside but I though "what if I fall?" and didnt go outside.

The next experience I was in my old school with 2 old schoolmate and I tell them, "we can fly" and we start to fly and I decide to go to my house to see my body but I lose conciousness in the dream while I fly.

The next one was like in 2013 and it was only semilucid. I traveled to Ireland in erasmus and I was living there. Around that time I started reciting the mamtra "Om Nama Shivayah". One night I dreamed I was in the street walking with Anton Lavey (I sometimes doubt if it was Anton Lavey or Alisteir Crowley, when I remember the part in the street Lavey comes to mind and when I remember the one in the room Crowley comes to mind, this happens now, years before I could tell which one of the two I dreamed of but right now I cant say it 100% sure). The thing is in that time I didnt know about JoS and I had a bad view on satanism since I thought the elite were satanists. I read some time ago there where two kinds of satanism, the one with the real demons and the one that is phylosophical that takes figures such as Lucifer as icons. I asked him what satanism was real and he told me the demon one was real. We were walking the streets of the city I was living in and then the stage changed and I was in a living room with some coaches and a TV and he was in my side and we were both naked. The fact that we both were naked started bugging me. Then he just made something in the TV and an image of some kind of demon with the head like a dead buffalo and this written in the TV "Momo The Forgotten One". That was the name of the "demon". So when I saw this I just stood up from the sofa and got out the door and I shouted them "I have free will, motherfuckers" and I ran downstairs and got out the house and a red ferrari-like car with people inside was waiting me and I got inside and we left and the dream stopped there.
So I would like some info about this dream. Can some of you who have a link to Satan and his Gods ask them who this Momo is? That was the only experience I had with Alisteir Crowley/Anton Lavey. Do you think this was some kind of attack or that they were trying to help me?

Next experience I was in my city and I was walking and I decide to fly but the moment I started to fly I doubted that I could fly so I hit my head in the ground and I was floating upside down with the head on the ground. That is an example of how your beliefs effect what you can do in the astral.

Okay so here they come the last two experiences:

This happenned around 2016-2017, one night I got asleep in the sofa and I went to bed and tried a technique a friend told my that consisted in looking at the shapes that you can see with your eyes closed and concentrating in them and I relaxed a lot and the other times I always had the dream in the middle of the night but that night I just appeared in a dessert. I could feel I was alone there. I felt nice that I got into the dream awake and started to walk. The air was full of dust and the sun was black. I kept walking and I lost my conciousness. Then, in the middle of the night, I was dreaming that I was in the entrance of a house and that something in that house made me feel very scared. That scare is what made me realise I was dreaming and I got concious inside the dream again and I just left the entrance of the house and I appeared in the of a monastery with stone floor and stone pillars around. Around that time I was watching videos of flat earth and I wanted to see the shape of Earth from the astral, so I started to fly upwards. I went really fast and I only could see clouds passing very fast around me. Then I stopped, I had arrived, but instead of seeing the Earth I just saw a big light that enveloped everything. I remembered in that moment a passage of the bible I read in the web time before that described God as a ball of light and that if you get close to it you would get burned. I didnt fear but I felt humble by the presence of the light and I felt something and then I started fusing with the light/the light started fusing with me, I started to feel the light from the point of my toes going upwards, and it felt like a extreme bliss, a extreme pleasure beyond imagination. And unevocable pleasure. So the light started going up my body and I felt all the pleasure and I want to feel it again when I remember it. So when it arrived to the upper part of my head I lost consciousness and woke up. When I woke up I felt two things, one, that it had passed just one second after being in the light and at the same time an eternity, like there was no time in that light, and two, I felt a lot of pain just by being in my body due to the contrast of the extreme pleasure I was feeling before, but this pain went away in some seconds when I got used to the body again.
Does any of you know who this light is? Is he Lucifer? Is he Ra?

Okay so the last lucid dreaming is an abduction:
One night I just went to bed and I closed my eyes and BAM! I was in what it seemed like a room inside an spacecraft. I was standing and some kind of machine was moving up and down in front of me like scanning me or may be "printing" me. In front of me I saw a reptilian and I though "wow this is great I can talk to an intelligent being that is not a human", but then I saw that he had a big syringue in his hand with a pink liquid inside and he was going to inject me but I exerted my will inside the dream (I dont care it was an abduction, it happens in the astral and you are as powerful as in a dream) and I got very angry and started giving this agresive vibe to the reptilian and I commanded him to inject it and he just injected it like it was nothing, but I still was angry and I didnt know what to do if destroying the ship or leaving and then I just got teleported and I was floating in the space and I just lost conciousness while floating. The thing with this experience is that I know a person who also was into astral travel - lucid dreaming and he had the same exact experience as me but he allowed the lizard to inject the pink liquid.
Any idea of what this liquid is? Any idea about what they want from me?

This happenned like 2 years ago and I stopped doing lucid dreaming for a time and overall I stopped remembering most of my dreams. Some weeks ago I started a dream journal again, and I have had two dreams with reptilians. In one I was talking with my mother and I see her right eye shaping like taking hypnotic yellow black shapes and I he starts doing some strange stuff with the eye. The next dream I was in a place with people and then a guy stares at me and I see his eye with a slith and I tell him "you are a reptilian" and he just looks at me.
What do these guys want? What can I do to protect myself from them?
kuro said:

Lucid dreams are a very complicated and complex thing, it's not very ideal to try and seek out advice from others to help interpret it as many falsified assumptions can be made and for one, it's not our dream. Working more on your third eye will help improve your 'intuition' and insight to better interpret things like this. As for protecting yourself just do the Aura of Protection meditation twice every day, increase the reps as desired to ensure you are highly protected. In addition you can do the Returning Curses 1 and Returning Curses 2.

I and many others have vivid dreams like this. I've personally had one where the enemy legit 'teleported' me to this grey shithole that literally had "Angel's Keep" written on the door, and then they tried ordering me to do shit for them. When I was about to call them out for their shit and get more hostile than I already was they had a grey try and attack me.

It's obvious what they want and what they want is our total destruction and for their own parasitic ends to be met. And just as I've stated in my experience, In their pathetic desperation and panic they'll even come to us thinking we'll betray Satan and help them for some mentally ill reason.
I would like to know more about the light I found and about the reptilian that abducted me.
All my lucid dreams start as following:

I am having a non lucid dream. Then I wake up, but I do not actually wake up. I dream about waking up. All seems good before I realize something is off. Then the lucid phase starts. The rest of the dream is just me trying to wake up, while being terrified and thinking I will be always stuck in this loop of fake awakening.
kuro said:
I would like to know more about the light I found and about the reptilian that abducted me.

I can't interpret this for you because I did not experience it and do not know if it was a real astral occurrence or a manifestation of your own thoughts on the astral. Only you can tell.
Ghost in the Machine said:

The light is real. Once I talked about this with guy I knew that was into the occult and he told me it was Lucifer.

Last year I also met a jewish guy (in my country jews were expelled but their family remained probably disguised as christians)that said he was a satanist but he made human sacrifices and stuff like that so not the same kind of satanist as you. He told me the light is the arc of the covenant and that I shouldnt get close to it.

Albert Pike reffers to an astral lights in his books.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
