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My dog may of ate a rodent!

Jun 24, 2020
Okay so this morning my mom found a dead rat or bat outside in our backyard in pieces and I think one of my dogs ate some of it. We seen some throw up in the patio area but not a lot. What should I do? My dog is shaking and looks scared, but I gave her water and she drank a lot of water. I am really worried I don’t think she would eat a rat or bat but idk I’m worried. I can’t afford to take her to the vet...
Try to ask Satan if any god can come to you and help you help your animal feel better. They do care about us, they do care about our animals, and they are willing to help with things like this.

I hope everything is okay. :)
Theserpentrises1666 said:
Okay so this morning my mom found a dead rat or bat outside in our backyard in pieces and I think one of my dogs ate some of it. We seen some throw up in the patio area but not a lot. What should I do? My dog is shaking and looks scared, but I gave her water and she drank a lot of water. I am really worried I don’t think she would eat a rat or bat but idk I’m worried. I can’t afford to take her to the vet...

Keep monitoring them and see if they get worse. If they puked it up some time after eating, then that was probably the end of it. Was the rat recently dead or decomposing? If it had been dead for some time, then that is probably why it was thrown up. Besides some minor digestive upset, I don't think it will be a big problem. As stated before, just keep monitoring them.

Dogs normally eat wild critters so eating a rat is not as unhealthy as it may seem. The only problem I see is that if the rat was significantly decomposed.
Blitzkreig said:
Keep monitoring them and see if they get worse. If they puked it up some time after eating, then that was probably the end of it. Was the rat recently dead or decomposing? If it had been dead for some time, then that is probably why it was thrown up. Besides some minor digestive upset, I don't think it will be a big problem. As stated before, just keep monitoring them.

Dogs normally eat wild critters so eating a rat is not as unhealthy as it may seem. The only problem I see is that if the rat was significantly decomposed.

I don’t even think my dog ate any of it I believe a cat was eating it and just left the remains, or my asshole neighbors threw it over. I wouldn’t put it pass them.

I didn’t actually take a look at the rodent cuz I was eating at the time so idk if it was a whole body or decomposed. But I did see throw up outside that had me concerned so I was just being safe than sorry.

My dog is doing fine now she’s alive and well.
Theserpentrises1666 said:
Blitzkreig said:
Keep monitoring them and see if they get worse. If they puked it up some time after eating, then that was probably the end of it. Was the rat recently dead or decomposing? If it had been dead for some time, then that is probably why it was thrown up. Besides some minor digestive upset, I don't think it will be a big problem. As stated before, just keep monitoring them.

Dogs normally eat wild critters so eating a rat is not as unhealthy as it may seem. The only problem I see is that if the rat was significantly decomposed.

I don’t even think my dog ate any of it I believe a cat was eating it and just left the remains, or my asshole neighbors threw it over. I wouldn’t put it pass them.

I didn’t actually take a look at the rodent cuz I was eating at the time so idk if it was a whole body or decomposed. But I did see throw up outside that had me concerned so I was just being safe than sorry.

My dog is doing fine now she’s alive and well.

Is any vet available even for a call? Normally, they will not charge you for a call. Tell them you plan on taking the dog, but wanted a quick opinion if they are in a dire situation.

Because, even if your pup is alright, maybe eating the rodent and he got some mild poisoning.

Did you see dhiarrhea or any other symptoms that were serious? Normally this would be obvious. If nothing is there, probably will be ok. And if the mood of the dog is fine, probably all the better.

Do not take my word for this and consult a professional. A small diagnosis is not going to cost as much. Try contacting animal help authorities also, if they can help. I wish I could help more here.
I think it was just some bad food that made the dog throw up everybody. It was just a Big coincidence, my dog is alive and well and eating and drinking. Sorry for the false alarm I just don’t know what I would have done, I was also frantic yesterday.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Theserpentrises1666 said:
Blitzkreig said:
Keep monitoring them and see if they get worse. If they puked it up some time after eating, then that was probably the end of it. Was the rat recently dead or decomposing? If it had been dead for some time, then that is probably why it was thrown up. Besides some minor digestive upset, I don't think it will be a big problem. As stated before, just keep monitoring them.

Dogs normally eat wild critters so eating a rat is not as unhealthy as it may seem. The only problem I see is that if the rat was significantly decomposed.

I don’t even think my dog ate any of it I believe a cat was eating it and just left the remains, or my asshole neighbors threw it over. I wouldn’t put it pass them.

I didn’t actually take a look at the rodent cuz I was eating at the time so idk if it was a whole body or decomposed. But I did see throw up outside that had me concerned so I was just being safe than sorry.

My dog is doing fine now she’s alive and well.

Is any vet available even for a call? Normally, they will not charge you for a call. Tell them you plan on taking the dog, but wanted a quick opinion if they are in a dire situation.

Because, even if your pup is alright, maybe eating the rodent and he got some mild poisoning.

Did you see dhiarrhea or any other symptoms that were serious? Normally this would be obvious. If nothing is there, probably will be ok. And if the mood of the dog is fine, probably all the better.

Do not take my word for this and consult a professional. A small diagnosis is not going to cost as much. Try contacting animal help authorities also, if they can help. I wish I could help more here.

I was gonna find an affordable Vet that I could take her to, but I don’t think that is necessary after all she did fine all day yesterday I just was thinking the worst. I will definitely keep monitoring my familiars behavior though.
Theserpentrises1666 said:
I think it was just some bad food that made the dog throw up everybody. It was just a Big coincidence, my dog is alive and well and eating and drinking. Sorry for the false alarm I just don’t know what I would have done, I was also frantic yesterday.

Don't worry about it. We are all glad to hear that your dog is ok.
i just want to note that the cure to diseases for my animals is one drop of food grade h202 in their bowl of water, i have had many dogs over the years they are all healthy, never been to the vet for any *disease. in older dogs i've seen cysts grow, when it happens i start the treatment its gone within the month. vets they drain or cut these. which involve opening a wound to oxygen. this method heals the dogs from within. naturally. it has to be food grade 35% h202 i use the eagle brand.
http://www.h2o2oxytech.com get yourself a bottle. this along with spiritual healing will cure anything non fatal. even fatal in some cases my father healed our dog, after being hit from a car, the h202 kept the infection down while my dad healed her everyday. The only time i've had to take my dog to the vet except for shots, was then and the doctors said she would never walk again let alone survive, only the vet assistants reassured us, the doctors gave up immediately, she stayed and survived over the night, we brought her home, and week of massaging and healing and h202 (1 drop in a large bowl. atleast the size of TWO hands. about half a gallon of water.) she was walking again. it was amazing. the powers of the mind are powerful indeed. and with the right environment Satan gives us this information to create what the average person would call Miracles.

Hail Satan Forever Hail all Gods of Hell, May their light shine for eterenity!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
